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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Etude du formaldéhyde (HCHO) en zone côtière Antarctique / Study of formaldehyde in coastal Antarctica.

Pépy, Guillaume 23 November 2011 (has links)
Avec pour objectif de documenter et comprendre ses sources et puits en atmosphère de fond, nous avons réalisé un enregistrement annuel du formaldéhyde troposphérique en Antarctique, sur la base côtière de Dumont d'Urville. Des teneurs mensuelles de 50 pptv en hiver jusqu'à 200 pptv en été ont été mesurées. Au printemps, et été et à l'automne, un cycle journalier a été observé, avec un maximum l'après midi et une amplitude d'environ 40 pptv. Les artéfacts observés avec les appareils utilisés pour la mesure de HCHO (AeroLaser 4021), liés aux variations de température dans le local de mesure et pouvant induire des biais de 50 à 100 pptv, ont été éliminés en adaptant notre méthode analytique. Le formaldéhyde étant produit lors des combustions, l'influence des sources de contamination locales a été examinée en détail. Les sources de combustion par la station augmentent sporadiquement de 150 pptv au maximum les moyennes horaires. Une source locale d'émission par les sols ornithogéniques en liaison avec la présence des Manchots Adélie peut influencer jusqu'à 200 pptv les moyennes horaires en été. Au total, ces deux sources locales peuvent surestimer d'un facteur 5 au maximum l'amplitude du cycle journalier observé et impacter jusqu'à 100 pptv les moyennes mensuelles en été. Suivant ce constat, les données brutes ont été filtrées selon des critères météorologiques locaux pour éliminer toute contamination potentielle. L'étude des sources et puits en phase gaz a été réalisée à l'aide d'un modèle de photochimie développé pour les conditions de DDU. Nos résultats montrent que l'oxydation du méthane domine le budget en été (80%) du fait des fortes teneurs en radicaux HOx et en NOx en liaison avec l'impact du plateau Antarctique atteignant DDU. Le méthyl-hydroperoxyde constitue une source secondaire significative de HCHO en phase gaz (20% de l'oxydation du méthane), tandis que les faibles teneurs en hydrocarbures non-méthaniques mesurées en été nous amène à évaluer la contribution de cette source initialement attendue comme importante à moins de 5% de l'oxydation de CH4. A la différence d'autres observations en Mer de Weddell, les composés halogénés semblent avoir une influence relativement limitée dans le cas de Dumont d'Urville (10% du budget total au maximum). Suivant nos estimations, l'apport continental efficace permet d'envisager une source d'émission par le manteau neigeux du plateau. Celle-ci constitue une source secondaire relativement faible en été (10%) mais domine le budget hivernal (70%). Notre exercice de modélisation sur l'échelle saisonnière et journalière souligne la nécessité d'associer les processus en phase gaz avec les flux d'émission par la neige et de dépôt afin de reproduire correctement les observations. / With the aim to investigate the production and destruction mechanisms of formaldehyde (HCHO) on a seasonal scale in the remote troposphere, HCHO was monitored over a 13-months period at Dumont d'Urville station, located near the East Coast of the Antarctic continent. Monthly means of 50 ppt in winter and up to 200 ppt in summer were measured. In spring, summer and autumn, a daily variation was detected with amplitude of ≈40 ppt and a maximum during the afternoon. The analytical instrument (Aerolaser, AL4021) deployed for the measurements, was found to be extremely sensitive to ambient temperature variations. The origin of the temperature dependence was investigated, and the deployed analytical method was adapted to eliminate this artefact. The impact of local contamination sources at the measurement site was explored in detail. Anthropogenic combustions were found to have a limited impact (maximum 150 pptv on hourly means) versus a local emission source from ornithogenic soils, induced by the omni-presence of Adelie penguins on the site in summer (maximum 200 pptv on hourly means). From november to march, these sources can introduce an overestimation by a factor 5 of the daily HCHO amplitude, while the influence on the monthly averaged budget can account up to 100 ppt. The raw dataset was thoroughly filtered using local meteorological criteria to eliminate any potential contamination. HCHO measurements were compared to simulations made with a numerical box model developed on the base of the current understanding of the photochemical sources and sinks of HCHO. During summer, methane oxidation was found to be the major source of HCHO production, likely due to enhanced levels of oxidants such as hydroxyl radical (OH) or nitrogen oxide (NO) occurring at DDU since this coastal site is under strong continental influence. Snow emissions and HCHO formation via methyl-hydroperoxyde oxidation complete the summer budget (respectively 10 to 20% of the CH4 oxidation). In contrary to what was observed for the Weddell Sea area, halogens chemistry is probably unlikely to contribute significantly at Dumont d'Urville (<10% of the CH4 oxidation). Finally, the initially attended summer source originating from non-methane hydrocarbons oxidation was found to be inefficient and to contribute only with less than 5 % of the CH4 oxidation. During winter the snowpack source was found to be preponderant (70% of CH4 oxidation) versus the gas phase chemistry sources of HCHO. Model investigations, performed on a seasonal and daily scale have shown that gas phase processes together with deposition and snow emission have to be considered to achieve a correct reconstruction of the observations.

