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Spinal Acetylcholine Release : Mechanisms and Receptor InvolvementKommalage, Mahinda January 2005 (has links)
<p>Impulses coming from peripheries are modified in the spinal cord and transmitted to the brain. Several neurotransmitters have been involved in the processing of impulses in the spinal dorsal horn. Acetylcholine (ACh) is one of many neurotransmitters involved in the regulation of nociception in the spinal cord. In this study we investigated the role of nicotinic, muscarinic, serotonergic and GABA receptors in the regulation of spinal ACh release since these receptors are reported to be involved in spinal nociceptive processes.</p><p>Different receptor ligands were infused intraspinally via microdialysis and the spinal ACh release was measured by on-line HPLC. Receptor-ligand binding studies were performed with spinal cord homogenates as well as receptors expressed in cells.</p><p>In the first study, we found that nicotine and some of the nicotinic antagonists used increased ACh release suggesting that spinal ACh release is regulated by different nAChRs. Nicotine and nicotinic agonists may act on different types of receptors with different affinity to produce the observed net effect of increased ACh release. We propose the possibility of an involvement of three different nicotinic receptor subtypes in the regulation of spinal ACh release. </p><p>The effect of epibatidine, which is regarded as a nicotinic agonist, on muscarinic receptors was investigated in the second study. We propose that epibatidine, in μM concentrations, is a partial muscarinic receptor agonist that may interact with spinal muscarinic receptors to increase ACh release. The dual action on both nAChRs and mAChRs may explain the potent analgesic effect observed after intra-spinal epibatidine administration.</p><p>In the third study, we investigated the role of serotonin receptor involvement in ACh release control. The results suggest that only 5-HT<sub>1A</sub> and 5-HT<sub>2A</sub> receptors are involved in spinal ACh release. Considering current knowledge, the most probable location of 5-HT<sub>2A</sub> receptors is on cholinergic neurones. On activation of the 5-HT<sub>2A</sub> receptors the cellular excitability of cholinergic neurones is increased which results in an increasing ACh release. The 5-HT<sub>1A</sub> receptors might be located on cell bodies of GABA neurones which inhibit the firing rate of the GABA neurones when activated by serotonin. </p><p>In the fourth study, we investigated the GABA receptor involvement in the regulation in spinal ACh release. We found that GABA<sub>A</sub> receptors are tonically inhibiting spinal ACh release. The results further suggest that GABA<sub>B</sub> receptors also are involved in the regulation of spinal ACh release. However, unlike GABA<sub>A</sub> antagonists, GABA<sub>B</sub> antagonists do not increase ACh release. This suggests that GABA<sub>B</sub> receptors are not tonically regulating the spinal ACh release. </p>
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Die neuronale Kontrolle der Speicheldrüse von Periplaneta americana / The neuronal control of the salivary glands of Periplaneta americanaRotte, Cathleen January 2009 (has links)
Die acinösen Speicheldrüsen der Schabe Periplaneta americana sind reich durch serotonerge, dopaminerge und GABAerge Fasern innerviert. Die biogenen Amine Serotonin (5-HT) und Dopamin (DA) induzieren die Sekretion eines NaCl-haltigen Primärspeichels. Die physiologische Rolle der GABAergen Innervation des Drüsenkomplexes war bislang unbekannt. Weiterhin wurde vermutet, dass Tyramin (TA) und Octopamin (OA) an der Speichelbildung beteiligt sind. Mittels intrazellulärer Ableitungen von sekretorischen Acinuszellen mit und ohne Stimulierung des Speicheldrüsennervs (SDN) sollte daher die Wirkung von GABA, TA und OA im Speicheldrüsenkomplex untersucht werden. Intrazelluläre Ableitungen aus Acinuszellen zeigten, dass sowohl DA als auch 5 HT biphasische Änderungen des Membranpotentials induzierten. Diese bestanden aus einer initialen Hyperpolarisation und einer darauf folgenden transienten Depolarisation. Stimulierung des SDN mittels einer Saugelektrode verursachte ebenfalls biphasische Änderungen des Membranpotentials der Acinuszellen, die mit den DA- bzw. 5-HT-induzierten Änderungen kinetisch identisch waren. Dieses Ergebnis zeigte, dass die elektrische Stimulierung des SDN im Nerv-Speicheldrüsenpräparat eine verlässliche Methode zur Untersuchung der Wirkungen von Neuromodulatoren auf die dopaminerge und/oder sertotonerge Neurotransmission ist.
