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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Marker-assisted selection for maize streak virus resistance and concomitant conventional selection for Downy Mildew resistance in a maize population.

Mafu, Nothando Fowiza. January 2013 (has links)
Maize streak virus (MSV) disease, transmitted by leafhoppers (Cicadulina mbila, Naude), and maize downy mildew (DM) disease caused by Peronosclerospora sorghi (Weston and Uppal) Shaw, are major contributing factors to low maize yields in Africa. These two diseases threaten maize production in Mozambique, thus the importance of breeding Mozambican maize varieties that carry resistance to these diseases. Marker-assisted selection (MAS) was employed to pyramid MSV and DM disease resistant genes into a single genetic background through simultaneous selection. Firstly, it was essential to determine the genetic diversity of MSV disease resistance in 25 elite maize inbred lines to aid in the selection of suitable lines for the introgression of the msv1 gene; and subsequently, to introduce the msv1 resistance gene cluster from two inbred lines, CM505 and CML509, which were identified as the ideal parental lines for the introgression of MSV disease resistance into a locally adapted Mozambican inbred line LP23 that had DM background resistance. Pyramiding the resistance genes by the use of simple sequence repeat (SSR) molecular markers to track the MSV gene cluster was investigated in 118 F3 progeny derived from crosses of CML505 x LP23 and CML509 x LP23. High resolution melt (HRM) analysis using the markers umc2228 and bnlg1811 detected 29 MSV resistant lines. At the International Maize and Wheat Improvement Centre (CIMMYT) in Zimbabwe, MSV disease expression of the 118 F3 progeny lines was assessed under artificial inoculation conditions with viruliferous leafhoppers and the effect of the MSV disease on plant height was measured. Thirty-seven family lines exhibited MSV and DM (DM incidence ≤50) disease resistance. Individual plants from a total of 41 progeny lines, that exhibited MSV disease severity ratings of 2.5 or less in both locations within each of the F3 family lines, were selected based on the presence of the msv1 gene based on SSR data, or field DM disease resistance, and were then advanced to the F4 generation to be fixed for use to improve maize hybrids in Mozambique for MSV resistance. Simultaneous trials were run at Chokwe Research Station in Mozambique for MSV and DM disease assessment, under natural and artificial disease infestation, respectively. Thus the MSV and DM genes were effectively pyramided. Lines with both MSV and DM resistance were advanced to the F4 generation and will be fixed for use to improve maize hybrids in Mozambique for MSV and DM resistance, which will have positive implications on food security in Mozambique. This research discusses the results of combined selection with both artificial inoculation and the three selected SSR markers. It was concluded that a conventional maize breeder can successfully use molecular markers to improve selection intensity and maximise genetic gain. / Thesis (M.Sc.Agric)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 2013.

Chemical control of soybean rust (Phakopsora pachyrhizi) on soybeans.

Du Preez, Eve Diane. January 2005 (has links)
Soybean rust (SBR) caused by Phakopsora pachyrhizi Syd. is an aggressive wind dispersed fungal disease which has spread around the world at an alarming rate in the last decade. The disease was first reported in South Africa (SA) in 2001. It has become well established in the province of KwaZulu-Natal. Reports are occasionally made from eastern Mpumalanga, late in the growing season, in years with good rainfall. Yield losses of 10 - 80% have been reported due to SBR infection. Literature was reviewed to better understand the pathogen in an attempt to find suitable disease management strategies. Many strategies involve delaying, rather than preventing, SBR infection. Of the two strategies to prevent infection, the use of fungicides was the only option for disease control in SA, as no resistant cultivars are available. Field trials were conducted to determine which fungicides are effective in controlling SBR. Further research was conducted to determine the timing, frequency and rate of fungicide applications for optimal control of SBR. Trials were evaluated for disease severity, seed yield and the effect of fungicides on seed quality. Fungicides from the triazole class of the sterol biosynthesis inhibiting group of fungicides were found to be the most effective in controlling SBR. A fungicide from the strobilurin group was found to be less effective than the triazoles at the suggested rate, but was found to be as effective when evaluated at higher dosage rates. Triazoles premixed with fungicides from the benzimidazole and strobilurin groups were also effective in controlling SBR. Timing of application was found to be critical for strobilurin fungicides, but not for triazole fungicides, which have a curative ability, unlike strobilurins. Strobilurin fungicides applied preventatively, before the appearance of disease symptoms were as effective as triazole fungicides applied after disease symptoms, but before infection levels had reached 10%. Across both wet and dry seasons two fungicide applications applied at 21d intervals at the R2 growth stage resulted in effective disease control. In wet seasons, a third fungicide application resulted in yields that were higher, albeit not statistically significant, than two fungicide applications. Assessments of individual fungicides for optimal dosage rate found that registered rates were already optimal for some fungicides, but for others it appeared as if alterations were necessary to the rate suggested for registration. This study was one of the first to extensively evaluate the efficacy of the new triazole and strobilurin fungicides on SBR control. The results have been shared globally, but particularly with newly affected countries in South and North America. Although this research has been groundbreaking, there are still many aspects of fungicide control which need to be studied in order to further optimise chemical control of SBR. / Thesis (M.Sc.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 2005

Studies on Phakopsora pachyrhizi, the causal organism of soybean rust.

