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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Reporting Goebbels in translation : a study of text and context

Möckli, Elisabeth Anita January 2014 (has links)
In its function as a mediating body between the political decision-makers and the population, the media have the potential to influence the public opinion and subsequently, policy making. Representations of political discourses are opinion-shaping instruments and often not mere reflections of a given reality; they incorporate implicit and explicit, conscious and unconscious evaluations. In cross-cultural contexts where information travels across languages the media are highly dependent on translation. Despite its central role, media translation as part of the political process has only recently gained visibility in Translation Studies (TS) and remains widely neglected outside the discipline. Current research in TS often prioritises either the textual analysis or, more recently, the identification of the shaping factors in the news production process, and often fails to address diachronic aspects. This thesis investigates the translations of Goebbels’ speeches as published in the French and British press during the interwar period. It combines a synchronic and diachronic textual analysis, inspired by CDA with an in-depth study of context which draws on socio-historical research and the analysis of archival material. Thereby, the thesis is able to link the textual makeup to a wide variety of socio-political and historical variables via the concepts of ‘framing’ and ‘agenda-setting’. In doing so the thesis demonstrates on the one hand, how translation can function as a means of discourse mediation and, on the other hand, it provides evidence that ideology and political expediency alone cannot explain all textual changes introduced by the translator-journalists. Moreover, describing the development of the media images not only allows to add a translational perspective to the reception of the Third Reich but also contributes to a better understanding of the varying influence of contextual factors. The results of the diachronic analysis show that throughout the interwar period the British media published very little about Goebbels and, up until late in 1938, reports focused on the peaceful intentions he expressed. In contrast, Goebbels was frequently reported on in France and the regime was early on represented as an aggressor. Whilst trends in the quantity mirror the differing economic conditions of the newspaper markets, the quality, i.e. the actual realisation, of the media images seems to be a reflection of the differing socio-political positions of France and the United Kingdom after WW1. The development of the images clearly illustrates that the political ideology of appeasement was finally overridden in the UK in 1938 when political expediency forced the government to take a different course of action. However, the study of the editorial correspondence of the Manchester Guardian brings to light that the mosaic of factors influencing the news production process is more complex. The intervention of the involved governments, personal convictions of the foreign correspondents and the editors, spatial and temporal restrictions, issues of credibility, etc. all impacted on the particular make-up of the media texts. The synchronic textual analysis, on the other hand, reveals that the range of framing devices through which the media images were established was largely determined by text type conventions. The strategies applied range from selective-appropriation of text, repositioning of actors and labelling, to audience representation. The analysis clearly demonstrates that intersemiotic translation, i.e. the representation of the speech context, is equally important as inter- and intra-lingual instances of translation.

Essayer des mots : translating French and English Caribbean literature

Bisdorff, Claire Janine January 2011 (has links)
No description available.

The silence of the forest : a translation from French to English with analysis and literature review

Wolfgang, Bonnie J. January 1996 (has links)
The Central African Republic is a small country located in the center of Africa. It is a very young nation in terms of political independence, but as the CAR emerges as a nation, it has begun to produce valuable authors who write for the French speaking world. This thesis is an attempt to bring part of the CAR's literature to the United States.Le Silence de la Foret was written by Etienne Goyemide and not only describes the culture of the mainstream population of the CAR, but also that of Pygmies. Although the book is a novel, the cultural aspects are not fictitious. This thesis is a translation of Goyemide's novel into English so that it can be made accessible to the English speaking world.The process of translating such a literary work required and increased knowledge and understanding of both French and English. In attempting to capture the style and tone of the author, careful attention was given to such aspects as tense, syntactic structures, register and vocabulary. A chapter of the thesis is devoted to describing the problems encountered during translation and the reasoning for the translations chosen. / Department of English

The masks of the poet : Baudelaire's petits poèmes en prose in English translations : a methodological study

Kennedy, Sarah Alice January 2010 (has links)
No description available.

Les traductions françaises du Jingu qiguan et leurs influences sur la création littéraire en France (1735-1996) / The French translations of Jingu qiguan and their literary influence in France (1735-1996)

