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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Magma injections and destabilization of basaltic volcanoes : A numerical study : Application to La Reunion (Indian ocean, France) and Stromboli (Tyrrhenian sea, Italy)

Catry, Thibault 23 May 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Most basaltic volcanoes are affected by recurrent lateral instabilities during their evolution. Numerous factors have been shown to be involved in the process of flank destabilization occurring over long periods of time or by instantaneous failures. However, the role of these factors on the mechanical behaviour and stability of volcanic edifices is poorly-constrained as lateral failure usually results from the combined effects of several parameters. Our study focuses on the morphological and structural comparison of two end-member basaltic systems, La Reunion (Indian ocean, France) and Stromboli (southern Tyrrhenian sea, Italy). We showed that despite major differences on their volumes and geodynamic settings, both systems present some similarities as they are characterized by an intense intrusive activity along well-developed rift zones and recurrent phenomena of flank collapse during their evolution. Among the factors of instability, the examples of la Reunion and Stromboli evidence the major contribution of intrusive complexes to volcano growth and destruction as attested by field observations and the monitoring of these active volcanoes. Classical models consider the relationship between vertical intrusions of magma and flank movements along a preexisting sliding surface. A set of published and new field data from Piton des Neiges volcano (La Reunion) allowed us to recognize the role of subhorizontal intrusions in the process of flank instability and to characterize the geometry of both subvertical and subhorizontal intrusions within basaltic edifices. This study compares the results of numerical modelling of the displacements associated with high-angle and low-angle intrusions within basaltic volcanoes. We use a Mixed Boundary Element Method to investigate the mechanical response of an edifice to the injection of magmatic intrusions in different stress fields. Our results indicate that the anisotropy of the stress field favours the slip along the intrusions due to cointrusive shear stress, generating flank-scale displacements of the edifice, especially in the case of subhorizontal intrusions, capable of triggering large-scale flank collapses on basaltic volcanoes. Applications of our theoretical results to real cases of flank displacements on basaltic volcanoes (such as the 2007 eruptive crisis at La Reunion and Stromboli) revealed that the previous model of subvertical intrusions-related collapse is a likely mechanism affecting small-scale steeply-sloping basaltic volcanoes like Stromboli. Furthermore, our field study combined to modelling results confirms the importance of shallow-dipping intrusions in the morpho-structural evolution of large gently-sloping basaltic volcanoes like Piton de la Fournaise, Etna and Kilauea, with particular regards to flank instability, which can cause catastrophic tsunamis.

Amenaza por inestabilidad de las laderas en la cuenca del río Mocoy. Andes venezolanos / Amenaza por inestabilidad de las laderas en la cuenca del río Mocoy. Andes venezolanos

Montiel A., Katty, Maldonado B., Henry, Gouveia M., Edith Luz 10 April 2018 (has links)
In the intention to establish a geomorphologic zonation of the threat levels due to slope in-stability of the Mocoy hydrographic basin, an analysis of the biophysics conditions was made by using the heuristic method. Space variables of greater incidence in local dynamics were identified and processed in ARC/INFO, and applied methodological proposals associated to the matrix of spatial analysis of Leopold and the system of transparencies of MacHarg. It was possible to identify three levels of threat: low, moderate and high, which were correlated with the operating morphogenetic processes, the geologic structure and lithology, as well as with the land use of this important river basin in the northern flank of the Venezuelan Andes. The analysis of the implicit mechanisms in the collapse of geologic material, as well as the estimation of the future tendency and detection of the areas of greater threat, constitute the basis for a suitable mitigation problem of dangerous slope processes and the sediment contribution tothe fluvial system of the Mocoy river. / Con la intención de establecer una zonificación de los niveles de amenaza geomorfológica porinestabilidad de laderas de la cuenca hidrográfica del río Mocoy, se efectuó un análisis de las condiciones biofísicas, mediante el método heurístico y se identificaron las variables espaciales de mayor incidencia en la dinámica local, tratadas en ARC/INFO y con propuestas metodológicas asociadas a la matriz de análisis espacial de Leopold y el sistema de transparencias de MacHarg. Se logró representar tres niveles de amenaza: baja, moderada y alta, las cuales fueron correlacionadas con los procesos morfogenéticos actuantes, la estructura geológica y litología, así como también con el uso de la tierra de esta importante cuenca del flanco norandino vene- zolano. El análisis de los mecanismos implícitos en el colapso de material geológico, así como la estimación sobre la tendencia futura y detección de las áreas de mayor amenaza, constituyen las bases para una adecuada mitigación del problema de procesos de ladera peligrosos y el aportede sedimentos al sistema fluvial del río Mocoy.