Nunkumar, Archana. January 2006 (has links)
Phakopsora pachyrhizi H. Syd and P. Syd, the causal organism of soybean rust (SBR) was first reported in Japan in 1902. In 1934 the pathogen was found in several other Asian countries and as far south as Australia. In India, SBR was first reported on soybeans in 1951. There have been several early reports of SBR in equatorial Africa but the first confirmed report of P. pachyrhizi on the African continent was in 1996 from Kenya, Rwanda and Uganda. Since then, the pathogen has spread south with reports from Zambia and Zimbabwe in 1998 and in Mozambique in 2000. In February 2001, P. pachyrhizi was first detected on soybeans near Vryheid, in Northern KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa (SA). As the season progressed, the disease was observed in other parts of the province, and epidemic levels were found in the Cedara, Greytown, Howick and Karkloof production regions. Soybean rust subsequently spread to Amsterdam and Ermelo in the Highveld region of SA. The disease reappeared in SA in March 2002. It is now established that the pathogen is a threat to soybean production in the country with yield losses in the region of 10-80%. A literature review on SBR investigating the taxonomy of the pathogen, its morphology, symptoms, host range, infection process, epidemiology, control options and the economic importance of P. pachyrhizi was complied to provide the necessary background information to conduct research under local conditions and to assist in interpretation of results of experiments. Epidemiological trials were conducted at the University of KwaZulu-Natal under controlled environmental conditions in a dew chamber and conviron. Development of P. pachyrhizi on the susceptible cultivar (LS5995) was quantified in combinations of seven temperatures (15,19,21,24,26,28 and 30°C) and five leaf wetness durations (LWD) (6,9,12,14 and 16hrs) at three relative humidities (RH) (75%, 85% and 95%). Studies indicate that optimum temperature for uredospore infection is 21-24°C with a LWD greater than 12hrs and RH 85-95%. The number of pustules as well as lesion size on the abaxial and adaxial leaf surface increased with increasing LWD at all the RH values tested. Infection did not occur on plants incubated at 15°C and 30°C at 85% or 95%RH whereas at 75%RH infection did not occur on plants incubated at 15°C, 19°C and 30°C regardless of LWD. Number of pustules per lesion produced at 75%, 85% and 95%RH was highest at 24°C and showed a gradual increase with increasing LWD. Lesion size on both leaf surfaces increased after 12hrs LWD at 24°C at 75% and 85%RH whereas at 95%RH lesion size increased after 14hrs LWD at 24°C. Exposure of uredospores to ultraviolet light which is equivalent to ultraviolet C (sunlight) which is < 280nm, shows a decrease in germination (7%). Under continuous darkness, the germination percentage was found to range from 58% after 48 hrs. Germination was found to peak at 16hrs in darkness with a gradual decrease as time increased whereas germination under ultraviolet light was highest after 6hrs with a gradual decrease with increased exposure to light. Germ tube lengths were found to be shorter when exposed to ultraviolet light (107µm) compared to controls kept in the dark (181µm). Results obtained clearly show a negative effect of ultraviolet light on the germination and germ tube length of uredospores. A 0.1 ml suspension of uredospores on 1.25% water agar Petri dishes was exposed to cycles of 14h ultraviolet light and 10h darkness for 48h. Results indicate an increase in germination percentage of uredospores when exposed to 10h of darkness following a 14h period under ultraviolet light. Controlled environmental studies were conducted to determine alternative hosts of P. pachyrhizi in SA. The control used in this experiment was Prima 2000, a susceptible cultivar to soybean rust. Seven legume plants [Cajanus cajan (L.) Huth, Glycine max (L.) Merr, Lablab purpureus (L.) Sweet, Lupinus angustifolius (L.) Finnish, Phaseolus vulgaris (L.), Pueraria lobata (M&S) Wild and Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp] and three dry bean lines (Bonus; OPS-RS2 and PAN 159) showed typical SBR symptoms when rated after 21 days post inoculation with uredospores for percentage disease severity. Disease severity was significantly different within the alternative hosts, but G. max, P. vulgaris and P. lobata were not significantly different from Prima 2000 (control). A uredospore suspension of 2.5 x 10(5) uredospores ml(-1) from plants that showed typical SBR symptoms was made and inoculated on to Prima 2000, a susceptible soybean cultivar. Uredospores from pustules on G. max, L. purpureus, L. angustifolius, P. vulgaris, P. lobata, V. unguiculata, Bonus and PAN 159 produced viable uredospores on PRIMA 2000. These plants are considered alternative hosts of P. pachyrhizi. Effect of leaf age on susceptibility of soybean to SBR was tested under controlled environmental conditions. Mean number of lesions as well as lesion size were greater on younger leaves than on older leaves of plants at the same physiological age. Plants at the early vegetative and reproductive stages had a significantly lower number of lesions as well as a smaller lesion size. Plants at the V6 and R1 growth stages were significantly more susceptible to P. pachyrhizi than plants at other developmental stages. Trichoderma harzianum Rifai, Eco-77® a commercial biological control product, was evaluated for its efficacy as a biological control agent of P. pachyrhizi. Trichoderma harzianum sprayed at the standard concentration on infected soybean plants was significantly more effective in controlling P. pachyrhizi than plants sprayed at 1/2X and 2x the standard concentration. This was noted in both Trial 1 and 2. Data indicate that spraying the filtrate two days after inoculation produces less disease. / Thesis (M.Sc.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 2006.

Development of an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) for field detection and discrimination of Fusarium circinatum from Fusarium oxysporum and Diplodia pinea in pine seedlings.

Mkhize, Phumzile. 18 September 2014 (has links)
Fusarium circinatum is a fungal pathogen that has had a serious impact on pine production throughout the world. It attacks most Pinus species including Pinus elliottii, Pinus patula and Pinus radiata. Infections in South Africa (SA) are largely on seedlings, and result in fatal seedling wilt. Accurate and quick detection systems suitable for field use are needed to monitor the spread of the disease and optimize fungicide applications. Detection of F. circinatum is currently based on visual observations of typical symptoms. However, symptoms are not unique to the pathogen and can be caused by other biotic and abiotic stress factors. Nucleic acid-based identification techniques using PCR are available for different fungal species. These are sensitive and accurate, but they are expensive and require skilled biotechnologists to conduct the assays. In this study an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) was developed to identify F. circinatum in infected seedlings. This optimized ELISA is able to discriminate between F. circinatum and two other fungi that frequently affect pine. This method has advantages over other assays because of its ease of operation and sample preparation, sensitivity and the ability to run multiple tests simultaneously. Mycelium-soluble antigens from Diplodia pinea (=Sphaeropsis sapinea), F. circinatum and F. oxysporum were prepared in nutrient broth. Analysis of these antigens on SDS-PAGE indicated the presence of common antigens between the different fungal pathogens. Some antigens were expressed more by some isolates than by others. Separate groups of chickens were immunised with mycelium-soluble antigens from D. pinea, F. circinatum and F. oxysporum and exo-antigen from F. circinatum prepared in nutrient broth. A 34 kDa protein purified from SDS-PAGE specific for D. pinea was also used for immunisation. Five sets of antibodies were obtained including anti-D. pinea, anti-F. circinatum, anti-F. oxysporum, anti-F. circinatumexo and anti-D. pinea 34 kDa antibodies, respectively. Reactivity of these antibodies was evaluated against antigens prepared in nutrient broth using western blotting and ELISA. Western blot analysis indicated that immuno-dominant antigens for F. circinatum were larger than 34 kDa and their reactivity was not the same between different isolates. Each of the antibodies prepared using mycelium-soluble antigens showed increased reactivity when detecting its own specific pathogen, but cross-reactivity was observed. Anti-D.pineaantibodies showed minimal cross-reactivity with antigens from F. circinatum and F. oxysporum. Anti-F. circinatum antibodies cross-reacted with antigens from F. oxysporum but showed little cross-reactivity with D. pinea antigens. Anti-F. oxysporum antibodies showed more cross-reactivity towards antigens from F. circinatum than those from D. pinea. No reactivity was observed when anti-F. circinatum-exo antigen and anti-D. pinea 34 kDa antibodies were used in immuno-blotting analysis. Evaluation of antibody reactivity using indirect ELISA showed patterns similar to those observed on western blotting, where anti-D. pinea, anti-F. circinatum and anti-F. oxysporum antibodies showed the same cross-reactivity relationships. Anti-F. circinatum and anti-F. oxysporumantibodies showed a significant difference when reacting with antigens isolated from other pathogens including D. pinea, F. circinatum, F. oxysporum, F. solani, F. graminearum and F. culmorum (P = 0.001). No significant difference was observed when the antigens were detected with anti-D. pinea antibodies. Reactivity of anti-F. circinatum-exo and anti-D. pinea34 kDa antibodies was mostly similar to that of non-immune antibodies and showed no significant difference between detection of different antigens. Pine seedlings were artificially infected with the three fungal pathogens using a spore concentration of 1 – 1 x 106conidiaml-1.Infection was monitored using scanning electron microscopy. Results showed increased levels of mycelium growth on the stem and roots of the F. circinatum and F. oxysporum infected seedlings and on the leaves and stem in the case of D. pinea infected seedlings. These plant parts were used in ELISA tests for the detection of antigens. Isolation of antigens from the plant materials involved crushing plant parts in buffer and centrifugation of the suspension. The supernatant obtained was directly used in the assay. ELISA tests prepared in this study were sensitive enough to detect infection caused by 1 conidium ml-1at two weeks post inoculation. A positive reaction for detection of F. circinatum and F. oxysporum was indicated by an ELISA reading above an optical density at 405 nm. The plant material used in ELISA tests were further analysed using PCR. Results indicated that there was no cross-infection between seedlings and served as a confirmation of the disease-causing pathogen. This indicated that cross-reactivity observed was due to other factors such as common epitopes on the major antigens. Use of an ELISA dip-stick or ELISA using these antibodies should provide an easy, fast field test to identify infections of pine, discriminating between F. circinatum, F. oxysporum and D. pinea. / M.Sc.Agric. University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg 2013.

