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Emprego de filtro de fibras flexíveis constituído de fibras de algodão mercerizado e poliéster na clarificação de água para abastecimento / Employment of flexible fiber filter made of mercerized cotton and polyester fibers in the clarification of drinking waterFagundes, Thalita Salgado 01 June 2015 (has links)
Os filtros de fibras flexíveis são módulos de filtração direta cujo leito filtrante é formado por micro fibras de poliamida, permitindo altas eficiências de remoção de sólidos suspensos, e aplicação de altas taxas de filtração. O presente estudo avaliou tal configuração de filtro utilizando fibras de algodão mercerizado e poliéster na forma de fios. Foram realizados testes de resistência dos fios a meios com características químicas distintas - alcalino, ácido e com cloro residual. Foi realizada caracterização das fibras estudadas através de Microscopia Óptica e Microscopia Eletrônica de Varredura. Foram construídos 4 filtros com diâmetro interno de 28 mm, e porosidade 67% (algodão), e 75% (poliéster), sendo 2 filtros constituídos de fibras de algodão mercerizado - comprimento de leito 60 e 100 cm; e 2 filtros constituídos de fibras de poliéster - comprimento de leito 60 e 100 cm. Foi utilizada para alimentação dos filtros água sintética de turbidez 7,7 ± 0,3 uT, e cor aparente 97 ± 5,0 uC, e realizada coagulação in-line com 22,5mg/L e 15 mg/L (este último valor somente para os filtros de 100 cm) de sulfato de alumínio. Foram avaliadas taxas de filtração de 40, 60, 80, 100 e 120 m/h. Os limites de turbidez estabelecidos para o filtrado foram de 1 e 2 uT. Os filtros de fibras flexíveis de algodão mercerizado e poliéster de leito 60 cm só conseguiram atingir os limites de turbidez até taxa de 80 m/h. Os filtros de leito 100 cm atingiram os limites satisfatoriamente em todas as taxas de filtração. Os filtros de poliéster obtiveram carreiras de filtração mais longas do que as obtidas pelos filtros de algodão, além de apresentarem perdas de carga menores. Exceto para taxa 40 e 60 m/h para o filtro de algodão mercerizado, todas as outras taxas em ambos os filtros obtiveram desempenhos melhores (carreiras de filtração longas, e filtrado de melhor qualidade) com dosagem menor de coagulante. Esse estudo mostrou potencial no uso das fibras de algodão mercerizado e poliéster nos filtros de fibras flexíveis aplicados em tratamento de água para abastecimento. Sugere-se estudos avançados para aplicação no Brasil de tal tecnologia. / The flexible fiber filters are direct filtration modules which filter media is made of polyamide micro fibers, obtaining high solids removal efficiency, and high filtration rates. This study evaluated the performance of the filter using mercerized cotton and polyester fibers. Tests of fibers resistance due to alkaline, acid and chlorinated environments were realized at the present research. The fibers were also analyzed by means of Optic and Scanning Electronic Microscopy. Four field-scale filters with an internal diameter of 28mm, porosity of 67% (cotton), and 75% (polyester) were installed; two of them made of mercerized cotton fiber- high of 60 and 100 cm; and two made of polyester fiber - high of 60 and 100 cm. A synthetic water was used as influent - turbidity 7,7 ± 0,3 uT, and color 97 ± 5,0 uC. In-line coagulation was used with 22,5 mg/L and 15 mg/L (this last value was only applied on 100cm length filters) of aluminium sulfate. The filtration rates studied were 40, 60, 80, 100 e 120 m/h. The turbidity limits were 1 e 2 uT. The 60 cm high flexible fiber filter made of mercerized cotton and polyester only could work under the established turbidity limits until 80 m/h. The 100 cm high flexible fiber filter could work well in all the filtration rates. The flexible fiber filter made of polyester obtained longer filtration times, and lower pressure drop comparing to the flexible fiber filter made of mercerized cotton. Except for filtration rates of 40 e 60 m/h which mercerized cotton filter, in all the rates for both fiber filters, the lower coagulant dosage demonstrated better results - longer filtration times, and better quality in the effluent. This study indicated the potential of using flexible fiber filter made of mercerized cotton and polyester in water treatment. It is suggested advanced studies for this technology application in Brazil.