Avaliação da quantidade de formaldeído liberado por alguns cimentos endodônticos / Evaluation of the quantity of formaldehyde released by some endodontic sealers

Ozorio, Jose Estevam Vieira 27 April 2012 (has links)
Analisou-se, por meio de espectrofotometria, a liberação de formaldeído de cimentos endodônticos à base de óxido de zinco e eugenol, resinas epóxica e polimetacrilato, hidróxido de cálcio e biocerâmico, estudados em diferentes oportunidades: durante a espatulação; decorrido três vezes o tempo de endurecimento e, por fim, na extração de sua massa endurecida. As amostras foram adquiridas pela coleta do volume da água utilizada em cada período e, determinada a curva de calibração da liberação do formaldeído e análise controle com água, foram submetidas à análise colorimétrica com adição dos reagentes: 5,0 mL de solução tampão, 0,5 mL de solução de parafenilenodiamina e 2,5 mL de peróxido de hidrogênio em balões volumétricos de 50,0 mL mantendo-os em repouso por 20 minutos. Após, foi realizada leitura em espectrofotômetro duplo feixe nos comprimentos de onda 326, 334 e 462 nm. Detectou-se formaldeído em todos os cimentos à base de resina epóxica, no EndoREZ® e no Endomèthasone N, quantificado apenas no Sealer 26 (7.40 mg.L-1) e Endomèthasone N (9.13 mg.L-1) durante a espatulação; no AH Plus® (4.44 mg.L-1) e no Endomèthasone N (18.14 mg.L-1) durante o endurecimento, e somente no Endomèthasone N depois de endurecido (9.43 mg.L- 1). Concluiu-se que, durante a espatulação, todos os cimentos de resina epóxica liberaram formaldeído, com quantificação apenas para o Sealer 26, o Endomèthasone N apresentou a maior quantidade, e o Endorez liberou a substância em quantidade insuficiente para quantificação. Após a espatulação, todos os de resina epóxica liberaram formaldeído, com quantificação no AH Plus e o Endomèthasone N apresentou a maior quantidade da substância, que também foi encontrada no Endorez, sem quantificação. Endurecidos, todos os cimentos de resina epóxica e o Endorez liberaram formaldeído em quantidade insuficiente para quantificação, e o cimento Endomèthasone N liberou a maior quantidade dessa substância. / This study evaluated, by means of spectrophotometry, the release of formaldehyde in zinc oxide, epoxy resins and polymethylmethacrylate, calcium hydroxide and bioceramic based endodontic sealers in different situations: during mixing; after 3 time the setting time and, at extraction of its hardened mass. The samples were acquired by means of collection of the volume of water used in each period and - after determining the calibration curve of formaldehyde release and analyzing the control with water - were submitted to colorimetric analysis with the addition of the following reagents: 5.0mL of buffered solution, 0.5mL of paraphenylenediamine and 2.5mL of hydrogen peroxide to a 50.0mL volumetric flask, which was kept at rest for 20 minutes. Double-beam spectrophotometer readings were performed at 326, 334 and 462nm wavelengths. Formaldehyde was detected in all epoxy resin based sealers, in EndoREZ and in Endomèthasone N, quantified only in Sealer 26 (7.40 mg.L-1) and Endomèthasone N (9.13 mg.L-1) during mixing, and in AH Plus (4.44 mg.L-1) and Endomèthasone N (18.14 mg.L-1) during the setting time, and only in Endomèthasone N after setting (9.43 mg.L-1). It can be concluded that during mixing all epoxy resin based sealers released formaldehyde, with quantification being possible only for Sealer 26, Endomèthasone N showed higher quantities, and Endorez released the substance in insufficient quantity for detection. After mixing, all epoxy resin based sealers released formaldehyde, whereas quantification was possible for AH Plus and Endomèthasone N presented the highest quantity of the substance, that was also found in Endorez, but could not be quantified. When set, all epoxy resin sealers and Endorez released formaldehyde in insufficient quantity for quantification, and Endomèthasone N released the greater amount of this substance.

First principle studies on the solvation and dissociations of formaldehyde and formic acid in gas phase and aqueous phase. / 氣態下和水溶液中,甲醛分子HCHO和甲酸分子HCOOH的水合簇結構,溶解結構,以及離解反應機理的第一性原理研究 / CUHK electronic theses & dissertations collection / Qi tai xia he shui rong ye zhong, jia quan fen zi HCHO he jia suan fen zi HCOOH de shui he cu jie gou, rong jie jie gou, yi ji li jie fan ying ji li de di yi xing yuan li yan jiu

