Spelling suggestions: "subject:"fixedterm employment"" "subject:"fixedjitter employment""
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Terminuotos darbo sutartys Lietuvos ir užsienio valstybių teisėje / Fixed-term employment contracts in lithuanian and foreign countries' lawBlagnienė, Deimantė 08 September 2009 (has links)
Šiame magistro darbe analizuojami Lietuvos, Latvijos, Estijos ir Rusijos terminuotų darbo sutarčių sudarymo, vykdymo bei nutraukimo ypatumai. Kad nebūtų piktnaudžiaujama terminuotomis sutartimis, valstybės savo darbo statymuose įstatymuose nustato tam tikrus imperatyvius reikalavimus. Darbo tikslas yra palyginti Lietuvos ir minėtų užsienio valstybių darbo įstatymų nuostatas, susijusias su terminuotų sutarčių reglamentavimu, pateikti jų apibendrinimus, aptarti šių teisės normų įgyvendinimo praktikoje problemas bei pateikti pasiūlymus Lietuvos įstatymų leidėjui. Pirmoje darbo dalyje pabrėžiama darbo sutarties instituto svarba, apžvelgiami pagrindiniai valstybių darbo įstatymai, aptariama terminuotos darbo sutarties samprata bei išskiriamos jos rūšys. Antroji dalis yra skirta terminuotų darbo sutarčių sudarymui – joje aptariamas terminuotų darbo sutarčių turinys, kurį sudaro būtinosios ir papildomos sąlygos, apibrėžiamos bendros visoms valstybėms termino nustatymo taisyklės, taip pat analizuojamos terminuotos darbo sutarties prielaidos ir apribojimai. Trečioje darbo dalyje dėmesys skiriamas teisės normų, reglamentuojančių terminuotų darbo sutarčių vykdymą ir keitimą, analizei – pabrėžiami sutarčių keitimo ypatumai, atsižvelgiant į sąlygų keitimo priežastį, jų rūšį ir nuo to, kuriam laikui (terminuotai ar neterminuotai) tos sąlygos keičiamos. Šioje dalyje taip pat aptariami pagal terminuotas darbo sutartis dirbančių darbuotojų nediskriminavimo bei informavimo apie laisvas darbo... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / In these Master theses are analyzed the characteristics of fixed-term employment contracts in Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia and Russia. To prevent abuse arising from fixed-term employment contracts the countries define imperative requirements in their labour laws. The object of these theses is to compare the provisions of labour laws, related to the regulation of the fixed-term employments contracts, to present the generalization thereof, to discuss the problems of provisions’ realization in practice and to make suggestions to the legislator. In the first part of the theses the importance of employment contract’s institute is pointed, the countries’ main labour laws are reviewed and the conception of employment contract and its types are discussed. The second part is about the conclusion of fixed-term employment contracts: the content of fixed-term employment contracts (obligatory and additional conditions) is discussed, the general rules of term determination are defined, the preconditions and restrictions of fixed-term employment contracts are analyzed. In the third part of theses the rules of law, related to the implementation and amendment of fixed-term employment contracts, are analyzed – it is pointed that the amendments are made according to the reason and duration of amendment and the type of employment conditions to be amended. The principles of non-discrimination of fixed-term workers and information about vacancies are also discussed. The last, fourth, part is about... [to full text]
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Terminuota darbo sutartis pagal Lietuvos ir Lenkijos teisę (lyginamoji analizė) / Fixed-term Employment Contract under the Lithuanian and Polish Law (Comparative Analysis)Kuskienė, Sonata 04 March 2009 (has links)
