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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Spojovací systémy založené na IP telefonii / Communication systems based on IP telephony

Zimek, Josef January 2008 (has links)
My master’s thesis is focused on designing and creating communication network, which provides communication between two independent networks through encrypted tunnel. My solution is based on routers formed by older personal computers with FreeBSD like a operating system. Between routers is created static encrypted tunnel by using IPSec protocol. Voice services provides packet oriented exchange Asterisk with support of signaling protocol SIP. This solution can be used eg. for connecting remote branch to headquarters of company and then can branch utilize shrared resources. To headquarters can connect also remote workers from their home. In this case are used SSL certificates to authentication of user. This scenario is very required today.

RedirFS - portace na jiné OS / Porting of RedirFS on Other OS

Czerner, Lukáš January 2010 (has links)
This thesis describes preparation for porting as well aw porting itself of RedirFS Linux kernel module to FreeBSD. Basic differences between Linux and FreeBSD kernels are described as well as differences in implementation of the Virtual Filesystem, crucial part for RedirFS. Further there are described possibilities and different approaches to implementation RedirFS functionality to FreeBSD. Then, the possibilities are evaluated and ideal approach is proposed. Next chapters introduces required functionality of the new module as well as its solutions. Then the implementation details are described so the reader can very well understand how the new module works and how the required functionality is implemented into the module.

Untersuchung von MAC-Implementationen

Nentwig, Markus 13 February 2018 (has links)
Benutzerbestimmte Zugriffskontrolle ist an vielen Stellen schwer zu beschränken und zu administrieren. Der Ansatz der systembestimmten Zugriffskontrolle - Mandatory Access Control - gibt die Verantwortung an das System ab und gibt Benutzern deutlich weniger Rechte. Diese Arbeit vergleicht zwei Vertreter, welche Mandatory Access Control umsetzen, einerseits das Linux Security Module Framework und andererseits das FreeBSD MAC Framework, zudem werden die wichtigsten Policy Vertreter angegeben. Auf beiden Seiten finden sich ähnliche Ansätze wie die Umsetzung als Kernelmodul und vor allem generische Fähigkeiten, allerdings sind die implementierten Funktionalitäten unter FreeBSD im Detail oft besser durchdacht oder auch ausgereifter.

A performance and installation research in web server solutions for small e-commerce systems. / En prestanda och installations forskning i webb server lösningar för mindre e-handel system.

Shirazi, Erfan, Håkansson, Mattias, Abels, Christian January 2004 (has links)
This thesis investigates two different web server solutions. One is a commercial, proprietary solution known as the Windows solution that consists of Windows Server 2003, IIS and ASP. The other is a free, open source solution consisting of FreeBSD, Apache and PHP. The both solutions had the database MySQL as a common component. The hypothesis that was used in this investigation is as follows: IIS on Windows Server is not better than Apache on FreeBSD for e-commerce systems. To answer the hypothesis two empirical comparisons were conducted. One was a response time experiment testing two symmetrical web shops developed for the both solutions. For this response time test a stress test application was developed. The second comparison was a case study in the ease of installation of the two different solutions. The third empirical research method was a survey that was conducted among Swedish web hotel administrators. The survey identifies various factors that play a part when choosing one of the solutions. Open source users prefer performance, security and costs of software while Windows users prefer required knowledge, usability and compatibility. By analysing our result it is shown that the hypothesis is verified proving that an open source solution reports better performance because it has lower response times than the Windows solution. The results from the case study show that Windows is the easiest solution to install. / Den här uppsatsen undersöker två olika webbservrar lösningar. En är kommersiell patentskyddad lösning känd som Windows lösningen som består av Windows Server 2003, IIS och ASP. Den andra lösningen är en gratis open source lösning som består av FreeBSD, Apache och PHP. Båda lösningarna har databasen MySQL som en jämensam komponent. Hypotesen som användes i denna forskning är; IIS på Windows Server är inte bättre än Apache på FreeBSD för e-handel system. För att kunna besvara hypotesen gjordes två empirisk jämförelsen. En var respons tid experiment som testade två symmetriska webb shops som var utvecklad av oss för bägge lösningarna. För detta experiment utvecklades en stress test program. Den andra jämförelsen var en fallstudie i lätthet av installation av dessa två lösningar. Den tredje forsknings metoden är en undersökning bland svensk webb hotell administratörer. Undersökningen identifierar olika faktorer som spelar roll när man väljer en av lösningarna. Open source användare föredrar prestanda, säkerhet och kostnad av mjukvara medan Windows användare föredrar obligatorisk kunskap, användbarhet och jämförbarhet. Genom analys av våra resultat har vi visat att vår hypotes är verifierad och detta bevisar att open source lösningen har bättre prestanda genom att den har lägre respons tid än Windows lösningen. Resultatet av fallstudien visar att Windows är lättare att installera.

