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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Investigação de novas rotas de tratamento térmico em aço para rolamento. / Investigation of new treatment routes for bearing steel.

Diego da Rocha Ramos 25 August 2010 (has links)
Ao longo deste trabalho foi proposta uma nova rota de tratamento térmico para o aço AISI 52100, principal material utilizado na fabricação de rolamentos. Esta nova rota visa refinar a microestrutura de carbonetos presentes no material, com o objetivo de otimizar as propriedades mecânicas. Os tratamentos térmicos realizados conduziram a uma diminuição no tamanho dos carbonetos quando comparados com a amostra tradicional. Para medir a tenacidade à fratura evitando a dificuldade experimental de se nuclear pré-trincas em materiais frágeis, foi utilizada a metodologia Chevron, como formalizada na ASTM E-1304(97). Algumas das amostras submetidas a nova rota apresentaram maior tenacidade à fratura quando comparadas a amostra tratada na rota convencional. O material tratado na nova rota de tratamento térmico foi avaliado também em ensaio de impacto, usando-se corpos de prova Charpy de secção reduzida, sem entalhe. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que o material com carbonetos mais finos apresentavam menor energia absorvida no impacto quando comparados com a amostra tratada na rota convencional. Este comportamento a princípio contraditório foi explicado pela maior presença de sítios de nucleação na amostra com carbonetos mais finos. A maior densidade de sítios nas condições do ensaio de impacto conduziu a uma intensificação da nucleação de trincas, levando a uma menor energia absorvida durante o ensaio de impacto; este efeito ocorre mesmo quando o mecanismo de nucleação de trincas envolve a nucleação e coalescimento de microcavidades. Procurou-se fazer uma correlação entre a morfologia das superfícies de fratura obtidas no ensaio Chevron, o tamanho do carboneto das amostras e o micromecanismo atuante. Para amostras com superfície de fratura com aspecto fibroso foi associado o micromecanismo de fratura controlado por deformação. Para amostras com superfície de fratura com aspecto intergranular foi associado o micromecanismo de fratura controlado por tensão. / This work proposes a new heat treatment route for AISI 52100 steel, the most used material for bearings. The new route is designed so as to refine the carbides distribution in material, with the aim of increasing the fracture toughness. In order to measure the fracture toughness a Chevron notch methodology was used, as described in ASTM E-1304(97). Obtaining a static pre-crack on brittle materials is difficult and expensive; the Chevron notch methodology allows avoiding this difficulty. The heat treatments reduced the carbide sizes as compared with conventionally heat-treated steels. Some samples treated by this new route presented an increase in Chevron notch fracture toughness. The materials treated by the new heat treatment route were also tested in impact using a subsize Charpy specimen, without notch. Materials with fine carbides presented less dissipated energy in impact test then the material conventionally treated. This behavior is associated with the increase in number of carbide particles, as second phase particles are known to behave as sites for microvoid initiation and growth. The higher density of such sites presented in the material with fine carbides enhance this mechanism, lowering the dissipated energy measured in impact test. A correlation between fracture morphology, carbide size and fracture mechanisms was attempted. Samples with fine carbides presents fibrous transgranular fracture morphologies with strain controlled fracture micromechanism while samples with coarse carbides presented intergranular type morphologies with stress controlled micro-mechanism.

Sinterização e caracterização mecânica e microestrutural de cerâmicas de SiC aditivadas com misturas de AIN/Dy2O3 e AIN/Yb2O3 / Sintering, mechanical and microstructural characterization of SiC ceramics with AlN/Dy2O3 and AlN/Yb2O3 additives

