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The effect of silicone gel breast prosthesis on the electron beam dose distributionUushona, Ndeshihafela Vera January 2009 (has links)
Thesis --(MSc. (Medical Physics)), 2009. / Introduction
The primary role of breast cancer treatment with radiation is to deliver a sufficient
radiation dose to the cancer cells without unduly causing biological damage to the
healthy tissues. For over 50 years, electron beam therapy has been an important modality
for providing an accurate dose of radiation to superficial cancers and disease and for
limiting the dose to underlying normal tissues and structures in particular to boost the
dose to the tumour bed and surgical scars after mastectomy. The Monte Carlo code
MCNP5 was used to determine the effect of silicone gel breast prosthesis on the electron
beam dose distribution.
Materials and Method
Percentage depth dose curves (PDD) for 6, 9, 12, and 15 MeV electron energies along the
electron central axis depth dose distributions in a water phantom and with silicone
prosthesis immersed in a water phantom were simulated using MCNP5.
In order to establish the accuracy of the MCNP5 code, the depth dose curves obtained
using MCNP5 were compared against the measured depth dose curves obtained from the
Varian 2100C linear accelerator. The simulated depth dose curves with silicone
prosthesis immersed in water were compared to the measured depth dose curves with the
silicone prosthesis in water. The dose at the interface of the prosthesis with water was
measured using thermoluminiscent dosimeters.
The simulated and measured depth dose curve and the investigated dosimetric parameters
are within 2%. Simulations in the presence of silicone showed a decrease in dose as the at
the interface as the beam passes from the prosthesis to water for most energies however,
for 15 MeV beam there is an increase in dose at the interface between the prosthesis and
water and this was verified by physical measurements.
There were good correlations between the measured and MCNP simulated depth dose
curve. Differences were in order of 2%. Small deviations occurred due to the fact that the
simulations assumed a monoenergetic beam that exits the accelerator head, while in the
measured results the beam exiting from the accelerator head includes scatted radiation
from the collimators and the applicator. The presence of the prosthesis does not perturb
the electron beam central axis depth dose curve however, the 15 MeV beam enhanced the
dose in front of the interface between the prosthesis and water. Despite the limitations
mentioned above MCNP5 results agree reasonably with the measured results. Hence,
MCNP5 can be very useful in simulating electron percentage depth dose data.
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The rheology of gel formed during the California Mastitis TestXia, Sen January 2006 (has links)
One of the most costly diseases in the dairy industry is mastitis, which is an inflammation of the mammary gland. Mastitis influences the quality of milk and therefore reduces financial returns to both the farmer and the processor. Early detection of mastitis typically reduces treatment cost and a significant amount of research has been done in this field. Currently, the three major methods for mastitis detection are: • The Foss Analysis, which physically counts each cell and is performed off-site. • The Whiteside Test, which is based on a direct relationship between the number of the blood cells and the intensity of a gel formed between NaOH and cells. It was developed for on-site mastitis detection, but is no longer used routinely. • The California Mastitis Test (CMT), which can be done on-site, but is only a quantitative indication of the severity of the infection. The California Mastitis Test has previously been adapted to determine the somatic cell count (SCC) in infected milk by correlating viscosity to cell count. Although highly successful, some uncertainty exists regarding the rheology of the gel formed during the test as well as factors that may influence the accuracy of the test. In this thesis, studies were undertaken on the rheology of the gel formed during the California Mastitis Test in order to develop an understanding of the mechanism of gel formation and how various factors influence the rheology of the gel. Basic biochemistry and physico-chemistry of the gel has been reviewed and it was found that the CMT gel is a DNA/histone/surfactant complex, which forms when SDS is introduced into infected milk with elevated somatic cell counts. Based on literature and some initial experimentation it was found that the gel is a time- and sheardependent, non-Newtonian fluid. Since the reliability of the CMT hinges on the correlation between viscosity and SCC, this study investigated specific factors that may influence gelation, these were: iii • rheology • testing conditions, such as time delay prior to viscosity testing, shear rate and temperature • surfactant type and concentration • milk composition, including fat content, somatic cell count and protein content. It was found that when using capillary viscometry a linear relationship exists between the relative viscosity of the gel and the SCC. The surfactant concentration determines