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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Forensic analysis of the psychoactive alkaloids harmine and harmaline in peganum harmala seeds

Thompson, Alex Frances January 2013 (has links)
The Peganum harmala plant is a flowering shrub that produces small, dark brown seeds in pods. These seeds contain the hallucinogenic alkaloids harmine and harmaline. As such, they have been historically used for shamanic rites and folk medicine. Presently, P. harmala seeds are commercially available and subject to no legal restrictions in the United States. This has allowed for the recreational use and abuse of these hallucinogenic seeds or seed extracts made with household chemicals. Overdose cases from excessive consumption of seeds or seed extracts have been reported. Overdose patients present with hallucinations, tremors, agitation, tachycardia, and gastric distress. Severe overdose cases have resulted in hospitalization for respiratory depression and coma. The goal of this research was to develop a protocol for forensic analysis of suspected P. harmala seeds. Physical examination was selected as a quick, cost-effective preliminary method to screen seeds. P. harmala seeds are, on average, approximately 2.3 ± 0.3 mm long and 1.0 ± 0.2 mm thick, with an average Feret’s diameter of 2.8 ± 0.3 mm. The mean mass of one seed is 2.5 ± 0.2 mg. The seeds are dark brown, irregularly shaped, and have a pitted surface. Seeds matching these descriptors can be further analyzed to detect harmine and harmaline. Direct analysis in real time (DART) allows for very rapid mass spectral analysis of P. harmala seeds. Ions corresponding to harmine and harmaline can be detected when an intact seed is placed in front of the DART ion source, and higher levels of harmine and harmaline are observed when a seed cut in half to reveal interior surfaces is analyzed. Solvent extraction of crushed seeds using ethanol followed by gas chromatography – mass spectrometry allows for confirmation of the presence of harmine and harmaline in suspected seeds. When selected ion monitoring is used, this method is able to detect harmine and harmaline in a sample consisting of a single seed. Infrared spectra of harmine and harmaline standards, crushed P. harmala seeds, and solid material obtained from evaporating off the solvent from an extraction of crushed seeds were obtained. Infrared spectroscopy can be used to distinguish between pure harmine and harmaline, but is a poor choice for analysis of samples containing a mixture of harmine and harmaline, such as P. harmala seeds. In conclusion, physical characterization, direct analysis in real time, solvent extraction, and gas chromatography – mass spectrometry are recommended techniques for the forensic analysis of P. harmala seeds.

Natūraliųjų priemonių, naudotų Pakruojo rajone 2012 ‒ 2013 m., etnofarmacinis tyrimas / Use of natural remedies in Pakruojis district ethnopharmacy study on 2012 ‒ 2013

