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Carbon dioxide response of semiconducting oxide gas sensitive resistorsAdewoyin, Aiyeyemi Anike January 1998 (has links)
No description available.
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An infrared spectrometer based on a MEMS fresnel zone plate for measuring dissolved gases in high voltage equipmentGlowacki, Pawel 23 March 2017 (has links)
This thesis presents a unique design for an infrared spectrometer based on a MEMS Binary Fresnel Zone Plate for the purpose of assessing the health of oil-impregnated high voltage (HV) equipment. It does so by measuring dissolved gases within it. These gases include carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, methane, ethane, ethylene, and acetylene. These gases are currently measured using numerous technologies such as gas combustion, gas chromatography, photoacoustic spectroscopy, and FTIR spectroscopy. Each of these technologies have their advantages and disadvantages. The design presented in this thesis consists of an analysis of how the various Binary Zone Plate parameters affect its spectral resolution and transmission efficiency. Simulations show that increasing the number of zones and the focal length, as well as decreasing the aperture diameter, increases the spectral resolution of the spectrometer. Simulations also show that transmission efficiency is proportional to the number of zones and the aperture diameter. This thesis presents a theoretical argument for how one zone plate lens can be used to measure all dissolved gases present in HV equipment. Lenses for the visible and infrared ranges were fabricated in the University of Manitoba NSFL Cleanroom. The lenses were then tested in an optical setup. The results show that the visible light experiments were successful in achieving appropriate spectral discrimination by changing the distance between the aperture and the lens. The results from the infrared experiment show that a detector was able to discriminate between full and no incident radiation. / May 2017
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Ventilação mecânica em bezerros clonados: bases para sua utilização nos distúrbios respiratórios de neonatos bovinos / Mechanical ventilation in cloned calves: Bases for use in respiratory disorders of newborns calvesYasuoka, Melina Marie 05 December 2016 (has links)
A monitorização após o parto é necessária a manutenção da vida nos bezerros clonados. É imperativo que os protocolos e procedimentos, bem como a avaliação clínica dos sistemas cardiovascular e respiratório sejam aprimorados para a sobrevida dos clones. As avaliações que permitam averiguar a capacidade de oxigenação dos pulmões são de crucial importância na assistência ao neonato, sendo que para essa finalidade tem-se recomendado a utilização da hemogasometria. O estudo foi dividido em quatro capítulos, sendo o 1 º Capítulo: Comparação das diferenças da adaptação neonatal de bezerros da raça Nelore(n=10) e de bezerros da raça Holandesa(n=10) nas trocas gasosas e nos parâmetros hemodinâmicos obtidos por meio do cateter de Swan-Ganz, o 2 º Capítulo: Avaliação da hemodinâmica e da hemogasometria de bezerros clonados(n=3), e o 3º Capítulo: Relato da utilização da ventilação mecânica não invasiva - modo CPAP- no tratamento de hipóxia neonatal em 10 bezerros e o 4º Capítulo: Avaliação hemodinâmica e hemogasométrica de bezerros neonatos com distúrbios respiratórios submetidos a ventilação mecânica não invasiva com mascara facial modo ventilatório CPAP (n=12). O objetivo deste trabalho será padronizar a utilização de ventiladores em bezerros neonatos dando o suporte respiratório necessário, avaliando hemodinâmicas da pressão da artéria pulmonar, freqüência cardíaca, débito cardíaco por meio da utilização do cateter de Swan-Ganz, a hemogasometria de sangue arterial para avaliação dos distúrbios respiratórios e obtenção dos valores de normalidade dos parâmetros, além de conhecer a adaptação neonatal das raças Nelore e holandesa. Foram determinadas média pressão artéria pulmonar, pressão artéria pulmonar ocluída, pressão ventrículo direito, pressão átrio direito, temperatura, pH, pCO2, pO2, HCO3, BE, SO2. Os animais foram ventilados modo CPAP- ventilação mecânica não invasiva com mascara facial com pressão positiva no final da