641 |
Electromechanical actuator concept for the controlled and direct actuation of a hydraulic main stageErmert, Markus 03 May 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Hydraulic main stages for off highway machines have usually electromagnetic driven pilot valves. You rarely find stepper motor driven pilot systems that are directly positioning the main spool in the sectional control valve. The presented concept shows the development of an actuator in a unique setup to fulfill the requirements of most off- highway applications. Precise positioning, strength, speed and fail safe requirements were the main goals of the concept. The concept has a two phase BLDC transversal flux motor with a single gear stage transmission. The software and control unit are specially designed for this electric motor setup. On a test bench some results of the first samples reveal the technical potential of this concept. The development of the actuator was done in-house of Thomas Magnete GmbH (mechanical, electronical, and software development).
642 |
RSFQ digital circuit design automation and optimisationMuller, Louis C. 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2015. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: In order to facilitate the creation of complex and robust RSFQ digital logic
circuits an extensive library of electronic design automation (EDA) tools is a
necessity. It is the aim of this work to introduce various methods to improve
the current state of EDA in RSFQ circuit design.
Firstly, Monte Carlo methods such as Latin Hypercube sampling and Sobol
sequences are applied for their variance reduction abilities in approximating
circuit yield. In addition, artificial neural networks are also investigated for
their applicability in modeling the parameter-yield space.
Secondly, a novel technique for circuit functional testing using automated
state machine extraction is presented, which greatly simplifies the logical verification
of a circuit. This method is also used, along with critical timing
extraction, to automatically generate Hardware Description Language(HDL)
models which can be used for high level circuit design.
Lastly, the Greedy Local search, Simulated Annealing and Genetic Algorithm
meta-heuristics were statistically compared in a novel manner using a
yield model provided by artificial neural networks. This is done to ascertain
their performance in optimising RSFQ circuits in relation to yield.
The variance reduction techniques of Latin Hypercube Sampling and Sobol
sequences were shown to be beneficial for the use with RSFQ circuits. For
optimisation purposes the use of Simulated Annealing and Genetic Algorithms
were shown to improve circuit optimisation for possible multi-modal search
spaces. An HDL model is also successfully generated from a complex RSFQ
circuit for use in high level circuit design which includes critical timing and
propagation latency.
All the techniques presented in this study form part of a software library
that can be further refined and extended in future work.
643 |
Flux creep in pulsed laser deposited superconducting YBa₂Cu₃O₇ thin filmsMaritz, E. J. (Erasmus Jacobus) 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD (Physics))--University of Stellenbosch, 2002. / Includes bibliography. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: High temperature superconductivity is an important topic in contemporary solid state physics,
and an area of very active research. Due to it’s potential for application in low temperature
electronic devices, the material has attracted the attention of researchers in the electronic
engineering and material science fields alike. Moreover, from a fundamental point of view,
several questions remain unanswered, related to the origin of superconductivity of this class
of materials and the nature of quantised magnetic flux present in magnetised samples.
In this work, flux creep phenomena in a thin superconducting YBa₂Cu₃O₇ film deposited by
pulsed laser deposition, is investigated near the critical temperature 0 ≤ Tc – T ≤ 10 K. Creep
activation energy U0 and critical current density jc were determined as a function of
temperature close to Tc, providing important data to a problem of high-Tc superconductivity
which is still a matter of debate. In particular it is still an open question whether restoring the
temperature in a creep freezing experiment in fact restores the film to it's original state before
the freezing. The most important novel results concern the regime of critical fluctuations in
the vicinity Tc - T < 1 K.
We studied the isothermal relaxation of trapped magnetic flux, and determined that the long
time decay follows a power law, where the exponent is inversely proportional to the creep
activation energy. The temperature dependence of the critical current density jc(T) of the
YBa₂Cu₃O₇ film close to Tc was obtained during warming runs. It was determined that jc(T)
follows a square root dependence on T to high accuracy in the range 0.2 ≤ Tc – T ≤ 1.5 K.