Kvedaraitė, Dovilė 18 June 2014 (has links)
Atliktas tyrimas „Natūraliųjų priemonių, naudotų Pakruojo rajone 2012 ‒ 2013 m., etnofarmacinis tyrimas“, kurio tikslas buvo surinkti ir susisteminti etnofarmacinę informaciją apie Pakruojo rajone gydymo tikslais naudojamas natūralios kilmės priemones. Tyrimo uždaviniai buvo surinkti informaciją apie Pakruojo rajone dažniausiai vartojamas natūralios kilmės priemones; susisteminti surinktą etnofarmacinę informaciją; nustatyti kokios ligos dažniausiai gydomos vaistiniais augalais; nustatyti dažniausiai vartojamus vaistinius augalus; palyginti duomenis apie dažniausiai cituotas šeimas, vaistinius augalus ir ligas su 2006 m. gautais duomenimis Telšių raj. Varnių apylinkėje. Buvo sudaryta anketa ir atliekamas interviu. Respondentai buvo atrenkami pagal amžių ir taikant „Sniego gniūžtės“ atrankos metodą. Apklausta 20 respondentų (2 vyrai ir 18 moterų), kurių amžiaus vidurkis 78,15. Nustatyta, kad dažniausiai gydomos yra kvėpavimo takų ligos (24 % visų citavimų skaičiaus), virškinamojo trakto sutrikimai ( 20 % visų gydomų ligų skaičiaus), nervų ir širdies ‒ kraujagyslių ligos ( po 9 % visų citavimų skaičiaus), žaizdos, nudegimai, įkandimai, kitos traumos ir uždegimai ( 8% visų ligų citavimų skaičiaus), odos ir reumatinės ligos (sudaro po 5% visų gydomų ligų). Tyrimo metu užfiksuoti 102 vaistiniai augalai, 4 grybai, 8 gyvūninės kilmės priemonės, bei kitos priemonės, tokios kaip druska, degtinė. Taip pat palygintos, kai kurių vaistinių augalų vartojimo indikacijos su nustatytu... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / In Pakruojis district was introduced study „Use of natural remedies in Pakruojis district ethnopharmacy study on 2012 ‒ 2013“. The aim was collect and organize ethno pharmaceutical information about natural remedies used for therapeutic purposes in Pakruojis area. Objectives of the study was collect information about natural remedies in Pakruojis area; systematized collected data; identify what kind of disease ussually treated with medicinal plants; find out the most popular medicinal plants; compare the most commonly cited family, medicinal plants and diseases with research in Telšiai region Varniai disrict on 2006. Firstly, was made a questionnaire and then conducted interviews. People were selected according age and using the „snowball“ sampling method. Interviewed 20 people ( 2 men and 18 women) with an average age of 78,15. It was found that the most commonly use are to treat the respiratory tract infection ( 24% of the total number of citations), gastrointestinal disorders ( 20% of all treated illnesses), nervous and cardiovascular disease ( both 9% of the total number of citations), wounds, burns, bites, other trauma and inflammation ( 8% of the total number of citations), skin and rheumatic diseases ( representing 5% of the treated disease). The study recorded 102 medicinal plants, 4 mushrooms, 8 animal products and other materials, such as salt, yeast, vodka. Also compared some medicinal plants use with the pharmacological effects. Most popular plants was camomile... [to full text]

Lékařské rukopisy jihozápadních Čech a jejich soupis / Medical Manuscripts of Southwest Bohemia and Their Inventory

VALINOVÁ, Šárka January 2016 (has links)
This thesis presents image of varied methods of treatment in the past, based on analysis of recipes, which are recorded in medical manuscripts of the 15.-19. century stored in various scientific and cultural institutions in Jihočeský region and Plzeňský region. It contains also an inventory of these manuscripts and presents an attempt of their classification. This thesis also deals with authors of recipes, which are written in these medical manuscripts. In appendices can be found (besides previously mentioned inventory) pictures of some records in these manuscripts, a dictionary of less known Old Czech expressions and archaisms, which occured in this thesis, and a list of names.

“I’ll Look into This on My Own”: Knowledge and Resistance in Narratives of Contraception among College-Educated American Women

Tully, Hillary 06 September 2018 (has links)
For every method, there's a story - the IUD that almost killed her, the male birth control that almost happened, the weight gained and the moods changed. Whether a narrative of personal experience or one heard through the grapevine, stories about contraception illuminate critical issues in reproductive health today. Using ethnographic data deeply colored by ongoing partisan rhetoric around reproductive rights and the body, I discuss the dynamics of power at play in patient experience, the performance of social complaint and institutional critique, and vernacular conceptualizations of health and embodiment in the contraceptive regimen.

Black Folk Medicine in Southern Appalachia.

Crowder, Steve 01 May 2001 (has links) (PDF)
This study is an exploration of existing informal health care beliefs and practices of blacks in Southern Appalachia and how they compare with the majority white population. How regional black folk belief systems compare to those documented in other parts of the country is also examined. Thirty-five blacks selected opportunistically were interviewed with a structural questionnaire. Topics addressed during the interviews included: illnesses from childhood, adulthood, and old age; folk illnesses; ideas on religiosity in healing and healthcare, and views on folk medicine in light of biomedicine. The collected data suggest that black folk medicine in the study region is consistent with an homogenous American folk tradition and is not itself unique. The data collected also suggest that the extraordinary aspect to the black community studied is the lack of belief in the spirit beyond God as a healing, omnipotent force. The lack of belief in spiritism is inconsistent with other studies done on black American folk belief systems and is even inconsistent with documented 'white' studies done in Southern Appalachia and the South.

