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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Uticaj tipa promotora turbulencije na unapređenje membranske filtracije proteina mleka / Influence of turbulence promoter type on the improvement of membrane filtration of milk proteins

Popović Svetlana 03 June 2011 (has links)
<p>U radu je ispitivana mogucnost unapređenja membranske filtracije mleka primenom promotora turbulencije razlicitog geometrijskog oblika i dimenzije. Eksperimentalna istraživanja su izvedena na keramickoj membrani velicine 100 nm koja se najce&scaron;ce koristi u procesu mikrofiltracije mleka. Istraživanja su obuhvatila ispitivanje uticaja<br />promotora helikoidne geometrije (uvrnuta traka i Keniks mikser) i geometrije u obliku seciva (Koflo mikser) razlicitih karakteristicnih dimenzija na fluks permeata, prljanje i selektivnost membrane. Efikasnost primene razlicitih promotora analizirana<br />je kako sa aspekta povecanja fluksa tako i sa aspekta smanjenja potro&scaron;nje energije.<br />Istraživanje uticaja tipa promotora turbulencije na mikrofiltraciju proteina mleka<br />pokazalo je da se izborom geometrije, karakteristicne dimenzije i radnih uslova mogu<br />postici znacajna i energetski isplativa povecanja fluksa permeata.<br />Primenom uvrnute trake kao promotora Uticaj tipa promotora turbulencije na unapređenjemembranskefiltracije tubulencije ostvarena su povecanja fluksa i od 200<br />do 600% u zavisnosti od karakteristicne dimenzije uvrnute trake, i rad pri dva ili tri puta manjim protocima u odnosu na rad bez promotora. Najvece povecanje fluksa od oko 600% ostvareno je primenom najgu&scaron;ce uvrnute trake karakteristicne dimenzije 1,0 (UT1,0). UT1,0 kao promotor turbulencije uzrokuje najvece ubrzanje fluida tj. nivo turbulencije i najdužu helikoidnu putanju strujnica &scaron;to doprinosi intenzivnom odno&scaron;enju cestica sa povr&scaron;ine membrane. Ispitivanje primene Keniks miksera kao<br />promotora turbulencije je pokazalo da se znacajna i isplativa povecanja fluksa postižu vec pri veoma malim protocima. Keniks mikser je takođe helikoidne geometrije kao i uvrnute trake, ali se razlikuje po tome &scaron;to su helikoidni elementi<br />postavljeni pod uglom od 90o i levo desno jedan u odnosu na drugi. Ovakva orjentacija elemenata uzrokuje preraspodelu i promenu smera stujnica posle svakog elementa zbog cega je pad pritiska za Keniks mikser i do cetiri puta veci u odnosu na<br />uvrnutu traku iste karakteristicne dimenzije, ali uz veci utro&scaron;ak energije. Promotori geometrije u obliku seciva (Koflomikseri) takođe obezbeđuju povecanje fluksa od<br />200 do 650% pri nižem protoku u odnosu na rad bez promotora. Vece povecanje fluksa od 500 do 600% postignuta su primenom Koflo miksera manje karakteristicne dimenzije 1,3. Koflo mikseriobezbeđuju promenu slike strujanja u membrani koja se manifestuje takođe raspodelom toka fluida i pojavom helikoidnih strujnica, ali i sudaranjem i me&scaron;anjem struja usled udara o seciva pod određenim uglom. Po sudaranju struja se ovaj tip miksera razlikuje u odnosu na uvrnute trake i Keniks mikser. Ipak pad pritiska ovog miksera je veci u odnosu na pad pritiska uvrnute trake, a manji u odnosu na pad pritiska Keniks miksera. Ispitivanje smanjenja prljanja membrane pokazalo je da se primenom promotora smanjuje otpor prljanja membrane kao i otpori usled povratnog i nepovratnog prljanja. Naročito je zapaženo smanjenje otpora usled povratnog prljanja koje se javlja na povr&scaron;ini