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SPECTROSCOPIC STUDIES ON ACTIVE METALLO-ß-LACTAMASESAitha, Mahesh Kumar 27 August 2015 (has links)
No description available.
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Investigation on the crack formation in carbon concrete for the use in deck caps on cantilever slabs of bridgesFarwig, Kristina, Schulte-Schrepping, Christoph, Curbach, Manfred, Breitenbücher, Rolf 11 June 2024 (has links)
Deck caps of bridges—in Germany shortly known as “bridge caps”—are usually made of steel reinforced concrete to form the anchoring area for the guardrail of bridge deck edges on existing cantilever slabs. Combined with protective devices, the outside arranged deck caps provide safety against lateral breaking or crashes of vehicles. Due to their exposed position in the cross section of bridges and the particularly intensive stresses, the deck caps are considered as wear parts and have to be renewed several times during the service life of a bridge. The decisive factor here is the discrepancy between the frost resistance of the concrete and the crack width restriction. On the one hand, only very small cracks (<0.2 mm) can be accepted to prevent corrosion of the rebars under the strong exposure of these elements. To confine crack widths without applying an excessively high degree of reinforcement, a low concrete compressive strength is advantageous. On the other hand, a sufficient frost resistance requires a correspondingly high compressive strength. With carbon reinforcement, these contrary points could be defused and simultaneously the needed durability could be provided. Therefore, slightly modified deck cap concretes combined with a carbon reinforcement mesh were tested to examine the bond behavior with and without freeze–thaw attack. To prove the characteristics of this combined system, the crack formation and crack distribution were investigated experimentally. The test results were compared to calculated values from a mathematically tool to be able to develop different reinforcement concepts in future that can ensure an optimized crack formation and crack width for deck caps.
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Microencapsulation of roasted coffee oil from chitosan nanoparticles-stabilized Pickering emulsionsFranco Ribeiro, Elisa 04 March 2021 (has links)
Tesis por compendio / [ES] El proceso de emulsificación de aceites ricos en compuestos bioactivos permite su mejor aplicación y conservación durante el tiempo de almacenamiento. Entre los diversos mecanismos de emulsificación, se destaca el método de Pickering ya que utiliza nanopartículas sólidas naturales en sustitución de los tensioactivos artificiales. Debido a sus propiedades antioxidantes, no toxicidad y disponibilidad, en este trabajo se estudiaron distintas modificaciones del quitosano para su potencial aplicación como partícula de Pickering. Las modificaciones estudiadas fueron la autoagregación, también denominada desprotonación, y el entrecruzamiento con tripolifosfato de sodio. Se evaluó el comportamiento de estas partículas emulsionando aceite de café tostado, un subproducto de la industria de café con un alto contenido de compuestos bioactivos y compuestos volátiles de interés. Posteriormente, se analizaron las propiedades físico-químicas y la estabilidad de las microcápsulas producidas tras el secado de las emulsiones mediante técnicas de secado por atomización y liofilización. Todas las emulsiones se caracterizaron por tener un comportamiento reológico pseudoplástico, sufriendo desintegración a lo largo del proceso de digestión. Las emulsiones formuladas con nanopartículas de quitosano desprotonadas y menor concentración de aceite mostraron una mejor estabilización y, en consecuencia, una mayor bioaccesibilidad de los compuestos fenólicos totales. Las diferentes nanopartículas de quitosano se caracterizaron estudiando su carga superficial, distribución del tamaño de partícula, microestructura y afinidad agua/aceite. A medida que se aumentó la concentración de estas partículas, se afectó positivamente la viscosidad de las emulsiones debido a la formación de una red tridimensional en la fase continua. Las nanopartículas obtenidas al entrecruzar quitosano con tripolifosfato de sodio fueron más pequeñas, dando como resultado emulsiones con gotas más pequeñas. Las emulsiones de Pickering que contenían un 10% de aceite de café tostado se secaron por atomización y se liofilizaron utilizando las diferentes nanopartículas de quitosano