Die Hyperpolarisation der DA-induzierten Potentialänderungen wurde durch eine intrazelluläre Ca2+-Freisetzung und die Öffnung basolateral lokalisierter Ca2+-gesteuerter K+-Kanäle verur-sacht. Die DA- und 5-HT-induzierte Depolarisation hing kritisch von der Aktivität eines basolateral lokalisierten Na+-K+-2Cl--Symporters ab.
GABA, TA und OA potenzierten die elektrischen Antworten der Acinuszellen, wenn diese durch SDN-Stimulierung hervorgerufen wurden. Dabei war OA wirksamer als TA. Dieses Ergebnis zeigte, dass diese Substanzen als im Drüsenkomplex präsynaptisch und erregend als Neuromodulatoren wirken. Pharmakologische Untersuchungen ergaben, dass die erregende Wirkung von GABA durch einen G-Protein-gekoppelten GABAB-Rezeptor vermittelt wurde. Messungen der durch SDN-Stimulierung induzierten Flüssigkeits- und Proteinsekretionsraten zeigten, dass beide Parameter in Anwesenheit von GABA verstärkt waren. Dies ließ auf eine verstärkte serotonerge Neurotransmission schließen, da nur 5-HT die Bildung eines Protein-haltigen Speichels verursacht.
Immuncytochemische Untersuchungen zeigten, dass die Drüsen tyraminerge und octopaminerge Innervation empfangen. Weiterhin wurde der erste charakterisierte TA-Rezeptor (PeaTYR1) der Schabe auf einem paarigen, lateral zur Drüse ziehenden Nerv markiert, der auch tyraminerge Fasern enthielt.
Die vorliegende Arbeit trug zum Verständnis der komplexen Funktionsweise der Speicheldrüse der Schabe bei und erweiterte das lückenhafte Wissen über die neuronale Kontrolle exokriner Drüsen in Insekten. / The cockroach Periplaneta americana has acinar type salivary glands. The secretory acini consist of P-cells, responsible for electrolyte and water secretion and C-cells that secrete protein into the saliva. Salivation is controlled by the dopaminergic and GABAergic salivary neurons SN1 and SN2, and by several smaller serotonergic neurons. Dopamine (DA) and serotonin (5-HT) induce the secretion of a NaCl-rich saliva. The physiological role of the GABAergic innervation was unknown. Furthermore, the cellular actions of the biogenic amines DA and 5-HT were poorly understood. Based on studies on other insect salivary glands a role for octopamine (OA) and tyramine (TA) acting as neuromodulators was suggested.
In this study, intracellular recordings of the basolateral membrane potential of acinar cells were performed to examine direct and modulating actions of the biogenic amines DA, 5-HT, OA, TA and of GABA. A nerve-gland preparation was developed and used to investigate the actions of neuromodulators, namely GABA, OA and TA.
DA and 5-HT induced biphasic membrane potential changes, consisting of an initial hyperpolarization and a transient depolarization. The DA-induced hyperpolarization was mediated by intracellular Ca2+-release and subsequent opening of basolateral Ca2+-dependent K+-channels. The DA- and 5-HT-induced depolarization was dependent on the presence of extracellular Na+ and the activity of a basolateral Na+-K+-2Cl--cotransporter.
Electrical stimulation of the salivary duct nerve (SDN) by means of a suction electrode induced membrane potential changes with the same kinetics as those induced by bath application of DA and 5-HT. These results suggested that electrical nerve stimulation is a adequate method to investigate presynaptic effects of neuromodulators.
