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Large eddy simulation of premixed turbulent combustionHawkes, Evatt Robert January 2001 (has links)
No description available.
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Flame Surface Density Measurements and Curvature Statistics for Turbulent Premixed Bunsen FlamesCapil, Tyler George 21 February 2017 (has links)
In this work, turbulent premixed combustion was analyzed through CH (methylidyne) planar laser induced fluorescence (PLIF). Flame topography measurements in terms of flame surface density and curvature were calculated based on the flame front detected by the CH PLIF signal. The goal of this work was to investigate turbulent flames with extremely high turbulence intensity using a recently developed HiPilot burner (a Bunsen-type burner). The studies were first conducted on a series of piloted jet flames to validate the methodology, and then conducted on the highly turbulent flames generated by the HiPilot burner. All flames were controlled by combusting methane and air under a fuel to air equivalence ratio of Φ=1.05, and the Reynolds number varied from 7,385 to 28,360. Flame surface density fields and profiles for the HiPilot burner are presented. These flame surface density measurements showed an overall decrease with height above the burner. In addition, curvature statistics for the HiPilot flames were calculated and probability density functions of the curvature samples were determined. The probability density functions of curvature for the flames showed Gaussian-shaped distributions centered near zero curvature. To conclude, flame topography measurements were verified on jet flames and were demonstrated on the new HiPilot flames. / Master of Science / Optical diagnostics are powerful techniques that enable the study of turbulent flames without physical interruption. The optical diagnostic technique in this thesis implemented planar laser induced fluorescence. In planar laser induced fluorescence, a laser is used to excite a specific molecular species present within a two-dimensional plane in the flame. The excited species releases the extra energy by emission of light which is the signal captured on a camera. One useful purpose of using optical diagnostics, such as planar laser induced fluorescence, is the ability to image the flame structure of turbulent flames. The flame structure is significant for two reasons. First, the flame structure details how the chemistry of the flame interacts with the turbulent flow field. Second, the flame structure is directly related to the burning rate of the reactants. The primary contribution of this thesis investigated the two-dimensional flame structure of a newly designed burner named the HiPilot burner. However, in order to strengthen the fidelity of the methods for determining certain flame structure quantities a precursive analysis on the classical jet flame was completed. The results acquired show structural measurements of the HiPilot flames which contribute to the repository of data for the combustion community
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Large-eddy Simulation of Premixed Turbulent Combustion Using Flame Surface Density ApproachLin, Wen 18 February 2011 (has links)
In the last 10-15 years, large-eddy simulation (LES) has become well established for non-reacting flows, and several successful models have been developed for the transfer of momentum and kinetic energy to the subfilter-scales (SFS). However, for reacting flows, LES is still undergoing significant development. In particular, for many premixed combustion applications, the chemical reactions are confined to propagating surfaces that are significantly thinner than the computational grids used in practical LES. In these situations, the chemical kinetics and its interaction with the turbulence are not resolved and must be entirely modelled. There is, therefore, a need for accurate and robust physical modelling of combustion at the subfilter-scales. In this thesis, modelled transport equations for progress variable and flame surface density (FSD) were implemented and coupled to the Favre-filtered Navier-Stokes equations for a compressible reactive thermally perfect mixture. In order to reduce the computational costs and increase the resolution of simulating combusting flows, a parallel adaptive mesh (AMR) refinement finite-volume algorithm was extended and used for the prediction of turbulent premixed flames. The proposed LES methodology was applied to the numerical solution of freely propagating flames in decaying isotropic turbulent flow and Bunsen-type flames. Results for both stoichiometric and lean flames are presented. Comparisons are made between turbulent flame structure predictions for methane, propane, hydrogen fuels, and other available numerical results and experimental data. Details of subfilter-scale modelling, numerical solution scheme, computational results, and capabilities of the methodology for predicting premixed combustion processes are included in the discussions. The current study represents the first application of a full transport equation model for the FSD to LES of a laboratory-scale turbulent premixed flame. The comparisons of the LES results
of this thesis to the experimental data provide strong support for the validity of the modelled transport equation for the FSD. While the LES predictions of turbulent
burning rate are seemingly correct for flames lying within the wrinkled and corrugated flamelet regimes and for lower turbulence intensities, the findings cast doubt on the validity of the flamelet approximation for flames within the thin reaction zones regime.
