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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Avaliação das alterações da rede de drenagem em sub-bacias e microbacias do alto e baixo rio Capivari (Louveira e Rafard/SP) / Evaluation of drainage network alterations in the high and low Capivari river microbasins and sub-basins (Louveira and Rafard/SP)

Rodrigues, Sara Fernanda Silva 25 March 2003 (has links)
Este trabalho tem por objetivo avaliar as alterações temporais na rede de drenagem em sub-bacias e microbacias hidrográficas de terrenos cristalinos e sedimentares, que integram, respectivamente, a bacia do alto e baixo rio Capivari e compreendem parte do município de Louveira e Rafard (SP). A metodologia aplicada foi baseada na análise conjunta da morfometria da área e no levantamento das características do meio físico e das atividades antrópicas. Os elementos de análise foram obtidos por meio de fotografias aéreas na escala de 1:25.000, para dois períodos (1972 e 1995), associados a trabalhos de campo e ensaios laboratoriais. Os resultados obtidos demonstraram que as mudanças no número e nos comprimentos dos canais de Ordem 1 foram as mais significativas na rede de drenagem e determinaram as demais modificações na sua estrutura interna, principalmente nos índices densidade de drenagem e densidade hidrográfica. As alterações na área do alto rio Capivari estão associadas diretamente as modificações e/ou implantação de atividades antrópicas. As alterações na área sedimentar são condicionadas pela geologia e intensivo cultivo de cana de açúcar e/ou pastagens. Foram elaborados para as duas áreas de estudo, os seguintes documentos cartográficos: mapa de documentação; mapa de substrato rochoso; carta de declividade; mapa de materiais inconsolidados e mapa de landforms. Além destes foram gerados os mapas de uso e ocupação e rede de drenagem para as duas épocas analisadas, 1972 e 1995. / This work was proposed to evaluation the drainage networks time changes in the crystallines and sedimentaries hydrographic microbasins and sub basins, situated in the high and low Capivari river (Louveira and Rafard/SP). The methodological approach has consisted in the analysis of the morphometry, identification of physical environmental element and human activities. The components were identified, for aerial photo, scale 1:25.000, between 1972 and 1995, and were associated field activities and laboratories tests. The results were showed first-order channel number and length were the morphometric variables which most contributed to the drainage systems changes with direct influence in the index drainage density and hydrographic density. These alterations in the area of Capivari high river sub-basins and microbasins were associated with the human activies installations or the changes. These changes in the area of Capivari low river were associated with geology and sugar-cane raising. Also, the following cartographic documents were elaborated for two studies areas: documentation map, geological map, declivities chart, unconsolidated materials map and landforms map. The drainage network map and the land use map were created for two analysis times, 1972 and 1995.

Avaliação das alterações na rede de drenagem de sub-bacias hidrográficas da porção média da bacia do rio Capivari (SP): escala 1:25.000 - subsídio para o planejamento integrado / Assessment of changes in the drainage network of hydrographic sub-basins fo the medium course of the Capivari river basin (SP): scale 1:25.000 - subsidy for integrated planning