expiração(PEEP). / Monitoring after calving is required for the maintenance of life in cloned calves. It is imperative that protocols and procedures, as well as the clinical assessment of cardiovascular and respiratory systems are improved for the survival of clones. Evaluations in order to verify the oxygenation capacity of lungs are crucial in neonatal care, and for this purpose has recommended the use of blood gas analysis. The study was divided into four chapters, the 1st chapter: Comparison of differences in neonatal adaptation of Nellore calves (n = 10) and Holstein calves (n = 10) in gas exchange and hemodynamic parameters obtained by through the Swan-Ganz, the 2nd Chapter: hemodynamic evaluation and blood gas analysis of cloned calves (n = 3), and the 3rd Chapter: Reporting the use of noninvasive mechanical ventilation - CPAP- in the treatment of neonatal hypoxic 10 calves and Chapter 4: hemodynamic evaluation and hemogasometric of newborn calves with respiratory disorders underwent noninvasive ventilation with face mask ventilation mode CPAP (n = 12). The purpose of this study is to standardize the use of mechanical ventilators in newborn calves giving the required respiratory support, evaluating hemodynamic pulmonary artery pressure, heart rate, cardiac output by using of the Swan-Ganz catheter, arterial blood gas analysis to evaluation of respiratory disorders and obtaining the parameters normal values, and know the neonatal adaptation of Nellore and Hostein Frisian races. They were determined means of pulmonary artery pressure, pulmonary artery wedge pressure, right ventricular pressure, right atrial pressure, temperature, pH, pCO2, pO2, HCO 3, BE, SO 2. The animals were ventilated CPAP- noninvasive ventilation mode with face mask with positive pressure at the end of expiration (PEEP)
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A melatonina protege o pulmão na síndrome hepatopulmonar experimentalDal Bosco, Adriane January 2017 (has links)
Base teórica: A Síndrome Hepatopulmonar (SHP) caracteriza-se por uma tríade clínica que inclui doença hepática, anormalidades em trocas gasosas e presença de dilatações vasculares pulmonares, sendo a obstrução prolongada do ducto biliar utilizada em modelos experimentais de cirrose biliar secundária que leva a reações inflamatórias agudas, podendo, ainda, ocasionar alterações sistêmicas. Animais com cirrose induzida experimentalmente por ligadura de ducto biliar (LDB) apresentam aumento do estresse oxidativo no tecido hepático, mas a inter-relação com o tecido pulmonar ainda não está bem esclarecida. O estresse oxidativo desempenha papel central na patogênese e na progressão de doenças crônicas, e o uso de antioxidantes tem sido proposto como agente terapêutico para compensar danos sistêmicos e hepáticos. Em estudos em que a utilização da melatonina foi comparada com a utilização de outros antioxidantes conhecidos como as vitaminas C e E, tal componente mostrou-se mais eficiente na redução do estresse oxidativo/nitrosativo, demonstrando que a melatonina atua como potente antioxidante. Objetivo: A presente tese teve como objetivo investigar o efeito do antioxidante Melatonina sobre o tecido pulmonar no modelo experimental de Síndrome Hepatopulmonar por ligadura de ducto biliar. Métodos: O trabalho está dividido em três partes: Parte I- Artigo de revisão intitulado “Hepatopulmonary Syndrome: Oxidative Stress and Physical Exercise,” enviado para publicação no periódico European Medical Journal; Parte II- Artigo original intitulado “Efeitos da melatonina sobre o tecido pulmonar no modelo experimental de síndrome hepatopulmonar”, enviado para o periódico Jornal de Pneumologia; Parte III- Artigo original intitulado “Efeitos da melatonina sobre o tecido hepático e pulmonar em animais com síndrome hepatopulmonar por ligadura do ducto biliar”, a ser enviado para o periódico Digestive Diseases and Sciences. Foi utilizado o modelo de cirrose biliar secundária, induzida pelo modelo de ligadura de ducto biliar (LDB), com ratos machos Wistar, pesando ± 300 gramas, divididos em quatro grupos: CO (controle), CO+MLT, SHP e SHP+MLT. Os animais foram tratados com MLT a partir do 15° dia e com LDB até o 28° dia. No 29° dia, mediante administração de fármacos anestésicos, foram coletados sangue, fígado, pulmão e fêmur. Resultados: Nos artigos