January 2012 (has links)
超臨界水中的溶解和化學反應受到一系列因素的影響,如溶解能,熵以及溶液密度等,是決定化學平衡的基本熱力學量,同時這些又受到溫度和壓強的控制。爲了解釋這些因素的影響,有必要把量子化學的靜態優化與分子動力學模擬相結合和比較。通過量子化學可以得到0K下的優化結構,而分子動力學模擬可以提高實際時間的勢能面。本論文的研究,主要圍繞在氣態下甲醛分子HCHO和甲酸分子HCOOH跟不同數目水分子H2O結合的水合簇結構,以及在常溫水溶液和超臨界水溶液中,甲醛HCHO和甲酸HCOOH的溶解結構和溫度所帶來的熱效應,最後研究甲酸HCOOH在水催化下的離解反應機理。 / 使用化學計算軟件Gaussian03和密度泛函理論方法,用6-311++G(d,p)基組來計算和研究氣態下甲醛分子和甲酸分子的水簇合物。通過不同數目的水分子所得到的最穩定簇合物的結構和能量,來研究甲醛分子HCHO,甲酸根離子HCOO⁻以及甲酸分子HCOOH與水分子相互結合時的氫鍵作用力強弱和簇合物的穩定性。同時,也考慮了甲酸酸解后的水簇合物結構,通過與沒有酸解的水簇合物的比較,為進一步瞭解水溶解中甲酸的酸解離情況提供寶貴的信息。 / 使用基於贗勢和平面波基組,以及密度泛函理論的從頭計算分子動力學軟件VASP,來模擬和研究甲醛分子HCHO和甲酸分子在水溶液中的溶解情況。根據對半徑關聯函數PRDF的統計結果,可以觀察出溶質的溶解結構,以及溶劑分子之間,或者溶質與溶劑分子之間的氫鍵作用。通過水合數目可以看出氫鍵作用力隨著溫度的提升而減弱。水溶液的溫度在臨界點之上時,其結果證實了甲酸的酸解反應受到嚴重的抑制,與常溫水的結果相反。 / 使用從頭計算分子動力學軟件CPMD中基於Car-Parrinello分子動力學方法的Metadynamics方法對甲酸的反應機理進行系統的研究,包含脫水反應和脫氫反應。解離反應分別包含不同數目的分子,通過對比來研究反應中水分子所起的潛在的催化作用。除此之外,通過300K和700K這兩種不同溫度下的結果對比,來解釋超臨界水溶解中甲酸快速解離的原因。自由能曲面和自由能壘揭示了在不同環境下甲酸的主要解離途徑。 / Solvation and chemical reactions in supercritical water are affected by a number of factors. Solvation energy, entropy, and densities are the basic thermodynamic quantities that determine the chemical equilibriums, which can be controlled by temperature and pressure. To account for these factors, static optimization leading to zero-temperature structures should be combined and compared with molecular dynamics simulation in real time. In my thesis, the solvation structures are studied in gas phase and aqueous phase, to understand the properties of solvent water and the thermal effect on the reactions. / The hydrated clusters of formaldehyde and formic acid in gas phase are explored computationally by density functional theory (DFT) with a basis set 6-311++G(d,p). Investigation on the structures and energies of hydrated HCHO, HCOO⁻ and HCOOH solvated by a number of water molecules is important for understanding the hydrogen bond interactions as the number of water molecules increases. Comparisons between non-dissociated and dissociated clusters of hydrated formic acid provide valuable information on the acidic dissociation of formic acid in aqueous solution. / The solvations of formaldehyde and formic acid in aqueous solution are simulated by density functional theory based ab initio molecular dynamics (AIMD) method with pseudopotentials and a plane wave basis set using Vienna Ab-initio Simulation Package (VASP). The pair radial distribution function is obtained to elucidate the solvation structure and the hydrogen bond interaction among solvent molecules, and between solute and solvent. The hydration number indicates the weakening of the hydrogen bond with increasing temperature. The results at the temperatures above the critical point of water show that the acid dissociation of formic acid is greatly depressed which is different from the results in ambient water. / The mechanisms for the dissociations of formic acid in the gas phase and in aqueous solution are studied by Car-Parrinello (CP)-based metadynamics (MTD) method, implemented in the Car-Parrinello Molecular Dynamics (CPMD) program. The two main dissociations channels of dehydration and dehydrogenation, including zero, one, two and bulk water molecules, respectively, are simulated with a biased external potential to examine the potential catalytic role of water. In addition, the thermal effects at two different temperatures are included to account for the rapid dissociation of formic acid in supercritical water. The free energy surfaces are reconstructed and the barriers are calculated to show the main dissociation pathway of formic acid in different environments. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Chen, Qiubo. / Thesis (Ph.D.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2012. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 185-194). / Electronic reproduction. Hong Kong : Chinese University of Hong Kong, [2012] System requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader. Available via World Wide Web. / Abstract also in Chinese. / TITLE PAGE --- p.i / ABSTRCACT (ENGLISH) --- p.ii / (CHINESE) --- p.v / AKNOWLEDGEMENTS --- p.vii / TABLE OF CONTENTS --- p.viii / LIST OF FIGURES --- p.xiv / LIST OF TABLES --- p.xxiv / Chapter Chapter ONE --- Background / Chapter 1.1 --- Introduction of green chemistry --- p.1 / Chapter 1.1.1 --- Green chemistry --- p.1 / Chapter 1.1.2 --- Supercritical fluid (SCF) and supercritical water (SCW) --- p.2 / Chapter 1.2 --- Formaldehyde and formic acid in supercritical water --- p.8 / Chapter 1.2.1 --- Formaldehyde --- p.8 / Chapter 1.2.2 --- Formic acid --- p.12 / Chapter 1.3 --- Scope of this thesis --- p.17 / Chapter Chapter TWO --- Theories and Calculation Methods / Chapter 2.1 --- General background --- p.19 / Chapter 2.1.1 --- Schrödinger equation --- p.19 / Chapter 2.1.2 --- Born-Oppenheimer