estudiadas y maltodextrina como agentes portadores. Las microcápsulas obtenidas tuvieron la humedad, actividad del agua y solubilidad adecuada para su manipulación y almacenamiento. La presencia de nanopartículas de quitosano permitió una mayor retención de aceite en las microcápsulas y mayor eficiencia de encapsulación. Los compuestos bioactivos y las propiedades antioxidantes se conservaron mejor durante la liofilización. Por otro lado, las microcápsulas obtenidas por atomización presentaron mayor protección de estos compuestos durante la digestión. Las microcápsulas formuladas con nanopartículas desprotonadas fueron sometidas a almacenamiento durante 30 días a 25 ºC. Durante el almacenamiento, se evaluó la protección contra la oxidación de lípidos y la liberación de volátiles. Las isotermas de sorción de agua de estas muestras se determinaron también previamente en las condiciones de almacenamiento. Ambas muestras presentaron isotermas del tipo II, lo que permitió un buen ajuste del modelo de GAB a los datos experimentales. La determinación del índice de peróxido y del contenido de dienos conjugados dio lugar a valores adecuados durante el almacenamiento, aunque las muestras liofilizadas presentaron una ligera tendencia a la oxidación debido a la mayor cantidad de aceite superficial. Aunque hubo ligeras diferencias entre las muestras secas, todas mostraron menos pérdida de aromas totales (~28%) en comparación con el aceite no encapsulado (~51%) al final del almacenamiento. Así, se concluyó que las nanopartículas de quitosano estudiadas fueron eficientes para encapsular el aceite de café tostado y preservar sus características frente a la acción de agentes externos. / [CA] El procés d'emulsificació d'olis rics en compostos bioactius permet la seua millor aplicació i conservació durant el temps d'emmagatzematge. Entre els diversos mecanismes d'emulsificació, destaca el mètode de Pickering, ja que utilitza nanopartícules sòlides naturals en substitució als tensioactius artificials. A causa de la seua propietat antioxidant, de la no toxicitat i de la disponibilitat, aquest treball va buscar analitzar el quitosà i les seues modificacions com potencials partícules de Pickering. Les modificacions estudiades van ser la autoagregació, també anomenada desprotonació, i l'entrecreuament amb tripolifosfat de sodi. Es va avaluar el comportament d'aquestes partícules emulsionant oli de cafè torrat, un subproducte de la indústria del cafè amb un alt contingut de compostos bioactius i volàtils d'interès. Posteriorment, es van analitzar les propietats fisicoquímiques i l'estabilitat de les microcàpsules produïdes després de l'assecat de les emulsions mitjançant tècniques d'assecatge per atomització i liofilització. Totes les emulsions tenien un comportament reològic pseudoplàstic, sofrint desintegració al llarg del procés de digestió. Les emulsions formulades amb nanopartícules de quitosà desprotonades i menor concentració d'oli van mostrar una millor estabilització i, en conseqüència, una major bioaccesibilitat als compostos fenòlics totals. Les diferents nanopartícules de quitosà es van caracteritzar estudiant la seua càrrega superficial, distribució del tamany de partícula, microestructura i afinitat aigua/oli. A mesura que es va augmentar la concentració d'aquestes partícules, es va afectar positivament la viscositat de les emulsions a causa de la formació d'una xarxa tridimensional en la fase contínua. Les nanopartícules obtingudes a l'entrecreuar quitosà amb tripolifosfat de sodi van ser més menudes, donant com a resultat emulsions amb gotes més menudes també. Les emulsions de Pickering que contenien un 10% d'oli de cafè torrat es van assecar per atomització i es liofilitzaren utilitzant les diferents nanopartícules de quitosà estudiades i maltodextrina com a agents portadors. Les microcàpsules obtingudes van obtenir una humitat, activitat de l'aigua i solubilitat adequada per a la seua manipulació i emmagatzematge. La presència de nanopartícules de quitosà va permetre major retenció d'oli en les microcàpsules i major eficiència d'encapsulació. Els compostos bioactius i les propietats antioxidants es van conservar millor durant la liofilització. D'altra banda, les microcàpsules obtingudes per atomització presentaren major protecció d'aquests compostos durant la digestió. Les microcàpsules formulades amb nanopartícules desprotonades també van ser sotmeses a la prova d'emmagatzematge durant 30 dies a 25°C. Durant l'emmagatzematge, es va avaluar la seua protecció contra