Niveles de peligro de inestabilidad de las laderas de un sector del flanco norandino venezolano: Monte Carmelo, estado de Trujillo / Niveles de peligro de inestabilidad de las laderas de un sector del flanco norandino venezolano: Monte Carmelo, estado de Trujillo

Montiel A., Katty, Seco H., Ricardo 10 April 2018 (has links)
A zonation of slope instability hazard levels of the Mount Carmelo region was carried out based on an analysis of the geographical conditions using the Van Westen (2003) heuristic method and GIS. Three levels of instability hazard were established: low hazard areas (no actual harmful phenomena is recorded, although it might occur over the next years), moderate hazard (medium probability that harmful processes might appear over next years) and high hazard (high probability of harmful processes over the next years.) Zonation maps showing hazard areas will be very useful for physical planning and population protection, taking into· consideration   that  these  maps  may  reduce  economic  losses  and  human  casualties due to the above mentioned natural hazards. / Con la intención de establecer una zonificación de los niveles de peligro de inestabilidad  de laderas  de la región  de Monte  Carmelo,  se efectuó  un  análisis de las condiciones geográficas mediante la aplicación del método heurístico de Van Westen (2003) y de un SIG. Los resultados  obtenidos arrojaron tres niveles de peligro  de inestabilidad: peligro  bajo (no se presentan fenómenos dañinos, aunque se podrían presentar en los próximos años), peligro  moderado (moderada probabilidad de que aparezcan  fenómenos  dañinos  que  ocasionen  algún  tipo  de impacto  negativo  en los próximos años) y peligro alto (probabilidad alta de ocurrencia de un fenómeno dañino  para  la población  en  los  próximos  años). Los  mapas  de  zonificación  de áreas de peligro serán de gran utilidad para la planificación de los territorios y para la defensa civil, al contribuir a la reducción  de pérdidas  materiales y humanas que puedan  producirse  ante la ocurrencia  de estos  fenómenos.

Fund Our Future & Fees Must Fall : En komparativ fallstudie om två studentprotester

Olsson Sandberg, Kajsa, Boudassou Báez, Nicole January 2017 (has links)
Studiens syfte är att se hur sociala rörelser och stater interagerar, samt hur dialogen ser ut inom respektive part. Frågeställningarna som syftar till att fånga det är således; Hur ser relationen mellan sociala rörelser och stater ut, och hur påverkar var sidas val av strategier motpartens handlingsmönster? Samt; Vilka interna strategier inom kampanj respektive stat är mest framträdande? För att undersöka det har två kampanjer valts ut, Fees Must Fall i Sydafrika och Fund Our Future i Storbritannien. Vidare har nyhetsartiklar valts från sammanlagt nio av ländernas mest lästa nyhetstidningar. Fyra teoretiska ingångar fått vägleda analysarbetet; radical flank effect, symbolic damage, protest policing och eventful protest. Dessa är alla analytiska verktyg som hjälper oss förstå de mångfacetterade dimensionerna som existerar parallellt inom sociala rörelser och statens arbete. Den samlade tidigare forskningen har utforskat specifika delar av de nämnda begreppen, men däremot har aspekternas samverkande förmåga inte tidigare studerats. Studiens resultat visar att våldsamma aktioner ofta leds av radikala demonstranter. Dessa leder ofta inte enbart till stor medial uppmärksamhet, utan kan beroende på kontext förändra sociala rörelser och statens interna strategiska struktur. Det innebär även att fredliga aktioner ofta hamnar i skymundan, vilket bidrar till att befästa uppfattningen om att våld krävs för att sociala rörelsers syfte ska synas. Även stater kan uppleva sig nödgade att använda våldsamma strategier i mötet med demonstranter. Vidare visar resultaten på att det finns en interaktiv dynamik mellan kampanjer och stater, som även visar på aktörskap inom respektive part.