II e III, ao se avaliar as transaminases, observou-se aumento significativo nas enzimas ALT, AST e FA no grupo SHP quando comparadas aos grupos controles, o que determina a presença de doença hepática. Posteriormente à administração da 7 melatonina, houve diminuição significativa do grupo SHP+MLT quando comparado ao grupo SHP na avaliação da lipoperoxidação, atividade das enzimas Catalase (CAT), superóxido dismutase (SOD) e glutationa Peroxidade (GPx), bem como na de Nitritos/Nitratos (NO2/NO3) e no sistema inflamatório, quando da avaliação da expressão da Óxido Nítrico Sintase Induzível (iNOS) e da região p65 do fator de transcrição nuclear-kB (NF-kB). Também houve diferença na gasometria arterial e na histologia do tecido pulmonar pelas técnicas de Hematoxilina e Eosina e Picrosírius, especialmente no diâmetro dos vasos pulmonares. Ao avaliar o dano ao DNA pelo Ensaio Cometa, foi observado aumento do índice e da frequência de dano no grupo SHP, com redução após o uso da MLT. Conclusão: Os resultados sugerem efeito protetor da melatonina no tecido hepático e pulmonar, no modelo de Síndrome Hepatopulmonar por ligadura de ducto biliar. / Background: Hepatopulmonary syndrome (HPS) is clinically characterized by a combination of liver disease, gas exchange abnormalities, and pulmonary vascular dilation. Prolonged biliary duct obstruction was used in experimental models of secondary biliary cirrhosis leading to acute inflammatory reactions and possibly to systemic changes. Animals with cirrhosis experimentally induced by biliary duct ligation (BDL) showed increased oxidative stress in liver tissue, but the lung tissue has not been investigated yet. Oxidative stress has a key role in the pathogenesis and progression of chronic diseases, and antioxidants have been proposed as therapeutic agents to compensate for systemic and liver damages. In studies comparing melatonin with other known antioxidants such as vitamins C and E, melatonin was found to be more efficient in reducing oxidative/nitrosative stress, showing that it is a potent antioxidant. Objective: The present doctoral dissertation aimed to investigate the effect of the antioxidant melatonin on lung and liver tissues in an experimental model of BDL-induced HPS. Methods: This dissertation is divided into three parts: Part I consists of the review article entitled “Hepatopulmonary Syndrome: Oxidative Stress and Physical Exercise,” which was submitted to the European Medical Journal; Part II consists of the original article entitled “Efeitos da melatonina sobre o tecido pulmonar no modelo experimental de síndrome hepatopulmonar”, which was submitted to Jornal de Pneumologia; and Part III consists of the original article entitled “Effects of melatonin on liver and lung tissues of animals with bile duct ligation-induced hepatopulmonary syndrome”, which will be submitted to Digestive Diseases and Sciences. A model of secondary BDL-induced biliary cirrhosis was used in male Wistar rats weighing ± 300 g and divided into four groups: control group (CG), CG+MLT, HPS, and HPS+MLT. Animals were treated with MLT or vehicle from day 15 to day 28 after BDL. On day 29, blood, liver, lung, and femur samples were collected after the administration of anesthetic drugs. Results: As for transminases, papers II e III found that there was a significant increase in enzymes ALT, AST e FA in the HPS group compared with the control groups, which indicates the presence of liver disease. The administration of melatonin led to a significant decrease in the HPS group compared with the control groups with regard to the following variables: lipid peroxidation; catalase, superoxide dismutase, and glutathione peroxidase activity; nitrite/nitrate ratio; and inducible nitric oxide synthase and p65 region of nuclear factor kappa B. There were also differences in blood gas analysis and histology of lung tissues as assessed by hematoxylin and eosin (HE) and picrosirius red staining, especially in the diameter of pulmonary vessels. The comet assay revealed an increase the index and frequency of DNA damage in the HPS group compared with the control groups, but these parameters were reduced with the use of melatonin in the HPS+MLT group. Conclusion: Results suggest that melatonin has a protective effect in liver and lung tissues using a BLD-induce HPS model.