Aline Corecha Santos 23 October 2015 (has links)
A obtenção de cerâmicas de SiC pela sinterização com a presença de aditivos que promovam a formação de uma fase líquida (SFL) durante o processo tem sido uma forma adequada para garantir a menor temperatura de sinterização. Pelo fato de o SiC ser frágil, a busca por melhores propriedades mecânicas e avaliação correta das mesmas, para ser aplicado em ambientes agressivos, é contínua. Com base nisso, na primeira etapa, foram estudados, quanto à molhabilidade sobre o SiC, os sistemas AlN/Re2O3 (Re = Dy, Yb) para serem utilizados como aditivos. Os ângulos de contato medidos foram menores que 10° e considerados adequados para a SFL. O SiC sinterizado com esses aditivos permitiu produzir microestruturas diferentes com o aumento da temperatura. Na segunda etapa, foram sinterizadas amostras na forma de pastilhas em várias temperaturas, cujas condições que apresentaram os melhores resultados de massa específica real e densidade relativa foram tomadas como referência para a sinterização na forma de barras prismáticas. Na terceira etapa, essas amostras foram avaliadas quanto à sua tenacidade à fratura (KIC) pelo método da barra entalhada em V, dureza e resistência à flexão. O comportamento de KIC foi avaliado em função da profundidade e raio de curvatura dos entalhes. Os valores variaram entre 2,59 e 3,64 MPam1/2. Verificou-se que os valores de KIC confiáveis foram aqueles encontrados com pequeno raio de curvatura na ponta do entalhe. Quando o raio foi grande, o mesmo não manteve a singularidade da raiz quadrada da ponta do entalhe, e forneceu valores de KIC superestimados. Foram realizados testes para determinar KIC em ar atmosférico e em água, cujos resultados foram menores em água que em ar, com queda entre 2,56 e 11,26%. A maior resistência sob flexão determinada em 4 pontos foi de 482 MPa. Observou-se correlação direta do tamanho dos grãos nos valores de KIC, dureza e módulo de ruptura das cerâmicas de SiC. / Obtaining SiC ceramics by sintering in the presence of additives that promote a liquid phase formation (LPS) during the process has been a proper manner to ensure the lowest sintering temperature. Because SiC is brittle, an ongoing search for better mechanical properties and proper evaluation of these properties for application in aggressive environments maintained. Thus, in the first stage we studied AlN/Re2O3 systems (Re = Dy, Yb), as to their wettability on SiC, for use as additives. The measured contact angles were smaller than 10° and considered suitable for the LPS. The sintered SiC with these additives allowed the production of different microstructures with the increase in temperature. In the second stage, pellet-shaped samples were sintered at various temperatures, and the conditions showing the best density results were taken as reference for sintering prism-shaped bars. In the third stage, these samples were evaluated for toughness (KIC) by single edge V-notched beam method, hardness, and flexural strength. The behavior of KIC was assessed for notch depth and notch radius of curvature. Values ranged between 2.59 and 3.64 MPa/m1/2. The reliable values of KIC were those found with small radius of curvature at the notch tip. When the radius was large, it did not maintain the singularity of the square root of notch tip and provided overestimated KIC values. Tests were performed to determine KIC in atmospheric air and water, and results were lower in water than in air, dropping between 2.56 and 11.26%. The greatest strength under the 4-point bending test was 482 MPa. We observed a direct correlation of grains size in KIC values, hardness and bending strength of SiC ceramics.

Influência dos parâmetros de tratamento térmico pós-soldagem nas propriedades mecânicas e na microestrutura de um tubo da liga ASTM A 335 Gr P91 (9Cr1Mo) / Influence of post welding heat treatment parameters on mechanical properties and microstructure of a steel pipe ASTM A 335 Gr P91

