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Descoberta de relações alométricas entre população e crime dentro de uma grande metrópole / Discovery of allometric relations between population and crime within a large metropolis. (Inglês)Caminha Neto, Carlos de Oliveira 21 July 2017 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2017-07-21 / Recently humanity has just crossed an important landmark in its history with the majority
of people now living in large cities. This population concentration is capable of boosting the growth of positive indicators such as innovation, the production of new patents and supercreative employment, but increases the spread of diseases and the occurrence of crimes. Faced with the realization that crime rates grow year after year in these large urban centers, we sought to understand the dynamics of crime within cities. We investigate at the subscale of the neighborhoods of a highly populated city the incidence of property crimes in terms of both the resident and the floating population. Our results show that a relevant allometric relation could only be observed between property crimes and floating population. More precisely, the evidence of a superlinear behavior indicates that a disproportional number of property crimes occurs in regions where an increased flow of people takes place in the city. For comparison, we also found that the number of crimes of peace disturbance only correlates well, and in a superlinear fashion too, with the resident population. Our study raises the interesting possibility that the superlinearity observed in previous studies [Bettencourt et al., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 104, 7301 (2007) and Melo et al., Sci. Rep. 4, 6239 (2014)] for homicides versus population at the city scale could have its origin in the fact that the floating population, and not the resident one, should be taken as the relevant variable determining the intrinsic microdynamical behavior of the system. This finding was the motivation for the codification of a framework that supports the analysis of population and crime data to propose city divisions that allow the allocation of police by floating population and resident population statistics. / Recentemente a humanidade atravessou um marco importante em sua história com a constatação de que a maioria da sua população agora se concentra nas grandes cidades. Essa concentração populacional é capaz de potencializar o crescimento de indicadores positivos como inovação, produção de novas patentes e empregos supercriativos, porém potencializa a propagação de doenças e a ocorrência de crimes. Diante da constatação de que as taxas de crimes crescem ano após ano em muitos desses grandes centros urbanos, buscou-se compreender a dinâmica do crime dentro de uma cidade. Foi investigada a incidência de crimes contra o patrimônio, tanto em função de população residente quanto em função de população flutuante, em aglomerados de população dentro de uma grande metrópole brasileira. Foi encontrada uma relevante relação alométrica, mas que só pôde ser observada entre o crimes contra o patrimônio e população flutuante. Mais precisamente, a evidência de um comportamento alométrico superlinear indica que um número desproporcional de crimes ocorre em regiões onde o fluxo de pessoas é maior. Também foi descoberto que o número de chamadas à polícia por perturbação de sossego alheio é correlacionado, também de forma superlinear, com a população residente. Esta tese levanta a interessante possibilidade de que a superlinearidade observada em estudos anteriores [Bettencourt et al., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 104, 7301 (2007) e Melo et al., Sci. Rep. 4, 6239 (2014)] para crimes sérios em função de população, em escala de cidade, pode ter origem na mobilidade humana, e não na presença de residentes como se pensava. Esse achado foi a motivação para a codificação de um framework, que apoia a análise de dados de população e crime para que sejam propostas divisões de cidade que permitam a alocação de policiais por estatísticas de população flutuante e residente.
Palavras-chave: Alometria, Crime, População
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Global rigidity and symmetry of direction-length frameworksClinch, Katharine January 2018 (has links)
A two-dimensional direction-length framework (G; p) consists of a multigraph G = (V ;D;L) whose edge set is formed of "direction" edges D and "length" edges L, and a realisation p of this graph in the plane. The edges of the framework represent geometric constraints: length edges x the distance between their endvertices, whereas direction edges specify the gradient of the line through both endvertices. In this thesis, we consider two problems for direction-length frameworks. Firstly, given a framework (G; p), is it possible to nd a di erent realisation of G which satis es the same direction and length constraints but cannot be obtained by translating (G; p) in the plane, and/or rotating (G; p) by 180 ? If no other such realisation exists, we say (G; p) is globally rigid. Our main result on this topic is a characterisation of the direction-length graphs G which are globally rigid for all "generic" realisations p (where p is generic if it is algebraically independent over Q). Secondly, we consider direction-length frameworks (G; p) which are symmetric in the plane, and ask whether we can move the framework whilst preserving both the edge constraints and the symmetry of the framework. If the only possible motions of the framework are translations, we say the framework is symmetry-forced rigid. Our main result here is for frameworks with single mirror symmetry: we characterise symmetry-forced in nitesimal rigidity for such frameworks which are as generic as possible. We also obtain partial results for frameworks with rotational or dihedral symmetry.
