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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Process development for symbiotic culture of Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Chlorella vulgaris for in situ CO2 mitigation / Développement d’un procédé symbiotique entre Saccharomyces cerevisiae et Chlorella vulgaris en photo-bioréacteur pour une limitation en rejet de CO2 in situ

La, Angéla 22 May 2019 (has links)
La levure et la microalgue sont des microorganismes très étudiés pour la production de composés à haute valeur ajoutée pour des secteurs tels que l’agroalimentaire et l’énergie. Ce travail de thèse propose un procédé de culture mixte entre la levure Saccharomyces cerevisiae et la microalgue Chlorella vulgaris pour la croissance des deux espèces tout en limitant le rejet en CO2. Le procédé repose sur la symbiose mutuelle entre les deux organismes autour des échanges de gaz, qui est rendu possible en imposant une co-dominance en termes de population. Les populations doivent être équilibrées pour que les microalgues puissent gérer la production de CO2. Le procédé est réalisé en photo-bioréacteur de 5 litres non-aéré et fermé, afin d’éviter les échanges gazeux avec l’environnement externe. Dans cette configuration, le CO2 est produit sous forme dissoute et directement accessible aux microalgues, évitant les phénomènes de dégazage et de dissolution. Les populations de levures et de microalgues atteignent une concentration égale (20 millions de cellules par ml) au bout de 24 heures de culture, restent stables jusqu’à la fin de la culture (168 heures) et les microalgues recyclent 12% du CO2 produit par les levures. Un modèle cinétique de la levure et de la microalgue en culture mixte est développé en combinant les modèles individuels de la levure et de la microalgue. Le modèle prédictif de la levure prend en compte les possibles voies métaboliques impliquées dans la fermentation et la respiration de ces voies est prédite en y intégrant des facteurs de limitation. Le modèle de la microalgue est basé sur l’activité photosynthétique. Les résultats de ce travail montrent la faisabilité du procédé de culture mixte entre hétérotrophe et autotrophe et pourrait apporter les bases pour le développement d’un procédé écologique à faible impact environnemental. / Yeast and microalgae are microorganisms widely studied for the production of high-value compounds used in food and energy area. This work proposes a process of mixed culture of Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Chlorella vulgaris for both growth and CO2 mitigation. The process relies on mutual symbiosis between the two organisms through gas exchange, which is possible by engineering the co-dominance of populations. The two populations must be balanced in such a way so that microalgae can cope with the rate of CO2 production by the yeast activity. The process is performed in non-aerated 5l-photo-bioreactor fitted with a fermentation lock to prevent gas exchange with the outside atmosphere. With this set-up, the CO2 is produced in dissolved form and is available to the microalgae avoiding degassing and dissolution phenomena. The two organism populations are balanced at approximately 20 millions cells per ml, 12% CO2 produced by yeast was reutilized by microalgae within 168 hours of culture. A yeast and microalgae growth model in mixed culture is developed by combining each individual growth model. The predictive yeast model considers the possible metabolic pathways involved in fermentation and respiration and imposes limitation factors on these pathways, in this manner, the model can predict the partition of these pathways. The microalgae individual model is based on the photosynthetic activity. The results of this work show the feasibility of such process and could provide a basis for the development of a green process of low environmental impact.