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Assistência clínica materna e neonatal às diferentes condições obstétricas em bovinos da raça Holandesa / Maternal and neonatal clinical assistance under distinct obstetrical conditions in Holstein cattleJaqueline Aguiar Rodrigues 17 September 2008 (has links)
Com o avanço de novas biotécnicas da reprodução (TE, FIV e Clonagem), exige-se o controle mais acurado da gestação e do parto, em razão dos problemas obstétricos decorrentes do nascimento de produtos com crescimento exacerbado ou com menor vitalidade por disfunções placentárias. Desta forma, a redução da mortalidade neonatal justifica-se por acompanhar o aprimoramento na área, visando ao bem-estar materno e neonatal, como também aos interesses do mercado pecuário. As distocias podem comprometer o fluxo sangüíneo materno-fetal e a ocitocina utilizada como agente ecbólico nas atonias uterinas pode aumentar o estresse do parto. Os objetivos deste estudo foram: identificar alterações do escore Apgar de vitalidade neonatal, temperatura corpórea, hemogasometria arterial, glicemia e cortisol ao nascimento e 1 hora pós-parto de neonatos nascidos em distintas condições obstétricas e verificar modificações da pressão arterial (PA), freqüência cardíaca, eletrocardiograma, glicemia e cortisol de vacas no pré-parto, intra-parto, pós-parto imediato e após 1 hora. Foram utilizadas 30 fêmeas bovinas e 30 bezerros da raça Holandesa subdivididos em: Grupo Eutocia (G EUT; n=10); Grupo Distocia com extração fetal forçada moderada a intensa (G DIST; n=10) e Grupo Atonia ou hipotonia uterina com infusão de Ocitocina (50UI) (G OCT; n=10). As vacas apresentaram hiperglicemia de estresse apenas 1 hora pós-parto no G EUT e G OCT, no entanto, já no intra-parto no G DIST. A distocia também elevou os níveis de cortisol no pós-parto imediato. Houve acréscimo significativo da PA no intra-parto do G DIST, decorrente de contrações uterinas e abdominais mais intensas. Os traçados eletrocardiográficos denotaram ritmo sinusal normal em todos os períodos. Os resultados demonstram adaptação hemodinâmica materna frente às alterações do parto, mesmo com infusão exógena de ocitocina. Os neonatos do G DIST ao nascimento apresentaram menor vitalidade (escore Apgar) e maior estresse (nível de cortisol) em relação aos demais grupos. Os bezerros apresentaram normotermia, a despeito da redução da temperatura corpórea 1 hora pós-parto, e mantiveram-se normoglicêmicos. Ainda, os valores de base-excess, HCO3- e pO2 eram baixos, enquanto os níveis de Anion-gap e pCO2, elevados. No entanto, apenas no G DIST observou-se acidose mista (metabólica e respiratória) evidente (pH<7,20), indicando maior grau de sofrimento fetal e redução do suprimento sangüíneo durante o parto. Os bezerros do G OCT apresentaram pCO2 superior e pO2 inferior aos demais grupos ao nascimento. A infusão de ocitocina pode promover padrões de contração uterina diferenciados, comprometendo ainda mais a oxigenação fetal. A ocitocina alterou momentaneamente as variáveis hemodinâmicas maternas com possível efeito bradicárdico e hipotensor intra-parto, promovendo menor adaptabilidade respiratória neonatal e, portanto, impondo assistência mais criteriosa ao nascimento. Todos os bezerros apresentaram reduzidos valores de hematócrito e hemoglobina, em decorrência da eritropoiese imatura e intensa metabolização de eritrócitos fetais. Após 60 minutos de vida, os bezerros apresentaram recuperação satisfatória do desequilíbrio ácido-base e capacidade evidente de termorregulação e manutenção glicêmica. A condição obstétrica ao nascimento é crítica para o desempenho clínico do neonato, comprometendo