Möglichkeiten und Grenzen asymmetrischer Kegelradverzahnungen

Schumann, Stefan 09 April 2015 (has links)
Durch neue, hochflexible Fertigungsverfahren wie das Freiformfräsen eröffnet sich für Kegelradverzahnungen ein großes geometrisches Optimierungspotenzial. Diese Arbeit widmet sich daher der Ermittlung einer optimalen Makro-, Mikro- und Zahnfußgeometrie für bogenverzahnte Kegelräder. Neben dem Zahnprofil und der Zahnfußkurve wird besonderes Augenmerk auf die Ermittlung topologischer Flankenmodifikationen zur Maximierung der Tragfähigkeit gelegt. Gleichzeitig bietet der gezeigte Optimierungsalgorithmus die Möglichkeit zur Minimierung der Geräuschanregung, wodurch der bisher existierende Zielkonflikt zwischen diesen beiden Aspekten aufgehoben werden kann.

Skäreggprepareringens påverkan på slitage hos hårdmetallborrar : En fallstudie enligt DMAIC på Scania Motorbearbetning / The influence of cutting edge preperation on solid carbide drill's tool wear : A case study at Scania motor processing

Malmborg, Malin, Tibaduiza, Magnolia January 2020 (has links)
Den ökande efterfrågan på högre produktkvalitet inom tillverkningsindustrin kräver hög stabilitet och lång livslängd på borrverktyg under borrningbearbetningsprocessen. En metod för att öka produktkvaliteten och därmed förlänga livslängden på borrverktyg är skäreggpreparering. Skäreggpreparering används för att skapa en kantgeometri som ger borrverktyget både en bättre styrka och högre tålighet mot slitage. Det mest förekommande slitaget på borrverktyg är fasförslitning och det utvecklas snabbt under den initiala slitningsperioden under borrens livslängd. Syftet med det här examensarbetet var att genom flerfaktorförsök undersöka hur skäreggprepareringsprocessen kan förbättras för att minska fasförslitning under den initiala slitningsperioden på belagda hårdmetallborrar. Skäreggprepareringsprocessen studerades som en fallstudie på Scania Motorbearbetning. Fallstudien genomfördes efter problemlösningsmetodiken DMAIC (Define, Measure, Analyse, Improve och Control) som inkorporerade försöksplanering, vilket medförde att två ytterligare faser tillkom: Pre-analyze och Experiment. Datainsamlingen bestod av både kvalitativ och kvantitativ data. Den kvalitativa datan erhölls från intervjuer under Measure-fasen och den kvantitativa datan erhölls från det genomförda experimentet under Experiment-fasen, som sedan analyserades i Analyze-fasen. Baserat på litteraturstudien, nulägesbeskrivningen och intervjuerna bestämdes försöksfaktorerna till processtid, borrens djup i slipmedel, rotationsriktning på rotor och rotationshastighet på spindel samt responsvariablerna till skäreggradie och total fasförslitning. Försöksfaktorerna testades i ett fullständigt tvånivåers faktorförsök med 4 faktorer och 4 centrumpunkter. Analysen av resultaten från experimentet visade att korrelationen mellan responsvariablerna var försumbar under den initiala slitningsperioden. Vidare identifierades inte några signifikanta effekter baserade på responsvariabeln total fasförslitning. Däremot kunde det konstateras att de försöksfaktorer som påverkade responsvariabeln skäreggradie var processtid, borrens djup i slipmedel och rotationsriktning på rotor. En optimeringsmodell togs fram i Improve-fasen för att optimera skäreggprepareringsprocessen med avseende på skäreggradie. Optimeringen utgick från att ha en stor skäreggradie under förutsättningen att den nuvarande processtiden halveras. Optimeringsmodellen kunde inte bekräftas, därför togs en rekommendation fram som beskriver stegen för att bekräfta den framtagna optimeringsmodellen. Vidare