Networking Subsystem Configuration Interface / Networking Subsystem Configuration Interface

Lichtner, Ondrej January 2014 (has links)
Cílem diplomové práce je návrh síťové konfigurační knihovny s důrazem kladeným na přenositelnost mezi operačními systémy na bázi Linuxu a BSD a rozšiřitelnosti podpory knihovny. V druhé kapitole práce zkoumá dostupné konfigurační rozhraní obou operačních systémů. Detailně pak rozebírá vlastnosti rozhraní Netlink socketů, které je primárním konfiguračním rozhraním pro síťové prvky na Linuxu, a systémové volání ioctl, které má na Linuxu menší schopnosti, ale zato je primárně používané na BSD a jiných UNIX systémech. Jsou též zkoumané rozhraní pro konfiguraci rozdílných firewallů. V třetí kapitole je práce zameřená na konkrétní typy síťových zařízení, specifika jejich konfigurace a jejich návaznost na rozhraní jádra popsané v druhé kapitole. V čtvrté kapitole jsou formulovány požadavky na konfigurační knihovnu: jednoduchá rozšiřitelnost, přenositelnost na různé operační systémy, podpora sledování změn a událostí a rozšiřitelnost o různé typy uživatelských rozhraní. Na základě výzkumu z předcházejících dvou kapitol je přednesen návrh knihovny. Návrh definuje konfigurační rozhraní jako hierarchii abstraktních tříd, oddělených od implementace. To umožnuje mít současně několik implementací stejného konfiguračního rozhraní i v rámci jednoho operačního systému. Jako vstupní rozhraní knihovny je definovaná třída LibNCFG, která má na starosti tyto konfigurační objekty vytvořit namísto uživatele. Tímto je dosažená jednoduchá rozšiřitelnost knihovny o nové rozhraní operačních systémů i o podporu konfigurace nových síťových prvků. Podpora pro nové uživatelské rozhraní se dá implementovat jako nová služba, která zabaluje rozhraní knihovny a poskytuje jiná rozhraní. Pro podporu sledování změn poskytuje třída LibNCFG metody pro registraci zpětných volání pro definované události. Ve čtvrté kapitole práce detailně popisuje rozhraní třídy LibNCFG, modulu Common a tříd NetDevice, EthDevice a BondDevice, které definují konfigurační rozhraní příslušných typů síťových zařízení. Pro tyto třídy jsou implementované konkrétní třídy NetlinkNetDevice, NetlinkEthDevice a sysfsBondDevice a popsané jejich implementační detaily. V páté kapitole je popsaná ukázková aplikace, která byla implementovaná pro účely předvedení jednoduchosti použití konfigurační knihovny. Nakonec jsou v závěru shrnuté výsledky práce a je vedena diskuze o možných vylepšeních a o pokračování projektu.