sua vitalidade inicial e influenciando a circulação materno-fetal nos casos de distocias. As alterações circulatórias maternas ocasionadas pela ocitocina são consideradas momentâneas, reversíveis e não comprometeram o êxito neonatal. / The novel reproductive biotechnologies (ET, IVF and Cloning) require more accurate control of pregnancy and parturition, due to obstetrical problems as a result of the large offspring syndrome or reduced calf vitality associated with placental anomalies. Hence, the reduction in neonatal mortality is justifiable as research in this area progresses, aiming maternal and neonatal well-being and livestock economic concernment. Dystocia may compromise dam-fetal blood flow and induces severe hypoxia at birth. Oxytocin employed as ecbolic treatment for uterine inertia can enhance calving stress. Therefore, the aims of this study were to identify abnormalities in neonatal Apgar score, body temperature, arterial blood gas analysis, glucose and cortisol assay at birth and after 1 hour of calving under distinct obstetrical conditions and to verify the changes on blood pressure (BP), heart rate, electrocardiogram record, glucose and cortisol assay of cows during the first stage of labor, intra-partum, immediately after calving and 1 hour later. Thirty Holstein cows and 30 Holstein calves were grouped according to the obstetrical condition into: Eutocia Group (EUT G; n=10); Dystocia Group with mild to severe obstetric assistance (DIST G; n=10) and Uterine Inertia Group treated with oxytocin (50UI) (OCT G; n=10). EUT G and OCT G cows showed stress-induced hyperglycemia 1 hour after calving. On the other hand, DIST G presented hyperglycemia yet during intra-partum. Dystocia also increased cortisol levels shortly after calving. During labor, DIST G presented significantly higher BP, due to uterine and abdominal strengthened contractions. Electrocardiogram recordings denoted normal sinus rhythm at all time points. DIST G neonates presented lower vitality (Apgar score) and higher stress (cortisol level) at birth compared to other groups. Calves were normothermic, despite the significative decrease in body temperature after 1 hour of birth, and remained normoglycemic. Moreover, base-excess, HCO3- and pO2 results were low, while Anion-gap and pCO2 were high, comparing to standard values. However, mixed acidosis (metabolic and respiratory; pH<7,2) was only noticeable in DIST G, suggesting higher fetal distress during calving and reduced blood supply (oxygenation). In addition, OCT G calves presented increased pCO2 and decreased pO2 at birth. Oxytocin infusion may cause a distinct pattern of uterine contraction, compromising neonatal hypoxia even more. The oxytocin infusion altered transitorily the maternal hemodynamic variables with a possible bradicardiac effect and intrapartum hypotension, causing lower neonatal respiratory adaptability, demanding more intensive care at birth. All newborns showed low hematocrit and hemoglobin concentration due to immature erythropoiesis and intense fetal erythrocyte metabolism. The present results indicate full maternal adaptation to labors requirement. Calves showed stark acid-base recovery during the critical period of adaptation to ex utero life, with also evident thermoregulation and glucose maintenance 1 hour after birth. The obstetrical condition presented at birth was determinant to neonatal clinical demeanor. Dystocia mainly compromised blood flow and oxygen supply and ultimately interfered with newborn vitality. Ponctual maternal circulatory alterations caused by oxytocin infusion were reversible and did not compromise neonatal outcome.
