Spelling suggestions: "subject:"forward""
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A Consistency Management Layer for Inter-Domain RoutingKushman, Nate, Katabi, Dina, Wroclawski, John 27 January 2006 (has links)
This paper proposes an isolation layer -- a shim -- betweeninter-domain routing and packet forwarding. The job of this layer isto coordinate between Autonomous Systems (AS's) on when and how tomodify the forwarding state to ensure inter-domain routing loops donot cause forwarding loops. The benefits of a consistency layer aretwofold. First, it prevents the creation of transient inter-domainforwarding loops and the resulting packet loss, high latency, andconnection failures.Second, by taking the burden of forwarding consistency off theinter-domain routing protocol, it enables inter-domain routingprotocols with more complex convergence characteristics than BGP, suchas protocols that optimize route selection based on performance. Weoffer two possible designs for the consistency layer. We prove thatboth designs are free of forwarding loops and show they are easy todeploy in the current Internet.
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Configuration and device identification on networkgateways / Konfiguration och enhetsidentifiering på nätverksgatewaysKers, Simon January 2013 (has links)
To set up port forwarding rules on network gateways, certain technical skills are requiredfrom end-users. These assumptions in the gateway software stack, can lead to an increasein support calls to network operators and resellers of customer premises equipment. Theuser interface itself is also an important part of the product and a complicated interfacewill contribute to a lessened user experience. Other issues with an overwhelming userinterface include the risk of faulty configuration by the user, potentially leaving the networkvulnerable to attacks.We present an enhancement of the current port forwarding configuration in the gatewaysoftware, with an extensible library of presets along with usability improvements. To helpusers with detecting available services, a wrapper for a network scanner is implemented, fordetecting devices and services on the local network. These parts combined relieves end-usersof looking up forwarding rules for ports and protocols to configure their gateway, basingtheir decisions on data collected by the network scanner or by using an applications nameinstead of looking up its ports. Another usability improvement is an internal DNS service,which enables access to the gateway interface through a human-memorable domain name,instead of using the LAN IP address.Using the Nmap utility for identifying services on the network, could be consideredharmful activity by network admins and intrusion detection systems. The preset libraryis extensible and generic enough to be included in the default software suite shipping withthe network equipment. Working within the unified configuration system of OpenWrt, thepreset design will add value and allow resellers to easily customize it to their services. Thisproposal could reduce support costs for the service operators and improve user experiencein configuring network gateways. / Vid portmappning i nätverksgateways krävs det vissa tekniska förkunskaper av användaren.Höga krav på kunskapsnivå kan leda till ett ökat antal supportsamtal för återförsäljareoch nätverksoperatörer. Användargränssnittet i sig är också en viktig del i produkten ochett komplicerat gränssnitt bidrar till försämrad användarupplevelse. Övriga problem medkomplicerade användargränssnitt är risken för felaktig konfiguration, vilket kan försämraIT-säkerheten på nätverket.En förändring av nuvarande inställningar för portmappning presenteras, tillsammansmed ett utbyggbart bibliotek med förinställda regler, samt generella förbättringar av an-vändargränssnittet. Ytterligare förbättringar av användarvänligheten sker i form av nä-tadressöversättning, som möjliggör åtkomst till nätverksgateway via domännamn som ärenklare att minnas än IP adressens siffror. För att hjälpa användare med identifikationav enheter och att göra rätt inställningar, utvecklas en wrapper för en portskanner, somautomatiskt kan identifiera enheter och nättjänster på det lokala nätverket. Tillsammansunderlättar dessa delar för slutanvändaren, befriar den från att referera till regler för portaroch protokoll och möjliggör inställningar enbart genom att använda portskanning eller väljanamnet på önskad tjänst från en lista.Användandet av verktyget Nmap för att identifiera nättjänster på nätverket kan kommaatt betraktas som dataintrång av nätverksadministratörer och intrångdetekteringssystem.Konfigurationsfilerna med förinställningar är utbyggbar, fungerar och passar in tillräck-ligt bra för att levereras med standardmjukvaran. Via det centraliserade konfigurationssys-temet i OpenWrt, kommer utformningen av systemet med förinställningar för portmappningmöjliggöra för komplementering av återförsäljare, för att innefatta deras respektive nät-tjänster och enheter som kräver vidarebefodring av särskilda portar. Systemet kan minskasupportkostnader för bredbandsleverantörer och bidra till en förbättrad användarupplevelsevid konfiguration av nätverksgateways.