approximation --- p.20 / Chapter 2.2 --- Hartree-Fock (HF) approximation and post-Hartree-Fock (post-HF) approximation --- p.22 / Chapter 2.3 --- Density functional theory (DFT) --- p.28 / Chapter 2.3.1 --- Kohn-Sham (KS) scheme --- p.29 / Chapter 2.3.2 --- Local density approximation (LDA) --- p.31 / Chapter 2.3.3 --- Generalized gradient approximation (GGA) --- p.33 / Chapter 2.3.4 --- Hybrid functionals --- p.34 / Chapter 2.4 --- Ab initio molecular dynamics (AIMD) --- p.35 / Chapter 2.4.1 --- Molecular dynamics --- p.35 / Chapter 2.4.2 --- Ab initio molecular dynamics --- p.36 / Chapter 2.4.3 --- Plane waves --- p.42 / Chapter 2.4.4 --- Pseudopotentials (PP) --- p.44 / Chapter 2.4.5 --- Periodic boundary condition (PBC) --- p.48 / Chapter 2.5 --- Metadynamics (MTD) method --- p.48 / Chapter 2.5.1 --- The Algorithm --- p.49 / Chapter 2.5.2 --- Lagrangian metadynamics and the choice of V(t,s) --- p.52 / Chapter 2.5.3 --- The choice of CVs --- p.53 / Chapter Chapter THREE --- Structures of the Hydrated Clusters of Formaldehyde and Formic Acid / Chapter 3.1 --- Introduction --- p.55 / Chapter 3.2 --- Computational details --- p.56 / Chapter 3.3 --- Results and discussions --- p.58 / Chapter 3.3.1 --- Studies of HCHO(H₂O)[subscript n] clusters, n = 0~4 --- p.58 / Chapter --- The structures of HCHO(H₂O)[subscript n] clusters, n = 0~4 --- p.58 / Chapter --- The energies of HCHO(H₂O)[subscript n] clusters, n = 0~4 --- p.63 / Chapter 3.3.2 --- Studies of HCHO⁻(H₂O)[subscript n] clusters, n = 0~6 --- p.65 / Chapter --- The structures of HCHO⁻(H₂O)[subscript n] clusters, n = 0~4 --- p.66 / Chapter --- The energies of HCHO⁻(H₂O)[subscript n] clusters, n = 0~4 --- p.71 / Chapter --- Studies of HCOO⁻(H2O)[subscript n] clusters, n = 5 and 6 --- p.73 / Chapter 3.3.3 --- Studies of HCOOH⁻(H2O)[subscript n] and HCOO⁻(H₃O)⁺(H₂O)[subscript n-1] clusters --- p.76 / Chapter --- Results of cis-HCOOH(H₂O)[subscript n] clusters and trans-HCOOH(H₂O)[subscript n] clusters, n = 0 ~ 4 --- p.76 / Chapter --- Results of trans-HCOOH(H₂O)[subscript n] clusters, n > 4 --- p.82 / Chapter --- Comparisons of non-dissociated trans-HCOOH(H₂O)[subscript n] clusters with dissociated ion pair HCOO⁻(H₃O)⁺(H₂O)[subscript n-1] clusters --- p.84 / Chapter 3.4 --- Summary --- p.87 / Chapter CHAPTER FOUR --- Ab initio Molecular Dynamics Studies on the Solvations of Formaldehyde HCHO and Formic Acid HCOOH in Water Solution at Different Temperatures / Chapter 4.1 --- Introduction --- p.90 / Chapter 4.2 --- Computational details --- p.93 / Chapter 4.3 --- Results and discussions --- p.94 / Chapter 4.3.1 --- The solvation of water solution --- p.94 / Chapter --- The solvation of pure water solution at T = 300 K, 600 K, 700 K and 2000 K --- p.95 / Chapter --- The solvation of proton H⁺ in water solution at T = 300 K and 700 K --- p.101 / Chapter 4.3.2 --- The solvation of formaldehyde HCHO in water solution at T = 300 K, 500 K, 700 K and 900 K --- p.104 / Chapter 4.3.3 --- The solvation of formate ion HCOO⁻ in water solution at T = 300 K, 500 K, 700 K and 900 K --- p.109 / Chapter 4.3.4 --- The solvation of formic acid HCOOH in water solution at T = 300 K, 500 K, 700 K and 900 K --- p.117 / Chapter 4.4 --- Summary --- p.125 / Chapter CHAPTER FIVE --- The Reactions of Formic Acid HCOOH: Insights from Car-Parrinello Based Metadynamics (MTD) Method / Chapter 5.1 --- Introduction --- p.128 / Chapter 5.2 --- Computational details --- p.130 / Chapter 5.3 --- Results and Discussions --- p.132 / Chapter 5.3.1 --- The intrinsic rotation of a single formic acid molecule HCOOH in gas phase at T = 300 K and T = 700 K --- p.132 / Chapter 5.3.2 --- The dehydration of formic acid in gas phase at T = 300 K and T = 700 K --- p.140 / Chapter --- The dehydration of a single formic acid molecule trans-HCOOH --- p.140 / Chapter --- The dehydration of formic acid molecule trans-HCOOH with one water molecule --- p.147 / Chapter --- The dehydration of formic acid molecule trans-HCOOH with two water molecules --- p.152 / Chapter 5.3.3 --- The dehydrogenation of formic acid in gas phase at T = 300 K and T = 700 K --- p.158 / Chapter --- The dehydrogenation of a single formic acid molecule cis-HCOOH --- p.158 / Chapter --- The dehydrogenation of formic acid molecule cis-HCOOH with one water molecule --- p.163 / Chapter --- The dehydrogenation of formic acid molecule cis-HCOOH with two water molecule --- p.167 / Chapter 5.3.4 --- The dissociations of formic acid in water solution at T = 300 K and T = 700 K --- p.171 / Chapter --- The acid dissociation of formic acid in water solution --- p.173 / Chapter --- The dehydration of formic acid in water solution --- p.175 / Chapter --- The dehydrogenation of formic acid in water solution --- p.178 / Chapter 5.4 --- Summary --- p.181 / References --- p.185

