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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Estudo genômico do nível de infecção por Babesia bovis em bovinos da raça angus /

Santana, Clarissa Helena. January 2016 (has links)
Orientador: Henrique Nunes de Oliveira / Coorientador: Márcia Cristina de Sena Oliveira / Banca: Simone Cristina Méo Niciura / Banca: Rodrigo Giglioti / Resumo: A bovinocultura é um setor com importante destaque no agronegócio brasileiro. O carrapato Ripicephalus (Boophilus) microplus é responsável por perdas econômicas significativas aos pecuaristas e é vetor de hemoparasitoses como Anaplasma spp e Babesia spp. Sabe-se que os bovinos Bos taurus taurus são mais susceptíveis à infestação por carrapatos do que Bos taurus indicus. Acredita-se que o mesmo ocorra para a infecção por Babesia bovis. Neste trabalho, foram avaliados, em duas colheitas, 355 bovinos da raça Angus, pertencentes a uma fazenda de Uruguaiana-RS, nos quais foram realizadas contagens de carrapatos e colheitas de amostras de sangue para quantificação de B. bovis, pela técnica de qPCR, e genotipagem com chip de 150.000 marcadores SNP. Para qPCR utilizaram-se sequências iniciadoras que flanqueiam um fragmento do gene do citocromo B (mt-cytB), como oligonucleotídeos iniciadores. Após genotipagem dos bovinos com o chip Gene Seek Genomic Profiler™ (GGP-HD) da Illumina Infinium®, foi realizado imputação de genótipos, para recuperação de genótipos faltantes, e controle de qualidade. Foi realizada análise de associação genômica ampla (GWAS), para cada uma das características, infecção por B. bovis e resistência a carrapatos, através do método denominado "Single Step Genomic BLUP" (ssGBLUP). Todos os animais apresentaram infestação por carrapatos e infecção por B. bovis, determinada pela qPCR, e altos valores médios para ambas as características. Algumas regiões cromossômicas ... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: The cattle industry is a sector with importance in the Brazilian agribusiness. The Ripicephalus (Boophilus) microplus is responsible for economic losses and is a vector for hemoparasitoses, such as Anaplasma spp and Babesia spp. It is known that the Bos tauros animals are more susceptible to infestation by ticks when compared with infestation in Bos indicus animals. It is believed that the same behavior keeps for infection by Babesia bovis. They were evaluated, in two collections, 355 Angus cattle, from a farm in Uruguaiana city, estate of Rio Grande do Sul, where were performed tick counts, quantification of B. bovis by qPCR and genotyping with a 150K chip. Were used as primers, in the qPCR, sequences that flanking the fragment of the cytochrome b gene. The technique was standardized and optimized using specimens of isolates of B. bovis. After genotyping, imputation was carried out, for recovery of missing genotypes, and quality control. Genome association analysis was performed (GWAS), to each of the characteristics, through the method called "Single Step Genomic BLUP" (ssGBLUP). All animals showed tick infestation and infection by B. bovis and high average values for both characteristics. Some regions on chromosomes were identified as significant to the characteristics tick infestation and infection by B. bovis, and seven chromosomes, identified in the present study, were already described in other studies. The present study agrees with other results indicating that the qP... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Mestre

Diversité génomique des espèces bactériennes du genre Flavobacterium / Genomic diversity of Flavobacterium species

