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An Integrative Review of the Conceptualization and Assessment of the Learner Flow Experience in the Digital Game-Based Learning Environment between 2011 and 2021Stidham, Sharon Flynn 31 March 2022 (has links)
The impact of the learner flow experience (LFE) on learning outcomes has been studied for over four decades in a variety of formal and informal instructional settings, including the digital game-based learning (DGBL) environment. Since 2011, the examination of the LFE and its impact on learning outcomes has expanded to computer science-related disciplines, as well as other research communities. During this expansion, an increase in the number and definitions of terms related to the LFE has occurred. Likewise, the number of assessment tools used to capture evidence of the flow experience in learners playing DGBLs has increased. This integrative review examined 66 peer-reviewed articles published between 2011 and 2021, which reported the results of empirical studies seeking to identify and measure the learner experience of flow during DGBL gameplay. More specifically, this study sought to understand how the LFE and its dimensions were conceptualized and assessed in those articles. To do this, the relevant data was extracted from the articles, and, via iterative processes of analyses, the information related to the conceptualization and assessment of the LFE during DGBL game play was identified, analyzed, and organized.
The study's findings demonstrated that the number of terms used to describe the LFE dimensions increased during the time period studied, and that there is seemingly little consensus with regard to the conceptualization of the terms or their use in the assessment instruments applied. However, this study also revealed that these terms and the methods by which they were assessed may be examined within the theoretical structure defined by Csikszentmihalyi in 1990, in which he codified nine dimensions to explain the flow experience. These dimensions are: (1) balance of skills and challenge; (2) clear goals; (3) swift, unambiguous feedback; (4) merging of action and awareness; (5) concentration on the task at hand; (6) sense of control; (7) distorted sense of time; (8) loss of ego; and (9) autotelic experience. Organizing the research question findings within this structure enabled the identification of themes of and synonyms for the nine flow dimensions with the addition of the construct flow experience.
To encourage future researchers' ability to interpret, compare, and contrast studies of the experience of the LFE during gameplay in the DGBL learning environment, a set of researcher guides was developed following an iterative process of comparisons and analysis across the research questions' findings. These guides present a description of each of the flow dimensions, associated key words and/or key phrases, synonyms for the dimension, and statements or questions used to solicit information from learners regarding their experience of each of the flow dimensions, organized by theorist. The goal for these researcher guides is that they will be used as references for future studies of the impact of flow on learning outcomes for DGBL players through providing a common vocabulary and set of assessment items. They also may help encourage and enhance collaboration between instructional designers and DGBL game designers in creating effective DGBLs that increase learning or user engagement and enjoyment through the fostering of conditions that enable the LFE phenomenon. / Doctor of Philosophy / Many adults recall losing track of time during play as children. Achieving the feeling of being in "the zone" during play or competition was anticipated and relished. As adults, the desire to recapture that state of being blissfully unaware of time, focused only in the moment and free from any concerns frequently drives sales of sporting equipment, leisure activities, and electronically-based games. This experience, called the flow state, can happen when engaging in a wide variety of activities, including learning. Research has shown that if a student reaches the flow state while learning, they learn more and derive greater satisfaction throughout the learning process. This has also been found to be the case for students engaging with digital game-based learning (DGBL) applications.
But how do we know if a DGBL player has entered the flow state? Researchers in the fields of instructional design and game design have asked and sought to answer this very question. This study examined the works of these researchers to understand specifically how the flow state was defined and measured in their studies.
As a result of this study, researcher guides were created to explain how the learner flow experience and its component dimensions are identified and described, as well as to provide questions that could be posed to students to help evaluate if the flow state was achieved during DGBL gameplay. The goal for these guides is that they will be used as references for future studies of the impact of flow on learning outcomes for DGBL players through providing a common vocabulary and set of assessment items. They also may help encourage and enhance collaboration between instructional designers and DGBL game designers to create effective, enjoyable games for learning.