the slope of this linear relationship and it was found that at least 3% SDS is necessary for accurate results. Using more than 3% SDS resulted in more scatter in the data. It was also found that a linear relationship exists between the maximum apparent viscosity and SCC. Either capillary or Brookfield viscometry can be used, however, Brookfield viscometry was found to be more sensitive at the lower SCC range. It was found that the combination of surfactant concentration and SCC influenced the rheology of the gel. The lower the SCC the more SDS was required for gel formation. It was found that when using 1% SDS the critical SCC was 79 k cell/ml, while using 3% SDS this was lowered to 59 k cell/ml. It was found that above the critical SCC the gel is a non-Newtonian rheopectic fluid. Dependent on shear rate, the gel shows rheodestructive behaviour. With a delay time, the peak viscosity of the gel formed faster with longer delay times. However, more than 30 seconds delay had no additional influence on gel formation. It was found that the shear rate or spindle speed influences both the time to reach the peak viscosity as well as the magnitude of this maximum. Higher shear rates shortened the time to reach the maximum apparent viscosity as well as the maximum viscosity. This is likely due to physical breakdown of the gel which is accelerated due to increased shear. Different surfactants have different effects on raw milk. Both acetic acid and Triton- 114 were found to be ineffective as CMT reagents. Acetic acid only denatures proteins and the increased viscosity is due to the precipitation of casein. Triton-114 cannot lyse nuclei walls and therefore gel formation was prohibited due to no DNA/histone complexes being released. Mixing SDS with Triton-114 was found to be less effective than SDS alone either due to the nucleus not being lysed, or because iv of interaction effects between SDS and Triton-114, reducing the available SDS for gelation. Lastly it was concluded that protein and fat content only contributes to the viscosity of milk by changing the solids content of milk and neither of these affects gelation during the CMT. Also, temperature only has a small influence on the relative viscosity and this influence could be neglected if the CMT is done around room temperature.
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Synthesis and Solution Behavior of Doubly Responsive Hydrophilic Block CopolymersJiang, Xueguang 01 August 2010 (has links)
This dissertation presents the synthesis of stimuli-sensitive hydrophilic polymers, particularly doubly responsive hydrophilic block copolymers, by controlled radical polymerizations and the study of their solution behavior in water. By incorporating a small amount of stimuli-responsive groups into the thermosensitive block of a hydrophilic block copolymer, the lower critical solution temperature (LCST) of the thermosensitive block can be tuned by a stimulus and multiple micellization/dissociation transitions can be achieved by combining two external triggers. Chapter 1 describes the synthesis and thermosensitive properties of two new watersoluble polystyrenics with a short oligo(ethyl glycol) pendant from each repeat unit and the study of hydrophobic end group effects on cloud points of thermosensitive polystyrenics. Well-defined polymers were prepared from monomer-based initiators via nitroxide-mediated polymerization and the alkoxyamine end groups were removed by tri(n-butyl)tin hydride, yielding thermoresponsive polystyrenics with essentially no end groups. The results showed that hydrophobic end groups could significantly change the cloud points and the molecular weight dependences of cloud points of polystyrenics. Chapter 2 presents the synthesis of thermo- and light-sensitive hydrophilic block copolymers, poly(ethylene oxide)-b-poly(ethoxytri(ethylene glycol) acrylate-co-onitrobenzyl acrylate), and their responsive behavior in dilute aqueous solutions. Dynamic light scattering and fluorescence spectroscopy studies showed that these copolymers were molecularly dissolved in water at lower temperatures and self-assembled into micelles at temperatures above the LCST of the thermosensitive block. Upon UV irradiation, the oiv nitrobenzyl group was cleaved and the LCST of the thermosensitive block was increased, causing the dissociation of micelles into unimers. The resultant copolymers underwent thermo-induced reversible micellization at higher temperatures. Chapter 3 describes multiple micellization/dissociation transitions of thermo- and pH-sensitive hydrophilic block copolymers, poly(ethylene oxide)-b-poly(methoxydi(ethylene glycol) methacrylate-co-methacrylic acid), in response to temperature and pH changes. The LCST of the thermosensitive block can be reversibly tuned and precisely controlled by solution pH. Chapter 4 presents the study on multiple sol-gel-sol transitions of a 20.0 wt % aqueous solution of poly(ethylene oxide)-b-poly(ethoxytri(ethylene glycol) acrylate-co-o-nitrobenzyl acrylate) induced by temperature changes and UV irradiation. The solution underwent thermo-induced sol-gel-sol transitions. Upon UV irradiation to dissociate micelles, the gel was transformed into a free-flowing liquid, which upon heating underwent sol-gel-sol transitions again.