GABA, OA and TA affected neither the resting membrane potential of the acinar cells, nor the DA- or 5 HT- induced potential changes. When GABA was applied during SDN-stimulation, it enhanced the amplitudes of the membrane potential changes of the acinar cells as well as fluid- and protein secretion rates of the glands. Pharmacological experiments revealed that the excitatory action of GABA in the gland complex is mediated by a metabotropic GABA receptor (GABAB-type).
OA and TA enhanced the membrane potential changes of the acinar cells when these were induced by SDN-stimulation, suggesting presynaptic excitatory roles for both amines in the gland complex. Immunocytochemistry revealed rich innervation of the salivary glands with octopamine- immunoreactive fibers that were also stained by the tyramine-antibody, and with tyramine-immunoreactive fibers lacking octopamine-immunoreactivity. Since the tyramine receptor PeaTYR1 is expressed in the salivary gland complex, its distribution was investigated by using a specific antibody. Immunoreactivity was detected in a paired nerve of unknown root. This nerve innervated only few acini lying in the periphery of the gland complex and contained tyraminergic fibers.
This study extends our knowledge about the complex neuronal control and function of insect salivary glands.
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Spinal Acetylcholine Release : Mechanisms and Receptor InvolvementKommalage, Mahinda January 2005 (has links)
Impulses coming from peripheries are modified in the spinal cord and transmitted to the brain. Several neurotransmitters have been involved in the processing of impulses in the spinal dorsal horn. Acetylcholine (ACh) is one of many neurotransmitters involved in the regulation of nociception in the spinal cord. In this study we investigated the role of nicotinic, muscarinic, serotonergic and GABA receptors in the regulation of spinal ACh release since these receptors are reported to be involved in spinal nociceptive processes. Different receptor ligands were infused intraspinally via microdialysis and the spinal ACh release was measured by on-line HPLC. Receptor-ligand binding studies were performed with spinal cord homogenates as well as receptors expressed in cells. In the first study, we found that nicotine and some of the nicotinic antagonists used increased ACh release suggesting that spinal ACh release is regulated by different nAChRs. Nicotine and nicotinic agonists may act on different types of receptors with different affinity to produce the observed net effect of increased ACh release. We propose the possibility of an involvement of three different nicotinic receptor subtypes in the regulation of spinal ACh release. The effect of epibatidine, which is regarded as a nicotinic agonist, on muscarinic receptors was investigated in the second study. We propose that epibatidine, in μM concentrations, is a partial muscarinic receptor agonist that may interact with spinal muscarinic receptors to increase ACh release. The dual action on both nAChRs and mAChRs may explain the potent analgesic effect observed after intra-spinal epibatidine administration. In the third study, we investigated the role of serotonin receptor involvement in ACh release control. The results suggest that only 5-HT1A and 5-HT2A receptors are involved in spinal ACh release. Considering current knowledge, the most probable location of 5-HT2A receptors is on cholinergic neurones. On activation of the 5-HT2A receptors the cellular excitability of cholinergic neurones is increased which results in an increasing ACh release. The 5-HT1A receptors might be located on cell bodies of GABA neurones which inhibit the firing rate of the GABA neurones when activated by serotonin. In the fourth study, we investigated the GABA receptor involvement in the regulation in spinal ACh release. We found that GABAA receptors are tonically inhibiting spinal ACh release. The results further suggest that GABAB receptors also are involved in the regulation of spinal ACh release. However, unlike GABAA antagonists, GABAB antagonists do not increase ACh release. This suggests that GABAB receptors are not tonically regulating the spinal ACh release.