A non-linear quasi-3D model for air management modelling in engines

Hernández Marco, Manuel 08 June 2018 (has links)
El modelado se ha convertido en los últimos años en una herramienta esencial en el diseño de motores de combustión interna alternativos, ya que permite reducir considerablemente el tiempo y los costes de desarrollo. Las metodologías de diseño clásicas se basan en la fabricación de prototipos y la realización de pruebas de ensayo y error. Actualmente, la mayoría de estas pruebas han sido sustituidas por cálculos numéricos, de modo que sólo las opciones de diseño más prometedoras se prueban en realidad en banco motor. Durante años, los códigos unidimensionales de dinámica de gases en el dominio del tiempo han sido suficientes para modelar tanto las prestaciones y el consumo del motor como el ruido de admisión y escape. Sin embargo, para un nivel más exigente de diseño, una representación 1D puede no ser suficiente para describir con precisión el flujo en ciertos elementos. Esto es especialmente importante en el caso de silenciadores, donde la hipótesis unidimensional sólo se puede aplicar a geometrías simples. En el caso de las uniones de conductos es la existencia de estructuras tridimensionales de flujo complejas lo que establece el límite de la aplicabilidad de una descripción simple cero-dimensional. En vista de estas limitaciones, la primera opción sería el uso de un modelo de dinámica de fluidos computacional (CFD); sin embargo, su aplicación conllevaría un tiempo de cálculo excesivo. Una posible solución de compromiso viene dada por los modelos cuasi-3D, basados en esquemas tridimensionales, pero con ciertas simplificaciones capaces de reducir significativamente el tiempo de cálculo sin afectar excesivamente a la precisión. Tales soluciones se han convertido en estándar en los códigos comerciales y se han aplicado con éxito a los silenciadores, tanto para excitaciones acústicas en el régimen lineal como en condiciones reales de motor, típicamente no lineales. Esta tesis tiene como objetivo el desarrollo de un nuevo método numérico cuasi-3D en una malla escalonada, basado en la simplificación de la ecuación de la cantidad de movimiento, para ser incluido en un código unidimensional existente. Tal método, sin embargo, no está libre de inconvenientes. En particular, se ve afectado por la aparición de oscilaciones no físicas, especialmente en gradientes de presión significativos. De la revisión bibliográfica se determina que este comportamiento es típico en esquemas de segundo orden y se puede ver acentuado por las simplificaciones adoptadas. Tras estudiar las posibles soluciones aplicables a este problema, se desarrollan tres limitadores de flujo diferentes, basados en las metodologías MDT, FCT y TVD. Una vez definido el método numérico y asegurada su estabilidad, es necesario desarrollar las condiciones de contorno adecuadas que permitan su utilización. Con este objetivo, se desarrollan las condiciones de pulso de presión de entrada y de extremo anecoico, los cuales permiten simular un banco de impulso. No hay que olvidar, sin embargo, que el objetivo final es la conexión con un código unidimensional, por lo que hay que comprobar que el método numérico cuasi-3D creado es compatible con los unidimensionales existentes, mostrando algunos resultados preliminares. Finalmente, con el método ya completamente operativo, se procede a su validación en las aplicaciones para las que ha sido diseñado principalmente, las cuales son, modelado de silenciadores y uniones de conductos. Para el caso de los silenciadores, se modelan dispositivos de complejidad creciente, pasando por geometrías de sección constante hasta sistemas con geometrías reales. Los resultados obtenidos se validan con otras herramientas tanto lineales como no lineales. En el caso de las uniones de conductos, el objetivo principal es el de establecer el potencial del nuevo método numérico frente a los tradicionales unidimensionales, por lo que los resultados de ambos se comparan con datos experiment / Engine modelling has become an essential tool in the design of internal combustion engines, allowing considerable reductions in development time and cost. Classical design methodologies are based on prototype manufacturing and trial-and-error tests, but currently, most of those tests have been replaced by numerical computations, so that only the most promising design options are actually tested on engine bench. For years, one-dimensional gas dynamics codes in the time domain have offered sufficiently good solutions for modelling both engine performance and intake and exhaust noise. However, for a more demanding level of design, a 1D representation may not be sufficient to describe accurately the flow in certain elements. This is especially important in the case of silencers. In the case of duct junctions, the existence of complex 3D flow structures is what sets the applicability limit for a simple zero-dimensional description. In view of these limitations, the first option would typically be the use of a computational fluid dynamics (CFD) model; however, the application of such a model to a complete intake or exhaust system entails an excessive computational time. A possible compromise solution is given by quasi-3D models, based on three-dimensional schemes, but with certain simplifications able to significantly reduce the calculation time without excessively affecting the accuracy. Such solutions have become standard in commercial codes and have been successfully applied to silencers with perforated tubes and absorbing material, both in the linear acoustic regime and in real engine conditions, typically non-linear. The objective of this thesis is the development a new quasi-3D numerical method in a staggered-grid, based on the simplification of the momentum equation, to be included in an existing one-dimensional code. Such method however, is not