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Modelo unidimensional preliminar de transporte de sedimentos para o reservatório Taiaçupeba. / Preliminary one-dimensional sediment transport model for the Taiaçupeba reservoir.Samuel Barsanelli Costa 07 February 2018 (has links)
A modelagem unidimensional tem sido adotada desde os anos 1980, com sucesso nas práticas de engenharia, para a caracterização do regime de transporte de sedimentos de longo termo. É também uma importante ferramenta para o entendimento da dinâmica sedimentar de bacias e gestão de sedimentos em reservatórios. Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo aplicar a modelagem unidimensional de transporte de sedimentos na bacia do reservatório Taiaçupeba, São Paulo, Brasil, a partir do sistema computacional HEC-RAS, orientada à estimativa das descargas sólidas afluentes ao reservatório. O período de coleta de dados coincidiu com a estiagem de 2013-2015 na Região Sudeste, o que contribuiu com a análise crítica do método e dos resultados, cuja discussão ressalta o uso da modelagem unidimensional como instrumento eficaz de validação das curvas de sedimento para caracterização do regime de transporte. As funções de capacidade de transporte de Laursen-Copeland e Toffaleti mostraram-se aplicáveis a esse sistema fluvial, bem como os métodos de encouraçamento de fundo de Hirano e Thomas-Copeland. Os coeficientes de Manning ajustados foram considerados preliminares e dados de campo adicionais são encorajados para refinar seu ajuste e incorporar maior acurácia na estimativa do perfil da linha d\'água em trabalhos futuros. Além disso, são apresentadas recomendações metodológicas ao monitoramento fluvissedimentométrico que contribuem com a sistematização das técnicas e tecnologias disponíveis à pesquisa hidrossedimentológica. / One-dimensional modeling has been successfully adopted since the 1980s in engineering practices to assess long-term sediment transport regimes. It is also an important tool for the understanding of sediment dynamics in watersheds and sediment management in reservoirs. The objective of this research was to apply the one-dimensional sediment transport modeling in the Taiacupeba reservoir basin, located in Sao Paulo, Brazil, implemented on HEC-RAS, aiming to estimate longterm loads into the reservoir. The data collection period coincided with the drought of 2013-2015 in Southeastern Brazil, which contributed to the critical analysis of the method and results, whose discussion highlights the use of one-dimensional modeling as an effective instrument for validating sediment curves. The transport capacity functions of Laursen-Copeland and Toffaleti have been shown to be applicable to this river system, as well as the bed sorting and armoring methods of Hirano and Thomas-Copeland. The Manning coefficients were considered preliminary and additional field data are encouraged to enhance its adjustment and incorporate greater accuracy in estimating the water surface profile in future work. Besides, methodological recommendations for sediment monitoring are presented, contributing to the systematization of available techniques and technologies applied to sediment research.
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Modelo econômico-operacional para o dimensionamento do transporte intermodal de cargas pela Hidrovia Tietê-Paraná. / Sem título em inglêsAndré Bergsten Mendes 11 June 1999 (has links)
A Hidrovia Tietê-Paraná é um complexo hidroviário que atravessa a região sudeste do Brasil e constitui um meio de transporte alternativo ainda pouco explorado, que interliga 5 grandes estados brasileiros, além de ser um elo de ligação com os países do MERCOSUL. O gabarito da hidrovia limita barcaças a dimensões principais de 60m x 11m x 2,5m, mas que acopladas formam comboios com capacidade de até 4500t. Estas embarcações podem transportar cargas de granel sólido (commodities agrícolas) e de granel líquido (combustíveis) no longo curso, areia e cana-de-açúcar em curtas distâncias, sendo que experiências com carga geral também foram feitas. Devido ao fato dos centros produtores e dos centros consumidores estarem distantes da hidrovia, a eficiência do transporte hidroviário é altamente dependente da eficiência do sistema logístico em que está inserido. Desta forma, tanto os sistemas de transporte nas pontas de origem e destino (rodoviário e ferroviário), como também a armazenagem nos terminais intermodais devem estar operando de maneira eficaz e balanceada