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GABA-, glycine- and glutamate-induced currents in rat medial preoptic neurons : functional interactions and modulation by capsaicinKarlsson, Urban January 2007 (has links)
The medial preoptic nucleus (MPN) of the hypothalamus plays a major role in many functions involved in maintaining bodily homeostasis, such as thermoregulation and osmoregulation, as well as in the control of complex behaviours, e.g. sexual behaviour. A fundamental basis for the control and execution of these functions is the synaptic communication between neurons of the MPN. However, the functional properties of the synapses involved are largely unknown. The present thesis is a study of ligand-gated ion channels involved in the pre- and post-synaptic aspects of neuronal communication in the MPN of rat. The aim was to clarify synaptic properties in the MPN, to identify the major channel types involved and to obtain a better understanding of their functional properties. By fast application of agonists to isolated neurons, it was first demonstrated that all neurons responded to glutamate with currents mediated by α-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic acid (AMPA) receptors, and a majority of neurons also with currents mediated by N-Methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptors. All neurons also responded to γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) and glycine with currents mediated by GABAA receptors and glycine receptors, respectively. These findings show that fast-acting excitatory and inhibitory amino-acid transmitters are most likely important for communication between hypothalamic neurons. Application of agonists to isolated neurons revealed cross-talk, detected as an apparent cross-desensitization, between the responses to GABA and those to glycine. Parallel analysis of current and conductance, using gramicidin-perforated patches to avoid perturbing intracellular chloride concentration, showed that the cross-talk was not dependent on a direct interaction between the receptors as previously suggested, but was a consequence of the change in the intracellular chloride concentration during receptor activation. Strengthened by a computer model, the analysis also showed that the current decay in the presence of GABA or glycine was mainly due to a change in the chloride driving force and that receptor desensitization played a minor role only. The role of thermo-sensitive transient receptor potential TRPV1 channels in the regulation of glutamate- and GABA-mediated transmission was studied in the slice preparation, where much of the synaptic connections between neurons are preserved. It was shown that application of the TRPV1 agonist capsaicin increased the frequency of excitatory AMPA receptor- mediated as well as inhibitory GABAA receptor-mediated postsynaptic currents. This effect was partly presynaptic and demonstrates that TRP channels play a role in regulating synaptic transmission in the MPN. The results imply that such mechanisms may possibly contribute to the thermoregulation by MPN neurons.
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Neurotransmission and functional synaptic plasticity in the rat medial preoptic nucleusMalinina, Evgenya January 2009 (has links)
Brain function implies complex information processing in neuronal circuits, critically dependent on the molecular machinery that enables signal transmission across synaptic contacts between neurons. The types of ion channels and receptors in the neuronal membranes vary with neuron types and brain regions and determine whether neuronal responses will be excitatory or inhibitory and often allow for functional synaptic plasticity which is thought to be the basis for much of the adaptability of the nervous system and for our ability to learn and store memories. The present thesis is a study of synaptic transmission in the medial preoptic nucleus (MPN), a regulatory center for several homeostatic functions but with most clearly established roles in reproductive behaviour. The latter behaviour typically shows several distinct phases with dramatically varying neuronal impulse activity and is also subject to experience-dependent modifications. It seems likely that the synapses in the MPN contribute to the behaviour by means of activity-dependent functional plasticity. Synaptic transmission in the MPN, however, has not been extensively studied and is not well understood. The present work was initiated to clarify the synaptic properties in the MPN. The aim was to achieve a better understanding of the functional properties of the MPN, but also to obtain information on the functional roles of ion channel types for neurotransmission and its plastic properties in general. The studies were carried out using a brain slice preparation from rat as well as acutely isolated neurons with adhering nerve terminals. Presynaptic nerve fibres were stimulated electrically or, in a few cases, by raised external K+ concentration, and postsynaptic responses were recorded by tight-seal perforated-patch techniques, often combined with voltage-clamp control of the post-synaptic membrane potential. Glutamate receptors of α-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-izoxazole propionic acid (AMPA) and N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) types were identified as mediating the main excitatory synaptic signals and γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA)A receptors as mediating the main inhibitory signals. Both types of signals were suppressed by serotonin. The efficacy of AMPA-receptor-mediated transmission displayed several types of short-term plasticity, including paired-pulse potentiation and paired-pulse depression, depending on the stimulus rate and pattern. The observed plasticity was attributed to mainly presynaptic mechanisms. To clarify some of the presynaptic factors controlling synaptic efficacy, the role of presynaptic L-type Ca2+ channels, usually assumed not to directly control transmitter release, was investigated. The analysis showed that (i) L-type channels are present in GABA-containing presynaptic terminals on MPN neurons, (ii) that these channels provide a means for differential control of spontaneous and impulse-evoked GABA release and (iii) that this differential control is prominent during short-term synaptic plasticity. A model where Ca2+ influx through L-type channels may lead to reduced GABA release via effects on Ca2+-activated K+ channels, membrane potential and other Ca2+-channel types explains the observed findings. In addition, massive Ca2+ influx through L-type channels during high-frequency stimulation may contribute to increased GABA release during post-tetanic potentiation. In conclusion, the findings obtained in the present study indicate that complex neurotransmission mechanisms and different forms of synaptic plasticity contribute to the specific functional properties of the MPN.