hassle free. In particular, it is affected by the appearance of non-physical oscillations, specially near significant pressure gradients. From the literature review it is determined that this behaviour is typical among second-order schemes and it can be aggravated by the simplifications adopted. After researching the possible solutions to face this problem, three different flux limiters are developed, based on the MDT, FCT and TVD methodologies. In the case of the two latter methods, its effectiveness is well established for finite differences schemes, thus defining a clear improving line for quasi-3D models. Once the numerical method is defined and its stability assured, proper boundary conditions that allow its use must be developed. With this objective, a pressure pulse inlet and an anechoic termination boundary condition are developed, which allow the simulation of an impulse test rig. It should not be forgotten, however, that the ultimate objective is the connection with a one-dimensional code, therefore the compatibility of the quasi-3D numerical method created with the existing one-dimensional methods has to be tested, showing some preliminary results. Eventually, with a fully operative method, the validation process for the applications which it has been mainly developed for, takes place, namely, mufflers and duct junctions modelling. In the case of mufflers, increasingly complex devices are modelled, from constant section geometries to real geometry systems. The results obtained are validated with both linear and non-linear tools. In the case of duct junctions, the main objective is to establish the potential of the new numerical method against the traditional one-dimensional schemes, consequently, results from both approaches are compared to experimental measures, obtaining promising results. / El modelatge s'ha convertit en els últims anys en una eina essencial en el disseny de motors de combustió interna alternatius, ja que permet reduir considerablement el temps i els costos de desenvolupament. Les metodologies de disseny clàssiques es basen en la fabricació de prototips i la realització de proves d'assaig i error. Actualment, la majoria d'aquestes proves han sigut substituïdes per càlculs numèrics, de manera que només les opcions de disseny més prometedores es proven en realitat en banc motor. Durant anys, els codis unidimensionals de dinàmica de gasos en el domini del temps han sigut suficients per a modelar tant les prestacions i el consum del motor com el soroll d'admissió i escapament. No obstant això, per a un nivell més exigent de disseny, una representació 1D pot no ser prou per a descriure amb precisió el flux en certs elements. Açò és especialment important en el cas de silenciadors, on la hipòtesi unidimensional només es pot aplicar a geometries simples. En el cas de les unions de conductes és l'existència d'estructures tridimensionals de flux complexes el que establix el límit de l'aplicabilitat d'una descripció simple zero-dimensional. En vista d'estes limitacions, la primera opció seria típicament l'ús d'un model de dinàmica de fluids computacional (CFD); no obstant això, l'aplicació comporta un temps de càlcul excessiu. Una possible solució de compromís ve donada pels models quasi-3D, basats en esquemes tridimensionals, però amb certes simplificacions capaços de reduir significativament el temps de càlcul sense afectar excessivament la precisió. Tals solucions s'han convertit en estàndard en codis comercials i s'han aplicat amb èxit als silenciadors, tant per a excitacions acústiques en el règim lineal com en condicions reals de motor, típicament no lineals. Aquesta tesi té com a objectiu el desenvolupament d'un nou mètode numèric quasi-3D en una malla escalonada, basat en la simplificació de l'equació de la quantitat de moviment, per a ser inclòs en un codi unidimensional existent. Tal mètode, però, no està lliure d'inconvenients. En particular, es veu afectat per l'aparició d'oscil·lacions no físiques, especialment en gradients de pressió significatius. De la revisió bibliogràfica es determina que aquest comportament és típic en esquemes de segon ordre i es pot veure accentuat per les simplificacions adoptades. Després d'estudiar les possibles solucions aplicables a aquest problema, es desenvolupen tres limitadors de flux diferents, basats en les metodologies MDT, FCT i TVD. En el cas dels dos últims mètodes, la seua efectivitat està ben establida per als esquemes de diferències finites, la qual cosa definix una clara via de millora per als models quasi-3D. Una vegada definit el mètode numèric i assegurada la seua estabilitat, és necessari desenvolupar les condicions de contorn adequades que permeten la seua utilització. Amb aquest objectiu, es desenvolupen les condicions de pols de pressió d'entrada i d'extrem anecoic, els quals permeten simular un banc d'impuls. No cal oblidar que l'objectiu final és la connexió amb un codi unidimensional, per la qual cosa cal comprovar que el mètode numèric cuasi-3D creat és compatible amb els unidimensionals existents, mostrant alguns resultats preliminars. Finalment, es procedix a la seua validació en les aplicacions per a les que ha sigut dissenyat principalment, les quals són, modelatge de silenciadors i unions de conductes. Per al cas dels silenciadors, es modelen dispositius de complexitat creixent, passant per geometries de secció constant fins a sistemes amb geometries reals. Els resultats obtinguts es validen amb altres eines tant lineals com no lineals. En el cas de les unions de conductes, l'objectiu principal és el d'establir el potencial del nou mètode numèric front als unidimensionals tradicionals, per la qual cosa els resultats d'ambdós es comparen amb dades experim / Hernández Marco, M. (2018). A non-linear quasi-3D model for air management modelling in engines [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/103683 / TESIS