para tornar este sistema competitivo. O objetivo desta pesquisa é dar uma resposta eficiente e realista ao problema de dimensionar um sistema de transporte utilizando modais combinados. Desta forma, dado uma origem e um destino, um tipo de carga, sua demanda mensal, os modais de transporte utilizados, busca-se dimensionar cada parte deste sistema intermodal, fornecendo como resposta a configuração de frota de caminhões e o número de viagens necessárias, o número de composições ferroviárias e a frequência de requisição das mesmas, a frota de embarcações fluviais e a capacidade dos terminais de carga. O dimensionamento é focado na solução que atende à demanda a um mínimo custo. Desta forma, os aspectos econômicos de cada operação também são considerados. Para resolver este problema complexo, utilizou-se a técnica de simulação probabilística, pois a mesma permite modelar com maior precisão a interação entre os diversos subsistemas, além de poder representar os fenômenos aleatórios presentes. A simulação também é uma boa ferramenta para lidar com os congestionamentos observados na passagem em eclusas, canais e na utilização de berços dos terminais. O sistema consiste de um módulo de entrada de dados, no qual o usuário define o cenário padrão que deverá ser simulado. O modelo computacional foi desenvolvido na linguagem de simulação ARENA, o qual conta com uma rica interface gráfica, módulos de análise de dados (input and output analyser), ferramentas para construção de templates personalizados, programação complementada por recursos do Visual Basic for Applications e um gerenciador de cenários que permite programar diversas rodadas consecutivas do modelo. O modelo foi aplicado à Hidrovia Tietê-Paraná e aos modais a ela associados, e permitiu dimensionar um sistema intermodal com menor custo total do que o transporte de grãos exclusivamente rodoviário. / Tietê-Paraná Waterway is a complex inland navigation system that crosses the southeast area of Brazil, and it is an alternative mean of transportation still not very explored, that connects 5 great Brazilian states, besides being a connection link with the countries of MERCOSUL. The waterway dimensions limits the barges to 60m x 11m x 2,5m, but when coupled, form convoys with capacity of up to 4500 tons. These vessels transport dry bulk (agricultural commodities) and wet bulk (fuels) in the long course, and sand and sugar-cane in short distances. Due to the fact of the producing centers and of the consuming centers are distant from the waterway, the efficiency of the waterway transportation is highly dependent of the efficiency of the whole logistics system. Therefore the transport systems in the origin and destiny points (road and rail transport), as well as the storage in the intermodal terminals should be designed and operated in an effective and balanced way to turn a competitive system. The objective of this current research is to give a fast and realistic answer to the design problem of a transportation system using different combined modals. Therefore, given an origin and a destiny, a cargo type, its monthly demand and the modals of transportation, the model would design each part of this intermodal system, giving as a response the configuration of the fleet of trucks and the number of necessary trips, the number of rail compositions and their frequency of requisition, the fleet of vessels and the storage capacity of the terminals. The system design is focused in the solution that attends the monthly demand at a minimum cost. Therefore the economical aspects of each operation are also considered.To solve this complex problem, the technique of probabilistic simulation was used, because it allows to model with larger precision the interaction among the several subsystems, besides allowing to represent the randomness of the system. Simulation is also an appropriate tool to represent the traffic jams in the locks and in the passage through the channels and also to lead with the occupation of terminal\'s berths. The system consists of a module of data entrance, in which the user defines the standard scenario that should be simulated. The computational model was developed using the simulation language ARENA, that has a rich graphic interface, modules of data analysis (input and output analyzer), tools for construction of customized templates, programming complemented by resources of Visual Basic for Applications and a scenario manager that allows to program several serial runs of the model.
