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Alberto Flores Galindo: marco sociopolítico, fronteras teóricas y proyecto políticoRuíz Zevallos, Augusto 12 April 2018 (has links)
This article aims to lead to a deeper understanding of the political project of Alberto Flores Galindo by examining his intellectual work as an historian. It will begin from an internal perspective by looking at the dynamics involved in the incorporation of theoretical and methodological approaches in which Marxist concepts predominate but then which begin to assimilate non-Marxist concepts and currents. At the same time emphasis on structures gives way to emphasis on subjective interpretations. This dynamics of incorporation came to be the theoretical operating mode which he used as an historian and political intellectual which from 1980 on he began to develop as an intellectual construct for the Peruvian left. In order to understand this development we also need to look at the external context, that is, the social, political, and ideological background which allowed him to go beyond his theoretical frontier and fix new limits. In other words, the changing political ambience in Peru influenced the changes in his political and historical thought. / Este artículo busca entender el proyecto político de Alberto Flores Galindo a partir de su trabajo intelectual como historiador. Realiza una historia interna, precisando la dinámica de incorporación de aproximaciones teóricas y metodológicas que, desde un predominio de lecturas marxistas, se desplazan hacia conceptos de corrientes ajenas al marxismo, y simultáneamente desde un énfasis en las estructuras hacia un énfasis en la subjetividad. Esta dinámica de incorporación será la base teórica para su desempeño como historiador y como intelectual-político que a partir de 1980 empieza a ofrecer un proyecto a la izquierda peruana. A fin de entender lo anterior, también se realiza una historia externa, vinculando los condicionamientos sociales y político-ideológicos de partida —que le permiten, a la vez, ampliar su frontera teórica y fijar sus límites— y las cambiantes coyunturas políticas en el Perú con los cambios operados en su pensamiento histórico-político
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From Text to Textile: An Autoethnographic Exploration of the Guatemalan HuipilPerez-Langley, Olivia Gessella 01 December 2017 (has links)
In this dissertation, I autoethnographically explore the Guatemalan traditional blouse, a huipil, as a cultural object of identity, where the objectification of clothing is blurred as intertextual, and can be seen as both object and art. I argue, the huipil is situated within the purview of Latina/o communication studies, contributing to the conversation of a created, a woven, and a worn mestizaje. In chapter two, I discussed the historical significance of Rigoberta Menchú as a key international historical figure. Who preserves the cultural, historical, and political significance a representation of Guatemalan Indigenous women by continuing to wear her full traditional traje. In chapter three, I moved to discussing the performance art works of Regina José Galindo. I worked to construct a historical view of Guatemala for myself as shown through Galindo’s performance art work. I attempted to find answers to Galindo’s understanding of the huipil. In chapter four, I discuss who further contributed to the overall understanding of the huipil as significant to their cultural, historical, and political orientations as women from Guatemala during my research interviews. I developed a sense of the fabricscape woven to construct an identity based on clothing that communicatively segregates the Indigena and Ladina women into those categories. Finally, I turned to the Guatemalan experiences I had as family member, friend, and American scholar focusing on the huipil. The textile that carried me through my journey to and from Guatemala. I dressed the part of the dissertation as I wear this meaning in Mi Huipil and weave this document from and back into that embodied experience.
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Cultura política de izquierda y cultura impresa en el Perú contemporáneo (1968-1990): Alberto Flores Galindo y la formación de un intelectual público*Aguirre, Carlos 12 April 2018 (has links)
Este artículo explora las conexiones entre el trabajo profesional como historiador de Alberto Flores Galindo, su papel como intelectual público y la cultura política de izquierda en la que él se formó como miembro de la llamada generación del 68. El artículo muestra que, como partícipe de una forma de hacer política en la cual la palabra impresa desempeñó un papel crucial, Flores Galindo desarrolló una creativa y obsesiva relación con el libro y la cultura impresa,cuya reconstrucción nos ayuda a entender los mecanismos de formación de un intelectual público.---This article explores the connections between the work of Alberto Flores Galindo as a professional historian, his role as a public intellectual, and the leftist political culture in which he was formed as a member of the so-called 1968 generation.The article shows that, as a participant in a style of doing politics in which the printed word played a crucial role, Flores Galindo developed a creative and obsessive relationship with the book and the printed culture, the reconstruction of which helps us to understand the mechanisms which go into the formation of a public intellectual.
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Manual de estudio sobre las estrategias argumentativas y la polémica académica en torno al ensayo histórico Buscando un inca de Alberto Flores GalindoNación Pantigoso, Roberto Luis 05 March 2024 (has links)
El presente trabajo es un material didáctico dirigido a estudiantes universitarios que
expone las principales estrategias argumentativas utilizadas en la escritura académica: la generalización, definición, el razonamiento pragmático y la contrargumentación. Para ello, se han seleccionado cuatro capítulos de Buscando un inca (2008),
obra de Alberto Flores Galindo compuesta por un conjunto de ensayos cuya hipo tesis principal, la “utopía andina”, origino una pole mica en el campo historiográfico y
político peruanos de finales del siglo XX. A través de la teoría de la argumentación,
se analizara n los siguientes ensayos: “Europa y el país de los incas: la utopía andina”,
“La revolución tupamarista y los pueblos andinos”, “El horizonte utópico” y “El Perú
hirviente de estos días”. Para el análisis de la contrargumentación se han selecciona
tres textos que cuestionan la tesis de la “utopía andina” desde diferentes disciplinas.
Sus autores son el historiador Nelson Manrique, el filósofo Miguel Giusti y el antropólogo Carlos Iván de Gregori. De esta manera, se demostrara la maleabilidad de estas cuatro estrategias, pues cada una de ellas puede ser utilizada en diferentes contextos, ya sea en todo un ensayo o en una parte de este, o complementarse entre sí
al presentarse ma s de una estrategia en un mismo argumento.
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Constructing Provably Secure Identity-Based Signature SchemesChethan Kamath, H January 2013 (has links) (PDF)
An identity-based cryptosystem (IBC) is a public-key system where the public key can be represented by any arbitrary string such as an e-mail address. The notion was introduced by Shamir with the primary goal of simplifying certificate management. An identity-based signature(IBS) is the identity-based counter part of a digital signature.
In the first (and primary) part of the work, we take a closer look at an IBS due to Galindo and Garcia–GG-IBS, for short. GG-IBS is derived through a simple and elegant concatenation of two Schnorr signatures and, importantly, does not rely on pairing. The security is established through two algorithms (both of) which use the Multiple-Forking(MF) Algorithm to reduce the problem of computing the discrete logarithm to breaking the IBS. Our focus is on the security argument : It turns out that the argument is flawed and, as a remedy, we sketch a new security argument. However, the resulting security bound is still quite loose, chiefly due to the usage of the MF Algorithm. We explore possible avenues for improving this bound and , to this end, introduce two notions pertaining to random oracles termed dependency and independency. Incorporating (in) dependency allows us to launch the nested replay attack far more effectively than in the MF Algorithm leading to a cleaner,(significantly) tighter security argument for GG-IBS, completing the final piece of the GG-IBS jigsaw.
The second part of the work pertains to the notion of selective-identity (sID) for IBCs. The focus is on the problem of constructing a fully-secure IBS given an sID-secure IBS without using random oracles and with reasonable security degradation.
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Actualizing Sonic, Visual, and Physical Territories of Hope:An Examination of Practices of Autonomy in Andean Urban Spaces (2003-2020)Shipley, Caroline Rebecca Edella January 2020 (has links)
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