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Benchmark Evaluation of HOG Descriptors as Features for Classification of Traffic SignsFleyeh, Hasan, Roch, Janina January 2013 (has links)
The purpose of this paper is to analyze the performance of the Histograms of Oriented Gradients (HOG) as descriptors for traffic signs recognition. The test dataset consists of speed limit traffic signs because of their high inter-class similarities. HOG features of speed limit signs, which were extracted from different traffic scenes, were computed and a Gentle AdaBoost classifier was invoked to evaluate the different features. The performance of HOG was tested with a dataset consisting of 1727 Swedish speed signs images. Different numbers of HOG features per descriptor, ranging from 36 features up 396 features, were computed for each traffic sign in the benchmark testing. The results show that HOG features perform high classification rate as the Gentle AdaBoost classification rate was 99.42%, and they are suitable to real time traffic sign recognition. However, it is found that changing the number of orientation bins has insignificant effect on the classification rate. In addition to this, HOG descriptors are not robust with respect to sign orientation.
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Surface-Wave Propagation on a Gentle Bottom with Lagrangian FormHuang, Chi-Yang 01 August 2000 (has links)
¡@¡@The main purpose of this paper is to analyze the surface progressive gravity waves propagating on a gentle sloping beach in two dimension. Instead of using the method of Eulerian system by the previous investigators, we introduce the governing equations completely in the Lagrangian system directly. All the characteristics of the wave system is expressed by a suitable perturbation expansion in the bottom slope under linearizing the problem in wave amplitude, then all the governing equations are systematically expanded to order. The solution of the wave system is to be solved to second order , even to high order could also be obtained. Based on the obtained results, the velocity potential, pressure and motion of the fluid particle in the wave system in time and space is therefore presented, and we can see that the bottom slope is a main factor to screw the wave field to deform to break. Finally, the experimental result is cited to compare and verify.
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Study of the Characteristics of Breaking Wave and the Impulse due to Breaking Wave on Gentle Slope BottomTseng, Wen-Jer 13 June 2007 (has links)
The major purpose of this study is focused on the characteristics of the breaker and the impulse caused by wave breaking. Two-dimensional surface regular gravity water waves propagating on a gentle sloping bottom are considered and the consecutively temporal-spatial evolution of wave traveling form deep water to shallow water is also investigated.
Two perturbation parameters, bottom slope and the deep water wave amplitude , proposed by Chen et al.(1992~2005), are introduced in this problem. Also, two different systems in fluid mechanics are used and the theoretical results are corrected to order , including nonlinear quantities, in both of Eulerian and Lagrangian systems. Considering the point of view that the horizontal velocity of a specified fluid particle is equal to the wave celerity while the wave begins to break, some important physical phenomena, such as the evolution of wave profile, the trajectory of fluid particle, and the water wave pressure, are described in this analytical analysis. Furthermore, the wave length, wave height, water depth and wave steepness of breaking wave are solved. To modify the insufficiency of former semi-empirical formula for the impulse due to wave breaking, a theoretical formula is proposed by integrating the resulting water wave pressure form mean still water level to free surface.
Previous experimental studies are employed to verify the theoretical results. For wave for a further verification on the characteristics of wave breaking, some measurements on the movement of fluid particle, wave force and impulse wave conducted. Reasonable agreements can be found from the comparisons. It is concluded that consideration of wave nonlinearity is necessary while dealing with wave breaking problem.
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The behavioral ecology of Hapalemur griseus griseus : the influences of microhabitat and population density on this small-bodied prosimian folivoreGrassi, Christina 14 March 2011 (has links)
Not available / text
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English progressive rock band Gentle Giant is catalogued under the progressive (or “prog”) rock genre for a variety reasons, including unique instrumentation, virtuosity, and interesting/unconventional musical attributes. The complexity of their music is often warranted by the sophisticated concepts behind their albums and the deep messages of their songs. The Power and the Glory (TPatG), Gentle Giant’s sixth studio album, is a concept album that emphasizes the rise and corruption of power. What makes their music, especially TPatG, worthy of scholarly attention beyond the simple examination of the compositional techniques employed is the way in which the message of their compositions is conveyed, and how that message is interpreted. In this project, I investigate the elements that contribute to this album’s theme via semiotic analysis.
I begin by exploring the discipline of semiotics as a method for analysis. Largely applied to language and literature, semiotic analysis has been recently adapted and applied to music study. Jean Molino’s method proposes a tripartite model for the analysis of music: analyses at poietic, neutral, and esthesic levels. A poietic level analysis examines the circumstances of the music’s creation, including origination, composition, production, and performance. Situating Gentle Giant among their contemporaries and TPatG among the band’s discography by outlining their history (both personal and professional) illuminates the conditions under which the album was generated and produced. An analysis of the neutral level defines the musical “trace,” or those quantifiable elements of the music (i.e., objective elements such as pitch, rhythm, etc.). These structures are explained in light of their usage throughout history and their impact on the album’s overarching theme of the corruption of power. An esthesic analysis describes the reception and interpretation of the music. I examine the socio-cultural impact the album has made and the influence it has had on musicians throughout the years. Molino’s tripartite method of analysis supports a comprehensive understanding of Gentle Giant’s TPatG, not solely musically by examining its structures, but socio-culturally as a part of the progressive-rock culture and, indeed, the broader music industry of the 1970s.