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Caminhos das águas: o transporte fluvial no Recife, 1835-1860Lícia Barros Milfont, Magna January 2003 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2003 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / O transporte fluvial no Recife durante o século XIX passava por mudanças,
principalmente, nos elementos da operação e organização verificados entre os
anos de 1835-1860. Essas mudanças eram oriundas da vinda de Missões
hidrográficas francesas e da tecnologia náutica do vapor, provocando o
rompimento de percursos realizados pelos barcos fluviais entre os rios
Capibaribe, Beberibe e o mar. O rompimento entre caminhos marítimos e
fluviais desencadeou numa desarticulação dos ofícios de canoeiro, jangadeiro e
barcaceiro que compunha a organização do transporte fluvial no Recife.
Portanto, assistia-se na cidade do Recife o paulatino desmonte de um sistema
fluvial que marcava o território urbano com ancoradouros, portos, cais e
passagens fluviais e marítimas
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Holocene sedimentary history of Chilliwack Valley, Northern Cascade MountainsTunnicliffe, Jon Francis 05 1900 (has links)
I seek to reconstruct the balance between sediment storage and yield across multiple drainage basin scales in a large (1 230 km2) watershed in the Northern Cascade range, British Columbia and Washington. Chilliwack Valley and surrounding area has been the site of numerous studies that have detailed much of its Quaternary sedimentary history. In the present study this information is supplemented by reconstruction of the morphodynamic trajectory of the river valley though the Holocene Epoch, and development of a sediment transfer model that describes the relaxation from the Fraser glaciation. The total Holocene sediment yield is estimated from basins across several scales using field and remotely sensed evidence to constrain the historical mass balance of delivery to higher order tributary basins. Rates of hillslope erosion are estimated using a diffusion-based relation for open slopes and delimitating the volume evacuated from major gully sources. Digital terrain models of paleo-surfaces are constructed to calculate total sediment erosion and deposition from tributary valleys and the mainstem. Chilliwack Lake has effectively trapped the entire post-glacial sediment load from the upper catchment (area = 334 km2), allowing to compare this "nested" system with the larger catchment. Rates of lake sediment accumulation are estimated using sediment cores and paleomagnetism. These are compared with accumulation rates in the terminal fan inferred from radiocarbon dating of fossil material, obtained by sonic drilling in the apex gravels. A sediment budget framework is then used to summarize the net transfer of weathered material and glacial sediments from the hillslope scale to the mainstem. The long-term average sediment yield from the upper basin is 62 +/- 9 t/km2/yr; contemporary yield is approximately 30 t/km2/yr. It is found that only 10-15% of the material eroded from the hillslopes is delivered to mouths of the major tributaries; the remaining material is stored at the base of footslopes and within the fluvial sedimentary system. Since the retreat of Fraser Ice from the mouth of the valley, Chilliwack River delivered over 1.8 +/- 0.21 km3 of gravel and sand to Vedder Fan in the Fraser Valley. In the sediment budget developed here, roughly 85% of that material is attributed to glacial sources, notably the Ryder Uplands and glacial valley fills deposited along the mainstem, upstream of Tamihi Creek. In tributary valleys, local base-level has fallen, leading to the evacuation of deep glacial sedimentary fills. Many of the lower reaches of major tributaries in upper Chilliwack Valley (e.g. Centre and Nesakwatch Creeks) remain primarily sediment sinks for slope-derived inputs, since base-level fall has not been initiated. In distal tributaries (Liumchen, Tamihi and Slesse creeks), paraglacial fans have been incised or completely eroded, entrained by laterally active channels. A transition from transport-limited to supply-limited conditions has been effected in many of these reaches. Slesse Creek has struck an intermediate balance, as it