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Use of pulsed-field gel electrophoresis to genotypically characterize salmonellae grouped by serotypeDrinnon, Damon L. J. 29 August 2005 (has links)
The prevention and control of salmonellae in commercial swine operations are becoming increasingly important. The current approach focuses on identifying sources and/or origins of salmonellae contamination before swine are processed for human consumption. The objective of the current study was to assess strain variability among salmonellae grouped by serotype and to determine common origins of contamination (farm or slaughter plant). Salmonellae were previously collected from swine at slaughter, serotyped by the National Veterinary Services Laboratory and stored at - 70??C. Pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) was performed to genotypically characterize serotypic isolates using restriction endonuclease XbaI. Dendrogram comparisons were also used to assess genotypic similarity when multiple genotypes existed. This study found PFGE to be more discriminatory than serotyping indicating that multiple genotypic strains existed among selected serotypes. On the basis of PFGE results alone, origins of contamination could not be determined in this study. It is suggested by the author, that origins of contamination could be further defined pending future research, in which in-depth longitudinal studies are included. When used as an adjunct to conventional typing methods, PFGE may prove to be a substantial subtyping system in epidemiologic investigations to identify point-of-entry contaminants to the food chain.
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Synthesis and Characterization of Cobalt Titanate Thin Films and Powders Prepared by Sol-Gel MethodGao, Reui-Hong 06 August 2007 (has links)
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Els clústers de bor com a integrants d'estructures dendrimèriques i materials híbridsGonzález Campo, Arántzazu 23 June 2006 (has links)
En aquest treball s'han obert noves vies en la síntesi de compostos moleculars i materials dins del camp de la química del bor. Per una banda, s'ha treballat en la síntesi i estudi de nous dendrímers de tipus carbosilà, i derivats de tipus siloxà, que incorporen diferents clústers de carborà i per l'altre la incorporació d'aquests clústers en materials híbrids orgànics-inorgànics de Class II. Els dendrímers són una nova classe de macromolècules que han suscitat un gran interès tant des del punt de vista sintètic com per les seves diverses aplicacions, degut a la seva estructura tridimensional ramificada, monodispersa i controlable. En aquest sentit, donat que els clústers de carborà presenten una gran versatilitat i estabilitat tèrmica i química, s'ha realitzat la integració d'aquests clústers a la superfície de dendrímers de tipus carbosilà i derivats de tipus siloxà. A més, s'han preparat una sèrie de dendrons de tipus carbosilà amb el carborà com a nucli a través d'un enllaç directe Cc-Si. Aquests dendrons posseeixen dues parts reactives, el clúster o punt focal i la perifèria, la qual ha estat funcionalitzada amb diferents grups que proporcionen una potencial reactivitat a la molècula. En el cas dels dendrímers de tipus carbosilà, aquesta funcionalització de la perifèria s'ha realitzat de dues formes: mitjançant un enllaç directe Cc-Si o interposant un espaiador alquílic entre ambdós àtoms. La primera alternativa ha permès obtenir una primera família de dendrímers que contenen quatre clústers de carborà de tipus closo a la perifèria, utilitzant dues vies: a) mitjançant reaccions d'hidrosililació de carboranilsilans amb el tetravinil o tetraal·lilsilà, i b) reaccions de substitució nucleofílica entre les corresponents sals litiades dels clústers i dendrímers, que contenen grups Si-Cl. Un cop formats aquests dendrímers s'ha passat a estudiar la reactivitat dels clústers incorporats davant nuclèofils i agents reductors, observant-se en tots els casos el trencament de l'enllaç Cc-Si. Només en el cas d'utilitzar Mg com reductor s'ha pogut aconseguir tenir els clústers de carborà nido reduïts, obtenint així un dendrímer aniònic. Per poder eludir l'enllaç directe Cc-Si s'ha treballat en la preparació de dendrímers de tipus carbosilà que contenen un intermedi entre aquests dos àtoms. En aquest sentit, s'han sintetitzat, mitjançant diferents mètodes, varies generacions dels dendrímers i variat el nombre de clústers situats a la perifèria. La posterior reacció d'aquests compostos amb nucleòfils ha permès obtenir els clústers nido degradats mantenint-se l'estructura dendrimèrica intacte i obrint així el camí per l'obtenció de metal·ladendrímers. En el cas dels derivats de tipus siloxà, primer de tot s'han preparat una sèrie de dímers que contenen l'enllaç Si-O-Si, per estudiar l'estabilitat del mateix en les reaccions de degradació dels clústers. Vist que aquest es manté intacte, s'ha passat a preparar "in situ" silsesquioxans (T8) funcionalitzats amb clústers de carborà, mitjançant la hidròlisi i condensació de derivats triclorosilans i trietoxisilans. Aquest mètode obre una nova via de síntesi de dendrímers de tipus siloxà on els silsesquioxans són la molècula central o nucli del mateix. Paral·lelament s'ha