A Study of Superstitions and Customs Affecting Health Practices Among the People of Starr County, Texas

Longoria, Gladys L. 08 1900 (has links)
Because superstitions and customs of the people of Starr County, Texas, have a bearing on health practices that affect their well-being, the purpose of this study is to explain the deep-rooted superstitions and customs adhered to by the settlers. In order to understand more fully the cultural factors which relate to health, it is necessary to study the lives and customs of the people of Starr County. An effort has been made to look at their problems, not from a critical standpoint, but from the standpoint of helping the people and of viewing them sympathetically. A keen interest in the health practices of the people of Starr County, Texas, originated in tracing superstitions and customs in relation to the backward condition of these people. This thesis is a report of the writer's findings of those superstitions and customs as viewed by one who has lived in the county for six years.

Fitoterapia popular no contexto socioambiental ribeirinho: contribuições da etnobotânica para a enfermagem transcultural. / Traditional herbal medicine in riverside environmental context: contributions of ethnobotany to transcultural nursing

Lima, Raquel Faria da Silva 11 October 2016 (has links)
Introdução: Para o ribeirinho amazônico as plantas medicinais representam muitas vezes o único recurso terapêutico disponível para o tratamento de suas doenças. Utilizam como base para produção do recurso natural, folhas, cascas e sementes, com o objetivo de alívio de problemas de saúde. O registro das plantas medicinais utilizadas de modo terapêutico por tais grupos humanos tem oferecido base para o desenvolvimento de estudos fitoquímicos e farmacológicos de novas drogas. Além disso, a análise de práticas de cuidado em ambientes culturalmente exóticos fortalecem a enfermagem transcultural, a medida que visa o intercâmbio dos saberes populares e científico. Como referencial teórico utilizou-se a etnobotânica e o modelo Sunrise de Leininger e Mc Farland. Objetivo geral: Analisar o uso terapêutico de plantas medicinais no contexto sociocultural ribeirinho da comunidade Nossa Senhora da Conceição do Boam, localizada no Médio Solimões, Coari Amazonas. Objetivos específicos: Conhecer os valores, crenças e aspectos da estrutura sociocultural que envolvem a utilização da fitoterapia popular no ambiente ribeirinho; identificar o itinerário terapêutico das famílias ribeirinhas; analisar o uso das plantas medicinais entre os ribeirinhos com notório saber em plantas medicinais; e analisar o uso terapêutico da planta de maior importância para a comunidade. Material e Método: Estudo etnobotânico realizado na comunidade ribeirinha Nossa Senhora da Conceição do Boam, localizada na cidade de Coari-Amazonas. Os participantes do estudo foram 19 informantes, gerais e especialistas pessoas de notório saber na terapeutica com plantas medicinais. A coleta de dados ocorreu entre os meses de janeiro de 2015 e maio de 2016 por meio da turnê-guiada, exsicata, entrevistas semi-estruturadas e estruturadas. A análise dos dados ocorreu de forma quanti-qualitativa através da análise temática e cálculos de Fator de Consenso Individual, Importância Relativa e Valor de Uso, para identificacao das plantas e doenças de maior relevância comunitária. Resultados: Os especialistas foram predominantemente do sexo feminino (88%), com idade média de 50 anos. Em termos de ocupação, a maioria deles eram agricultores (63,3%), com rendimento médio mensal abaixo do salário mínimo brasileiro por família e apenas 36,4% dos entrevistados eram alfabetizados. O itinerário terapêutico da comunidade inicia-se com a fitoterapia popular, em seguida o rezador, o agente comunitário de saúde local, e, finalmente, o médico. As razões que influenciavam a terapêutica com plantas medicinais eram: a fé, a segurança, o conhecimento sobre o preparo, o fácil acesso e a eficácia das plantas. Foi relatado o uso de 62 plantas medicinais, para o cuidado de doenças infecciosas e parasitárias, neoplasias, doenças hematológicas, nutricionais, dermatológicas, transtornos comportamentais, doenças do sistema nervoso, ouvido, dos aparelhos circulatório, respiratório, digestivo, osteomuscular, geniturinário; como anti-inflamatórios e anticoncepcional, totalizando 49 indicações terapêuticas. As doenças do sistema respiratório foram as mais relevantes na comunidade com maior quantitativo de plantas (n=30) e citações (n=162). A planta medicinal de maior importância e versatilidade foi a caatinga de mulata (S. Aeollanthus), uma erva com