Ribeiro, Rogério Pinto 29 April 2002 (has links)
Este trabalho utilizou a rede de drenagem como geoindicador das modificações ocorridas no período de 23 anos no meio físico em três sub-bacias hidrográficas que compreendem parte do município de Monte Mor(SP) e integram a porção média da bacia hidrográfica do rio Capivari. A metodologia adotada compreendeu a caracterização conjunta dos atributos do terreno, da rede de drenagem e dos processos de ocupação antrópica das sub-bacias. Foram caracterizados os principais atributos do meio físico, tais como geologia, materiais inconsolidados, landforms e declividade. A verificação das alterações neste período foi obtida por meio das análises temporais tanto das variáveis morfométricas da rede de drenagem como da caracterização de ocupação do meio físico. Os dados foram obtidos por atividades de campo, interpretação de fotografias aéreas (escala 1:25.000) de 1972 e de 1995 e processados pelo uso dos programas ENVI e AutocadMap. Os documentos cartográficos gerados foram mapas de documentação, de drenagem, de landforms, de substrato rochoso, de materiais inconsolidados e de uso e ocupação e carta de declividade. O sistema de rede de drenagem configurou-se como um adequado indicador das alterações ambientais ocorridas na área de estudo. A análise morfométrica indicou uma diminuição no número de canais de primeira ordem e no comprimento total dos canais. Estas mudanças condicionaram as modificações dos parâmetros de densidade de drenagem e de densidade hidrográfica. A análise global das mudanças no número de canais de primeira ordem indicou que a maioria deles era de pequenas dimensões (<150m). Tais alterações foram condicionadas pela expansão urbana de Monte Mor e pelo intensivo cultivo de cana-de-açúcar e estão relacionadas às diferentes classes de declividade e aos diversos tipos de relevo, de substrato rochoso e de material inconsolidado / This work used the drainage as a geoindicator to the changes that have taken place during 23 years (1972 to 1995) in the physical environment of three hydrographic sub-basins within the Monte Mor municipal boundaries, located in the medium course of the Capivari river hydrographic basin. The methodological approach comprises a complete characterization of the land attributes, drainage network and anthropic occupation for the sub-basins. The main features of the physical environment, such as geology, unconsolidated materials, landforms and slope were characterized. In order to identify the changes, a temporal analysis of the drainage network morphometric variables and land use were made. Data was collected by field work, aerialphotointerpretation (1:25000 scale) and processed by using the softwares ENVI and AutocadMap. In this work, maps of documentation, drainage, landforms, bed rock, unconsolidated materials and use and occupation and also a slope chart were generated. The drainage systems has showed to be an appropriate indicator of the environmental changes for the studied area. The morphometric analysis indicates a decrease in the number of first-order channels and in the total length of all channels. Modifications in the drainage and hydrographic densities have also been observed. The global analysis of the changes of the number of first order channels has indicated that most of the channels had small dimensions (<150m). Such changes were induced by the urban growth of Monte Mor and by the intensive sugar cane raising. They are also related to the different slope classes and to the several types of landforms, bedrock and unconsolidated materials

Mapeamento geotécnico da porção média da bacia do rio Capivari/SP, escala 1:50.000: estudo e caracterização dos aspectos físicos de bacias hidrográficas / Geotechnical mapping of the medium Capivari basin, 1:50.000 scale: study and physical aspects characterization of drainage basins

Lima, Aline Maria Meiguins de 03 April 2000 (has links)
Este trabalho apresenta a pesquisa realizada e os resultados obtidos durante o mapeamento geotécnico da porção média da Bacia do Rio Capivari, na escala 1:50.000, seguindo a metodologia adotada pela Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos (EESC/USP). Foi elaborada uma sistemática de estudo, onde buscou-se extrair informações pela definição dos atributos do meio físico relativos ao substrato rochoso, ao material inconsolidado e aos lnadforms, que foram classificados de acordo com sua ordem de importância para a definição do potencial ao escoamento superficial, do potencial à infiltração, da susceptibilidade à erosão e na elaboração zoneamento geotécnico geral da região. No auxílio à manipulação das informações e à combinação de mapas, foi utilizado o Sistema de Informações Geográficas - IDRISI. O resultado mostrou-se satisfatório, mesmo considerando-se as dificuldades e problemas decorrentes deste tipo de tratamento. Os produtos cartográficos gerados permitiram concluir que: a Bacia do Médio Capivari assenta-se sobre as litologias das formações ltararé e Serra Geral; o relevo é marcado pelo predomínio de baixas declividades; apresenta uma baixa densidade de drenagem; o material inconsolidado caracteriza-se pela textura siltosa com teores variáveis de areia e argila e espessuras máximas observadas em campo, na ordem de 7 m. Estas características condicionam os níveis de potencial ao escoamento superficial, do potencial à infiltração e da susceptibilidade à erosão, com zonas que variam desde muito baixas à altas; condiciona também o zoneamento geotécnico geral, delimitando regiões homogêneas quanto às suas características geotécnicas. Desta forma, este trabalho reúne uma quantidade de informações que podem auxiliar nas atividades de manejo, planejamento e ocupação da porção média da Bacia do Rio Capivari. / This research consists of the geotechnical mapping of the medium Capivari Basin. It was developed according to the adopted methodology at EESC/USP (Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos) compatible with the 1:50.000 scale requirements. This work realized a study about the geotechnical characteristics of the medium Capivari basin and summarizes the physical drainage network studies and the principals geotechnical mapping methodologies. The geographical informalion systems (IDRISI prograrn) was used in the treatment of cartographic products and physical attributes analysis. In this work was produced eleven cartographic products classified in two groups: basic documents and interpretative documents. In general the medium Capivari basin is represented for the Itararé Formation and Serra Geral Formation. The relief, the drainage network and the characteristics of the weathering profiles are the main responsible for the behavior of the superficial flow, of the infiltration potential and of the erosion susceptibility, observed in the area.