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Mécanismes de contrôle pour les applications coopératives de sécurité routière dans les systèmes de transport intelligents / Control mechanisms for intelligent transportation systems (ITS) cooperative safety applicationsHrizi, Fatma 20 December 2012 (has links)
Dans ces dernières années, les Systèmes de Transport Intelligents (STI) ont été considérés comme l'un des domaines de recherche les plus émergents en raison de leur rôle prometteur dans l'amélioration de la gestion du trafic et de la sécurité routière. Les applications coopératives de sécurité, étant les plus cruciales, ont gagné beaucoup d'intérêt. L'efficacité de ces applications dépend largement de l'échange efficace de deux principaux types d'informations. L'information de localisation périodique correspondant à l'information de localisation du voisinage et l'information événementielle qui est transmise en multi-sauts et générée lors de la détection d'une situation d'urgence. En raison de la caractéristique à grande échelle des STI, cette information fait l'objet du problème de congestion dans le réseau. L'objectif de cette thèse est d'assurer un contrôle fiable et robuste des informations de sécurité permettant de réduire la congestion du canal tout en tenant en compte des exigences des applications de sécurité. Nous examinons la diffusion de l'information événementielle en proposant une approche a multi-sauts qui a montré une amélioration de la réception de l'information. Cependant, cette approche reste très sensible à la charge de canal résultant de transmissions de l'information de localisation périodiques. D'autre part, la transmission efficace de l'information événementielle repose essentiellement sur la détection précise des événements de sécurité et en conséquence sur la précision de l'information de localisation. Ainsi, nous proposons un mécanisme de contrôle de l'information de localisation afin de fournir une meilleure précision et limiter la charge du canal. Les approches proposées dans cette thèse ont profondément étudié le compromis entre le respect des exigences des applications de sécurité et la gestion efficace de la congestion dans le réseau véhiculaire. / In the last decades, Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) have been considered as one of the most emerging research area due to their promising role in promoting traffic efficiency and enhancing road safety. ITS cooperative safety applications, being the most vital and critical, have gained a lot of attention. The effectiveness of these applications depends widely on the efficient exchange of two main types of information. The periodic awareness corresponding to the one-hop location information of surrounding environment and the multi-hop event-driven information generated at the detection of a safety situation. Due to the large scale characteristic of ITS, this information is expected to be subject to severe congestion which might impact its reliable reception. The goal of this thesis is to focus on the reliable and robust control of safety-related information by reducing the channel congestion and at the same time taking into account the requirements of safety applications. We address first the event-driven safety information. We proposed a multi-hop policy showed to improve the dissemination of the event-driven information. However, it remains strongly sensitive to the channel load resulting from periodic awareness transmissions. On the other hand, the effective transmission of event-driven information depends primarily on the accurate detection of safety events and accordingly on the accuracy of awareness. Thus, we provide an efficient awareness control mechanism in order to provide better accuracy and limit the channel congestion. The approaches proposed in this thesis have deeply investigated the trade-off between ensuring the requirements of cooperative safety and the efficient management of congestion in vehicular network.
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The Evaluation of GeoNetworking Forwarding in Vehicular Ad-Hoc NetworksRajendran, Rajapandiyan January 2013 (has links)
In Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS), disseminating warning messages in a timely and efficient way through wireless short-range communications can save many lives and reduce traffic congestion. A geographical broadcast protocol provides data delivery to specified geographical areas, using multi-hop communications if needed. Among the main challenges for such protocols are forwarder selection and the reduction of the number of hops required to reach and cover the destination area. In this thesis we propose an efficient geographical broadcast protocol called Preferred and Contention Based Forwarding (PCBF) and evaluate it through simulations. PCBF uses a combination of contention-based forwarding and selecting preferred forwarders also found in other protocols like Emergency Message Dissemination for Vehicular Environments (EMDV). Since the preferred forwarder is allowed to immediately forward the packet (evading contention among other potential forwarders), this approach reduces end-to-end delays. Notable extensions of PCBF compared to EMDV are the use of direct negative acknowledgements in case of unnecessary rebroadcasts and the use of forwarders outside the target region. Our simulation results show that the PCBF protocol outperforms selected other protocols in terms of end-to-end delay, re-broadcast overhead and reliability in both sparse and dense networks.