Étude des bases moléculaires de la reconnaissance de l’effecteur fongique AVR-Pia par le récepteur immunitaire du riz RGA5 / Study of the molecular basis of recognition of the fungal effector AVR-Pia by the rice immune receptor RGA5

Ortiz, Diana 07 November 2016 (has links)
Les maladies des plantes causées par les champignons sont un problème majeur en agriculture. Pour les contrôler, les gènes de résistance (R) qui permettent de développer des variétés de plantes résistantes sont des éléments clés. La majorité des gènes R codent pour des protéines NLRs caractérisées par la présence d'un domaine de liaison aux nucléotides (NB-ARC) et un domaine de répétitions riches en leucines (LRR). Ces protéines agissent comme des récepteurs immunitaires intracellulaires et reconnaissent des facteurs de virulence des agents pathogènes appelés effecteurs. Les champignons phytopathogènes possèdent de vastes répertoires d'effecteurs qui contiennent centaines de protéines sécrétés, de petites tailles et sans similarités de séquence entre elles.La première question abordée dans ma thèse concerne l’origine de l'immense diversité des effecteurs fongiques. Une analyse structurale a identifié une famille d’effecteurs de séquences différentes mais qui possèdent une structure conservée. Cette famille a été appelée MAX-effectors (Magnaporthe Avrs and ToxB like) et elle est particulièrement importante chez Magnaporthe oryzae, l'agent causal de la pyriculariose du riz. Par des analyses d'expression, j'ai confirmé que la majorité des effecteurs MAX de M. oryzae sont spécifiquement exprimés durant la phase précoce de l'infection, suggérant une fonction importante durant la colonisation de la plante. Les effecteurs MAX constituent la première famille d'effecteurs fongiques définis par leur structure. Cette étude apporte donc de nouvelles pistes pour l'identification d'effecteurs chez les champignons et contribue à une meilleure compréhension de l'évolution des effecteurs. En effet, le scénario observé chez les effecteurs MAX suggère que beaucoup d’effecteurs fongiques appartiennent à un nombre restreint de familles d'effecteurs définies par leur structure. La seconde question que j’ai abordée durant ma thèse est le mécanisme moléculaire de la reconnaissance des effecteurs par les NLRs. J'ai abordé cette question en étudiant la reconnaissance de l'effecteur AVR-Pia par le couple de NLRs RGA4/RGA5. Des travaux précédents ont montré que RGA5 agit comme récepteur et se lie directement à AVR-Pia tandis que RGA4 agit comme élément de signalisation constitutivement actif, qui, en absence de l’agent pathogène, est réprimé par RGA5. Un domaine de RGA5, normalement absent chez les protéines NLR et similaire à la chaperonne du cuivre ATX1 (domaine RATX1), interagit physiquement avec AVR-Pia. Il a été suggéré que ce domaine RATX1 puisse agir comme un leurre de la cible de virulence d’AVR-Pia. Ce leurre, intégré dans la structure de RGA5, permettrait de « piéger » l’effecteur par interaction directe et jouerait donc un rôle crucial dans sa reconnaissance spécifique. Grâce à une analyse structurale détaillée d’AVR-Pia j’ai pu confirmer le rôle central de l'interaction AVR-Pia-RATX1 dans la reconnaissance de cet effecteur ce qui conforte le modèle du « leurre intégré ». De plus, j’ai caractérisé la surface d'interaction avec laquelle AVR-Pia lie le domaine RATX1. De plus, j'ai détecté des interactions entre AVR-Pia et d'autres parties de RGA5, indépendantes du domaine RATX1, notamment les domaines NB-ARC et LRR. Ceci a permis de développer un modèle qui explique comment la liaison d’un effecteur à un récepteur NLR comportant un leurre intégré par différentes interactions indépendantes conduit à une reconnaissance très sensible et spécifique qui est peu affectée par des mutations ponctuelles de l’effecteur. En résumé, cette étude a produit des connaissances nouvelles sur la fonction des récepteurs des plantes de type NLRs et sur leur capacité à reconnaitre des effecteurs. Ceci contribue à une meilleure compréhension du système immunitaire des plantes, ce qui est un élément important pour l’obtention de cultures durablement résistantes aux maladies / Plant diseases caused by fungi constitute a worldwide threat to food security and disease resistance (R) genes that allow to breed resistant crops are key elements for efficient disease control. The vast majority of R genes code for NLR multi domain proteins characterized by nucleotide-binding and leucine-rich repeat domains and acting as intracellular immune receptors for pathogen-secreted virulence factors termed effectors. Phytopathogenic fungi possess huge effector repertoires that are dominated by hundreds of sequence-unrelated small secreted proteins. The first question I addressed in my PhD thesis is: how is the tremendous diversity of fungal effectors generated? A structural analysis had identified the family of sequence-unrelated but structurally conserved MAX-effectors (Magnaporthe Avrs and ToxB like) that has expanded specifically in Magnaporthe oryzae the causal agent of rice blast disease. By expression analysis, I confirmed that the majority of M. oryzae MAX-effectors are expressed specifically during early infection suggesting important functions during host colonization. MAX effectors are the first structurally defined family of effectors in fungi and this study gives therefore news clues for the identification of candidate effectors in fungi and constitutes a crucial step towards a better understanding of effector evolution. In fact, the scenario observed for MAX-effectors leads to the hypothesis that the enormous number of sequence-unrelated fungal effectors belong in fact to a restricted set of structurally conserved effector families.The second question I investigated in my PhD thesis is: what are the molecular mechanisms of effector recognition by NLR immune receptors? I addressed this question by studying recognition of the M. oryzae effector AVR-Pia by the rice NLR pair RGA4/RGA5. Previous work has shown that RGA5 acts as a receptor that binds directly to AVR-Pia while RGA4 acts as a constitutively active signaling protein that is, in the absence of pathogen, repressed by RGA5. This functional interaction involves formation of an RGA4/RGA5 receptor complex. By protein-protein interaction studies, I showed that complex formation involves interactions between the RA4 and RGA5 NB-ARC and LRR domains, in addition to previously identified interactions between the coiled-coil domains. AVR-Pia recognition seems not to induce dissociation of the RGA4/RGA5 complex but a ternary RGA4/RGA5/AVR-Pia complex could also not be detected consistently. How effector recognition is translated into receptor complex activation remains therefore to be elucidated in more detail in the future. Previous work has shown that a domain of RGA5 normally not present in NLRs and related to the copper chaperone ATX1 (RATX1 domain) interacts physically with AVR-Pia and may be crucial for effector recognition. The RATX1 domain was hypothesized to mimic the true host targets of AVR-Pia leading to the development of the ‘integrated decoy’ model that states that unconventional domains in NLRs act as decoys in the recognition of effector proteins. By detailed structure-informed analysis of AVR-Pia, I could confirm the pivotal role of the AVR-Pia-RATX1 interaction for effector recognition lending important support to the integrated decoy model. In addition, I could precisely characterize the interaction surface with which AVR-Pia binds to the RGA5 RATX1 domain. Finally, I detected interactions of AVR-Pia with other parts of RGA5, in particular the NB-ARC and the LRR domains. Based on these results, I developed a model that explains how such binding to several independent sites in NLRs leads to high overall affinity and robust effector recognition that is resilient to effector mutations. Taken together, this study provides important novel insight into NLR function and effector recognition and contributes by this to a better understanding of plant immunity which is crucial for generating durable disease resistance in crops.