Tratamento eletroquímico de resíduos industriais contendo misturas de fenol e formaldeído / Electrochemical treatment of industrial wastes containing phenol and formaldehyde

Fornazari, Ana Luiza de Toledo 18 December 2009 (has links)
Neste trabalho é apresentado o estudo da degradação eletroquímica de fenol, formaldeído e misturas de fenol-formaldeído sobre ânodos dimensionalmente estáveis (ADE). Foi utilizado um ADE comercial (composição nominal Ti/Ti0,7Ru0,3O2), em uma célula eletroquímica de compartimento único sob agitação constante. As concentrações utilizadas nas misturas de fenol-formaldeído foram similares às concentrações encontradas no efluente fornecido pela indústria de resinas fenólicas Schenectady Crios, localizada na cidade de Rio Claro, SP. No final do trabalho também foi feita a degradação eletroquímica do efluente industrial com os melhores parâmetros. O recobrimento do ADE foi caracterizado por Microscopia Eletrônica de Varredura (MEV) e análises de Energia Dispersiva de Raios X (EDX). A caracterização eletroquímica foi feita por voltametria cíclica na ausência e na presença das substâncias orgânicas sob estudo. Durantes as eletrólises, a degradação das substâncias inicialmente presentes em solução foi verificadas por análises de Cromatografia Líquida de Alta Eficiência (CLAE) e Carbono Orgânico Total (COT). Os subprodutos formados (ácido fórmico, benzoquinona, hidroquinona, catecol e resorcinol) também foram identificados e quantificados por CLAE. Cálculos de estimativa do consumo energético também foram realizados para cada eletrólise.Foram variados os seguintes parâmetros: as densidades de corrente aplicadas, o controle da temperatura das soluções durante as eletrólises, o pH e as concentrações iniciais de fenol e formaldeído contidas nas soluções.O decaimento das concentrações das substâncias orgânicas apresenta uma cinética de pseudo primeira ordem. Observou se que quanto maior a densidade de corrente aplicada, maior é a taxa de remoção de COT, porém o consumo energético também é maior. Não se obteve a mineralização total do poluente, porém foi possível atingir uma remoção de aproximadamente 90% de COT para as soluções contendo apenas formaldeído, aplicando uma densidade de corrente de 40 mA cm-2 durante 2 horas de eletrólise. Foi possível a identificação e a quantificação dos subprodutos presentes nas soluções e no efluente industrial. As degradações eletroquímicas realizadas sem o controle da temperatura das soluções obtiveram um consumo energético menor e maior remoção de COT. / In this work presents the study of electrochemical degradation of phenol, formaldehyde and phenol-formaldehyde mixtures at dimensionally stable anodes (DSA&reg;). Commercial DSA&reg; electrodes (nominal composition: Ti/Ti0,7Ru0,3O2), ) were employed in a single compartment electrochemical cell under constant agitation. The concentrations used for the mixtures of phenol-formaldehyde were similar to concentrations found in effluent provided by the phenolic resin producer Crios Schenectady, located in Rio Claro, São Paulo state. In the final stage of the present study, the electrochemical degradation of real industrial effluent was performed employing the best parameters observed for the simulated effluents. The oxide coating of the electrode was characterized by Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) and Energy Dispersive X Ray analyses (EDX). The electrochemical characterization of the DSA&reg; was performed using cyclic voltammetry in the absence and presence of organic substances. The degradation of the substances inicially present in solution were monitored by High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) and Total Organic Carbon (TOC) analyses. The products formed (formic acid, benzoquinone, hydroquinone, catechol and resorcinol) were also identified and quantified by HPLC. Estimates of the energy consumption were also performed for each electrolysis.The current densities applied, the concentrations of organic substance of the solution were varied during the electrochemical oxidation.The concentration decay of organic substances displayed pseudo first order kinetics of. It was observed that the higher the applied current density, the higher the TOC removal rate , but the energy consumption is higher. Total mineralization was not attained, but removals of approximately 90% of TOC were shown to be possible. It was possible the identification and quantification of products into the solutions and industrial effluents. The electrochemical degradation carried out without controlling the temperature of the solutions obtained a lower energy consumption and higher removal of TOC.