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Propriétés fonctionnelles des réseaux et des neurones corticaux chez l'homme et l'animal atteints d'épilepsie-absence : études électrophysiologiques in vivoChipaux, Mathilde 14 November 2012 (has links) (PDF)
L'épilepsie-absence est un syndrome épileptique dont le principal symptôme est une altération transitoire de la conscience, avec décharges pointes-ondes généralisées, qui ont pour origine un dysfonctionnement dans la boucle cortico-thalamique, et naissant dans une sous-population de neurones pyramidaux localisée dans les couches profondes du cortex somatosensoriel. A l'aide d'enregistrements EEG et intracellulaires in vivo dans un modèle animal: les Genetic Absence Epilepsy Rats from Strasbourg, j'ai examiné comment l'excitation initiale des neurones ictogèniques lors des crises est suivie par une hyperpolarisation synaptique chlore-dépendante, concomitante d'une décharge en bouffées dans les interneurones GABAergiques locaux. Le système GABA exerce un effet strictement inhibiteur et contraint la décharge des neurones ictogéniques dans une fenêtre temporelle étroite. Dans une deuxième étude chez l'homme et chez le GAERS, j'ai exploré comment des informations sensorielles sont traitées au cours des DPO. Chez l'enfant épileptique, des stimulations visuelles résultent en des potentiels évoqués occipitaux, plus amples que chez les sujets non-épileptiques. Des stimulations tactiles chez le GAERS induisent lors des crises des potentiels évoqués dans l'EEG et, dans les neurones pyramidaux sous-jacents, des potentiels synaptiques excitateurs plus amples que dans la condition inter-critique. Les troubles de la conscience lors des absences ne résultent donc pas d'un filtrage des informations sensorielles. L'ensemble des recherches fournit des données nouvelles sur les propriétés fonctionnelles des circuits corticaux exprimant les paroxysmes électriques lors des crises d'absence
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Molecular characterization of GABA receptor subunits from the parasitic nematode Haemonchus contortusSiddiqui, Salma 01 August 2009 (has links)
Haemonchus contortus is a parasitic nematode that is controlled by several nematocides
which target ion channels. We have identified two H. contortus ion channel genes, Hcounc-
49B and C that encode two GABA-gated chloride channel subunits.
Electrophysiological analysis shows that the Hco-UNC-49B subunit forms a functional
homomeric channel in Xenopus laevis oocytes that produces a robust response to GABA
and is highly sensitive to picrotoxin. In contrast, Hco-UNC-49C alone does not respond
to GABA but can assemble with Hco-UNC-49B to form a heteromeric channel with an
increased sensitivity to GABA and a lower sensitivity to picrotoxin. To investigate the
subunit requirements for high agonist sensitivity, we generated cross-assembled channels
by co-expressing the H. contortus subunits with UNC-49 subunits from the nematode
Caenorhabditis elegans (Cel-UNC-49). Co-expressing the Cel-UNC-49B with Hco-
UNC-49C produced a heteromeric channel with a low sensitivity to GABA. In contrast,
co-expressing Hco-UNC-49B with Cel-UNC-49C produced a heteromeric channel that
was highly sensitive to GABA. These results suggest that the Hco-UNC-49B subunit is
the key determinant for the high agonist sensitivity of heteromeric channels.