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Simulation of the synthesis of metal-organic framework materialsCessford, Naomi Faye January 2014 (has links)
The objective of this work was to develop a molecular simulation method with the capacity to represent the synthesis of metal-organic framework (MOF) structures to the extent of being able to accurately predict the MOF structures that form under specified reaction conditions. MOFs are a class of porous, crystalline solids composed of metal-ion vertices coordinated by organic linker molecules. MOFs are created in a self-assembly process in which the building blocks (reactants) retain their integrity. Under different experimental synthesis conditions, a particular combination of building blocks can react to form differing MOF structures. The structure of MOFs confers a large degree of tunability, allowing almost limitless potential for the materials to be designed with the capacity to fulfil the requirements of a specific application. Consequently, MOFs have shown promise for a variety of applications including gas storage, separation and catalysis. Thus, the ability to accurately predict the MOF formed by specifying reaction parameters such as temperature, pH and the concentrations of reactants has great potential because, upon identification of a promising hypothetical structure for a particular application, the synthesis conditions ascertained via the simulation method could be used as the basis for the determination of an experimental synthesis procedure. In addition, a simulation method with the capacity to predict MOF structures affords the opportunity to gain a fundamental understanding of the influence of the experimental synthesis conditions on the structures formed, so as to enable progress towards the rational design of MOFs. In this work, the experimental synthesis of MOFs via self-assembly is modelled using a kinetic Monte Carlo approach. Ideally, simulation of the self-assembly of the building blocks would be modelled atomistically with all atoms in the reactant and solvent molecules represented explicitly. However, due to the prohibitive computational requirements of such a simulation, in this work a “potential-of-mean-force” (PMF) approach was used to represent the solvent implicitly by encompassing the solvent-mediated behaviour in the interactions between building blocks, thereby reducing the computational cost. The PMF approach to the implicit representation of the solvent involved the utilisation of effective pairwise interactions between the constituents of the reactant species. Following extensive testing to ensure that the explicit-solvent behaviour of the reactants could be replicated using the PMF method, this approach allowed computationally efficient implicit-solvent simulations of the synthesis of MOF materials to be performed. Thorough assessment of a method developed to simulate the synthesis of MOFs required investigation of a system which, under different reaction conditions, forms differing structures. In this respect, the cobalt succinates represent an unparalleled test because under different reaction temperatures, reactant concentrations, pH and reaction time, seven different phases have been identified. Furthermore, the parameters within which the different phases form have been clearly delineated experimentally. The method developed has been employed, under the appropriate reaction conditions, to simulate the synthesis of two of the seven identified phases of the cobalt succinates. Whilst still subject to computational limitations, the MOF-synthesis simulation method yields structures characteristic of those expected experimentally under corresponding reaction conditions.
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Uma abordagem orientada por objectos para meta-heurísticas multiobjectivoClaro, João Alberto Vieira de Campos Pereira January 2002 (has links)
Nesta dissertação convergem algumas linhas de investigação na área das meta-heurísticas que, recentemente, têm vindo a ser objecto de particular atenção: a flexibilização, ou seja, a introdução de mecanismos de modificação de componentes e estratégias elementares, o desenvolvimento de abordagens orientadas por objectos, e a adaptação a contextos multiobjectivo. Esta convergência justifica-se pelo facto de as abordagens orientadas por objectos promoverem naturalmente a flexibilização, e pela constatação da inexistência, até ao momento, de abordagens orientadas por objectos para a área das metaheurísticas multiobjectivo. Foi feita uma análise e sistematização do domínio e, em particular, das metaheurísticas multiobjectivo, com ênfase na perspectiva da flexibilização. Esta sistematização fundamenta a proposta de um template para pesquisa local multiobjectivo, e de um conjunto de estratégias genéricas de flexibilização.