membrane. Na ovaj nacin potvrđeno je da svi tipovi miksera uzrokuju promenu nacina strujanja u membrani koja obezbeđuje pobolj&scaron;anje prenosa mase u graničnom sloju. U granicnom sloju najintenzivnije deluje Uticaj tipa promotora turbulencije na unapređenje membranske filtracije. Keniks mikser kod kog sem preraspodele stujanja dolazi i do promene smera strujnica nakon svakog elementa. Izvođenje procesa primenom promotora je energetski isplativije u odnosu na konvencionalan nacin rada i važi za sve ispitivane tipove promotora bez obzira na geometriju i karakterističnu dimenziju. Za vrednosti flukseva do 60 Lm-2h-1 uvrnute trake sve tri karakteristicne dimenzije zahtevaju istu potro&scaron;nju energije. Primena uvrnute trake UT1,0 je najisplativija za flukseve vece od 60 do 100 Lm-2h-1 iako uzrokuje veci pad pritiska u odnosu na UT1,5 i UT2,5, ali obezbeđuje i proporcionalno veci fluks pri protocima tri puta manjim u odnosu na rad bez promotora. Primenom UT1,0 moguće su u&scaron;tede energije u rasponu od 50 do 75 % u odnosu na rad bez promotora. Potro&scaron;nja energije kod primene Keniks miksera je veća u odnosu na uvrnutu traku iste karakterisitčne dimenzije, a opseg radnih protoka i TMP uslovljen velikim padom pritiska. U&scaron;tede energije u slučaju primene Keniks miksera su od 30 do 65% u odnosu na rad bez promotora. Međutim, primenom UT1,0 umesto Keniks miksera iste dimenzije obezbeđuju se od 10 do 35 % vece u&scaron;tede energije pri istom radnom fluksu. Sa aspekta potro&scaron;nje energije, Koflo mikseri su najmanje efikasni. KF1,3 mikser je manje efikasan u odnosu na KF2,5 zbog većeg pada pritiska i ne proporcionalno veceg fluksa. Primenom ovih promotora se postižu u&scaron;tede energije od 20 do 70% u odnosu na konvencionalan način rada, ali je ipak njihova efikasnost manja u odnosu na uvrnutu traku iste dimenzije zbog razlike u padu pritiska Pravilnim izborom geometrije promotora može postici povecanje fluksa uz nisku potro&scaron;nju energije odnosno niže padove pritiska. Slika strujanja koja zavisi od geometrije promotora najvi&scaron;e utice na povecanje fluksa pri čemu je najbitnije da se pored povećanja brzine obezbedi pojave strujnica helikoidnog oblika u graničnom sloju. Upravo ovakav nacin strujanja najvi&scaron;e doprinosi odno&scaron;enju cestica istaloženih na povr&scaron;ini membrane i povecanju prenosa mase. Pojave radijalnog me&scaron;anja ili sudaranja struja mogu se smatrati sporednim pojavama u odnosu na to koliko doprinose povecanju fluksa međutim, njihovo postojanje doprinosi povećanju pada pritiska i smanjuju energetsku efikasnost promotora. Uticaj tipa promotora turbulencije na unapređenje membranske filtracije. Rezultati istraživanja su potvrdili polaznu pretpostavku, definisanu ciljem istraživanja, da helikoidna putanja strujanja kod uvrnutih traka obezbeđuje najintenzivnije odno&scaron;enje istaloženog materijala sa povr&scaron;ine membrane uz najmanji pad pritiska odnosno gubitak energije. Sa druge strane, pojava me&scaron;anja koje je primarno kod Keniks i Koflo miksera izaziva, pored odno&scaron;enja istaloženih čestica i dodatno vrtloženje koje za posledicu ima veći pad pritiska i manju energetsku efikasnost.