Neterminuotos darbo sutartys yra bendriausia ir pagrindinė darbdavių bei darbuotojų darbo santykių forma, tačiau tam tikromis aplinkybėmis – nenuolatinio pobūdžio darbams atlikti - vis dažniau atsiranda poreikis darbuotojus įdarbinti pagal terminuotas darbo sutartis, kurios tam tikromis aplinkybėmis labiau atitinka ir darbuotojų ir darbdavių interesus. Šiame magistro darbe yra nagrinėjamos Lietuvos ir Lenkijos darbo teisėje įtvirtintos nuostatos dėl terminuotos darbo sutarties rūšių išskyrimo, jos sudarymo prielaidos, vykdymo ypatumai bei nutraukimo pagrindai ir apribojimai, analizuojamas šių nuostatų įgyvendinimas teismų praktikoje. Taip pat analizuojamas abiejų valstybių terminuotą darbo sutartį reglamentuojančių nuostatų atitikimas EB Tarybos direktyvoje Nr. 1999/70/EB įtvirtintiems bendriesiems reikalavimams, įpareigojantiems kiekvieną valstybę narę nacionaliniuose teisės aktuose įtvirtinti normas, užtikrinančias vienodų sąlygų taikymą pagal terminuotas darbo sutartis dirbantiems darbuotojams, saugant juos nuo diskriminacijos bei neleisti piktnaudžiauti sudarant terminuotas darbo sutartis. Pažymėtina, jog dauguma terminuotą darbo sutartį reglamentuojančių normų Lietuvos ir Lenkijos darbo kodeksuose yra suderintos su Europos Sąjungos ir tarptautiniais teisės aktais. Terminuotos darbo sutarties analizė, lyginant abiejų valstybių nacionalinės darbo teisės normas, rodo, jog Lenkijos darbo kodeksas labiau orientuotas į liberalius, paremtus šalių lygybe, darbo teisinius... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Open-ended employment contracts are the most general and the main form of employment relationship between employers and employees; however, in certain circumstances – for the purposes of performing temporary work – there is an increasing need for recruitment of employees under fixed-term employment contracts, which in certain circumstances better respond to the interests of both employees and employers. This master thesis considers the provisions stipulated in the Lithuanian and Polish labour law regarding discernment of the fixed-term employment contract, preconditions for its conclusion, specific features of its execution as well as the basis for and restrictions on its termination; implementation of these provisions in judicial practice is considered. The author also analyses compliance of the provisions of both states regulating the fixed-term employment contract with the general requirements set forth in Council Directive 1999/70/EC and committing every member state to lay down in national legislation the norms ensuring equal treatment for fixed-term workers by protecting them against discrimination and to prevent abuse when concluding fixed-term employment contracts. It should be noted that the majority of the norms regulating the fixed-term employment contract in the Lithuanian Labour Code and the Polish Labour Code have been harmonised with legal acts of the European Union and international legal acts. Analysis of the fixed-term employment contract by comparing both... [to full text]
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Pracovní poměr na dobu určitou dle české a francouzské právní úpravy / Fixed-term employment relationships as demarcated by Czech and French legal regulationŠímová, Katarína January 2014 (has links)
Fixed-term employment relationships as demarcated by Czech and French legal regulation Abstract The present paper analyzes fixed-term employment relationships as demarcated by Czech and French legal regulation. The purpose of the study is to discuss similarities and differences within the examined legislations, provide a basic historical background and reflect on whether the French legislation could be used as a source of inspiration for Czech law. In author's opinion, due to the frequent issues arising in connection with the application of the legal regulation of fixed-term employment relationships, this thesis could also serve as a source of interesting facts for both employees and employers. The paper is divided into four chapters. The introductory chapter looks briefly at labour law as a distinct legal branch, highlighting some of the issues which the doctrine of labour law must contend with in the context of the re-codification of private law and defining "an employment relationship" as the basic legal term of the thesis as a whole. The second and third chapters examine the legal regulation of fixed-term employment relationships. Firstly, the Czech legal regulation is reviewed and, subsequently, the French law is explored. The parallel structure of these chapters is such that any differences in the...