Optimization of fracturing fluid to increase shale gas production

Liu, Yong 04 December 2020 (has links)
As same as other countries in the world, China is also facing the problem of a severe shortage of energy. Specifically, the demand for natural gas is rising explosively after the energy consumption structure has changed from oil to gas. Due to various reasons and motivations, shale has been considered having great reserves and believed in alleviating the energy crisis. Nevertheless, the massive investment in developing shale has a disappointing interest with low-yielding production. Scholars have done many researches and experiments for investigating the causes and increasing the productivity of shale formation, in field and in laboratory respectively. Based on the statistics, more details, and further discussion, in this dissertation a probable method for more effectively producing was demonstrated. Although the hydro-fracturing technology has been conducted in field frequently, sometimes the decrease of permeability has been observed after the treatment. To figure out this phenomenon, the investigation started from the basic characterization of matrix. Believed in the most component in shale, quartz consisted of silica which could dissolve in fluid. Been assigned as variables, temperature, pH, and salinity have been implemented for explanation of dissolution. Temperature played a great role in the process. Combined with confining pressure, the reconsolidation happened inside samples. Through more experiments the mechanism of reconsolidation has been discovered that both confining pressure and temperature are necessary for gelling in fracture. Perspective on the whole formation, well logs were a super supplement to laboratory experiments. It serviced not only a further confirmation, but also pointed out the relationship between desorption capacity and different components. Samples from upper and lower formations have been used for going further. The exchange which exists between N2 and CH4 could be a great idea to exploit gas from reservoir. Feldspar supported space for adsorbed gas, and it was also easy to release. In contrast, the organic matter in which a network of pores developed has ability to trap the gas deeply because of the specific surface area. Quartz had positive effect on production because of containing the organic matter, while the influence of clay minerals on adsorption and desorption could be neglected. Based on the analysis of reconsolidation and desorption, an idea has been conceived using foam as fracturing fluid for increasing gas production. Compared to the pure fluid, foam has less water, which could prevent the reconsolidation. Nitrogen could be the gas to foam. The exchange between N2 and CH4 will increase the production of gas. In order to serve the condition that increases the time of exchange and makes negative effect on reconsolidation simultaneously, the foaming test with ABS and K12 has been evaluated first. For better stability of foam more experiment have been done. Three formulas were recommended which could keep the balance between the increasing viscosity and decreasing volume. The work interpreted in this thesis has enhanced our understanding of microscopic properties of shale and was expected to make contribution to further research of fracturing and production design.

Ação de bioestimulantes na mitigação do estresse por deficiência hídrica em soja /

Rosa, Vanessa do Rosário January 2020 (has links)
Orientador: Marcelo de Almeida Silva / Resumo: A soja possui grande importância no mercado mundial, e para atender a sua crescente demanda é preciso aumentar a produtividade, que tem se tornado um desafio em condições de ausência de chuva. Para contornar os efeitos negativos do déficit hídrico, tem-se adotado práticas agrícolas com a aplicação de bioestimulantes como os compostos por ácidos fúlvicos e extrato da alga marinha Ascophyllum nodosum (L.), que atuam na melhoria do desenvolvimento das plantas em condições estressantes. Neste estudo, objetivou-se compreender como ácidos fúlvicos e extrato da alga marinha Ascophyllum nodosum (L.) atuam em conjunto nos mecanismos fisiológicos e bioquímicos das plantas e possibilitando a mitigação dos efeitos negativos gerados pelo estresse, e ainda determinar qual formulação e dose do bioestimulante tem melhor efeito sobre o desenvolvimento de plantas de soja submetidas ao déficit hídrico. O experimento foi conduzido em casa de vegetação, em vasos contendo 10 kg de solo sob delineamento experimental de blocos casualizados em fatorial duplo com dois fatores adicionais, com cinco repetições e 11 tratamentos constituídos por três formulações do bioestimulante e três doses (0,25; 0,50 e 1,0 kg ha-1), controle com déficit hídrico e controle sem déficit hídrico. As plantas foram submetidas a 50% da capacidade de campo por três dias, em seguida foram reidratadas e receberam a aplicação do bioestimulante, com exceção dos controles. Foram avaliados parâmetros de crescimento, fisiológicos, b... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: Soy has great importance in the world market, and to meet its growing demand it is necessary to increase productivity, which has become a challenge in conditions of absence of rain. To circumvent the negative effects of the water deficit, agricultural practices have been adopted with the application of biostimulants such as those composed of fulvic acids and extract from the seaweed Ascophyllum nodosum (L.), which act in improving the development of plants in stressful conditions. In this study, the objective was to understand how fulvic acids and extract of the seaweed Ascophyllum nodosum (L.) act together in the physiological and biochemical mechanisms of plants and enabling the mitigation of the negative effects generated by stress, and also determine which formulation and dose of biostimulant has a better effect on the development of soybean plants submitted to water deficit. The experiment was carried out in a greenhouse, in pots containing 10 kg of soil under a randomized double-block design with two additional factors, with five replications and 11 treatments consisting of three biostimulant formulations and three doses (0.25; 0.50 and 1.0 kg ha-1), control with water deficit and control without water deficit. The plants were submitted to 50% of the field capacity for three days, then they were rehydrated and received the application of the biostimulant, with the exception of the controls. Growth, physiological, biochemical parameters and productivity components were e... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Doutor


Chiriboga, Christian Alejandro 06 August 2013 (has links)
No description available.