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Assistência clínica materna e neonatal às diferentes condições obstétricas em bovinos da raça Holandesa / Maternal and neonatal clinical assistance under distinct obstetrical conditions in Holstein cattleRodrigues, Jaqueline Aguiar 17 September 2008 (has links)
Com o avanço de novas biotécnicas da reprodução (TE, FIV e Clonagem), exige-se o controle mais acurado da gestação e do parto, em razão dos problemas obstétricos decorrentes do nascimento de produtos com crescimento exacerbado ou com menor vitalidade por disfunções placentárias. Desta forma, a redução da mortalidade neonatal justifica-se por acompanhar o aprimoramento na área, visando ao bem-estar materno e neonatal, como também aos interesses do mercado pecuário. As distocias podem comprometer o fluxo sangüíneo materno-fetal e a ocitocina utilizada como agente ecbólico nas atonias uterinas pode aumentar o estresse do parto. Os objetivos deste estudo foram: identificar alterações do escore Apgar de vitalidade neonatal, temperatura corpórea, hemogasometria arterial, glicemia e cortisol ao nascimento e 1 hora pós-parto de neonatos nascidos em distintas condições obstétricas e verificar modificações da pressão arterial (PA), freqüência cardíaca, eletrocardiograma, glicemia e cortisol de vacas no pré-parto, intra-parto, pós-parto imediato e após 1 hora. Foram utilizadas 30 fêmeas bovinas e 30 bezerros da raça Holandesa subdivididos em: Grupo Eutocia (G EUT; n=10); Grupo Distocia com extração fetal forçada moderada a intensa (G DIST; n=10) e Grupo Atonia ou hipotonia uterina com infusão de Ocitocina (50UI) (G OCT; n=10). As vacas apresentaram hiperglicemia de estresse apenas 1 hora pós-parto no G EUT e G OCT, no entanto, já no intra-parto no G DIST. A distocia também elevou os níveis de cortisol no pós-parto imediato. Houve acréscimo significativo da PA no intra-parto do G DIST, decorrente de contrações uterinas e abdominais mais intensas. Os traçados eletrocardiográficos denotaram ritmo sinusal normal em todos os períodos. Os resultados demonstram adaptação hemodinâmica materna frente às alterações do parto, mesmo com infusão exógena de ocitocina. Os neonatos do G DIST ao nascimento apresentaram menor vitalidade (escore Apgar) e maior estresse (nível de cortisol) em relação aos demais grupos. Os bezerros apresentaram normotermia, a despeito da redução da temperatura corpórea 1 hora pós-parto, e mantiveram-se normoglicêmicos. Ainda, os valores de base-excess, HCO3- e pO2 eram baixos, enquanto os níveis de Anion-gap e pCO2, elevados. No entanto, apenas no G DIST observou-se acidose mista (metabólica e respiratória) evidente (pH<7,20), indicando maior grau de sofrimento fetal e redução do suprimento sangüíneo durante o parto. Os bezerros do G OCT apresentaram pCO2 superior e pO2 inferior aos demais grupos ao nascimento. A infusão de ocitocina pode promover padrões de contração uterina diferenciados, comprometendo ainda mais a oxigenação fetal. A ocitocina alterou momentaneamente as variáveis hemodinâmicas maternas com possível efeito bradicárdico e hipotensor intra-parto, promovendo menor adaptabilidade respiratória neonatal e, portanto, impondo assistência mais criteriosa ao nascimento. Todos os bezerros apresentaram reduzidos valores de hematócrito e hemoglobina, em decorrência da eritropoiese imatura e intensa metabolização de eritrócitos fetais. Após 60 minutos de vida, os bezerros apresentaram recuperação satisfatória do desequilíbrio ácido-base e capacidade evidente de termorregulação e manutenção glicêmica. A condição obstétrica ao nascimento é crítica para o desempenho clínico do neonato, comprometendo sua vitalidade inicial e influenciando a circulação materno-fetal nos casos de distocias. As alterações circulatórias maternas ocasionadas pela ocitocina são consideradas momentâneas, reversíveis e não comprometeram o êxito neonatal. / The novel reproductive biotechnologies (ET, IVF and Cloning) require more accurate control of pregnancy and parturition, due to obstetrical problems as a result of the large offspring syndrome or reduced calf vitality associated with placental anomalies. Hence, the reduction in neonatal