Multihoming with ILNP in FreeBSD

Simpson, Bruce January 2016 (has links)
Multihoming allows nodes to be multiply connected to the network. It forms the basis of features which can improve network responsiveness and robustness; e.g. load balancing and fail-over, which can be considered as a choice between network locations. However, IP today assumes that IP addresses specify both network location and node identity. Therefore, these features must be implemented at routers. This dissertation considers an alternative based on the multihoming approach of the Identifier Locator Network Protocol (ILNP). ILNP is one of many proposals for a split between network location and node identity. However, unlike other proposals, ILNP removes the use of IP addresses as they are used today. To date, ILNP has not been implemented within an operating system stack. I produce the first implementation of ILNP in FreeBSD, based on a superset of IPv6 – ILNPv6 – and demonstrate a key feature of ILNP: multihoming as a first class function of the operating system, rather than being implemented as a routing function as it is today. To evaluate the multihoming capability, I demonstrate one important application of multihoming – load distribution – at three levels of network hierarchy including individual hosts, a singleton Site Border Router (SBR), and a novel, dynamically instantiated, distributed SBR (dSBR). For each level, I present empirical results from a hardware testbed; metrics include latency, throughput, loss and reordering. I compare performance with unmodified IPv6 and NPTv6. Finally, I evaluate the feasibility of dSBR-ILNPv6 as an alternative to existing multihoming approaches, based on measurements of the dSBR's responsiveness to changes in site connectivity. We find that multihoming can be implemented by individual hosts and/or SBRs, without requiring additional routing state as is the case today, and without any significant additional load or overhead compared to unicast IPv6.

Systém souborů s velkými bloky / Big Block File System

Rajman, Jakub January 2010 (has links)
Master's thesis treats of implementation of big block file system for FreeBSD operating system. The introduction of this document is dedicated to theoretically analysis, which is oriented on history, sense and usage of file systems. Next chapter describes the architecture of UFS/FFS file system. Implementation part starts with introducing design of new file system, which was isnpired by MSDOSFS file system. Last part of this thesis presents implementation of file system with great emphasis on problems, which can happen during programming.

Portace RedirFS na jiné OS / Porting of RedirFS on Other OS

Zelený, Miroslav Unknown Date (has links)
This thesis describes process of RedirFS portation to FreeBSD operating system. Source operating system is Linux. Those two operating systems are described from VFS view to determine differences and needed modifications. Then follows implementation of port.

Pokročilé nasazení OS xBSD v síti pro střední školu / Using Advanced xBSD Based Servers for High School

Zadina, Martin January 2007 (has links)
This work is about setting up Samba software on server with operating system from BSD family to primary domain controller rule in the high school computer network environment with Microsoft Windows stations. After introduction to Samba software there is examined problem of Windows network based on SMB protocol. There are described steps that are necessary to setup Samba software, disk sharing services, creation of user accounts and adding client stations to domain trust. At the next there is described problematic of network printing in the Windows environment, print servers and the solution with classical printing support in FreeBSD and CUPS printing support. In the next part there is described mass installation procedure of Windows stations with same hardware configuration. At the finish, there are noticed some tasks that are necessary for next operation of installed system.

Analysis of Entropy Usage in Random Number Generators / Analys av entropianvändning i slumptalsgeneratorer

Gärtner, Joel January 2017 (has links)
Cryptographically secure random number generators usually require an outside seed to be initialized. Other solutions instead use a continuous entropy stream to ensure that the internal state of the generator always remains unpredictable. This thesis analyses four such generators with entropy inputs. Furthermore, different ways to estimate entropy is presented and a new method useful for the generator analysis is developed. The developed entropy estimator performs well in tests and is used to analyse entropy gathered from the different generators. Furthermore, all the analysed generators exhibit some seemingly unintentional behaviour, but most should still be safe for use. / Kryptografiskt säkra slumptalsgeneratorer behöver ofta initialiseras med ett oförutsägbart frö. En annan lösning är att istället konstant ge slumptalsgeneratorer entropi. Detta gör det möjligt att garantera att det interna tillståndet i generatorn hålls oförutsägbart. I den här rapporten analyseras fyra sådana generatorer som matas med entropi. Dessutom presenteras olika sätt att skatta entropi och en ny skattningsmetod utvecklas för att användas till analysen av generatorerna. Den framtagna metoden för entropiskattning lyckas bra i tester och används för att analysera entropin i de olika generatorerna. Alla analyserade generatorer uppvisar beteenden som inte verkar optimala för generatorns funktionalitet. De flesta av de analyserade generatorerna verkar dock oftast säkra att använda.

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