evidências de ação antimicrobiana, anticonvulsivante, sedativa, analgésica e anti-inflamatória, utilizada na comunidade para doenças pulmonares, intestinais, dermatológicas e hemorrágicas, em nove problemas de saúde diferentes. Conclusão: Nesta comunidade, a estrutura sociocultural ribeirinha, assim como seus valores e crenças envolvem a utilização de ervas medicinais como a primeira escolha terapêutica. A rica farmacopeia encontrada pode facilitar a descoberta de novas drogas. Além disso, por meio da Teoria do Cuidado Cultural foi constatada a possibilidade da preservação do cuidado com a espécie S. Aeollanthus. Todavia, para se tornar um prática baseada em evidência existe a necessidade de ensaios pré-clínios e clínicos em humanos. / Introduction: | Most of the times, the medicinal plants represent to the riparian the only therapeutic resource available to the treatment of their diseases. Sheets, shells and seeds are the basis to the production of these natural resources looking for the relief of health problems. Registration of the therapeutic use of the medicinal plants has been the basis for phytochemical and pharmacologic studies to the discover of new drugs. Besides that, the analysis of practices of caring in culturally exotic environments, strengthen the transcultural nursing in a way that deal with the exchange between the popular and the scientific knowledges. As a theoretical framework it was used the ethnobotany and the Sunrises model of Leininger and Mc Farland. General objective: Analyze the therapeutic use of the medicinal plants in the sociocultural context of the riparian in the community Nossa Senhora da Conceição do Boam, localized in the Médio Solimões, Coari - Amazonas. Specific objectives: Know the values, beliefs and aspects of the sociocultural structure involving the use of the traditional medicinal plants among the riparian; identify the therapeutic itinerary of these families; analyze the use of theses plants by the riparian with notorious knowledge in medicinal plants; and analyze the therapeutic use of the most important plant to that community. Material and method: Ethnobotanic study developed in the riparian community Nossa. Senhora da Conceição do Boam, localized in the city of Coari - Amazonas. The participants of the study were 19 general and specialist informants - the second one, people with notorious knowledge in using medicinal plants. The data collection occurred between January/2015 and May/2016 by guide-tours, excicata, semi-structured and structured interviews. Analysis was made by quanti-qualitative through the thematic analysis, calculus of Individual Consensus Factor, Relative Importance and Value of Using to identify the plants and the diseases of most relevance in the community. Results: The specialists were mainly female (88%), an average of 50 years old. Most of them were farmers (63,3%), with the average monthly income under the national minimum wage by family, and 36,4% of the interviewed were alphabetized. The communitys therapeutic itinerary starts with the traditional medicinal plants, following the prayer, the community health agent, and, finally, the doctor. The therapeutic with medicinal plants were influenced by faith, security, knowledge about its preparing, the easy access to the plants and their efficacy. It was related the use of 62 medicinal plants, to the caring of infectious and parasite diseases; neoplasia; hematological, neurological, nutritional and dermatological diseases, behavior disorders, other diseases of the ear, circulatory, respiratory, digestive, musculoskeletal and genitourinary systems; as anti-inflammatory and contraceptive, totalizing 49 therapeutic indications. The respiratory diseases were the most relevant in the community, with the highest quantitative of plants (n=30) and citations (n=162). The most important and versatile medicinal plant to the community was the catinga de mulata (S. Aeollanthus), an herb with evidences of antimicrobial, anti convulsive, sedative, analgesic and anti-inflammatory actions, used by the community to respiratory, intestinal, dermatological and hemorrhagic diseases, totalizing nine different health disorders. Conclusion: In this community, the riparian sociocultural structure, as their values and beliefs involves the using of medicinal herbs as their first therapeutic choice. The rich pharmacopoeia found can make easier the discovering of new drugs. Besides that, the Cultutal Care Teory enables the preservation of the caring with the species S. Aeollanthus, but randomized pre-clinic and clinic trials with humans are important to use it based on evidence.