</p> / <p> This work investigates influence of tubulence promotor geometry and its characteristic dimension on the improvement of membrane filtration of milk proteins. The investigation was performed using a ceramic tubular membrane with 100 nm pore size which is commonly used in the dairy industry. As turbulence promoters two main geometry types were chosen: a helical (twisted tape and Kenics mixer) and a blade shaped (Koflo mixer). Except the geometry type, influence of an aspect ratio was studied, also. Efficiency of turbulence promoters was evaluated from the point of view of flux improvement and specific energy consumption. The experimental results clearly show that microfiltration process can be improved by proper choice of a turbulence promoter geometry, its aspect ratio and operating conditions. The process efficiency is increased by achievement of a significant flux increase and lowered energy consumption. Application of twisted tapes as turbulence promoters yields in the flux improvement of 200 to 600% depending on the aspect ratio of twisted tape but at two or three times lower cross-flow rates compared to conventional MF. The higher flux improvement of 600% was achieved by using twisted tape with aspect ratio 1.0, which induces the highest turbulence and the longest helical stream path so the scouring of particles from the membrane surface is the most intensive.<br /> By applying Kenics mixer as turbulence promoter significant flux improvement can be<br /> achieved at five fold lower cross-flow rates. Kenics mixer is also helical insert but its elements are right and left-hand orientated what causes the local resistances and much higher pressure drop compared to the twisted tape of the same aspect ratio. This resulted in higher energy consumption and in lower efficiency of the process fitted with Kenics mixer. Application of blade type insert, such is Koflo mixer, enables flux improvement of 200 to 650% and operation at lower cross-flow rates compared to conventional MF. The higher flux improvement, 500 to 600%, was yielded using the<br /> mixer of lower aspect ratio, 1.3. Blade mixers divide and redistribute streamlines after each element and also induce helical flow path near the membrane surface. Flow field defers from the flow field of twisted tape and Kenics mixer by the appearance of stream collision in the center of blade structure. This causes grater pressure gradient than for the twisted tape but lower than for the Kenics mixer. Investigation of membrane fouling confirmed that the membrane fitted with promoter is less fouled compared to the plane membrane. The reversible fouling resistance is reduced for<br /> order of magnitude especially for the case of Kenics mixer application. All types of promoters improve the mass transfer in the boundary layer at membrane surface inducing the helical path streamlines which take away deposited material. Energy consumption analysis has shown that the energy consumption can be significantly<br /> reduced by proper promoter geometry and aspect ratio. Operation with promoters proved to be more efficient from energy consumption point of view compared to the conventional operation. Using twisted tape of 1.0 aspect ratio energy can be saved for 50 to 75%. Blade type mixers are the less efficient, but still more efficient than the<br /> conventional filtration. In general, when the twisted tapes were used as promoters generated helical streamline path enables the most intensive fouling reduction with lowest pressure drop i.e. energy consumption. On the other hand, when the Kenics<br /> and blade mixers were used, except helical streamline path the secondary flows and mixing are induced what along with fouling reduction causes the higher pressure loss making these promoters energetically less efficient.</p>


