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Namrzavost nestmelených směsí vozovek pozemních komunikací / The frost susceptibility of unbound mixtures to pavementsSurá, Kateřina January 2016 (has links)
The thesis is focused on the analysis of the theoretical part of the unbound mixtures, their implementation and compliance. Further deals with determining the extent frost susceptibility direct and indirect method in the Czech Republic and the Member States of the European Union. The practical part is focused on the performance of tests on selected samples of unbound mixtures for which was gradually increased the content of fine particles and that direct and indirect method of determining the rate of frost susceptibility and also the evaluation of direct methods of particular customized way, which does not impose the appropriate standard. At the conclusion of the work is carried out an evaluation of the samples and comparison of the different methods with each other.
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Namrzavost zemin a materiálů v podloží vozovek / The frost susceptibility of the soils and materials to subgrade of the pavementsMašek, Jakub January 2013 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the issue of the determination of the frost susceptibility of soils in the subgrades of road structures. The theoretical part compares the ways of testing the frost susceptibility in the Czech Republic and other selected countries of the European Union. Furthermore, it also deals with the development of the frost susceptibility index in the Czech Republic. The empirical part focuses on the laboratory testing of the frost susceptibility of the given sample of soil by the direct frost heave method. Moreover, it also deals with the simulation of penetration of frost by the subgrade and the possibility of shortening the length of the freezing during the direct testing the frost susceptibility.
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Outils de caractérisation et analyse du comportement des matériaux cimentaires soumis à des cycles de gel-dégel en présence de sels / Tools of characterization and analysis of the behavior of ciment based matérials subjected to freeze-thaw cycles in the presence of saltsBouteille, Sébastien 18 April 2013 (has links)
Un béton exposé à des cycles de gel-dégel peut subir des dégradations généralement identifiées sous deux formes. Le gel interne, d’une part, qui affecte le coeur du matériau et peut aboutir à une microfissuration généralisée de la pâte cimentaire. La sensibilité d’un béton courant à ce mode de détérioration peut être diminuée par la présence d’un réseau de bulles d’air au sein de la pâte cimentaire. L’écaillage, d’autre part, qui est une détérioration de surface. Cette dernière est le plus souvent quantifiée par la perte de masse sur la surface exposée. Cette forme de dégradation est fortement influencée par la présence d’une solution aqueuse proche de la surface de béton exposée et de sa concentration en sels fondants (généralement du chlorure de sodium). Lorsque la formulation d’un béton courant n’est pas adaptée pour résister à ce type d’environnement, les dégradations liées au gel interne et à l’écaillage peuvent pénaliser l’exploitation de l’ouvrage concerné dans des conditions de services attendues. Des essais laboratoire, exposant des corps d’épreuve en béton à des cycles de gel-dégel accélérés, permettent d’évaluer la résistance d’un béton face à ces deux formes de détériorations. La communauté scientifique s’accorde sur les essais permettant de caractériser la détérioration par le gel interne et l’aspect protecteur d’un réseau de bulles d’air. Par contre, l’écaillage est encore abordé par diverses procédures expérimentales qui ne font pas consensus et ont peu évolué depuis le milieu des années 1990 (...) / A concrete submitted to freeze-thaw cycles may undergo damages generally identified under two forms. On one hand, the internal frost affects the whole volume of the concrete. It can resul in generalized microcracks into the ciment paste. The sensibility of a common concrete to this deterioration can be decreased by the presence of a network of air bubbles within the ciment paste. On the other hand, the scaling, is a surface deterioration generaly quantified by the loss of mass from the exposed surface. The scaling is strongly influenced by the presence of a solution and its concentration in salts (generally some sodium chloride), over the exposed concrete surface. When a common concrete is not correctly formulated to resist this environment, its degradation can penalize the exploitation of the concerned structure in expected conditions of services. Laboratory tests exposing bodies of concrete to accelerated freeze-thaws cycles, allow to estimate the concrete resistance when exposed to these two kinds of deteriorations. The scientific community agrees on the internal frost laboratory test and on the protective aspect of a network of air bubbles. But the scaling is still approached by experimental procedures which do not make consensus and have little evolved since the middle of the 1990s (...)
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Detailed genetic analysis of faba bean (Vicia faba L.) winter-hardiness and related traits / Detaillierte genetische Analyse der Winterhärte und damit verbundenerMerkmale bei der Ackerbohne (Vicia faba L.)Arbaoui, Mustapha 24 May 2007 (has links)
No description available.