Collision Broadening of Microwave Spectral Lines of Monomeric Formaldehyde and Formic Acid

Venkatachar, Arun C. 08 1900 (has links)
Line width parameters for a number of spectral lines in the pure rotational spectrum of formaldehyde (CH20) and formic acid (HCOOH) have been measured using a sourcemodulated microwave spectrograph. All transitions studied in this investigation were of the type ΔJ=O (i.e. Q-branch transitions), with ΔK-1=0 and ΔK+1 =+l. The center frequencies of the measured lines varied from 8662.0 MHz to 48612.70 MHz. The experimentally determined collision diameters for self broadening interactions involving HCOOH and CH2 Q molecules were found to be 2 - 27 per cent less than those calculated by the Murphy-Boggs theory of collision broadening. Much better agreement between a simplified broadening scheme for symmetric top molecules and the observed foreign-gas collision diameters is obtained by using Birnbaum's theory.

Avaliação da quantidade de formaldeído liberado por alguns cimentos endodônticos / Evaluation of the quantity of formaldehyde released by some endodontic sealers

Jose Estevam Vieira Ozorio 27 April 2012 (has links)
Analisou-se, por meio de espectrofotometria, a liberação de formaldeído de cimentos endodônticos à base de óxido de zinco e eugenol, resinas epóxica e polimetacrilato, hidróxido de cálcio e biocerâmico, estudados em diferentes oportunidades: durante a espatulação; decorrido três vezes o tempo de endurecimento e, por fim, na extração de sua massa endurecida. As amostras foram adquiridas pela coleta do volume da água utilizada em cada período e, determinada a curva de calibração da liberação do formaldeído e análise controle com água, foram submetidas à análise colorimétrica com adição dos reagentes: 5,0 mL de solução tampão, 0,5 mL de solução de parafenilenodiamina e 2,5 mL de peróxido de hidrogênio em balões volumétricos de 50,0 mL mantendo-os em repouso por 20 minutos. Após, foi realizada leitura em espectrofotômetro duplo feixe nos comprimentos de onda 326, 334 e 462 nm. Detectou-se formaldeído em todos os cimentos à base de resina epóxica, no EndoREZ® e no Endomèthasone N, quantificado apenas no Sealer 26 (7.40 mg.L-1) e Endomèthasone N (9.13 mg.L-1) durante a espatulação; no AH Plus® (4.44 mg.L-1) e no Endomèthasone N (18.14 mg.L-1) durante o endurecimento, e somente no Endomèthasone N depois de endurecido (9.43 mg.L- 1). Concluiu-se que, durante a espatulação, todos os cimentos de resina epóxica liberaram formaldeído, com quantificação apenas para o Sealer 26, o Endomèthasone N apresentou a maior quantidade, e o Endorez liberou a substância em quantidade insuficiente para quantificação. Após a espatulação, todos os de resina epóxica liberaram formaldeído, com quantificação no AH Plus e o Endomèthasone N apresentou a maior quantidade da substância, que também foi encontrada no Endorez, sem quantificação. Endurecidos, todos os cimentos de resina epóxica e o Endorez liberaram formaldeído em quantidade insuficiente para quantificação, e o cimento Endomèthasone N liberou a maior quantidade dessa substância. / This study evaluated, by means of spectrophotometry, the release of formaldehyde in zinc oxide, epoxy resins and polymethylmethacrylate, calcium hydroxide and bioceramic based endodontic sealers in different situations: during mixing; after 3 time the setting time and, at extraction of its hardened mass. The samples were acquired by means of collection of the volume of water used in each period and - after determining the calibration curve of formaldehyde release and analyzing the control with water - were submitted to colorimetric analysis with the addition of the following reagents: 5.0mL of buffered solution, 0.5mL of paraphenylenediamine and 2.5mL of hydrogen peroxide to a 50.0mL volumetric flask, which was kept at rest for 20 minutes. Double-beam spectrophotometer readings were performed at 326, 334 and 462nm wavelengths. Formaldehyde was detected in all epoxy resin based sealers, in EndoREZ and in Endomèthasone N, quantified only in Sealer 26 (7.40 mg.L-1) and Endomèthasone N (9.13 mg.L-1) during mixing, and in AH Plus (4.44 mg.L-1) and Endomèthasone N (18.14 mg.L-1) during the setting time, and only in Endomèthasone N after setting (9.43 mg.L-1). It can be concluded that during mixing all epoxy resin based sealers released formaldehyde, with quantification being possible only for Sealer 26, Endomèthasone N showed higher quantities, and Endorez released the substance in insufficient quantity for detection. After mixing, all epoxy resin based sealers released formaldehyde, whereas quantification was possible for AH Plus and Endomèthasone N presented the highest quantity of the substance, that was also found in Endorez, but could not be quantified. When set, all epoxy resin sealers and Endorez released formaldehyde in insufficient quantity for quantification, and Endomèthasone N released the greater amount of this substance.