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FV-RAD : a practical framework for rapid application developmentFerreira, Luís Filipe Rocha Maia January 2009 (has links)
Estágio realizado na OPT-Optimização e Planeamento de Transportes, S.A / Tese de mestrado integrado. Engenharia Informática e Computação. Faculdade de Engenharia. Universidade do Porto. 2009
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Relationships Between Psychogenic Needs and Theoretical Frameworks of PsychotherapistsAhern, Dennis E. 01 May 1983 (has links)
Each psychotherapist has a personal theoretical framework, that is, a set of assumptions on which his or her psychotherapy is based. It appears from the published writings and opinions of therapists that therapists generally concur that a major factor in the formation of an individual therapist's theoretical framework is the therapist's personality. This study was designed to address this issue by examining the relationship between the psychogenic needs and theoretical framework of the therapist.
From an accessible population of 178, responses were obtained from 153 therapist participants (108 males and 45 females) from five Utah training programs and three experience levels. Each of the participants completed a measure of theoretical framework (developed by the author) which assessed general adherence to the principles and techniques of person-centered, behavioral, and rational-emotive therapy. Based on scales from Jackson's Personality Research Form the following psychogenic need variables were also derived: Need for Achievement, Need for Affiliation, Need for Dominance, Need for Exhibition, Need to Give Nurturance, and Need for Order. Other independent variables were based on the experience levels and training programs of the therapists.
Multiple regression analyses yielded uniformly small (less than 13.5% variance accounted for), generally non-significant relationships. The only clear relationship between a psychogenic need and the theoretical framework variables was between Need for Affiliation and the person-centered therapy variables. The experience level of the therapist accounted for the greatest portion of variance in the behavior therapy variables. There was no clear relationship between the rational-emotive therapy variables and any of the independent variables.
The low magnitude of these results may be partially explained by the relatively low reliability of the research variables. Further, if a relationship does exist between psychogenic needs and theoretical framework, it may not be a linear relationship which was the assumptive basis of the analyses used in the research.
An interesting finding was that scores of concurrence with the three theoretical schools had positive intercorrelations of between .14 and .54. An implication of this finding is that theoretical framework may be multidimensional versus unidimensional as it has previously been conceptualized.
In summary, this research does not support the relationship between the psychogenic needs and theoretical framework of the therapist. However, given the theoretical emphasis placed on the topic, and the difficulties with this research, further research in the area appears warranted before the issues can be more definitely resolved.
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A Study on Legal System of Pawnbroking Industry ManagementKo, Chiao-yi 20 August 2009 (has links)
¡§Pawnbroking Industry¡¨ is an ancient industry in our country, its history has existed over one thousand year at least. Initially, pawnbroking industry began to develop from the temple. With the religious spirit of expressing humanitarianism, the temple used its principal to provide the poor with a method of loaning money. Nevertheless, as times goes by and a business characteristic of earning profits easily, the industry has gradually combined with usury behavior and transformed into another diverse sort of complex industry and fairly differ from the original concept of charity as well.
As it¡¦s proclaimed in Article 8 of Constitution of the Republic of China that ¡§Financial institutions shall, in accordance with law, be subject to State control.¡¨ Even though, pawnbroking industry isn¡¦t a portion of financial institutions, it¡¦s still necessary to legally manage because the characteristic of making profit and the business model. Consequently, for the sake of achieving the above goal, our government established ¡§Pawnbroking Industry Management Directions¡¨ in 1940 to be in accordance with, and the directions have lasted for sixty years. Afterwards, to strengthen the lawful position and suit the demand of times change, ¡§Pawnbroking Industry Act¡¨ was legislated and declared officially in 2001, and the act became the significant legislation of pawnbroking industry management in our country. From then on, the official authority of pawnbroking industry management has been definitely empowered by the law, and been epochal significance in the history of pawnbroking industry management.