togs två ytterligare rekommendationer fram med syfte att undersöka skäreggprepareringsprocessen med avseende på andra typer av slitage samt undersöka verktygsslitage under verktygets fulla livslängd. I Control-fasen togs en kontrollplan fram som stöd för att kontrollera rekommendationerna. Avslutningsvis bidrog det här examensarbetet med nya insikter och slutsatser om utveckling av fasförslitningen under den initiala slitningsperioden under en borrs livslängd. / The increasing demand for higher product quality in the manufacturing industry requires high stability and long service life of drilling tools during the drilling process. One method of increasing product quality and thus extending the tool life for drills is cutting edge preparation. Cutting edge preparation is used to create an edge geometry that gives the drilling tool both better strength and higher resistance to wear. The most common wear on drill tools is flank wear that develops rapidly during the initial wear period of the drill's life. The purpose of this thesis was to investigate how the cutting edge preparation process can be improved by factorial design in order to reduce flank wear during the initial wear period on coated solid carbide drills. The cutting edge preparation process was studied as a case study at Scania's motor processing department. The case study followed problem-solving methodology DMAIC (Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve and Control) incorporating design of experiments. This resulted in two additional phases: Pre-Analyze and Experiment. Data collection consisted of both qualitative and quantitative data. The qualitative data were obtained from interviews during the Measure phase and the quantitative data was obtained from the experiment conducted during the Experiment phase, which was later analyzed in the Analyze phase.     Based on a literature study, current description, and interviews, the identified experimental factors were process time, depth in the grinding granulate, rotational direction of the rotor, and rotational speed of spindle. The identified response variables were cutting edge radius and total flank wear. The experimental factors were tested in a full two-level factorial design with 4 factors and 4 center points. The analysis of the results from the experiment showed that the correlation between the response variables was negligible during the initial wear period. Furthermore, no significant effects could be found based on the response variable total flank wear. However, it was found that the experimental factors that influenced the response variable cutting edge radius were process time, depth in grinding granulate, and direction of rotation of the rotor. An optimization model was developed during the Improve phase to optimize the cutting edge preparation process in regards to the cutting edge radius. The optimization was based on generating a large cutting edge radius and at the same time reducing the current process time by half. The optimization model could not be confirmed; therefore, a recommendation was developed outlining the steps to confirm the optimization model. Furthermore, two additional recommendations were made to investigate the cutting edge preparation process concerning other types of wear and to examine tool wear during the tool’s full life. A control plan was developed in the Control phase to help to control the recommendations. In conclusion, this thesis contributed new insights and conclusions on the development of flank wear during the initial wear period during the tool life.