Choudhury, Adarsh January 2021 (has links)
No description available.

New Techniques for Continuous Chemical Analysis in the Pulp&amp;Paper Industry

Rice, Matthew January 2001 (has links)
This thesis presents some new techniques that were developedfor continuous chemical analysis of a paper furnish. First, ageneral background is presented, covering topics from theorigins of papermaking to present day. A short introduction topapermaking chemistry and a variety of presently availableon-line chemical analysers and measurement strategies are alsodiscussed. A method is described for the continuous fractionation of apaper furnish containing coarse fibres (&gt;10µm) in orderto obtain a sample for analytical purposes (Paper I). Aconsistent sample, containing a representative fraction of thedissolved and colloidal substances (DCS) present in the bulkfurnish, was achieved by preventing cake formation on a filtersurface. A combination of turbulent flow above a membranefilter, while continuously withdrawing a relatively low samplevolume, were key factors in the prevention of filterfouling. For the continuous flow-extraction of DCS, a technique isdescribed whereby the extracting solvent was injected at a highvelocity into a continuous flow of analyte (Paper II).Comparison with conventional flow extraction showed anextraction enhancement of up to 9 times for colloidaltriglycerides. To achieve a continuous determination of chemicalsubstances, a real-time fully automated colorimetric titrationapparatus was developed (Paper III&amp;IV). This was achievedby using a series of micro-machined mixing channels for thecontinuous flow of analyte, with a sequence of detection unitsand titrant addition points along the flowpath (Paper III). Afuzzy logiccontroller was implemented to continuously adaptfor changes in the sample concentration, providing thepossibility of titrating over two orders of magnitude in sampleconcentration with minimal loss of accuracy (Paper IV). Also, a system is presented whereby the filtration apparatus(Paper I) is combined with the titration device (Paper III&amp;IV) in order to continuously determine total charge (orcolloidal charge) of a paper furnish in real-time (Paper V).This was achieved by utilising a back-titration approach andselected examples are presented showing the dynamicinteractions between wood fibres and polyelectrolyte adsorptionat various conditions of pH and polyelectrolyte molecularweight. Finally, some suggestions for a more comprehensive wet-endchemical monitoring platform are discussed and the role of thepresent work in evaluated in this context. <b>Keywords:</b>Chemical monitoring, continuous flowextraction, cross-flow filtration, dissolved and colloidalcomponents, fuzzy-logic control, on-line system, pitchanalysis, polyelectrolyte titration, process control, samplework-up, titrimetric analysis.

Modeling Of Particle Filled Resin Impregnation In Compression Resin Transfer Molding

Sas, Hatice Sinem 01 July 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Compression Resin Transfer Molding (CRTM) is an advanced liquid molding process for producing continuous fiber-reinforced composite parts in relatively large dimensions and with high fiber volume fractions. This thesis investigates this process for the purpose of producing continuous fiber reinforced composites with particle fillers. In many composites, fillers are used within the resin for various reasons such as cost reduction and improvement of properties. However, the presence of fillers in a process involving resin impregnation through a fibrous medium can result in a composite with non-homogeneous microstructure and properties. This work aims to model the resin impregnation and particle filtration during injection and compression stages of the process. For this purpose, a previously developed particle filtration model is adapted to CRTM. An appropriate commercial software tool is used for numerical solution after a survey of available packages. The process is analyzed based on the developed model for various process scenarios. The results of this study aim to enhance the understanding of particle-filled resin impregnation and particle filtration phenomena in the CRTM process and are likely to be used towards designing optimum process configurations for a desired outcome in the future.