Huang, Chunli 27 November 2015 (has links)
À la fin de la dynastie Ming, Baoweng laoren a sélectionné quarante contes en langue vulgaire dans la collection San Yan Er Pai 三言兩拍 de Feng Menglong et de Ling Mengchu. Cette anthologie est connue sous le titre Jingu qiguan 今古奇觀 (Spectacles curieux d’aujourd’hui et de jadis). Elle a connu un immense succès à l’époque de sa publication et a été sans cesse rééditée. Aujourd’hui, elle est considérée comme un chef-œuvre représentatif de la littérature chinoise en langue vulgaire. Sa réputation a dépassé la frontière de la Chine depuis longtemps. Au XVIIIe siècle, trois contes du Jingu qiguan ont été traduits pour la première fois en Europe par un jésuite français. Dès lors, l’œuvre a connu de très nombreuses traductions partielles, retraductions et réécriture dans toute l’Europe. Seulement en langue française, il en existe déjà trente traductions partielles et une traduction intégrale, ainsi que de nombreuses réécritures de natures variées. Cela nous amène à nous interroger sur les raisons de ces traductions et retraduction, et à nous intéresser à leurs différentes réécritures. Qui les a traduits et comment ont-ils été traduits ? Ces contes ont-ils exercé quelque influence sur la littérature locale, et de quelle manière ? La présente étude a pour objectif de traiter toutes ces questions. / At the end of the Ming Dynasty, Baoweng laoren has selected forty tales of the three collections of Feng Menglong and two collections of Ling Mengchu to compile another anthology entitled Jingu qiguan 今古奇觀 (curious spectacles of today and of the past). This anthology was a huge success at the time of its publication, and is constantly reprinted for centuries until today. Today it is considered as a main representative work of Chinese literature in vernacular language. The reputation of Jingu qiguan has already exceeded the Chinese border since a long time. Since the 18th century, three tales of the Jingu qiguan were translated for the first time in Europe by a French Jesuit. Therefore, throughout the centuries, the Jingu qiguan has experienced a lot of partial translations, retranslations and adaptation across Europe. Only in French, there are about thirty translations, retranslations and rewrite of Jingu qiguan. So that leads us to wonder why these stories have constantly been translated and retranslated, or even rewritten. Who have translated them and how they have been translated? How these translations did had some influence in the local literature? This study is intended to cover all these issues.

Pour une histoire rapprochée des traductions. Étude bibliographique, historique et linguistique des traductions en langue française du Cantique des cantiques publiées depuis la Renaissance / Towards a close-up history of translations. Bibliographical, historical and linguistic study of translations in French of the Song of songs, published since the Renaissance

Placial, Claire 02 December 2011 (has links)
Le premier but de cette thèse est d’identifier et de décrire bibliographiquement les traductions en langue française du Cantique des cantiques, publiées sur support imprimé, quels que soient le support éditorial, la date et le lieu de la publication. Une lecture minutieuse de ces traductions, les confrontant aux textes sources essentiellement hébreux et latins, et les situant dans leur contexte historique, éditorial et confessionnel, vise à déterminer, selon la méthode d’Antoine Berman, le « projet de traduction » et l’« horizon du traducteur ». Sur cette base, des études de cas sont réalisées : partant de problèmes théoriques de la traduction, puis d’un choix d’extraits significatifs du texte, l’ensemble du corpus est confronté dans une perspective à la fois diachronique et synchronique. L’ensemble de l’étude illustre la façon dont chaque traduction est l’incarnation d’une lecture spécifique du Cantique des cantiques. / The primary aim of this thesis is to identify and to give a bibliographical description of all the French translations of the Song of Songs that have been published in print since the Renaissance, regardless of their editorial support, date and place of publication. A close reading of these translations will then allow us to determine, following Antoine Berman’s method, the “translation project” and the “translator’s horizon”, by comparing them with their source texts (mostly in Hebrew and Latin) and by situating them in their historical, editorial and religious contexts. Accordingly, a number of case studies have been carried out : first, considering theoretical problems of translation, then by comparing a selection of key excerpts from the text, the entire text corpus has been analyzed from both a diachronic and a synchronic perspective. The entire study illustrates the extent to which each translation is the embodiment of a specific reading of the Song of Songs.

Translation and commentary : Ma vie, mon Cri (Rachida Yacoubi)

Peel, Heather Lynette. January 2003 (has links)
Ce memoire est avant tout un travail de traduction. Le livre a traduire, Ma Vie, mon Cri de Rachida Yacoubi, est tres long (355 pages). 11 fallut beaucoup de travail, de revision et de discussion avec mes deux directrices pour finir la traduction. Je suis tres reconnaissante de leurs conseils et je tiens vivement a remercier Vanessa Everson et Carole Beckett. J'appris davantage en discutant certains problemes precis et epineux avec elles, qu'en etudiant la theorie de la traduction. Cette tache nous a meme diverti puisque la traduction est souvent comme un jeu stimulant si on se passionne pour les mots et I'expression exacte! En depit des difficultes associees a un changement de directrice, je profitai de deux points de vue, parfois differents, mais toujours interessants et enrichissants. L'aspect pratique de mon memoire fut renforce par les cours sur la theorie de la traduction (Translation 810, anime par le Professeur D.Z. van den Berg). L'activite de traduction est un art plutot qu'une science dans le sens que la traductrice est obligee de se servir de ses connaissances linguistiques (mesurables et ainsi scientifiques), mais surtout de son imagination afin de trouver le mot / la phrase juste pour recreer, pour ne pas dire reinventer, I'atmosphere et les emotions transmises par un autre1 . La traduction parfaite n'existe pas. C'est pourquoi j'ai employe le verbe «finir» au lieu de « perfectionner ». En effet, ce n'est peut-etre pas vraiment possible de « finir » une traduction, mais en fin de compte, la question du temps disponible s'impose. 11 me semble que Newmark exprime bien mon dilemme : « You can compare the translating activity to an iceberg: the tip is the translation - what is visible, what is written on the page - the iceberg, the activity, is all the work you do, often ten times as much again, much of which you do not even use. »2 En ce qui concerne ce memoire, c'est la qualite de la traduction meme de Ma Vie, mon Cri qui est donc d'une importance primordiale. D'oll, pour juger cette traduction, il est imperatif de se reterer au texte original.3 Dans I'introduction je peins le contexte general de Ma Vie, mon Cri et dans le commentaire j'expose 2 mon approche et mes raisonnements en tant que traductrice. Vu que j'etudiai la theorie de la traduction en anglais, et que la langue cible de la traduction est I'anglais, le commentaire est aussi en anglais. / Thesis (M.A.)-University of Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 2003.