Barbier, Paul 13 November 2013 (has links)
Les bactéries du genre Flavobacterium sont retrouvées dans des types d’habitats très divers. Ce genre contient trois espèces ichtyopathogènes : columnare, branchiophilum et psychrophilum qui est responsable de pertes économiques importantes pour l’élevage des salmonidés. Un projet de séquençage et de comparaison des génomes de plusieurs flavobactéries pathogènes de poissons ainsi qu’isolées de différents environnements a été mis en place pour améliorer les connaissances sur ce genre. Les objectifs étaient l’identification des déterminants de virulence et la caractérisation de différents marqueurs moléculaires des traits phénotypiques associés à leur mode de vie. L’analyse des génomes de F. psychrophilum a permis de mettre en évidence une diversité des structures chromosomiques au sein de l’espèce et d’identifier des cibles moléculaires prometteuses pour le développement de tests de diagnostic ainsi que des cibles vaccinales potentielles. Le génome de F. branchiophilum a permis d’identifier des mécanismes moléculaires de virulence originaux. Les caractéristiques du génome de F. indicum révèlent un mode de vie environnemental : sa petite taille et ses faibles capacités de dégradation des bio-polymères suggèrent que F. indicum est adapté à une niche écologique restreinte. Ces nouvelles données ont permis de caractériser in silico des marqueurs moléculaires de caractères phénotypiques. En particulier, un groupe de gènes (dnd) rare et responsable d’une modification étonnante de la molécule d’ADN a été décrit pour la première fois chez les Flavobacteriaceae. Ce projet a permis d’enrichir les connaissances sur les bactéries du genre Flavobacterium et a contribué au développement d’outils pour la santé animale. / Flavobacterium species occur in a wide range of habitats. This genus includes three fish-pathogenic species, namely F. columnare, F. branchiophilum and F. psychrophilum. The latter is responsible for serious economic losses for salmonids farming in France and worlwide. A comparative genomics project including several fish-pathogenic flavobacteria as well as various environmental species has been set up in order to improve the knowledge on this poorly studied genus. Our aims were the identification of virulence determinants associated with pathogenicity and the characterization of various molecular elements reflecting phenotypes associated with their life-style. Analysis of the genomes of several F. psychrophilum isolates revealed the diversity of chromosomal structures within the species and identified in silico promising molecular targets for the development of diagnostic tests as well as potential vaccines targets. Analysis of the F. branchiophilum genome enabled to identify particular molecular virulence mechanisms. The features of the F. indicum genome reflected its environmental lifestyle : its small size and its limited bio-polymers degrading abilities suggested that F. indicum is adapted to a quite narrow ecological niche. These new data have allowed the in silico identification of many molecular elements reflecting phenotypic traits. In particular, a rare gene cluster (dnd) responsible for an unusual DNA structure modification was described for the first time within members of the family Flavobacteriaceae. This project enriched the knowledge on Flavobacterium species and contributed to the development of tools for animal health.

Quantitative Approaches to the Genomics of Clonal Evolution

Zairis, Sakellarios January 2018 (has links)
Many problems in the biological sciences reduce to questions of genetic evolution. Entire classes of medical pathology, such as malignant neoplasia or infectious disease, can be viewed in the light of Darwinian competition of genomes. With the benefit of today's maturing sequencing technologies we can observe and quantify genetic evolution with nucleotide resolution. This provides a molecular view of genetic material that has adapted, or is in the process of adapting, to its local selection pressures. A series of problems will be discussed in this thesis, all involving the mathematical modeling of genomic data derived from clonally evolving populations. We use a variety of computational approaches to characterize over-represented features in the data, with the underlying hypothesis that we may be detecting fitness-conferring features of the biology. In Part I we consider the cross-sectional sampling of human tumors via RNA-sequencing, and devise computational pipelines for detecting oncogenic gene fusions and oncovirus infections. Genomic translocation and oncovirus infection can each be a highly penetrant alteration in a tumor's evolutionary history, with famous examples of both populating the cancer biology literature. In order to exert a transforming influence over the host cell, gene fusions and viral genetic programs need to be expressed and thus can be detected via whole transcriptome sequencing of a malignant cell population. We describe our approaches to predicting oncogenic gene fusions (Chapter 2) and quantifying host-viral interactions (Chapter 3) in large panels of human tumor tissue. The alterations that we characterize prompt the larger question of how the genetics of tumors and viruses might vary in time, leading us to the study of serially sampled populations. In Part II we consider longitudinal sampling of a clonally evolving population. Phylogenetic trees are the standard representation of a clonal process, an evolutionary picture as old as Darwin's voyages on the Beagle. Chapter 4 first reviews phylogenetic inference and then introduces a certain phylogenetic tree space that forms the starting point of our work on the topic. Specifically, Chapter 4 describes the construction of our projective tree space along with an explicit implementation for visualizing point clouds of rescaled trees. The Chapter finishes by defining a method for stable dimensionality reduction of large phylogenies, which is useful for analyzing long genomic time series. In Chapter 5 we consider medically relevant instances of clonal evolution and the longitudinal genetic data sets to which they give rise. We analyze data from (i) the sequencing of cancers along their therapeutic course, (ii) the passaging of a xenografted tumor through a mouse model, and (iii) the seasonal surveillance of H3N2 influenza's hemagglutinin segment. A novel approach to predicting influenza vaccine effectiveness is demonstrated using statistics of point clouds in tree spaces. Our investigations into clonal processes may be extended beyond naturally occurring genomes. In Part III we focus on the directed clonal evolution of populations of synthetic RNAs in vitro. Analogous to the selection pressures exerted upon malignant cells or viral particles, these synthetic RNA genomes can be evolved against a desired fitness objective. We investigate fitness objectives related to reprogramming ribosomal translation. Chapter 6 identifies high fitness RNA pseudoknot geometries capable of inducing ribosomal frameshift, while Chapter 7 takes an unbiased approach to evolving sequence and structural elements that promote stop codon readthrough.