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Commande d'un véhicule hypersonique à propulsion aérobie : modélisation et synthèse / Control of a hypersonic airbreathing vehicle : modeling and synthesisPoulain, François 28 March 2012 (has links)
La propulsion aérobie à grande vitesse est depuis longtemps identifiée comme l'un des prochains sauts technologiques à franchir dans le domaine des lanceurs spatiaux. Cependant, les véhicules hypersoniques (HSV) fonctionnant dans des domaines de vitesse extrêmement élevées, de nombreuses contraintes et incertitudes entravent les garanties des propriétés des contrôleurs. L'objet de cette thèse est d'étudier la synthèse de commande d'un tel véhicule.Pour commencer, il s'agit de définir un modèle représentatif d'un HSV exploitable pour la commande. Dans ce travail, nous construisons deux modèles de HSV. Un pour la simulation en boucle fermée, et le second afin de poser précisément le problème de commande.Nous proposons ensuite une synthèse de commande de la dynamique longitudinale dans le plan vertical de symétrie. Celle-ci est robuste aux incertitudes de modélisation, tolérante à des saturations, et n'excite pas les dynamiques rapides négligées. Ses propriétés sont évaluées sur différents cas de simulation. Puis, une extension est proposée afin de résoudre le problème de commande simultanée des dynamiques longitudinale et latérale, sous les mêmes contraintes.Ce résultat est obtenu par une assignation de fonction de Lyapunov, suite à une étude des dynamiques longitudinale et latérale. Par ailleurs, pour traiter les erreurs de poursuite dues aux incertitudes de modélisation, nous nous intéressons au problème de régulation asymptotique robuste par retour d'état. Nous montrons que cette régulation peut être accomplie en stabilisant le système augmenté d'un intégrateur de la sortie. Ceci constitue une extension de la structure de contrôle proportionnel-intégral au cas des systèmes non linéaires. / High speed airbreathing thrust has been known for a long time as one of the next technological step to be overcome in space launchers domain. However, HyperSonic Vehicles (HSV) speed operating ranges being extremely high, numerous constraints and uncertainties restrict the ensuring of control properties. The purpose of this thesis is to study control synthesis for such a vehicle.First, it concern the definition of a HSV model for controlling purpose. In this work is constructed two HSV models. One in order to effect closed loop simulation, and the other in order to precisely establish the control problem.Then, is proposed a control synthesis for the longitudinal dynamics restricted to the symmetric vertical plane. It is robust to modelling uncertainties, allows saturation, and does not excite neglected fast dynamics. Its properties are evaluated on different cases of simulation. Next, an extension is proposed in order to solve the problem of controlling simultaneously longitudinal and lateral dynamics, under the same constraints.This result is obtained by the use of control Lyapunov functions, following the study of longitudinal and lateral dynamics. Furthermore, in order to solve tracking errors due to modelling uncertainties, the problem of robust asymptotic regulation by state feedback has been addressed. It is shown that such a regulation can be achieved by stabilizing the system augmented by an output integrator. This constitutes an extension for nonlinear systems of the proportional-integral control structure.
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Uplatnění mezinárodní silniční přepravy v rámci aktivit zasílatelské firmy Transforwarding a.s. / Use of international freight road transportation within forwarding company Transforwarding a.s.Průchová, Nikola January 2011 (has links)
The goal of this diploma thesis is to give a comprehensive overview about the use of international freight road transportation within forwarding company Transforwarding a.s. and also to suggest suitable solution for their future system of organizing international freight road transportation within a new area.
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Virtual Routing and Forwarding (VRF) - och dess påverkan på en routers processorOhlson, Johan January 2010 (has links)
<p>I dagsläget används VPN allt mer bland företagen för att ansluta till olika nätverk. Detta kan medföra att routingtabellen blir alltför stor och det kan i sin tur påverka processorbelastningen på routern som delar ut alla VPN.Detta arbete hade som syfte att granska om det är några märkbara prestandaskillnader på en routers processor när olika routingprotokoll används tillsammans med VRF. Protokollen som detta arbete tog upp var BGP, OSPF och RIP.Tre olika nätverks-scenarier skapades där olika tester genomfördes för de tre nämnda routingprotokollen. Det gjordes även tester på routrar när ingen VRF användes för att jämföra resultaten. Testerna bestod av att granska processorbelastningen på routrar när det fanns många rutter i nätverket och när nätverket var belastat med trafik.Testernas visade att skillnaden mellan BGP och OSPF inte är särskilt stor, men när RIP användes så steg processorbelastningen markant när nätverket hade många rutter. Om däremot VRF användes tillsammans med RIP så sjönk belastningen avsevärt på vissa routrar.</p>
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Zasilatelství / Institution of shippingDudík, Jan January 2016 (has links)
Freight Forwarding The content of this thesis is a treatise on the issue of freight forwarding contract conclusion as well as on the topic of freight forwarding in general, namely in the context of Czech laws together with the laws of Germany and Austria. The thesis is divided into five chapters, whereas the author emphasizes, besides the comparison of the current and the previous legislations the clarification of basic terms of the law of transport and conceives the text as an elementary insight into an often overlooked issue. Demonstrated on the historical context, outlined in chapter two of the thesis, is the rather dynamic evolution of the branch as well as the set back of its promising beginnings in our countries caused by the installment of the totalitarian regime in the late 40s of the last century. Prevailing in the following legislative excursion, contained in the third chapter, is beside the aforementioned comparison, a pure analysis of the rights and obligations of the forwarding contract parties, means of their securing as well as of the alternative liability regimes, when included is also a brief description of the related types of contracts and the model transport documents used in the freight forwarding business branch. The fourth chapter consists mainly of an analysis of the legal...