The legal system of management is examined herein by the basic methods of administrative law, namely, the five major frameworks, including administrative principles, administrative organization, limitation of administrative power, administrative relief, and administrative supervision from every respect and viewpoint. Meanwhile, bibliography exploration, historical narration, comparative analysis, and practice observation are adopted as the principal research approaches to explore whether there¡¦s any improvement required regarding the legal system of pawnbroking industry management on the basis of five major frameworks of administrative law. Additionally, practical implementation and suggestions for regulations and actions concerning future pawnbroking industry management are hereby provided, which can be a reference for the police authorities in exercising their powers, establish the administrative standards of Taiwan according to law, and improving the legal appearance of our country under the rule of law.
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PHP karkasų architektūrinis tyrimas / PHP frameworks architectural researchVaitkūnas, Mantas 26 August 2013 (has links)
Šiuo metu yra sukurta daugybė PHP karkasų, tačiau yra mažas informacijos kiekis subjektyviai nusakančios privalumus ir trūkumus. Pagrindinis darbo tikslas yra ištirti Yii, Zend 2 ir Symfony2 karkasus, bei juos palyginti. Šiame dokumente aprašytas darbas susideda iš trijų pagrindinių dalių. Pirmoji dokumento dalis – karkasų apžvalga. Šioje dalyje apžvelgiami Yii, Zend 2 ir Symfony2 karkasai. Antrojoje (projektinėje) dokumento dalyje aprašoma sistema, kuri yra kuriama atskirai su kiekvienu iš karkasų. Šiame skyriuje pateikiama visa sistemos architektūra, reikalavimai sistemai, bendri apribojimai, statinis vaizdas. Trečioje (tyrimo ir eksperimentinėje) dokumento dalyje, detalizuojami atlikti tyrimai ir eksperimentai. Tyrimai vykdomi kuriant QR kodų generavimo ir vartotojų lankomumo statistikų sekimo sistemą. Šių tyrimų metu tiriamas darbo imlumas, našumas, funkcionalumas ir atlikta pasirinktų karkasų kodo analizė. / Currently there are created plenty of different PHP frameworks, but the amount of information subjectively outlining the pros and cons is low. Main purpose of this research is to investigate and compare three main frameworks: Yii, Zend 2 and Symfony. This document describes work consisting of three main parts. The first part of the document is a framework review. This section provides and overview of Yii, Zend 2 and Symfony2 frameworks. Second (design) part is a description of the system which was developed using each of the frameworks. This section contains the entire system architecture, system requirements, general restrictions and static image. The third (research and experimental) part of the document, consists of detailed studies and experiments. Studies were carried out in developing QR code generation and visitor monitoring system. During these studies the capacity, performance, functionality and code of three main frameworks were analyzed.
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Design and implementation of a framework for semi-autonomous mobile robotsSanders, David Marc 21 January 2011 (has links)
The design of a framework to control multiple semi-autonomous mobile robots is presented. The goals are to create a flexible framework that allows easy task reconfiguration for a fleet of mobile robots, and to provide a means of off-loading computationally intensive tasks to a central server. Four major components are specified: controllable devices, application servers, an application directory, and a mobile management system. Remote firmware upgrades via the mobile management system are achieved with the remotely managed operating system framework or RMOS. A prototype was created using field programmable gate arrays and system on a programmable chip technology from Altera. It was built with the application of selective herbicide spraying in mind. Although the prototype was a successful implementation of the designed framework, selective herbicide application was not implemented. A broad-leaf weed detection algorithm using Boltzmann machines was investigated. Its performance was good, but similar to that obtained by a statistical analysis of the input images of a lawn.
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Design and implementation of a framework for semi-autonomous mobile robotsSanders, David Marc 21 January 2011 (has links)
The design of a framework to control multiple semi-autonomous mobile robots is presented. The goals are to create a flexible framework that allows easy task reconfiguration for a fleet of mobile robots, and to provide a means of off-loading computationally intensive tasks to a central server. Four major components are specified: controllable devices, application servers, an application directory, and a mobile management system. Remote firmware upgrades via the mobile management system are achieved with the remotely managed operating system framework or RMOS. A prototype was created using field programmable gate arrays and system on a programmable chip technology from Altera. It was built with the application of selective herbicide spraying in mind. Although the prototype was a successful implementation of the designed framework, selective herbicide application was not implemented. A broad-leaf weed detection algorithm using Boltzmann machines was investigated. Its performance was good, but similar to that obtained by a statistical analysis of the input images of a lawn.
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