An investigation of soilborne fungi associated with roots and crowns of nursery grapevines

Van Coller, Gerhardus J. (Gerhardus Johannes) 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScAgric)--University of Stellenbosch, 2004. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Soilborne diseases of grapevines represent a complex problem with limited information available, both locally and internationally. Previous research in South Africa indicated that Phytophthora and Pythium spp. were the most widespread and devastating pathogens in grapevine nurseries and vineyards in the Western Cape province. The local grapevine industry is currently expanding; new cultivars, methods and agricultural chemicals are being used which can affect soilborne pathogens. It has therefore become necessary to reassess the status of soilborne pathogens in nurseries, since information in this regard is crucial for the development of disease management practices for the expanding local grapevine industry. Soilborne fungal genera associated with roots and crowns of declining nursery grapevines were assessed in surveys conducted at three different grapevine nurseries in the Western Cape province. Cylindrocarpon, Fusarium, Pythium, and Rhizoctonia spp. were consistently isolated from roots and crowns of declining nursery grapevines. Cylindrocladiella spp. and Phytophthora cinnamomi were infrequently isolated from diseased roots, crowns and soil whereas Pythium spp. were abundant in most of the soils. Results suggest that the status of soilborne fungal pathogens in grapevine nurseries in the Western Cape province has changed over the last 30 years. The DNA phylogeny and pathogenicity of the isolates of Cylindrocladiella were determined. Four species of Cylindrocladiella occur on grapevines in South Africa, namely C. lageniformis, C. parva, C. peruviana, as well as a new species, described in this study as C. viticola, which forms part of the C. infestans species complex. Pathogenicity trials were inconclusive. Ten Fusarium spp. were isolated from roots and crowns of declining nursery grapevines, namely F. acuminatum, F. anthophilum, F. chlamydosporum, F. equiseti, F. nygamai, F. oxysporum, F. proliferatum, F. scirpi, F. semitectum and F. solani. The dominant species was F. oxysporum, followed by F. proliferatum and F. solani. In pathogenicity trials F. oxysporum and F. solani significantly reduced root volume, root dry mass, length of new shoots, stem diameter and number of leaves, but increased the percentage of chlorotic leaves and root rot severity. Fusarium proliferatum also caused a significant reduction in new shoot growth, number of leaves and increased root rot severity compared to the controls. Fusarium so/ani seems to be more virulent than F. oxysporum, followed by F. pro/iferatum. This is the first report of F. oxysporum, F. pro/iferatum and F. so/ani as pathogens of grapevines in South Africa, and the first report of F. proliferatum as a pathogen of grapevines in the world. Phytophthora cinnamomi was isolated at low frequencies from declined grapevines, although present in the rhizosphere soil. It is possible that the extensive use of downy mildew chemicals in grapevine nurseries may protect grapevines from infection by P. cinnamomi. The effect of chemicals used to combat downy mildew on Phytophthora root rot of nursery grapevines was evaluated in a glasshouse. There was very little discernable effect of the chemicals tested relative to the control plants for the parameters measured and it was concluded that the inoculation technique needed refinement. However, plants treated with phosphorous acid tended to be taller and have more leaves, greater stem diameter and root volume than controls or plants treated with the other chemicals. The data obtained in this study are not conclusive, but indicated certain trends that more glasshouse trials and field trials would resolve. Results presented in this thesis indicate that a major shift has occurred in the status of soilborne fungi associated with roots and crowns of grapevines in nurseries in the Western Cape since the 1970s when Phytophthora and Pythium were predominant. The prevalence and role of soilborne fungi need to be determined so that new appropriate disease management strategies can be developed to limit losses in grapevine nurseries and ensure the sustainable production of healthy plants for the grapevine industry. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: 'N ONDERSOEK NA GRONDGEDRAAGDE SWAMME GEASSOSIEER MET WORTELS EN KRONE VAN WINGERD IN KWEKERYE Grondgedraagde siektes van wingerd is 'n komplekse probleem waaroor min inligting, beide plaaslik en internasionaal, beskikbaar is. Vorige navorsing in Suid-Afrika het aangedui dat swamme van die genera Phytophthora en Pythium die mees algemene en vernietigende grondgedraagde patogene in kwekerye en wingerde in die Wes-Kaap provinsie is. Die plaaslike wingerdbedryf brei huidiglik uit; nuwe kultivars, metodes en landbouchemikalieë word gebruik wat 'n invloed kan hê op grondgedraagde patogene. Gevolglik het dit noodsaaklik geword om die status van grondgedraagde patogene in wingerdkwekerye weer te bepaal, aangesien inligting in hierdie verband noodsaaklik is vir die ontwikkeling van siekte bestuurspraktyke vir die ontwikkelende plaaslike wingerdbedryf. Grondgedraagde swamgenera geassosieer met wortels en krone van terugsterwende wingerd in kwekerye is bepaal in opnames wat by drie verskillende wingerdkwekerye in die Wes-Kaap provinsie uitgevoer is. Cylindrocarpon, Fusarium, Pythium, en Rhizoctonia spp. is konstant vanuit wortels en krone van terugsterwende wingerdplante in kwekery geïsoleer, Cylindrocladiella spp. en Phytophthora cinnamomi is ongereeld vanuit siek wortels, krone en grond geïsoleer, terwyl Pythium spp. algemeen in meeste gronde voorgekom het. Resultate dui daarop dat die status van grondgedraagde swampatogene in wingerdkwekerye in die Wes- Kaap provinsie oor die laaste 30 jaar verander het. Die DNA filogenie en patogenisiteit van die isolate van Cylindrocladiella is bepaal. Vier spesies van Cylindrocladiella kom voor op wingerd in Suid-Afrika, naamlik C. lageniformis, C. parva, C. peruviana, sowel as 'n nuwe spesie, wat in hierdie studie as C. viticola aangedui is en wat deel is van die C. infestans spesie kompleks. Patogenisiteits proewe was onvoldoende om die patogeniese status van die swam me te bepaal. Tien Fusarium spp. is vanuit wortels en krone van terugsterwende wingerdplante in kwekery geïsoleer, naamlik F. acuminatum, F. anthophilum, F. chlamydosporum, F. equiseti, F. nygamai, F. oxysporum, F. proliferatum, F. scirpi, F. semitectum en F. solani. Die dominante spesies was F. oxysporum, gevolg deur F. proliferatum en F. solani. In pathogenisteitsproewe het F. oxysporum en F. solani gelei tot 'n betekenisvolle laer wortelvolume, droë massa van wortels, lengte en droë massa van nuwe groei en aantal blare, maar het die persentasie chlorotiese blare en graad van wortelvrot verhoog. Fusarium proliferatum het ook gelei tot 'n betekenisvolle afname in lengte en massa van nuwe groei, aantal blare en 'n verhoogde graad van wortelvrot in vergelyking met die kontrole behandelings. Dit wil voorkom asof Fusarium solani meer virulent is as F. oxysporum, gevolg deur F. proliferatum. Hierdie is die eerste aanmelding van F. oxysporum, F. proliferatum en F. solani as patogene van wingerd in Suid-Afrika, en die eerste aanmelding van F. proliferatum as 'n patogeen van wingerd in die wêreld. Phytophthora cinnamomi is konstant teen lae frekwensies vanuit terugsterwende wingerd in kwekerye geïsoleer, alhoewel dit in risosfeer gronde teenwoordig was. Dit is moontlik dat die ekstensiewe gebruik van chemikalieë teen donsskimmel in wingerdkwekerye die wingerdplante kan beskerm teen infeksie deur P. cinnamomi. Die effek van chemikalieë wat gebruik word teen donsskimmel op Phytophthora wortelverrotting van wingerd in kwekerye, is 'n glashuis geëvalueer. Die chemikalieë wat gestoets is, het vir die gemete parameters, tot baie min onderskeibare effek gelei relatief tot die kontrole plante, en daar is afgelei dat die inokulasie tegniek verbetering benodig. Plante wat met fosforiensuur behandel is, het egter geneig om langer te wees met meer blare, 'n groter stamdeursnee en wortelvolume as kontrole plante of plante behandel met ander chemikalieë. Data verkry vanuit die hierdie studie was onvoldoende, maar sekere neigings is aangedui wat deur verdere glashuis- en veldproewe verklaar sal word. Resultate wat in hierdie tesis weergegee is, het aangedui dat 'n algehele verskuiwing in die status van grondgedraagde swamme geassosieer met wortels en krone van wingerd in kwekerye vanaf die 1970s, toe Phytophthora en Pythium die dominante genera was, plaasgevind het. Die voorkoms en rol van grondgedraagde swamme moet bepaal word, sodat nuwe voldoende siektebestuurspraktyke ontwikkel kan word om verliese in wingerdkwekerye te beperk en sodoende die volhoubare produksie van gesonde plante vir die wingerdbedryf te verseker.