New Techniques for Continuous Chemical Analysis in the Pulp&Paper Industry

Rice, Matthew January 2001 (has links)
<p>This thesis presents some new techniques that were developedfor continuous chemical analysis of a paper furnish. First, ageneral background is presented, covering topics from theorigins of papermaking to present day. A short introduction topapermaking chemistry and a variety of presently availableon-line chemical analysers and measurement strategies are alsodiscussed.</p><p>A method is described for the continuous fractionation of apaper furnish containing coarse fibres (>10µm) in orderto obtain a sample for analytical purposes (Paper I). Aconsistent sample, containing a representative fraction of thedissolved and colloidal substances (DCS) present in the bulkfurnish, was achieved by preventing cake formation on a filtersurface. A combination of turbulent flow above a membranefilter, while continuously withdrawing a relatively low samplevolume, were key factors in the prevention of filterfouling.</p><p>For the continuous flow-extraction of DCS, a technique isdescribed whereby the extracting solvent was injected at a highvelocity into a continuous flow of analyte (Paper II).Comparison with conventional flow extraction showed anextraction enhancement of up to 9 times for colloidaltriglycerides.</p><p>To achieve a continuous determination of chemicalsubstances, a real-time fully automated colorimetric titrationapparatus was developed (Paper III&IV). This was achievedby using a series of micro-machined mixing channels for thecontinuous flow of analyte, with a sequence of detection unitsand titrant addition points along the flowpath (Paper III). Afuzzy logiccontroller was implemented to continuously adaptfor changes in the sample concentration, providing thepossibility of titrating over two orders of magnitude in sampleconcentration with minimal loss of accuracy (Paper IV).</p><p>Also, a system is presented whereby the filtration apparatus(Paper I) is combined with the titration device (Paper III&IV) in order to continuously determine total charge (orcolloidal charge) of a paper furnish in real-time (Paper V).This was achieved by utilising a back-titration approach andselected examples are presented showing the dynamicinteractions between wood fibres and polyelectrolyte adsorptionat various conditions of pH and polyelectrolyte molecularweight.</p><p>Finally, some suggestions for a more comprehensive wet-endchemical monitoring platform are discussed and the role of thepresent work in evaluated in this context.</p><p><b>Keywords:</b>Chemical monitoring, continuous flowextraction, cross-flow filtration, dissolved and colloidalcomponents, fuzzy-logic control, on-line system, pitchanalysis, polyelectrolyte titration, process control, samplework-up, titrimetric analysis.</p>

Charakterisierung von Mikrosieben für Trennprozesse

Göhlert, Theresia 23 January 2013 (has links)
Mikrosiebe stellen auf Grund ihrer Geometrie einen geringeren Strömungswiderstand im System dar und ermöglichen somit eine höhere Filtrationsgeschwindigkeit. Der Einsatz solcher Mikrosiebe anstelle herkömmlicher Membranen in Filtrationsprozessen kann deren Effizienz enorm steigern. Im Rahmen der Diplomarbeit wurden mittels partikelassistierter Benetzung hergestellte Mikrosiebe charakterisiert. Hierfür wurde zunächst ein Filtermodul für Kreuzstromfiltrationen entwickelt, welches anschließend in einen Versuchsaufbau integriert und charakterisiert wurde. Neben den Strömungswiderständen der rechteckigen Kanäle des Moduls wurde außerdem der Strömungswiderstand für Mikrosiebe einer Porengröße bestimmt und mit der Theorie verglichen. Es zeigt sich, dass Theorie und Praxis gut übereinstimmen und es sich bei dem entwickelten Versuchsaufbau um eine gute Methode handelt Strömungswiderstände von Mikrosieben zu bestimmen.

Implementation of an automatic tangential flow filtration system for latex immunoassay production

Stolpe, Filippa, Kullander, Sofia January 2023 (has links)
To diagnose patients suffering from blood clotting disorders latex immununoassays (LIA) can be used. A time consuming manual tangential flow filtration (TFF) process suggests the implementation of an automatic TFF system to improve the efficiency, profitability, and expandability of the production facility of LIA at Nordic Biomarker. Tests were made of the automatic TFF system's ability to perform the desired steps of concentration, dilution and diafiltration, both with purified water and mimicked product. The mimicked product of micro particles (MP) mixed with monoclonal antibodies (mAb) was also used to further test the system's pressure control, safety alarms and stops, and to determine a permeate flux by a critical flux experiment. The results imply a functional TFF system able to automatically concentrate the process fluid and maintain a stable volume during diafiltration, although an additional permeate pump was ordered to be able to attain a fully functional performance of the automatic TFF process. The final part of the implementation was to initiate a validation draft including a risk assessment, OQ plan and PQ plan that resulted in a plan of the main tests to be performed. To conclude, the essential part of the implementation of a high quality and efficient automatic TFF process was conducted to facilitate future expansion of the production of LIA.