continues to remobilize its considerable sediment stores. It functions today as the sedimentary headwaters of Chilliwack Valley. Using grain size data and fine-sediment geochemical data gathered from Chilliwack River over the course of several field seasons, a simple finite-difference, surface-based sediment transport model is proposed. The aim of the model is to integrate the sediment-balance information, as inferred from estimates of hillslope erosion and valley storage, and physical principles of sediment transport dynamics to reproduce the key characteristics of a system undergoing base-level fall and reworking its considerable valley fill during degradation. Such characteristics include the river long profile, the river grain-size fining gradient, the percentage of substrate sand, and the diminution of headwater granite lithology in the active load. The model is able to reproduce many of the characteristics, but is not able to satisfy all criteria simultaneously. There is inevitably some ambiguity as to the set of parameters that produce the "right" result, however the model provides good insight into long-term interactions among parameters such as dominant discharge, grain size specifications, abrasion rates, initial topography, hiding functions, and hydraulic parameters. / Arts, Faculty of / Geography, Department of / Graduate
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The response of Mediterranean river basins to Pleistocene glaciationAdamson, Kathryn January 2012 (has links)
Fluvial morphosedimentary records surrounding the Orjen massif, western Montenegro, have been studied to investigate the response of Mediterranean river systems to Pleistocene glaciation. A range of depositional contexts, across 12 sites, have been analysed, including: terraced alluvial valley fills, poljes and alluvial fans. These sites include both ice marginal contexts and more distal locations. It can be argued that these settings are broadly representative of the depositional environments found within glaciated upland catchments across the Mediterranean, and especially those in limestone landscapes. The timing of fluvial activity has been constrained using detailed stratigraphical analysis, 35 U-series dates, calcite micromorphology, and soil profile analysis. The fluvial record is fragmentary but is in good agreement with the Pleistocene glacial history of the Orjen massif, developed by Hughes et al. (2010).Two main phases of Pleistocene fluvial sedimentation have been identified in the morphosedimentary record. The most extensive phase of fluvial aggradation is correlated to MIS 12 (Kotorska-Sušica Member) and is characterised by the infilling of large depocentres beyond the maximum MIS 12 ice margins. These deposits dominate the fluvial record. The next recorded phase of fluvial deposition is correlated to MIS 6 (Krivošije Member) and contains only limited evidence of fluvial activity. No morphosedimentary evidence for fluvial deposition in MIS 5d-2 has yet been observed in the study area. An analysis of published studies shows that the Pleistocene glacial and fluvial archives are highly fragmentary across the Mediterranean basin. The limestone karst terrain of Mount Orjen has exerted an important influence on sediment delivery and the meltwater pathways draining the Orjen ice cap over successive glacial cycles. Evidence suggests that, since MIS 12, sediment supply to the fluvial system has declined in accord with the decreasing magnitude of glaciation and subterranean karst flows havebecome increasingly dominant over surface flows. As ice volume and extent decreased in the cold stages following MIS 12, the Pleistocene glacial and surface fluvial systems became progressively decoupled. Two types of surface meltwater routes operated during MIS 12: Type 1 – steep sided limestone bedrock gorges; and Type 2 - alluvial channels draining directly from the ice margin. These contrasting pathways are associated with distinctive sedimentological signatures both at the macro-scale and within the fine (<63µm) matrix fraction This study provides one of the first attempts to directly correlate Pleistocene glacial and fluvial records – and to consider the process interactions – in a range of depositional contexts at the landscape scale.