l'oxidació de lípids i l'alliberament de volàtils. Per això, les isotermes de sorció d'aigua d'aquestes mostres es van determinar prèviament en les condicions d'emmagatzematge. Les dues mostres van presentar isotermes de tipus II, el que va permetre un bon ajust del model de GAB a les dades experimentals. L'índex de peròxids i el contingut de diens conjugats van resultar en valors adequats durant l'emmagatzematge, encara que les mostres liofilitzades van presentar una lleugera tendència a l'oxidació a causa de la major quantitat d'oli superficial. Encara que va haver lleugeres diferències entre les mostres seques, totes van mostrar menys pèrdua d'aromes totals (~28%) en comparació amb l'oli no encapsulat (~51%) a la fi de l'emmagatzematge. Així, es va concloure que les nanopartícules de quitosà estudiades van ser eficients per encapsular l'oli de cafè torrat i preservar les seues característiques enfront de l'acció d'agents externs. / [EN] The emulsification process of bioactive-rich oils makes possible their better application and preservation over the storage time. Among the many emulsification mechanisms, the Pickering method has been highlighted as it uses natural solid nanoparticles in replacement of artificial surfactants. Due to the antioxidant properties, non-toxicity and availability, this work aimed at studying chitosan modifications to produce potential Pickering particles. The studied modifications comprised self-aggregation, also called deprotonation, and crosslinking with sodium tripolyphosphate. The performance of these particles was evaluated in the emulsification of roasted coffee oil, a by-product of the coffee industry with a high content of bioactive and volatile compounds of interest. Subsequently, the physicochemical properties and stability of the microcapsules produced after drying the emulsions using spray-drying and lyophilization techniques were analyzed. All emulsions were characterized as shear-thinning, being them destabilized over the digestion process. Emulsions formulated with deprotonated chitosan nanoparticles and lower oil concentrations showed better stabilization and, consequently, greater bioaccessibility of total phenolic compounds. The different chitosan nanoparticles were characterized regarding surface charge, particle size distribution, microstructure and oil/water affinity. Deprotonated chitosan nanoparticles had a larger particle size, which resulted in emulsions with larger oil droplets. As the concentration of these particles increased, the viscosity of the emulsions was positively affected by the formation of a three-dimensional network in the continuous phase. The nanoparticles obtained by crosslinking with sodium tripolyphosphate were smaller, resulting in emulsions with smaller droplets. The viscosity of these emulsions was lower and little affected by the concentration of particles. Pickering emulsions containing 10% roasted coffee oil were spray-dried and freeze-dried, using the different studied chitosan nanoparticles and maltodextrin as carrier agents. The resulting microcapsules showed adequate moisture content, water activity and solubility for subsequent handling and storage. The presence of chitosan nanoparticles resulted in greater oil retention in the microcapsules and higher encapsulation efficiency. Microcapsules obtained by spray-drying had a more regular spherical shape, while the microparticles obtained by freeze-drying were larger with irregular morphology. Bioactive compounds and antioxidant properties were more preserved during freeze-drying. On the other hand, spray drying allowed greater protection of these compounds during the in vitro digestion. The spray- and freeze-dried microcapsules formulated with deprotonated nanoparticles were subjected to the storage test for 30 days at 25 ºC. During storage, their protection against lipid oxidation and volatile release were evaluated. The water sorption isotherms of these samples were previously determined under the storage conditions. Both samples presented type II isotherms, which resulted in a good fitting accuracy of the GAB model to the experimental data. The peroxide index and the conjugated dienes content resulted in adequate values during storage, although the freeze-dried samples showed a slightly higher tendency to oxidation due to the higher amount of surface oil. Although slight differences were observed between the dried samples, both of them showed less loss of total volatile compounds (~28%) when compared to the non-encapsulated