treballat en la preparació de nous materials híbrids orgànicsinorgànics de Class II basats en silici, que contenen clústers d'o-carborà. La preparació d'aquests materials s'ha realitzat utilitzant dos tipus de precursors diferents: derivats triclorosilans i derivats trietoxisilans. Pels clorosilans s'han estudiat quatre mètodes de preparació diferents: Sol-Gel hidrolític, Sol-Gel no hidrolític, estat sòlid i carbodiimida. Respecte els trietoxisilans, s'ha treballat amb precursors que contenen l'enllaç directe Cc-Si, i precursors amb un intermedi alquílic entre aquests àtoms. S'han utilitzat diferents condicions d'hidròlisi-policondensació o Sol-Gel i estudiat l'efecte del trencament o no trencament d'aquest enllaç en les propietats finals dels materials. S'ha estudiat l'estructura i propietats finals de tots els materials obtinguts en terme de porositat, àrea superficial específica, nivell de condensació i estabilitat tèrmica. A més a més, la propietat del clúster de carborà d'isomeritzar a temperatures altes ha fet que es dugui a terme un estudi dels materials obtinguts a diferents temperatures fins a 1200 ºC. / This work has opened new strategies in the synthesis of large molecules and materials in the boron chemistry field. New carborane-containing carbosilane dendrimers (C-Si) and siloxane (O-Si) derivatives have been prepared. In addition, the incorporation of these clusters into Class II organic-inorganic hybrid materials have been studied. Dendrimers are described as macromolecules with interesting synthesis and applications due to their monodispersity and highly branched three-dimensional controllable structures, that provide a high degree of surface functionality. In this way, since carborane clusters have a great versatility, and thermal and chemical stability, their integration on the carbosilane dendrimers surface has been studied. In this respect, the functionalization of the periphery has been carried out using two different approaches, through a direct Cc-Si bond or introducing an alkyl spacer between these two atoms. The first alternative has allowed to obtain one family of dendrimers with four closo-carboranes on the periphery by two synthetic strategies: a) using hydrosilylation reactions with carboranilsilane compounds and the tetravinyl or tetraallylsilane as core, b) by nucleophilic substitution reactions of Si-Cl functions in cholorosilane dendrimers with the lithium salts of the carboranes. The integrated carborane reactivity has been studied towards nucleophiles and reducing agents. In all cases, the Cc-Si bond has been cleaved, except when Mg is used as reducing agent, from which the reduced nido-carborane is obtained. Subsequently, the expected anionic dendrimer has been isolated and characterized. In order to avoid the direct Cc-Si bond, new carborane-containing carbosilane dendrimers with a spacer between these two atoms have been developed. Thus, different approaches have been used in order to prepare several generations of dendrimers with different number (four or eight) of carborane clusters on the periphery. The subsequent reaction of these dendrimers with nucleophiles has allowed to obtain the corresponding polyanionic dendrimers with peripheral nido-carboranes. This opens an alternative way to prepare new metallodendrimers. In addition, carborane-containing siloxane derivatives have been also prepared. In a first approach several dimeric species with a Si-O-Si bond have been prepared in order to study its stability versus cluster's degradation reactions. The good results encouraged us to synthesize "in situ" carborane clusters functionalized silsesquioxanes using the hydrolysis-polycondensation of trichlorosilane and triethoxysilane precursors. This method has opened a new synthetic way to prepare carborane-containing siloxane dendrimers with silsesquioxane as a core. A family of carbosilane dendrons in which the carborane cluster is the core of the molecule have been prepared. These dendrons have been functionalized at the periphery with different groups which provide potential reactivity to the molecule. Additionally, the modification of the focal point or core has been also achieved by reduction of the carborane cluster using Mg. In parallel, Class II silicon-based organic-inorganic hybrid materials with carborane-containing units have been prepared from trichlorosilyl and triethoxysilylcarborane- contaning precursors. The trichlorosilanes have allowed the formation of hybrid materials by either hydrolytic or non-hydrolitic Sol-Gel process, solid-state and carbodiimide Sol-Gel process. Two different triethoxysilane precursors have been used: a) precursors with a Cc-Si bond or b) precursor with an alkylic spacer between the Cc and the Si atoms. Several materials have been prepared by hydrolysis-polycondensation or Sol-Gel process using different experimental conditions. The Cc-Si bond cleavage has been observed when nucleophilic or basic conditions were used. The resulting solids have been studied in terms of porosity, specific surface area, level of condensation, macro- and microstructure and thermal stability. A thermal evolution of these materials at different temperatures have been carried out in order to study the possible carborane isomerization.