During flux creep experiments an interesting phenomenon called creep freezing related to the
strong temperature dependence of the relaxation rate was observed. A pronounced slowing of
relaxation with only a small drop in temperature from a starting temperature close to Tc was
detected. Experiments were conducted by initiating an isothermal flux decay run. At a certain
point the temperature was slightly lowered, and the flux decay stopped within experimental
accuracy. When the temperature was restored to the initial value, the flux decay resumed at
the previous rate before cooling. An argument based on vortex drift velocity was employed to
explain the phenomenon qualitatively.
During the course of this investigation, a pulsed laser deposition (PLD) system was designed
and built from scratch. PLD involves the interaction of a focussed laser pulse with a multielemental
solid target material. Material ablated from the target forms a fast moving plume
consisting of atomic and molecular particles, directed away from the target, and towards a
usually heated substrate on which the particles condense layer by layer to form a thin film.
The substrate temperature and background gas are carefully controlled to be conductive to the
growth of a desired phase of the multi-elemental compound.
The PLD system proved to be quite versatile in the range of materials that could be deposited.
It was used to deposit thin films of different materials, most notable were good quality
superconducting YBa₂Cu₃O₇, thermochromic VO2, and magnetoresistive LaxCa1-xMnO3.
Metallic Au and Ag layers were also successfully deposited on YBa2Cu3O7 thin films, to
serve as protective coatings. The critical temperatures of the best superconducting films were
90 K as determined by resistivity measurement. The optimal deposition conditions to deposit
high quality superconducting YBa₂Cu₃O₇ thin films was found to be: deposition temperature
780°C, laser energy density 2-3 J/cm2, oxygen partial pressure 0.2 mbar, and target-substrate
distance 35 mm. This yields film with Tc ~ 90 K. It was found that deposition temperature
plays the predominant role in determining the quality of YBa₂Cu₃O₇ thin films deposited by
PLD. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hoë temperatuur supergeleiding is tans ’n aktuele onderwerp van vastetoestandfisika en dit is
’n gebied van baie aktiewe navorsing. Weens die potensiaal vir toepassings van hoë
temperatuur supergeleiers in elektronika, het dié klas materiale die aandag van fisici and
elektronici getrek. Verskeie fundamentele vraagstukke bly steeds onbeantwoord, veral met
betrekking tot die oorsprong van supergeleiding in hierdie materiale en die gedrag van
gekwantiseerde magnetiese vloed (“vortekse”) in gemagnetiseerde monsters.
In hierdie werk word diffusie van vortekse in dun supergeleidende YBa₂Cu₃O₇ films
ondersoek naby die kritieke temperatuur (0 ≤ Tc - T ≤ 10 K). Die temperatuur afhanklikheid
van die diffusie aktiveringsenergie U0 en die kritieke stroomdigtheid jc word bepaal naby Tc.
Dit verskaf belangrike inligting tot probleme in hoë temperatuur supergeleiding wat tans nog
onbeantwoord bly. In die besonder is dit steeds ’n ope vraag of die herstel van die
aanvanklike temperatuur in ’n vloedstollings eksperiment waarlik die film tot die
oorspronklike toestand herstel. Die belangrikste nuwe resultate hou verband met die gebied
van kritieke fluktuasies van die orde parameter in die omgewing 0 < Tc - T < 1 K.
Ons het die isotermiese ontspanning van vortekse verstrik in die kristalstruktuur bestudeer, en
bepaal dat die lang tydsverval ’n magsverwantskap handhaaf, waar die eksponent omgekeerd
eweredig is aan U0. Die temperatuur afhanklikheid van die kritieke stroomdigtheid jc(T) van
die YBa₂Cu₃O₇ film naby Tc is bepaal tydens verhittingslopies. Daar is bevind dat naby Tc, jc
’n vierkantswortel verband met T volg, tot hoë noukeurigheid in die gebied 0.2 ≤ Tc –
T ≤ 1.5 K.