Emerson Andre Pinto Bento 06 February 2015 (has links)
A importância das indústrias de cana-de-açúcar no cenário nacional cresce exponencialmente, desde sua origem. Porém nas últimas três décadas este tipo de indústria deixou de ser tipicamente familiar e passou a produzir em grande escala açúcar, etanol, produtos químicos derivados, levedura e planta de CO2 (para indústria de bebida e ou alimentos), além da venda do excedente da energia que é gerada na própria indústria. Um dos principais equipamentos em uma usina de açúcar e álcool é a caldeira, nome popular dado ao vaso de pressão que gera vapor a partir do aquecimento da água em um ambiente de alta pressão. Este calor é usado como fonte para produção de energia. Os aços ligados ao Cr e Mo têm sido cada vez mais aplicada neste tipo de equipamento. O presente trabalho tem por objetivo entender a influência dos parâmetros de tratamento térmico pós-soldagem nas propriedades mecânicas e na microestrutura de um tubo sem costura de aço ASTM A 335 Gr P91, através da determinação dos valores de: resistência à tração, limite de escoamento, percentual de alongamento, dureza, tenacidade à fratura e CTOD do material base, metal de solda e zona termicamente afetada (ZTA) da região soldada de tubos unidos por solda. Para a realização desta pesquisa serão aplicados os conceitos da teoria da mecânica da fratura elasto-plástica (Crack Tip Open Displacement, CTOD) e os conceitos de comportamento mecânico dos materiais, para o estudo da influência dos parâmetros de tratamento térmico pós-soldagem. / The importance of sugar cane industries on the national scene grows exponentially since its origin. But in the last three decades these became from cottage industries to large-scale production of Ethanol, Chemicals derivatives, yeast and plant CO2 (for food or drink industry). One of the main equipment in a sugar and alcohol plant is the boiler, popular name given to the pressure vessel that generates steam from the heating of water in a high pressure environment. This is used as heat source for energy production. One of the alloy that has been increasingly applied in projects of this equipment are martensitic steels (Cr Mo alloys). The present study aims to understand the influence of post weld heat treatment parameter´s on mechanical properties and microstructure of a seamless tube, steel ASTM 335 Gr P91, the determination of values of tensile strength, yield strength, percentage of elongation, hardness, fracture toughness and CTOD of the base material, weld metal and heat affected zone (HAZ) of the welded region of tubes welded together. In this research the concepts of the theory of mechanics of elastic-plastic fracture (Crack Tip Open Displacement, CTOD) and the concepts of mechanical behavior of materials will be applied.

Tenacidade à fratura , crescimento subcrítico de trinca e limite de fadiga de compósitos resinosos experimentais com diferentes tamanhos de partículas de carga / Fracture toughness, subcritical crack growth and fatigue limit of experimental resin composites with different filler sizes.

