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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Katalikiškų laidotuvių liaudies pamaldumo praktikos: tradicija, dabartis, edukaciniai aspektai / Popular Piety at catholic funerals: tradition, present time and educational aspects

Blažauskaitė, Aušra 29 June 2009 (has links)
Šiame magistro darbe: Pirmojoje dalyje atskleidžiamas krikščionybės požiūris į mirtį pagal Senąjį bei Naująjį Testamentus bei pagal naujausius Bažnyčios dokumentus. Aptariama kaip šis požiūris turėtų atsispindėti laidotuvių kontekste. Antrojoje darbo dalyje analizuojamas tradicinės bažnytinės laidotuvių apeiginės praktikos pagal Katalikų Bažnyčios dokumentus, apžvelgiami liaudies pamaldumo papročiai Lietuvoje nuo senųjų laikų iki mūsų dienų. Šioje dalyje taip pat tiriamos ir apibendrinamos laidotuvių tradicijos Vilniaus Šv. Pranciškaus Asyžiečio ir Švč. Mergelės Marijos Nekaltojo Prasidėjimo parapijose. Trečiojoje dalyje gvildenami krikščioniškosios mirties sampratos ir laidotuvių papročių panaudojimo ugdymo procese klausimai. Šioje darbo dalyje analizuojamos Bendrosios Katalikų tikybos programos mokyklai ir parapinės katechezės programos, pateikiamos kai kurios įžvalgos bei rekomendacijos, kaip kančios, mirties, laidotuvių, Vėlinių, amžinybės klausimus teikti katechezėje arba per tikybos pamokas. / The paper studies catholic funeral traditions in Lithuania in the light of the Scripture and of the teaching of the Church. The aim of the research is to show both the positive and the negative tendencies of popular piety in this respect and to define their educational meaning. The first part of the paper is devoted to a thotough analysis of Christian attitude towards death and dying. It provides references to the Old and New Testamentes, as well as to the newest Church documents. The second part provides the historical description of funeral traditions in Lithuania. It discusses their origin and their changes through the centuries. This part also includes a research on present funeral traditions as seen from the answers of twenty respondents from two parishes of Vilnius. The third part of the paper investigates into the school syllabi and parish catechesis programs. The task of this investigation is to see if the Christian attitude towards death and burial is property taught to children and adolescents. This part ends with several cathecetical recommendations. The paper concludes that funeral traditios in Lithuania especially in towns, are gradually losing their spirituality. Therefore, children and young people should be tought more opently about death and eternal life. Parish communities should pay more attention to preserving what is holy and sincere what can stimulate Christian hope, faith relationships and prayer. I have determined the correlations and disparities of... [to full text]

Šermeninės giesmės Telšių vyskupijoje: tarp tradicijos ir naujovių / Funeral songs the diocese of Telšiai: between tradition and innovation

Stumbra, SAULIUS 25 February 2011 (has links)
Labai svarbią dalį katalikiškose liaudies pamaldumo praktikose užima šermenų giesmės, maldos ir apeigos. Anot „Liturginio maldyno“, „Šermenys, arba budynės, – tai budėjimas prie numirėlio iki laidotuvių“ . Laidojimo laikotarpiu etnografiniuose Lietuvos regionuose yra apstu įvairių giesmių, maldų ir apeigų. Tai ir Kryžiaus kelias, Žemaičių Kalvarijos kalnai, Švč. Jėzaus Vardo rožinis, Gedulinės valandos už mirusiuosius. Dzūkijoje šalia raudų giedami „Graudūs verksmai“ ir gedulinės valandos; Suvalkijoje – Švč. Jėzaus Vardo rožinis; Aukštaitijoje – 14–os stočių Kryžiaus kelias, o Žemaitijoje – Žemaičių Kalvarijos kalnai. Taip pat regionuose, kurie ribojasi su protestantų ar stačiatikių kraštais, dažnai giedamos Gedulinės valandos. Visus Lietuvos etnografinius regionus vienija šermenų apeigiškumas ir šermeninių giesmių giedojimas. / Funeral chantings, prayers and ceremonies play very important role in all catholic folk piety practices. During funeral there are lots of various chantings, prayers and ceremonies in all ethnographical regions of Lithuania. For example in Dzūkija (the southern part of Lithuania) aside from lamentations people use to chant Officium defunctorum (psalms for the dead) and pathetical mournings, remembering the Passion of Christ; in Suvalkija (south western part of Lithuania) is chanted the Rosary of The Name of Jesus; in Aukštaitija (the eastern part of Lithuania) is chanted the Way of the Cross (with 14 stations) and in Žemaitija (the western part of Lithuania) are chanted 20 stations of Calvary, called Samogitian Calvary way. In areas that border with protestant or orthodox traditions, there are performed Officium defunctorum quite often. And all the regions of Lithuania are unified by the ceremonies of funeral and funeral chantings.

Romové a jejich postoj ke smrti a umírání v dnešní době: Romský pohřeb / Romanies and their attitude to death and dying nowadays: The Romany funeral

VÍTKOVÁ, Jana January 2014 (has links)
The degree work deals with the present attitude of Romanies to death and dying, and especially the Romany funeral. The work aim is the reflexion on the Romany perspective of death and dying including their special characteristics (customs, rituals, traditions) in view of these days. The work is divided into four chapters, in which theoretical and practical knowledge is entwined and complemented. The first three chapters dwell on death, life after death and funeral rituals in general, and further on Romany history connected to their death and dying and contemporary Romany funeral traditions, including Romany faith in afterlife and spirits of the dead. The last chapter of the degree work summarizes the knowledge of the previous three chapters, and it is the very mentioned reflexion of the attitude of Romanies to death and dying.

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