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Glucose Modulation of the Septo-Hippocampal System: Implications for MemoryKrebs-Kraft, Desiree Lynne 14 December 2006 (has links)
Extensive evidence suggests that glucose has both positive and negative effects on memory and these effects likely involve an influence on the brain. For instance, direct infusions of glucose into the septum (MS) or hippocampus can enhance or impair memory. The present set of experiments attempted to determine the different conditions that dissociate the memory-enhancing and -impairing effects of glucose in rats. Specifically, these experiments examined the effects of glucose in spontaneous alternation, a measure of spatial working memory and shock avoidance, an index of emontional long-term memory. The results showed that the memory-impairing effects of MS infusions of glucose are not concentration-dependent. These data also indicated that the memory-impairing effects of MS glucose elevations are specific to gamma-aminobutyric acid GABA receptor activation but do not depend on increases in MS GABA synthesis or release. Importantly, we showed that the memory-impairing interaction between MS glucose and GABA agonists does not generalize to the hippocampus, suggesting the memory-modulating effects of glucose are brain region-dependent. We showed further that these brain region-dependent effects of glucose are not due to difference in basal extracellular glucose levels. Moreover, these findings showed that the memory-enhancing effects of hippocampus glucose override the memory-impairing interaction between MS glucose and GABA. These findings are important because they are the first to show that the memory-modulating effects of glucose are both neurotransmitter- and brain region-dependent. Furthermore, these findings provide preliminary evidence suggesting that the memory-impairing effects of MS glucose may involve compromised hippocampal function. These data also suggest the memory-impairing effects of MS co-infusions of glucose with GABA agonists likely involve an influence on the GABAergic SH projection. Finally, these findings demonstrate the mnemonic and neurochemical consequences of glucose in the MS and hippocampus, two brain regions affected by normal aging, Alzheimer’s disease, and diabetes.
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The Reorganization of Primary Auditory Cortex by Invasion of Ectopic Visual InputsMao, Yuting 06 May 2012 (has links)
Brain injury is a serious clinical problem. The success of recovery from brain injury involves functional compensation in the affected brain area. We are interested in general mechanisms that underlie compensatory plasticity after brain damage, particularly when multiple brain areas or multiple modalities are included. In this thesis, I studied the function of auditory cortex after recovery from neonatal midbrain damage as a model system that resembles patients with brain damage or sensory dysfunction. I addressed maladaptive changes of auditory cortex after invasion by ectopic visual inputs. I found that auditory cortex contained auditory, visual, and multisensory neurons after it recovered from neonatal midbrain damage (Mao et al. 2011). The distribution of these different neuronal responses did not show any clustering or segregation. As might be predicted from the fact that auditory neurons and visual neurons were intermingled throughout the entire auditory cortex, I found that residual auditory tuning and tonotopy in the rewired auditory cortex were compromised. Auditory tuning curves were broader and tonotopic maps were disrupted in the experimental animals. Because lateral inhibition is proposed to contribute to refinement of sensory maps and tuning of receptive fields, I tested whether loss of inhibition is responsible for the compromised auditory function in my experimental animals. I found an increase rather than a decrease of inhibition in the rewired auditory cortex, suggesting that broader tuning curves in the experimental animals are not caused by loss of lateral inhibition.
These results suggest that compensatory plasticity can be maladaptive and thus impair the recovery of the original sensory cortical function. The reorganization of brain areas after recovery from brain damage may require stronger inhibition in order to process multiple sensory modalities simultaneously. These findings provide insight into compensatory plasticity after sensory dysfunction and brain damage and new information about the role of inhibition in cross-modal plasticity. This study can guide further research on design of therapeutic strategies to encourage adaptive changes and discourage maladaptive changes after brain damage, sensory/motor dysfunction, and deafferentation.
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Contribution à la chimie des flavonoïdes élaboration de squelettes flavylium sophistiqués, nouvelle voie d'accès aux flavan-3-ols et aux proanthocyanidines /Stotz, Marie Brouillard, Raymond. Goeldner, Maurice. January 2008 (has links)
Thèse de doctorat : Chimie organique : Strasbourg 1 : 2008. / Titre provenant de l'écran-titre. Bibliogr. p. 305-321.
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