Evaluation of the role of PGIPs in plant defense responses

Becker, John van Wyk, 1975- 12 1900 (has links)
Dissertation (PhD)--University of Stellenbosch, 2007. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Plants have developed sophisticated means of combating plant diseases. The events that prepare the plant for, and follow plant-pathogenic interactions, are extremely complex and have been the topic of intensive investigation in recent years. These interactions involve a plethora of genes and proteins, and intricate regulation thereof; from the host and pathogen alike. Studying the contribution of single genes and their encoded proteins to the molecular dialogue between plant and pathogen has been a focus of plant molecular biologists. To this end, a gene encoding a polygalacturonase-inhibiting protein (PGIP) was recently cloned from Vitis vinifera. These proteins have the ability to inhibit fungal endopolygalacturonases (ePGs), enzymes which have been shown to be required for the full virulence of several fungi on their respective plant hosts. The activity of PGIP in inhibiting fungal macerating enzymes is particularly attractive for the improvement of disease tolerance of crop species. The VvPGIP-encoding gene was subsequently transferred to Nicotiana tabacum for high-level expression of VvPGIP. These transgenic plants were found to be less susceptible to infection by Botrytis cinerea in an initial detached leaf assay. Also, it was shown that ePG inhibition by protein extracts from these lines correlated to the observed decrease in susceptibility to B. cinerea. This study expands on previous findings by corroborating the antifungal nature of the introduced PGIP by whole-plant, timecourse infection assays. Six transgenic tobacco lines and an untransformed wildtype (WT) were infected and the lesions measured daily from day three to seven, and again at day 15. The transgenic lines exhibited smaller lesions sizes from three to seven days post-inoculation, although these differences only became statistically significant following seven days of incubation. At this point, four of the six lines exhibited significantly smaller lesions than the WT, with reductions in disease susceptibility ranging between 46 and 69% as compared to the WT. Two of the lines exhibited disease susceptibility comparable to the WT. In these resistant plant lines, a correlation could be drawn between Vvpgip1 expression, PGIP activity and ePG inhibition. These lines were therefore considered to be PGIP-specific resistant lines, and provided ideal resources to further study the possible in planta roles of PGIP in plant defense. The current hypothesis regarding the role(s) of PGIP in plant defense is twofold. Firstly, PGIPs have the ability to specifically and effectively inhibit fungal ePGs. This direct inhibition results in reduced fungal pathogenicity. Alternatively, unhindered action of these enzymes results in maceration of plant tissue and ultimately, tissue necrosis. Subsequently, it could be shown that, in vitro, the inhibition of ePGs prolongs the existence of oligogalacturonides, molecules with the ability to activate plant defense responses. Thus, PGIPs limit tissue damage by inhibition of ePG; this inhibition results in activation of plant defense responses aimed at limiting pathogen ingress. Several publications reported reduced susceptibility to Botrytis in transgenic plant lines overexpressing PGIP-encoding genes. However, none of these publications could expand on the current hypotheses regarding the possible in planta roles of PGIP in plant defense. In this study we used transgenic tobacco lines overexpressing Vvpgip1 as resources to study the in planta roles for PGIP. Transcriptomic and hormonal analyses were performed on these lines and a WT line, both before and following inoculation with Botrytis cinerea. Transcriptomic analysis was performed on uninfected as well as infected tobacco leaf material utilizing a Solanum tuberosum microarray. From the analysis with healthy, uninfected plant material, it became clear that genes involved in cell wall metabolism were differentially expressed between the transgenic lines and the WT. Under these conditions, it could be shown and confirmed that the gene encoding tobacco xyloglucan endotransglycosylase (XET/XTH) was downregulated in the transgenic lines. Additionally, genes involved in the lignin biosynthetic pathway were affected in the individual transgenic lines. Biochemical evidence corroborated the indication of increased lignin deposition in their cell walls. Additionally, phytohormone profiling revealed an increased indole-acetic acid content in the transgenic lines. These results show that constitutive levels of PGIP may affect cell wall metabolism in the Vvpgip1-transgenic lines which may have a positive impact on the observed reduced susceptibilities of these plants. An additional role for PGIP in the contribution to plant defenses is therefore proposed. PGIP may directly influence defense responses in the plant leading to the strengthening of cell walls. This might occur by virtue of its structural features or its integration in the cell wall. These reinforced cell walls are thus “primed” before pathogen ingress and contribute to the decrease in disease susceptibility observed in lines accumulating high levels of PGIP. Transcriptional and hormonal analyses, at the localized response, were performed on Botrytis-infected leaf tissue of the transgenic lines and a WT line. Several Botrytis responsive genes were found to be upregulated in both the WT and the transgenic lines. Although limited differential expression was observed between the two genotypes, the analyses identified a gene which was upregulated two-fold in the transgenic lines, as compared to WT. This was confirmed by quantitative Real-Time PCR. This gene is involved in the lipoxygenase pathway, specifically the 9-LOX branch, leading to the synthesis of the divinyl ether oxylipins colneleic and colnelenic acid, which show inhibitory effects on Botrytis spore germination. Phytohormone profiling revealed that the transgenic lines accumulated more of the defense-related hormone pool of jasmonates. These are formed via the 13-LOX pathway and have been shown to be important for the restriction of Botrytis growth at the site of infection. Collectively, the results from the infection analyses indicate that in these transgenic lines, both branches of the lipoxygenase pathway are differentially induced at the level of the localized response to Botrytis infection. Similarly, an increased induction of the synthesis of the defense-related hormone salicylic acid could be observed, although this hormone did not accumulate to significantly higher levels. These results are the first report of differential induction of a defense-related pathway in pgip-overexpressing lines and substantiate the proposal that following ePG inhibition by PGIP, signaling which activates plant defense responses, takes place. Taken together, these results significantly contribute to our understanding of the in planta role of PGIP in plant defense responses. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Plante het deur evolusie gesofistikeerde meganismes teen die aanslag van plantsiektes ontwikkel. Die gebeure wat die plant voorberei, asook dié wat op plant-patogeen interaksies volg, is uiters kompleks en vorm die kern van verskeie navorsingstemas die afgelope paar jaar. Etlike plant- én patogeengene en proteïene is by hierdie interaksies betrokke en aan komplekse reguleringsprosesse onderworpe. Die bestudering van die bydrae van enkelgene en hul gekodeerde proteïene tot die molekulêre interaksie tussen ‘n plant en patogeen is ‘n sterk fokus van plant-molekulêre bioloë. Met hierdie doel as fokus, is ‘n geen wat vir ‘n poligalakturonaseinhiberende proteïen (PGIP) kodeer, van Vitis vinifera gekloneer. Hierdie proteïene beskik oor die vermoë om fungiese endopoligalakturonases (ePG's), ensieme wat benodig word vir die virulensie van verskeie fungi op hul gasheerplante, te inhibeer. Die inhibisie van ePG's deur PGIP en die gepaardgaande verminderde weefseldegradasie is ‘n baie belowende strategie vir die verbetering van verboude gewasse se patogeentoleransie. Die VvPGIPenkoderende geen is gevolglik na Nicotiana tabacum oorgedra vir hoëvlakuitdrukking van VvPGIP. Daar is gevind dat hierdie transgeniese plante minder vatbaar vir Botrytis cinerea-infeksies was in ‘n inisiële antifungiese toets wat gebruik gemaak het van blaarweefsel wat van die moederplant verwyder is. Daar is ook ‘n korrelasie gevind tussen B. cinerea-siekteweerstand en ePG-inhibisie deur proteïenekstrakte van die transgeniese populasie. Die huidige studie bou voort op en bevestig vorige bevindinge betreffende die antfungiese aard van die heteroloë PGIP in die heelplant en oor tyd. Ses transgeniese tabaklyne en 'n ongetransformeerde wilde-tipe (WT) is geïnfekteer en die lesies is vanaf dag drie tot sewe, en weer op dag 15, gemeet. Die transgeniese lyne het in die tydperk van drie tot sewe dae ná-inokulasie kleiner lesies as die WT getoon, alhoewel hierdie verskille slegs statisties beduidend geword het na sewe dae van inkubasie. Op daardie tydstip het vier van die ses lyne aansienlik kleiner lesies as die WT getoon, en verlagings in siektevatbaarheid het, in vergelyking met die WT, van 46% tot 69% gewissel. Twee van die lyne het siektevatbaarheid getoon wat vergelykbaar was met dié van die WT. In die siekteweerstandbiedende plantlyne was daar 'n verband tussen Vvpgip1-ekspressie, PGIP-aktiwiteit en ePG-inhibisie. Hierdie plantlyne is dus as PGIP-spesifieke siekteweerstandslyne beskou en dien dus as ideale eksperimentele bronne vir die ontleding van die moontlike in plantafunksies van PGIP in plantsiekteweerstandbiedendheid. Die huidige hipotese betreffende die funksie(s) van PGIP in plantsiekteweerstand is tweeledig. Eerstens het PGIP die vermoë om fungusePG's spesifiek en doeltreffend te inhibeer. Hierdie direkte inhibisie veroorsaak ‘n vermindering in patogenisiteit van die fungus op die gasheer. Indien ePG's egter hulle ensimatiese aksie onverstoord voortsit, sal weefseldegradasie en uiteindelik weefselnekrose die gevolg wees. Daar kon ook bewys word dat die in vitroinhibisie van ePG's deur PGIP die leeftyd van oligogalakturoniede, molekules wat die vermoë het om die plantweerstandsrespons aan te skakel, kan verleng. PGIP het dus nie net die vermoë om ePG's, en dus weefseldegradasie, te inhibeer nie; maar hierdie inhibisie lei ook daartoe dat plantweerstandsresponse aangeskakel word met die oog op die vermindering van patogeenindringing. Verskeie publikasies het reeds gerapporteer oor verminderde Botrytisvatbaarheid in PGIP transgeniese plantlyne. Geeneen van hierdie publikasies kon egter uitbrei op die huidige hipotese aangaande die moontlike in planta-funksie van PGIP in plantsiekteweerstand nie. In hierdie studie is transgeniese tabaklyne wat PGIP ooruitgedruk gebruik om hierdie moontlike in planta-funksies vir PGIP uit te klaar. Transkriptoom- en hormonale analises is op hierdie plantlyne en ‘n WT voor en ná inokulasie met die nekrotroof Botrytis cinerea uitgevoer,. Transkriptoomanalises is uitgevoer op ongeïnfekteerde, sowel as geïnfekteerde tabakblaarmateriaal deur gebruik te maak van ‘n Solanum tuberosum-mikroraster. Die analises met gesonde, ongeïnfekteerde plantmateriaal het daarop gewys dat gene betrokke by selwandmetabolisme tussen die transgeniese lyne en die WT verskillend uitgedruk was. Dit kon bewys word dat, sonder infeksiedruk, die geen wat xiloglukaan-endotransglikosilase (XET) kodeer, in die transgeniese lyne afgereguleer was. Gene wat betrokke is in die lignien-biosintetiese pad was ook in die individuele transgeniese lyne beïnvloed. Biochemiese toetse het ook die aanduiding van verhoogde ligniendeposisie in die transgeniese lyne se selwande bevestig. Addisionele fitohormoonprofiele het getoon dat hierdie lyne ook beskik oor verhoogde vlakke van indoolasynsuur (IAA). Hierdie resultate wys daarop dat konstitutiewe vlakke van PGIP selwandmetabolisme in die Vvpgip1-transgeniese lyne moontlik kan beïnvloed, wat plantsiekteweerstand in dié lyne positief kan beïnvloed. Dit wil dus voorkom asof PGIP 'n bykomende funksie in plantsiekteweerstand het. Plantweerstandsreponse kan direk deur PGIP beïnvloed word, wat tot die versterking van plantselwande kan lei; dit kan geskied by wyse van die strukturele eienskappe van die proteïen of die integrasie daarvan in die selwand. Hierdie selwande is dus “voorberei” alvorens patogeenindringing plaasvind en kon bydra tot die verminderde siektevatbaarheid wat waargeneem is in lyne wat hoë vlakke van PGIP akkumuleer. Transkriptoom- en hormonale analises is ook uitgevoer op Botrytisgeïnfekteerde blaarmateriaal van beide die transgeniese lyne en ‘n WT. Verskeie Botrytis-responsgene is in beide die transgeniese lyne en die WT opgereguleer. Differensïele geenekspressie tussen die twee genotipes was taamlik beperk, maar in die analises kon ‘n geen geïdentifiseer word wat tweevoudig in die transgeniese lyne opgereguleer was in vergelyking met die WT. Hierdie resultaat is ook bevestig met behulp van die “Real-Time” Polimerasekettingreaksie (PKR). Hierdie geen is betrokke in die lipoksigenase (LOX) -pad (spesifiek die 9-LOXarm), wat tot die sintese van die diviniel-eter oksilipiene “colneleic-” en “colnelenic”-suur lei. Daar is al bewys dat hierdie twee verbindings Botrytisspoorontkieming kan inhibeer. Fitohormoonprofiele van die geïnfekteerde plante het gewys dat die transgeniese lyne verhoogde vlakke van die poel van jasmonate wat plantsiekteweerstands-hormone is, ná inokulasie akkumuleer. Hierdie hormone word in die 13-LOX-arm van die lipoksigenase pad gevorm en is belangrik vir die beperking van Botrytis by die infeksiesetel. Die resultate van die analises wat op Botrytis-infeksie volg, dui daarop dat beide arms van die lipoksigenasepad in die transgeniese lyne verskillend by die lokale respons geïnduseer word. ‘n Verhoogde induksie van ‘n ander plantsiekteweerstandshormoon, salisielsuur, kon ook opgemerk word, alhoewel die totaal geakkumuleerde vlakke nie beduidend hoër was as dié van die WT nie. Hierdie resultate is die eerste wat onderskeidende induksie van ‘n siekteweerstandspad in enige van die pgip-ooruitgedrukte plantlyne rapporteer. Daarmee ondersteun dit ook die hipotese dat, seintransduksie wat plantweerstandsresponse aanskakel, ná inhibisie van ePG deur PGIP plaasvind. Die resultate wat met hierdie studie verkry is, dra dus beduidend by tot die huidige kennis van die in planta-funksie van PGIP in plantsiekteweerstandsresponse.