Fondom, Nicolas Yebit 14 December 2009 (has links)
No description available.

Genetic Variation in Photosynthesis as a Tool for Finding Principal Routes to Enhancing Photosynthetic Efficiency

Tomeo, Nicholas J. 20 September 2017 (has links)
No description available.

Understanding the principles of non-invasive positive pressure ventilation

Roberts, Alexandra 06 July 2021 (has links)
No / Non-invasive positive pressure ventilation (NPPV) provides respiratory support to patients without the need for invasive intubation. Although it has been used for several years in critical care, NPPV has come to prominence as a management option for certain patients with respiratory complications of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). This has led to increased care provision by nurses with little or no experience and expertise in critical care and NPPV. This article provides an overview of the principles of NPPV and its use in type 1 and type 2 respiratory failure. It explains the pathophysiology of several conditions that often lead to respiratory failure and how NPPV can mitigate respiratory failure and improve gas exchange. An individualised assessment of the patient’s suitability for NPPV and an evaluation of the effectiveness of the therapy are crucial to ensure its safe and effective use. Nurses also have an important role in providing explanations and support to patients.

Respostas fisiolÃgicas e bioquÃmicas em Meloeiro (Cucumis melo L.) inoculado com fungos micorrÃzicos arbusculares sob estresse salino / Physiological answers and biochemists in meloeiro (Cucumis melo L) inoculated with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) under estresse saline