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Lesões laríngeas agudas pós-extubação : fatores de risco e associação com estridorNetto, Cátia de Souza Saleh January 2014 (has links)
Objetivos: Descrever a incidência de lesões laríngeas agudas após extubação em unidade de terapia intensiva pediátrica (UTIP), e avaliar os seus fatores de risco e sua relação com a presença de estridor pós-extubação. Delineamento: Coorte Prospectiva. Métodos: Foram elegíveis todas as crianças de zero a cinco anos incompletos internadas na UTIP do Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre que necessitaram de intubação endotraqueal por mais de 24 horas. Foram excluídas aquelas com história de intubação, patologia laríngea prévia, presença de traqueostomia atual ou no passado, presença de malformações craniofaciais e consideradas terminais pela equipe assistente. As crianças incluídas foram acompanhadas diariamente e, após a extubação, foram submetidas à fibronasolaringoscopia (FNL). Resultados: Foram acompanhadas 202 pacientes entre novembro de 2005 e dezembro de 2012. Na FNL após a extubação, 88 pacientes (43,6%) apresentaram lesões laríngeas agudas moderadas ou graves. Após análise multivariada dos fatores de risco, verificamos que tais lesões estão associadas com a presença de balonete no tubo endotraqueal (TET), risco relativo de 1,42 (IC 95%: 1,02-1,97; P=0,039). Dos pacientes com lesões moderadas a graves, 21 (23.9%) tiveram estridor por mais de 72 horas (P<0,001). Houve associação estatisticamente significativa entre a persistência de estridor após 72horas e a presença de balonete no TET (P=0,036). Conclusões: Este estudo encontrou uma alta frequência de lesões laríngeas agudas após a extubação, que foram associadas com o uso de TET com balonete. Além disso, o estridor persistente após 72 horas da extubação foi mais frequente em pacientes que apresentaram lesões laríngeas e naqueles que usaram TET com balonete. / Objectives: To describe acute laryngeal injuries after extubation in a pediatric intensive care unit (PICU) and to assess risk factors and their association with post-extubation stridor. Design: Prospective cohort. Methods: Children aged zero to five years admitted to the PICU of Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre who required endotracheal intubation for more than 24 hours were eligible for study. Patients with previous intubation, history of laryngeal disease, current or past tracheostomy, presence of craniofacial malformations and those considered terminal by the staff were excluded from the study. Children were monitored daily and underwent flexible fiber-optic laryngoscopy (FFL) after extubation. Results: We followed 202 children between November 2005 and December 2012. In the FFL after extubation, 88 children (43,6%) had moderate to severe laryngeal lesions. After multivariate analysis of potential risk factors, it was found acute lesions were associated with the presence of cuffed endotracheal tube (ETT), relative risk of 1,42 (CI 95%: 1,02-1,97; P=0,039). Among patients with moderate to severe laryngeal lesions, 21 (23,9%) had stridor for more than 72 hours (P<0,001). There was a statistically significant association between persistent stridor after 72 hours and the presence of the cuffed ETT (P=0,036). Conclusions: This study found high frequency of acute laryngeal injuries after extubation, which were associated with cuffed ETT. Moreover, persistent stridor after 72 hours of extubation was more frequent in patients with laryngeal lesions and in those who used cuffed ETT.