Bárbara Pick Ornaghi 02 July 2010 (has links)
O objetivo desta pesquisa foi verificar a influência de diferentes tamanhos de partículas de carga na tenacidade à fratura (KIc), nos parâmetros do crescimento subcrítico de trinca (n e f0) e de Weibull (m e 0), na longevidade estimada pelo diagrama tensão-probabilidade-tempo (SPT) e no limite de fadiga cíclica (LFC) de compósitos resinosos experimentais. Quatro compósitos foram preparados contendo 78% em massa (59% em volume) de conteúdo inorgânico, constituído por 67% de pó de vidro com diferentes tamanhos de partículas (d50 = 0,5; 0,9; 1,2 e 1,9 µm) e 11% de sílica pirogênica. Dados de KIc obtidos pelo método single-edge notched beam (25x5x2,8 mm; n=15) foram submetidos a ANOVA/teste de Tukey (p < 0,05). n e f0 foram determinados através do ensaio de fadiga dinâmica (10-2 a 102 MPa/s) utilizando um dispositivo de flexão biaxial (12x1,2 mm; n=10). Para determinar m e 0, mais 20 espécimes de cada compósito foram testados na taxa de 100 MPa/s. Os diagramas SPT foram obtidos a partir dos dados da fadiga dinâmica e análise de Weibull. No ensaio de fadiga cíclica, um dispositivo de flexão biaxial (12x1,2 mm) foi utilizado para se obter a resistência à flexão inicial (RFI; n=14) e o LFC (n=20). LFC foi obtido pelo método escada após 105 ciclos. Para todos os testes, os espécimes foram armazenados em água destilada a 37oC por 24h. Foi realizada a fractografia dos espécimes fraturados nas taxas 10-2 e 10-1 MPa/s da fadiga dinâmica e nos ensaios para determinação da RFI e LFC. Houve relação direta entre d50 e KIc (C0,5: 1,2±0,1b; C0,9: 1,3±0,1ab; C1,2: 1,3±0,1ab; C1,9: 1,4±0,2a, em MPa.m0,5). C0,5 (31,2±6,2a) e C1,9 (34,7±7,4a) apresentaram valores de n superiores a C0,9 (20,3±3,0b) e C1,2 (17,3±1,8b). C1,2 (166,42±0,01a) apresentou o maior valor de f0 (em MPa), seguido pelo C1,9 (159,82±0,02b), C0,9 (159,59±0,02c) e C0,5 (158,40±0,02d). Não houve diferença estatística entre os valores de m (6,6 a 10,6) e 0 (170,6 a 176,4 MPa) dos compósitos. As reduções na tensão de fratura para uma probabilidade de falha de 5% após 10 anos estimadas pelo diagramas SPT foram de aproximadamente 22% para C0,5 e C1,9 e 36% para C0,9 e C1,2. Não houve diferença estatística entre as médias de RFI (155,4 a 170,7 MPa). C0,5 (93,0±18,6a) apresentou o maior LFC (em MPa), seguido pelo C1,2 (91,8±11,1ab), C1,9 (87,2±3,0b) e C0,9 (82,5±8,0c). Defeitos sub-superficiais e superficiais foram as principais origens de fratura. A trinca se propagou pela matriz polimérica ao redor das partículas (deflexão de trinca) e todas as superfícies apresentaram características de fratura frágil. Como conclusão, compósitos com partículas maiores apresentaram maior KIC, enquanto que partículas menores contribuíram para um maior LFC. Compósitos com distribuição granulométrica mais ampla, independentemente do d50, apresentaram maior resistência ao SCG. Nos demais parâmetros e propriedades avaliados (m, 0 e RFI) não houve influência do tamanho das partículas. / The aim of this study was to verify the influence of different filler sizes in the fracture toughness (KIc), subcritical crack growth (n e f0) and Weibull (m e 0) parameters, longevity estimated by the strength-probability-time (SPT) diagram and cyclic fatigue limit (CFL) of experimental resin composites. Four composites were prepared, each one containing 78 w% (59 vol%) of inorganic content, in which 67 w% were glass powder with different filler sizes (d50 = 0.5; 0.9; 1.2 e 1.9 µm) and 11 w% were pyrogenic silica. KIc data was obtained by the single-edge notched beam test and submitted to ANOVA/Tukey tests (p < 0.05). n and f0 were determined by the dynamic fatigue test (10-2 a 102 MPa/s) using a biaxial flexural device (12x1.2 mm; n=10). 20 specimens of each composite were tested at 100 MPa/s to determine Weibull parameters. SPT diagrams were constructed using the dynamic fatigue and Weibull data. For the cyclic fatigue test, a biaxial flexural device (12x1.2 mm) was used to obtain the initial flexural strength (IFS; n=14) and CFL (n=20). CFL was determined by staircase method after 105 cycles. For all tests, the specimens were stored in distilled water at 37oC for 24h. It was done the fractography of the fractured specimens that was subjected to the 10-2 e 10-1 MPa/s rates of the dynamic fatigue and to the IFS and CFL tests. There was a direct relation between d50 e KIc (C0.5: 1.2±0.1b; C0.9: 1.3±0.1ab; C1.2: 1.3±0.1ab; C1.9: 1.4±0,2a, in MPa.m0,5). C0.5 (31.2±6.2a) and C1.9 (34.7±7.4a) presented higher n values than C0.9 (20.3±3.0b) and C1.2 (17.3±1.8b). C1.2 (166.42±0.01a) showed the highest f0 value (in MPa), followed by C1.9 (159.82±0.02b), C0.9 (159.59±0.02c) and C0.5 (158.40±0.02d). There were no statistical differences among the m (6.6 to 10.6) and 0 (170.6 to 176.4 MPa) values of the composites. The reductions in fracture stress at 5% failure probability for a lifetime of 10 years estimated by the SPT diagrams were approximately 22% for C0.5 and C1.9 and 36% for C0.9 and C1.2. There were no statistical differences among the IFS means (155.4 to 170.7 MPa). C0.5 (93.0±18.6a) showed the highest CFL (in MPa), followed by C1.2 (91.8±11.1ab), C1.9 (87.2±3.0b) and C0.9 (82.5±8.0c). Near-surface and surface flaws were the main fracture origins. The crack propagated by the polymeric matrix around the fillers (crack deflection) and all the fracture surfaces showed brittle fracture features. As conclusion, composites with large fillers presented the highest KIC, while the small fillers contributed to increase the CFL. Composites with broader granulometric size distribution, regardless of d50, showed higher resistance to SCG. There was no influence of the composites filler sizes in the others parameters and properties evaluated (m, 0 and IFS).