Dva francouzské překlady Cento Probae z poloviny 16. století / Two sexteenth-century French Translations of the Cento Probae

Stříbrná, Adéla January 2021 (has links)
Cento Probae is one the important works of late Roman literature, which had a great success both in the Middle Ages and in the humanism. This is evidenced by the large number of manuscripts and printed witnesses, to which it is possible to add two French translations from the middle of the 16th century. The main focus of this master's thesis is to propose a detailed comparison of the texts with regard to contemporary translation practice. Based on this analysis, the author examines the purpose of these translations, the audience for which they were intended and whether there is any connection between them.

A study of translation strategies in Guillaume Oyono Mbia's plays

Suh, Joseph Che 30 November 2005 (has links)
This thesis is focused on a study of translation strategies in Guillaume Oyono Mbia's plays. By using the sociological, formalistic and semiotic approaches to literary criticism to inform the analysis of the source texts and by applying descriptive models outlined within the framework of descriptive translation studies (DTS) to compare the source and target texts, the study establishes the fact that in his target texts Oyono Mbia, self-translating author, has produced a realistic and convincing portrait of his native Bulu culture and society depicted in his source texts by adopting the same default preservation and foreignizing strategy employed in his source texts. Oyono Mbia's works, his translation strategies and translational behaviour are situated in the context of the prevailing trend and attitude (from the sixties to date) of African writers writing in European languages and it is posited that this category of writers are in effect creative translators and that the strategies they use in their original compositions are the same as those outlined by translation scholars or effectively used by practitioners. These strategies enable the writer and the translator of this category of African literature to preserve the "Africanness" which is the essence and main distinguishing feature of that literature. Contrary to some scholars (cf. Bandia 1993:58) who regard the translation phenomenon evident in the creative writings of African writers writing in European languages as a process which is covert, semantic and secondary, the present study of Oyono Mbia's translation strategies clearly reveals the process as overt, communicative and primary. Taking Oyono Mbia's strategies as a case in point, this study postulates that since for the most part, the African writer writing in a European language has captured the African content and form in his original creative translation, what the translator simply needs to do is to carry over such content and form to the other European language. / Linguistics / D.Litt. et Phil. (Linguistics)

A study of translation strategies in Guillaume Oyono Mbia's plays

Suh, Joseph Che 30 November 2005 (has links)
This thesis is focused on a study of translation strategies in Guillaume Oyono Mbia's plays. By using the sociological, formalistic and semiotic approaches to literary criticism to inform the analysis of the source texts and by applying descriptive models outlined within the framework of descriptive translation studies (DTS) to compare the source and target texts, the study establishes the fact that in his target texts Oyono Mbia, self-translating author, has produced a realistic and convincing portrait of his native Bulu culture and society depicted in his source texts by adopting the same default preservation and foreignizing strategy employed in his source texts. Oyono Mbia's works, his translation strategies and translational behaviour are situated in the context of the prevailing trend and attitude (from the sixties to date) of African writers writing in European languages and it is posited that this category of writers are in effect creative translators and that the strategies they use in their original compositions are the same as those outlined by translation scholars or effectively used by practitioners. These strategies enable the writer and the translator of this category of African literature to preserve the "Africanness" which is the essence and main distinguishing feature of that literature. Contrary to some scholars (cf. Bandia 1993:58) who regard the translation phenomenon evident in the creative writings of African writers writing in European languages as a process which is covert, semantic and secondary, the present study of Oyono Mbia's translation strategies clearly reveals the process as overt, communicative and primary. Taking Oyono Mbia's strategies as a case in point, this study postulates that since for the most part, the African writer writing in a European language has captured the African content and form in his original creative translation, what the translator simply needs to do is to carry over such content and form to the other European language. / Linguistics and Modern Languages / D.Litt. et Phil. (Linguistics)

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