Single-Molecule Carbon Nanotube Field-Effect Transistors for Genomic Applications

Trocchia, Scott January 2018 (has links)
Single-molecule carbon nanotube-based field-effect transistors are promising all-electronic devices for probing interactions of various biological and chemical molecules at the single- molecule level. Such devices consist of point-functionalized carbon nanotubes which are charge sensitive in the vicinity of a generated defect on the nanotube sidewall. Of particular interest is the characterization of the kinetic rates and thermodynamics of DNA duplex formation through repeated association (hybridization) and dissociation (melting) events on timescales unmatched by conventional single-molecule methods. In this work, we study the kinetics and thermodynamics of DNA duplex formation with two types of single-walled nanotubes: CVD-grown and solution-processed. In both assessments, we are able to extract kinetic and thermodynamic parameters governing the hybridization and melting of DNA oligonucleotides. In the latter case, devices are spun onto a wafer surface from an organic suspension, revealing consistent electrical characteristics. Significant effort is made to expand this work to wafer-level, in an effort to make the fabrication manufacturable.

Photochemical and Enzymatic Method for DNA Methylation Profiling and Walking Approach for Increasing Read Length of DNA Sequencing by Synthesis

Erturk, Ece January 2018 (has links)
The first half of this dissertation demonstrates development of a novel method for DNA methylation profiling based on site specific conversion of cytosine in CpG sites catalyzed by DNA methyltransferases. DNA methylation, a chemical process by which DNA bases are modified by methyl groups, is one of the key epigenetic mechanisms used by cells to regulate gene expression. It predominantly occurs at the 5-position of cytosines in CpG sites and is essential in normal development. Aberrant methylation is associated with many diseases including cancer. Bisulfite Genomic Sequencing (BGS), the gold standard in DNA methylation profiling, works on the principle of converting unmethylated cytosines to uracils using sodium bisulfite under strong basic conditions that cause extensive DNA damage limiting its applications. This dissertation focuses on the research and development of a new method for single cell whole-genome DNA methylation profiling that will convert the unmethylated cytosines in CpG sites to thymine analogs with the aid of DNA methyltransferase and photo-irradiation. Previously we synthesized a model deoxycytidine containing an optimized allyl chemical group at the 5-position and demonstrated that this molecule undergoes photo-conversion to its deoxythymidine analog (C to T conversion) with irradiation at 300 nm. The C to T conversion also proved feasible using synthetic DNA molecules. In this thesis, we demonstrate the conversion of a novel modified deoxycytidine molecule (PhAll-dC) using 350 nm photo-irradiation and a triplet photosensitizer (thioxanthone, TX) to avoid potential DNA damage. The new photoproduct was identified as the deoxythymidine analog of the starting molecule as assessed by IR, MS and NMR. An AdoMet analog containing the optimized chemical group was also synthesized and tested for enzymatic transfer to the C5-position of CpG cytosines using DNA methyltransferases. DNA methyltansferase M.SssI was engineered for more efficient enzymatic transfer. In the future, we will incorporate a triplet photosensitizer into the photoreactive moiety on AdoMet to increase energy transfer efficiency for photo-conversion of C to the T analog. Incorporating this into an overall method followed by amplification and sequencing should allow us to assess the methylation status of all CpGs in the genome in an efficient manner. The second half of this dissertation demonstrates development of a DNA sequencing by synthesis (SBS) method, The Sequence Walking Approach, using novel nucleotide reversible terminators (NRTs) together with natural nucleotides. Following the completion of The Human Genome Project, next generation DNA sequencing technologies emerged to overcome the limitations of Sanger Sequencing, the prominent DNA sequencing technology of the time. These technologies led to significant improvements in throughput, accuracy and economics of DNA sequencing. Today, fluorescence-based sequencing by synthesis methods dominate the high-throughput sequencing market. One of the major challenges facing fluorescence-based SBS methods is their read length limitation which constitutes a big barrier for applications such as de novo genome assembly and resolving structurally complex regions of the genome. In this regard, we have developed a novel SBS method called ‘The Sequence Walking Approach’ to overcome current challenges in increasing the single pass read length of DNA sequencing. Our method utilizes three dNTPs together with one nucleotide reversible terminator in reactions called ‘walks’ that terminate at predetermined bases instead of after each incorporation. In this method, the primer extended via 4-color SBS is stripped off and replaced by the original primer for walking reactions. By reducing the accumulation of cleavage artifacts of incorporated NRTs in a single run, our method aims to reach longer read lengths. In this thesis, we have demonstrated a variation of The Sequence Walking Approach in which 4-color sequencing steps are interspersed with walking steps over a continuous length of DNA without stripping off extended primers and reannealing the original primer. The improvements introduced with this method will enable the use of fluorescence-based SBS in many applications such as detection of genomic variants and de novo genome assemblies while preserving low costs and high accuracy.