oil (~51%) at the end of storage. Thus, it was concluded that the studied chitosan nanoparticles were efficient to encapsulate roasted coffee oil and to preserve its characteristics against the action of external agents. / The authors would like to thank the project RTI-2018-099738-B-C22 from the ‘Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades’, the Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior – Brazil (CAPES) - (Finance Code 001; Grant number 88887.468140/2019-00) and the São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP – Grant number 2016/22727-8) for the financial support. / Franco Ribeiro, E. (2021). Microencapsulation of roasted coffee oil from chitosan nanoparticles-stabilized Pickering emulsions [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/163234 / Compendio
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Etude expérimentale et numérique du comportement au gel et au dégel des enrobés bitumineux partiellement saturés / Experimental and numerical study of the behavior in freezing and in thawing conditions of partially saturated bituminous mixesVu, Van Thang 18 December 2017 (has links)
L’apparition massive de nids de poule sur chaussées bitumineuses a été observée en cours d’hiver sur de très courtes périodes de temps, caractérisées par l’alternance entre températures positives et fortement négatives accompagnée de précipitations pluvieuses. Ceci a conduit à rechercher un mécanisme spécifique de dégradation de couches d’enrobés bitumineux (EB) lié au comportement au gel des EB partiellement saturés en eau. Celui-ci a été étudié en laboratoire à partir d’essais à déformation libre ou empêchée, avec ajout de chaux pour certaines formules d’EB.Ces essais ont montré l’apparition de déformations de gonflement ou contraintes importantes induites lors du gel de l’eau interstitielle. D’autres essais utilisant l’IRM ont permis de visualiser le phénomène au sein du matériau. Sur la base de ces essais, nous proposons une loi de comportement thermoviscoélastique avec changement de phase pour EB. Un programme aux éléments finis a été développé (Free Fem++)pour intégrer cette loi dans le calcul de structures ; ce code couple les équations mécaniques et de diffusion de la chaleur prenant également en compte le changement de phase à travers la chaleur latente de solidification de l’eau interstitielle.Après validation du logiciel, celui-ci a été appliqué au calcul de structures bitumineuses bicouches représentatives des couches supérieures d’une chaussée. Les résultats mettent alors en évidence l’apparition de contraintes d’arrachement élevées à l’interface entre couches générées par le gel,susceptibles d’expliquer la formation de nids de poule. Un essai de laboratoire sur bicouche a confirmé la fragilisation de l’interface induite dès le premier cycle de gel. / Massive development of potholes occurring in bituminous pavements was observed during winters over short time laps characterized by temperature alternating between positive and highly negative values along with rainfalls. This led us to seek for a specific mechanism of degradation of asphalt concrete (AC) layers, related to the behavior of partially saturated AC subjected to freeze. Two types of laboratory tests were performed under traction free and restrained strain conditions to study the behavior of AC within this context, incorporating lime additive in some mix design formulations. These tests showed the development of large swelling strains or stresses induced by the phase change of pore water into ice. Additional tests using MRI allowed us to visualize this phenomenon from inside the material specimens. Based on these tests, we developed a thermoviscoelastic constitutive law including phase change for partially saturated AC. A Finite Element (FE) program was implemented (FreeFem++) to introduce the developed law instructural calculations; this FE code handles the coupling between mechanics and the heat equation, also taking into account the phase change through the latent heat of crystallization of pore water. After validating the software, this numerical tool was utilized to compute the response of bilayer bituminous structures representative of the upper layers of a pavement. The results obtained show the development of highfrost-induced pull-out stresses located at the interface between the layers, likely to explain the formation of potholes. A test carried out on a bilayer sample confirmed the weakening of the interface right after the first frost cycle.
