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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Evaluation of a forecaster and establishment of action thresholds to begin fungicide applications against cercospora blight of carrot

Abraham, Varghese January 1993 (has links)
No description available.

The environmental fate of fungicides used to manage Magnaporthe poae, the causal agent of summer patch /

Doherty, Jeffery J. 01 January 1998 (has links) (PDF)
No description available.

Comparison of five fungicides used for control of pythium blight of Festuca rubra /

Ashbaugh, Freda Machelle January 1984 (has links)
No description available.

Stability of ethylenethiourea (ETU) in tomato sauce

Ankumah, Ramble O. (Ramble Osbert) January 1984 (has links)
No description available.

Desenvolupament d'un sistema de previsió de risc d'infecció per Stemphylium vesicarium. Avaluació, validació i implementació en parcel·les experimentals en camps comercials de perera

Llorente i Cabratosa, Isidre 24 October 1997 (has links)
L'estemfiliosi de la perera és una malaltia fúngica ocasionada pel fong Deuteromicet Stemphylium vesicarium. Els símptomes característics d'aquesta malaltia són lesions necròtiques en fulles i fruits, provocant el depreciament econòmic d'aquests últims. Si les condicions climàtiques són favorables aquesta malaltia pot arribar a provocar la pèrdua total de la producció. La malaltia es localitza bàsicament en la conca mediterrània, sent les zones fructícoles de Girona a Catalunya i Emilia-Romagna a Itàlia els llocs on les pèrdues de producció són més grans. Actualment l'únic mètode de control és la cobertura permanent dels òrgans de la planta amb fungicides. Per obtenir aquesta protecció és necessari realitzar aplicacions preventives amb una cadència fixa, setmanal o quinzenal, de diferents fungicides en els arbres. Aquesta cadència d'aplicació comporta que al llarg del període vegetatiu de la perera es realitzin entre 20 i 25 aplicacions de fungicida, per cadències setmanals, o entre 10 i 13 aplicacions si la cadència és quinzenal. Aquest elevat nombre de tractaments comporta uns efectes toxicològics a nivell mediambiental i per a la salut humana, un augment del cost econòmic de la producció i en alguns casos afavorir l'aparició de resistències del patogen a determinats fungicides. Molts d' aquests tractaments es realitzen sense que les condicions ambientals siguin favorables a l'inici d'infeccions del fong, i són per tant innecessàries. Amb l'objectiu d'obtenir una eina per determinar el risc d'infeccions en funció de les condicions climàtiques i realitzar d'aquesta manera els tractaments amb fungicides només quan són necessaris, es va elaborar el Sistema pel Tractament Racionalitzat de l'Estemfiliosi de la Perera (STREP). El model consisteix en relacionar quantitativament amb la severitat de la malaltia els paràmetres climàtics de durada del període d'humectació i temperatura mitjana durant aquests períodes. En aquest treball s'ha determinat l'eficàcia en el control de la malaltia per diferents fungicides aplicats de manera preventiva amb una cadència fixa en diferents finques comercials i durant varis anys. S'ha constatat que no hi ha cap producte totalment eficaç en el control de la malaltia, sent l'eficàcia obtinguda mitjana. Aquesta eficàcia de control esta en funció del nivell de pressió de la malaltia, obtenint eficàcies inferiors quan el nivell en els testimonis no tractats és elevat. En assajos en condicions controlades s'ha determinat que els fungicides analitzats aplicats de manera curativa o postinfecciosa, quan ja s'han iniciat les infeccions, presenten una eficàcia més baixa que quan s'apliquen preventivament. El tiram és el producte amb una eficàcia més elevada en la major part de les condicions experimentals. S' ha analitzat durant 5 anys, 1992-1996, en diferents plantacions de perera de Girona, la dinàmica dels paràmetres ambientals de durada deis períodes amb humectació, la temperatura mitjana de l'aire, la temperatura mitjana durant els períodes d'humectació, la durada dels períodes amb humitat relativa superior al 90% i la pluviometria. S 'ha constatat que la humectació deguda a la rosada és la principal causa d'humectació i que és un procés lent i continu. Les durades més freqüents d'humectació han estat períodes inferiors a 12 hores i les temperatures més freqüents durant aquests períodes han estat entre 11 i 21°C. S'ha determinat també que existeixen períodes amb humitat relativa elevada però sense formació de pel·lícula d'aigua i s'ha observat que ocasionalment existeixen períodes breus d'interrupció de la humectació en que poden existir humanitats relatives elevades o baixes.La capacitat predictiva del model STREP ha estat avaluada mitjançant 42 assajos en condicions naturals i controlades, determinant que en més del 95 % dels casos avaluats les prediccions de malaltia s'han correspost amb les observades, i