Connectivity and runoff dynamics in heterogeneous drainage basins

Phillips, Ross Wilson 16 March 2011
A drainage basins runoff response can be determined by the connectivity of generated runoff to the stream network and the connectivity of the downstream stream network. The connectivity of a drainage basin modulates its ability to produce streamflow and respond to precipitation events and is a function of the complex and variable storage capacities along the drainage network. An improved means to measure and account for the dynamics of hydrological connectivity at the basin scale is needed to improve prediction of basin scale streamflow. The overall goal of this thesis is to improve the understanding of hydrological connectivity at the basin scale by measuring hydrological connectivity at the Baker Creek Research Basin during 2009. To this end, the objectives are to 1) investigate the dynamics of hydrological connectivity during a typical water year, 2) define the relationship between the contributing stream network and contributing area, 3) investigate how hydrological connectivity influences streamflow, and 4) define how hydrological connectivity influences runoff response to rainfall events. At a 150 km2 subarctic Precambrian Shield catchment where the poorly-drained heterogeneous mosaic of lakes, exposed bedrock, and soil filled areas creates variable contributing areas, hydrological connectivity was measured between April and September 2009 in 10 sub-basins with a particular focus on three representative sub-basins. The three sub-basins, although of similar relative size, vary considerably in the dominant typology and topology of their constituent elements. At a 10 m spatial resolution, saturated areas were mapped using both multispectral satellite imagery and in situ measurements of storage according to land cover. To measure basin scale hydrological connectivity, the drainage network was treated as a graph network with stream reaches being the edges that connect sub-catchment nodes. The overall hydrological connectivity of the stream network was described as the ratio of actively flowing relative to potentially flowing stream reaches, and the hydrological connectivity of the stream network to the outlet was described as the ratio of actively flowing stream reaches that were connected to the outlet relative to the potentially flowing stream reaches. Hydrological connectivity was highest during the spring freshet but the stream network began to disintegrate with its passing. In some drainage basins, large gate keepers were able to maintain connectivity of the stream network downstream during dry periods. The length of the longest stream was found to be proportional to contributing area raised to a power of 0.605, similar to that noted in Hacks Law and modified Hacks Law relationships. The length of the contributing stream network was also found to be proportional to contributing area raised to a power of 0.851. In general, higher daily average streamflows were noted for higher states of connectivity to the outlet although preliminary investigations allude to the existence of hysteresis in these relationships. Elevated levels of hydrological connectivity were also found to yield higher basin runoff ratios but the shape of the characteristic curve for each basin was heavily influenced by key traits of its land cover heterogeneity. The implications of these findings are that accurate prediction of streamflow and runoff response in a heterogeneous drainage basin with dynamic connectivity will require both an account of the presence or absence of connections but also a differentiation of connection type and an incorporation of aspects of local function that control the flow through connections themselves. The improved understanding of causal factors for the variable streamflow response to runoff generation in this environment will serve as a first step towards developing improved streamflow prediction methods in formerly glaciated landscapes, especially in small ungauged basins.