Plant defence genes expressed in tobacco and yeast

Becker, John van Wyk 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc (Viticulture and Oenology. Wine Biotechnology))--University of Stellenbosch, 2002. / Pathogen devastation of food products has been the topic of extensive research efforts worldwide. Fungal infections are foremost amongst these pests, contributing not only to losses in product yield, but also significantly affecting the quality thereof. It is not surprising then that producers of these foodstuffs and their derived products continually strive towards the highest possible product quality. Therefore, it remains imperative that satisfactory methods are implemented to control these fungal pathogens. The current strategies are all hampered by drawbacks, and severe crop losses are still experienced. New technologies are being explored; one such technology is the genetic transformation of plant species. This method has enabled scientists to introduce foreign genes, with known functions and predictable outcomes, into plants. Genes identified to be involved in disease resistance have become the focus of numerous research efforts concerned with the improvement of the plant's innate defence response. This study aimed to enhance disease resistance to fungal pathogens by means of the genetic transformation of two genes previously shown to be involved in disease resistance. These genes encode polygalacturonase-inhibiting proteins (PGIPs) from Phaseolus vulgaris and resveratrol synthase from Vitis vinifera. PGIPs specifically inhibit the action of fungal polygalacturonases (PGs), which are enzymes responsible for the hydrolytic breakdown of plant cell walls. These enzymes were also found to be the first enzymes that are secreted by fungal pathogens during infection of the host plant. Additionally, PGIP-PG interaction results in the existence of molecules involved in the activation of plant defence responses. Resveratrol, the product of resveratrol synthase, exerts its antifungal action by destruction of the microbial cellular membranes. These mentioned genes were transformed alone, and in combination, into Nicotiana tabacum and the resultant transgenic lines were evaluated for enhanced disease resistance and for possible synergistic effects between the transgenes. Several independent transgenic lines were regenerated with genes integrated into the tobacco genome. Almost all the plants harbouring only pgip or vst1 genes also expressed these genes at a high frequency. Some non-expressing lines were identified from the transgenic plants that had integrated both genes, but several lines were obtained expressing both transgenes. Good correlations were observed between transgene product activity and enhanced resistance to the fungus Botrytis cinerea in an antifungal in planta assay. Lines showing the highest PGIP activity and resveratrollevels were more resistant to the pathogen, leading to disease resistance of up to 80% seven days after inoculation in comparison to an untransformed control. These lines maintained their strong inhibition, even three weeks post-inoculation, showing a complete halt in disease development and fungal growth. These results provide good indications of the efficacy of these transgenes in the upregulation of plant defence. However, the study will have to be expanded to include even more transgenic lines to elucidate the possible synergistic effects of these genes. In an additional pilot study, genes encoding for precursors and for the formation of resveratrol were introduced into the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The resultant recombinant yeast strains were evaluated for their ability to produce the phenolic substance, resveratrol. This compound has been implicated in beneficial aspects relating to human health, including positive effects on atherosclerosis and platelet aggregation as a direct result of its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activities. Recombinant yeast strains were constructed that expressed genes coding for coenzyme A ligase and resveratrol synthase. These strains were shown to be able to produce the phenolic compound resveratrol from the precursors present in the yeast as well as from the products introduced with the transformation. The resveratrol was complexed with an added glucose moiety. These results are extremely positive, considering the possibility of manipulating wine yeasts to produce resveratrol during the wine fermentation, thereby adding to the health aspects of both red and white wine. This is the first report of the production of this compound by the introduction of genes necessary for its biosynthesis in a foreign host. This study has confirmed the importance of PGIPs and resveratrol in the effort to enhance disease resistance in plants through genetic transformation technology. It has also shown that the health benefits of resveratrol could be exploited more optimally in the wine industry, by producing wine yeasts with the ability to synthesise this important antioxidant.