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Assessment of hydropower mitigation measures for fish habitat rehabilitation with a coupled eco-hydraulic model : A case study on the Skålan-Äldern stretch / Bedömning av vattenkraft åtgärder för rehabilitering av livsmiljöer för fisk genom ekohydraulisk modellering : En fallstudie av Skålan-Äldern sträckanPolato, Francesca January 2021 (has links)
In the past century, hydropower development in Sweden has been facilitated by the lack of appropriate environmental legislation. This exploitation has resulted in the current poor ecological status of most Swedish water bodies affected by hydropower, and in the need for new policies that reflect the 2000 European Water Framework Directive. Thus, the Swedish Agency for Marine and Water management (SwAM), the Swedish Energy Agency (SEA) and Svenska Kraftnät have elaborated a new national plan for the revision of almost all hydropower licenses in the next 20 years, and Vattenkraftens Miljöfond has carried out a pilot project on Ljungan river, to test different working methods for regional collaboration, and to find effective solutions for achieving the greatest possible benefit for the aquatic environment, while ensuring an efficient national hydropower supply. This thesis focuses on the fish habitat rehabilitation of a portion of Ljungan river highly affected by hydropower practices. By combining a 1D/2D hydraulic model, calibrated and validated, with a habitat model that defines the hydraulic preferences of the target fish species, it was possible to run different simulations and to quantify the optimal habitat obtainable in each scenario, following the PHABSIM methodology. The outputs of this analysis were produced in the form of Composite Suitability Index (CSI) maps and Weighted Usable Area (WUA)discharge curves. The former resulted to be a very useful tool for analyzing the spatial distribution of suitable habitats for certain ecological processes, and for planning instream habitat improvement measures, while the latter have been efficiently used to identify and quantify the maximum habitat improvement achievable with the different mitigation scenarios. This approach helped to firstly assess the habitat improvement that would result from removing the weirs located along the river, leading to the conclusion that the removal would be effective only if combined with other morphological changes of the river channel. Additionally, the coupled ecohydraulic model has been useful for the design of ecological flow scenarios able to achieve different levels of habitat improvement, including scenarios aimed at minimizing energy production losses. The use of the PHABSIM methodology resulted to be very suitable for the scale and scope of the project. However, it also required to limit the iii ecological drivers considered in the analysis and to make some simplistic assumptions about target species behavior, which must always be underlined and acknowledged when using the results in decisionmaking processes. / Under det senaste århundradet har vattenkraftsutbyggnaden i Sverige underlättats av bristen på lämplig miljölagstiftning. Detta utnyttjande har lett till att de flesta svenska vattenförekomster har en dålig ekologisk status och att det behövs en ny politik som återspeglar det europeiska ramdirektivet för vatten från 2000. Således har Havs och vattenmyndigheten, Energimyndigheten och Svenska Kraftnät utarbetat en ny nationell plan för översyn av nästan alla vattenkraftslicenser under de kommande 20 åren, och Vattenkraftens Miljöfond har genomfört ett pilotprojekt i Ljungan älv för att testa olika arbetsmetoder för regionalt samarbete och hitta effektiva lösningar för att uppnå största möjliga nytta för vattenmiljön samtidigt som man säkerställer en effektiv nationell vattenkraftförsörjning. Denna avhandling fokuserar på återställandet av fiskhabitatet i en del av Ljungan älven som är starkt påverkad av vattenkraftsutövning. Genom att kombinera en 1D/2D hydraulisk modell, kalibrerad och validerad, med en habitatmodell som definierar målfiskarternas hydrauliska preferenser var det möjligt att göra olika simuleringar och kvantifiera den optimala livsmiljö som kan erhållas i varje scenario, enligt PHABSIMmetodiken. Detta tillvägagångssätt har använts för att först och främst bedöma den förbättring av livsmiljön som skulle bli resultatet av att ta bort de dammar som finns längs älvsträckan, vilket ledde till slutsatsen att avlägsnandet skulle vara effektivt endast om det kombineras med andra morfologiska förändringar av flodfåran. Dessutom har den kopplade ekohydrauliska modellen varit användbar för att utform ekologiska flödesscenarier som kan uppnå olika nivåer av habitatförbättring, inklusive scenarier som syftar till att minimera förlusterna i energiproduktionen.