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Synthese und Charakterisierung von Spinellen im quasiternären System 'LiO 0,5 - MnOx - FeOx'Wende, Christian 30 April 2006 (has links) (PDF)
Verbindungen mit Spinellstruktur im quasiternären System &quot;LiO0.5-MnOx-FeOx&quot; finden industriell als keramische Werkstoffe in der Elektrotechnik und Elektronik Verwendung. So werden Lithium-Mangan-Spinelloxide der Form Li1+xMn2-xO4 (x =&gt; 0) als Kathodenmaterial für wiederaufladbare Lithiumbatterien untersucht. Sowohl Lithium- als auch Manganferrit finden Einsatz als steuerbare Komponenten in der Mikrowellentechnik und Manganferrite als Leistungsüberträger in Spulen und Transformatoren der Hochfrequenztechnik. Für einen solchen technischen Einsatz sind die Kenntnisse der Bedingungen für die Synthese phasenreiner Spinelle und deren Struktur unerlässlich. Die Darstellung der Spinelle erfolgte im Rahmen dieser Arbeit aus gefriergetrockneten Lithium-Mangan-Eisenformiaten. Diese Precursoren zeichnen sich durch hohe Reaktivität und exakte Metallionenstöchiometrie aus. Der Zersetzungsablauf von gefriergetrockneten Li-Mn(II)-Fe(III)-Formiaten unter Argon wurde mittels thermischer Analyse, gekoppelt mit der Massenspektroskopie, sowie durch Röntgenpulveraufnahmen der Zwischenprodukte untersucht. Aus den vorzersetzten Precursoren gewünschter Zusammensetzung wurden unter kontrollierten Temperatur- und Sauerstoffpartialdruckbedingungen einphasige Spinelloxide dargestellt. Die so erhaltenen Verbindungen mit Spinellstruktur wurden mittels Röntgenbeugung und Strukturverfeinerung sowie XANES- und Mößbauerspektroskopie und magnetischen Messungen untersucht. Aus der Kombination dieser Methoden konnten Schlussfolgerungen bezüglich der Struktur, Kationenverteilung und Eigenschaften der jeweiligen Spinelle gewonnen werden. Im Mittelpunkt der Arbeit steht die in der Literatur nicht beschriebene Mischkristallreihe LixMn1+xFe2?2xO4, die Mn(II) und Mn(III) oder Mn(III) und Mn(IV) für x &lt; 0.5 oder x &gt; 0.5 enthält. Mit zunehmendem x-Wert vergrößert sich der Anteil von Lithiumionen auf Tetraeder-plätzen. Bei einem Wert x = 4/7 erreicht dieser Anteil 100%. Unter Einbeziehung der Ergebnisse der Mößbaueruntersuchungen ergeben sich für die Spinellverbindungen mit x = 2/7, 3/7 und 4/7 die folgenden Kationenverteilungen: (Li1.04Mn2+2.81-[delta]Fe3+3.15Mn3+[delta])A[Li0.96Fe3+6.85Mn3+6-[delta]Mn2+0.19+[delta]]BO28 (Li2.37Mn2+1.0-*Fe3+2.98Mn3+0.65+*)A[Li0.63Fe3+5.02Mn3+8.35-*Mn2+*]BO28 (Li4.0Fe3+2.37Mn3+0.63)A[Fe3+3.63Mn3+9.37Mn4+1.0]BO28. Eine theoretisch vorhersehbare Zunahme der Sättigungsmagnetisierung bei kleinen x-Werten wird durch Abnahme der kooperativen Kopplungseffekte mit Abnahme des Eisengehaltes nicht beobachtet. Zusammenfassend kann festgehalten werden, dass die Darstellung phasenreiner Spinelloxide aus den vorzersetzten gefriergetrockneten Li-Mn-Fe-Formiaten im gesamten Bereich zwischen den bekannten quasibinären Spinellverbindungen MnFe2O4, Li0.5Fe2.5O4, LiMn2O4 und Li4/3Mn5/3O4 im quaternären System Li-Mn-Fe-O unter jeweils definierten pO2/T-Bedingungen möglich ist. Die Synthesetemperaturen sind teilweise um 100°C bis 200°C niedriger als bei vergleichbaren Proben aus den Festkörpereaktionen. Manganreiche Spinelle außerhalb dieses Bereiches konnten nicht synthetisiert werden.