mortality is justifiable as research in this area progresses, aiming maternal and neonatal well-being and livestock economic concernment. Dystocia may compromise dam-fetal blood flow and induces severe hypoxia at birth. Oxytocin employed as ecbolic treatment for uterine inertia can enhance calving stress. Therefore, the aims of this study were to identify abnormalities in neonatal Apgar score, body temperature, arterial blood gas analysis, glucose and cortisol assay at birth and after 1 hour of calving under distinct obstetrical conditions and to verify the changes on blood pressure (BP), heart rate, electrocardiogram record, glucose and cortisol assay of cows during the first stage of labor, intra-partum, immediately after calving and 1 hour later. Thirty Holstein cows and 30 Holstein calves were grouped according to the obstetrical condition into: Eutocia Group (EUT G; n=10); Dystocia Group with mild to severe obstetric assistance (DIST G; n=10) and Uterine Inertia Group treated with oxytocin (50UI) (OCT G; n=10). EUT G and OCT G cows showed stress-induced hyperglycemia 1 hour after calving. On the other hand, DIST G presented hyperglycemia yet during intra-partum. Dystocia also increased cortisol levels shortly after calving. During labor, DIST G presented significantly higher BP, due to uterine and abdominal strengthened contractions. Electrocardiogram recordings denoted normal sinus rhythm at all time points. DIST G neonates presented lower vitality (Apgar score) and higher stress (cortisol level) at birth compared to other groups. Calves were normothermic, despite the significative decrease in body temperature after 1 hour of birth, and remained normoglycemic. Moreover, base-excess, HCO3- and pO2 results were low, while Anion-gap and pCO2 were high, comparing to standard values. However, mixed acidosis (metabolic and respiratory; pH<7,2) was only noticeable in DIST G, suggesting higher fetal distress during calving and reduced blood supply (oxygenation). In addition, OCT G calves presented increased pCO2 and decreased pO2 at birth. Oxytocin infusion may cause a distinct pattern of uterine contraction, compromising neonatal hypoxia even more. The oxytocin infusion altered transitorily the maternal hemodynamic variables with a possible bradicardiac effect and intrapartum hypotension, causing lower neonatal respiratory adaptability, demanding more intensive care at birth. All newborns showed low hematocrit and hemoglobin concentration due to immature erythropoiesis and intense fetal erythrocyte metabolism. The present results indicate full maternal adaptation to labors requirement. Calves showed stark acid-base recovery during the critical period of adaptation to ex utero life, with also evident thermoregulation and glucose maintenance 1 hour after birth. The obstetrical condition presented at birth was determinant to neonatal clinical demeanor. Dystocia mainly compromised blood flow and oxygen supply and ultimately interfered with newborn vitality. Ponctual maternal circulatory alterations caused by oxytocin infusion were reversible and did not compromise neonatal outcome.
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Vergleichende Untersuchung zur Trainingswirksamkeit eines an der Bewegungsgeschwindigkeit orientierten Trainings der Beinmuskulatur / Comparative Study on the Effectiveness of Training of the Leg Muscles Oriented to the Movement SpeedSchirrmacher, Bianca 23 January 2013 (has links)
No description available.
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Pressure, Gas Ratio And Operation Voltage Optimization Of A Helium-neon LaserBilgili, Hulusi Birol 01 January 2005 (has links) (PDF)
Aim of this thesis is to investigate the optimum working parameters of a helium-neon laser. Partial pressure ratios, total pressures of the gases and voltage-current characteristics were studied. The analysis of the results includes the minor factors (impurity, volume, etc.) and their effects to main parameters (laser power, voltage, current). Tables, which were formed by measured optical parameters as wavelength and power, converted to graphs and from these graphs optimal working conditions for the laser are obtained.
