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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Plankton malých návesních rybníků / Plankton of small village ponds

ČEJNOVÁ, Monika January 2016 (has links)
The object of my thesis was to document the basic characteristics of four small ponds. Register seasonal changes in the occurrence of selected zooplankton groups and compare individual ponds among them. Then evaluate management on ponds and assess the possible impact on the formation of plankton. These results were then compared with the current situation on standard economic ponds. In this study, I observed three private ponds and local pond, which were located in the cadastral area Lodhéřov. From the results it is evident, that the zooplankton development was in private ponds very slow, while at local pond was developed zooplankton quickly. The diversity of zooplankton species was higher in local pond. On private ponds showed a high increase in fish, which amounted to R1 597 kg/ha and R3 519 kg/ha. In terms of management of ponds R2 was the least effective because the gain was only 113 kg/ha. Private ponds, according to the average annual ration 2910 kg/ha still ranked in halfintesification, while local pond to intensification ration with 4557 kg/ha.

Hydrobiologický monitoring vybraných rybníků Duchcovska. / Hydrobiological monitoring of Duchcov selected ponds.

Typoltová, Tereza January 2016 (has links)
Since the year 2013 there is going a hydrobiology monitoring of some selected ponds in Duchcov. It is Rybochovný n. 1, Rybochovný n. 2, Rybochovný n. 3, Kravský, Růžový, Dubský and Barbora onces, when all ponds were for some time monitored in basic hydrochemical parameters: temperature, alkalinity, conductivity, oxidation reduction potential, dissolved oxygen concentration in water, transparency and turbidity. I examined seasonal change in phytoplankton and zooplankton composition. I compared my results with data from previous years. In these ponds is a risk of eutrophication, resulting in the occurrence of algal blooms. Several situations with the occurrence of algal bloom was observed during monitoring. This would may be problem for ecological conditions of pond´s reservoirs, also for fish composition because of oxygen out-pumping. There weren´t noticed extreme changes during pH monitoring, even so it is important to monitor the supply of nutrients and in case of deflection to make various steps.

Ověření použitelnosti modelu CE-QUAL-W2 pro simulaci růstu fytoplanktonu, epifytonu a makrofyt v nádrži Lipno / Verification of Applicability of the CE-QUAL-W2 Model for Simulation of Phytoplankton, Epiphyton and Macrophyte Growth in Lipno Reservoir

ŠÁMALOVÁ, Klára January 2008 (has links)
Verification of applicability of the CE-QUAL-W2 model for simulation of phytoplankton, epiphyton and macrophyte growth in Lipno Reservoir was tested. The model was first calibrated for the year 2004, then was applicated to the whole investigated period from 1.1. 2000 to 31.12. 2005. Sensitivity analysis was executed for mean growth parameters of phytoplankton, periphyton and macrophytes.

Studium sezónních změn jakosti vody ve vírské nádrži / Study of seasonal changes of water quality in Vír reservoir

Navrátilová, Martina January 2008 (has links)
Thesis deals with measuring of chosen indicators of water quality in Vír reservoir (temperature, pH, colour, turbidity, fluorescence of fykocyanin, concentration of chlorofyl-a, pheopigments, microcystin-LR, orthophosphates, nitrates, etc.). Samples were taken from the sampling profiles 10, 30 a 50 metres from absolute level and in the season from May to October was direct in reservoir measured a vertical profile by a multifunction sonde YSI 6600.

Fytoplankton experimentálních tůní: kolonizace a sezónní vývoj / Phytoplankton in experimental ponds: colonization and seasonal succession

Hrušková, Lenka January 2010 (has links)
Artificial ponds are excellent for the study of phytoplankton ecology. They permit repeatable initial conditions and sufficient replication of independent experimental units in complex experiments to test hypotheses about the control of structure and function in natural communities. There were 20 experimental ponds constructed in Kokoř nsko Protected Landscape Area, from which samples were taken and analyzed. This study was part of the EU BIOPOOL. During the first two years after the filling of the ponds the colonization and the seasonal development of phytoplankton communities in the ponds were examined. The phytoplankton species composition was determined, then species richness and relative abundance of individual taxa were quantified. Species composition data were compared with the environmental parameters measured (temperature, oxygen concentration, pH, transparency, conductivity, depth, chlorophyll-a concentration, and zooplankton). In the spring 2007, the ponds were periodic, and followed a similar trend over time (February- April). There were dominated by the following taxonomic groups: Dinophyta, Chrysophyta, Cryptophyta, and Euglenophyta. After installing foil on the bottom of the ponds, the ponds were of permanent character. In terms of environmental parameters, the individual ponds...

Response of Phytoplankton to Climatic Changes during the Eocene-Oligocene Transition at the North Atlantic ODP Site 612 / Fytoplanktons respons till klimatförändringar under Eocen-Oligocen övergången vid Nordatlanten ODP Site 612

