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Geomorphic comparison of two Atlantic coastal rivers: toward an understanding of physical controls on Atlantic salmon habitatWilkins, Benjamin Carleton January 2009 (has links)
Thesis advisor: Noah P. Snyder / Substrate size and mobility are important to Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) spawning and rearing success. Channel geometry is a control on bedload mobility in streams. It is believed that channel morphology in many Maine rivers has been altered by land use practices, creating wider and shallower channels, and lowering stream competence. If correct, these changes may be partially responsible for the limited number of returning salmon currently observed in Maine coastal rivers. To evaluate the magnitude of these changes, I performed a statistical comparison of channel morphology between two Atlantic coastal streams: the Narraguagus River in Downeast Maine and the Jacquet River in northern New Brunswick, Canada. Compared to the Narraguagus River, the Jacquet River has relatively healthy returns of adult salmon. Both watersheds have similar drainage areas (Narraguagus 588 km²; Jacquet 510 km²;) and mean annual precipitation (1244 mm; 1200 mm), but differing average channel gradients (0.16%; 0.51%) and longitudinal profiles. During the summer of 2007, I surveyed a 13.6-km section of the Narraguagus with a drainage area range of 129-247 km², and a 10.4-km section of the Jacquet with a drainage area range of 94-265 km². I made measurements of active and bankfull width and depth, and channel gradient at 100-m intervals, and performed grain-size counts at 200-m intervals. I also measured gradient and width in a GIS-based analysis. Results of my analysis show that channel gradient is likely the most influential factor on Atlantic salmon habitat as it relates to sediment size. The two rivers exhibit no significant difference in width-to-depth ratio, when low-gradient outliers in the Narraguagus River are removed. Predicted median riverbed grain sizes were calculated using two methods: (1) from the empirical relationship between basal shear stress and measured grain size; and (2) using the Shields parameter and remote sensing data only. Measured and predicted grain sizes reveal finer river-bed sediments on the Narraguagus River, however, Shields parameter calculations show that sediment should be mobile in both streams. I compare these predictions to field-based habitat mapping on the Narraguagus River. Based on predicted grain sizes, I expect nearly continuous Atlantic salmon spawning (28-95%) and rearing (95-100%) habitat on the Jacquet, and much less spawning (47-62%) and rearing (57-68%) habitat on the Narraguagus. This is likely because the Narraguagus River is segmented into reaches of steeper gradient (S < 0.002) with potentially good habitat, and flatter reaches (S < 0.0005) of poor habitat. The long flat reaches (several km) likely act as sediment sinks, preventing the continuity of downstream sediment transport and causing sediment to be sourced from localized glacial deposits. / Thesis (MS) — Boston College, 2009. / Submitted to: Boston College. Graduate School of Arts and Sciences. / Discipline: Geology and Geophysics.
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Predicting bed grain size in Maine rivers using lidar topographic dataNesheim, Andrew Olaf January 2011 (has links)
Thesis advisor: Noah P. Snyder / River channel morphology in northern New England depends on channel position relative to glacial geomorphology and history. This thesis considers three paraglacial Maine rivers: the West Branch of the Pleasant River (WBPR), a steep inland imposed-form tributary of the Piscataquis River, and the Narraguagus and Sheepscot rivers, two coastal low-gradient rivers. I use a simple model based on the Shields and Manning equations to predict median bed grain size in these recently deglaciated watersheds. The main objectives of this study are to: (1) understand how bedrock controls on the longitudinal profile and sediment inputs impact substrate grain size and channel morphology in the WBPR; (2) apply a model predicting substrate grain size based on digital elevation model (DEM)-derived geometric channel parameters; (3) compare the results from the high gradient WBPR to previously studied low-gradient coastal Maine rivers; and (4) explore the implications of my findings on channel and habitat restoration in paraglacial rivers. I use standard and lidar (light detection and ranging) digital elevation models (DEMs) and spatial analyses to measure channel parameters necessary to predict bed grain size and compare them to field measurements. Predicted bed grain size falls within a factor of two of the field-measured median in ~70% of the study sites. The model performs best in supply-limited alluvial single-thread channel segments with gravel-cobble lag deposit beds, and is less successful in transport-limited depositional segments with relatively fine beds and greater channel variability. Channel segments that are transitional between these two cases (intermediate channel complexity and grain size) are associated with intermediate grain size prediction accuracy. Model failures occur in segments that deviate from the single-thread gravel-bed channel type, and may indicate areas to focus restoration efforts. This study builds on previous research on low-gradient coastal rivers in Maine, and has wide application to future research or restoration projects concerned with sediment mobilization and fluvial ecology. / Thesis (MS) — Boston College, 2011. / Submitted to: Boston College. Graduate School of Arts and Sciences. / Discipline: Geology and Geophysics.