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Gas detection by use of Sagnac interferometerMcConnell, Sean R. January 2008 (has links)
Gas composition and analysis forms a large field of research whose requirements demand that measurement equipment be as affordable, uncomplicated and convenient as possible. The precise quantitative composition of an atmospheric, industrial or chemically synthesised sample of gas is of utmost importance when inferring the properties and nature of the environment from which the sample was taken, or for inferring how a prepared sample will react in its application. The most popular and widely used technique to achieve this is Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (GCMS) and, without a doubt, this technique has set the standard for gas analysis. Despite the accuracy of the GCMS technique, the equipment itself is bulky, expensive and cannot be applied readily to field work. Instead, most field work is conducted using a single gas detector, capable only of detecting one particular molecule or element at a time. Presented here is an interferometric technique that theoretically, has the ability to address all three issues of bulkiness, affordability and convenience, whilst not being limited to one particular element or molecule in its analysis. Identifying the unknown constituents of a gaseous mixture using the proposed method, employs the optical refractive properties of the mixture to determine its composition. A key aspect of this technique is that the refractive index of an arbitrary mixture of gases will vary depending on pressure and wavelength1. The Lorentz-Lorenz formula and the Sellmeier equations form the foundation of the theoretical background. The optical refractive properties of air and other atmospheric gases have been well established in the literature. The experimental investigations described here have been conducted based on this, insofar as no analysis has been conducted on gases that do not naturally occur in reasonable abundance in the atmosphere. However this does not in any way preclude the results and procedure developed from applying to a synthesised gas mixture. As mentioned, the platform of this technique relies on the pressure and wavelength dependence of the refractivity of the gas. The pressure dependence of the system is easily accounted for, in making this claim however it is still imperative the mixture be impervious to contamination from the wider atmosphere. Wavelength dependence however is perhaps slightly more difficult to accommodate. Multiple lasers, of differing wavelength form the radiative sources which underpin the method developed. Laser sources were chosen because of their coherence, making it easy to produce interference, when combined with the inherent stability of the Sagnac interferometer, provides for a very user friendly system that is able to quickly take results. The other key part of the experimental apparatus is the gas handling system, the gas(es) of interest need to be contained within an optical medium in the path of one of the beams of the interferometer. Precise manipulation of the pressure of the gas is critical in determining concentration, this has been achieved through the use of a gas syringe whose plunger is moved on a finely threaded screw, and measured on a digital manometer. The optical setup has also been explored, specifically in ruling out the use of such radiative sources as passing an incandescent source through a monochromator or the use of LED's to produce interference before settling on lasers to produce the required interference. Finally, a comprehensive theoretical background has been presented using classical electromagnetic theory as well as confirmation from a quantum perspective. The theoretical background for this study relies upon the Lorentz-Lorenz formula. It is commonly presented either from a classical or quantum perspective, in this work both classical and quantum mechanical treatments are given whilst also showing how each confirms the other. Furthermore, a thorough investigation into the dispersion functions of each of the major components of the atmosphere has been compiled from the study of refractivity on individual gases from other authors, in some cases, where no work has been done previously, this has been derived. The technique developed could be considered an ample addition to gas analysis techniques in certain circumstances in terms of expense, convenience and accuracy. The system can predict relative quantities of constituents of the atmosphere to at least 3%. The method described here would allow researchers more time to concentrate on actual results and more resources to allocate to broadening intellectual horizons. This would certainly justify further development.
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Effects of two oxygenation methods during suctioning with and without positive end-expiratory pressure a research report submitted in partial fulfillment ... /Buggy, Ellen M. Flynn, Karen E. Hanson, Virginia M. January 1980 (has links)
Thesis (M.S.)--University of Michigan, 1980.
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