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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Control of Gantry and Tower Cranes

Omar, Hanafy M. 27 January 2003 (has links)
The main objective of this work is to design robust, fast, and practical controllers for gantry and tower cranes. The controllers are designed to transfer the load from point to point as fast as possible and, at the same time, the load swing is kept small during the transfer process and completely vanishes at the load destination. Moreover, variations of the system parameters, such as the cable length and the load weight, are also included. Practical considerations, such as the control action power, and the maximum acceleration and velocity, are taken into account. In addition, friction effects are included in the design using a friction-compensation technique. The designed controllers are based on two approaches. In the first approach, a gain-scheduling feedback controller is designed to move the load from point to point within one oscillation cycle without inducing large swings. The settling time of the system is taken to be equal to the period of oscillation of the load. This criterion enables calculation of the controller feedback gains for varying load weight and cable length. The position references for this controller are step functions. Moreover, the position and swing controllers are treated in a unified way. In the second approach, the transfer process and the swing control are separated in the controller design. This approach requires designing two controllers independently: an anti-swing controller and a tracking controller. The objective of the anti-swing controller is to reduce the load swing. The tracking controller is responsible for making the trolley follow a reference position trajectory. We use a PD-controller for tracking, while the anti-swing controller is designed using three different methods: (a) a classical PD controller, (b) two controllers based on a delayed-feedback technique, and (c) a fuzzy logic controller that maps the delayed-feedback controller performance. To validate the designed controllers, an experimental setup was built. Although the designed controllers work perfectly in the computer simulations, the experimental results are unacceptable due to the high friction in the system. This friction deteriorates the system response by introducing time delay, high steady-state error in the trolley and tower positions, and high residual load swings. To overcome friction in the tower-crane model, we estimate the friction, then we apply an opposite control action to cancel it. To estimate the friction force, we assume a mathematical model and estimate the model coefficients using an off-line identification technique using the method of least squares. With friction compensation, the experimental results are in good agreement with the computer simulations. The gain-scheduling controllers transfer the load smoothly without inducing an overshoot in the trolley position. Moreover, the load can be transferred in a time near to the optimal time with small swing angles during the transfer process. With full-state feedback, the crane can reach any position in the working environment without exceeding the system power capability by controlling the forward gain in the feedback loop. For large distances, we have to decrease this gain, which in turn slows the transfer process. Therefore, this approach is more suitable for short distances. The tracking-anti-swing control approach is usually associated with overshoots in the translational and rotational motions. These overshoots increase with an increase in the maximum acceleration of the trajectories . The transfer time is longer than that obtained with the first approach. However, the crane can follow any trajectory, which makes the controller cope with obstacles in the working environment. Also, we do not need to recalculate the feedback gains for each transfer distance as in the gain-scheduling feedback controller. / Ph. D.

Náhon posuvové souřadnice portálového obráběcího centra pomocí pastorku a hřebene / The drive of the feed coordinate portal machining center using a rack and pinion

Bartoš, Michal January 2019 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the design the drive of the feed coordinate portal machining center using a gear rack and pinion. The thesis contains researches from the area of CNC machining centers for non-rotating parts and sliding linear systems. Market analysis of portal machining centers of type of lower gantry with a gear rack and pinion was done. Furthermore, several design variants are proposed in terms of positioning the drive on the machine. These variants were further compared and the best option was selected for the specified machine. Subsequently, the technical calculation of the drive is performed and individual parameters and structural elements are proposed. The thesis also includes a 3D model of the proposed variant and the required drawing documentation.

Modelagem paramétrica de pórticos rolantes: estabilidade estrutural e otimização. / Gantry cranes parametric modeling: structural stability and optimization.