Wilber da Silveira LÃcio 18 July 2008 (has links)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento CientÃfico e TecnolÃgico / nÃo hà / Nas regiÃes Ãridas e semi-Ãridas à comum a acumulaÃÃo de sais no solo em quantidades prejudiciais ao crescimento e rendimento das plantas. Neste contexto, os fungos micorrÃzicos arbusculares (FMA) vÃm sendo estudados nos Ãltimos anos, havendo resultados que indicam que as associaÃÃes micorrÃzicas com as plantas minimizam alguns efeitos do estresse salino. O presente trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar, mediante parÃmetros fisiolÃgicos e bioquÃmicos, os efeitos da inoculaÃÃo dos fungos micorrÃzicos arbusculares na cultura do meloeiro sob estresse salino. Portanto foi instalado um experimento em casa-de-vegetaÃÃo do Departamento de CiÃncias do Solo da Universidade Federal do CearÃ, no Campus do Pici em Fortaleza. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi o inteiramente ao acaso, em arranjo fatorial 2 (plantas nÃo inoculadas e plantas inoculadas) x 4 (nÃveis de salinidade 0,5; 1,5; 3,0 e 4,5 dS m-1) com 4 repetiÃÃes, totalizando 32 unidades experimentais. No decorrer do experimento foram realizadas mediÃÃes de condutÃncia estomÃtica, taxa de transpiraÃÃo e taxa fotossÃntese. Ao fim de 37 dias apÃs a germinaÃÃo das plantas foi coletado o experimento, quando, entÃo, foram determinados os fatores de crescimento (matÃria seca e Ãrea foliar), as variÃveis microbiolÃgicas (dependÃncia micorrÃzica e colonizaÃÃo), os teores minerais (N, P, K, Ca, Mg, Na e Cl) e os solutos orgÃnicos (carboidratos solÃveis, NaminossolÃveis e prolina). A associaÃÃo com os FMA proporcionou um incremento no desenvolvimento da cultura do meloeiro, proporcionando um aumento na matÃria seca da parte aÃrea e na Ãrea foliar dessa cultura, principalmente no tratamento a 0,5 dS m-1; esse efeito benÃfico, entretanto, decresceu com o incremento da salinidade. A condutÃncia estomÃtica, taxa de transpiraÃÃo e taxa fotossintÃtica foram influenciadas de forma positiva pela associaÃÃo com os FMA, apresentando maiores valores nas plantas inoculadas em diferentes estÃdios de desenvolvimento dessa cultura. Os solutos orgÃnicos, prolina, N-aminossolÃveis e carboidratos solÃveis, nÃo contribuÃram diretamente para o ajuste osmÃtico dos tecidos foliares. A associaÃÃo simbiÃtica entre os FMA e as plantas de meloeiro nÃo proporcionou um aumento na tolerÃncia dessa cultura ao estresse salino, entretanto auxiliou na menor absorÃÃo dos Ãons potencialmente tÃxicos (Na e Cl) a partir da salinidade da Ãgua de irrigaÃÃo de 3 dS m-1. / Nas regiÃes Ãridas e semi-Ãridas à comum a acumulaÃÃo de sais no solo em quantidades prejudiciais ao crescimento e rendimento das plantas. Neste contexto, os fungos micorrÃzicos arbusculares (FMA) vÃm sendo estudados nos Ãltimos anos, havendo resultados que indicam que as associaÃÃes micorrÃzicas com as plantas minimizam alguns efeitos do estresse salino. O presente trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar, mediante parÃmetros fisiolÃgicos e bioquÃmicos, os efeitos da inoculaÃÃo dos fungos micorrÃzicos arbusculares na cultura do meloeiro sob estresse salino. Portanto foi instalado um experimento em casa-de-vegetaÃÃo do Departamento de CiÃncias do Solo da Universidade Federal do CearÃ, no Campus do Pici em Fortaleza. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi o inteiramente ao acaso, em arranjo fatorial 2 (plantas nÃo inoculadas e plantas inoculadas) x 4 (nÃveis de salinidade 0,5; 1,5; 3,0 e 4,5 dS m-1) com 4 repetiÃÃes, totalizando 32 unidades experimentais. No decorrer do experimento foram realizadas mediÃÃes de condutÃncia estomÃtica, taxa de transpiraÃÃo e taxa fotossÃntese. Ao fim de 37 dias apÃs a germinaÃÃo das plantas foi coletado o experimento, quando, entÃo, foram determinados os fatores de crescimento (matÃria seca e Ãrea foliar), as variÃveis microbiolÃgicas (dependÃncia micorrÃzica e colonizaÃÃo), os teores minerais (N, P, K, Ca, Mg, Na e Cl) e os solutos orgÃnicos (carboidratos solÃveis, NaminossolÃveis e prolina). A associaÃÃo com os FMA proporcionou um incremento no desenvolvimento da cultura do meloeiro, proporcionando um aumento na matÃria seca da parte aÃrea e na Ãrea foliar dessa cultura, principalmente no tratamento a 0,5 dS m-1; esse efeito benÃfico, entretanto, decresceu com o incremento da salinidade. A condutÃncia estomÃtica, taxa de transpiraÃÃo e taxa fotossintÃtica foram influenciadas de forma positiva pela associaÃÃo com os FMA, apresentando maiores valores nas plantas inoculadas em diferentes estÃdios de desenvolvimento dessa cultura. Os solutos orgÃnicos, prolina, N-aminossolÃveis e carboidratos solÃveis, nÃo contribuÃram diretamente para o ajuste osmÃtico dos tecidos foliares. A associaÃÃo simbiÃtica entre os FMA e as plantas de meloeiro nÃo proporcionou um aumento na tolerÃncia dessa cultura ao estresse salino, entretanto auxiliou na menor absorÃÃo dos Ãons potencialmente tÃxicos (Na e Cl) a partir da salinidade da Ãgua de irrigaÃÃo de 3 dS m-1. / Nas regiÃes Ãridas e semi-Ãridas à comum a acumulaÃÃo de sais no solo em quantidades prejudiciais ao crescimento e rendimento das plantas. Neste contexto, os fungos micorrÃzicos arbusculares (FMA) vÃm sendo estudados nos Ãltimos anos, havendo resultados que indicam que as associaÃÃes micorrÃzicas com as plantas minimizam alguns efeitos do estresse salino. O presente trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar, mediante parÃmetros fisiolÃgicos e bioquÃmicos, os efeitos da inoculaÃÃo dos fungos micorrÃzicos arbusculares na cultura do meloeiro sob estresse salino. Portanto foi instalado um experimento em casa-de-vegetaÃÃo do Departamento de CiÃncias do Solo da Universidade Federal do CearÃ, no Campus do Pici em Fortaleza. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi o inteiramente ao acaso, em arranjo fatorial 2 (plantas nÃo inoculadas e plantas inoculadas) x 4 (nÃveis de salinidade 0,5; 1,5; 3,0 e 4,5 dS m-1) com 4 repetiÃÃes, totalizando 32 unidades experimentais. No decorrer do experimento foram realizadas mediÃÃes de condutÃncia estomÃtica, taxa de transpiraÃÃo e taxa fotossÃntese. Ao fim de 37 dias apÃs a germinaÃÃo das plantas foi coletado o experimento, quando, entÃo, foram determinados os fatores de crescimento (matÃria seca e Ãrea foliar), as variÃveis microbiolÃgicas (dependÃncia micorrÃzica e colonizaÃÃo), os teores minerais (N, P, K, Ca, Mg, Na e Cl) e os solutos orgÃnicos (carboidratos solÃveis, NaminossolÃveis e prolina). A associaÃÃo com os FMA proporcionou um incremento no desenvolvimento da cultura do meloeiro, proporcionando um aumento na matÃria seca da parte aÃrea e na Ãrea foliar dessa cultura, principalmente no tratamento a 0,5 dS m-1; esse efeito benÃfico, entretanto, decresceu com o incremento da salinidade. A condutÃncia estomÃtica, taxa de transpiraÃÃo e taxa fotossintÃtica foram influenciadas de forma positiva pela