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Urban Ontario River Regimes: An Analysis of Four Major WatershedsGrohn, Shelby January 2024 (has links)
The effects of urbanization on river systems are not well understood as appropriate field parameters for representing such changes require years of consistent monitoring data for an accurate comparison. Furthermore, due to their varying degrees of urbanization and management efforts, conditions are not consistent even within the same watersheds so representative sites are difficult to distinguish. This level of data is not typically available for watersheds in Ontario due to budget and personnel constraints of organizations undertaking such monitoring activities. To direct monitoring and management efforts more effectively, a comparative aerial imagery analysis was undertaken for a ~50-year timeline for twenty study sites across the Mimico Creek, Etobicoke Creek, Highland Creek, and Duffins Creek watersheds as well as a comprehensive field analysis to characterize current conditions. A statistical analysis that included a Pearson correlation coefficient analysis and stepwise regression utilizing values obtained through the Stream Power Index for Networks (SPIN) tool and manual calculations including three ratios from Wood-Smith & Buffington (1996) was also completed. These ratios included: bankfull width (Wbf)/bankfull depth (hbf), D50/bankfull depth (hbf), and critical shear stress (τc50)/bankfull shear stress (τbf). Results indicated a strongly negative correlation between entrenchment and the Wbf⁄hbf ratio and positive correlations of varying strengths between the τc50⁄τbf ratio and both the Wbf⁄hbf and D50⁄hbf ratios. Though weak, percent imperviousness and specific stream power were able to predict the τc50⁄τbf ratio. Finally, t-tests between sites categorized as “rural” (≤30% imperviousness) and “urban” (>30% imperviousness) revealed when a control is placed on drainage area, increases in specific stream power, D50, bankfull width, bankfull depth, and slope is observed in “urban” areas. It is believed that such statistical parameters could be considered applicable as a first order estimate of further stream pattern analyses but are not strong enough correlations to be utilized for design purposes. / Thesis / Master of Science (MSc) / The effects of urbanization on river systems are not well understood as appropriate field parameters for representing such changes require years of consistent data for an accurate comparison which is not typically available in Ontario due to budget and personnel constraints. To direct monitoring and management efforts more effectively, a comparative aerial imagery analysis, field study, and statistical analysis comprised of a Pearson correlation coefficient analysis and stepwise regression were undertaken for twenty sites across four major watersheds in the Greater Toronto Area (GTA). Values obtained through the Stream Power Index for Networks (SPIN) tool and manual calculations of entrenchment and three ratios from Wood-Smith & Buffington (1996) were utilized. Results indicate that statistical parameters such as the ability for specific stream power and imperviousness to predict the shear stress ratio can be considered applicable initial estimates of river patterns but are not strong enough for design purposes.
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The fluvial to marine transition zone and its stratigraphic significanceGugliotta, Marcello January 2016 (has links)
The seaward end of modern rivers is characterized by the interactions of marine and fluvial processes within a tract known as the fluvial to marine transition zone (FMTZ), which varies between systems due to the relative strength of fluvial, tidal and wave processes. River deltas also show a range of different morphologies and architectures linked to the balance between these depositional processes. However sedimentological interpretations of fluvial to shallow-marine deposits from the rock record commonly relate sedimentary structures to single depositional processes and give greater importance to facies-based observations rather than to architectural style. To better understand how fluvial and tidal process interactions are preserved and distributed in the rock record, deltaic deposits of the Middle Jurassic Lajas Formation (Neuquén Basin, Argentina) have been investigated in large-scale outcrops. The degree of tidal influence has been evaluated using both facies-scale observations and architecture analysis, and critically testing the application of the FMTZ concept in ancient deposits. The characteristics of the reconstructed FMTZ together with the architectural elements described from the Lajas Formation are consistent with an interpretation of a fluvial-dominated, tide-influenced delta, rather than a tide-dominated system, as previously proposed. The results presented herein suggest that highstand systems tract progradational deltas of the Lajas Fm. accumulated largely under microtidal conditions. Comparison of facies and architecture between modern tide dominated deltas and published examples from ancient successions shows a fundamental mismatch; modern systems are mud-dominated with laterally accreting tidal bars while ancient examples are sand-rich and dominated by forward accreting deposits. This thesis argues that the majority of ancient sand-rich successions interpreted as tide-dominated deltas might have formed in large parts in a fluvial-dominated, tide-influenced delta system and that tide-dominated deltas may have not been adequately described from the rock record yet. The improved identification of process interactions presented in this study is crucial to refining classifications of shallow-marine successions and to understanding the recorded spatial and temporal evolution of ancient depositional systems. This can have fundamental implications in refining reservoir models and predicting correct geometries in hydrocarbon-bearing successions.