Development of a 3D Ring Dynamics Model For a Heavy-Duty Piston Ring-Pack

Akurati, Parthasri, Kumar, Karan January 2021 (has links)
With the increasing restrictions in emission legislations, the automotive industry aims to improve the efficiency of the lubricating system and to decrease fuel consumption. In the power cylinder unit (PCU), the piston rings are the major contributor to these consumptions. Hence, focus on the dynamic behaviour of the rings to reduce lube oil consumption (LOC) becomes a key factor in thriving towards sustainability. Several studies have been conducted on the piston ring-pack specifically using a 2D ring dynamics approach. This study focuses on developing a 3D ring dynamics model, in the software tool AVL EXCITE™ Piston&Rings, which is capable of observing the behaviour of the ring along the third dimension i.e. circumferential direction. A coordinated approach used in the methodology gives an insight into the parameters affecting the model behaviour. Within the PCU, wear on the cylinder liner surface and in the piston ring grooves can lead to accelerated LOC. This study further focuses on using the 3D model to analyse the friction and wear on the piston rings. Factors contributing towards LOC are individually studied and the results obtained are compared to the experimental engine test data. The outcome of the 3D numerical model developed shows promising results. The model can therefore be used to simulate different piston ring-packs and analyse the behaviour of the piston ring with a better prediction of friction, wear and LOC. Thus, the model will contribute to reducing the number of physical tests conducted, the expense involved in conducting those tests and would provide satisfactory products to the customer and would manage future emission requirements.

Piecing Together the Triassic/Jurassic Stratigraphy Along the South Flank of the Uinta Mountains, Northeast Utah: A Stratigraphic Analysis of the Bell Springs Member of the Nugget Sandstone

Jensen, Paul H., Jr. 04 August 2005 (has links) (PDF)
Nomenclature for the Upper Triassic and Lower Jurassic strata along the south flank of the Uinta Mountains has been somewhat confusing because of the position of the study area between southern Wyoming, where one set of names is used, and central/southern Utah where a different set of formation names is used. The Nugget Sandstone or Glen Canyon Sandstone of the eastern Uinta Mountains overlies the Upper Triassic Popo Agie or Chinle Formation. The nature of the contact between these two formations is unclear both in stratigraphic location and conformability. The Chinle Formation consists, in ascending order, of the Gartra Member, the purple unit, the ocher unit, and the upper red unit. The overlying Nugget Sandstone consists of two members, the lower Bell Springs Member and the overlying unnamed cross-bedded member, typically believed to be Navajo Sandstone equivalent. These two units of the Nugget Sandstone are thought to represent the Glen Canyon Group of the Colorado Plateau, although no obvious Wingate or Kayenta Formation equivalents have been recognized. The Bell Springs Member contains abundant fine-grained, ripple-laminated sandstones, red and green mudstones, occasional mudcracks and salt casts, evidence of burrowing and exposure, and some medium- to coarse-grained sandstones with small-scale (30-40 cm high) cross-beds. This member was deposited in a marine tidal flat environment, quite different from the mainly eolian environment of the rest of the Nugget Sandstone. The Bell Springs Member appears to be entirely Upper Triassic, based upon dinosaur tracks, while the upper windblown unit's age is unknown, but probably straddles the Triassic-Jurassic boundary. During mapping in the Donkey Flat, Steinaker Reservoir, Dry Fork, and Lake Mountain quadrangles, the Bell Springs Member of the Nugget Sandstone was mapped as a separate unit.

Age, récurrence et mécanismes de déstabilisation des flancs des volcans océaniques d'après l'exemple de Tenerife (iles Canaries) / Age, recurrence and triggering mechanisms of flank collapse episodes on ocean islands after the Tenerife Island exemple (Canary Islands)