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Emprego de filtro de fibra flexível constituído de sisal e de polipropileno na clarificação de água para abastecimento / Employment of flexible fiber filter made of sisal and polypropylene in the clarification of water to supplyMorita, Alice Kimie Martins 12 June 2013 (has links)
Os filtros de fibra flexível são módulos de filtração recentemente desenvolvidos cujo leito é constituído de fibras de poliamida, o que permite a obtenção de altas eficiências de remoção de sólidos associadas a altas taxas de filtração. Este estudo objetivou avaliar o desempenho deste tipo de filtro utilizando-se como meio filtrante fibras flexíveis de sisal e de polipropileno. Com isso se buscou aprofundar o entendimento da técnica de filtração em leito de fibras flexíveis, além de propor e avaliar leitos com fibras diferentes daquelas citadas na literatura (constituídas de poliamida), neste caso fibras naturais (sisal) e fibras de polipropileno. A superfície das fibras em estudo foi analisada por meio de microscopia óptica e eletrônica de varredura e através de ensaios de solubilidade em ácido clorídrico e hidróxido de sódio, com a finalidade de investigar as características superficiais dos materiais filtrantes e sua solubilidade. Foram construídos 6 filtros com diâmetro interno de 28 mm e porosidade de leito de 93%, sendo 3 constituídos de fibras de sisal com comprimentos de leito de 25,60 e 100 cm, e 3 constituídos de fibras de polipropileno, também nos comprimentos de 25,60 e 100 cm. Em um segundo momento foi avaliado o desempenho de filtros constituídos de sisal nos mesmos comprimentos citados, no entanto com porosidade de leito de 85%. Foi utilizada para alimentação dos filtros água sintética com 8,19 ± 0,85 uT e 14,47 ± 5,25 uC e foi realizada coagulação in-line por meio da adição de 22,5 mg/L de sulfato de alumínio. Foram avaliadas taxas de filtração desde 5 m/h até 80 m/h no caso dos filtros do sisal com diferentes comprimentos e porosidades, e desde 20 m/h até 80 m/h no caso dos filtros de polipropileno. O limite de turbidez estabelecido para o filtrado foi de 1 uT. Puderam operar dentro do limite de turbidez estabelecido os filtros de polipropileno de 25,60 e 100 cm com taxa de 20 m/h e de 60 e 100 cm com taxas de até 80 m/h, e o filtro de sisal de 100 cm e 85% de porosidade com taxas de 20 e 40 m/h. Os maiores volumes de filtrado foram obtidos para filtro de polipropileno de 100 cm operando com taxa de 20 m/h, no entanto estes foram associados a maior perda de carga. Por outro lado, o filtro de sisal de 100 cm produziu menor quantidade de filtrado, porém com perda de carga associada consideravelmente baixa. Os melhores índices de filtrabilidade foram obtidos para o filtro de sisal de 100 cm de comprimento e 85% de porosidade de leito, o que indica seu potencial de aplicação, especialmente em ocasiões em que a carga hidráulica disponível seja restrita e a turbidez exigida do filtrado não seja demasiadamente baixa (inferior a 0,5 uT). Sugere-se a utilização de filtros constituídos de fibras de sisal como unidades de pré-filtração ou a construção de leitos com menor porosidade e maior comprimento de leito do que os utilizados neste estudo, caso se objetive aplicação em tratamento de água para abastecimento. Este estudo mostrou que é possível utilizar fibras de sisal e de polipropileno em filtros de fibras flexível, e a escolha dos diferentes tipos de fibras, comprimentos e porosidades de leito dependeria da disponibilidade no local, da qualidade do efluente exigida e da carga hidráulica disponível. / The flexible fiber filter is a filtration module recently developed whose filter media is made of polyamide fibers, what permits to obtain high solids removal efficiency associated to high application rates. The objective of this study was to evaluate the performance of this kind of filter using as filter media flexible fibers of sisal and polypropylene. With this it was intended to deepen the understanding of the filtration technique using flexible fibers as media and to propose and evaluate filter medias made of fibers different from the ones found in the literature: natural fibers (sisal) and polypropylene fibers. The fibers in study were analysed by means of optic and scanning electronic microscopy and through solubility essays in chloridric acid and sodium hydroxide, with the intention to characterize the filtering materials and find if there are restrictions of their use. Six filters with 28 mm of intern diameter and 93% of porosity were constructed, three being made of sisal fibers with 25, 60 and 100 cm of length, and three being made of polypropylene fibers, with 25,60 and 100 cm of length, too. In a second moment three other sisal fibers were constructed and evaluated, with the same lengths studied before, but with porosity of the filter medium of 85%. The filtration system was fed with synthetic water with 8,19 ± 0,85 uT and 14,47 ± 5,25 uC, and in-line coagulation was applied by the addition of 22,5 mg/L of aluminium sulfate. In the case of the sisal filters, made of different lengths and porosities, rates from 5 m/h to 80 m/h were evaluated; in the case of polypropylene filters, rates from 20m/h and 80m/h were evaluated. It was established as the turbidity limit the value of 1 uT. The filters that worked within the established turbidity limit were the polypropylene filters of 25,60 and 100 cm for the rate of 20 m/h and of 60 and 100 cm for rates until 80m/h, and the sisal filter of 100 cm and 85% of porosity for rates of 20 and 40 m/h. The biggest filtrate volumes were obtained for polypropylene filter of 100 cm working with the rate of 20 m/h; however this one was associated to the biggest values of pressure drop. On the other hand, the filter made of sisal with 100 cm produced a smaller quantity of filtrate, but associated to a considerably low value of pressure drop. The best filterability indexes were obtained for the filter made of sisal with 100 cm of length and 85% of porosity, what indicates its application potential, mainly to situations when there is not enough hydraulic charge and when the requested turbidity of the filtrate is not too low (less than 0,5 uT). It is suggested that the filters made of sisal are used as pre-filtration units or that they are built with smaller values of porosity and/or with a longer filter length than the ones used in this study, in the case that water treatment application is aimed. This study showed that it is possible to use sisal and polypropylene fibers in flexible fiber filters, and that the choice of different types of fibers, lengths and porosities depends on de availability of materials in the local, on the required quality of the filtrate and on the available hydraulic charge.