Sobue, Gustavo 29 July 2005 (has links)
O objetivo deste trabalho é desenvolver uma ferramenta de automatização de cálculo para projeto estrutural de pórticos rolantes. Com o apoio da geração automática de um modelo de elementos finitos e um memorial de cálculo, o projeto estrutural desses equipamentos pode ser rapidamente verificado quanto ao limite de escoamento do material e resistência à flambagem. Optou-se pela utilização do método dos elementos finitos para o cálculo estrutural, pois se trata de uma ferramenta de cálculo moderna, que permite avaliar soluções para as quais não há ferramentas analíticas disponíveis. Porém, o tempo para geração de modelos de cálculo pode ser longo em relação ao cronograma do projeto, principalmente se houver a necessidade de se alterar a geometria inicial ou se existirem várias condições de carregamento a serem analisadas. A utilização de um pré-processador permite que várias alternativas sejam analisadas para escolha da que melhor atenda aos requisitos de projeto e de custo. Assim como ocorre com outras estruturas de engenharia, não existe uma equação de dimensionamento, mas sim de verificação; as estruturas ótimas são procuradas por tentativa e erro com base na experiência do projetista. Para facilitar a busca de uma estrutura ótima, implementou-se também uma rotina para otimizar as estruturas metálicas do pórtico. Adotou-se como função objetivo nesta implementação a minimização da massa, o que no caso dos pórticos implica em redução da área da seção transversal das vigas. Como restrições a esta redução adotaram-se o limite de escoamento do material e limite de estabilidade da estrutura (flambagem). Foram utilizados os aplicativos Excel (Microsoft), Ansys (Ansys Inc.) e Mathcad (Mathsoft) de maneira integrada a fim de se obter uma interface amigável, uma análise estrutural confiável e a elaboração automática de um memorial de cálculo. / The objective of this work is to develop a tool to generate an automatic structural design of gantry cranes. With an automatic generation of finite element models and also a design report, this routine allows a fast verification against yield of material and structural instability. The use of the finite element method was chosen for the structural design because it is a modern analysis tool that permits the evaluation of geometric configurations for which there are no analytical formulations available. However, the time necessary to build these models may be high, especially if there are changes in the initial geometry and many load cases. The use of a pre-processor allows the evaluation of a series of geometric alternatives, within which would be chosen the one with the lowest cost that attends the client’s specifications. Like many other engineering problems, there are no direct equations to find an adequate structure; there are only verification procedures available; the optimum structures are searched by trial and error, based on the designers’ experience. To accelerate this search process, an optimization routine was developed. Mass reduction was adopted as the objective function, which leads to reduction of the cross section area of the beams. Yield strength and buckling were adopted as restrictions to this optimization. Excel (Microsoft), Ansys (Ansys Inc) and Mathcad (Mathsoft) software were integrated to provide an user-friendly interface, reliable structural analysis and an automatic report generation.

Evaluations des doses dues aux neutrons secondaires reçues par des patients de différents âges traités par protonthérapie pour des tumeurs intracrâniennes / Secondary neutron doses received by patients of different ages during intracranial proton therapy treatments

