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Analýza nejvyššího a nejlepšího využití objektů v areálu VUT v Brně Údolní 53 / Analysis of highest and best use of buildings on the BUT grounds in Údolní 53Valchová, Jana January 2016 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the valuation method called analysis of the highest and best use, called HABU. In the theoretical part are explained the basic principles of the method, its parts which are: legal permissibility, physical possibility, financial feasibility and maximum productivity. In practical part this method is applied to the selected location of premises BUT on Údolní 53.
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Analýza nejvyššího a nejlepšího využití pozemku na ulici Libušina třída v Brně / Analysis of the Highest and Best Use of Land in Libušina Street in BrnoAdamík, Václav January 2017 (has links)
The motivation for the creation of this diploma thesis was the analysis of the highest and best use of property (HABU). In the practical part the analysis is applied to concrete examples of the use of unbuilt land, which is located in Brno-Kohoutovice on the street Libušina třída. The theoretical part describes and explains 4 basic hypotheses on which the HABU analysis is based (legal admissibility, physical possibility, financial merits and maximum profitability). The aim of this thesis is to determine which of the variants will be the most profitable, respectively, which will have the highest and the best use.
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Změny motorických funkcí u myšího modelu cerebelární degenerace v průběhu ontogeneze / Changes motor functions in mouse model of cerebellar degeneration in the course of the ontogenesisŠalomová, Martina January 2017 (has links)
The cerebellum affects a number of important and complex processes in the organism. It ensures coordination, motor learning and plays an important role in cognitive and affective functions. In the case of cerebellar degeneration, we find not only the movement disorders but also behavioral abnormalities, collectively referred to as cognitive-affective syndrome. The aim of this work was to investigate motor functions during ontogenesis in animal models of hereditary cerebellar degeneration - mutant mice Lurcher and Purkinje cell degeneration using the device for quantitative gait analysis and rotarod. In addition, the effect of physical activity on the extent of ataxia and manifestations in classical behavioral tests was monitored. The results confirmed significant differences in motor skills between mutant and healthy mice; differences were also observed in some gait parameters, especially in walking speed and parameters that correlate with it. The motor functions of most groups of mice did not change during ontogenesis, pcd mice deteriorated their performance on the rotarod. The effect of physical activity was not found, with the exception of Forced swimming test. Physical activity of set intensity did not have any beneficial effect on the motoric manifestations of the mice.
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Perorální podání acipimoxu během fyzické zátěže způsobuje negativní zpětnovazebný mechanismus růstového hormonu na sekreci ghrelinu u pacientek s mentální bulimií a zdravých žen:Úloha lipolýzy / Acipimox during Short-Term Exercise Exerts A Negative Feedback of Growth Hormone on Ghrelin Secretion in Patients with Bulimia Nervosa and in Healthy Women: The Role of LipolysisSmitka, Kvido January 2011 (has links)
Title: Acipimox during Short-Term Exercise Exerts A Negative Feedback of Growth Hormone on Ghrelin Secretion in Patients with Bulimia Nervosa and in Healthy Women: The Role of Lipolysis Objective: Eating disorders, such as bulimia nervosa (BN) and anorexia nervosa (AN), are characterized by abnormal eating behavior. The main features of BN are binge-eating and inappropriate compensatory methods to prevent weight gain. The appetite-modulating peptide ghrelin is secreted by the stomach and shows a strong release of growth hormone (GH). A potential GH-ghrelin feedback loop between stomach and the pituitary has been recently reported. Acipimox (Aci), an analogue of nicotinic acid, inhibits lipolysis in adipose tissue (AT) and reduces plasma glycerol and free fatty acids (FFA) levels. Exercise and Aci are stimulators of GH secretion. We suppose that a negative feedback from increased GH levels during exercise may play a role in reducing plasma ghrelin levels. We surmised that altered baseline activity and exercise-induced activation of the sympathetic nervous system (SNS) results in excessive stimulation of lipolysis associated with negative energy balance and may lead to abnormal AT metabolism in patients with BN. Disruption of the gut-brain-AT axis might be involved in the pathogenesis of BN. The...