que només en dos casos el model ha infraestimat el nivell de risc d'infecció. Demostrant així que el model STREP és fiable en les seves prediccions. S'ha estudiat l'efecte de la humitat relativa durant els períodes interromputs d'humectació i les durades d'aquests períodes, en les infeccions produïdes pel fong. S'ha constatat que el model STREP hauria d'incorporar com a períodes separats els períodes d'humectació interromputs amb relatives elevades (>98%) s'haurien de considerar com a períodes continus. Per una altra banda s'ha comprovat que els períodes amb humitats relatives elevades sense formació d'humectació en condicions naturals no són suficients per provocar l'inici d'infeccions de S. Vesicarium.S'ha utilitzat el model STREP com a eina per guiar els tractaments fungicides en diferents parcel·les de finques comercials durant dos anys. D'aquests assajos es pot concloure que utilitzant valors de risc acumulat SA:0.4 com a llindar per a realitzar els tractaments es controla la malaltia amb una eficàcia semblant als tractaments setmanals, però amb una reducció del nombre d'aplicacions necessàries entre un 25 i un 50%. Utilitzar un llindar SA:0.6 en finques amb varietats sensibles i una pressió d'inòcul del patogen elevada presenta bons resultats però inferiors als obtinguts amb tractaments setmanals, no obstant l'estalvi de tractaments ha estat molt important (50-70%).De tots aquests resultats es conclou que el model STREP és adequat per ésser utilitzat en programes pilot a escala comercial en el control racional de l'estemfiliosi de la perera. En funció d'aquests resultats es considerarà la seva implementació en Estacions d'Avisos Fitosanitaris. / Brown spot of pear, caused by Stemphylium vesicarium, is an important disease in fruit-growing areas of Europe, mainly in Girona (Catalonia) and Emilia-Romagna (Italy). Infections and necrosis occur on leaves and fruits. If the environmental conditions are favourable for the disease, the loss of production will be very high. The control of brown spot of pear is based on protecting sprays of fungicide applied, al 7-to 15-day intervals depending on the type of fungicide. The high number of fungicide applications needed to maintain acceptable levels of disease can produce toxicological effects on ecosystems, humans and increased costs of pear production. We have determined the efficacy of disease control by different fungicides, sprayed with a preventive strategy in 3 trials during 2 years. None of the fungicides showed high efficacy of disease control, and the efficacy was related to the disease level. Experiments under controlled-conditions showed that treatments done with post-¬infection strategies have a low efficacy. Thiram was the fungicide with better efficacy for both preventive and after-infection strategies. During five years,1992-1996, we studied the dynamics of environmental conditions of wetness period, temperature, high relative humidity period (>90%) and rainfall. The most frequent wetness periods were shorter than 12h. The temperature during these periods was between 11-21°C. There were periods with high relative humidity but without wetness formation, and there were also wetness periods interrupted by dry periods. The relative humidity during these dry periods was high or low. The research has been focused to eliminate unnecessary sprays, and an infection model for S. vesicarium (STREP) was previously developed, which quantifies the effect of wetness duration and temperature on the severity of infection by S. vesicarium. The model was evaluated in 42 field trials and was validated in relation lo its capacity to predict the intensity of disease. Most part of disease level predictions (95%) were coincident with disease levels observed, showing that STREP model was a reasonable good predictor. We studied the effect of relative humidity during interrupted wetness periods, and the effect on disease progression of periods with high relative humidity but without wetness on disease levels. Interrupted periods with low relative humidity can be considered as two separated periods, but if the relative humidity is high (>98 %) it can be considered as a continuous period. Periods shorter than 12-18 h with high relative humidity but without wetness were insufficient to start infections. The STREP model was evaluated during two years and was used for scheduling treatments with fungicides, and showed that the efficacy with SA:0.4 threshold was similar to weekly sprays, but saving 25-50 % of fungicide sprays. The utilisation of a threshold SA:0.6 showed a smaller efficacy than weekly sprays but it saved applications about 50-70 %. From these results it can be accepted say that the STREP model can be used in pilot trials as a forecaster for scheduling sprays in commercial orchards for rational control of brown spot of pear. If the results are acceptable, the model will be integrated on Grower's Warning Stations.