Statistical Methods for Integrated Cancer Genomic Data Using a Joint Latent Variable Model

Drill, Esther January 2018 (has links)
Inspired by the TCGA (The Cancer Genome Atlas), we explore multimodal genomic datasets with integrative methods using a joint latent variable approach. We use iCluster+, an existing clustering method for integrative data, to identify potential subtypes within TCGA sarcoma and mesothelioma tumors, and across a large cohort of 33 dierent TCGA cancer datasets. For classication, motivated to improve the prediction of platinum resistance in high grade serous ovarian cancer (HGSOC) treatment, we propose novel integrative methods, iClassify to perform classication using a joint latent variable model. iClassify provides eective data integration and classication while handling heterogeneous data types, while providing a natural framework to incorporate covariate risk factors and examine genomic driver by covariate risk factor interaction. Feature selection is performed through a thresholding parameter that combines both latent variable and feature coecients. We demonstrate increased accuracy in classication over methods that assume homogeneous data type, such as linear discriminant analysis and penalized logistic regression, and improved feature selection. We apply iClassify to a TCGA cohort of HGSOC patients with three types of genomic data and platinum response data. This methodology has broad applications beyond predicting treatment outcomes and disease progression in cancer, including predicting prognosis and diagnosis in other diseases with major public health implications.


Patrick K. Sweet (5930888) 16 January 2019 (has links)
<p>Plant biomass is an abundant source of renewable energy, but the efficiency of its conversion into liquid fuels is low. One reason for this inefficiency is the recalcitrance of biomass to extraction and saccharification of cell wall polysaccharides. This recalcitrance is due to the complex and rigid structure of the plant cell wall. A better understanding of the genes effecting cell wall composition in bioenergy crops could improve feedstock quality and increase conversion efficiency. To identify genetic loci associated with biomass quality traits, we utilized genome-wide association studies (GWAS) in an 840-line <i>Sorghum</i> diversity panel. We identified several QTL from these GWAS including some for lignin composition and saccharification. Linkage disequilibrium (LD) analysis suggested that multiple polymorphisms are driving the association of SNPs within these QTL. Sequencing and further analysis led to the identification of a SNP within the coding region of a gene encoding phenylalanine ammonia-lyase (PAL) that creates a premature stop codon and co-segregates with an increase in the ratio of syringyl (S) to guaiacyl (G) lignin. A comparison of net PAL activity between lines with and without the mutation revealed that this mutation results in decreased PAL activity. </p>