Response to selection for downy mildew (Peronosclerospora sorghi) and maize streak virus resistance in three quality protein maize populations in Mozambique.

Mariote, David. January 2007 (has links)
Quality protein maize (QPM) has high nutritional value, but production is threatened by downy mildew (DM) and maize streak virus disease (MSVD) among other constraints. There are few studies of DM and MSVD resistance in QPM cultivars. The objective of this study was to improve resistance to DM and MSVD in three QPM populations. This was realized through ascertaining farmers’ key production constraints and special preferences for cultivars; determining the utility of recurrent selection method for improvement of three QPM populations (SussumaS2, ZM521Q and Pop62SRQ); and determining grain yield potential. The study was conducted in Mozambique for DM and in Zimbabwe for MSV, during 2003 to 2006. Surveys were conducted in Manica and Angonia districts in Mozambique to ascertain farmers’ perceptions and preferences for maize varieties, especially QPM. Participatory rural appraisal tools that included semi-structured questionnaires and focus group discussions were used to collect data. Results showed that farmers predominantly grew open pollinated varieties and fewer normal maize hybrids (non-QPM), and grain yield was estimated to be very low (0.2 to 0.6 t ha-1). Results showed that drought and insect pests were the dominant constraints to maize productivity in Mozambique, while diseases were ranked third. Downy mildew disease and MSVD were considered to be the most important diseases reducing maize productivity. Farmers also showed high preference for high yielding and early maturity cultivars in all areas. Predominantly, farmers were still using their local landraces because of sweet taste, particularly for home consumption and flint grain for storage. Farmers’ access to improved cultivars was limited due to high seed prices on the local market. Research priorities as perceived by the farmers included breeding for resistance to drought, grain weevils and diseases and sweetness. Generally, farmers showed little knowledge of QPM varieties and the importance of this trait, but they observed that the few QPM varieties they knew had some weaknesses such as poor storability and susceptibility to DM and MSVD which required improvement. These results should be considered in breeding new cultivars, both normal and QPM. To improve DM and MSV disease resistance in QPM varieties, S1 recurrent selection was conducted in three QPM populations, Sussuma, ZM521Q and Pop62SRQ at Umbeluzi Research Station in Mozambique and at CIMMYT-Harare Research Quality protein maize (QPM) has high nutritional value, but production is threatened by downy mildew (DM) and maize streak virus disease (MSVD) among other constraints. There are few studies of DM and MSVD resistance in QPM cultivars. The objective of this study was to improve resistance to DM and MSVD in three QPM populations. This was realized through ascertaining farmers’ key production constraints and special preferences for cultivars; determining the utility of recurrent selection method for improvement of three QPM populations (SussumaS2, ZM521Q and Pop62SRQ); and determining grain yield potential. The study was conducted in Mozambique for DM and in Zimbabwe for MSV, during 2003 to 2006. Surveys were conducted in Manica and Angonia districts in Mozambique to ascertain farmers’ perceptions and preferences for maize varieties, especially QPM. Participatory rural appraisal tools that included semi-structured questionnaires and focus group discussions were used to collect data. Results showed that farmers predominantly grew open pollinated varieties and fewer normal maize hybrids (non-QPM), and grain yield was estimated to be very low (0.2 to 0.6 t ha-1). Results showed that drought and insect pests were the dominant constraints to maize productivity in Mozambique, while diseases were ranked third. Downy mildew disease and MSVD were considered to be the most important diseases reducing maize productivity. Farmers also showed high preference for high yielding and early maturity cultivars in all areas. Predominantly, farmers were still using their local landraces because of sweet taste, particularly for home consumption and flint grain for storage. Farmers’ access to improved cultivars was limited due to high seed prices on the local market. Research priorities as perceived by the farmers included breeding for resistance to drought, grain weevils and diseases and sweetness. Generally, farmers showed little knowledge of QPM varieties and the importance of this trait, but they observed that the few QPM varieties they knew had some weaknesses such as poor storability and susceptibility to DM and MSVD which required improvement. These results should be considered in breeding new cultivars, both normal and QPM. To improve DM and MSV disease resistance in QPM varieties, S1 recurrent selection was conducted in three QPM populations, Sussuma, ZM521Q and Pop62SRQ at Umbeluzi Research Station in Mozambique and at CIMMYT-Harare Research. / Thesis (Ph.D.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 2007.

Study of anthracnose (Colletotrichum lindemuthianum) resistance and its inheritance in Ugandan dry bean germplasm.

Nkalubo, Stanley. January 2006 (has links)
The common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) is an important crop grown widely in Uganda. It is also an important source of income for smallholder farmers particularly women. Despite its importance, production in the cool highland regions is constrained by anthracnose disease which causes losses in both the quantity and the quality of beans produced. The principal aim of this research was to elucidate on the status of dry bean anthracnose and the genetics governing its resistance. A participatory rural appraisal study was conducted to explore farmers' knowledge, experience, problems and cultivar preferences in association with managing dry bean anthracnose disease. This study revealed that anthracnose is an important constraint to production which is not controlled in any way. Although farmers have varying cultivar preferences, they use mostly home saved seed and only 1% could access improved seed. The study suggested the need for practical approaches in the provision of quality anthracnose resistant seed in consideration of farmers' preferences and the dynamics of their rural livelihoods. A study was conducted to determine the variability of the anthracnose (Colletotrichum lindemuthianum) pathogen in some of the major bean growing regions of Uganda. Use was made of a set of 12 internationally accepted anthracnose differential cultivars to identify the physiological races present. The results obtained indicated the presence of eight races with one race (767) being dominant and most aggressive. Differential cultivars AB 136 and G2333 were resistant to all the eight races, and can be utilised as potential sources of resistant genes. A germplasm collection of mostly Ugandan accessions was screened for anthracnose resistance. Using the area under disease progression curve as the tool for assessing disease severity, eleven accessions were identified that posses good levels of anthracnose resistance. The yield loss attributed to the anthracnose disease was determined on three susceptible Ugandan market-class dry bean cultivars and two resistant cultivars. The results showed that the yield of susceptible cultivars was reduced by about 40% and an almost equivalent yield was lost due to poor quality seed. In comparison, the yield lost by the resistant cultivars was not significant. The study suggested the use of resistant cultivars as the best solution in combating anthracnose resistance. Three susceptible Ugandan market class dry bean cultivars and six resistant cultivars were used for the study of the inheritance of resistance to the anthracnose pathotype 767 in a complete 9x9 diallel design. The results clearly indicated that the resistance was predominately conditioned by additive gene action. It was also established that epistatic gene action was important. More than one pair of genes displaying partial dominance were responsible for determining resistance and the maternal effect did not have an influence on resistance. Additionally, the result showed that some of susceptible cultivars combined very well with the resistant cultivars and that anthracnose resistance heritability estimates in both the narrow and broad sense were high. These results suggested that the use of simple pedigree breeding procedures such as backcross selection could be useful in improving anthracnose resistance levels in the Ugandan market class varieties. / Thesis (Ph.D.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 2006.

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