Sayah, Rima 19 October 2012 (has links)
La protonthérapie est une technique avancée de radiothérapie qui permet de délivrer une dose élevée à la tumeur, tout en épargnant au mieux les tissus sains environnants, grâce aux propriétés balistiques des protons. Cependant, des particules secondaires, principalement des neutrons, sont créées par les interactions nucléaires que les protons initient dans les composantes de la ligne et de la salle de traitement, ainsi que dans le patient. Ces neutrons secondaires conduisent à des doses indésirables déposées aux tissus sains situés à distance du volume cible, dont la conséquence pourrait être une augmentation du risque de développement de seconds cancers chez les patients traités et en particulier chez les enfants. Cette thèse a pour objectif d’évaluer par calcul les doses dues aux neutrons secondaires reçues par des patients de différents âges traités à l’Institut Curie- centre de protonthérapie d’Orsay (ICPO) par des faisceaux de protons de 178 MeV pour des tumeurs intracrâniennes. Les traitements sont réalisés dans la nouvelle salle de l’ICPO équipée d’un bras isocentrique IBA. Les composants de la ligne et de la salle de traitement ainsi que la source de protons ont été modélisés à l’aide du code de calcul Monte Carlo MCNPX. Le modèle obtenu a été validé par une série de comparaisons de calculs à des mesures expérimentales. Ces comparaisons ont concerné : a) les distributions de doses latérales et en profondeur du faisceau de protons primaire dans un fantôme d’eau, b) la spectrométrie des neutrons en une point de la salle, c) les équivalents de doses ambiants en différents points de la salle et d) les doses à distance du volume cible au sein d’un fantôme physique anthropomorhe. Des accords satisfaisants ont été obtenus entre les calculs et les mesures, permettant ainsi de considérer le modèle comme validé.Les fantômes hybrides-voxels de différents âges, développés par l’Université de Floride ont été ensuite introduits dans le modèle et des calculs de doses dues aux neutrons secondaires aux différents organes de ces fantômes ont été réalisés. Les doses diminuent lorsque la distance de l’organe au champ de traitement augmente et lorsque l’âge du patient augmente. Un patient de 1 an peut recevoir des doses deux fois plus élevées qu’un adulte. La dose maximale, égale à 16,5 mGy pour un traitement délivrant 54 Gy à la tumeur, est reçue, pour le fantôme de 1 an, par les glandes salivaires. Une incidence latérale (gauche ou droite) du faisceau de protons peut délivrer des doses deux fois plus élevées qu’une incidence supérieure (gauche ou droite), et quatre fois plus élevées qu’une incidence antéro-supérieure pour certains organes. Des doses équivalentes aux organes dues aux neutrons ont été aussi calculées. Les facteurs de pondération wR des neutrons varient entre 4 et 10, et les doses équivalentes atteignent au maximum 155 mSv au cours d’un traitement complet. / Proton therapy is an advanced radiation therapy technique that allows delivering high doses to the tumor while saving the healthy surrounding tissues due to the protons’ ballistic properties. However, secondary particles, especially neutrons, are created during protons’ nuclear reactions in the beam-line and the treatment room components, as well as inside the patient. Those secondary neutrons lead to unwanted dose deposition to the healthy tissues located at distance from the target, which may increase the secondary cancer risks to the patients, especially the pediatric ones. The aim of this work was to calculate the neutron secondary doses received by patients of different ages treated at the Institut Curie-centre de Protonthérapie d’Orsay (ICPO) for intracranial tumors, using a 178 MeV proton beam. The treatments are undertaken at the new ICPO room equipped with an IBA gantry. The treatment room and the beam-line components, as well as the proton source were modeled using the Monte Carlo code MCNPX. The obtained model was then validated by a series of comparisons between model calculations and experimental measurements. The comparisons concerned: a) depth and lateral proton dose distributions in a water phantom, b) neutron spectrometry at one position in the treatment room, c) ambient dose equivalents at different positions in the treatment room and d) secondary absorbed doses inside a physical anthropomorphic phantom. A general good agreement was found between calculations and measurements, thus our model was considered as validated. The University of Florida hybrid voxelized phantoms of different ages were introduced into the MCNPX validated model, and secondary neutron doses were calculated to many of these phantoms’ organs. The calculated doses were found to decrease as the organ’s distance to the treatment field increases and as the patient’s age increases. The secondary doses received by a one year-old patient may be two times higher than the doses received by an adult. A maximum dose of 16.5 mGy for a whole treatment delivering 54 Gy to the tumor was calculated to the salivary glands of a one year-old phantom. The calculated doses for a lateral proton beam incidence (left or right) may be, for some organs, two times higher than doses for an upper incidence (left or right) and four times higher than doses for an antero-superior incidence. Neutron equivalent doses were also calculated for some organs. The neutron weighting factors wR were found to vary between 4 and 10 and the equivalent doses for the considered organs reached at maximum 155 mSv during a whole treatment.

Analyse de systèmes multi-actionneurs parallèles par une approche graphique causale - application a un processus électromécanique de positionnement rapide

Gomand, Julien 04 December 2008 (has links) (PDF)
L'augmentation des cadences de production nécessite la recherche de performances dynamiques toujours plus élevées pour les dispositifs de positionnement, conduisant à l'utilisation d'axes multi-actionneurs parallèles. Une configuration bi-actionnée en gantry est une solution mécanique qui permet de conférer une accélération élevée à l'axe, mais pose la problématique de la synchronisation des actionneurs mis en collaboration. Un état de l'art de la commande de tels dispositifs électromécaniques met en évidence un manque général de prise en compte du couplage mécanique entre les deux actionneurs, conduisant à des architectures de commande complexes sur le plan structurel et du réglage. L'approche proposée dans cette étude constitue une alternative à ces commandes en mettant en œuvre une approche graphique structurée selon les lois de la causalité physique. Dans un premier temps, l'axe en gantry sert de support à l'étude de propriétés graphiques du formalisme Graphe Informationnel Causal (GIC) développé au L2EP. L'ordonnancement des représentations selon la causalité intégrale conduit à une simplification globale de l'analyse structurelle des systèmes physiques, facilitant le choix des variables d'état indépendantes à contrôler. La modélisation dynamique proposée pour l'axe considéré, associée à des méthodes d'identification expérimentale, est exploitée pour la déduction d'architectures de commande et de méthodes de réglage permettant d'améliorer les performances de synchronisation dynamique des deux actionneurs par une meilleure gestion du couplage. Les problématiques de la modélisation et de la compensation des ondulations de force générées par les moteurs linéaires synchrones à aimants permanents, ainsi que de la gestion énergétique de l'ensemble de l'axe sont également abordées.

Modelagem paramétrica de pórticos rolantes: estabilidade estrutural e otimização. / Gantry cranes parametric modeling: structural stability and optimization.