Discovery and visualization of co-regulated genes relevant to target diseases

Unknown Date (has links)
In this thesis, we propose to discover co-regulated genes using microarray expression data, as well as providing visualization functionalities for domain experts to study relationships among discovered co-regulated genes. To discover co-regulated genes, we first use existing gene selection methods to select a small portion of genes which are relevant to the target diseases, on which we build an ordered similarity matrix by using nearest neighbor based similarity assessment criteria. We then apply a threshold based clustering algorithm named Spectral Clustering to the matrix to obtain a number of clusters. The genes which are clustered together in one cluster represent a group of co-regulated genes and to visualize them, we use Java Swings as the tool and develop a visualization platform which provides functionalities for domain experts to study relationships between different groups of co-regulated genes; study internal structures within each group of genes, and investigate details of each individual gene and of course for gene function prediction. Results are analyzed based on microarray expression datasets collected from brain tumor, lung cancers and leukemia samples. / by Vaibhan Lad. / Thesis (M.S.C.S.)--Florida Atlantic University, 2010. / Includes bibliography. / Electronic reproduction. Boca Raton, Fla., 2010. Mode of access: World Wide Web.

Molecular genetic and genomic characterization of an emerging mycotoxigenic pathogen Fusarium proliferatum

Almiman, Bandar F. January 2018 (has links)
This aim of this research was to elucidate the genotypic diversity of the mycotoxigenic species Fusarium proliferatum associated with diverse hosts and distributed in wide geographic locations to gain new insights into the biology of this emerging pathogen. This study developed a novel molecular genetic marker FG1056. Multilocus typing of F. proliferatum isolates (52) using F. verticillioides (2) and F. oxysporum (3) as references was carried out with FG1056 and a set of known genetic markers (ITS, TEF1, CAL and FUM1). This distinguished up to 10 genetic groups, 2 clusters and 23 haplotypes among the F. proliferatum isolates. FG1056 marker showed the highest number of SNPs (169), informative sites (89) and haplotypes (23) relative to other markers used and was comparable to the multi locus typing. Varying patterns of relationships were observed between isolates represented in the genetic groups and their host and geographic origin. Considerable biological variability was recorded among the F. proliferatum isolates in morphology, growth, sporulation and most notably fumonisin production (up to 140-fold differences) with reference to variable temperature, water activity and duration. De novo genome assemblies with the size ranging from 43.96 - 50 Mb have been developed for four diverse F. proliferatum isolates. In silico analysis led to the identification of 12,980 genes common to all isolates and up to 134 genes potentially unique to an isolate. Using these resources, FUM gene cluster (~45.3 Kb) was identified for the first time in F. proliferatum. Order and orientation of the 16 FUM genes and the complete flanking genes (MSF1 and ZCB1 at 5’; ANK1 and GAT1 at 3’) have been determined. This study has provided new insights into the genetic and biological diversity of F. proliferatum and also developed new genetic and genomic resources, which will serve as a solid platform for further research particularly to understand the regulation of fumonisins production in the laboratory and in the field.

A voz neodarwinista sobre os humanos: os novos significados histórico-sociais da ontologia biocientífica / The neo-Darwinist voice about humans: the new social-historical meanings of the bioscientific ontology