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Lesões laríngeas agudas pós-extubação : fatores de risco e associação com estridorNetto, Cátia de Souza Saleh January 2014 (has links)
Objetivos: Descrever a incidência de lesões laríngeas agudas após extubação em unidade de terapia intensiva pediátrica (UTIP), e avaliar os seus fatores de risco e sua relação com a presença de estridor pós-extubação. Delineamento: Coorte Prospectiva. Métodos: Foram elegíveis todas as crianças de zero a cinco anos incompletos internadas na UTIP do Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre que necessitaram de intubação endotraqueal por mais de 24 horas. Foram excluídas aquelas com história de intubação, patologia laríngea prévia, presença de traqueostomia atual ou no passado, presença de malformações craniofaciais e consideradas terminais pela equipe assistente. As crianças incluídas foram acompanhadas diariamente e, após a extubação, foram submetidas à fibronasolaringoscopia (FNL). Resultados: Foram acompanhadas 202 pacientes entre novembro de 2005 e dezembro de 2012. Na FNL após a extubação, 88 pacientes (43,6%) apresentaram lesões laríngeas agudas moderadas ou graves. Após análise multivariada dos fatores de risco, verificamos que tais lesões estão associadas com a presença de balonete no tubo endotraqueal (TET), risco relativo de 1,42 (IC 95%: 1,02-1,97; P=0,039). Dos pacientes com lesões moderadas a graves, 21 (23.9%) tiveram estridor por mais de 72 horas (P<0,001). Houve associação estatisticamente significativa entre a persistência de estridor após 72horas e a presença de balonete no TET (P=0,036). Conclusões: Este estudo encontrou uma alta frequência de lesões laríngeas agudas após a extubação, que foram associadas com o uso de TET com balonete. Além disso, o estridor persistente após 72 horas da extubação foi mais frequente em pacientes que apresentaram lesões laríngeas e naqueles que usaram TET com balonete. / Objectives: To describe acute laryngeal injuries after extubation in a pediatric intensive care unit (PICU) and to assess risk factors and their association with post-extubation stridor. Design: Prospective cohort. Methods: Children aged zero to five years admitted to the PICU of Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre who required endotracheal intubation for more than 24 hours were eligible for study. Patients with previous intubation, history of laryngeal disease, current or past tracheostomy, presence of craniofacial malformations and those considered terminal by the staff were excluded from the study. Children were monitored daily and underwent flexible fiber-optic laryngoscopy (FFL) after extubation. Results: We followed 202 children between November 2005 and December 2012. In the FFL after extubation, 88 children (43,6%) had moderate to severe laryngeal lesions. After multivariate analysis of potential risk factors, it was found acute lesions were associated with the presence of cuffed endotracheal tube (ETT), relative risk of 1,42 (CI 95%: 1,02-1,97; P=0,039). Among patients with moderate to severe laryngeal lesions, 21 (23,9%) had stridor for more than 72 hours (P<0,001). There was a statistically significant association between persistent stridor after 72 hours and the presence of the cuffed ETT (P=0,036). Conclusions: This study found high frequency of acute laryngeal injuries after extubation, which were associated with cuffed ETT. Moreover, persistent stridor after 72 hours of extubation was more frequent in patients with laryngeal lesions and in those who used cuffed ETT.