Desenvolvimento e estudo de um reator UASB com unidade de filtração, utilizado para o tratamento de esgoto sanitário / Development and study of a UASB reactor coupled with a filtration unit for the treatment of domestic sewage

Marelli, Luana Maria 09 June 2006 (has links)
Para o tratamento de esgoto sanitário foi desenvolvido e estudado um reator UASB (Upflow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket), associado com unidade de filtração. O estudo se iniciou pela operação do reator UASB durante 642 dias, onde a fase líquida afluente e efluente foi monitorada. Em seguida uma unidade de filtração foi acoplada ao reator UASB e foram avaliados as características de filtração, o desempenho do tratamento e a eficiência do processo de limpeza química de três filtros. Os materiais poliméricos utilizados como filtros foram o polipropileno, o poliéster e o geossintético de poliéster, com diâmetro médio de poros de um mícron (1&#956;m). As características de filtração avaliadas foram o fluxo do permeado e os mecanismos de obstrução de cada material polimérico (resistência à filtração: total, do material, da camada de biossólidos e de entupimento). O desempenho global do sistema de tratamento foi avaliado em termos de remoção de demanda química de oxigênio (DQO) e de sólidos suspensos totais (SST). Para recuperação dos filtros foi utilizada primeiramente a limpeza química com solução ácida (ácido clorídrico-HCl) e em série a limpeza com solução alcalina (hipoclorito de sódio e hidróxido de sódio- NaOCl e NaOH). Dentre os três materiais poliméricos utilizados verificou-se que, o geossintético (poliéster) foi o filtro que apresentou melhores características de filtração e desempenho global, ou seja, com este material a resistência da camada foi predominante (obstrução é reversível), a concentração de sólidos suspensos totais do permeado estabilizou em 25 mg/L e a eficiência média global de remoção da demanda química de oxigênio (DQO) foi de 78%. Dentre os procedimentos de limpeza química utilizada nos três filtros, verificou-se que a solução ácida (HCl) aplicada em série com a solução alcalina (NaOCl e NaOH) apresentou maior eficiência que a limpeza somente com a solução ácida (recuperação do fluxo inicial do permeado acima de 90%). / An anaerobic reactor (UASB – Upflow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket) coupled to a filtration unit for the treatment of domestic sewage was developed and studied. The study began by operating the UASB reactor for 642 days, during which time the influent and effluent liquid phase were monitored. The filtration unit was then coupled to the UASB reactor and the filtration characteristics, the performance of the treatment, and the efficiency of the cleaning process of three polymeric filters were evaluated. The polymeric materials used for the filters were polypropylene, polyester and geosynthetic polyester, all with an average pore size of one micron (1&#956;m). The filtration characteristics evaluated were the permeate flux and the fouling mechanisms (total filtration resistance of the material and the cake, and clogging) during filtration. The system’s overall performance was evaluated in terms of chemical oxygen demand (COD) and removal of total suspended solids (TSS). The filters were cleaned chemically, first with an acid solution (HCl), followed by alkaline solutions (NaOH and NaOCl) applied in series. A comparison of the three filtering materials indicated that the geosynthetic material (polyester) possessed the best overall characteristics of filtration and performance. In other words, i.e., cake resistance (reversible fouling) predominated with this material, the concentration of total suspended solids (TSS) in the permeate stabilized at 25 mg/L, and the overall removal efficiency of chemical oxygen demand (COD) was 78%. Of the various chemical cleaning procedures tested on the three polymeric filters, the acid (HCl) and alkaline solutions (NaOH and NaOCl) applied in series provided more efficient flux recovery (over 90% of the initial permeate) than chemical cleaning only with acid (HCl).