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Det flexibla anställningsskyddet : Om hur kollektivavtal reglerar visstidsanställningar i olika branscherEkelund, Emma January 2019 (has links)
This essay is about flexibility in relation to employment protection through a gender perspective. It handles the regulations of fixed term employments and how they are regulated in collective agreements in different sectors. The sectors studied are chosen by statistics on male- and female dominated sectors to apply a gender perspective. 90 percent of Swedish workers are covered by collective agreements and many of the studied agreements differ markedly from both the regulation in the Swedish law and from each other. The study shows that depending on which sector you are working in your employment protection will differ. Especially in female dominated sectors the regulations of fixed term employments are even more flexible than the law and the regulations in male dominated sectors. According to the gender structure of the labor market, women have lower status, which could be an explanation to why the regulations tend to be less favorable for women. The result of the study shows that collective agreements in female dominated sectors tend to have regulations according to the Swedish law or less favorable than the law. The male dominated sectors on the other hand tend to have collective agreements that are stricter regulated than the law when it comes to the area of fixed term employments. By that said the regulations of fixed term employments seem through a gender perspective be better for men than for women.
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Pracovní poměr na dobu určitou / Fixed-term employmentMarejka, František January 2020 (has links)
Fixed-term employment Abstract The topic of this master thesis is, as its name indicates, legislation of fixed-term employment in the Czech Labour Code. This thesis further develops and in some parts modifies my student work named "Reflection on fixed-term employment not only in perspective of conflict of opinions between the Constitutional Court and the Supreme Court". This topic became relevant again with the ongoing judicial dispute between the Constitutional Court and the Supreme Court, as neither of the courts decided to withdraw of its way of interpretation of section 39 subsection 5 of the Czech Labour Code. The aim of this thesis is to briefly introduce the current legislation and its historical sources, analyse it critically and propose a regulation de lege ferenda. The thesis is divided into five chapters, while subchapters 2., 3. and 4. are further divided into thematically different subchapters. The first chapter briefly introduces the current legislation in the Czech Labour Code. The second chapter contains a summary of the history of fixed-term employment and the position of labour law within the legal system in general with the purpose of presenting historical background. The third chapter focuses on an analysis of the institute of fixed-term employment in terms of elements of...
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Sociologins ställning i las-utredningen -Sociologisk forskning om visstidsanställningar och en kritisk granskning av utredningen En moderniserad arbetsrättHenningsson, Erik, Pettersson, Philip January 2020 (has links)
Since the employment protection legislation inquiry En modern arbetsrätt was published, thedebate on employment protection has gained momentum. The inquiry has had to resistcriticism, among other things for not strengthening the balance between employers andemployees. A general review of the research used in the inquiry shows that sociologicalresearch has been used to a relatively small extent, in favor of research of a more economicnature. This entails a risk that valuable sociological aspects linked to employment may havebeen overlooked or underestimated. With the study, we intend to highlight the sociologicalaspect of the issue of temporary employment and employment protection to broaden thediscussion. In our study, we examine the research that the inquiry is based on regarding thesociological part of temporary employment and compare it with a literature review weproduce about temporary employment. This study shows that the sociological aspect of theEPL inquiry is underemphasized and that there are other studies that highlight valuablesociological points that are not included in the inquiry. In the comparison between theinquiry's research and our literature review, it is in particular the employee perspective andthe connection between temporary employment and health that differ where our sourceshighlight these aspects in a significantly clearer way. / Sedan utredningen En modern arbetsrätt publicerades har debatten om anställningsskydd tagit fart. Utredningen har fått motstå kritik, bland annat för att inte stärka balansen mellan arbetsgivare och arbetstagare. En översiktlig genomgång av den forskning som använts i utredningen visar att sociologisk forskning använts i relativt liten utsträckning, till förmån för forskning av mer ekonomisk karaktär, såsom nationalekonomisk forskning. Detta innebär en risk för att värdefulla sociologiska aspekter kopplat till anställningar kan ha förbisetts eller underskattats. Med studien avser vi att lyfta den sociologiska aspekten i frågan om visstidsanställningar och anställningsskydd för att bredda diskussionen. I vår studie undersöker vi forskningen som utredningen utgått från gällande den sociologiska delen om visstidsanställningar och jämför med en litteraturöversikt vi tar fram. Denna studie visar att den sociologiska aspekten i las-utredningen är underbetonad och att det finns andra studier som lyfter värdefulla sociologiska poänger som inte finns med i utredningen. I jämförelsen mellan utredningens forskning och vår litteraturöversikt är det i synnerhet arbetstagarperspektivet och kopplingen mellan visstidsanställningar och hälsa som skiljer sig där våra källor lyfter dessa aspekter på ett klart tydligare sätt.