Análise microestrutural, tenacidade à fratura e vida em fadiga das AA7050-T7451 e AA2050-T84 (Al-Li) / Microstructural analysis, fracture toughness and fatigue life of AA7050-T7451 and AA2050-T84 (Al-Li) alloys

Fernando Antonio Pascoal Júnior 23 February 2015 (has links)
No presente trabalho foi realizado um estudo comparativo entre as ligas AA7050- T7451 e AA2050-T84, bem como entre as direções L-T e T-L para analisar o comportamento das ligas, quando submetidos à temperatura ambiente e criogênica. Para realizar a análise comparativa entre as ligas e entre as direções, foram utilizados corpos de prova tipo C(T) (Compacto Tension), pré-trincados em fadiga. A análise comportamental das ligas foram avaliadas através dos ensaios de tenacidade à fratura, KIC, Curva KR, fadiga, da/dN. A microestrutura foi caracterizada através da microscopia ótica, microscopia eletrônica de varredura e microscopia eletrônica de transmissão. Foi observado que na direção L-T há uma maior resistência à propagação da trinca em relação à direção T-L, no que diz respeito à Curva KR, tanto para temperatura ambiente quanto para temperatura criogênica. Quando comparou-se as duas ligas na direção L-T em temperatura ambiente, ambas apresentaram um fator de intensidade de tensão similar. Os resultados dos ensaios de fadiga mostraram que a direção T-L é mais sensível à razão de carga. Analisando os resultados entre as direções L-T e T-L, observou-se que as duas ligas apresentaram comportamento anisotrópico. / A comparative study was made of the AA7050-T7451 and AA2050-T84 alloys and of the L-T and T-L directions to analyze the behavior of the alloys when subjected to room and cryogenic temperatures. The comparative analyses of the alloys and directions were performed using fatigue-precracked compact tension (CT) test specimens. The behavior of the alloys was analyzed based on fracture toughness, KIC, KR curve, fatigue, and da/dN tests. Their microstructure was characterized by optical microscopy, scanning electron microscopy and transmission electron microscopy. The KR curve indicated that resistance to crack propagation was higher in the L-T direction than in the T-L direction at both room and cryogenic temperatures. In a comparison of the two alloys in the L-T direction at room temperature, they were found to present a similar stress intensity factor. The results of the fatigue tests demonstrated that the T-L direction is more sensitive to the load ratio. An analysis of the results in the L-T and T-L directions indicated that the two alloys exhibited anisotropic behavior.

Efeito do tratamento térmico sobre a sorção e solubilidade, tenacidade à fratura e grau de conversão de compósitos restauradores diretos / Effect of post-curing heat cured treatment in sorption and solubility, fracture toughness and degree of conversion of direct composites