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Investigation of tissue factor mRNA levels in human platelets using real-time PCRPettersson, Erik January 2012 (has links)
Tissue factor (TF), a 47 kDa glycoprotein, is the initiator of the extrinsic pathway of blood coagulation and consequently of the upmost importance when damage to blood vessel occurs. The source of TF in circulation has been investigated. However, the source of TF is still not clear. One theory is that platelets express and increases the expression of TF after stimulation and the aim of our report was to investigate whether platelets really are a source for TF in circulation. Using specific primers for TF mRNA, platelets in plasma from healthy volunteers and from patients suffering from cardiac infarction were analyzed by using real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Gel electrophoresis was performed after amplification of TF mRNA to verify the results. The samples were negative for TF when using real-time PCR and the few positive all had cycle threshold (Ct) values above 35. The contamination by monocytes was analyzed by using real-time PCR, with primers for CD14 and showed low amounts. After analysis, our conclusion was that platelets do not express TF. Although some samples had positive real-time PCR, the Ct values were all above 35, meaning they had very few transcripts in the initial samples and that the biological importance is uncertain. Since contamination of CD14 positive cells were found in most samples it can’t be ruled out that the origin of the positive TF mRNA is from monocytes.
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Band spreading in gel permeation chromatographyPovey, Neale Page 01 January 1969 (has links)
No description available.
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Evanescent wave fiber optic PH sensor in Biomedical ApplicationLIN, CHENG-KUO 03 September 2012 (has links)
People to feel more and more attention to health, the pursuit of high quality of life, biomedical sensing is one of the development of technology, person to understand the current state of health, currently known as blood sugar and blood pressure monitors, to track health status
of the instrument is obvious too inadequate, usually go to the hospital for examination, but it is quite time-consuming, ranging from a waste of time, so the immediate biomedical optical fiber sensor to do direction. Evanescent wave ways to do research for my use of the sensing material-specific dye, sensing agent in different situations will be absorbed to change the situation, the use of sol-gel method (Sol-Gel) to
coated with the specific dye, to make our fiber clothes (cladding), when the light in optical fibers, through the specific dye to change the energy of light in optical fibers.
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Fabrication of Single Mode Buried Waveguides Based on Hybrid Sol-gel GlassesWu, Yu-zhi 16 June 2004 (has links)
In this paper, single mode buried optical waveguides based on hybrid sol-gel glasses and PECVD oxide were fabricated. Two different buried waveguide devices are investigated, and their optical characteristics are characterized. The first buried waveguide was obtained
by etching a shallow trench on SiON layer. Then sol-gel material used as the guiding layer was deposited onto the layer and cured in proper conditions. Finally, the waveguides were completed by coating a sol-gel top cladding layer onto the guiding layer. The propagation loss of the
waveguide is 0.59dB/cm at £f=1310nm.
The second buried waveguide was fabricated by etching a trench of 5£gm on SiON layer and then burying sol-gel material into the trench.Proximity printing was used to define the waveguide core on sol-gel films.The waveguide was packaged for measurement after coating a UV glue
on top of the core layer. The propagation losses of this waveguide device are 0.6dB/cm and 0.57dB/cm for TE and TM polarized lights. The coupling losses are 2.21dB and 2.41dB for TE and TM lights.
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