The Effects of Formaldehyde on the Frequency of Reversion of the white-ivory Mutant of Drosophila melanogaster

Wood, Ruth Ellen D. 01 May 1970 (has links)
This study is an analysis of the effects of formaldehyde, a chemical which is both recombinogenic and mutagenic, on white-ivory (wi) a highly mutable allele of the white locus of Drosophila. Formaldehyde is shown to significantly increase the reversion frequency of wi. The results of this investigation differ from earlier observations in three respects: (1) there is a positive correlation between RNA (ribonucleic acid) concentration and reversion frequency in the presence of formaldehyde, but reversion does not appear to be totally RNA dependent; (2) female germ cells are more sensitive than those of the male; and ( 3) a cluster of revertants has been recovered. These indicate that formaldehyde-induced wi reversion may involve a different mechanism than that proposed for formaldehyde-induced sex-linked lethals. Different mechanisms have been proposed to account for the induction of sex-linked lethals and for the increase in recombination. Formaldehyde-induced reversion of white-ivory follows the parameters of recombination.

High-Resolution Studies of the ùA₂– X̃¹A₁Electronic Transition of Formaldehyde: Spectroscopy and Photochemistry

Ernest, Cheryl Tatum 15 November 2011 (has links)
Formaldehyde (HCHO) plays a primary role in tropospheric chemistry. Its photochemical activity is an important source of radical species such as HCO, H, and subsequently HO2 as well as molecular hydrogen and carbon monoxide. As a source of hydrogen radicals (HOx = OH + HO2), HCHO plays a significant role in the oxidative capacity of the atmosphere, and an important part in the interrelated chemistries of ozone and the HOx and NOx (NO + NO2) cycles. Accurate atmospheric photolysis rates of HCHO are thus required in order to properly model tropospheric chemistry. Despite extensive studies HCHO’s spectroscopy and photochemistry remains to be well characterized. Absolute room temperature absorption cross sections for the A1A2 – X1A1 electronic transition of formaldehyde have been measured over the spectral range 30285 – 32890 cm-1 (304 – 330 nm) using ultraviolet (UV) laser absorption spectroscopy. Absorption cross sections were obtained at an instrumental resolution better than 0.09 cm-1 which is slightly broader than the Doppler width of a rotational line of HCHO at 300K (~0.07 cm-1) and so we were able to resolve all but the most closely spaced lines. Qualitative comparisons with spectral simulations show varying agreement depending on vibronic band. Refined state origins and transition dipole moments for each vibronic band have been reported. There is evidence of areas of perturbation and the need to optimize higher order spectral constants. Pressure broadening parameters have been measured and increase with the strength of intermolecular interaction between formaldehyde and the collision partner. Comparisons between the available high-resolution studies and spectral simulations indicate that the HCHO absorption cross section is still not well characterized. The relative quantum yield for the production of radical products, H+HCO, from the UV photolysis of formaldehyde (HCHO) has been measured directly using a Pulsed Laser Photolysis – Pulsed Laser Induced Fluorescence (PLP – PLIF) technique across the same spectral region. Relative yields were normalized to a value of 0.69 at 31750 cm-1 based on the current NASA-JPL recommendation. The resulting absolute radical quantum yields agree well with previous experimental studies and show more wavelength dependent behavior than the recommendation. This provides support for the complicated competition among the various HCHO dissociation pathways.

Long-Term Global Observations of Tropospheric Formaldehyde Retrieved from Spaceborne Nadir UV Sensors / Télédétection spatiale du formaldéhyde dans la troposphère, à l’échelle globale et sur le long terme, à partir de senseurs UV.