Gustavo Sobue 29 July 2005 (has links)
O objetivo deste trabalho é desenvolver uma ferramenta de automatização de cálculo para projeto estrutural de pórticos rolantes. Com o apoio da geração automática de um modelo de elementos finitos e um memorial de cálculo, o projeto estrutural desses equipamentos pode ser rapidamente verificado quanto ao limite de escoamento do material e resistência à flambagem. Optou-se pela utilização do método dos elementos finitos para o cálculo estrutural, pois se trata de uma ferramenta de cálculo moderna, que permite avaliar soluções para as quais não há ferramentas analíticas disponíveis. Porém, o tempo para geração de modelos de cálculo pode ser longo em relação ao cronograma do projeto, principalmente se houver a necessidade de se alterar a geometria inicial ou se existirem várias condições de carregamento a serem analisadas. A utilização de um pré-processador permite que várias alternativas sejam analisadas para escolha da que melhor atenda aos requisitos de projeto e de custo. Assim como ocorre com outras estruturas de engenharia, não existe uma equação de dimensionamento, mas sim de verificação; as estruturas ótimas são procuradas por tentativa e erro com base na experiência do projetista. Para facilitar a busca de uma estrutura ótima, implementou-se também uma rotina para otimizar as estruturas metálicas do pórtico. Adotou-se como função objetivo nesta implementação a minimização da massa, o que no caso dos pórticos implica em redução da área da seção transversal das vigas. Como restrições a esta redução adotaram-se o limite de escoamento do material e limite de estabilidade da estrutura (flambagem). Foram utilizados os aplicativos Excel (Microsoft), Ansys (Ansys Inc.) e Mathcad (Mathsoft) de maneira integrada a fim de se obter uma interface amigável, uma análise estrutural confiável e a elaboração automática de um memorial de cálculo. / The objective of this work is to develop a tool to generate an automatic structural design of gantry cranes. With an automatic generation of finite element models and also a design report, this routine allows a fast verification against yield of material and structural instability. The use of the finite element method was chosen for the structural design because it is a modern analysis tool that permits the evaluation of geometric configurations for which there are no analytical formulations available. However, the time necessary to build these models may be high, especially if there are changes in the initial geometry and many load cases. The use of a pre-processor allows the evaluation of a series of geometric alternatives, within which would be chosen the one with the lowest cost that attends the client’s specifications. Like many other engineering problems, there are no direct equations to find an adequate structure; there are only verification procedures available; the optimum structures are searched by trial and error, based on the designers’ experience. To accelerate this search process, an optimization routine was developed. Mass reduction was adopted as the objective function, which leads to reduction of the cross section area of the beams. Yield strength and buckling were adopted as restrictions to this optimization. Excel (Microsoft), Ansys (Ansys Inc) and Mathcad (Mathsoft) software were integrated to provide an user-friendly interface, reliable structural analysis and an automatic report generation.

Návrh malé modelářské CNC frézky s pohyblivým stolem / Design of small modeling CNC milling machine with movable table

Havlíček, Ondřej January 2019 (has links)
This master thesis deals with the constructional design of small CNC milling machine with a sliding table. The first part of the work describes small CNC milling machines currently available on the market. Based on the result of the literature review, the small CNC milling machine was constructed with respect to the currently available trends, including sizing and drawing documentation of the machine.

Design počítačového tomografu / Design of Computer Tomography Scanner

Ronzová, Gabriela January 2013 (has links)
The presented master thesis concerns an own design concept of a CT scanner that meet the basic technical, ergonomical and social requirements and also brings a new look and shape as solution to the main topic.

Konstrukční návrh portálové CNC frézky / Design of gantry CNC milling machine

Ludva, Jan January 2016 (has links)
This master’s thesis deals with a design of a portal CNC milling machine. The thesis contains a description of milling machine’s single types, analysis of Czech and foreign market and analysis of basic milling machine’s groups. The work includes calculating of cutting forces and moments of a chosen tool, choice of spindle and design of axe’s drive systems. The thesis also includes 3D model of the chosen variant, it’s by a method of final elements and finally drawing documentation.

Jeřáb pro manipulaci s leteckými agregáty / Aviation maintenace crane

Bureš, Martin January 2013 (has links)
This master´s thesis solves design of a mobile crane for handling air aggregates and ejection seats. Handling crane provides lifting a maximum weight of 300 kg to a height of 4600 mm. Subject of the work is the choice of appropriate technical solutions, design of lifting mechanisms, supporting structures and accessories. The suitability of the solution is checked by strength analysis of individual units. Another task is to provide mobility equipment and control stability against overturning. The appendix includes protocols static analysis of the program Nexis32, drawing overall crane assembly and manufacturing drawings selected parts.

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