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A review of the protection of fixed-term contract employees within South African labour law: A comparative discussionJoubert, Amanda Michelle January 2021 (has links)
Magister Legum - LLM / This research aims to explore the available legislative protection afforded to atypical employment, with specific reference to fixed-term workers. Atypical, employed workers, such as fixed-term workers, are often exploited as they do not always enjoy the same rights as typical employees. Hence, they are in a precarious position with regard to employee benefits and rights. Common law provides for the automatic termination of a fixed-term contract of employment on a specific date, typically either as stipulated in the contract or upon completion of a project or task. The Constitution of South Africa, however, provides for the right to fair labour practices for everyone. In 2014 section 186(1)(b) of the Labour Relations Act (LRA) was amended, while section 198B was added as a completely new section. Together these sections are aimed at providing increased protection to fixed-term workers.
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Visstidsdirektivets implementering i svensk rätt : Har korrekt implementering skett?Schultz, Mi January 2011 (has links)
The essays main intent is to examine whether there has been a proper implementation of the Council’s directive 1999/70/EG into Swedish law regarding the requirement for measures to prevent the abuse of successive fixed-term employment contracts. To achieve this purpose there is a need for an examination of current law. The essay also has some secondary purposes. One of these secondary purposes is the question of whether the implementation of the Council’s directive 1999/70/EG has lead to a reduction of the workers employment protection, which is closely connected to my main question and the violation case. My other secondary purposes are to make a connection between fixed-term employment and labor market flexibilization and flexicurity, to see if the rules about fixed-term work has affected gender equality, and to discuss whether there has been a shift of power in the relationship between employers and employees. I have come to the conclusion that Sweden has not implemented the Council’s directive 1999/70/EG properly regarding the requirement for measures to prevent abuse of successive fixed-term employments. I have found that the Swedish rules that apply today may be circumvented by combining various forms of fixed-term employments and that some forms of fixed-term employment requires a more clear definition. To prevent the abuse of successive fixed-term contracts, I suggest the introduction of a maximum total duration for all forms of fixed-term employment together, combined with a rule about the maximum number of times a fixed-term employment contract may be renewed. Furthermore I have found factors indicating that a reduction of workers employment protection level has taken place, but I can not draw any firm conclusions about it because the essay has not examined the issue in a completely thorough manner. I have also found a connection between labor market flexibilization and the use of fixed-term employment and that Sweden should examine whether the flexicurity-model can provide some useful solutions to increase employment without reducing workers employment protection level. Gender equality regarding the share of fixed-term employment contracts has slightly increased, both in Sweden and in the EU, since the origin of the Council’s directive 1999/70/EG. Also I have found that the new rules for fixed-term employment may have resulted in a shift of power that favors the employer. / Uppsatsen syftar främst till att undersöka huruvida det skett en korrekt implementering av visstidsdirektivet i svensk rätt avseende kravet på åtgärder för att förhindra missbruk av flera på varandra följande visstidsanställningar. För att uppnå detta syfte krävs en utredning av gällande rätt. Uppsatsen har också några underordnade syften. Ett av dessa underordnade syften är frågan om huruvida implementeringen av visstidsdirektivet inneburit en minskning av arbetstagarnas anställningsskydd, som är nära kopplat till min huvudsakliga fråga och överträdelseärendet. Mina andra underordnade syften är att koppla reglerna om tidsbegränsade anställningar till arbetsmarknadens flexibilisering och flexicurity, att se om reglerna om tidsbegränsade anställningar