Isolation and characterisation of antifungal compounds from medicinal plants that are active against selected fusarium species

Seepe, Hlabana Alfred January 2021 (has links)
Thesis (Ph.D. (Chemistry)) -- University of Limpopo, 2021 / Fusarium species are among pathogenic organisms responsible for massive yield and quality losses in crop production. They cause crop diseases in the field and during storage, and some species are capable of producing mycotoxins which contaminate products and threaten consumer s’ health. Conventional synthetic fungicides are available for the control of Fusarium pathogens, however, their applications have been restricted or discouraged due to their harmful effect on the environment, livestocks and human health. There are also reports about fungal-resistance to available fungicides. Moreover, the synthetic chemicals are not affordable to smallholder farmers and to some extent, they are not recommended for applications in organic farming. As an alternative to these fungicides, selected medicinal plant species were investigated as sources of natural chemicals or compounds with potential to be developed into plant-based fungicides to control Fusarium pathogens. This study aimed to identify antifungal extracts among the selected medicinal plant species which could be used to develop plant-based fungicides to control Fusarium diseases. It also focused on isolation and characterization of antifungal compounds from selected medicinal plant species. Thirteen medicinal plant species (Combretum erythrophyllum (Burch.) Sond , Melia azedarach L, Solanum mauritianum Scop, Nicotiana glauca Graham, Schotia brachypetala Sond, Lantana camara L, Combretum molle R. Br. ex G. Don, Quercus acutissima Carruth, Olea europaea L, Vangueria infausta Burch, Withania somnifera (L.) Dunal, Harpephyllum caffrum Bernh and Senna didymobotrya (Fresen.) H.S. Irwin & Barneby) were selected from literature based on their reported strong antimicrobial activity against human and/or animal pathogens. The leaves of these plant species were collected, shade-dried and extracted with water, petroleum ether, ethyl acetate and acetone. Extractant yield was recorded and each extract was evaluated for antifungal activity using a micro-dilution assay against nine Fusarium pathogens (Fusarium verticillioides, Fusarium proliferatum, Fusarium subglutinans, Fusarium graminearum, Fusarium solani, xxvii Fusarium oxysporum, Fusarium semitectum, Fusarium chlamydosporum and Fusarium equiseti). Similar solvent extracts from different plant species that demonstrated MIC value of less than 0.1 mg/ml against the same pathogen were combined and evaluated for antifungal activity. The interation effect of combined extracts was determined by calculating their fractional inhibitory concentration index (FICI) in order to determine their possible synergistic, additive, indifference or antagonistic antifungal activity against tested pathogens. Plant extracts demonstrating synergistic and or additive interaction were further evaluated in combination and individually for in vivo antifungal activity against maize seed Fusarium pathogens. At least, one of the extracts obtained from these medicinal plant species showed strong antifungal activity with minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) of less than 0.1 mg/ml against at least one of the tested pathogens. Of the four solvent extracts evaluated, acetone and ethyl acetate extracts showed stronger antifungal activity compared to petroleum ether and water extracts. Of the nine pathogens tested, F. proliferatum was the most susceptible and was strongly inhibited (MIC < 0.1 mg/ml) by 41 plant extracts whilst F. equisite was found to be resistant with MIC < 0.1 mg/ml by only three plant extracts. In total, each pathogen was tested against 52 plant extracts. There were 17, 16 and 15 extracts from C. erythrophyllum, S. mauritianum and Q. acutissima, respectively, with MIC values less than 0.1 mg/ml. These species were the most active when tested individually. Schotia brachypetala was found to be the least active medicinal plant with only seven extracts demonstrating