Connectivity and runoff dynamics in heterogeneous drainage basins

Phillips, Ross Wilson 16 March 2011 (has links)
A drainage basins runoff response can be determined by the connectivity of generated runoff to the stream network and the connectivity of the downstream stream network. The connectivity of a drainage basin modulates its ability to produce streamflow and respond to precipitation events and is a function of the complex and variable storage capacities along the drainage network. An improved means to measure and account for the dynamics of hydrological connectivity at the basin scale is needed to improve prediction of basin scale streamflow. The overall goal of this thesis is to improve the understanding of hydrological connectivity at the basin scale by measuring hydrological connectivity at the Baker Creek Research Basin during 2009. To this end, the objectives are to 1) investigate the dynamics of hydrological connectivity during a typical water year, 2) define the relationship between the contributing stream network and contributing area, 3) investigate how hydrological connectivity influences streamflow, and 4) define how hydrological connectivity influences runoff response to rainfall events. At a 150 km2 subarctic Precambrian Shield catchment where the poorly-drained heterogeneous mosaic of lakes, exposed bedrock, and soil filled areas creates variable contributing areas, hydrological connectivity was measured between April and September 2009 in 10 sub-basins with a particular focus on three representative sub-basins. The three sub-basins, although of similar relative size, vary considerably in the dominant typology and topology of their constituent elements. At a 10 m spatial resolution, saturated areas were mapped using both multispectral satellite imagery and in situ measurements of storage according to land cover. To measure basin scale hydrological connectivity, the drainage network was treated as a graph network with stream reaches being the edges that connect sub-catchment nodes. The overall hydrological connectivity of the stream network was described as the ratio of actively flowing relative to potentially flowing stream reaches, and the hydrological connectivity of the stream network to the outlet was described as the ratio of actively flowing stream reaches that were connected to the outlet relative to the potentially flowing stream reaches. Hydrological connectivity was highest during the spring freshet but the stream network began to disintegrate with its passing. In some drainage basins, large gate keepers were able to maintain connectivity of the stream network downstream during dry periods. The length of the longest stream was found to be proportional to contributing area raised to a power of 0.605, similar to that noted in Hacks Law and modified Hacks Law relationships. The length of the contributing stream network was also found to be proportional to contributing area raised to a power of 0.851. In general, higher daily average streamflows were noted for higher states of connectivity to the outlet although preliminary investigations allude to the existence of hysteresis in these relationships. Elevated levels of hydrological connectivity were also found to yield higher basin runoff ratios but the shape of the characteristic curve for each basin was heavily influenced by key traits of its land cover heterogeneity. The implications of these findings are that accurate prediction of streamflow and runoff response in a heterogeneous drainage basin with dynamic connectivity will require both an account of the presence or absence of connections but also a differentiation of connection type and an incorporation of aspects of local function that control the flow through connections themselves. The improved understanding of causal factors for the variable streamflow response to runoff generation in this environment will serve as a first step towards developing improved streamflow prediction methods in formerly glaciated landscapes, especially in small ungauged basins.

Caracterização geomorfológica, morfotectônica e morfométrica da Folha Itapororoca 1:25.000, Paraíba, Brasil