påverkat jämställdhet mellan könen och att diskutera huruvida det skett förändringar i maktförhållandet mellan arbetsgivare och arbetstagare. Jag har kommit fram till slutsatsen att Sverige inte har implementerat visstidsdirektivet på ett korrekt sätt avseende kravet på åtgärder för att förhindra missbruk av flera på varandra följande visstidsanställningar. Jag har konstaterat att de svenska reglerna som gäller idag kan kringgås genom att olika former av tidsbegränsade anställningar kombineras och att vissa av anställningsformerna kräver en tydligare definition. För att förhindra missbruk av flera på varandra följande visstidsanställningar föreslår jag att det införs en övre sammanlagd tidsgräns för alla tidsbegränsade anställningsformer kombinerat med en regel om maximalt antal gånger ett tidsbegränsat anställningsavtal får förnyas. Jag har funnit faktorer som visar på att en minskning av arbetstagarskyddet har skett, men jag kan inte dra några säkra slutsatser om det eftersom uppsatsen inte behandlat frågan på ett uttömmande sätt. Vidare har jag funnit ett samband mellan arbetsmarknadens flexibilisering och användandet av tidsbegränsade anställningar och att Sverige borde undersöka om flexicurity-modellen kan bidra med några lösningar för att öka sysselsättningen utan att minska nivån på arbetstagarnas anställningsskydd. Jämställdhet mellan könen rörande andelen tidsbegränsat anställda har ökat något, både i Sverige och EU, sedan visstidsdirektivets tillkomst. Jag har också kommit fram till att de nya reglerna om tidsbegränsade anställningar kan ha inneburit en maktförskjutning som gynnar arbetsgivaren.
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Reglering av visstidsanställningar och dess konsekvenser : En kandidatuppsats om visstidsanställningar i samhälletHamnell, Emelie January 2012 (has links)
I dagens samhälle finns det ett antal arbetstagare som har anställning på begränsad tid. Denna uppsats utreder regleringarna kring visstidsanställningar samt vilket förhållande som finns mellan visstidsanställningar och samhället. Fokus i detta arbete är att undersöka hur visstidsanställningar regleras och hur dessa inverkar på individer i Sverige. För att få full förståelse behandlar uppsatsen vidare EU:s syn på Sveriges reglering av visstidsanställda. Samhällets utveckling behandlas kort för att nå en djupare kännedom om behovet av visstidsanställningar i Sverige. I anslutning till samhällsutvecklingen undersöks konsekvenser för arbetstagare och arbetsgivare vid tillämpning av visstidsanställningar. Slutligen kartläggs fördelningen av visstidsanställningar bland grupper av individer i samhället. Underlaget för denna uppsats baseras främst på berörda lagrum, förarbeten, rättsfall och doktrin. Materialet kompletteras med statistik på antalet visstidsanställningar i samhället samt fördelning av visstidsanställningar i samhället.I uppsatsen har det framkommit att det är enkelt för arbetsgivare att anställa en arbetstagare på begränsad tid. Uppsatsen belyser att det finns två typer av visstidsanställningar där den ena är mer fördelaktig än den andra för anställda. Av uppsatsen framgår det att främst kvinnor har den mindre fördelaktiga visstidsanställningen, som inte är frivilligt vald. Män är något överrepresenterade vad gäller den mer fördelaktiga visstidsanställningen, som är frivilligt vald och har positiv inverkan på löneutvecklingen. En slutsats från detta resonemang är att många visstidsanställda kvinnor missgynnas. För att uppnå jämställdhet på den svenska arbetsmarknaden borde kvinnor och män vara lika representerade även i de mindre fördelaktiga visstidsanställningarna. / In today’s society there are a number of employees who are hired for a limited time. This paper investigates the regulations regarding fixed-term employment and the relationship between this type of employments and the society. To focus on this work regulation regarding fixed-term employments must be investigated and also how these affect the individuals in Sweden. To gain a full understanding the paper also deals with how other countries within EU relate to how Sweden handles the regulation of the fixed-term employments. The development of the society is shortly treated to reach a deeper understanding about the needs of temporary employments in Sweden. In connection with the development of the society, the consequences are investigated how the application of fixed-term employments will affect the employees and the employers. Finally, the