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Caracterização de formas topográficas em fundos de vale no Planalto de Cascavel, Região Oeste do Estado do Paraná / Characterization of topographic forms in valley bottoms of the Cascavel Plateau, Western Region of the State os ParanáEwald, Karl Heins 09 May 2013 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2013-05-09 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Rivers are important agents working in the sculpturing of relief, through its high transport capacity of sediments originary from slopes and marginal erosion. The modeling occurs through the processes of erosion and deposition of sediments, which depend on variables such as lithological composition, slope, and flooding. The processes that originate topographic forms are widely described in the literature of alluvial-bed rivers, however little is known about the occurrence of these forms in mixed bed channels (alluvial-rock) and bedrock channel. In this context, this research aims to describe the topographic forms of the valleys on the Cascavel Plateau. The method for the recognition of these forms is the topographic mapping of cross sections in different parts of the channel located at the top, middle and lower course. The mapping is performed with a set level and optical sights. Were mapped four fluvial channels, two channels in areas with altimetric elevations below 400 meters, and two other channels with elevations above 700 meters. The channels have floodplains with varying lengths. Topographic forms were found as dikes, point bars, flood inundation basins, pools and riffles. The data collected show strong channel incision in the sections corresponding to the upper parts of the channels, and that in the course stretches of low flood plains are well developed. Channel meandering is a characteristic feature of the Cascavel Plateau. The formation of point bars is directly associated with the channel marginal erosion, whereas the dikes are the result of sediment settling. The pool-riffle sequences occur by the reduction of the flow velocity in some places, and, in others, by the presence of woody debris. In some parts of the river where are rock outcrop was observed the formation of pot-holes / Os rios são importantes agentes atuando na esculturação do relevo por meio da sua alta capacidade de transporte de sedimentos originários das vertentes e dos processos de erosão marginal. A modelagem ocorre através dos processos de erosão e deposição de sedimentos, que dependem de variáveis como composição litológica, declividade e cheias. Os processos que originam as formas topográficas são descritos vastamente na literatura sobre rios de leito aluviais, no entanto pouco se sabe sobre a ocorrência dessas formas em canais de leitos mistos (aluviais-rochosos) e leitos rochosos. Nesse contexto esta pesquisa objetiva a descrição das formas topográficas de fundos de vale no Planalto de Cascavel. O método para o reconhecimento dessas formas topográficas consiste no mapeamento de seções transversais em trechos distintos do canal localizados no alto, médio e baixo curso. O mapeamento é realizado com um conjunto de nível ótico e mira. Foram mapeados quatro canais fluviais, sendo dois canais em áreas com cotas altimétricas inferiores a 400 metros e, outros dois canais com cotas superiores a 700 metros. Os canais apresentam planícies de inundação com extensões variadas. Foram encontradas formas topográficas como diques, barras em pontal, bacias de inundação, soleiras e depressões. Os dados coletados mostram que há forte incisão do canal nos trechos correspondentes ao alto curso dos canais, e, que nos trechos de baixo curso as planícies de inundação são bem desenvolvidas. O meandramento de canais é uma característica do Planalto de Cascavel. A formação de barras em pontal está associada diretamente a erosão marginal, enquanto que os diques são resultantes da decantação de sedimentos. As sequências de soleiras-depressões ocorrem pela diminuição da velocidade do fluxo em alguns trechos, e, em outros, pela presença de detritos lenhosos. Nos trechos rochosos onde há afloramento rochoso foi observada a formação de marmitas
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Condicionantes morfológicos e estruturais na dinâmica fluvial da bacia hidrográfica do Rio Benevente - Espírito Santo / Morphological and structural constraints on the dynamics of the river basin of the River Benevente - Espírito SantoVervloet, Roberto José Hezer Moreira 27 October 2009 (has links)