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Emprego de filtro de fibra flexível constituído de sisal e de polipropileno na clarificação de água para abastecimento / Employment of flexible fiber filter made of sisal and polypropylene in the clarification of water to supplyAlice Kimie Martins Morita 12 June 2013 (has links)
Os filtros de fibra flexível são módulos de filtração recentemente desenvolvidos cujo leito é constituído de fibras de poliamida, o que permite a obtenção de altas eficiências de remoção de sólidos associadas a altas taxas de filtração. Este estudo objetivou avaliar o desempenho deste tipo de filtro utilizando-se como meio filtrante fibras flexíveis de sisal e de polipropileno. Com isso se buscou aprofundar o entendimento da técnica de filtração em leito de fibras flexíveis, além de propor e avaliar leitos com fibras diferentes daquelas citadas na literatura (constituídas de poliamida), neste caso fibras naturais (sisal) e fibras de polipropileno. A superfície das fibras em estudo foi analisada por meio de microscopia óptica e eletrônica de varredura e através de ensaios de solubilidade em ácido clorídrico e hidróxido de sódio, com a finalidade de investigar as características superficiais dos materiais filtrantes e sua solubilidade. Foram construídos 6 filtros com diâmetro interno de 28 mm e porosidade de leito de 93%, sendo 3 constituídos de fibras de sisal com comprimentos de leito de 25,60 e 100 cm, e 3 constituídos de fibras de polipropileno, também nos comprimentos de 25,60 e 100 cm. Em um segundo momento foi avaliado o desempenho de filtros constituídos de sisal nos mesmos comprimentos citados, no entanto com porosidade de leito de 85%. Foi utilizada para alimentação dos filtros água sintética com 8,19 ± 0,85 uT e 14,47 ± 5,25 uC e foi realizada coagulação in-line por meio da adição de 22,5 mg/L de sulfato de alumínio. Foram avaliadas taxas de filtração desde 5 m/h até 80 m/h no caso dos filtros do sisal com diferentes comprimentos e porosidades, e desde 20 m/h até 80 m/h no caso dos filtros de polipropileno. O limite de turbidez estabelecido para o filtrado foi de 1 uT. Puderam operar dentro do limite de turbidez estabelecido os filtros de polipropileno de 25,60 e 100 cm com taxa de 20 m/h e de 60 e 100 cm com taxas de até 80 m/h, e o filtro de sisal de 100 cm e 85% de porosidade com taxas de 20 e 40 m/h. Os maiores volumes de filtrado foram obtidos para filtro de polipropileno de 100 cm operando com taxa de 20 m/h, no entanto estes foram associados a maior perda de carga. Por outro lado, o filtro de sisal de 100 cm produziu menor quantidade de filtrado, porém com perda de carga associada consideravelmente baixa. Os melhores índices de filtrabilidade foram obtidos para o filtro de sisal de 100 cm de comprimento e 85% de porosidade de leito, o que indica seu potencial de aplicação, especialmente em ocasiões em que a carga hidráulica disponível seja restrita e a turbidez exigida do filtrado não seja demasiadamente baixa (inferior a 0,5 uT). Sugere-se a utilização de filtros constituídos de fibras de sisal como unidades de pré-filtração ou a construção de leitos com menor porosidade e maior comprimento de leito do que os utilizados neste estudo, caso se objetive aplicação em tratamento de água para abastecimento. Este estudo mostrou que é possível utilizar fibras de sisal e de polipropileno em filtros de fibras flexível, e a escolha dos diferentes tipos de fibras, comprimentos e porosidades de leito dependeria da disponibilidade no local, da qualidade do efluente exigida e da carga hidráulica disponível. / The flexible fiber filter is a filtration module recently developed whose filter media is made of polyamide fibers, what permits to obtain high solids removal efficiency associated to high application rates. The objective of this study was to evaluate the performance of this kind of filter using as filter media flexible fibers of sisal and polypropylene. With this it was intended to deepen the understanding of the filtration technique using flexible fibers as media and to propose and evaluate filter medias made of fibers different from the ones found in the literature: natural fibers (sisal) and polypropylene fibers. The fibers in study were analysed by means of optic and scanning electronic microscopy and through solubility essays in chloridric acid and sodium hydroxide, with the intention to characterize the filtering materials and find if there are restrictions of their use. Six filters with 28 mm of intern diameter and 93% of porosity were constructed, three being made of sisal fibers with 25, 60 and 100 cm of length, and three being made of polypropylene fibers, with 25,60 and 100 cm of length, too. In a second moment three other sisal fibers were constructed and evaluated, with the same lengths studied before, but with porosity of the filter medium of 85%. The filtration system was fed with