associaÃÃo com os FMA, apresentando maiores valores nas plantas inoculadas em diferentes estÃdios de desenvolvimento dessa cultura. Os solutos orgÃnicos, prolina, N-aminossolÃveis e carboidratos solÃveis, nÃo contribuÃram diretamente para o ajuste osmÃtico dos tecidos foliares. A associaÃÃo simbiÃtica entre os FMA e as plantas de meloeiro nÃo proporcionou um aumento na tolerÃncia dessa cultura ao estresse salino, entretanto auxiliou na menor absorÃÃo dos Ãons potencialmente tÃxicos (Na e Cl) a partir da salinidade da Ãgua de irrigaÃÃo de 3 dS m-1. / The accumulation of salts in the soil is a common problems of arid and semi-arid regions, that cause reduction in plant growth and yield. In this context, the arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) have been studied in recent years, with results indicating that their associations with the plants roots minimize some effects of salt stress. The objective of this work was to evaluate the influence of increasing levels of salinity of the irrigation water in the melon plants mycorrhized with AMF. The experiment was carried out at the greenhouse of the Departamento de CiÃncias dos Solo da Universidade Federal do CearÃ, in Fortlaeza, CearÃ. The experiment design was completely randomized with treatments outlined following a 2 x 4 factorial design, comprised of two mycorrhiza treatments (inoculated and not inoculated plants) x 4 levels of salinity (CEa = 0.5; 1.5; 3.0 and 4.5 dS m-1), with 4 repetitions. During the experiment were conducted measurements of stomatal conductance, transpiration and photosynthesis rates. The plants were collected thirty-seven days after germination, when growth (dry and leaf area), microbiological traits (dependency and mycorrhizal colonization), mineral content (N, P, K, Ca, Mg, Na, Cl) and the organic solutes concentrations (soluble carbohydrates, N-aminossolÃveis and proline) were measured. The mycorrhized plants showed higher production of shoot dry matter and leaf area, in relation to non-inoculated plants, mainly in the treatment of 0.5 dS m-1. However, this beneficial effect decreased in the higher levels of salinity. The stomatal conductance, transpiration rate and photosynthetic rate were influenced by AMF, being the values higher in mycorrhized plants. The organic solutes, proline, N-aminossolÃveis carbohydrates soluble, did not contribute directly to the osmotic adjustment of leaf tissue. The symbiotic association between the AMF, and the melon has not provided an increase in tolerance of this culture to salt stress, however helped in lower absorption of potentially toxic ions (Na, Cl) from the salinity of irrigation water 3.0 dS m - 1. / The accumulation of salts in the soil is a common problems of arid and semi-arid regions, that cause reduction in plant growth and yield. In this context, the arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) have been studied in recent years, with results indicating that their associations with the plants roots minimize some effects of salt stress. The objective of this work was to evaluate the influence of increasing levels of salinity of the irrigation water in the melon plants mycorrhized with AMF. The experiment was carried out at the greenhouse of the Departamento de CiÃncias dos Solo da Universidade Federal do CearÃ, in Fortlaeza, CearÃ. The experiment design was completely randomized with treatments outlined following a 2 x 4 factorial design, comprised of two mycorrhiza treatments (inoculated and not inoculated plants) x 4 levels of salinity (CEa = 0.5; 1.5; 3.0 and 4.5 dS m-1), with 4 repetitions. During the experiment were conducted measurements of stomatal conductance, transpiration and photosynthesis rates. The plants were collected thirty-seven days after germination, when growth (dry and leaf area), microbiological traits (dependency and mycorrhizal colonization), mineral content (N, P, K, Ca, Mg, Na, Cl) and the organic solutes concentrations (soluble carbohydrates, N-aminossolÃveis and proline) were measured. The mycorrhized plants showed higher production of shoot dry matter and leaf area, in relation to non-inoculated plants, mainly in the treatment of 0.5 dS m-1. However, this beneficial effect decreased in the higher levels of salinity. The stomatal conductance, transpiration rate and photosynthetic rate were influenced by AMF, being the values higher in mycorrhized plants. The organic solutes, proline, N-aminossolÃveis carbohydrates soluble, did not contribute directly to the osmotic adjustment of leaf tissue. The symbiotic association between the AMF, and the melon has not provided an increase in tolerance of this culture to salt stress, however helped in lower absorption of potentially toxic ions (Na, Cl) from the salinity of irrigation water 3.0 dS m - 1. / The accumulation of salts in the soil is a common problems of arid and semi-arid regions, that cause reduction in plant growth and yield. In this context, the arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) have been studied in recent years, with results indicating that their associations with the plants roots minimize some effects of salt stress. The objective of this work was to evaluate the influence of increasing levels of salinity of the irrigation water in the melon plants mycorrhized with AMF. The experiment was carried out at the greenhouse of the Departamento de CiÃncias dos Solo da Universidade Federal do CearÃ, in Fortlaeza, CearÃ. The experiment design was completely randomized with treatments outlined following a 2 x 4 factorial design, comprised of two mycorrhiza treatments (inoculated and not inoculated plants) x 4 levels of salinity (CEa = 0.5; 1.5; 3.0 and 4.5 dS m-1), with 4 repetitions. During the experiment were conducted measurements of stomatal conductance, transpiration and photosynthesis rates. The plants were collected thirty-seven days after germination, when growth (dry and leaf area), microbiological traits (dependency and mycorrhizal colonization), mineral content (N, P, K, Ca, Mg, Na, Cl) and the organic solutes concentrations (soluble carbohydrates, N-aminossolÃveis and proline) were measured. The mycorrhized plants showed higher production of shoot dry matter and leaf area, in relation to non-inoculated plants, mainly in the treatment of 0.5 dS m-1. However, this beneficial effect decreased in the higher levels of salinity. The stomatal conductance, transpiration rate and photosynthetic rate were influenced by AMF, being the values higher in mycorrhized plants. The organic solutes, proline, N-aminossolÃveis carbohydrates soluble, did not contribute directly to the osmotic adjustment of leaf tissue. The symbiotic association between the AMF, and the melon has not provided an increase in tolerance of this culture to salt stress, however helped in lower absorption of potentially toxic ions (Na, Cl) from the salinity of irrigation water 3.0 dS m - 1.