Gedurende vorteksdiffusie eksperimente is ’n interessante verskynsel naamlik vloedstolling
(“flux freezing”) waargeneem. Dit hou verband met die sterk temperatuur afhanklikheid van
die vervaltempo van die magnetiese moment van ’n gemagnetiseerde film. ’n Skerp daling
van die vervaltempo, weens slegs ’n klein temperatuurdaling vanaf die begin temperatuur
naby Tc, is waargeneem. Gedurende eksperimente is daar aanvanklik ’n isotermiese
vloedontspanning teweeg gebring. Op ’n sekere tydstip is die temperatuur effens verlaag,
waarby die vloedontspanning tot stilstand gekom het binne grense van waarneming. Wanneer
die temperatuur weer herstel is na die oorspronklike, het die vloedontspanning voortgegaan
teen die tempo voor die temperatuurverlaging. ’n Verklaring wat gebaseer is op vorteks
dryfsnelheid was aan die hand gedoen om hierdie gedrag te verklaar.
’n Groot komponent van die projek was om die dun YBa₂Cu₃O₇ films self te vervaardig.
Tydens hierdie ondersoek, is ’n gepulseerde laser deposisie (“PLD”) sisteem eiehandig
ontwerp en gebou. PLD behels die interaksie van ’n gefokuseerde laser puls met ’n teiken
bestaande uit ’n multi-element vastestofverbinding. Materiaal wat verdamp (“ablate”) word,
vorm ’n snelbewegende pluim bestaande uit atomiese en molekulêre deeltjies. Dit beweeg
vanaf die teiken na ’n verhitte substraat, waarop die deeltjies kondenseer om laag vir laag ’n
dun film te vorm. Die substraat temperatuur en agtergrond gas word sorgvuldig beheer om die
groei van die verlangde fase van die multi-element verbinding teweeg te bring.
Die PLD sisteem is baie veeldoelig ten opsigte van die verskeidenheid materiale wat
suksesvol neergeslaan kan word. Dit was aangewend om verskillende materiale neer te slaan,
onder andere supergeleidende YBa₂Cu₃O₇, termochromiese VO2, en magnetoresistiewe
LaxCa1-xMnO3. Geleidende Au en Ag lagies is ook suksesvol neergeslaan op YBa₂Cu₃O₇ dun
films, om te dien as beskermingslagies. Die kritieke temperatuur van die beste
supergeleidende films was 90 K soos bepaal deur weerstandsmetings. Die optimale neerslaan
toestand vir hoë kwaliteit YBa₂Cu₃O₇ dun films was: substraat temperatuur 780°C, laser
energiedigtheid 2 - 3 J/cm2, suurstofdruk 0.2 mbar, en teiken-substraat afstand 35 mm. Daar is
bevind dat die substraat temperatuur die deurslaggewende rol speel tydens die neerslaan
proses om die kwaliteit van die supergeleidende films te bepaal.
644 |
Design and implementation of a RSFQ superconductive digital electronics cell libraryBakolo, Rodwell S. 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScEng)--Stellenbosch University, 2011. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Rapid Single Flux Quantum (RSFQ) cells are key in the design of complex and applicable RSFQ
electronic circuits. These cells are low-level circuit elements that are used repeatedly to build
larger, applicable RSFQ circuitry.
Making these cells simple to layout and manufacture, but reliable for extensive use demands a
careful development process for RSFQ cells. Cell functionality is verified through simulations,
thereafter the cell is laid out in special software packages. Inductance of on-chip superconductor
structures is extracted through careful modelling with numerical field solver software.
A cell library has been developed by incorporating existing or published cells after further analysis
and optimization, as well as developing new cells. Cells that have been adapted into the
library include the Josephson transmission line (JTL), Splitter, Merger, D-Flip Flop (DFF),
T-Flip Flop (TFF), NOT, AND, OR and XOR, DC-SFQ and SFQ-DC and PTL Driver and
Receivers. New cells include NOR, NAND and XNOR. The cells were designed for the IPHT’s
RSFQ1D 1kA/cmª and Hypres’ 4.5kA/cmª processes.
The cells in the library have good bias current operating margins obtained through simulations
(> ±26%). All cells have all the parameters listed in the thesis including extracted inductance
In order to have a complete and verified RSFQ cell library, cells have been sent for fabrication
at IPHT and Hypres facilities. These cells can now be tested on-chip, in the laboratory, to
establish functionality and practical bias current margins. All test signal patterns and bias
currents required for testing are defined to allow co-workers or collaborators to test the cells. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: "Rapid Single Flux Quantum" (RSFQ) selle is van sleutelbelang in die ontwerp van komplekse
en toepaslike RSFQ elektroniese stroombane. Hierdie selle is laevlak stroombaanelemente wat
herhaaldelik gebruik word om groter RSFQ bane mee te bou.