very strong activity (MIC < 0.1 mg/ml) against the tested pathogens. Minimum inhibitory dilution (MID) or total activity was also calculated and it was found that water and acetone extracts had the highest MID, followed by ethyl acetate extracts while petroleum ether extracts recorded the lowest. Of all plant extracts tested against the nine pathogens, 59 plant extracts demonstrated MID values of more than 1000 ml/g. Out of the 348 extract combinations evaluated, 116 and 87 extract combinations demonstrated synergistic and additive antifungal activity, respectively. The strongest activity xxviii recorded for the combined extracts resulted from synergistic interaction with MIC value of 0.001 mg/ml against F. proliferatum and F. verticilloides. Combined acetone extract of C. erythrophyllum and Q. acutissima was very active (95.75% inhibition) against F. verticilloides inoculated on maize seeds while individual preparation from M. azedarach acetone extract demonstrated 97.10% inhibition against F. proliferatum. The extracts showing good antifungal activity (≥ 50% inhibition) were further tested for phytotoxicity on maize seed germination and the lowest recorded seed germination was 86.25%, resulting from Q. acutissima ethyl acetate extract. Combined acetone extract of C. erythrophyllum and Q. acutissima did not significantly affect maize seedling growth when compared to negative control (water treatment). All plant extracts that showed strong activity (MIC < 0.1 mg/ml) when tested using micro-dilution assay were spotted on thin layer chromatography (TLC) bioautographic assay to establish and determine the number of active compounds or bands. The white spots observed on the chromatograms indicated the presence of antifungal compounds. Combretum erythrophyllum, W. somnifera and L. camara exhibited the presence of antifungal compounds against 7, 5 and 4 pathogens, respectively. Hence, these plant species were selected for isolation of antifungal compounds where open column chromatography and preparative TLC were used for compound purification. At least, three isolated fractions from the three plant species were found to be active (MIC values ranging from 0.0098 to 0.625 mg/ml) against more than five pathogens. The fractions were also found to contain different levels of phytochemicals such as glycosides, flavonoids, steroids, and terpernoids. The structures of isolated compounds or fractions were determined using nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and mass spectroscopic (MS) techniques. A mixture of apeginin (4′,5,7-trihydroxyflavone) and salvigenin (5-hydroxy-6,7,4'-trimethoxyflavone) isolated from the leaves of C. erythrophyllum showed strong antifungal activity (MIC values ranging from 0.01 mg/ml to 0.63 mg.ml) against 5 tested Fusarium pathogens. Also isolated from C. erythrophyllum was a derivative of maslinic acid and it has xxix shown antifungal activity with MIC values ranging from 0.08 mg/ml to 0.63 mg/ml against 6 tested pathogens. On the other hand, lantadene A (22- angeloyloxy-9-hydroxy-3-oxo-olean-12-en-28-oic acid), boswellic acid (11-keto-β-boswellic acid) and boswellic acid glycoside isolated from the leaves of Lantana camara showed good activity (MIC values ≤ 0.63 mg/ml) against one or more Fusarium pathogens. Withaferin A (4β,27-dihydroxy-1-oxo-5β,6β-epoxywitha-2-24-dienolide) glycoside isolated from the leaves of Withania somnifera showed antifungal activity with MIC value of 0.16 mg/ml against F. verticilloides. This study demonstrated potential applications of medicinal plant extracts as cheap, accessible and sustainable source of eco-friendly pesticides for fighting crop diseases in organic and smallholder farming. The extracts can be used as treatment agents to control maize seed spoilage during post-harvest storage. Additionally, characterised antifungals may serve as scaffold compounds during commercial synthesis of plant-based fungicides. / Agricultural Research Council (ARC) and National Research Foundation (NRF)

Stability of ethylenethiourea (ETU) in tomato sauce

Ankumah, Ramble Osbert January 1984 (has links)
No description available.