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Modelos e simulações de facies e sequências sedimentares fluviais e eólicas de reservatórios petrolíferos / not availableWilson Luiz Lanzarini 09 August 1995 (has links)
Nas bacias sedimentares brasileiras produtoras de hidrocarbonetos (petróleo e gás natural), três unidades estratigráficas de origem fluvial e/ou eólica se destacam como reservatórios: a Formação Sergi, do Jurássico, fase pré-rifte da Bacia do Recôncavo; a Formação Açu, do Cretáceo Superior, fase drift da Bacia Potiguar; e a Formação Monte Alegre, base da seqüência clástico-evaporítica de idade carbonífero-permiana da Bacia do Solimões. A Formação Sergi, principal objetivo deste estudo, apresenta fácies de sistema fluvial de canais entrelaçados, associados às fácies eólicas de dunas e interdunas. A Formação Açu foi depositada em um sistema fluvial de carga mista, com características entre entrelaçado e meandrante, e pode ser caracterizada como de um sistema meandrante de granulometria grossa. A Formação Monte Alegre apresenta fácies de dunas, interdunas, lagos de pequeno porte, sabkhas, e canais de wadis, de sistema desértico. As fácies sedimentares destes sistemas são caracterizadas através da descrição de testemunhos e de afloramentos, com ênfase nos aspectos da geometria deposicional das unidades. Modelos deposicionais conceituais de uma a três dimensões são construídos para as três unidades estratigráficas, procurando-se incorporar aos mesmos as dimensões das fácies e associações. Por meio da utilização de software disponíveis na literatura, são aplicadas algumas técnicas de modelagem matemática e simulação de fácies e seqüências deposicionais. São utilizados modelos probabilísticos de processos de Markov e da geoestatística (simulação condicional de variáveis categóricas, no caso, fácies sedimentares). Modelos matemáticos determinísticos baseados em parâmetros deposicionais, tais como taxas de migração, sedimentação e subsidência do sistema, são empregados para geração de formas de leito, estruturas sedimentares primárias e seqüências aluviais. Três imagens de satélite de ambientes sedimentares recentes, equivalentes aos sistemas deposicionais antigos das unidades estratigráficas em estudo, são processadas e classificadas em categorias de fácies sedimentares. Estas imagens são então empregadas no estudo geoestatístico para a determinação da variabilidade em planta das unidades genéticas. Os resultados obtidos pela modelagem deposicional detalhada e pelas simulações matemáticas mostram a geometria e os padrões da distribuição de fácies sedimentares em uma ou mais dimensões, para cada um dos sistemas deposicionais estudados. Os modelos conceituais e matemáticos empregados apresentam resultados complementares, fornecendo dados possíveis de serem incorporados um ao outro, e ambos contribuindo para a definição de aspectos da geometria deposicional dos reservatórios. A integração entre modelos matemáticos probabilísticos (geoestatística de variáveis categóricas) e determinísticos (simulação de seqüências aluviais) permite a melhor escolha de parâmetros de entrada dos programas, como também uma melhor avaliação dos resultados das simulações. / In the Brasilian sedimentary basins that have oil and gas production, three stratigraphic units of fluvial and/or eolian origin are important reservoirs: the Jurassic Sergi formation, pre-rift sequence of Recôncavo basin, the Upper Cretaceous Açu formation, drift sequence of Potiguar basin, and the Monte Alegre formation, the lower stratigrafic unit of the clastic-evaporitic sequence of the Carboniferous-permian age of the Solimões basin. The Sergi formation is the main object of this work. It shows facies of a braided fluvial system, associated with eolian facies of dunes and interdunes. The Açu formation was deposited in a fluvial system of mixed load with characteristics between braided and meandering systems and can be described as a coarse grained meanderbelt system. The Monte Alegre formation shows facies of dunes, interdunes, small lakes, sabkhas, and channels of wadis, and constitutes a desertic system. The sedimentary facies of these systems are characterized though cores and outcrops descriptions, with emphasis on the depositional geometry of the units. Conceptual depositional models of one to three dimensions are elaborated for these three stratigrafic units where facies dimensions and associations are incorporated. With the help of available software in the literature, some technics of mathematical modeling and simulation of depositional facies and sequences are applied. Probabilistic models related to Markov processes and the geostatistic model (conditional simulation of categorical variables - in this case - sedimentary facies) are used. Deterministic models based on depositional parameters such as migration and sedimentation rates and system subsidence are used to generate bed forms, hydrodinamic sedimentary structures and alluvial sequences. Three satellite images of recent sedimentary environments that are equivalent to the ancient depositional systems of the stratigraphic units under study are processed and classified into categories of sedimentary facies. These images are then used in the geoestatistical study for the determination of the horizontal variability of the genetic units.