synthetic water with 8,19 ± 0,85 uT and 14,47 ± 5,25 uC, and in-line coagulation was applied by the addition of 22,5 mg/L of aluminium sulfate. In the case of the sisal filters, made of different lengths and porosities, rates from 5 m/h to 80 m/h were evaluated; in the case of polypropylene filters, rates from 20m/h and 80m/h were evaluated. It was established as the turbidity limit the value of 1 uT. The filters that worked within the established turbidity limit were the polypropylene filters of 25,60 and 100 cm for the rate of 20 m/h and of 60 and 100 cm for rates until 80m/h, and the sisal filter of 100 cm and 85% of porosity for rates of 20 and 40 m/h. The biggest filtrate volumes were obtained for polypropylene filter of 100 cm working with the rate of 20 m/h; however this one was associated to the biggest values of pressure drop. On the other hand, the filter made of sisal with 100 cm produced a smaller quantity of filtrate, but associated to a considerably low value of pressure drop. The best filterability indexes were obtained for the filter made of sisal with 100 cm of length and 85% of porosity, what indicates its application potential, mainly to situations when there is not enough hydraulic charge and when the requested turbidity of the filtrate is not too low (less than 0,5 uT). It is suggested that the filters made of sisal are used as pre-filtration units or that they are built with smaller values of porosity and/or with a longer filter length than the ones used in this study, in the case that water treatment application is aimed. This study showed that it is possible to use sisal and polypropylene fibers in flexible fiber filters, and that the choice of different types of fibers, lengths and porosities depends on de availability of materials in the local, on the required quality of the filtrate and on the available hydraulic charge.
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Emprego de filtro de fibras flexíveis constituído de fibras de algodão mercerizado e poliéster na clarificação de água para abastecimento / Employment of flexible fiber filter made of mercerized cotton and polyester fibers in the clarification of drinking waterThalita Salgado Fagundes 01 June 2015 (has links)
Os filtros de fibras flexíveis são módulos de filtração direta cujo leito filtrante é formado por micro fibras de poliamida, permitindo altas eficiências de remoção de sólidos suspensos, e aplicação de altas taxas de filtração. O presente estudo avaliou tal configuração de filtro utilizando fibras de algodão mercerizado e poliéster na forma de fios. Foram realizados testes de resistência dos fios a meios com características químicas distintas - alcalino, ácido e com cloro residual. Foi realizada caracterização das fibras estudadas através de Microscopia Óptica e Microscopia Eletrônica de Varredura. Foram construídos 4 filtros com diâmetro interno de 28 mm, e porosidade 67% (algodão), e 75% (poliéster), sendo 2 filtros constituídos de fibras de algodão mercerizado - comprimento de leito 60 e 100 cm; e 2 filtros constituídos de fibras de poliéster - comprimento de leito 60 e 100 cm. Foi utilizada para alimentação dos filtros água sintética de turbidez 7,7 ± 0,3 uT, e cor aparente 97 ± 5,0 uC, e realizada coagulação in-line com 22,5mg/L e 15 mg/L (este último valor somente para os filtros de 100 cm) de sulfato de alumínio. Foram avaliadas taxas de filtração de 40, 60, 80, 100 e 120 m/h. Os limites de turbidez estabelecidos para o filtrado foram de 1 e 2 uT. Os filtros de fibras flexíveis de algodão mercerizado e poliéster de leito 60 cm só conseguiram atingir os limites de turbidez até taxa de 80 m/h. Os filtros de leito 100 cm atingiram os limites satisfatoriamente em todas as taxas de filtração. Os filtros de poliéster obtiveram carreiras de filtração mais longas do que as obtidas pelos filtros de algodão, além de apresentarem perdas de carga menores. Exceto para taxa 40 e 60 m/h para o filtro de algodão mercerizado, todas as outras taxas em ambos os filtros obtiveram desempenhos melhores (carreiras de filtração longas, e filtrado de melhor qualidade) com dosagem menor de coagulante. Esse estudo mostrou potencial no uso das fibras de algodão mercerizado e poliéster nos filtros de fibras flexíveis aplicados em tratamento de água para abastecimento. Sugere-se estudos avançados para aplicação no Brasil de tal tecnologia. / The flexible fiber filters are direct filtration modules which filter media is made of polyamide micro fibers, obtaining high solids removal efficiency, and high filtration rates. This study evaluated the performance of the filter using mercerized cotton and polyester fibers. Tests of fibers resistance due to alkaline, acid and chlorinated environments were realized at the present research. The fibers were also analyzed by means of Optic and Scanning Electronic Microscopy. Four field-scale filters with an internal diameter