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The Apocalypse will be Televised: Representations of the Cold War on Network Television, 1976-1987Underwood, Aubrey 01 August 2011 (has links)
This dissertation examines how the major television networks, in conjunction with the Reagan administration, launched a lingering cloud of nuclear anxiety that helped to revive the Cold War during the 1980s. Placed within a larger political and cultural post-war context, this national preoccupation with a global show-down with the Soviet Union at times both hindered and bolstered Reagan’s image as the archetypal conservative, cowboy President that could free America from its liberal adolescent past now caustically referred to as “the sixties.” This stalwart image of Reagan, created and carefully managed by a number of highly-paid marketing executives, as one of the embodiment of peaceful deterrence, came under attack in the early 1980s when the “liberal” Nuclear Freeze movement showed signs of becoming politically threatening to the staunch conservative pledging to win the Cold War at any cost. And even if the nuclear freeze movement itself was not powerful enough to undergo the Herculean task of removing the President in 1984, the movement was compassionate enough to appeal to a mass audience, especially when framed in narrative form on network television. In the early 1980s, debates over the possibility of nuclear war and other pertinent Cold War related issues became much more democratized in their visibility on the network airwaves. However, the message disseminated from the networks was not placed in an educational framework, nor did these television productions clarify complicated nuclear issues such as nuclear winter theory and proliferation. I argue this renewed network attention on nuclear issues was not placed in an historical framework and likely confused American viewers because it routinely exposed audiences to both fact and fiction, undifferentiated at the level of the mass media.
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Drinking water treatment sludge production and dewaterabilityфVerrelli, D. I. January 2008 (has links)
The provision of clean drinking water typically involves treatment processes to remove contaminants. The conventional process involves coagulation with hydrolysing metal salts, typically of aluminium (‘alum’) or trivalent iron (‘ferric’). Along with the product water this also produces a waste by-product, or sludge. The fact of increasing sludge production — due to higher levels of treatment and greater volume of water supply — conflicts with modern demands for environmental best practice, leading to higher financial costs. A further issue is the significant quantity of water that is held up in the sludge, and wasted. / One means of dealing with these problems is to dewater the sludge further. This reduces the volume of waste to be disposed of. The consistency is also improved (e.g. for the purpose of landfilling). And a significant amount of water can be recovered. The efficiency, and efficacy, of this process depends on the dewaterability of the sludge.In fact, good dewaterability is vital to the operation of conventional drinking water treatment plants (WTP’s). The usual process of separating the particulates, formed from a blend of contaminants and coagulated precipitate, relies on ‘clarification’ and ‘thickening’, which are essentially settling operations of solid–liquid separation.WTP operators — and researchers — do attempt to measure sludge dewaterability, but usually rely on empirical characterisation techniques that do not tell the full story and can even mislead. Understanding of the physical and chemical nature of the sludge is also surprisingly rudimentary, considering the long history of these processes. / The present work begins by reviewing the current state of knowledge on raw water and sludge composition, with special focus on solid aluminium and iron phases and on fractal aggregate structure. Next the theory of dewatering is examined, with the adopted phenomenological theory contrasted with empirical techniques and other theories.The foundation for subsequent analyses is laid by experimental work which establishes the solid phase density of WTP sludges. Additionally, alum sludges are found to contain pseudoböhmite, while 2-line ferrihydrite and goethite are identified in ferric sludges. / A key hypothesis is that dewaterability is partly determined by the treatment conditions. To investigate this, numerous WTP sludges were studied that had been generated under diverse conditions: some plant samples were obtained, and the remainder were generated in the laboratory (results were consistent). Dewaterability was characterised for each sludge in concentration ranges relevant to settling, centrifugation and filtration using models developed by LANDMAN and WHITE inter alia; it is expressed in terms of both equilibrium and kinetic parameters, py(φ) and R(φ) respectively.This work confirmed that dewaterability is significantly influenced by treatment conditions.The strongest correlations were observed when varying coagulation pH and coagulant dose. At high doses precipitated coagulant controls the sludge behaviour, and dewaterability is poor. Dewaterability deteriorates as pH is increased for high-dose alum sludges; other sludges are less sensitive to pH. These findings can be linked to the faster coagulation dynamics prevailing at high coagulant and alkali dose.Alum and ferric sludges in general had comparable dewaterabilities, and the characteristics of a magnesium sludge were similar too.Small effects on dewaterability were observed in response to variations in raw water organic content and shearing. Polymer flocculation and conditioning appeared mainly to affect dewaterability at low sludge concentrations. Ageing did not produce clear changes in dewaterability.Dense, compact particles are known to dewater better than ‘fluffy’ aggregates or flocs usually encountered in drinking water treatment. This explains the superior dewaterability of a sludge containing powdered activated carbon (PAC). Even greater improvements were observed following a cycle of sludge freezing and thawing for a wide range of WTP sludges. / Further aspects considered in the present work include deviations from simplifying assumptions that are usually made. Specifically: investigation of long-time dewatering behaviour, wall effects, non-isotropic stresses, and reversibility of dewatering (or ‘elasticity’).Several other results and conclusions, of both theoretical and experimental nature, are presented on topics of subsidiary or peripheral interest that are nonetheless important for establishing a reliable basis for research in this area. / This work has proposed links between industrial drinking water coagulation conditions, sludge dewaterability from settling to filtration, and the microstructure of the aggregates making up that sludge. This information can be used when considering the operation or design of a WTP in order to optimise sludge dewaterability, within the constraints of producing drinking water of acceptable quality.