Breno Mont'Alverne Haddade Silva 01 December 2010 (has links)
O tratamento térmico em compósitos restauradores diretos foi realizado a fim de verificar a influência sobre algumas propriedades, tais como a sorção, solubilidade, tenacidade à fratura e grau de conversão. Foram utilizados três compósitos: um nanoparticulado, um microhíbrido e um microparticulado. Duas fontes de luz (Halógena e LED) e dois períodos (48h e 28dias) de armazenagem, com exceção da solubilidade. O tratamento térmico foi realizado em estufa convencional (170o C por 5min), sendo metade dos corpos de prova (cps) tratados e a outra, apenas fotoativada.Para sorção e solubilidade, foram confeccionados 60 cps de acordo com os fatores analisados (n=5) em uma matriz metálica circular de dimensões 15 mm x1 mm. Para o cálculo da sorção e solubilidade, os cps foram pesados em uma Balança Analítica,inicialmente após a confecção do cp, 1hora, 24h, 48h, 7d, 14, 21 e 28d, a fim de estabelecer Massa Inicial (Mi) Massa absorvida (Ma) e Massa dessecada (Md). Para a tenacidade à fratura, foram confeccionados 240 cps de acordo com os fatores analisados (n=10) em uma matriz metálica de dimensões internas 25 mm x 5mm x 2,8 mm. O método utilizado foi o Single Edge Notch-Beam(SENB), com um entalhe de 2,3 mm posicionado no centro da matriz. Os cps eram levados à máquina universal para o ensaio de flexão e, após a ruptura, as superfícies de fratura eram analisadas no estereomicroscópio, para, em seguida, obter as imagens e calcular as dimensões do cps para inserir naequação da tenacidade à fratura.Já para o grau de conversão foram confeccionados 36 cps em uma matriz de acetato circular de 15 mm x 1 mm, posicionados entre duas lâminas microscópicas (n=3). O cálculo do grau de conversão foi determinado por espectroscopia no infravermelho (FTIR).Em geral, os estudos apresentaram uma influência significante do tratamento térmico, Dos resultados para a sorção o compósito, em geral, diminuiu,comparado aos grupos somente fotoativados em ambos os períodos. Entre as interações analisadas (Fonte de Luz X Período) foi significante para todos os grupos. Para a solubilidade a interação (Fonte de luz X Tratamento térmico foi significante para todos os grupos. Quanto à tenacidade à fratura, apenas o fator tratamento foi significante para os compósitos nanoparticulado e microhíbrido. Já para os microparticulados, houve influência dos fatores principais e dasinterações(Fonte de Luz X Período) e Fonte de Luz X Tratamento Térmico). De maneira geral, houve um aumento dos valores de tenacidade para todos os grupos. Já para o grau de conversão, houve um aumento significativo com relação ao tratamento e os períodos analisados dos compósitos. O tratamento térmico, em geral, influenciou positivamente as propriedades estudadas. Sendo assim, a opção de realizar o tratamento térmico nos compósitos de acordo com as propriedades e fatores analisados, torna a técnica passível de ser recomendada. / The post-curing heat treatment in direct composite treatment was done to verify the influence on some properties like sorption, solubility, fracture toughness and the degree of conversion. During the referred study it was used three composites: nanoparticle, a microhybrid and a microfill. Two sources of light (Halogen and LED) and two periods (48 hours and 28 days) for each one, but not to solubility. The postcuringwas done in dry heat sterilizer of 170º C for five minutes for, half of the test samples (TS) were treated and the other half were only photoactivated. It was made 60 TS to sorption and solubility according to the analyzed factors (n=5) in a 15mm x 1mm round metal matrix. To calculate sorption and solubility the TS were weighted in a analytical balance, right after the beginning of the production in 1 hour, 24 hours, 7days, 14 days, 21 days and 28 days respectively in order to establish the initial absorbed mass (Mi), the absorbed mass (Ma) and the desiccated mass (Md ). It was produced 240 TS to the fracture toughness according to factors (n=10) in a 25mm x 5mm x 2,8mm in metallic matrix. The Single Edge Notch-Beam (SENB), was the used method during this study with a notch of 2,3mm placed in the center of the matrix. The TS were taken to a universal machine to flexural test so after the rupture referred surface fractures were analyzed in a stereomicroscope and then it was possible to get the images to calculate the size of the TS to insert the calculus of the fracture toughness. To degree conversion were made 36 TS in a 15mm x 1mm circular acetate matrix placed between two microscopes slides (n=3). The degree conversion was determined a infrared spectroscopy (FTIR). In general the study showed a significant influence in relation post-curing heat treatment. In both periods the sorption of the composites have decreased in general comparison to the photoactivated only. The interactions(light source versus period) was significant for all groups. To solubility the interaction (light source versus post-curing heat treatment) was significant for all groups. In reference to fracture toughnessonly post curing heat treatment factor was significant to the nanoparticle and microhybrid composites. In other hand the microfill composite were influenced by the main factors and by the interactions (light source X periods) and (llght source X heat cured). In general there was an increase of the fracture toughness value in all groups. In relation to the degree conversion there was an increase significant of the composite during heat cured and analyzed periods. The post-curing heat treatment influenced all the studied properties of the direct composite in a positive way. Therefore the option of doing the heat cured treatment in the composites according to the properties and the analyzed factor is technically possible to be done.