Rivero Cuesta, Lucía January 2015 (has links)
The development of modern glacial climates occurred during the Eocene-Oligocene transition (34 to 35.5 Ma) when a decrease of atmospheric CO2 led to a global temperature fall. The ocean was deeply affected, both in the surface and the deep-sea, suffering a strong reorganization including currents and phytoplankton distribution. Spanning that time, 35 samples from the North Atlantic Ocean Drilling Program Site 612 have been analyzed by counting coccoliths abundance in different size groups (< 4 µm, 4 to 8 µm and > 8 µm) and silica fragments abundance. Absolute coccoliths abundance were estimated with two different methods, the “drop” technique and microbeads calibration. In addition, a fragmentation index was calculated to assess the preservational state of the samples. The results obtained fit in the global picture of a decrease in phytoplankton abundance across theEocene-Oligocene boundary, although coccolith and silica fragments abundances show slight different patterns. Absolute abundances estimates showed a large difference between the “drop” and the microbeads methods. The temperature at which samples are dried seems to affect microbeads distribution, leading to an underestimation at temperatures higher than 60º C. In future work the current dataset will be updated with additional calibration and replicate counts to confirm that the “drop” estimates are the more valid results. As the fragmentation index was fairly constant in all samples, no major differences in nannofossil preservation were inferred. Coccoliths abundance drops are thought to be triggered by global temperature fall, general decrease of atmospheric CO2, changes in oceanic circulation, pulses of nutrients or a combination of those. / Under tidsspannet som täcker övergången mellan eocen och oligocen, för ungefär 35.5 till 34 miljoner år sedan, genomgick jordens klimat en stor förändring. Under eocen hade vår planet ett varmare klimat och var i ett så kallat ”greenhouse state”. Mot slutet av denna period och i början av oligocen skiftade emellertid klimatet till en kallare regim, ett så kallat ”icehouse state”. Under detta tillstånd minskade andelen koldioxid i atmosfären vilket medförde att den globala temperaturen minskade. Vidare påverkades också havet och speciellt de fytoplankton som levde där, då de påverkas av temperatur och inflödet av näringsämnen. Fytoplankton står för en betydande del av jordens pågående fotosyntes samt är basen av den organiska matkedjan. Syftet med denna undersökning är att studera förekomsten av coccoliter, små kalcitplattor som produceras av en typ av nannoplankton som kallas coccolitoforider. Coccoliter från en djuphavskärna härstammande från norra Atlanten har därför samlats in och för-ändringen av mängden fytoplankton över nämnda tidsspann mätts. Vidare har också bitar av kisel från andra växtplankton räknats. Resultatet av denna studie var att båda grupperna var rikligare under den sista delen av eocen men mängden sjönk snabbt i början av oligocen. Det finns inte tillräckligt med information för att reda ut orsakerna av detta, men det är troligt att minskningen i temperatur och CO2-tillgängligheten för fotosyntesen är viktiga faktorer.

Vývoj fyzikálně-chemických a biologických parametrů vody v nově budovaných přírodních koupalištích / The development of physical, chemical and biological parameters of water in new constructed natural swimming pools.

VLKOVÁ, Dana January 2018 (has links)
The goal of this work was to evaluate of water quality in natural swimming pools in Borovany and Sezimovo Ústí, to compare the differences in the results of water analyses in proper swimming water body and regenerative part, as well as to compare of both these localities. Most of results were gathered during 2016 in Borovany and during 2017 in Sezimovo Usti. Transparency, color of water, temperature, conductivity, concentration of dissolved O2, concentrations of NH4-N, NO2-N, NO3-N, TN, PO4-P, TP, Cl, turbidity, fluorescence, chlorophyll concentration, alkalinity, zooplankton and phytoplankton composition and bacterial contamination were monitored. The results confirmed the possibility to achieve the good water quality even though the problem with phosphorus removing remains. The comparison of both site showed more efficient functioning of regenerative zone in Borovany natural swimming pool.

Prostorová heterogenita a sezónní vývoj fytoplanktonu v podélném profilu vodní nádrže Římov / Spatial heterogeneity and seasonal succession of phytoplankton on a longitudinal gradient in the Římov reservoir

RYCHTECKÝ, Pavel January 2009 (has links)
Spatial distribution and seasonal succesion of phytoplankton along the longitudinal axis of a eutrophic Římov reservoir was investigated in 2007. Inflow, transitional and lacustrine zones were distinquished in the reservoir according to physical, chemical and biological parameters. Using a functional group concept, typical phytoplankton assemblages were found.

Fotosyntetické charakteristiky fytoplanktonu eutrofních vod / Photosynthetic characteristics of phytoplankton in eutrophic waters

Tesařová, Blanka January 2011 (has links)
Photosynthesis and primary production were estimated in fishpond phytoplankton during period 2008-2010 in Třeboň fishpond region, Czech Republic. Photosynthesis was measured by the oxygen method in computer-assisted light pipetting system Illuminova. Altogether 64 samples of fishpond phytoplankton and 11 cyanobacterial cultures were analysed. Cyanobacteria and chlorococcal algae formed the most important part of phytoplankton biomass and their photosynthesis-irradiance (P-I) curves showed shade-adapted type of P-I curves with the high photosynthetic efficiency. No significant differences in the main parameters of P-I curves were obtained between different types of phytoplankton (chlorococcal-dominated, cyanobacteria- dominated). The results are consistent with the high turbid conditions in eutrophic or hypetrophic fishponds. On the contrary photosynthesis in cyanobacterial cultures differs from "wild" phytoplankton and therefore they can not be taken in primary production models. Primary production was estimated according Talling's model (1957), based on daily measurement of radiation, extinction coefficient of water and seasonal courses of chlorophyll concentration. Photosynthetic capacity and onset of light saturation determined in P-I curves were used as physiological parameters of Talling's model. The...

Responses of marine plankton to pollutant stress : integrated community studies of structure and function

Hjorth, Morten. January 2005 (has links) (PDF)
Ph.d.-afhandling, Roskilde Universitet, 2005. / Haves kun i elektronisk udg. Thesis (Ph.D.). 6 ill., 1tabel; approx. 50 ref. Summaries (Da, En).

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