Versigtige ontwikkeling is nodig om hierdie selle eenvoudig vir uitleg en vervaardiging te hou
terwyl dit ook betroubaar is vir wye gebruik. Selfunksionaliteit word geverifieer deur middel van
simulasies, waarna selle vir vervaardiging uitgelê word in spesiale sagtewarepakette. Induktansie
van supergeleierstrukture op vervaardigde skyfies word deur versigtige modellering met behulp
van numeriese veldoplossingsagteware onttrek.
In hierdie tesis is ’n selbiblioteek ontwerp deur bestaande (gepubliseerde) selle verder te analiseer
en optimeer, en deur nuwe selle te ontwerp om die biblioteek volledig te maak. Selle wat aangepas
is vir hierdie biblioteek sluit die Josephson-Transmissielyn (JTL), Verdeler, Samevoeger, DWipkring
(DFF), T-Wipkring (TFF), NIE, EN, OF en XOF, asook die DC-SFQ en SFQ-DC
selle en Passiewe Transmissielyn (PTL) drywers en ontvangers in. Nuwe selle sluit die NOF,
NEN en XNOF hekke in. Die selle is ontwerp en uitgelˆe vir beide IPHT se RSFQ1D 1kA/cmª
en Hypres se4.5kA/cmª prosesse.
Die selle in die biblioteek toon goeie voorspanningstroom-werksmarges, soos verkry deur simulasie
(> ±26%). Parameters en berekende induktansies vir alle selle word in die tesis gelys vir
Vir die daarstel van ’n volledige en geverifieerde RSFQ selbiblioteek is selontwerpe vir vervaardiging
na IPHT en Hypres gestuur. Aangesien vervaardiging slegs een maal per jaar by IPHT
gedoen word, is die skyfies egter nog nie beskikbaar nie. Na vervaardiging kan die skyfies egter
getoets word om selfunksionaliteit in die laboratorium te meet. Ten einde hierdie toetsing vir
enige medewerker te vergemaklik, word alle toetsparameters soos voorspanningstroom en intreeseinpatrone
in die tesis gedefinieer.
645 |
Design and performance evaluation of a magnetically geared axial-flux permanent magnet generatorBronn, Lodewyk 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScEng)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This thesis is a description of how the first magnetically geared axial flux permanent magnet generator
(MGAFG) is designed, constructed and experimentally evaluated. Magnetic gears (MGs) allow for
contact-less power transfer and lubricant free operation, which may solve the reliability concerns with
current mechanically geared wind energy converters.
However, the complex structure of MGs may present serious challenges to its design. Thus, special
care should be given to the mechanical layout and the electromagnetic influence of every component.
The MGAFG can be configured to be magnetically coupled or decoupled. In the coupled configuration
the permanent magnets (PMs) of the MG contribute to the total flux linkage in the PM generator
(PMG). The coupled configuration is therefore more efficient. The processing time required to optimise
the decoupled configuration is however much faster, since the MG and the PMG can be optimised
The optimised results show that a torque density in excess of 100kNm/m3 could be achieved, which
is significantly higher than any of known electrical machines. However, owing to excessive losses in the
mechanical support structures, the prototype exhibited lower torque density and poor efficiency. The
design related aspects and issues are analysed and discussed in detail in an attempt to outline problem
areas in the design process. Relevant recommendations are also given for future design improvements.
The costs of magnetic material accounts for over fifty percent of the total cost of the prototype. Therefore
to make the manufacturing of the MGAFG more economically viable magnetic material should be
minimised in the design process. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: In hierdie tesis word die eerste magnetiese geratte aksiale vloed permanente magneet generator
(MGAVG) ontwerp, vervaardig en eksperimenteel geëvalueer. In magnetiese ratte (MR) is daar geen
kontak tussen werkende dele nie, daarom word geen smeermiddels benodig nie. Dit dra by tot die
betroubaarheid van die ratkaste in wind energie generators en kan onderhoud grotendeels uitskakel.