of 28mm, porosity of 67% (cotton), and 75% (polyester) were installed; two of them made of mercerized cotton fiber- high of 60 and 100 cm; and two made of polyester fiber - high of 60 and 100 cm. A synthetic water was used as influent - turbidity 7,7 ± 0,3 uT, and color 97 ± 5,0 uC. In-line coagulation was used with 22,5 mg/L and 15 mg/L (this last value was only applied on 100cm length filters) of aluminium sulfate. The filtration rates studied were 40, 60, 80, 100 e 120 m/h. The turbidity limits were 1 e 2 uT. The 60 cm high flexible fiber filter made of mercerized cotton and polyester only could work under the established turbidity limits until 80 m/h. The 100 cm high flexible fiber filter could work well in all the filtration rates. The flexible fiber filter made of polyester obtained longer filtration times, and lower pressure drop comparing to the flexible fiber filter made of mercerized cotton. Except for filtration rates of 40 e 60 m/h which mercerized cotton filter, in all the rates for both fiber filters, the lower coagulant dosage demonstrated better results - longer filtration times, and better quality in the effluent. This study indicated the potential of using flexible fiber filter made of mercerized cotton and polyester in water treatment. It is suggested advanced studies for this technology application in Brazil.
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Lesões laríngeas agudas pós-extubação : fatores de risco e associação com estridorNetto, Cátia de Souza Saleh January 2014 (has links)
Objetivos: Descrever a incidência de lesões laríngeas agudas após extubação em unidade de terapia intensiva pediátrica (UTIP), e avaliar os seus fatores de risco e sua relação com a presença de estridor pós-extubação. Delineamento: Coorte Prospectiva. Métodos: Foram elegíveis todas as crianças de zero a cinco anos incompletos internadas na UTIP do Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre que necessitaram de intubação endotraqueal por mais de 24 horas. Foram excluídas aquelas com história de intubação, patologia laríngea prévia, presença de traqueostomia atual ou no passado, presença de malformações craniofaciais e consideradas terminais pela equipe assistente. As crianças incluídas foram acompanhadas diariamente e, após a extubação, foram submetidas à fibronasolaringoscopia (FNL). Resultados: Foram acompanhadas 202 pacientes entre novembro de 2005 e dezembro de 2012. Na FNL após a extubação, 88 pacientes (43,6%) apresentaram lesões laríngeas agudas moderadas ou graves. Após análise multivariada dos fatores de risco, verificamos que tais lesões estão associadas com a presença de balonete no tubo endotraqueal (TET), risco relativo de 1,42 (IC 95%: 1,02-1,97; P=0,039). Dos pacientes com lesões moderadas a graves, 21 (23.9%) tiveram estridor por mais de 72 horas (P<0,001). Houve associação estatisticamente significativa entre a persistência de estridor após 72horas e a presença de balonete no TET (P=0,036). Conclusões: Este estudo encontrou uma alta frequência de lesões laríngeas agudas após a extubação, que foram associadas com o uso de TET com balonete. Além disso, o estridor persistente após 72 horas da extubação foi mais frequente em pacientes que apresentaram lesões laríngeas e naqueles que usaram TET com balonete. / Objectives: To describe acute laryngeal injuries after extubation in a pediatric intensive care unit (PICU) and to assess risk factors and their association with post-extubation stridor. Design: Prospective cohort. Methods: Children aged zero to five years admitted to the PICU of Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre who required endotracheal intubation for more than 24 hours were eligible for study. Patients with previous intubation, history of laryngeal disease, current or past tracheostomy, presence of craniofacial malformations and those considered terminal by the staff were excluded from the study. Children were monitored daily and underwent flexible fiber-optic laryngoscopy (FFL) after extubation. Results: We followed 202 children between November 2005 and December 2012. In the FFL after extubation, 88 children (43,6%) had moderate to severe laryngeal lesions. After multivariate analysis of potential risk factors, it was found acute lesions were associated with the presence of cuffed endotracheal tube (ETT), relative risk of 1,42 (CI 95%: 1,02-1,97; P=0,039). Among patients with moderate to severe laryngeal lesions, 21 (23,9%) had stridor for more than 72 hours (P<0,001). There was a statistically significant association between persistent stridor after 72 hours and the presence of the cuffed ETT (P=0,036). Conclusions: This study found high frequency of acute laryngeal injuries after extubation, which were associated with cuffed ETT. Moreover, persistent stridor after 72 hours of extubation was more frequent in patients with laryngeal lesions and in those who used cuffed ETT.