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Large-eddy Simulation of Premixed Turbulent Combustion Using Flame Surface Density ApproachLin, Wen 18 February 2011 (has links)
In the last 10-15 years, large-eddy simulation (LES) has become well established for non-reacting flows, and several successful models have been developed for the transfer of momentum and kinetic energy to the subfilter-scales (SFS). However, for reacting flows, LES is still undergoing significant development. In particular, for many premixed combustion applications, the chemical reactions are confined to propagating surfaces that are significantly thinner than the computational grids used in practical LES. In these situations, the chemical kinetics and its interaction with the turbulence are not resolved and must be entirely modelled. There is, therefore, a need for accurate and robust physical modelling of combustion at the subfilter-scales. In this thesis, modelled transport equations for progress variable and flame surface density (FSD) were implemented and coupled to the Favre-filtered Navier-Stokes equations for a compressible reactive thermally perfect mixture. In order to reduce the computational costs and increase the resolution of simulating combusting flows, a parallel adaptive mesh (AMR) refinement finite-volume algorithm was extended and used for the prediction of turbulent premixed flames. The proposed LES methodology was applied to the numerical solution of freely propagating flames in decaying isotropic turbulent flow and Bunsen-type flames. Results for both stoichiometric and lean flames are presented. Comparisons are made between turbulent flame structure predictions for methane, propane, hydrogen fuels, and other available numerical results and experimental data. Details of subfilter-scale modelling, numerical solution scheme, computational results, and capabilities of the methodology for predicting premixed combustion processes are included in the discussions. The current study represents the first application of a full transport equation model for the FSD to LES of a laboratory-scale turbulent premixed flame. The comparisons of the LES results
of this thesis to the experimental data provide strong support for the validity of the modelled transport equation for the FSD. While the LES predictions of turbulent
burning rate are seemingly correct for flames lying within the wrinkled and corrugated flamelet regimes and for lower turbulence intensities, the findings cast doubt on the validity of the flamelet approximation for flames within the thin reaction zones regime.
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Flame turbulence interaction in premixed turbulent combustionAhmed, Umair January 2014 (has links)
No description available.
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An experimental study of the global and local flame features created by thermoacoustic instabilityZhang, Jianan 01 August 2017 (has links)
The current research focuses on the thermoacoustic instability of lean premixed combustion, which is a promising technique to inhibit Nitrogen Oxides (NOx) emission. Thermoacoustic instability describes the condition that the pressure oscillation is unusually high in the combustion device. It results from the coupling between pressure fluctuation and heat release oscillation, which experiences significant temporal and spatial variations. These variations are closely related to the flame shape deformation and critical in determining the trend of the global instability. Therefore, the current study aims to examine both the global and local flame features created by thermoacoustic instability.
The first part of the work is studying the unstable flame induced by artificial acoustic perturbation. The particular focus is on the global and local heat release rate oscillation. In the experiment, the global heat release rate oscillation was indicated by the hydroxyl (OH*) chemiluminescence captured with a photomultiplier tube (PMT). On the other hand, the flame shape and the local mean heat release rate were examined with flame surface density (FSD), which was calculated with the images captured with the planar laser-induced fluorescence of the hydroxide radical (OH-PLIF) method. The main analysis methods used in the current research are Rayleigh criterion and proper orthogonal decomposition (POD), which can efficiently capture the dominant oscillation mode of the flame.
The acoustic perturbation study first examined the effect of pressure variation (0.1 - 0.4 MPa) on the flame response to the acoustic perturbation. Results show that the elevated pressure intensifies the fundamental mode of heat release oscillation when the heat release oscillation is in phase with the pressure fluctuation; otherwise, the fundamental oscillation tends to be inhibited. The pressure affects both the strength and the distribution of the local fundamental and the first harmonic oscillations. Furthermore, the effect of the pressure on the distribution is larger than that on the strength.
The study also investigated the role of Strouhal numbers in characterizing the flame oscillation induced by acoustic perturbation. Results show that the Strouhal number can characterize the changing trend of the oscillation amplitude, whereas the oscillation phase-delay is less dependent on the Strouhal number. The local analysis reveals that the nonlinear flame behavior results from the flame rollup induced by acoustic perturbation. Furthermore, the reconstruction of the global heat release shows that the cancellation of out-of-phase local oscillations can cause a low-level global oscillation. Results also demonstrate that the local heat release oscillation contains intense harmonic oscillations, which are closely associated with the flame rollup. However, the harmonic oscillation is less likely the main reason causing nonlinear flame behavior.