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Large wood in fluvial systems : quantity, structure and landforms, sediment retention, and riparian seed bank developmentOsei, Nana Akwasi January 2014 (has links)
This thesis investigates the characteristics and impacts of large wood accumulations within river reaches of different size and style. Four reaches were studied: (i) a wide, braided, headwater reach, characterised by dead wood (Tagliamento River, Italy); (ii) a lower gradient, wide, braided reach, characterised by resprouting wood (Tagliamento River, Italy); (iii) a low gradient, single thread reach with a natural supply of dead wood (Highland Water, UK), and (iv) a low gradient, single thread reach that has been restored by felling trees into the river (River Bure, UK). In each reach, quantities of wood, types of accumulation and their association with sediment retention, landform and propagule bank development were investigated, generating four main findings: 1. There were marked differences in the size and character of large wood accumulations among the four reaches. 2. Retention of fine sediment and organic matter by wood was observed on all four reaches, giving rise to notable spatial heterogeneity in surface sediments. 3. Sediment retention resulted in the development of different landforms among the four reaches. In the two multi-thread reaches, accretion of finer sediment around large wood led to island development. In the naturally-functioning single-thread reach, wood jams spanned the river channel, accumulating sediment and organic matter to produce unvegetated wood jams, and inducing other landforms, notably pools and bars. Such geomorphic heterogeneity was anticipated in the restored reach, but to date this has not significantly occurred. 4. Spatio-temporal variations were observed in propagule abundance and species richness within different wood-related mesohabitats. Higher abundance and species richness were associated with finer, more organic sediments retained within wood accumulations and related mesohabitats. In the restored reach such associations were not statistically significant, further indicating that responses to wood emplacement take longer than the 4 years since restoration. iv Overall, this research has strengthened the evidence concerning the differing nature of wood accumulations in rivers of different size and style, and it has demonstrated the importance of large wood for retaining organic matter and plant propagules, resources essential for riparian vegetation succession and for the success of river restoration efforts.
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Investigations of Morphologies and Emplacement Mechanisms of Volcanically-Derived Landforms on the Moon and MarsJanuary 2018 (has links)
abstract: Previous workers hypothesized that lunar Localized Pyroclastic Deposits (LPDs) represent products of vulcanian-style eruptions, since some have low proportions of juvenile material. The objective of the first study is to determine how juvenile composition, calculated using deposit and vent volumes, varies among LPDs. I used Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Camera Narrow Angle Camera (LROC NAC) digital terrain models (DTMs) to generate models of pre-eruption surfaces for 23 LPDs and subtracted them from the NAC DTMs to calculate deposit and vent volumes. Results show that LPDs have a wide range of juvenile compositions and thinning profiles, and that there is a positive relationship between juvenile material proportion and deposit size. These findings indicate there is greater diversity among LPDs than previously understood, and that a simple vulcanian eruption model may only apply to the smallest deposits.
There is consensus that martian outflow channels were formed by catastrophic flooding events, yet many of these channels exhibit lava flow features issuing from the same source as the eroded channels, leading some authors to suggest that lava may have served as their sole agent of erosion. This debate is addressed in two studies that use Context Camera images for photogeologic analysis, geomorphic mapping, and cratering statistics: (1) A study of Mangala Valles showing that it underwent at least two episodes of fluvial activity and at least three episodes of volcanic activity during the Late Amazonian, consistent with alternating episodes of flooding and volcanism. (2) A study of Maja Valles finds that it is thinly draped in lava flows sourced from Lunae Planum to the west, rendering it analogous to the lava-coated Elysium outflow systems. However, the source of eroded channels in Maja Valles is not the source of the its lava flows, which instead issue from south Lunae Planum. The failure of these lava flows to generate any major channels along their path suggests that the channels of Maja Valles are not lava-eroded.