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Postavení pečujících osob v kontextu zákona o sociálních službách / The status of caregivers in the context of the Social Services ActŠtollová, Dana January 2011 (has links)
The work titled "Rank of caring persons in the context of the social services law" analyses the situation of caring persons during the care. The work follows the question of discrimination and social-economic exclusion of caring persons in the Czech Republic on the basis of executed research analyse. The rank of caring persons is not legally embedded in any legal regulation. However, this results into the fact, that there is neither range of duties nor the law or social benefits in the case of sickness, and the old age pension scheme is very limited, too. This work brings suggestions of measures and solutions of these problems so that family and intergeneration solidarity and rules of subsidiarity would be supported, and at the same time the social and economic discrimination of caring persons in the Czech Republic.
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Souvislost fyzické atraktivity a péče o vzhled / Relation between Physical Attractiveness and Grooming"Marečková, Jana January 2012 (has links)
Physical attractiveness plays an important role in many aspects of our lives. The aim of this study is to reveal what is the correlation between rating of physical attractiveness made by oneself and by others, and personal grooming. The relation between self-rating of overall physical attractiveness and its rating made by others (using photographs) and connection between these ratings and personal grooming were examined on the basis of a heterogeneous sample of 43 women and 32 men. These ratings of overall attractiveness, face attractiveness and body attractiveness were provided by 34 judges (each time 17 males and 17 females) different for every variable. Our results showed a positive relation between participant's self-rating of overall physical attractiveness and its rating made by others. Further analyses proved that rating of overall physical attractiveness was positively associated both with facial and body attractiveness for both sexes. With regard to women, a correlation between self-rating of physical attractiveness and reduced care of body shape and eyebrow was revealed; regarding men, self-rating correlated with reduced care of body shape, hair, fingernails and less care for outfit was shown. Concerning female participants, no relation between rating of overall physical attractiveness...
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Městské lázně / The Municipal BathsHrůza, Pavel January 2010 (has links)
Space for spiritual and physical freedom in harmony of civilisation and nature. Clearly defined dominant building leaving the visitors and passants in full freedom.
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Trestní odpovědnost právnických osob / Issues of criminal liability of legal entitiesHudáková, Jana January 2014 (has links)
Hudáková, J. Criminal liability of legal persons Criminal liability of legal persons is a significant change to the continental European law. It is a sensible breakthrough into the core principle of an individual criminal responsibility of individuals. In connection with the adoption of Act No. 418/2011 Coll., on the criminal liability of legal persons and proceedings against them, the thesis deals with main aspects of the criminal liability of legal persons in the Czech Republic. After defining of legal grounds of the criminal responsibility author subsequently discusses sanctioning of legal persons. At the same time, the author discusses legal regulation of moral person criminal liability in France. She outlines the principles of criminal liability of legal persons, as well as the conditions for imposing sanctions. The author tries to demonstrate, by means of the attached statistical surveys, the numerous application of this institute in the French legal practice. Finally, the author tries to compare Czech and French legislation in selected aspects.
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Srovnávací studie proveditelnosti informačních systému pro nakládání s utajovanými informacemi do stupně utajení důvěrné v oblasti informačně - technologické a ekonomické. / Comparative study of feasibility of information systems handling classified information up to the CONFIDENTIAL level in the area of information-technological and economical.HULIČOVÁ, Hana January 2015 (has links)
This thesis deals with the design of a comparative study of the feasibility of an information system handling classified information up to the Confidebtial level in the information-technological and economic area (i.e. economical and financial analysis).
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Pohledávky z právního, účetního a daňového pohledu v podmínkách ČR / The debts from a law, accounting and tax aspekt in a conditions of the Czech republicRADOŠOVSKÁ, Šárka January 2008 (has links)
From an economic point of view the claims mean a capital part of a company. They are a special part of intangible property and a treatment with them mean very complicated juristic, accounting and tax probems. The claim means a reason of creditor to urge to debitor a charge of definite engagement. Ever business subject can secure the discharge of the engagement by the help of a security instrument, for example of an advance, a right of lien, a penalty, a liability etc. When the claim will become after all these precautions the overdue claim, the creditor must face up to costs of their recovery, for example by the help of a forfaiting, a factoring, a eviction recovery, a bilateral cleaning of claims etc. The overdue claims we can depreciace or create discretionary entries on them under the rule of law or of bylaw. The company should realize all these facts and keep a general and consistent register of claims. The register is an objectives of this work.
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