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Podpora celoživotního učení a mobilit na středních školách v Moravskoslezském kraji / Promotion of lifelong learning and mobility in secondary schools in the Moravian Silesian RegionKubátová Ortová, Hana January 2013 (has links)
The opening chapters of the diploma thesis describe European Union strategic plans and measures aiming to create suitable conditions for adult lifelong learning. The goal of this diploma thesis is to give an overview of how secondary schools participate on these strategic plans. The topic of the adult lifelong learning at secondary schools is approached mainly in connection with the Act 179/2006 Coll. describing validation and recognition of further learning results. The diploma thesis than describes in detail subsidies available for schools to support the so called mobilities. In the research part the dissertation attempts to determine correlation between the size or type of a school and its succes rate in retraining programmes or its engagement in mobilities. The selected research sample consists of secondary schools from the Moravian-Silesian region. The selection of the topic was influenced by the objectives defined in the strategic document "ET 2020" (Education and Training 2020). The first defined goal of this document is "to implement lifelong learning and mobility into learning". KEYWORDS: Youth in action Agency, NAEP Agency, ET 2020, school mobilities, national qualification system, Education for Competitiveness Operational Programme, school networks, UNIV project, validation and...
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Génesis y evolución del Dibujo como disciplina básica en la segunda EnseñanzaBermúdez Abellán, José 04 May 2007 (has links)
Este trabajo indaga en los antecedentes,orígen y evolución de la enseñanza del Dibujo desde que aparece como disciplina escolar a partir del modelo educativo liberal en 1836 hasta 1936. La primera parte de este estudio, que abarca cien años, analiza el proceso de evolución y consolidación de esta materia como disciplina escolar y cómo adquiere un caracter propio y alcanza la consideración necesaria para formar parte del curriculo de forma permanente. En este proceso de configuración intervienen de forma directa las orientaciones ideológicas de los diferentes gobiernos, el pensamiento pedagógico ilustrado, el desarrollo industrial y la I.L.E. En esta parte se investigan, asímismo, los manuales escolares ya que intervienen de forma directa en la definición del carácter, el objeto y los fines de la enseñanza del Dibujo, así como su actualización científica.La segunda parte de este trabajo se ocupa de los catedráticos de Dibujo de Segunda Enseñanza, pues también ellos intervienen de forma directa en la configuración de la asignatura, al ser ellos quienes escribían los libros de texto, redactaban los temarios y formaban los tribunales de oposición. Indagando, también, en su formación, en las pruebas selectivas que debían superar, en el desarrollo de las mismas y en los programas y memorias que aportaban. Ocupándonos, por último, de la relación de estos profesionales con la sociedad de su época y su intervención en numerosas actividades culturales y artísticas. / This essay deals with the background, origins and evolution of the teaching of Drawing since it appeared as a school subject within the liberal educational model in 1836 until 1936. The first part of this essay, which embraces one hundred years, analyses the process of development and consolidation of this discipline as a school subject, and how it gains independence and acquires the necessary consideration to form part of the curriculum in a permanent way. In this process of configuration, there is a direct influence from the ideological orientations of the different governments, from the enlightened pedagogical thinking, from the industrial development and the I.L.E.( Liberal Teaching Institution). Schools materials (books, resources.) are also analysed in this part, because they have a direct influence on the definition of the character, the object and the aims of the teaching of Drawing, as well as on its scientific update. The second part of this essay deals with the grammar-school teachers("catedráticos") of Drawing in Secondary Education ("Bachillerato"), since they also have a direct influence on the configuration of the subject, because they are the ones who wrote the textbooks, designed the curricula and formed the board of examiners for public competitions. Here we also analyse their training, the selection tests that they had to pass as well as the way they were developed, the programming and the reports they provided. Finally, we have also studied the relationship between these professionals and the society of their time, as well as their influence on so many cultural and artistic activities.
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