Die komplekse struktuur van magnetiese ratte kan egter die betroubaarheid van die ontwerp juis
verswak. Daarom moet die meganiese uitleg noukeurig beplan word sodat dit nie die elektromagnetiese
werking ondermyn nie.
Die magnetiese rat (MR) en die permanente magneet generator (PMG) van die masjien kan magneties
of sonder magnetiese koppeling verbind word. In die gekoppelde konfigurasie dra all die permanente
magnete van die MR gesamentlik by tot die totale vloed-koppeling in die PMG. Wat die magnetiese
gekoppelde konfigurasie meer doeltrefend maak. Minder tyd word benodig om die nie magnetiese
gekoppelde konfigurasie te optimaliseer omdat die MR en die PMG apart geoptimaliseer kan word.
Die optimale resultate toon dat ’n wringkrag van meer as 100kNm/3 bereik kan word, wat aansienlik
beter is as die van bekende elektriese masjiene.
Maar as gevolg van oormatige verliese in die meganiese strukture, toon die prototipe lae wringkrag
digtheid en swak doeltreffendheid. Die ontwerp probleme word ontleed en bespreek in ’n poging
om probleem areas in die ontwerp te identifiseer. Relevante aanbevelings word gegee vir toekomstige
ontwerp verbeterings.
Die koste van die magnetiese material verteenwoordig meer as vyftig persent van die vervaardigings
koste van die prototipe. Koste kan bespaar word op die vervaardiging van die MGAVG deur die
hoeveelheid magnete wat gebruik word te beperk.
646 |
Stratigraphic implications of the spatial and temporal variability in sediment transport in rivers, deltas and shelf marginsPetter, Andrew Lucas, 1980- 29 September 2010 (has links)
Sediment delivery to a basin exerts a first-order control over sedimentation, and therefore study of sedimentary rocks can reveal information about the nature of sediment delivery in the past. This dissertation examines several aspects of this problem using experimental, outcrop, and subsurface data. Flume experiments were undertaken to test the combined effects of autogenic alluvial aggradation and forced regression on the development of fluviodeltaic stratigraphy. Alluvial aggradation occurred in response to steady relative sea-level fall, and eventually consumed the entire sediment budget as the river lengthened in response to forced regression. The Campanian Lower Castlegate Sandstone (Utah) was studied as a potential ancient analog resulting from similar autogenic behaviors as observed in the experiments. Extensive measurement of grain-size distributions and paleo-flow depths from outcrop were utilized to explore downstream changes in paleo-hydraulics of the ancient fluvial systems in the Lower Castlegate in response to extensive alluvial aggradation and consequent loss of sediment from transport. An interesting finding was the stratigraphic signature of backwater hydraulic conditions in the distal reaches of the Lower Castlegate paleo-rivers. Finally, a simple and novel inversion scheme was developed for estimating paleo-sediment flux from ancient shelf-margin successions. An advantage of the methodology is that it allows for both spatial and temporal reconstruction of paleo-sediment flux patterns. The inversion scheme was applied to shelf-margin successions in the Washakie-Sand Wash Basin of Wyoming, the New Jersey Atlantic margin, the North Slope of Alaska, and the Zambezi margin of East Africa using published subsurface datasets. The Neogene passive margins within the studied datasets were found to consistently deposit around one-third of their total sediment budget on the shelf-margin topset, and bypass two-thirds of their budget beyond the shelf edge. The implications of this finding on the flux of terrestrial-derived particulate organic carbon (POC) from rivers to the ocean were explored, and a long-term average flux of POC to deepwater storage was estimated. The sediment-flux inversion scheme was also applied to derive input parameters for stratigraphic modeling of the Ebro margin. The modeling results indicate that the autostratigraphic behavior of the margin may have been previously underestimated. / text
647 |
An adaptive wing, a zero mass ux ow control device for low speed airfoil separation control, is investigated both experimentally and computationally at low speeds. The adaptive mechanism in the wings provides variable camber that can be actuated across a range of frequencies and amplitudes. Piezoelectric actuators are housed in a NACA 4415 airfoil with a chord length of :203 m. The entire adaptive wing assembly is then wrapped under a layer of latex membrane to provide a exible and smooth upper surface pro le. Experimental diagnostics include ow visualization, particle image velocimetry, as well as lift and drag measurements. The numerical simulation uses a 2D incompressible CFD code based on a nite-volume structured formulation with a chimera overset grid for the purpose of parallel computing. In the current study, the dimensionless speed range examined is 2:5 104 Re 1:5 105, where particular focus is given to Re 7:5 104, where Re = U` . All experiments and simulations are conducted in the range of attack angles from 0 24 and between reduced frequency values from 0 f+ 1:09, where f+ = f` U1 . Both experimental and computational results show that the region of separation is reduced when the actuation is turned on, thus enhancing aerodynamic e ciency. The maximum coe cient of lift increases by 26% when the reduced frequency, f+, is approximately :2, where the ow control mechanism appears to be most e ective. Phase-locked PIV and CFD vorticity plots reveal that the downward motion of the surface actuation decelerates the boundary ow and increases surface pressure, resulting in the formation of a series of cross-stream vortices that provides uid entrainment towards the suction surface, hence reducing separation.