MERLI, MARIA CLARA 17 March 2016 (has links)
A seguito degli scenari imposti dal cambio climatico il miglioramento dell’efficienza di uso dell’acqua (WUE) delle colture sono divenuti obiettivi fondamentali da perseguire. Il seguente studio pone al centro la WUE come parametro fisiologico cardine nella definizione del comportamento della vite in caso di riduzione della disponibilità idrica e si pone come obiettivo di valutarne le diverse forme di espressione, per individuare quale di queste sia meglio correlata alle performance delle varietà considerate, al fine di ottenere dati oggettivi che consentano di derivare consigli per la messa a punto di una più idonea tecnica irrigua. Nel triennio è stata valutata la risposta fisiologica di Sangiovese e Montepulciano, sottoposti a stress idrico di differente intensità in fasi fenologiche diverse. Inoltre, sono state saggiate le potenzialità genetiche della vite in condizioni di limitata disponibilità idrica attraverso il confronto delle performance di viti di Sangiovese innestate su due diversi portinnesti, ovvero confrontando un genotipo tradizionalmente sensibile, SO4, con uno selezionato in funzione della resistenza allo stress idrico, ovvero M4. Tutte le ricerche sono state condotte implementando apparati di misura innovativi che hanno permesso di ottenere la stima dell’efficienza di uso dell’acqua dell’intera chioma per la durata complessiva di ciascuna prova, poi confrontata con le forme più usuali di espressione di questo parametro fisiologico. Il lavoro rimette in discussione la metodologia e le deduzioni che si possono trarre da determinazioni di WUE condotte su singola foglia che, nella grande maggioranza dei casi, non hanno trovato corrispondenza nelle misure che hanno interessato l’intera chioma. / Within the current climate change scenario, the optimization of irrigation water use in vineyards by improving its water use efficiency (WUE) is a core subject of interest to assure sustainability in viticulture. The following research focuses on the physiological parameter WUE as pivotal in defining the behavior of grapevine under water stress. The aim is to assess the various forms of expression of the parameter, to identify which of these better correlates to the performance of the considered varieties, in order to obtain objective data and to derive recommendations for a more suitable irrigation technique. Over three years we evaluated physiological responses of Sangiovese and Montepulciano vines subjected to progressive water deficit either pre and post-veraison. Moreover, the genetic potential of grapevine under conditions of limited water availability was tested through the comparison of the performance of Sangiovese vines grafted on two different rootstocks; SO4, a traditional susceptible genotype and M4, a recently selected scion supposed to be tolerant to water stress. During the research we also designed, implemented and tested an innovative apparatus able to run automated water deficit experiments and to concurrently monitor whole canopy even for a season long time frame. These measurements were compared to traditional single leaf readings and a general conclusion was that, in most cases, single leaf WUE assessment did not match with the measures obtained from the whole canopy enclosure system.

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