The Use of Lignin Derivatives to Improve Selected Paper Properties

Antonsson, Stefan January 2007 (has links)
<p>Ved består huvudsakligen av tre typer av polymerer, cellulosa, hemicellulosa och lignin. Lignin bildas i naturen genom enzymatiskt initierad oxidativ koppling av tre olika typer av fenylpropan-enheter. Dessa bygger genom olika kol-kol- och kol-syre-bindningar upp en amorf tredimensionell polymer. När kemisk massa tillverkas bryts lignin ner och löses ut i kokluten. Luten innehåller de förbrukade kokkemikalierna och bränns generellt i en sodapanna för att regenerera kemikalierna och producera ånga. Sodapannan är emellertid dyr. Därför har den blivit produktionsbegränsande på många massabruk. Att avlägsna en del av ligninet från avluten vore därför önskvärt och att finna ekonomiskt intressanta produkter baserade på lignin från svartlut är därför ett viktigt forskningsområde .</p><p>Ett lämpligt område för ligninprodukter vore som tillsatts i oblekt massa. Oblekt massa används till stor del för tillverkning av kraftliner, topp- och bottenskikten på wellpapp. När lådor av wellpapp lagras i containrar som färdas över haven, förändras den relativa luftfuktigheten. Detta gör att lådorna kollapsar lättare än om de skulle ha lagrats vid konstant luftfuktighet, även en hög sådan. Detta är på grund av det så kallade mekanosorptiva- eller accelererade krypfenomenet. Genom tillsatts av våtstyrkemedel till kraftliner eller behandla den med hydrofoba ämnen, finns indikatoner på att mekanosorptiva effekten skulle kunna minska.</p><p>För att försöka minska den effekten har ett lågmolekylärt kraftlignin, som utvunnits med hjälp av tvärsflödesfiltrering av svartlut och svavelsyrafällning, använts. Genom derivatisering av detta lignin med linolja erhölls ett hydrofobt ligninderivat som uppvisar strukturella likheter med biopolymeren suberin. När detta suberinlika ligninderivat tillsätts till massa verkar det mekanosorptiva krypet minska. När lågmolekylärt lignin används tillsammans med ligninradikalinitiatorerna lackas eller mangan(III) i kraftlinermassa erhålls dessutom en våtstyrka på ca 5% av torrstyrkan. Efter aminering av detta lignin gav en tillsatts till kraftlinermassan en våtstyrka på upp till 10% av torrstyrkan. Det finns indikationer på att det mekanosorptiva krypet samtidigt minskar när dessa behandlingar görs som ger upphov till ökad våtstyrka.</p> / <p>Wood consists mainly of three types of polymers; cellulose, hemi cellulose and lignin. Lignin is formed in nature through enzymatic initiated oxidative coupling of three different kinds of phenyl propane units. These form by various carbon-carbon and carbon-oxygen bonds, an amorphous three-dimensional polymer. As chemical pulp is produced, lignin is degraded and dissolved into pulping liquors. These liquors contain the spent cooking chemicals and are generally burnt in a recovery boiler to regenerate cooking chemicals and produce steam. However, the recovery boiler is expensive. Hence, it has become the bottleneck for production in many pulp mills. Removal of some lignin from the spent cooking liquor would, for that reason, be desired and valuable products based on lignin from cooking liquors are searched for.</p><p>One suitable area for lignin products would be as additive in unbleached pulp. A major product from unbleached pulp is kraftliner, the top and bottom layers of corrugated board. When boxes of corrugated board are stored in containers travelling overseas the relative humidity is varying. This makes the boxes collapse more easily than if they were stored at constant humidity, even a high one. This is due to the so called mechano-sorptive or accelerated creep phenomenon. By addition of wet strength additive to kraftliner or treating it with hydrophobic compounds there are indications on that the mechano-sorptive effect would decrease.</p><p>Trying to decrease this effect, low molecular weight kraft lignin has been used. It was obtained by cross-flow filtration of black liquor and precipitation by sulphuric acid. By derivatisation of this lignin by linseed oil, a hydrophobic lignin derivative was obtained, similar in structure to units in the biopolymer suberin. As this suberin-like lignin-derivative was added to pulp the mechano-sorptive creep seemed to be lowered. Furthermore, when the low molecular weight lignin was used together with the lignin radical initiators laccase or manganese(III) in kraftliner pulp, a wet strength of about 5% of dry strength was obtained. An amination treatment of this lignin and addition to kraftliner pulp resulted in a wet strength of up to 10% of dry strength. There are indications of that the mechano-sorptive creep also decreases as these treatments, resulting in increased wet strength, are made.</p>