Physiological and ultrastructural effects of sterol-inhibiting fungicides on apple leaves and the apple scab fungus

Overton, Santford Vance January 1986 (has links)
The effects of sterol-inhibiting fungicides (SIFs) on the free sterol and free fatty acid composition of apple leaves of Red Delicious and Jonathan cultivars were examiried over a 2 year period. Trees were treated in mornings vs evenings throughout each season and samples collected after 24 and 72 hours after each treatment. Generally, SIFs appeared to have an effect on the free sterol content of apple leaves after 24 hours, but the concentrations of free sterol returned to normal after 72 hours in the leaves of both cultivars. Morning versus evening application had little or no influence on leaf free sterol concentrations. There were increases in unsaturated and total fatty acid concentrations in Red Delicious leaves 24 hours following applications with the SIF, etaconazole, and the non-sterol-inhibiting fungicide (NSIF), metiram, early in the season. There were also increased concentrations of linoleic, linolenic and total free fatty acids in fenarimol and triadimefon-treated Jonathan leaves 72 hours after treatment. Early in the season, the SIF, fenarimol, caused an increase in linolenic acid in both Red Delicious and Jonathan leaves 72 hours after either morning or evening applications. Generally, both the Red Delicious and Jonathan leaves exhibited a decrease in saturated fatty acids following morning application whereas, an increase in saturation following evening application. Although SIFs may have had an effect primarily on the unsaturated fatty acids, particularly linolenic acid, early in the season, particularly linolenic acid, the fatty acid composition of the leaves appeared to return to normal later in the season. Ultrastructural observations were made of Red Delicious leaves 12, 24 and 72 hours after treatment with the SIF, bitertanol. Twelve hours after treatment thylakoids of chloroplasts appeared swollen and irregular resulting in loss of integrity of the organelles. However, after 24 and 72 hours, thylakoids of chloroplasts of treated leaves were similar to the controls. Infection of bitertanol-treated Red Delicious leaves by Spilocaea pomi was also examined at the fine structural level. Nuclear envelopes were not well defined and mitochondrial matrices appeared washed-out after 12 and 72 hours post treatment. There was dissolution of normally plate-like cristae of mitochondria, accompanied by the accumulation of minute electron dense bodies around their periphery. Invaginations and proliferations of the plasmalemma were observed as well as increased vacuolization of the cell. Further electron microscopic observations were made of the in vitro conidial state of Venturia inaequalis following the application of fenarimol. Conidia treated 2 hours with the fungicide for had necrotic areas throughout the cytoplasm. The plasmalemma was not well defined, and appeared to be degrading. Increased vacuolization was observed as were numerous lipid bodies and multivesicular complexes (MVCs) which contained vesicles of varying electron densities. Structural integrity of the organelles was such that they were difficult to discern. After 12 hours, the entire fungal cell was necrotic accompanied by the degradation of the cell wall. Detection of a selected number of SIFs in apple leaf tissue using bioassay procedures were also evaluated. It was found that the leaf disk and leaf extract bioassays examined in this study were ineffective in determining the presence of SIFs in apple leaves. / Ph. D.


WHITSON, ROY S. January 1984 (has links)
Eight "sterol-inhibiting" fungicides were evaluated for in vitro activity against Phymatotrichum omnivorum, and all proved to be very active (EC-50 values ranged from 0.001-0.038 ug/ml). Propiconazol received the major emphasis of this research, which included evaluations of phytotoxicity, soil persistance, resistance development, systemic translocation in cotton, and field evaluations for control of Phymatotrichum Root Rot of cotton. Although propiconazol significantly inhibited mycelial growth of P. omnivorum (in vitro) at concentrations as low as 0.0001 ug/ml within 96 hr, hyphal growth from sclerotia was not affected at 0.1 ug/ml within the same time frame. However, after 168 hr, or if sclerotia were pre-germinated for 120 hr before exposure, growth inhibition was comparable to that of the mycelial cultures. It was speculated that the greater level of sterols in sclerotia masked the inhibition of sterol synthesis by propiconazol until these sterol reserves were depleted. After 5 exposures to propiconazol over a 5 mo period, mycelial growth inhibition was the same as that of mycelium with no previous exposure. This indicated that resistance development should not be an immediate concern. Greenhouse evaluations of phytotoxicity and soil persistance of propiconazol determined that this fungicide can severely stunt cotton if planted into treated soil. Using stunting of seedlings as a bioassy of the persistance of propiconazol in non-sterilized soil, it was found that propiconazol was still active 3-5 mo after the initial soil treatment. Through the application of C-14 labeled propiconazol to the leaves of 5 and 8-wk old cotton plants, it was determined that no more than 0.23% of the applied radioactivity was translocated to the roots. However, based upon these percentages, root weights of the plants, and the amount of propiconazol applied to each plant during a field application, the theoretical concentration in the roots would be 30-700X the in vitro concentration necessary to inhibit mycelial growth of P. omnivorum (EC-50 = 0.003-0.006 ug/ml). Field evaluations of propiconazol were conducted in 1982 and 1983, while etaconazol, triadimefon, triadimenol, imazalil, and XE-779 were evaluated in 1983. These evaluations determined that propiconazol, etaconazol, and triadimenol showed promise for control of this disease, while imazalil, triadimefon, and XE-779 did not. . . . (Author's abstract exceeds stipulated maxium length. Discontinued here with permission of author.) UMI