New insights into the competition between ductile tearing and plastic collapse in 304(L) stainless steel components

Wasylyk, Andrew Paul January 2013 (has links)
Structural integrity assessment of nuclear components assessed using the R6 Failure Assessment Diagram approach requires an understanding of the limiting condition in terms of both fracture and plastic collapse. For ductile materials, such as stainless steels used for nuclear components, including the primary pipe-work of a Pressurised Water Reactor (PWR), the limiting condition defined by plastic collapse is likely to occur prior to the initiation of fracture. This is due to the relatively low yield stress of the material and the high fracture toughness. If this is the case, structural integrity may be solely assessed on plastic collapse criteria, with little or no reference to fracture toughness; thus considerably simplifying the assessment procedure, whilst maintaining the integrity of the plant. Nevertheless, an in-depth understanding of fracture under plastic collapse conditions is required to make a robust case for single parameter assessments based on a plastic collapse criterion alone. The challenge in this project lay in understanding and predicting ductile fracture initiation under large-scale yielding conditions, i.e. outside the normal validity limits of conventional elastic-plastic fracture mechanics as plastic collapse conditions are achieved. The approach developed in this research has explored three fracture assessment methods: (a) two parameter fracture mechanics based on the J-integral and a refined Q-parameter calculated closer to the crack-tip under widespread plasticity than is conventionally the case, (b) two local approach methods based on critical void growth ratio defined by Rice and Tracey, and (c) a local approach method based on the critical work of fracture. All three methodologies were found to adequately describe failure across a range of constraint conditions. The fracture toughness constraint dependence of 304(L) stainless steel was studied experimentally and analytically. Significant constraint loss was shown to occur in nominally high constraint fracture toughness specimens due to extensive plastic deformation at fracture initiation. Furthermore, significant fracture toughness constraint dependence was observed experimentally. An analytical method using local approach criteria was developed to predict high constraint fracture toughness, required for structural integrity assessments, and to quantify the constraint dependence fracture toughness as a function of two parameter fracture mechanics based on the J-integral and the refined Q-parameter. The influence of constraint on the prediction of failure in a stainless steel pipe containing a fully circumferential crack of various depths was investigated analytically for a range of loading conditions. A refined constraint independent failure assessment methodology was developed using local approach analyses. Using this methodology, the pipe component was shown to consistently fail by plastic collapse irrespective of the crack depth or loading condition. The conservatism of the conventional structural integrity assessment was quantified and shown to vary with crack depth and with loading conditions. This research has suggested that failure in a 304(L) stainless steel pipe will be by plastic collapse prior to ductile initiation for a limited range of defects and loading conditions. Further analytical studies and experimental work will be required to demonstrate whether this observation is general for a wider range of defects and loading conditions.

Fracture toughness and fracture surface energy of inorganic and non-metallic glasses / Ténacité et énergie de surface de fracture de verres inorganiques et non métalliques