Besides the study with acoustic perturbation, the current study also conducted experimental and modeling studies on the self-excited thermoacoustic instability. The particular focus is examining the effects of hydrogen addition on the instability trend. Results demonstrate that the hydrogen concentration can affect both the oscillation frequency and amplitude. Pressure analysis shows that the low-frequency mode is triggered when the hydrogen concentration is low, whereas a high hydrogen concentration tends to excite a high-frequency mode. Moreover, the frequency tends to increase with an increasing hydrogen concentration. Modeling results illustrate that the change of the oscillation mode, which is determined by the turbulent flame speed, is mainly affected by the delay time between the heat release oscillation and the velocity fluctuation. The modeling work shows that the one-dimensional model is not very efficient in capture the instability trend of the high-frequency mode. It may result from the lack of the knowledge of the mechanism of acoustic damping and flame dynamics.
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Development of combustion models for RANS and LES applications in SI enginesRanasinghe, Chathura P. January 2013 (has links)
Prediction of flow and combustion in IC engines remains a challenging task. Traditional Reynolds Averaged Navier Stokes (RANS) methods and emerging Large Eddy Simulation (LES) techniques are being used as reliable mathematical tools for such predictions. However, RANS models have to be further refined to make them more predictive by eliminating or reducing the requirement for application based fine tuning. LES holds a great potential for more accurate predictions in engine related unsteady combustion and associated cycle-tocycle variations. Accordingly, in the present work, new advanced CFD based flow models were developed and validated for RANS and LES modelling of turbulent premixed combustion in SI engines. In the research undertaken for RANS modelling, theoretical and experimental based modifications have been investigated, such that the Bray-Moss-Libby (BML) model can be applied to wall-bounded combustion modelling, eliminating its inherent wall flame acceleration problem. Estimation of integral length scale of turbulence has been made dynamic providing allowances for spatial inhomogeneity of turbulence. A new dynamic formulation has been proposed to evaluate the mean flame wrinkling scale based on the Kolmogorov Pertovsky Piskunow (KPP) analysis and fractal geometry. In addition, a novel empirical correlation to quantify the quenching rates in the influenced zone of the quenching region near solid boundaries has been derived based on experimentally estimated flame image data. Moreover, to model the spark ignition and early stage of flame kernel formation, an improved version of the Discrete Particle Ignition Kernel (DPIK) model was developed, accounting for local bulk flow convection effects. These models were first verified against published benchmark test cases. Subsequently, full cycle combustion in a Ricardo E6 engine for different operating conditions was simulated. An experimental programme was conducted to obtain engine data and operating conditions of the Ricardo E6 engine and the formulated model was validated using the obtained experimental data. Results show that, the present improvements have been successful in eliminating the wall flame acceleration problem, while accurately predicting the in-cylinder pressure rise and flame propagation characteristics throughout the combustion period. In the LES work carried out in this research, the KIVA-4 RANS code was modified to incorporate the LES capability. Various turbulence models were implemented and validated in engine applications. The flame surface density approach was implemented to model the combustion process. A new ignition and flame kernel formation model was also developed to simulate the early stage of flame propagation in the context of LES. A dynamic procedure was formulated, where all model coefficients were locally evaluated using the resolved and test filtered flow properties during the fully turbulent phase of combustion. A test filtering technique was adopted to use in wall bounded systems. The developed methodology was then applied to simulate the combustion and associated unsteady effects in Ricardo E6 spark ignition engine at different operating conditions. Results show that, present LES model has been able to resolve the evolution of a large number of in-cylinder flow structures, which are more influential for engine performance. Predicted heat release rates, flame propagation characteristics, in-cylinder pressure rise and their cyclic variations are also in good agreement with measurements.
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Experimental Investigation of the Dynamics and Structure of Lean-premixed Turbulent CombustionYuen, Frank Tat Cheong 03 March 2010 (has links)
Turbulent premixed propane/air and methane/air flames were studied using planar Rayleigh scattering and particle image velocimetry on a stabilized Bunsen type burner. The fuel-air equivalence ratio was varied from Φ=0.7 to 1.0 for propane flames, and from Φ=0.6 to 1.0 for methane flames. The non-dimensional turbulence intensity, u'/SL (ratio of fluctuation velocity to laminar burning velocity), covered the range from 3 to 24, equivalent to conditions of corrugated flamelets and thin reaction zones regimes. Temperature gradients decreased with the increasing u'/SL and levelled off beyond u'/SL > 10 for both propane and methane flames. Flame front thickness increased slightly as u'/SL increased for both mixtures, although the thickness increase was more noticeable for propane flames, which meant the thermal flame front structure was being thickened. A zone of higher temperature was observed on the average temperature profile in the preheat zone of the flame front as well as some instantaneous temperature profiles at the highest u'/SL. Curvature probability density functions were similar to the Gaussian distribution at all u'/SL for both mixtures and for all the flame sections. The mean curvature values decreased as a function of u'/SL and approached zero. Flame front thickness was smaller when evaluated at flame front locations with zero curvature than that with curvature. Temperature gradients and FSD were larger when the flame curvature was zero. The combined thickness and FSD data suggest that the curvature effect is more dominant than that of the stretch by turbulent eddies during flame propagation. Integrated flame surface density for both propane and methane flames exhibited no dependance on u'/SL regardless of the FSD method used for evaluation. This observation implies that flame surface area may not be the dominant factor in increasing the turbulent burning velocity and the flamelet assumption may not be valid under the conditions studied. Dκ term, the product of diffusivity evaluated at conditions studied and the flame front curvature, was a magnitude smaller than or the same magnitude as the laminar burning velocity.