Souza, Alexandre dos Santos 20 May 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Leonardo Cavalcante (leo.ocavalcante@gmail.com) on 2018-05-09T15:45:40Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Arquivototal.pdf: 8117597 bytes, checksum: dfb60064170ee4464c2dd5510689ed3e (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-05-09T15:45:40Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Arquivototal.pdf: 8117597 bytes, checksum: dfb60064170ee4464c2dd5510689ed3e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-05-20 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / This study aimed to analyze the interrelation ships between geology, relief and hydrography of the area of Itapororoca sheet (SB.25-YAV-4-NO), at scale 1:25,000, with equidistance between the contour lines of 10m, in the state of Paraiba, demonstrating how there lief of the are a shows clear influence of structural control on the configuration of relief and drainage network. From this perspective, it is emphasized that the know ledge of geomorphological features is an in dispensable way for the elaboration of plans geared to various purposes, such as: engineering works, environmental issues, agricultural development, mineral exploration, among others. The integrated analysis of morphostructural peculiarities present in relief and river drainage systems, allowed to infer about the role of tectonic deformations that occur through structural efforts, revealing numerous morphostructural features in the sedimentary covers and the grounds of the Precambrian crystalline basement. The research was conspicuous by analyzing the qualitative and quantitative aspects of geomorphology and drainage network, with the aid of cartographic products and the application of morphometric indices. The development of cartographic material, essential for qualitative analysis, consisted in the confection of hypsometric, slope and geomorphology thematic maps, Digital Elevation Model (DEM) and topographic profiles. The quantitative evaluation and neotectonics consisted of application of morphometric parameters of Slope/Length (SL), Valley Floor Width/Valley Height (VF) Ratio and Asymmetrical Factor (AF).The thematic maps and MDE were generated by specific software, based on data extracted from Itapororoca sheet 1:25,000 by manual vectorization, which allowed unprecedented detail of the geomorphological and hydrographic pattern present in the area. The results exposed several anomalies in the study area, for example, altimetric discrepancies present in the area of geological unit Itapororoca Felsic Volcanic Rock (northwestern) and Trays (northeast portion), indicating that the region was affected by faulting and compressive efforts that defined several anomalies, such as: anomalous rectilinear drainage patterns, lattice and associated subtypes; abrupt channels inflections forming orthogonal angles; isolated and compressed meanders; and morphostructural faulting with guidance compatible with regional tectonic structures in northeastern Brazil. Substantiating the evidence, the values obtained with the application of morphometric parameters showed that neotectonic events affected the drainage network of the study area. Thus, it is concluded that the combined analysis of the studied elements made blunt results about neotectonics performance that configures morphotectonic environments and drainage anomalies in the area of Itapororoca sheet 1:25,000. / Esta pesquisa objetivou analisar as inter-relações existentes entre a geologia, o relevo e a hidrografia da área da folha Itapororoca (SB.25-Y-A-V-4-NO), na escala de 1:25.000, com equidistância entre as curvas de nível de 10m, no estado da Paraíba, demonstrando como o relevo da área apresenta nítida influência de controle estrutural na configuração do relevo e da rede de drenagem. Nessa perspectiva, ressalta-se que o conhecimento das feições geomorfológicas representa um meio indispensável para elaboração de planejamentos voltados aos mais diversos fins, como: obras de engenharia, questões ambientais, desenvolvimento agrícola, exploração mineral, entre outros. A análise integrada das particularidades morfoestruturais presentes no relevo e nos sistemas de drenagem fluvial, permitiu inferir acerca do papel das deformações tectônicas ocorridas mediante esforços estruturais, revelando inúmeras feições morfoestruturais nas coberturas sedimentares e nos terrenos do embasamento cristalino pré-cambriano.A pesquisa primou por analisar os aspectos qualitativos e quantitativos da geomorfologia e da rede de drenagem, com o auxílio de produtos cartográficos e da aplicação de índices morfométricos. A elaboração do material cartográfico, fundamental para análise qualitativa, consistiu na confecção das cartas temáticas hipsométrica, clinográfica e geomorfológica, do Modelo Digital de Elevação (MDE) e dos perfis topográficos. Já a avaliação quantitativa e a neotectônica consistiram em aplicaçãode parâmetros morfométricos de Relação Declividade/Extensão (RDE), Razão Fundo/Altura de Vale (RFAV) e Fator Assimétrico (FA). Geraram-se as cartas temáticas e o MDE mediante softwaresespecíficos, com base em dados extraídos da folha Itapororoca 1:25.000 por meio de vetorização manual, o que permitiu detalhamento inédito do padrão geomorfológico e hidrográfico presente na área. Os resultados obtidos expuseram diversas anomalias na área de estudo, como, por exemplo, as discrepâncias altimétricas presentes na área da unidade geológica da Rocha Vulcânica Félsica Itapororoca (porção noroeste) e nos Tabuleiros (porção nordeste), indicando que afetaram a região falhamentos e esforços compressivos que definiram diversas anomalias, como: padrões de drenagem anômalos retilíneos, em treliça e subtipos associados; inflexões abruptas de canais formando ângulos ortogonais; meandros isolados e comprimidos; e falhamentos morfoestruturais com orientação compatível com estruturas tectônicas regionais do nordeste brasileiro. Fundamentando essas evidências, os valores obtidos com a aplicação dos parâmetros morfométricos mostraram que eventos neotectônicos afetaram a rede de drenagem da área de estudo. Dessa forma, conclui-se que a análise combinada dos elementos estudados apresentouresultados contundentes acerca da atuação neotectônica que configura os ambientes morfotectônicos e as anomalias da drenagem na área da folha Itapororoca 1:25.000.