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Direct simulation of flexible particle suspensions using lattice-boltzmann equation with external boundary forceWu, Jingshu 06 April 2010 (has links)
Determination of the relation between the bulk or rheological properties of a particle suspension and its microscopic structure is an old and important problem in physical science. In general, the rheology of particle suspension is quite complex, and the problem becomes even more complicated if the suspending particle is deformable. Despite these difficulties, a large number of theoretical and experimental investigations have been devoted to the analysis and prediction of the rheological behavior of particle suspensions. However, among these studies there are very few investigations that focus on the role of particle deformability.
A novel method for full coupling of the fluid-solid phases with sub-grid accuracy for the solid phase is developed. In this method, the flow is computed on a fixed regular 'lattice' using the lattice Boltzmann method (LBM), where each solid particle, or fiber, is mapped onto a Lagrangian frame moving continuously through the domain. The motion and orientation of the particle are obtained from Newtonian dynamics equations. The deformable particle is modeled by the lattice-spring model (LSM).The fiber deformation is calculated by an efficient flexible fiber model. The no-slip boundary condition at the fluid-solid interface is based on the external boundary force (EBF) method. This method is validated by comparing with known experimental and theoretical results.
The fiber simulation results show that the rheological properties of flexible fiber suspension are highly dependent on the microstructural characteristics of the suspension. It is shown that fiber stiffness (bending ratio BR) has strong impact on the suspension rheology in the range BR < 3. The relative viscosity of the fiber suspension under shear increases significantly as BR decreases. Direct numerical simulation of flexible fiber suspension allows computation of the primary normal stress difference as a function of BR. These results show that the primary normal stress difference has a minimum value at BR ∼ 1. The primary normal stress differences for slightly deformable fibers reaches a minimum and increases significantly as BR decreases below 1. The results are explained based on the Batchelor's relation for non-Brownian suspensions. The influence of fiber stiffness on the fiber orientation distribution and orbit constant is the major contributor to the variation in rheological properties. A least-squares curve-fitting relation for the relative viscosity is obtained for flexible fiber suspension. This relation can be used to predict the relative viscosity of flexible fiber suspension based on the result of rigid fiber suspension.
The unique capability of the LBM-EBF method for sub-grid resolution and multiscale analysis of particle suspension is applied to the challenging problem of platelet motion in blood flow. By computing the stress distribution over the platelet, the "blood damage index" is computed and compared with experiments in channels with various geometries [43]. In platelet simulation, the effect of 3D channel geometry on the platelet activation and aggregation is modeled by using LBM-EBF method. Comparison of our simulations with Fallon's experiments [43] shows a similar pattern, and shows that Dumont's BDI model [40] is more appropriate for blood damage investigation. It has been shown that channels with sharp transition geometry will have larger recirculation areas with high BDI values. By investigating the effect of hinge area geometry on BDI value, we intend to use this multiscale computational method to optimize the design of Bileaflet mechanical heart valves.
Both fiber simulations and platelet simulations have shown that the novel LBM-EBF method is more efficient and stable compare to the conventional numerical methods. The new EBF method is a two-Cway coupling method with sub-grid accuracy which makes the platelet simulations possible. The LBM-EBF is the only method to date, to the best of author's knowledge, that can simulate suspensions with large number of deformable particles under complex flow conditions. It is hoped that future researchers may benefit from this new method and the algorithms developed here.
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