Representações de mulheres idosas usuárias de um serviço de saúde: relações entre consumo de calmantes, gênero e envelhecimento / Representations of elderly women and users of a health service: relationship between consumption of tranquillizers, gender and aging.

Mendonça, Reginaldo Teixeira 04 March 2005 (has links)
Os calmantes benzodiazepínicos são intensamente consumidos no mundo e no Brasil, principalmente por mulheres com idade igual ou superior a 60 anos. O consumo de calmantes envolve fatores sociais, econômicos e culturais, fazendo com que a maneira de utilização seja adaptada à realidade de determinados grupos sociais. Objetivando analisar essas questões, fizemos uso, através de abordagem qualitativa, de entrevistas semi-estruturadas com dezoito mulheres idosas, pertencentes a classes populares e consumidoras desses medicamentos há mais de um ano. Assim, observamos que o modo de consumo dos calmantes é construído socialmente e essa construção é formada através do tempo de uso, da aproximação com os serviços de saúde, da classe social à qual pertencem seus consumidores, da definição social do papel da mulher na sociedade (no sentido de gênero) e do envelhecimento de seus usuários, acompanhado de experiências e conhecimentos sobre os medicamentos. As mulheres entrevistadas mostraram ter autonomia e conhecimento sobre o uso dos calmantes, sentindo-se capazes de utilizar, indicar, emprestar, ou não, esses medicamentos, de acordo com suas concepções. Pudemos, portanto, observar e analisar as interações entre os diversos fatores – socioeconômicos e culturais, gênero e envelhecimento – envolvidos nesse processo de utilização de calmantes. / Benzodiazepine tranquillizers are widely consumed throughout Brazil and the world in general, mainly by women sixty or older. This consumption involves social, economic and cultural factors, with use influenced by reality of determined social groups. Aiming to analyze these questions, through qualitative approach, semi-structured interviews were administered to eighteen elderly women belonging to popular classes, who had been using these medicines for one year or more. We observed that consumption patterns of tranquilizer use are constructed socially and this construction is dependant upon the length of time of use, access to health services, their social class, social definition about the gender in society and the aging process. The construction is also influenced by experiences and knowledge about medicines. The interviewees showed that they possessed autonomy and knowledge about tranquillizer use, feeling able to use, to recommend, to lend, or not, these medicines, in accordance with their conceptions. Therefore we are able to observe and analyze the interactions between several factors – socio-economic and cultural, gender, and aging – involved in the process of tranquillizer use.

Representações de mulheres idosas usuárias de um serviço de saúde: relações entre consumo de calmantes, gênero e envelhecimento / Representations of elderly women and users of a health service: relationship between consumption of tranquillizers, gender and aging.