Desenvolvimento e estudo de um reator UASB com unidade de filtração, utilizado para o tratamento de esgoto sanitário / Development and study of a UASB reactor coupled with a filtration unit for the treatment of domestic sewage

Luana Maria Marelli 09 June 2006 (has links)
Para o tratamento de esgoto sanitário foi desenvolvido e estudado um reator UASB (Upflow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket), associado com unidade de filtração. O estudo se iniciou pela operação do reator UASB durante 642 dias, onde a fase líquida afluente e efluente foi monitorada. Em seguida uma unidade de filtração foi acoplada ao reator UASB e foram avaliados as características de filtração, o desempenho do tratamento e a eficiência do processo de limpeza química de três filtros. Os materiais poliméricos utilizados como filtros foram o polipropileno, o poliéster e o geossintético de poliéster, com diâmetro médio de poros de um mícron (1&#956;m). As características de filtração avaliadas foram o fluxo do permeado e os mecanismos de obstrução de cada material polimérico (resistência à filtração: total, do material, da camada de biossólidos e de entupimento). O desempenho global do sistema de tratamento foi avaliado em termos de remoção de demanda química de oxigênio (DQO) e de sólidos suspensos totais (SST). Para recuperação dos filtros foi utilizada primeiramente a limpeza química com solução ácida (ácido clorídrico-HCl) e em série a limpeza com solução alcalina (hipoclorito de sódio e hidróxido de sódio- NaOCl e NaOH). Dentre os três materiais poliméricos utilizados verificou-se que, o geossintético (poliéster) foi o filtro que apresentou melhores características de filtração e desempenho global, ou seja, com este material a resistência da camada foi predominante (obstrução é reversível), a concentração de sólidos suspensos totais do permeado estabilizou em 25 mg/L e a eficiência média global de remoção da demanda química de oxigênio (DQO) foi de 78%. Dentre os procedimentos de limpeza química utilizada nos três filtros, verificou-se que a solução ácida (HCl) aplicada em série com a solução alcalina (NaOCl e NaOH) apresentou maior eficiência que a limpeza somente com a solução ácida (recuperação do fluxo inicial do permeado acima de 90%). / An anaerobic reactor (UASB – Upflow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket) coupled to a filtration unit for the treatment of domestic sewage was developed and studied. The study began by operating the UASB reactor for 642 days, during which time the influent and effluent liquid phase were monitored. The filtration unit was then coupled to the UASB reactor and the filtration characteristics, the performance of the treatment, and the efficiency of the cleaning process of three polymeric filters were evaluated. The polymeric materials used for the filters were polypropylene, polyester and geosynthetic polyester, all with an average pore size of one micron (1&#956;m). The filtration characteristics evaluated were the permeate flux and the fouling mechanisms (total filtration resistance of the material and the cake, and clogging) during filtration. The system’s overall performance was evaluated in terms of chemical oxygen demand (COD) and removal of total suspended solids (TSS). The filters were cleaned chemically, first with an acid solution (HCl), followed by alkaline solutions (NaOH and NaOCl) applied in series. A comparison of the three filtering materials indicated that the geosynthetic material (polyester) possessed the best overall characteristics of filtration and performance. In other words, i.e., cake resistance (reversible fouling) predominated with this material, the concentration of total suspended solids (TSS) in the permeate stabilized at 25 mg/L, and the overall removal efficiency of chemical oxygen demand (COD) was 78%. Of the various chemical cleaning procedures tested on the three polymeric filters, the acid (HCl) and alkaline solutions (NaOH and NaOCl) applied in series provided more efficient flux recovery (over 90% of the initial permeate) than chemical cleaning only with acid (HCl).

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