Avaliação das alterações na rede de drenagem de sub-bacias hidrográficas da porção média da bacia do rio Capivari (SP): escala 1:25.000 - subsídio para o planejamento integrado / Assessment of changes in the drainage network of hydrographic sub-basins fo the medium course of the Capivari river basin (SP): scale 1:25.000 - subsidy for integrated planning

Rogério Pinto Ribeiro 29 April 2002 (has links)
Este trabalho utilizou a rede de drenagem como geoindicador das modificações ocorridas no período de 23 anos no meio físico em três sub-bacias hidrográficas que compreendem parte do município de Monte Mor(SP) e integram a porção média da bacia hidrográfica do rio Capivari. A metodologia adotada compreendeu a caracterização conjunta dos atributos do terreno, da rede de drenagem e dos processos de ocupação antrópica das sub-bacias. Foram caracterizados os principais atributos do meio físico, tais como geologia, materiais inconsolidados, landforms e declividade. A verificação das alterações neste período foi obtida por meio das análises temporais tanto das variáveis morfométricas da rede de drenagem como da caracterização de ocupação do meio físico. Os dados foram obtidos por atividades de campo, interpretação de fotografias aéreas (escala 1:25.000) de 1972 e de 1995 e processados pelo uso dos programas ENVI e AutocadMap. Os documentos cartográficos gerados foram mapas de documentação, de drenagem, de landforms, de substrato rochoso, de materiais inconsolidados e de uso e ocupação e carta de declividade. O sistema de rede de drenagem configurou-se como um adequado indicador das alterações ambientais ocorridas na área de estudo. A análise morfométrica indicou uma diminuição no número de canais de primeira ordem e no comprimento total dos canais. Estas mudanças condicionaram as modificações dos parâmetros de densidade de drenagem e de densidade hidrográfica. A análise global das mudanças no número de canais de primeira ordem indicou que a maioria deles era de pequenas dimensões (<150m). Tais alterações foram condicionadas pela expansão urbana de Monte Mor e pelo intensivo cultivo de cana-de-açúcar e estão relacionadas às diferentes classes de declividade e aos diversos tipos de relevo, de substrato rochoso e de material inconsolidado / This work used the drainage as a geoindicator to the changes that have taken place during 23 years (1972 to 1995) in the physical environment of three hydrographic sub-basins within the Monte Mor municipal boundaries, located in the medium course of the Capivari river hydrographic basin. The methodological approach comprises a complete characterization of the land attributes, drainage network and anthropic occupation for the sub-basins. The main features of the physical environment, such as geology, unconsolidated materials, landforms and slope were characterized. In order to identify the changes, a temporal analysis of the drainage network morphometric variables and land use were made. Data was collected by field work, aerialphotointerpretation (1:25000 scale) and processed by using the softwares ENVI and AutocadMap. In this work, maps of documentation, drainage, landforms, bed rock, unconsolidated materials and use and occupation and also a slope chart were generated. The drainage systems has showed to be an appropriate indicator of the environmental changes for the studied area. The morphometric analysis indicates a decrease in the number of first-order channels and in the total length of all channels. Modifications in the drainage and hydrographic densities have also been observed. The global analysis of the changes of the number of first order channels has indicated that most of the channels had small dimensions (<150m). Such changes were induced by the urban growth of Monte Mor and by the intensive sugar cane raising. They are also related to the different slope classes and to the several types of landforms, bedrock and unconsolidated materials