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Produktivitetsskillnader efter införandet av drivningsmetoden Skonsam Effektiv Drivning hos SCA skog AB Medelpads skogsförvaltning / Differences in productivity after implementing the forest operation method Gentle Efficient Logging Technique in SCA forest administration in Medelpad SwedenNordström, Martin January 2020 (has links)
The enviromental footprint on the planet is something that societies andorganizations all over the world are trying to reduce. The forestry sector is not anexception in that matter and work is going on in several areas, among them reductionof soil damages. At the same, competition is constantly pressing the economicalmarginal, increasing the importance of cost-efficiency.This study’s aim was to compare two different methods of forest operations, theSCA-method SED (reducing the risk of damages) with traditional.The study was carried out as a quantative method study by comparing theproductivity of the two methods with three logging teams from autumns 2017 and2018.This study showed that SED only marginally increased the harvesting team’sproductivity compared to traditional cutting.Logging technique, Gentle efficient logging technique, SED, Strengthening actions,ghost row.
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“… gentle light unfading…”: Claire-Lise Holy and “Neither”Weiss, Katherine 01 January 2010 (has links)
No description available.
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Behaviour modification and gentle teaching workshops: management of children with learning disabilities exhibiting challenging behaviour and implications for learning disability nursingGates, B., Newell, Robert J., Wray, J. January 2001 (has links)
No / Challenging behaviours (behaviour difficulties) represent a problem of considerable clinical significance for learning disability nurses, and a source of much human distress. Gentle teaching is a relatively new approach to dealing with behavioural difficulties, and has been received with enthusiasm by clinicians, but has so far received little empirical support. The current study attempted to compare gentle teaching with a well-established alternative (behaviour modification) and a control group.
Objectives. To examine the comparative effectiveness of gentle teaching, behaviour modification and control interventions for challenging behaviour amongst children with learning disabilities.
Design. Nonrandomized controlled trial.
Setting. Service users¿ homes in East Yorkshire.
Participants. Seventy-seven children who presented with learning disabilities and challenging behaviour (behaviour difficulties) and their parents.
Procedure. One-day workshops in were offered by recognized authorities in either behaviour modification or gentle teaching that were not otherwise involved with the research project. Forty-one participants were recruited to the gentle teaching condition; 36 to behaviour modification; 26 to the control group. Random allocation was not possible, because of the slow uptake by interested parents. Measures was preintervention, and at assessment points up until 12 months following intervention.
Analysis. Quantitative analysis of pre¿post differences between the groups, using t-test.
Results. In general, no significant differences were found between the treatment groups and controls. Significant improvements were found for both gentle teaching and behaviour modification children over controls on the AAMR ABS XVII (social engagement) subscale. Controls had more contact with medical practitioner (GP) services than behaviour modification children and less than gentle teaching children.
Conclusion. Although very few differences were found between the three groups, those that did exist generally favoured behaviour modification. Implications for service provision and learning disability nursing practice are described.
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Phytoremediation of soil contaminated with petroleum hydrocarbons and trace elementsMarchand, Charlotte January 2017 (has links)
The rapid urbanization and industrialization has led to an increase of disposal petroleum hydrocarbons (PHC) and trace elements (TE) into the environment. These pollutants are considered as the most toxic contaminants in the world due to their persistence in the environment, and the long range of toxicological effects for living beings. Recent concerns regarding the environmental contamination have initiated the development of several remediation technologies, including physical, chemical, and biological approaches. In this thesis, gentle soil remediation options (GRO) were investigated at different scales for the reclamation of PHC and TE co-contaminated soil. In the first part of this thesis, laboratory experiments were performed to characterize PHC and TE contaminated soil as well as the indigenous microorganisms (bacteria and fungi) present inside these contaminated soil. It was found that the studied aged contaminated soil had a negative effect on earthworm’s development and L. sativum biomass. Moreover, a high respiration of microorganisms attributed to the transformation/ mineralization of organic matter or/and organic pollutants was observed. This presence of viable microorganisms suggested an adaptation of microorganisms to the contaminant. Further results showed that the long-term exposure of soil microorganisms to high PHC concentration and the type of isolation culture media did not influence the ability of isolates to effectively degrade PHC. However, phylogenic affiliation had a strong on PHC biodegradation. In the second part of this thesis, preliminary studies in greenhouse were assessed to investigate the ability of M. sativa assisted by compost in the greenhouse aided-phytoremediation of PHC and TE. It was found that compost incorporation into the soil promoted PHC degradation, M. sativa growth and survival, and phytoextraction of TE. Residual risk assessment after the phytoremediation trial also showed a positive effect of compost amendment on plant growth and earthworm development. Pilot scale ecopile experiment carried out in the third part of this thesis allow a reduction of up to 80% of PHC and 20% of metals after 17 months. This research demonstrated that M. sativa and H. annus were suitable for phytodegradation of PHC and phytoextraction of TE. Results from this thesis are helpful for further full-scale phytoremediation studies.