Finally, I describe a method of locating sharp edges in out-of-focus images for application to automated trajectory control systems that use images from fixed-focus cameras to determine proximity to a target. / Dissertation/Thesis / Doctoral Dissertation Geological Sciences 2018
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Modelos e simulações de facies e sequências sedimentares fluviais e eólicas de reservatórios petrolíferos / not availableLanzarini, Wilson Luiz 09 August 1995 (has links)
Nas bacias sedimentares brasileiras produtoras de hidrocarbonetos (petróleo e gás natural), três unidades estratigráficas de origem fluvial e/ou eólica se destacam como reservatórios: a Formação Sergi, do Jurássico, fase pré-rifte da Bacia do Recôncavo; a Formação Açu, do Cretáceo Superior, fase drift da Bacia Potiguar; e a Formação Monte Alegre, base da seqüência clástico-evaporítica de idade carbonífero-permiana da Bacia do Solimões. A Formação Sergi, principal objetivo deste estudo, apresenta fácies de sistema fluvial de canais entrelaçados, associados às fácies eólicas de dunas e interdunas. A Formação Açu foi depositada em um sistema fluvial de carga mista, com características entre entrelaçado e meandrante, e pode ser caracterizada como de um sistema meandrante de granulometria grossa. A Formação Monte Alegre apresenta fácies de dunas, interdunas, lagos de pequeno porte, sabkhas, e canais de wadis, de sistema desértico. As fácies sedimentares destes sistemas são caracterizadas através da descrição de testemunhos e de afloramentos, com ênfase nos aspectos da geometria deposicional das unidades. Modelos deposicionais conceituais de uma a três dimensões são construídos para as três unidades estratigráficas, procurando-se incorporar aos mesmos as dimensões das fácies e associações. Por meio da utilização de software disponíveis na literatura, são aplicadas algumas técnicas de modelagem matemática e simulação de fácies e seqüências deposicionais. São utilizados modelos probabilísticos de processos de Markov e da geoestatística (simulação condicional de variáveis categóricas, no caso, fácies sedimentares). Modelos matemáticos determinísticos baseados em parâmetros deposicionais, tais como taxas de migração, sedimentação e subsidência do sistema, são empregados para geração de formas de leito, estruturas sedimentares primárias e seqüências aluviais. Três imagens de satélite de ambientes sedimentares recentes, equivalentes aos sistemas deposicionais antigos das unidades estratigráficas em estudo, são processadas e classificadas em categorias de fácies sedimentares. Estas imagens são então empregadas no estudo geoestatístico para a determinação da variabilidade em planta das unidades genéticas. Os resultados obtidos pela modelagem deposicional detalhada e pelas simulações matemáticas mostram a geometria e os padrões da distribuição de fácies sedimentares em uma ou mais dimensões, para cada um dos sistemas deposicionais estudados. Os modelos conceituais e matemáticos empregados apresentam resultados complementares, fornecendo dados possíveis de serem incorporados um ao outro, e ambos contribuindo para a definição de aspectos da geometria deposicional dos reservatórios. A integração entre modelos matemáticos probabilísticos (geoestatística de variáveis categóricas) e determinísticos (simulação de seqüências aluviais) permite a melhor escolha de parâmetros de entrada dos programas, como também uma melhor avaliação dos resultados das simulações. / In the Brasilian sedimentary basins that have oil and gas production, three stratigraphic units of fluvial and/or eolian origin are important reservoirs: the Jurassic Sergi formation, pre-rift sequence of Recôncavo basin, the Upper Cretaceous Açu formation, drift sequence of Potiguar basin, and the Monte Alegre formation, the lower stratigrafic unit of the clastic-evaporitic sequence of the Carboniferous-permian age of the Solimões basin. The Sergi formation is the main object of this work. It shows facies of a braided fluvial system, associated with eolian facies of dunes and interdunes. The Açu formation was deposited in a fluvial system of mixed load with characteristics between braided and meandering systems and can be described as a coarse grained meanderbelt system. The Monte Alegre formation shows facies of dunes, interdunes, small lakes, sabkhas, and channels of wadis, and constitutes a desertic system. The sedimentary facies of these systems are characterized though cores and outcrops descriptions, with emphasis on the depositional geometry of the units. Conceptual depositional models of one to three dimensions are elaborated for these three stratigrafic units where facies dimensions and associations are incorporated. With the help of available software in the literature, some technics of mathematical modeling and simulation of depositional facies and sequences are applied. Probabilistic models related to Markov processes and the geostatistic model (conditional simulation of categorical variables - in this case - sedimentary facies) are used. Deterministic models based on depositional parameters such as migration and sedimentation rates and system subsidence are used to generate bed forms, hydrodinamic sedimentary structures and alluvial sequences. Three satellite images of recent sedimentary environments that are equivalent to the ancient depositional systems of the stratigraphic units under study are processed and classified into categories of sedimentary facies. These images are then used in the geoestatistical study for the determination of the horizontal variability of the genetic units.