648 |
Devenir d'une lithosphère en subduction dans le manteau terrestre : Etude de sa déformation et des flux mantelliques associésLoiselet, Christelle 08 December 2009 (has links) (PDF)
L'approche scientifique a consisté en la combinaison de trois différentes méthodes de modélisation (analogique, semi analytique et numérique) afin de contraindre la rhéologie qui régit la déformation de la lithosphère et les flux mantelliques associés au niveau des zones de subduction. Par l'étroite confrontation des prédictions (modèles) et les observations disponibles (données sismologiques pour l'essentiel), j'apporte de nouvelles contraintes sur le devenir d'une lithosphère en subduction dans le manteau, couplées avec une précision sur la structuration du manteau. Les résultats des modèles au regard des données géophysiques prédisent une lithosphère faiblement visqueuse (le rapport de viscosité entre la lithosphère et le manteau ne saurait excéder 100) qui atteint lors de sa descente dans le manteau la forme spécifique d'une méduse. Ce résultat majeur apporte une nouvelle interprétation sur l'origine des épanchements de lithosphère dans le manteau profond et une précision sur la stratification entre le manteau supérieur et le manteau inférieur faible pour permettre ainsi la pénétration de la lithosphère dans le manteau inférieur. Cette étude apporte de nouvelles données sur la compréhension de l'interaction entre le flux mantellique et la lithosphère.
649 |
Design of transverse flux machines using analytical calculations&finite element AnalysisAnpalahan, Peethamparam January 2001 (has links)
No description available.
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A permanent magnet synchronous motor for an electric vehicle - design analysisChin, Yung-Kang January 2004 (has links)
<p>This thesis presents the study and the design analysis of apermanent magnet synchronous motor (PMSM) for the tractionapplication of an electric vehicle. An existing inductiontraction motor for an electric forklift benchmarks the expectedperformances of the proposed PMSM design. Further, thepossibility of using the identical stator as the one used inthe induction motor is explored for the fast prototyping. Theprototype motor is expected to be field-weakened and to have aconstant power speed range (CPSR) of 2.5 to 3.</p><p>A design approach based on the CPSR contour plot in aninterior permanent magnet (IPM) parameter plane is derived toobtain the possible designs that meet all the designspecifications and the targeted CPSR. This study provides thepossible alternative designs for the subsequent futureprototype motors.</p><p>An analytical approach to estimate the iron loss in PMsynchronous machines is developed and included in the designprocedure. The proposed technique is based on predicting theflux density waveforms in the various regions of the machine.The model can be applied at any specified load condition,including the field-weakening operation region. This model canbe ultimately embedded in the design process for a routine usein loss estimations.</p><p>The first prototype motor with an inset permanent magnetrotor has been built and the available measurements are used tovalidate the design performance. In particular, the thermalanalyses based both on the lumped-circuit approach and thenumerical method are compared with the measured results. Asecond and possibly a third prototype motor targeting a widerand higher performance will be carried out in the continuingphase of the project.</p><p><b>Keywords:</b>Constant Power Speed Range, Electric Vehicles,Field-weakening, Reference Flux Linkage, Iron Loss, PermanentMagnet Synchronous Motor, Thermal Analysis</p>
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