distributions of temporary employments among groups of individuals in the society are mapped. The foundation of this paper is mainly based on the relevant section of law, preparation work, legal cases and doctrines. The material will be completed with statistics on the number of fixed-term employments and the distribution of these in the society.The paper shows that it is easy for employers to hire an employee for a limited time. The paper also shows that there are two types of fixed-term employments for employees, where one is more favorable than the other. It is mostly women who have less favorable fixed-term employments, and most of these jobs are not freely chosen. Men are slightly over-represented in terms of more favorable fixed-term employments which are often freely chosen and have a positive impact on the wages. The conclusion of this reasoning is that many temporary employed women are mistreated. In order to achieve equality on the Swedish labor market, both women and men should be equally represented even in the less favorable fixed-term employments.
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La condition juridique de l'artiste-interprète / The legal position of performerBacouelle, Johanna 30 June 2015 (has links)
La condition juridique de l'artiste-interprète se caractérise par une imbrication étroite du droit du travail et du droit de la propriété intellectuelle. Chaque source de droits appréhende des temps différents de l'activité de l'artiste-interprète. Le droit du travail s'intéresse à l'artiste-interprète en tant que travailleur. Le modèle du salariat s'impose largement puisque le législateur a instauré une présomption de salariat. Le droit de la propriété littéraire et artistique s'intéresse au résultat du processus de création sur lequel les artistes-interprètes bénéficient de droits voisins du droit d'auteur. L'artiste-interprète se trouve donc au cœur d'une articulation délicate entre la liberté d'expression inhérente à son activité et la subordination juridique qui caractérise la relation de travail salariée. En réalité, le droit du travail n'ignore pas la nature particulière de l'activité de l'artiste-interprète. D'une part, l'artiste-salarié est largement soustrait aux conditions traditionnelles de la subordination juridique, d'autre part, un espace est laissé aux artistes qui souhaitent exercer en qualité d'indépendant. Malgré l'existence d'une double protection juridique, l'artiste-interprète demeure un sujet de droit fragile. Il fait souvent figure de travailleur précaire avec la généralisation de formes d'emploi flexibles et son droit voisin fait figure de « parent pauvre». L'artiste-interprète est d'autant fragilisé que son droit fait l'objet de contestations dans le cadre de l'Internet. Le rapport de force avec les acteurs de l'économie numérique est inégal et les revendications du public sont fortes. Il s'ensuit le besoin de définir un cadre plus équitable. / The legal position of the performer consists in a narrow interweaving of the labour law and intellectual copyright rights. Each source of rights bandles different times related to performing artists's activities. Labour law refers to the performer as a worker. Salaried staff status is predominant since the legislator bas introduced a presumption of employment. Literary and artistic property rigbts focus on the result of the creating process on which performers benefit from rights related to copyright. Performing artists are indeed at the heart of a delicate joint between the freedom of speech inherent to their activity and the legal subordination which characterises salaried staff relations. Actually, the labour law is not unaware of the peculiar nature of performing artists's activities. On one band, the salaried artist is exempt from the usual requirements of legal subordination; on the other hand, room is left to artists hoping to work as self-employed. Although a double legal protection exists, performing artists remain a fragile subject of law. They are often considered as precarious workers with the generalization of flexible forms of work and their neighbouring rights are often seen as a poor relation. Performing artists are even more so weakened that their right is subject to protests on the Internet. The power relationship with the players in the digital economy is uneven and grievances from the public are very strong. There is a need to define a more equitable frame.
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