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Estudo experimental da erosão em pilares de pontesPinheiro, Rui Manuel Correia January 2010 (has links)
Tese de mestrado integrado. Engenharia Civil (Hidráulica, Recursos Hídricos e Ambiente). Universidade do Porto. Faculdade de Engenharia. 2010
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Avaliação do estado de potencial erosão das margens de um curso de água. Aplicação a troços estuarinos de rios do norte de PortugalMagalhães, Hélder Emanuel Silva January 2010 (has links)
Tese de mestrado integrado. Engenharia Civil. Faculdade de Engenharia. Universidade do Porto. 2010
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Statistical Characterization of Fluvial-Deltaic Reservoirs with ArchetypesWatkins, Laura L. 01 May 1998 (has links)
Optimizing the extraction of oil and other hydrocarbon products from existing sites is important. One source of hydrocarbon products is reservoirs found within sedimentary rock formations. Understanding fluid behavior within such formations can be quite useful in optimizing oil production. Fluid behavior within sedimentary formations is influenced by the bedform structure and permeabilities within the formation. Thus, we are concerned with developing a physically and statistically valid method of characterizing sedimentary rock formations. The use of archetypal analysis to generate synthetic bedforms, as well as the use of Kriging to assign permeabilities within a bedform, was explored. With these tools, a characterization of a sedimentary rock formation can be created and fluid flow through the charactrerization examined. It appears that the bedform structure within a realization has a greater influence on fluid flow than any permeability structure created by utilizing Kriging.
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Geomorfología de la sección distal de la cuenca de Vodudahue : análisis de grupos de formas y relación con los procesos de la cuenca andina de sustentaciónMora Quiroz, Javiera January 2018 (has links)
Memoria para optar al título de Geógrafa / El propósito de este estudio es el conocimiento de la geomorfología presente en la sección distal de la cuenca de Vodudahue, Región de Los Lagos. Se identifica y caracteriza la geomorfología, analizando los procesos fluviales actuales que afectan la zona, como también la dinámica y tendencia evolutiva. La metodología utilizada es la fotointerpretación de imágenes satelitales y fotografías aéreas, identificando formas fluviales como llanuras de inundación y terrazas de acuerdo a Tarbuck, Lutgens & Tasa (2005) y Huggett (2007); formas fluviomarinas como fan delta de acuerdo a McPHERSON et al. (1987), NEMEC (1990) y BIRD (2008); laderas de acuerdo a Gutierrez (2008) y procesos de remoción en masa según Hauser (1993); y formas aluviales como abanicos aluviales de acuerdo a Tarbuck, Lutgens & Tasa (2005), Huggett (2007) y Gutierrez (2008), geomorfologías características de los valles fluviales desarrolladas durante el Pleistoceno. En el Reciente, operan sólo las acciones erosivas y depositacionales, principalmente en forma lateral. En la actualidad, el río presenta una morfología meándrica en la desembocadura, pero paleo canales dan cuenta que el curso se presentaba de forma trenzada (braided) y paleo bancos presentan distintas etapas evolutivas del fan delta y de los meandros. La cuenca no sufre cambios sustanciales en cortos periodos de tiempo.
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