Avaliação das alterações da rede de drenagem em sub-bacias e microbacias do alto e baixo rio Capivari (Louveira e Rafard/SP) / Evaluation of drainage network alterations in the high and low Capivari river microbasins and sub-basins (Louveira and Rafard/SP)

Sara Fernanda Silva Rodrigues 25 March 2003 (has links)
Este trabalho tem por objetivo avaliar as alterações temporais na rede de drenagem em sub-bacias e microbacias hidrográficas de terrenos cristalinos e sedimentares, que integram, respectivamente, a bacia do alto e baixo rio Capivari e compreendem parte do município de Louveira e Rafard (SP). A metodologia aplicada foi baseada na análise conjunta da morfometria da área e no levantamento das características do meio físico e das atividades antrópicas. Os elementos de análise foram obtidos por meio de fotografias aéreas na escala de 1:25.000, para dois períodos (1972 e 1995), associados a trabalhos de campo e ensaios laboratoriais. Os resultados obtidos demonstraram que as mudanças no número e nos comprimentos dos canais de Ordem 1 foram as mais significativas na rede de drenagem e determinaram as demais modificações na sua estrutura interna, principalmente nos índices densidade de drenagem e densidade hidrográfica. As alterações na área do alto rio Capivari estão associadas diretamente as modificações e/ou implantação de atividades antrópicas. As alterações na área sedimentar são condicionadas pela geologia e intensivo cultivo de cana de açúcar e/ou pastagens. Foram elaborados para as duas áreas de estudo, os seguintes documentos cartográficos: mapa de documentação; mapa de substrato rochoso; carta de declividade; mapa de materiais inconsolidados e mapa de landforms. Além destes foram gerados os mapas de uso e ocupação e rede de drenagem para as duas épocas analisadas, 1972 e 1995. / This work was proposed to evaluation the drainage networks time changes in the crystallines and sedimentaries hydrographic microbasins and sub basins, situated in the high and low Capivari river (Louveira and Rafard/SP). The methodological approach has consisted in the analysis of the morphometry, identification of physical environmental element and human activities. The components were identified, for aerial photo, scale 1:25.000, between 1972 and 1995, and were associated field activities and laboratories tests. The results were showed first-order channel number and length were the morphometric variables which most contributed to the drainage systems changes with direct influence in the index drainage density and hydrographic density. These alterations in the area of Capivari high river sub-basins and microbasins were associated with the human activies installations or the changes. These changes in the area of Capivari low river were associated with geology and sugar-cane raising. Also, the following cartographic documents were elaborated for two studies areas: documentation map, geological map, declivities chart, unconsolidated materials map and landforms map. The drainage network map and the land use map were created for two analysis times, 1972 and 1995.

Mapeamento geotécnico da porção média da bacia do rio Capivari/SP, escala 1:50.000: estudo e caracterização dos aspectos físicos de bacias hidrográficas / Geotechnical mapping of the medium Capivari basin, 1:50.000 scale: study and physical aspects characterization of drainage basins