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Uppföljning av absoluta tjälrörelser : En fallstudie av väg E10 i KirunaElmehög, Hampus January 2019 (has links)
Detta examensarbete har haft som mål att undersöka tjällyftningen hos en väg i en fältstudie och utvärdera reliabiliteten hos två olika modeller för skattning av tjällyftning. Modellerna som har studerats är Trafikverkets nuvarande, vilken är implementerad i deras vägdimensioneringsverktyg PMS Objekt, samt segregation potential theory. Den studerade vägsträckan är belägen i Kiruna. I vägen har borrkärneprover tagits och vägens obundna lager, inklusive terassmaterial, har blivit analyserade i laboratorium. Dessa tester inkluderar både geoteknisk klassificering och endimensionella frysförsök på terassmaterialet. Materialets tjälfarlighet har klassificerats enligt både Trafikverkets eget och det amerikanska USACEs system. Alla prover, inklusive terrassmaterialet, består huvudsakligen av grus och sand. Enligt båda de använda klassificeringssystemen bedöms alla prover som icke tjälfarliga. Nivåmätningar utförda på vägen visar dock att tjällyftning ändå förekommer i vägen. Denna tjällyftning har inte kunnat modelleras framgångsrikt i PMS Objekt, där ingen tjällyftning alls fås trots att en dimensionerande vinter tillämpas i analysen. Däremot har en god överensstämmelse mellan bakåträknad och empiriskt beräknad tjälfarlighetsklassificering med SP0-värde enligt segregation potential theory kunnat ses. Även när detta beräknas utifrån utförda frysförsök fås en relativt god överensstämmelse. Studiens främsta fynd är att den visar på att även material som bedöms som ej tjällyftande enligt de två systemen för tjälfarlighetsklassificering faktiskt orsakar tjällyftning och att detta omfattar både terrass- och överbyggnadsmaterial. Studien visar att detta tjällyft främst beror på primärt lyft, varför klassificeringarna stämmer ganska väl om endast det sekundära lyftet avses. Studien har även visat på att Trafikverkets nuvarande modell är otillräcklig när det kommer till att modellera tjällyftning för grovkorniga jordar. Slutligen har studien även visat på möjligheten att bedöma jords tjälfarlighet med hjälp av segregation potential theory, även om också denna metod endast kan användas för att modellera sekundärt lyft. / The aim of the master thesis has been to examine the frost heaving of a road in a field study and to evaluate the reliability of two different models for estimation of frost heaving. The studied models are the current one of the Swedish Transport Administration, which is implemented in their road design tool PMS Objekt, and the segregation potential theory. The studied road section is located in Kiruna, in the northern part of Sweden. The road has been cored and the unbound layers of it, including the subgrade, have been analyzed in laboratory. These analyses include both geotechnical characterization and one-dimensional frost heave tests of the subgrade material. The frost susceptibility of the collected material has been classified according to both the Swedish Transport Administrations system and the American USACE’s system. All samples, including the subgrade, consist mainly of gravel and sand. According to both the used classification systems all samples are classified as not frost susceptible. However, the elevation measurements of the road show that frost heaving occurs in it despite this. This heaving has not been possible to model successfully in the program PMS Objekt. In it the frost heave prediction yields no heave at all, despite applying a design winter (worst case) in the analysis. A good conformity has however been observed between back-calculated and empirically evaluated frost susceptibility using segregation potential theory. A quite good conformity has also been observed when the same thing is evaluated from the preformed freeze tests. The most important finding of the study is that even material that is categorized as non-frost susceptible according to the two studied systems actually does heave. This finding includes both subgrade aswell as the unbound material in the superstructure. It has been found that the total frost heave observed in this study originates mainly from primary heaving, meaning the studied systems are quite correct in their frost susceptibility classification if only secondary heaving is intended. The study has also shown that the current model applied in PMS Objekt is poor in predicting the amount of heaving in coarse subgrades. Finally, the study has also shown the possibility to evaluate a soils frost susceptibility using segregation potential theory, although this model aswell is only applicable to secondary heave
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Studium možností zlepšení mrazuvzdornosti betonů / Studying the possibility of improving the frost resistance of concreteŠafrata, Pavel January 2017 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to summarize theoretical and practical knowledge of frost resistance of concrete. It suggests, that there are numerous factors affecting the freeze-thaw resistence of concrete. These are especially raw materials, production technology, time and method of curing. The influence of addition, air entrainment and air void structure is complied and evaluated experimentally. The testing method is crucial for the evaluation of durability of concrete. Hence, this thesis includes a research of methods used around the world and practical comparison of some of them. This thesis is valuable because of implementation of the requirement in the standard ČSN EN 206 (2014) for the frost resistence of concrete in exposure classes XF1 and XF3.