De Smedt, Isabelle 09 June 2011 (has links)
Atmospheric formaldehyde (H2CO) is an intermediate product common to the degradation of many volatile organic compounds and therefore it is a central component of the tropospheric chemistry. While the global formaldehyde background is due to methane oxidation, emissions of non-methane volatile organic compounds (NMVOCs) from biogenic, biomass burning and anthropogenic continental sources result in important and localised enhancements of the H2CO concentration. Recent spaceborne nadir sensors provide an opportunity to quantify the abundance of tropospheric formaldehyde at the global scale, and thereby to improve our knowledge of NMVOC emissions. This is essential for a better understanding of the processes that control the production and the evolution of tropospheric ozone, a key actor in air quality and climate change, but also of the hydroxyl radical OH, the main cleansing agent of our troposphere. For this reason, H2CO satellite observations are increasingly used in combination with tropospheric chemistry transport models to constrain NMVOC emission inventories in so-called top-down inversion approaches. Such inverse modelling applications require well characterised satellite data products consistently retrieved over long time periods. This work reports on global observations of formaldehyde columns retrieved from the successive solar backscatter nadir sensors GOME, SCIAMACHY and GOME-2, respectively launched in 1995, 2002 and 2006. The retrieval procedure is based on the differential optical absorption spectroscopy technique (DOAS). Formaldehyde concentrations integrated along the mean atmospheric optical path are derived from the recorded spectra in the UV region, and further converted to vertical columns by means of calculated air mass factors. These are obtained from radiative transfer simulations, accounting for cloud coverage, surface properties and best-guess H2CO profiles, the latter being derived from the IMAGES chemistry transport model. A key task of the thesis has consisted in the optimisation of the H2CO retrieval settings from multiple sensors, taking into account the instrumental specificities of each sounder. As a result of these efforts, a homogeneous dataset of formaldehyde columns covering the period from 1996 to 2010 has been created. This comes with a comprehensive error budget that treats errors related to the spectral fit of the columns as well as those associated to the air mass factor evaluation. The time series of the GOME, SCIAMACHY and GOME-2 H2CO observations is shown to be consistent and stable over time. In addition, GOME-2 brings a significant reduction of the noise on spatiotemporally averaged observations, leading to a better identification of the emission sources. Our dataset is used to study the regional formaldehyde distribution, as well as its seasonal and interannual variations, principally related to temperature changes and fire events, but also to anthropogenic activities. Moreover, building on the quality of our 15-year time series, we present the first analysis of long-term changes in the H2CO columns. Positive trends, in the range of 1.5 to 4% yr-1, are found in Asia, more particularly in Eastern China and India, and are related to the known increase of anthropogenic NMVOC emissions in these regions. Finally, our dataset has been extensively used in several studies, in particular by the BIRA-IASB modelling team to constrain NMVOC emission fluxes. The results demonstrate the high potential of satellite data as top-down constraint for biogenic and biomass burning NMVOC emission inventories, especially in Tropical ecosystems, in Southeastern Asia, and in Southeastern US. / Le formaldéhyde (H2CO) joue un rôle central dans la chimie de la troposphère en tant que produit intermédiaire commun à la dégradation chimique de la plupart des composés organiques volatils dans l’atmosphère. L’oxydation du méthane est responsable de plus de la moitié de la concentration moyenne globale du formaldéhyde. Sur les continents en revanche, les hydrocarbures non-méthaniques (NMVOCs) émis par la végétation, les feux de biomasse et les activités humaines, augmentent de façon significative et localisée la concentration de H2CO. Les récents senseurs satellitaires à visée nadir offrent la possibilité de quantifier à l’échelle globale l’abondance du formaldéhyde dans la troposphère et de ce fait, d’améliorer notre connaissance des émissions de NMVOCs. Ceci est essentiel à la compréhension des mécanismes contrôlant la production et l’évolution de l’ozone troposphérique, élément clé pour la qualité de l’air et les changements climatiques, mais aussi du composé hydroxyle OH, le principal agent nettoyant de notre troposphère. C’est pourquoi, une méthode de plus en plus répandue pour améliorer les inventaires d’émissions des NMVOCs consiste en l’utilisation d’observations satellitaires de H2CO en combinaison avec un modèle de chimie et de transport troposphérique, dans une approche appelée modélisation inverse. Ce genre d’application demande des produits satellitaires bien caractérisés et dérivés de façon cohérente sur de longues périodes de temps. Le travail présenté dans ce manuscrit porte sur l’inversion des colonnes de formaldéhyde à partir de spectres de la radiation solaire rétrodiffusée par l’atmosphère terrestre, mesurés par les senseurs GOME, SCIAMACHY et GOME-2, lancés successivement en 1995, 2002 et 2006. La méthode d’inversion est basée sur la spectroscopie d’absorption optique différentielle (DOAS). Les concentrations de formaldéhyde intégrées le long du chemin optique moyen dans l’atmosphère sont dérivées à partir des spectres mesurés, et ensuite transformées en colonnes verticales par le biais de facteurs de conversion appelés facteurs de masse d’air. Ces derniers sont calculés à l’aide d’un modèle de transfert radiatif, en tenant compte de la présence de nuages, des propriétés de la surface terrestre et la distribution verticale supposée du formaldéhyde, fournie par le modèle IMAGES. Un des objectifs principaux de la thèse a été d’optimiser les paramètres d’inversion pour H2CO, et ceci pour les trois senseurs, tout en tenant compte des spécificités de chaque instrument. Ces efforts ont conduit à la création d’un jeu de données homogène, couvrant la période de 1996 à 2010. Les colonnes sont fournies avec un bilan d’erreur complet, incluant les erreurs liées à l’inversion des concentrations dans les spectres, ainsi que celles provenant de l’évaluation des facteurs de masse d’air. La série temporelle des observations de GOME, SCIAMACHY et GOME-2 présente une bonne cohérence et stabilité sur toute la période. Nous montrons aussi que la meilleure couverture terrestre de GOME-2 entraîne une réduction significative du bruit sur les observations moyennées, permettant une meilleure identification des sources d’émission. Notre jeu de données est exploité pour étudier la distribution régionale du formaldéhyde, ainsi que ses variations saisonnières et interannuelles, principalement liées aux variations de température et aux feux de végétation, mais aussi aux activités anthropiques. De plus, en s’appuyant sur la qualité de la série temporelle de 15 ans, nous présentons la première analyse des variations à long terme des concentrations de H2CO. Des tendances positives, de l’ordre de 1.5 à 4% par an, sont observées en Asie, en particulier dans l’est de la Chine et en Inde, liées à l’augmentation des émissions anthropiques d’hydrocarbures dans ces régions. Finalement, nos données ont été largement exploitées par le groupe de modélisation de l’IASB pour faire des études de modélisation inverse des émissions de NMVOCs. Les résultats démontrent le haut potentiel des données satellitaires pour contraindre les inventaires d’émissions dues à la végétation et aux feux de biomasse, particulièrement dans les écosystèmes tropicaux, en Asie du sud-est, et dans le sud-est des Etats-Unis.

Sterilization of Operating Microscope and Flexible Fiber-Optic Illuminator by Formaldehyde Gas

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