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Mechanistic insights into the stabilisation of biopharmaceuticals using glycine derivatives : the effect of glycine derivatives on the crystallisation, physical properties and behaviour of commonly used excipients to stabilise antigens, adjuvants and proteins in the solid stateBright, Andrew G. January 2015 (has links)
This dissertation has focused on studying the effect of four glycine derivatives on the solid state properties of mannitol, glycine, and sucrose when freeze dried into blended mixtures. The primary goal was to assess their value for use in the stabilisation of vaccines in the solid state, by examining key physical and chemical characteristics, which have been documented to be beneficial to the stabilisation of biopharmaceutical formulations. The novel excipients; dimethyl glycine, and trimethyl glycine, were shown to retard the crystallisation and increase the overall glass transition temperature, of mannitol, when freeze dried as evidenced by DSC and Powder X-ray diffraction. Mannitol’s glass transition temperature increased from 100C to 12.650C and 13.610C when mixed with methyl-glycine and dimethyl glycine respectively. The glycine derivatives did not show the same effect on sucrose which remained amorphous regardless of the concentration of the other excipient. The different behaviour with the sucrose system was thought to be due to relatively high glass transition temperature of sucrose. Conversely glycine remained highly crystalline due it’s relatively low glass transition temperature. The novel excipient formulations were also assessed for their effect on the aggregation of the adjuvant aluminium hydroxide when freeze dried by Dynamic Light Scattering (DLS).The formulations containing the glycine derivatives all caused a decrease in the aggregation size of the adjuvant from ~26 μm, to 185 nm in the presence of methyl glycine. The effects of lysozyme and viral antigen on the adjuvants were also examined showing that the addition of the virus did not affect the size of the aggregates formed, however lysozyme showed significant decreases in the aggregates formed. Examination of the freezing method were also made showing that faster freezing rates produced smaller aggregates of the adjuvant. When investigating the rate at which the excipients lost water during secondary drying there was evidence of the formation of hydrates of glycine, trimethyl glycine, and mannitol has shown that the glycine derivatives have attributes which would be beneficial in stabilising vaccines in the solid state when freeze dried.
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Studium efektu aplikace celulózových vláken v cementových kompozitech / Study of the effect of the application of cellulose fibers in cementitious compositesDvořák, Richard January 2016 (has links)
This diploma thesis is focused on composition and processing of cellulose fibers and their usage in cementitious composites. It describes key attributes of cellulose fibers, which has to be acquired for effective use in cement composites. There are stated effects of cellulose fibers on concrete properties, such as workability, physical and mechanic attributes and freeze-thaw resistance. In experimental part is designed a mixture with portion of cellulose fibers. There has been performed various tests to define the effect of cellulose fibers. There was designed experiment to determine its alkali resistance for fibers itself, and possible changes in microstructure of fibers were analyzed by optic and electron scanning microscope.