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Time series analysis of ground frost conditions at Abisko, sub-Arctic Sweden, 1985-2010 / Tidserieanalys av marktemperatur i Abisko,Norra Sverige, under perioden 1985-2010Schmidt, Anja January 2012 (has links)
Observed climatic change may result in modification of the ground thermal regime.The causes of shallow ground temperature variability, however, are not well documented.This thesis reports ground temperatures from Absiko Scientific Research Station, measured ata site currently not underlain by permafrost to illustrate the response of shallow groundtemperatures to changes in climatic parameters. Both air temperature and precipitationincreased at Abisko from 1985-2010. The strongest increase in air temperature occurred inwinter, whereas the precipitation increased mainly during the summer months. There was asignificant trend towards later onset of permanent snow cover, as well as a steadily earlierdisappearance of permanent snow cover in spring, resulting in reduced snow cover duration.Also the snow thickness decreased at Abisko during the study period. The ground experiencedapproximately five months of frost at 5 and 20 cm depth and approx. four, respectively two,months at 50 and 100 cm depth. Annual ground temperatures were found to be increasingfrom 1985-2010 with approx. 0.31 °C, 0.64 °C, 0.82 °C and 0.94 °C at 5, 20, 50, respectively100 cm depth from the surface. The duration and intensity of the seasonal frost cycles weredecreasing, which would reflect the increasing ground temperatures. Changes in short-termfrost cycles were not found to be significant. The changes in mean annual and winter groundtemperature were significantly correlated to the changes in mean annual and winter airtemperature, but surprisingly not to the changes in snow cover. However, seasonally theincreasing trend of ground temperatures was found in autumn and winter, whereas thesummer ground temperatures were decreasing. The cooling of ground temperature in summerat increasing air temperatures may be explained by increased precipitation totals and henceincreased soil moisture due to the so called soil-moisture feedback. From this fact, it can bededuced that the changes in air temperature alone cannot explain all variances in groundtemperatures. However, the results of the study may suggest that in sub-Arctic Swedenchanges in air temperatures may be used as indicator for changes in shallow groundtemperatures. / perioden 1985-2010 ökade både lufttemperatur och nederbörd i Abiskoområdet. Denstörsta ökningen av lufttemperatur skedde under vinterhalvåret medan nederbörden ökademest under sommarhalvåret. En signifikant förkortning i längden av vintersnötäckets existensunder året observerades under studieperioden. Reduceringen av vintesnötäcket skedde genomatt den första snön kom senare och bortsmältningen på våren skedde tidigare. Snötäcketstjocklek minskade också under studieperioden. Marktemperaturmätningarna visar frysgraderpå 5 och 20 cm djup fem månader och fyra respektive två månader på 50 och 100cm djup.Den årliga medeltemperaturen i marken ökade under perioden med 0.31 °C, 0.64 °C, 0.82 °Coch 0.94 °C vid 5, 20, 50 och 100 cm djup. Den årliga längden och intensiteten avfrysförhållandena i marken minskade vilket förmodligen är en konsekvens av de ökandemarktemperaturerna. Ingen trend i förekomsten av kortare svängningar i frysförhållandenakunde observeras. Förändringarna i årsmedetemperaturen i marken är signifikant korrelerademed förändringen i den årliga medeltemperaturen och vintertemperaturen i luften, men ingenkorrelation mellan marktemperaturen och förändringar i snötäckets tjocklek och längdobserverades. Studien avslöjade också att temperaturen i marken ökade under vinternhalvåretmedan den sjönk under sommaren. Avkylningen av marken under sommaren kan förklaras avökad nederbörd under sommaren som ger högre markfuktighet som ger en kylande effektgenom den så kallade jord-fuktighets återkopplingsmekanismen (soil-moisture feedback).Från detta kan vi dra slutsatsen att förändringar i enbart lufttemperatur inte kan förklara denhela observerade variansen av marktemperatur men att lufttemperaturen har en domineranderoll. Resultaten från denna studie indikerar således att förändringar lufttemperatur kananvändas som en indikator på marktemperaturförändringar i Abisko området.