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Responsible Production of Materials in the light of Sustainable Development Goal 12: Development of a systemic assessment scheme for an environmentally responsible material production cycle – Case study aluminiumFeiel, Susanne 02 February 2022 (has links)
Ziel dieser Arbeit war es, systematisch Möglichkeiten zur gezielten und qualitativen Entkopplung von Umweltauswirkungen im Rahmen der Verantwortungsaussage des SDG 12 in Bezug auf einzelne Stoffströme zu identifizieren. Zu diesem Zweck wurde ein Schema zur Bewertung der Verantwortung erstellt, das sich auf die Systemgrenzen der Umwelt und die systemischen Produktionsströme einzelner Materialien konzentriert. Einzelne generische Prozesseinheiten wurden identifiziert und Umweltindikatoren, die Planetary Boundaries, ausgewählt. Das entwickelte Schema wurde dann in einer Fallstudie mit dem Beispielmaterial Aluminium auf seine Funktionalität getestet, indem das Material mit den Umweltindikatoren in jeder Prozesseinheit seiner spezifischen Produktionsroute kalibriert wurde. Dabei zeigte sich, dass die entwickelte Bewertung in der Tat eine systematische Identifizierung des Entkopplungsraums innerhalb eines Materialflusses ermöglicht und somit als funktional und übertragbar auf andere Materialflüsse und andere Dimensionen wie die soziale oder wirtschaftliche sowie die Verbrauchsdimension angesehen werden kann.:1 Introduction
2 Context of the Thesis
3 Sustainable Development Theories - The Road to Sustainable Industrial Development
4 Objectives and Structure of the Thesis
5 Development of a Responsibility Assessment Scheme
7 Aluminium as Key Material in our Society
8 The Aluminium Production System
9 Assessment Instructions
10 Case study – Aluminium Life Cycle and Planetary Boundary Matrix Calibration
11 Evaluation, Discussion of Results and Conclusion
12 Bibliography / This thesis aimed to systematically identify opportunities for targeted and qualitative environmental impact decoupling within the responsibility proposition of SDG 12 in relation to single material flows. To do this a responsibility assessment scheme was created that focused on the system boundaries environment and systemic production flows of single materials. Individual generic unit processes were identified and environmental indicators, the Planetary Boundaries, were chosen. The scheme designed was then tested in a case study for its functionality with the example material Aluminium, through calibrating the material with the environmental indicators in each unit process of its specific production route. This showed that the assessment designed indeed allowed for systematic identification of decoupling space within a material flow and can thus be considered as functional and transferrable to other material flows and other dimensions like the social or economic, as well as the consumption dimension.:1 Introduction
2 Context of the Thesis
3 Sustainable Development Theories - The Road to Sustainable Industrial Development
4 Objectives and Structure of the Thesis
5 Development of a Responsibility Assessment Scheme
7 Aluminium as Key Material in our Society
8 The Aluminium Production System
9 Assessment Instructions
10 Case study – Aluminium Life Cycle and Planetary Boundary Matrix Calibration
11 Evaluation, Discussion of Results and Conclusion
12 Bibliography
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STK pro nákladní vozidla Olomouc - Holice - příprava a organizace výstavby objektu / Technical Inspection Station for trucks Olomouc - Holice - preparation and organization of construction buildingProcházka, Jan January 2012 (has links)
The master’s thesis goal is construction-technological project of the "Technical inspection station for trucks" in the city of Olomouc. The goal is rationaly propose preparation and organization of the main building construction. The thesis includes design of site equipment, budget, schedule, main construction machines, construction stages, cash-flow assessment and technological prescription for bored piles.
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