O estudo de bacias hidrográficas no meio tropical úmido, tem adquirido grande importância nas últimas décadas, devido a crescente demanda por planejamento de recursos hídricos. Entretanto, muitos desses trabalhos têm confundido o conceito de bacias hidrográficas, acreditando ser esta, uma mera rede de canais interconectados que formam a hidrografia dos terrenos, portanto, tomando-a como simples unidade cartográfica de estudo. Este fato tem banalizado em muito o uso de conceitos relacionados aos estudos de bacias, provocando sérios equívocos nas produções acadêmicas atuais. Partindo do princípio de que as bacias hidrográficas são espaços territoriais de circulação vertical e horizontal dágua, tendo a rede interconectada de canais, como um dos seus principais elementos, que escolhemos a bacia hidrográfica do Rio Benevente para estudo da relação entre a dinâmica fluvial desta e os seus condicionantes estruturais e morfológicos. Fundamentado no método da associação e indeterminação geomorfológica de Leopold e Langbein (1970), e, através de informações oriundas dos procedimentos técnico-operacionais de compartimentação geomorfológica e compilação de dados de parâmetros hidrográficos, foi possível descobrir que os sub-sistemas de drenagem que compõem a hidrografia total da bacia, evoluem condicionados por litoestruturas cristalinas e tectônicas do proterozóico, portanto, de organização antiga, e, que, aparentemente, demonstram não sofrer reativações modernas, a ponto de intervir na evolução dos sub-compartimentos de relevo regionais e na evolução hidrográfica da rede de canais. Chega-se desta forma, à conclusão de que os processos de encaixamento da drenagem, capturas fluviais, seccionamento de litoestruturas, gênese de knickpoints e evolução dos perfis longitudinais fluviais estão associados à dinâmica de processos geomórficos diferenciais, sob litoestruturas de forte natureza anisotrópica e complexa organização geotectônica. Fato que responde pela diversidade de sub-compartimentos de relevo e configuração evolutiva dos sistemas fluviais de dinâmicas diferenciais. / The study of watersheds in the humid tropical environment, has acquired great importance in recent decades due to growing demand for water resources planning. However, many studies have confused the concept of watersheds, believing that this was simply a network of interconnected channels that form the hydrography of the land, thus making it as simple cartographic unit of study. This commonplace is the use of concepts related to the studies of basins, causing serious confusion in the current academic productions. Assuming that the basins are territorial spaces of vertical and horizontal movement of water, the interconnected network of channels, as one of its main elements, we chose the basin of Rio Benevente to study the relationship between the dynamics of this river and its structural and morphological constraints. Based on the method of the Association and indeterminacy in geomorphologic Leopold and Langbein (1970), and through information from the technical and operational procedures of geomorphological partitioning and compilation of data from hydrographic parameters, could find that the sub-drainage systems that make up the total of the hydrographic basin, driven by evolving litoestruturas crystal and the tectonic proterozóico, therefore, the old organization, and that, apparently, show not suffer reactivations modern as to intervene in the evolution of sub-compartments of regional importance and the evolution of the network of river channels. Enough is thus concluded that the processes to fit the drainage, catch river, sectioning of litoestruturas, gênesis of knickpoints and evolution of longitudinal river profiles are associated with the dynamic of geomorphic processes differential,under litoestruturas of strong anisotropic nature and complex organization geotectônica. Fact responsible for the diversity of sub-compartments of important configuration and evolutionary dynamics of river systems of differential.
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Avaliação da diversidade de padrões de canais fluviais e da geodiversidade na Amazônia - aplicação e discussão na bacia hidrográfica do Rio Xingu / Evaluation of the diversity of river channel patterns and geodiversity in the Amazon - application and discussion in the Xingu River BasinSilva, Juliana de Paula 14 December 2012 (has links)
O estudo da geodiversidade vem sendo desenvolvido desde a década de 1990 e visa o conhecimento, descrição e conservação do patrimônio natural, através da avaliação de aspectos geológicos (minerais, rochas e fósseis), geomorfológicos (formas de relevo, processos) e pedológicos. A presente pesquisa buscou demonstrar e avaliar o potencial de utilização de variáveis da geomorfologia fluvial como indicadores de geodiversidade, considerando a subtilização deste tipo de indicador em estudos ambientais no Brasil. Essa subtilização coloca-se especialmente para a região amazônica, onde o ambiente fluvial tem grande relevância, seja nos aspectos ambientais, culturais estéticos ou científicos. O objetivo central da tese é a caracterização morfológica e análise, por