Aline Maria Meiguins de Lima 03 April 2000 (has links)
Este trabalho apresenta a pesquisa realizada e os resultados obtidos durante o mapeamento geotécnico da porção média da Bacia do Rio Capivari, na escala 1:50.000, seguindo a metodologia adotada pela Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos (EESC/USP). Foi elaborada uma sistemática de estudo, onde buscou-se extrair informações pela definição dos atributos do meio físico relativos ao substrato rochoso, ao material inconsolidado e aos lnadforms, que foram classificados de acordo com sua ordem de importância para a definição do potencial ao escoamento superficial, do potencial à infiltração, da susceptibilidade à erosão e na elaboração zoneamento geotécnico geral da região. No auxílio à manipulação das informações e à combinação de mapas, foi utilizado o Sistema de Informações Geográficas - IDRISI. O resultado mostrou-se satisfatório, mesmo considerando-se as dificuldades e problemas decorrentes deste tipo de tratamento. Os produtos cartográficos gerados permitiram concluir que: a Bacia do Médio Capivari assenta-se sobre as litologias das formações ltararé e Serra Geral; o relevo é marcado pelo predomínio de baixas declividades; apresenta uma baixa densidade de drenagem; o material inconsolidado caracteriza-se pela textura siltosa com teores variáveis de areia e argila e espessuras máximas observadas em campo, na ordem de 7 m. Estas características condicionam os níveis de potencial ao escoamento superficial, do potencial à infiltração e da susceptibilidade à erosão, com zonas que variam desde muito baixas à altas; condiciona também o zoneamento geotécnico geral, delimitando regiões homogêneas quanto às suas características geotécnicas. Desta forma, este trabalho reúne uma quantidade de informações que podem auxiliar nas atividades de manejo, planejamento e ocupação da porção média da Bacia do Rio Capivari. / This research consists of the geotechnical mapping of the medium Capivari Basin. It was developed according to the adopted methodology at EESC/USP (Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos) compatible with the 1:50.000 scale requirements. This work realized a study about the geotechnical characteristics of the medium Capivari basin and summarizes the physical drainage network studies and the principals geotechnical mapping methodologies. The geographical informalion systems (IDRISI prograrn) was used in the treatment of cartographic products and physical attributes analysis. In this work was produced eleven cartographic products classified in two groups: basic documents and interpretative documents. In general the medium Capivari basin is represented for the Itararé Formation and Serra Geral Formation. The relief, the drainage network and the characteristics of the weathering profiles are the main responsible for the behavior of the superficial flow, of the infiltration potential and of the erosion susceptibility, observed in the area.

Delineation of Ditches in Wetlands by Remote Sensing / Avgränsning av diken i våtmarker genom fjärranalys

Gustavsson, Andreas, Martin, Selberg January 2018 (has links)
Wetlands have been heavily affected by human-alteration, this is done to drain thewetland so that the ground can be used for other purposes such as forestry oragriculture. With high accuracy data available now, it is possible to use differentmethods automatically to identify these ditches in wetlands or other areas. Fourdifferent methods were applied to two areas to delineate ditches. To compare the different methods, the results were quantified by comparing with amanually created map of the ditches. Drainage density and an agreement index wereused. The results indicate that the methods of impoundment index and map gullydepth are best able to distinguish the ditches in wetlands. The former gave a betterresult on areas inside wetlands while the latter gave a better result with non-wetlandareas. The other two methods make mistakes and misjudgements that givemisleading results, they ignore ditches partially or completely, or finds ditches inareas without them. Even so, all methods are at least a clear improvement over thecurrently available property map's water flows, but not in the same class as the timeconsumingmanual method. / Våtmarker har påverkats mycket av människan genom dikning, detta görs för attdränera våtmarken så att marken kan användas för andra syften som skogsbruk ellerjordbruk. Med höjddata i hög noggrannhet som nu finns tillgänglig är det möjligt attanvända olika metoder för att urskilja dessa diken i våtmarker. Fyra olika metodermed applicerades på två olika områden för att undersöka möjligheten att urskiljadiken. För att jämföra de olika metoderna kvantifieras resultaten genom att jämföras meden manuellt skapad karta över diken. Dränerings densitet och ettöverensstämmelseindex användes. Resultaten pekar på att metoderna fördämningsindex (impoundment index) och ravindjupskartering (map gully depth) klarar bäst avatt urskilja diken i våtmarker. Där den föregående ger ett gav ett bättre resultat inomvårmarker och den senare gav ett bättre resultat generellt över området. De tvåandra metoderna gör missar och felbedömningar som ger missvisande resultat.Oavsett det, så är karteringen av dikena i nuläget en klar förbättring överFastighetskartans vattenflöden, men inte i samma klass som den tidskrävandemanuella metoden.

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