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Influência de diferentes sistemas de manejo sobre parâmetros comportamentais, produtivos e de qualidade de carne de bovinos confinados / Influence of different handling systems on the behavioural, productive and meat quality parameters of confined cattleNunes, Bruno César Prosdocimi 06 October 2009 (has links)
O presente estudo teve como objetivo investigar a influência de diferentes sistemas de manejo sobre a reatividade, parâmetros produtivos e de qualidade de carne e carcaça de bovinos confinados. Para isso, foram utilizados 50 novilhos Nelore, alocados em confinamento sob dois sistemas diferentes quanto ao manejo, o tradicionalmente empregado em fazendas (MT) e o baseado em princípios racionais de trabalho e na biologia dos bovinos, conhecido popularmente como manejo racional ou gentil (MR). Os animais de ambos os tratamentos receberam a mesma dieta e ficaram em confinamento por 126 dias (± 18 dias). Foram colhidas, durante os manejos de pesagem em brete, informações quanto ao ganho diário de peso (GDP) e reatividade (através do Escore de Comportamento Composto - ECC). Calculou-se, ao fim do confinamento, o ganho diário médio de peso (GDPtot). Durante o abate, foram colhidas informações quanto à reatividade dos bovinos no bloco de atordoamento (ECCabt). Durante a desossa, foram registradas informações quanto a coloração (L*, a* e b*) das amostras de Longissimus dorsi colhidas, três de cada animal, uma para cada tempo de maturação (0, 7 e 14 dias). Apos o período de maturação, procedeu-se com as análises de perdas de água por exsudação (PAE) e por cozimento (PAC), bem como de força de cisalhamento (MAC). Os resultados indicam que ocorreram influencias dos sistemas de manejo nas características PAE e MAC, com valores superiores e inferiores, respectivamente, em MR. Ocorreram influencias na interação tratamento e manejos ocorridos no GDP, com resultados superiores em MT. No parâmetro MAC ocorreu diferença significativa em relação aos dias de maturação, com diminuição ao longo do tempo de maturação, alem de diferenças nos tratamentos na carne nao maturada, com valores inferiores para MR. As características Contusões (totais, no dianteiro, na ponta de agulha e no traseiro), ECCabt, de coloração (L*, a* e b*) e de PAC não apresentaram diferenças significativas entre os tratamentos ou suas interações. Constatou-se melhor qualidade de carne de animais MR, porém com ganhos de peso ligeiramente inferiores aos do MT. A reatividade apresentou tendência de diminuição ao longo do confinamento, com valores ligeiramente inferiores para animais MR nos manejos de pesagem em brete e mais acentuados no momento do abate. / The present study investigated the influence of different handling systems on the reactivity, production parameters and quality of meat and carcass of confined cattle. The experiment used 50 Nellore steers placed in feedlots that received two different handling systems: the traditionally used in the Brazilian farms (MT) and the based on rational principles of work and in the biology of cattle, known as gentle handling (MR).Both treatments received the same diet and remained in confinement for 126 days (± 18 days). Were taken over the handling in squeeze chute, information about the daily weight gain (GDP) and reactivity (through the Composite Behaviour Score - ECC). At the end of the confinement, the average daily weight gain (GDPtot) was calculated. During the slaughter, was collected information of the reactivity of cattle in stunning pen (ECCabt). During the boning, were recorded information about the color (L *, a * b *) of Longissimus dorsi samples. Three samples from each animal was collected, one for each maturation period (0, 7 and 14 days). After the maturation period, that was preceded with the analysis of water loses by exudation (PAE) and by cooking (PAC) and the shear-force (MAC). The results indicate that there were influences of the handling systems features in PAC and MAC, with values higher and lower, respectively, in MR. Occurred influences in treatment and management occurred in GDP, with superior results in MT. In the MAC, parameter was significant difference for days to maturity, with a reduction over maturation time, and differences in treatment in the meat does not mature, with lower values for MR. The characteristics contusions, ECCabt, meat color (L *, a * b *) and PAC showed no significant differences between treatments or their interactions. It was better quality of meat from animals MR, but with gains weight slightly lower than that of MT. The reactivity, although not significantly different, tended to decrease during the confinement, with slightly lower values for MR in the management of animals weighing more pronounced in squeeze chute and at slaughter.
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