amostragem, de padrões de canais fluviais e de outros parâmetros da morfologia fluvial na Bacia Hidrográfica do Rio Xingu, a fim de demonstrar a relevância desta variável para a avaliação da geodiversidade na Amazônia. Apesar de ainda ser, em grande parte, protegida por Unidades de Conservação e por Terras Indígenas, a Bacia Hidrográfica do Xingu sofre graves pressões antrópicas, ocasionadas principalmente pela monocultura de soja, nas áreas de cabeceiras, e pela construção da Usina Belo Monte na chamada Volta Grande do Xingu, próxima à sede do município de Altamira- PA. A pesquisa foi desenvolvida em duas escalas. Na de maior detalhe (1:150.000), foram realizados mapeamentos da morfologia fluvial para 23 áreas selecionadas como representativas da diversidade de padrões de canais fluviais na bacia hidrográfica considerada. Essa caracterização comprovou a grande diversidade de padrões de canais fluviais na área de estudo, demonstrando a pertinência desse parâmetro como indicativo de geodiversidade, e servindo também como base para a inserção da variável mudanças de padrão de canais fluviais na metodologia de mapeamento dos índices de geodiversidade da Bacia Hidrográfica do Xingu. Na escala de menor detalhe, foi aplicado um método de quantificação da geodiversidade, em toda a Bacia Hidrográfica, baseado na mensuração e integração dos elementos abióticos espacializados em mapas temáticos em escalas que variam de 1:250.000 a 1:1.000.000, com auxílio de um grid da articulação sistemática 1:25.000. Nesta escala foi realizada, também, uma correlação entre os índices de geodiversidade e os índices de biodiversidade, inferidos pelo XI mapeamento da vegetação em escala 1:250.000 (IBGE, 2000c). As principais contribuições da pesquisa foram o enriquecimento de bases para o estudo de grandes rios amazônicos e a aplicação de um método de mapeamento dos índices de geodiversidade, que poderá servir como instrumento para o planejamento ambiental, especialmente na definição de áreas prioritárias para conservação na região amazônica. / The study of geodiversity has been developed since the 1990s and aims the knowledge, description and conservation of natural heritage, through the evaluation of geological (minerals, rocks and fossils), geomorphological (landforms, processes) and pedological aspects. This research has intended to demonstrate and evaluate the potential use of fluvial geomorphological variables as geodiversity indicators, in view of the underutilization of this kind of indicator in environmental studies in Brazil. This underutilization is a critical issue for the Amazon region, where fluvial environments have great relevance on diverse aspects (environmental, cultural, aesthetic and scientific). The central aim of the thesis is the morphological characterization and analysis of river channel patterns and other parameters of fluvial morphology in sampling areas in the Xingu River Basin, in order to demonstrate the relevance of these parameters for the assessment of geodiversity in the Amazon. Although still largely preserved by conservation units and indigenous lands, the Xingu Basin suffers severe anthropogenic pressures, mainly caused by soy monocultures in headwater areas and by the construction of the Belo Monte Dam in the \"Volta Grande do Xingu\", near the town of Altamira, in the state of Pará. This research was conducted at two different spatial scales. On a more detailed scale (1:150,000), maps of fluvial morphology were made for 23 selected areas, which were considered representative of the diversity of river channel patterns in the drainage basin. This characterization proved the great diversity of river channel patterns in the study area, demonstrating the relevance of this parameter as an indicator of geodiversity. Such a characterization was also useful as a basis for the inclusion of the variable \"change in channel pattern\" in the mapping methodology of the geodiversity indexes in the Xingu Drainage Basin. On a less detailed scale, a method to quantify the geodiversity was applied to the entire drainage basin, based on the measurement and integration of abiotic elements, spatially distributed on thematic maps with scales ranging from 1:250,000 to 1:1,000,000, with the aid of a systematic articulation grid 1:25,000. On this scale it was also performed a correlation between the geodiversity and the biodiversity indexes, the latter inferred by vegetation mapping on scale 1:250,000 (IBGE, 2000c). XIII The main contributions of this research are the enrichment of the knowledge basis about large Amazonian rivers, as well as the application of a method for mapping the geodiversity indexes, which can be useful as a tool for environmental planning, particularly in defining priority areas for conservation in the Amazon region.
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