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Investigative analysis of CRM System Implementation and the challenges attached to its integration into existing ERP System. From an Organization Perspective : A case study of a Freight Forwarding Company in SwedenFredrick, Kingsley, Christopher, Danielle January 2019 (has links)
Enterprise Resource Planning and Customer Relationship Management are two essential concepts in the global supply chain. These aspects are considered to be the backbone of organizational success as they ensure that the upstream and downstream members of the chain are working effectively to deliver services that meet the standards and the customer’s requirements. Customer satisfaction in the freight forwarding industry, especially for the Case company is the priority. Integration of new systems in the centralized repository so that the information sharing is facilitated, and decision making is strengthened. Vendor selection, implementation of the new system, and customer satisfaction are the essential parts of this study. As there is significant competition in the industry, there are increasing challenges in boundless trading. Several researchers have conducted a study on this aspect to evaluate the critical success factors driving ERP system successfully. In this study, the researchers aimed to analyse the importance of implementing a CRM system in an ERP system of the Case company and evaluate how it positively influenced the organization.The researchers in this study used a triangulation approach and made use of both primary and secondary data in the study. For primary data, there were several detailed interviews conducted while the secondary data was collected through the comprehensive literature review. The results showed that there had all the research participants emphasized massively on the importance of customer relationship and implementation of a new system in the organization. There were specific challenges that were faced by the organization, especially concerning the employee resistance to change and the increase in the costs of the organization. However, the benefits outweigh the costs, and it is suggested to continuously improve the system for the sake of enhanced the organization’s performance.
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Análise dos fatores de mudança na DHL global forwarding pelo lean seis sigmaBarreto, Rafael Mateus 25 March 2010 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2010-03-25 / Esta dissertação examina os fatores que contribuem para a implementação da mudança na DHL Global Forwarding a partir da metodologia Lean Seis Sigma. A implantação da mudança pode ser realizada a partir de metodologias de qualidade que promovam melhorias no processo de serviços logísticos. Tal perspectiva é estudada na DHL Global Forwarding, uma organização global que presta serviços logísticos, a partir de um programa da empresa denominado First Choice (Primeira Escolha, a nomenclatura utilizada para o Lean Seis Sigma, que constitui o programa de implantação da mudança na empresa), no qual o objetivo é que a organização seja a primeira escolha para seus clientes. A implantação da mudança ocorre a partir do programa de qualidade Seis Sigma integrado ao Lean Thinking, que recebe contribuição de conceitos de mudança propostos por Langley et al. (2009). Na organização analisada, esta tem sido utilizada como meio para promover a mudança e obter melhoria contínua, e também como elemento para planejar a implantação da mudança e compatibilizar estratégia com o modelo de trabalho adotado nas unidades brasileiras da organização. Pelos argumentos citados pode-se destacar como problema desta pesquisa: A metodologia Lean Seis Sigma contribui para a implantação da mudança na DHL Global Forwarding em suas unidades no Brasil? Por meio de quais fatores de mudança o Lean Seis Sigma é adotado? Foi desenvolvido um estudo de caso, a partir de pesquisa documental, observação direta e participante e pesquisa de campo por meio de um roteiro semi-estruturado nas unidades do Brasil, da DHL Global Forwarding, com os profissionais treinados em Lean Seis Sigma, assim como gestores, que são responsáveis pela aplicação do programa de gestão de mudança analisado. Os anos de análise são 2007, 2008 e 2009, devido ao programa ter sido implantado em 2007. O formulário aplicado aos colaboradores verificou os aspectos da empresa que são estratégicos para a implementação da gestão da mudança para a melhoria contínua a partir de um formulário de pesquisa contendo 72 tópicos de mudança, a partir do modelo proposto por Langley et al. (2009) como os conceitos para a mudança. Cada conceito foi classificado com numeração de um a quatro, conforme a escala de Likert de quatro pontos: 1 - não é realizado na empresa e não é considerado importante; 2 não é realizado, mas é considerado importante; 3 é realizado mas não é considerado importante, 4 é realizado como essencial para os objetivos estratégicos da organização. O formulário aplicado aos gestores possuiu oito questões direcionadas ao Lean Seis Sigma na DHL Global Forwarding. Mostrou-se que os conceitos de mudança pesquisados representam para a empresa, na visão de colaboradores e gestores, fatores de mudança que influenciam na mudança e apresentam melhorias na operação da DHL Global Forwarding. Assim, permite-se inferir que os fatores de mudança são disseminados a partir do programa Lean Seis Sigma e englobam diversos aspectos que se enquadram na prestação de serviços logísticos, desde a operação, organização, planejamento e controle em relação à percepção do cliente e da qualidade gerada em cada etapa.
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