To, Theany 27 February 2019 (has links)
La ténacité et l’énergie de surface de fracture de verres, de vitrocéramiques et de composites à matrice en verre ont été étudiées. Tout d'abord, un test de flexion bi-axiale (configuration anneau/anneau) a été réalisé sur des verres de silice et des verre-à-vitres avec différentes conditions de surface afin d’identifier la relation entre le défaut de surface, la résistance et la ténacité du verre. Ensuite, trois méthodes d’expérimentation ont été mises en œuvre, principalement la méthode de poutre de flexion à pré-entaille droit (SEPB), la méthode de la poutre entaillée en chevron (CNB) et la méthode de la poutre avec indentations Vickers (VIF), afin de déterminer la ténacité de quatre verres produits industriellement et de déterminer les avantages et les inconvénients des différents méthodes sélectionnées. La méthode qui est apparue la plus fiable et auto-cohérente, la méthode SEPB (Single Edge Precrack Beam), a été appliquée à la détermination de la ténacité de nombreux verres et vitrocéramiques, afin d’étudier l’influence de la composition et de la microstructure sur les caractéristiques de fissuration (KIC et énergie de fissuration, γ). Enfin, l’influence de la température et de l'environnement sur la ténacité a été étudiée à l'aide de la méthode SEPB. Deux verres d'oxyde ont été testés à des températures élevées et avec une vitesse de charge de 10 MPa∙√m/s, une température de transition de 1,11Tg a été trouvée. Quatre autres verres d'oxyde ont été testés en environnement inerte et les mêmes valeurs de ténacité ont été obtenues à partir de deux vitesses de charge (100 fois) différentes. / Fracture toughness and fracture surface energy of commercial and laboratory glasses, glass-ceramics and glass matrix composites have been studied. First, bi-axial bending test (RoR configuration) was performed on fused silica and window float glasses with different surface conditions to identify the relationship between the surface flaw, the strength and fracture toughness. After, three experiment methods, mainly single-edge precracked beam (SEPB), chevron-notched beam (CNB) and Vickers indentation fracture (VIF) were performed to determine the fracture toughness of four commercial known glasses and to determine the advantages and inconveniences of the different selected methods. The method that is appeared as the most reliable and self-consistent, the SEPB (Single Edge Precrack Beam) method, was applied to determine the toughness of the large amount of glasses and glass-ceramics, to study the influence of the composition and the microstructure on the characteristics of cracking (KIC and fracture energy, γ). Last but not least, the influence of the temperature and environment on the fracture toughness was studied by means of the SEPB method. Two oxide glasses were tested in elevated temperatures and with the loading rate of 10 MPa∙√m/s, a transition temperature of 1.11Tg was found. Four other oxide glasses were tested in the inert environment and the same fracture toughness values were obtained from (100 times) two different cross-head speeds.

Korozní odolnost součástek z polyamidu a polykarbonátu / Corrosion resistance of PA and PC components

Mikel, David January 2018 (has links)
The influence of two lubricating and cleaning agents and diesel fuel on environmental stress cracking of polyamide reinforced by glass fibers and polycarbonate was studied in this master thesis. Testing of environmental stress cracking was performed by the method of critical bending deformation. Bergen elliptical strain jig was used for testing. The test liquids caused varying levels of environmental stress cracking of amorphous polycarbonate, but they did not cause environmental stress cracking of glass fiber reinforced polyamide. The test method used allows testing the resistance of both materials against environmental stress cracking of any liquid. The results can be used to design products that are expected to be exposed to corrosive liquids. Quantification of the influence of stress free corrosion on the static and impact properties of polycarbonate and glass fiber reinforced polyamide was performed by accelerated test. Specimens were exposed to test liquid and an elevated temperature of 70 °C. The mechanical properties of the tested materials were significantly affected by elevated temperature exposure. The yield strength of the polycarbonate has increased and the toughness has decreased due to physical aging. The tensile strength of glass fiber reinforced polyamide has increased due to a decrease of the moisture content of the material.

Lomové chování kovových slitin s nízkou úrovní houževnatosti / The fracture behaviour of metallic alloys with low toughness level

Novotný, David January 2021 (has links)
The diploma thesis is focused on determining mechanical properties of alloys produced by powder metallurgy methods. Two alloys were studied, namely a highly entropic CrMnFeCoNi alloy and an oxide dispersion-strenthened FeAlO alloy. Both alloys were made in laboratory amount of test material and miniature test specimens were used to measure their mechanical properties. The main goal of the diploma thesis was to develop a crack preparation methodology, to examine and to evaluate the properties of miniature test specimens for materials with low levels of resilience. In the analytical part of the thesis, tensile and deformation properties and fracture toughness of both alloys were measured. For the highly-entropic CrMnFeCoNi alloy, the thesis focused on the effect of the strain rate on the properties of the alloy. For the oxide dispersion-strenthened FeAlO, the effect of temperature in the 23-600 °C temperature range on its mechanical properties was studied.

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