Boulesteix, Thomas 30 September 2011 (has links)
La croissance des volcans océaniques est fréquemment ponctuée par des effondrements latéraux géants qui peuvent générer des avalanches de débris volumineuses et engendrer des tsunamis dévastateurs. Néanmoins, les causes, les mécanismes et les conséquences de telles déstabilisations, critiques pour la caractérisation des aléas, demeurent largement incompris.L'île de Tenerife (Canaries, Espagne) constitue une cible privilégiée pour étudier ces phénomènes. Son évolution récente inclue le développement d'un volcan central différencié et d'une ride volcanique proéminente le long d'une rift-zone principale NE-SW (NERZ). Durant le dernier Myr, ces systèmes ont été tronqués par trois effondrements de flanc géants, dont la semelle est partiellement accessible à la faveur de galeries souterraines à usage hydrogéologique.Cette thèse développe une analyse systématique des relations entre construction volcanique et instabilités récurrentes le long de l’axe de la NERZ. L'approche inclut des investigations de terrain en surface et dans les galeries, afin de reconnaître et d’échantillonner les séquences volcaniques affectées par chaque effondrement et remplissant leurs structures; la datation K/Ar Cassignol-Gillot sur phases séparées pour en contraindre l’âge précisément ; des reconstructions morphologiques 3D afin d'estimer le volume des édifices et des structures gravitaires; des analyses chimiques sur roches totales, visant à caractériser l’évolution de la composition des laves avant et après chaque déstabilisation.Les nouveaux résultats montrent le fonctionnement intermittent des différents tronçons la NERZ, avec un schéma récurrent comprenant :1) la croissance rapide d'un édifice imposant, dont la charge induit la création de niveaux de stockage superficiels et l’éruption de termes différenciés visqueux, favorisant l'inflation locale de la structure et sa déstabilisation2) la rupture proprement dite, datée à environ 840 ka, 525 ka et 175 ka (glissements de Güimar, La Orotava et Icod, respectivement)3) une réponse éruptive immédiate, impliquant la vidange rapide (<50kyr) du système d’alimentation, et le comblement des loupes de glissement sous des dizaines de km3 de lave.4) Un déplacement consécutif de la construction volcanique vers les secteurs moins matures de la NERZ (moindre épaisseur de l'édifice/moindre pression lithostatique)Nous montrons que les phénomènes de charge/décharge ont une influence primordiale sur le développement des instabilités gravitaires et l'évolution des systèmes d'alimentation des îles océaniques. / The growth of oceanic volcanoes is frequently punctuated by large flank collapses, which can generate voluminous debris avalanches and destructive tsunamis. The causes, the mechanisms and the consequences of such instabilities, crucial for risk assessment, remain poorly understood.Tenerife (Canary Islands, Spain) is a target of particular interest to study such phenomena. Its recent evolution includes the development of a large silicic central volcano and a prominent volcanic ridge along a main NE-SW trending rift zone (NERZ). During the last Myr, these volcanic systems have been truncated by three large flank collapses, the base of which is partly accessible through underground water mining galleries.This thesis develops a systematic analysis of the relationships between volcanic construction and recurrent flank instabilities along the NERZ. Our approach includes field investigations at the surface and in the galleries to identify and sample the volcanic units affected by each landslide and the successions filling their scar; unspiked K/Ar dating (Cassignol-Gillot technique) on fresh separated groundmass to constrain precisely the timing of the landslides; 3-D morphological reconstructions to estimate the volume of the edifices and landslides structures; and whole-rock geochemical analyses to characterize the compositional evolution of the magma prior to and after each collapse event.Our new results show the intermittent functioning of the various sections of the NERZ with a recurrent pattern comprising:(1) The rapid construction of a large volcanic edifice. The resulting load favors the creation of superficial storage levels, the associated evolution of the magma and the eruption of viscous differentiated terms, favoring local inflation of the structure and its destabilization(2) The collapse of a flank of the NERZ, dated at ca. 840 ka, 525 ka, and 175 ka (Güimar, La Orotava and Icod, events respectively)(3) An immediate eruptive response, implying the rapid emptying (<50kyr) of the feeding system and the filling of the landslide scars under tens of km3 of lava.(4) The subsequent displacement of volcanic activity towards the less mature sectors (lower thickness/lower lithostatic pressure).We show here that loading/unloading processes have a strong influence on the development of gravitational instabilities and the evolution of the magma feeding systems on such large intraplate volcanic islands.

Dissertation proposal civilian education and the preparation for service and leadership in antebellum America, 1845 - 1860 /

McMurry, Philip Martin. 09 July 2009 (has links)
Thesis (Ph.D.)--Kent State University, 2009-07-09. / Title from PDF t.p. (viewed March 5, 2010). Advisor: Jon Wakelyn. Keywords: education; Civil War; leadership; antebellum. Includes bibliographical references (p. 262-276).

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