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Design and Construction of Pavements in Cold Regions: State of the PracticeSmith, Brad Steven 07 December 2006 (has links) (PDF)
The effects of frost action introduce many challenges in the design and construction of roadways in cold regions throughout the United States. The penetration of frost into pavement structures can lead to differential frost heave during winter and thaw weakening during spring. Both of these damage mechanisms lead to premature pavement distress, structural deterioration, and poor ride quality. Because the availability of naturally occurring non-frost-susceptible pavement base materials is rapidly diminishing in many areas while project budgets remain largely inadequate, pavement engineers are utilizing alternative materials and techniques to minimize such damage. The purpose of this research was to investigate and document the state of the practice concerning the design and construction of pavements in cold regions. In particular, the various methods and standards employed for characterizing materials, improving soils and aggregates, and determining pavement layer thicknesses were explored. A comprehensive literature review was performed, and a questionnaire survey was conducted of various state DOTs throughout the United States that are involved with the design and maintenance of roadways. The study was directed primarily at identifying practices utilized by state DOTs in climates with freezing temperatures. The information obtained in this research represents a unique compilation of standards of practice that have been developed by DOTs based on years of experience and research in their respective jurisdictions. While this research allows engineers at state DOTs to compare their pavement design and construction practices with those of other states represented in the survey, consulting engineers and engineers in local governments involved in characterizing materials, improving soils and aggregates, and determining pavement layer thicknesses can also benefit from this work.
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Effects of Thermal Gradient and Fines Content on Frost Heave of an Alaska Base MaterialHomewood, Adam Ray 08 October 2010 (has links) (PDF)
The objective of this research was to investigate the effects of thermal gradient and fines content and the interaction between these two factors on the frost heave characteristics of a typical Alaska base material. The laboratory frost heave testing involved one type of aggregate base material, three thermal gradients, and three fines contents in a full-factorial experimental design with two replicates. The aggregate was classified in the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials soil classification system as A-1-a; the thermal gradients were 0.15, 0.30, and 0.45 ºC/cm; and the fines contents were 6, 8, and 10 percent. After frost heave testing, a stepwise regression analysis was performed to identify significant independent variables for each of nine separate dependent variables, including frost heave, heave-uptake ratio, steady-state frost heave rate, gravimetric water ingress, and gravimetric water content in each of the five individual lifts tested following frost heave testing. Soil suction, specific gravity, salinity, and hydraulic conductivity testing were also performed on samples prepared at each of the three fines contents to support numerical modeling of the frost heave test results using the computer program ICE-1. The results of the stepwise regression analysis indicate that thermal gradient is a significant predictor of six of the nine dependent variables and that the square of thermal gradient is a significant predictor of five of these six dependent variables. As the thermal gradient increased, the samples experienced decreasing amounts of water ingress and frost heave. However, the data show that neither fines content nor the square of fines content is a significant predictor of any of the dependent variables. Thus, although previous research has shown that higher fines contents are generally associated with greater susceptibility to frost heave, this effect is not manifest in the comparatively small increases in fines contents evaluated in this research. The interaction between thermal gradient and fines content is a significant predictor of only one independent variable. Differences between the modeled and measured frost heave values ranged from 0.01 to 0.92 cm, with the larger differences typically associated with the lowest thermal gradient and the lowest fines content.
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Frost nucleation and growth on hydrophilic, hydrophobic, and biphilic surfacesVan Dyke, Alexander Scott January 1900 (has links)
Master of Science / Department of Mechanical and Nuclear Engineering / Amy R. Betz / The purpose of this research was to test if biphilic surfaces mitigate frost and ice formation. Frost, which forms when humid air comes into contact with a surface that is below the dew point and freezing temperature of water, hinders engineering systems such as aeronautics, refrigeration systems, and wind turbines. Most previous research has investigated increasingly superhydrophobic materials to delay frost formation; however, these materials are dependent on fluctuating operating conditions and surface roughness. Therefore, the hypothesis for this research was that a biphilic surface would slow the frost formation process and create a less dense frost layer, and water vapor would preferentially condense on hydrophilic areas, thus controlling where nucleation initially occurs. Preferential nucleation can control the size, shape, and location of frost nucleation. To fabricate biphilic surfaces, a hydrophobic material was coated on a silicon wafer, and a pattern of hydrophobic material was removed using photolithography to reveal hydrophilic silicon-oxide. Circles were patterned at various pitches and diameters. The heat sink was comprised of two parts: a solid bottom half and a finned upper half. Half of the heat sink was placed inside a polyethylene base for insulation. Tests were conducted in quiescent air at room temperature, 22 °C, and two relative humidities, 30% and 60%. Substrate temperatures were held constant throughout all tests. All tests showed a trend that biphilic surfaces suppress freezing temperature more effectively than plain hydrophilic or hydrophobic surfaces; however, no difference between pattern orientation or size was noticed for maximum freezing temperature. However, the biphilic patterns did affect other aspects such as time to freezing and volume of water on the surface. These effects are from the patterns altering the nucleation and coalescence behavior of condensation.
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