Svogūnų netikrosios miltligės plitimą įtakojančių veiksnių tyrimai / The analysis of influencing factors in spread of onion downy mildew

Birutis, Nerijus 08 June 2009 (has links)
Tyrimai, tiriant svogūnų netikrosios miltligės plitimą įtakojančius veiksnius, atlikti ūkininko Lino Šateikos ūkyje, Daugėlaičių k., Meškuičių sen., Šiaulių raj. 2005-2008 metais. Tirta meteorologinių sąlygų, svogūnų veislių (hibridų) („Sherpa F1“ bei „Renate F1“) ir fungicidų (Penncozeb 75 DG bei Dithane NT 75% g.) įtaka svogūnų netikrajai miltligei. Lauko bandymo tyrimų metu nustatyta, kad temperatūra ir drėgmė – svarbiausieji veiksniai svogūnų netikrajai miltligei plisti ir vystytis per visą augalų vegetaciją. Šią ligą plisti skatino gausūs krituliai (88 mm) bei 17,4 ºC vidutinė birželio- rugpjūčio mėnesių oro temperatūra. Penncozeb 75 DG efektyvumas per 2005-2008 metus „Sherpa F1“ veislės svogūnų pasėlyje buvo vidutiniškai 3,2 proc. punkto didesnis negu Dithane NT 75% g., o „Renate F1“ veislės svogūnuose – 2,9 proc. punkto didesnis, lyginant su Dithane NT 75% g. Lyginant veislių įtaką svogūnų derliui, nustatyta, jog atsparesnė svogūnų netikrajai miltligei yra „Renate F1“. Šios veislės svogūnų pasėliuose per 2005-2008 metus yra gautas vidutiniškai 6,2 t didesnis derlius nei „Sherpa F1“ svogūnų pasėliuose. Atlikus ekonominį vertinimą, nustatyta, jog didžiausią papildomų gamybos išlaidų našumą sukuria „Renate F1“ veislės svogūnų, apdorotas fungicidu Penncozeb 75 DG, pasėlis. / Researches in order to analyze the influencing factors in spread of onion downy mildew were carried out in farmer‘s Linas Šateika farm, Daugėlaičių k., Meškuičių sen., Šiaulių raj., in year 2005-2008. There were studied the influence of meteorological conditions, onion species (hybrids) (“Sherpa F1” and “Renate F1”) and fungicides (Penncozeb 75DG and Dithane NT 75% g.) on onion downy mildew. At the field experiment were defined, that temperature and moisture are the most important factors in onion downy mildew spreading and progressing during all growing season. This disease was stimulated by pluvious precipitations (88 mm) and 17,4 ºC air temperature in June - August. The effectiveness of Penncozeb 75 DG during the year 2005-2008 in “Sherpa F1” crops was on the average 3,2 % more than Dithane NT 75%, and in “Renate F1” – 2,9 % more. In comparing the influence of species on onion harvest, there were determined, that “Renate F1” is more resistant to onion downy mildew. In the onion crops of “Renate F1” during years 2005-2008, there were ingathered on the average 6,2 t more than in crops of “Sherpa F1”. In carrying out the economical evaluation, there were identified, that the most extra efficiency of production costs is obtainable in “Renate F1” crops with Penncozeb 75 DG.

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