Paschoalotte, Leandro Módolo 03 April 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Leandro Modolo Paschoalotte (modolole@hotmail.com) on 2018-05-25T21:33:39Z No. of bitstreams: 1 TESE de Doutorado - LMP.pdf: 3219496 bytes, checksum: d0e4a3c01d34a773fbb67a46efb7f8b2 (MD5) / Rejected by Aline Aparecida Matias null (alinematias@fclar.unesp.br), reason: Solicitamos que realize correções na submissão seguindo as orientações abaixo: 1) Falta o número do processo da FAPESP nas folhas em que a bolsa é citada. Confirmar com a FAPESP se é necessário colocar o número do processo também nos agradecimentos. 2) Excluir as folhas em branco que estão entre o sumário e a introdução. Agradecemos a compreensão. on 2018-05-28T12:37:04Z (GMT) / Submitted by Leandro Modolo Paschoalotte (modolole@hotmail.com) on 2018-05-28T12:55:00Z No. of bitstreams: 1 TESE de Doutorado - LMP.pdf: 3219474 bytes, checksum: 3d1561985da9b8d968b144a96442458a (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Aline Aparecida Matias null (alinematias@fclar.unesp.br) on 2018-05-28T13:08:38Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 paschoalotte_lm_dr_arafcl.pdf: 3219474 bytes, checksum: 3d1561985da9b8d968b144a96442458a (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-05-28T13:08:38Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 paschoalotte_lm_dr_arafcl.pdf: 3219474 bytes, checksum: 3d1561985da9b8d968b144a96442458a (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-04-03 / Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP) / Há pelo menos três décadas a esfera pública vem sendo banhada pela figuração do humano como um ser de natureza igual – nem mais nem menos – a todos os outros seres viventes sob a rubrica da biologia molecular, mais precisamente da genômica. Do DNA como representação da “essência do nosso ser” aos “homens geneticamente criminosos”, vemos inúmeros enunciados serem vocalizados em livros, em reportagens e mídias em geral – especializados ou não – que, como diria Gyorgy Lukács, derivam ontologicamente as características do ser social daquelas constitutivas do ser natural. Desde a inauguração, na década de 1970 com a sociobiologia de Edward Wilson e Richard Dawkins, até os dias de hoje, a figuração do humano baseado na Teoria Sintética da Evolução vem se aperfeiçoando e se propagando nas distintas áreas do saber e da cultura. De forma geral, parte dominante desse pensamento interpreta as qualidades ontológicas dos humanos e, por consequência, suas características como resultados adaptacionista da evolução da nossa espécie com base na fitness genética. Sendo assim, no sentido de contribuir na compreensão do cenário no qual subiu ao palco tal figuração, este trabalho assume a tarefa de capturar alguns de seus significados históricosociais contemporâneos. Por consistir numa figuração com suportes teórico-científicos, a intenção, num primeiro momento, é identificar alguns dos seus fundamentos epistemológicos e ontológicos através da construção do que denominamos de grade de inteligibilidade genômico derivacionista, cuja característica central consiste na “dedução ontológica” das esferas menos complexas do ser em geral as mais complexas. Posteriormente, para levarmos a cabo o nosso objetivo, explicaremos o que consideramos efetivamente novo em seu significado histórico-social mediante as suas manifestações ideológicas – pelas quais práticas políticas e econômicas se operacionalizam. A nossa tese é de que, sob a crise estrutura do capital e seus aportes financeiros, emergiram tanto uma bioeconomia quanto uma biopolítica que imprimiram significados radicalmente novos ao modo com que tal figuração do humano se transmuta de discurso científico ao ideológico. / For at least three decades the public sphere has been bathed by the figuration of the human as a being of an equal nature – no more and no less – to all other living beings under the rubric of molecular biology, more precisely genomics. From DNA as a representation of the “essence of our being” to "genetically criminal men," we see innumerable utterances being spoken of in books, in reports, in advertisements and media in general – specialized or not – which, as Gyorgy Lukacs would say, derive ontologically the characteristics of the social being of those constitutive of the natural being. Since the inauguration in the 1970s with the sociobiology of Edward Wilson and Richard Dawkins, to this day, the human figure based on the Synthetic Theory of Evolution has been improving and spreading in the different areas of knowledge and culture. In general, a dominant part of this thought interprets the ontological qualities of humans and, consequently, their characteristics as an adaptational result of the evolution of our species based on genetic fitness. Thus, in order to contribute to the understanding of the scenario in which such figuration came to the stage, this work assumes the task of capturing some of its contemporary social-historical meanings. In the first place, the intention is to identify some of its epistemological and ontological foundations through the construction of what we call a “reductionist genomic intelligibility grid”, whose central characteristic consists of the "ontological deduction" of the less complex spheres of “being in general” the more complex. Subsequently, to accomplish our goal, we will explain what we consider to be effectively new in its historical-social meaning through its ideological manifestations – by which political and economic practices become operational. Our thesis is that, under the crisis of capital structure and its financial devices, both a bioeconomy and a biopolitics have emerged that have given radically new meanings to the way in which such figuration of the human transmutes from scientific to ideological discourse / 2014/27003-2

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