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Synthese und Charakterisierung von Spinellen im quasiternären System 'LiO 0,5 - MnOx - FeOx'Wende, Christian 21 April 2006 (has links)
Verbindungen mit Spinellstruktur im quasiternären System &quot;LiO0.5-MnOx-FeOx&quot; finden industriell als keramische Werkstoffe in der Elektrotechnik und Elektronik Verwendung. So werden Lithium-Mangan-Spinelloxide der Form Li1+xMn2-xO4 (x =&gt; 0) als Kathodenmaterial für wiederaufladbare Lithiumbatterien untersucht. Sowohl Lithium- als auch Manganferrit finden Einsatz als steuerbare Komponenten in der Mikrowellentechnik und Manganferrite als Leistungsüberträger in Spulen und Transformatoren der Hochfrequenztechnik. Für einen solchen technischen Einsatz sind die Kenntnisse der Bedingungen für die Synthese phasenreiner Spinelle und deren Struktur unerlässlich. Die Darstellung der Spinelle erfolgte im Rahmen dieser Arbeit aus gefriergetrockneten Lithium-Mangan-Eisenformiaten. Diese Precursoren zeichnen sich durch hohe Reaktivität und exakte Metallionenstöchiometrie aus. Der Zersetzungsablauf von gefriergetrockneten Li-Mn(II)-Fe(III)-Formiaten unter Argon wurde mittels thermischer Analyse, gekoppelt mit der Massenspektroskopie, sowie durch Röntgenpulveraufnahmen der Zwischenprodukte untersucht. Aus den vorzersetzten Precursoren gewünschter Zusammensetzung wurden unter kontrollierten Temperatur- und Sauerstoffpartialdruckbedingungen einphasige Spinelloxide dargestellt. Die so erhaltenen Verbindungen mit Spinellstruktur wurden mittels Röntgenbeugung und Strukturverfeinerung sowie XANES- und Mößbauerspektroskopie und magnetischen Messungen untersucht. Aus der Kombination dieser Methoden konnten Schlussfolgerungen bezüglich der Struktur, Kationenverteilung und Eigenschaften der jeweiligen Spinelle gewonnen werden. Im Mittelpunkt der Arbeit steht die in der Literatur nicht beschriebene Mischkristallreihe LixMn1+xFe2?2xO4, die Mn(II) und Mn(III) oder Mn(III) und Mn(IV) für x &lt; 0.5 oder x &gt; 0.5 enthält. Mit zunehmendem x-Wert vergrößert sich der Anteil von Lithiumionen auf Tetraeder-plätzen. Bei einem Wert x = 4/7 erreicht dieser Anteil 100%. Unter Einbeziehung der Ergebnisse der Mößbaueruntersuchungen ergeben sich für die Spinellverbindungen mit x = 2/7, 3/7 und 4/7 die folgenden Kationenverteilungen: (Li1.04Mn2+2.81-[delta]Fe3+3.15Mn3+[delta])A[Li0.96Fe3+6.85Mn3+6-[delta]Mn2+0.19+[delta]]BO28 (Li2.37Mn2+1.0-*Fe3+2.98Mn3+0.65+*)A[Li0.63Fe3+5.02Mn3+8.35-*Mn2+*]BO28 (Li4.0Fe3+2.37Mn3+0.63)A[Fe3+3.63Mn3+9.37Mn4+1.0]BO28. Eine theoretisch vorhersehbare Zunahme der Sättigungsmagnetisierung bei kleinen x-Werten wird durch Abnahme der kooperativen Kopplungseffekte mit Abnahme des Eisengehaltes nicht beobachtet. Zusammenfassend kann festgehalten werden, dass die Darstellung phasenreiner Spinelloxide aus den vorzersetzten gefriergetrockneten Li-Mn-Fe-Formiaten im gesamten Bereich zwischen den bekannten quasibinären Spinellverbindungen MnFe2O4, Li0.5Fe2.5O4, LiMn2O4 und Li4/3Mn5/3O4 im quaternären System Li-Mn-Fe-O unter jeweils definierten pO2/T-Bedingungen möglich ist. Die Synthesetemperaturen sind teilweise um 100°C bis 200°C niedriger als bei vergleichbaren Proben aus den Festkörpereaktionen. Manganreiche Spinelle außerhalb dieses Bereiches konnten nicht synthetisiert werden.
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