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Flame structure and thermo-acoustic coupling for the low swirl burner for elevated pressure and syngas conditionsEmadi, Majid 01 December 2012 (has links)
Reduction of the pollutant emissions is a challenge for the gas turbine industry. A solution to this problem is to employ the low swirl burner which can operate at lower equivalence ratios than a conventional swirl burner. However, flames in the lean regime of combustion are susceptible to flow perturbations and combustion instability. Combustion instability is the coupling between unsteady heat release and combustor acoustic modes where one amplifies the other in a feedback loop. The other method for significantly reducing NOx and CO2 is increasing fuel reactivity, typically done through the addition of hydrogen. This helps to improve the flammability limit and also reduces the pollutants in products by decreasing thermal NOx and reducing CO2 by displacing carbon.
In this work, the flammability limits of a low swirl burner at various operating conditions, is studied and the effect of pressure, bulk velocity, burner shape and percent of hydrogen (added to the fuel) is investigated. Also, the flame structure for these test conditions is measured using OH planar laser induced fluorescence and assessed.
Also, the OH PLIF data is used to calculate Rayleigh index maps and to construct averaged OH PLIF intensity fields at different acoustic excitation frequencies (45-155, and 195Hz). Based on the Rayleigh index maps, two different modes of coupling between the heat release and the pressure fluctuation were observed: the first mode, which occurs at 44Hz and 55Hz, shows coupling to the flame base (due to the bulk velocity) while the second mode shows coupling to the sides of the flame. In the first mode, the flame becomes wider and the flame base moves with the acoustic frequency. In the second mode, imposed pressure oscillations induce vortex shedding in the flame shear layer. These vortices distort the flame front and generate locally compact and sparse flame areas. The local flame structure resulting from these two distinct modes was markedly different.
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Experimental Investigation of the Dynamics and Structure of Lean-premixed Turbulent CombustionYuen, Frank Tat Cheong 03 March 2010 (has links)
Turbulent premixed propane/air and methane/air flames were studied using planar Rayleigh scattering and particle image velocimetry on a stabilized Bunsen type burner. The fuel-air equivalence ratio was varied from Φ=0.7 to 1.0 for propane flames, and from Φ=0.6 to 1.0 for methane flames. The non-dimensional turbulence intensity, u'/SL (ratio of fluctuation velocity to laminar burning velocity), covered the range from 3 to 24, equivalent to conditions of corrugated flamelets and thin reaction zones regimes. Temperature gradients decreased with the increasing u'/SL and levelled off beyond u'/SL > 10 for both propane and methane flames. Flame front thickness increased slightly as u'/SL increased for both mixtures, although the thickness increase was more noticeable for propane flames, which meant the thermal flame front structure was being thickened. A zone of higher temperature was observed on the average temperature profile in the preheat zone of the flame front as well as some instantaneous temperature profiles at the highest u'/SL. Curvature probability density functions were similar to the Gaussian distribution at all u'/SL for both mixtures and for all the flame sections. The mean curvature values decreased as a function of u'/SL and approached zero. Flame front thickness was smaller when evaluated at flame front locations with zero curvature than that with curvature. Temperature gradients and FSD were larger when the flame curvature was zero. The combined thickness and FSD data suggest that the curvature effect is more dominant than that of the stretch by turbulent eddies during flame propagation. Integrated flame surface density for both propane and methane flames exhibited no dependance on u'/SL regardless of the FSD method used for evaluation. This observation implies that flame surface area may not be the dominant factor in increasing the turbulent burning velocity and the flamelet assumption may not be valid under the conditions studied. Dκ term, the product of diffusivity evaluated at conditions studied and the flame front curvature, was a magnitude smaller than or the same magnitude as the laminar burning velocity.
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