Reginaldo Teixeira Mendonça 04 March 2005 (has links)
Os calmantes benzodiazepínicos são intensamente consumidos no mundo e no Brasil, principalmente por mulheres com idade igual ou superior a 60 anos. O consumo de calmantes envolve fatores sociais, econômicos e culturais, fazendo com que a maneira de utilização seja adaptada à realidade de determinados grupos sociais. Objetivando analisar essas questões, fizemos uso, através de abordagem qualitativa, de entrevistas semi-estruturadas com dezoito mulheres idosas, pertencentes a classes populares e consumidoras desses medicamentos há mais de um ano. Assim, observamos que o modo de consumo dos calmantes é construído socialmente e essa construção é formada através do tempo de uso, da aproximação com os serviços de saúde, da classe social à qual pertencem seus consumidores, da definição social do papel da mulher na sociedade (no sentido de gênero) e do envelhecimento de seus usuários, acompanhado de experiências e conhecimentos sobre os medicamentos. As mulheres entrevistadas mostraram ter autonomia e conhecimento sobre o uso dos calmantes, sentindo-se capazes de utilizar, indicar, emprestar, ou não, esses medicamentos, de acordo com suas concepções. Pudemos, portanto, observar e analisar as interações entre os diversos fatores – socioeconômicos e culturais, gênero e envelhecimento – envolvidos nesse processo de utilização de calmantes. / Benzodiazepine tranquillizers are widely consumed throughout Brazil and the world in general, mainly by women sixty or older. This consumption involves social, economic and cultural factors, with use influenced by reality of determined social groups. Aiming to analyze these questions, through qualitative approach, semi-structured interviews were administered to eighteen elderly women belonging to popular classes, who had been using these medicines for one year or more. We observed that consumption patterns of tranquilizer use are constructed socially and this construction is dependant upon the length of time of use, access to health services, their social class, social definition about the gender in society and the aging process. The construction is also influenced by experiences and knowledge about medicines. The interviewees showed that they possessed autonomy and knowledge about tranquillizer use, feeling able to use, to recommend, to lend, or not, these medicines, in accordance with their conceptions. Therefore we are able to observe and analyze the interactions between several factors – socio-economic and cultural, gender, and aging – involved in the process of tranquillizer use.

Kaišiadorių apylinkėse tautinėje vaistininkystėje vartojamų (vartotų) augalų etnofarmacinis tyrimas / The ethnopharmaceutical survey of plants used as ethnomedicine in Kaišiadorys district

Ivaškevičienė, Miglė 18 June 2014 (has links)
Tyrimo tikslas surinkti ir susisteminti tautinės vaistininkystės žinias Kaišiadorių apylinkėse. Rezultatai: Apklausų - interviu metu apklausti 23 respondentai. Užfiksuotos 155 natūralios vaistingosios medžiagos. Didžiausią jų dalį sudarė augalai, kurių įvairovė siekia 62 augalų šeimas, taip pat užfiksuoti 3 gyvūnai, vartojami kaip gydomoji priemonė. Išvados: 1. Anketavimo – asmeninio interviu metu gauta medžiaga susisteminta pagal vaistingųjų medžiagų kilmę. Vyrauja augalinės kilmės vaistingosios medžiagos 77,02%, gyvūninės kilmės vaistingosios medžiagos sudarė 9,94%, kitos – nei vienai ir minėtų grupių nepriskitos medžiagos – 13,04% bendro citavimų skaičiaus. 2. Dažniausiai tautinės vaistininkystės metodais gydomos viršutinių kvėpavimo takų ligos (peršalimas, gripas, kosulys) – 47,51%, virškinamojo trakto susirgimai (virškinimo sutrikimas, viduriavimas, vidurių užkietėjimas) – 29,86%, žaizdos, sumušimai, kurie sudarė 9,95%. 3. Nustatyta, kad dažniausiai minimi augalai buvo plačialapis gyslotis Plantago major L. , vaistinė medetka Calendula officinalis L. ir vaistinė ramunė Matricaria recutita L. – 4,31%. Atitinkamai populiariausios augalų šeimos – astriniai Asteraceae 18,31%, notreliniai Lamiaceae 12,02%, gyslotiniai Plantaginaceae. 4. Populiariausias vaistinės žaliavos vartojimo ir paruošimo būdas yra arbata 53,91%. 5. Tyrimo metu paruošti darbe aprašomų augalų herbarai. / The aim: to collect ethnopharmaceutical knowledge in Kaišiadorys district. Results: There were intewieved 23 people. Fixed 155 natural origin materials. 62 plants from 62 family, 3 animals which were used in the treatment. Conclusions: 1. Collected ethnopharmaceutical knowledge were systemised according origin. the most common origin were vegetal (77,02%). 2. Most common diseases treated with materia medica are cold, caught (47,51%), gastrointestinal tract (29,86%) and skin injuries (9,95%). 3. The most popular plants were Plantago major L., Calendula officinalis L. and Matricaria recutita L. Asteraceae (18,31%) and Lamiaceae were the most popular plat family. 4. The most common preparation and use of vegetal origin material were tea. 5. During the survey collected herbarium.

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