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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Influência de diferentes sistemas de manejo sobre parâmetros comportamentais, produtivos e de qualidade de carne de bovinos confinados / Influence of different handling systems on the behavioural, productive and meat quality parameters of confined cattle

Bruno César Prosdocimi Nunes 06 October 2009 (has links)
O presente estudo teve como objetivo investigar a influência de diferentes sistemas de manejo sobre a reatividade, parâmetros produtivos e de qualidade de carne e carcaça de bovinos confinados. Para isso, foram utilizados 50 novilhos Nelore, alocados em confinamento sob dois sistemas diferentes quanto ao manejo, o tradicionalmente empregado em fazendas (MT) e o baseado em princípios racionais de trabalho e na biologia dos bovinos, conhecido popularmente como manejo racional ou gentil (MR). Os animais de ambos os tratamentos receberam a mesma dieta e ficaram em confinamento por 126 dias (± 18 dias). Foram colhidas, durante os manejos de pesagem em brete, informações quanto ao ganho diário de peso (GDP) e reatividade (através do Escore de Comportamento Composto - ECC). Calculou-se, ao fim do confinamento, o ganho diário médio de peso (GDPtot). Durante o abate, foram colhidas informações quanto à reatividade dos bovinos no bloco de atordoamento (ECCabt). Durante a desossa, foram registradas informações quanto a coloração (L*, a* e b*) das amostras de Longissimus dorsi colhidas, três de cada animal, uma para cada tempo de maturação (0, 7 e 14 dias). Apos o período de maturação, procedeu-se com as análises de perdas de água por exsudação (PAE) e por cozimento (PAC), bem como de força de cisalhamento (MAC). Os resultados indicam que ocorreram influencias dos sistemas de manejo nas características PAE e MAC, com valores superiores e inferiores, respectivamente, em MR. Ocorreram influencias na interação tratamento e manejos ocorridos no GDP, com resultados superiores em MT. No parâmetro MAC ocorreu diferença significativa em relação aos dias de maturação, com diminuição ao longo do tempo de maturação, alem de diferenças nos tratamentos na carne nao maturada, com valores inferiores para MR. As características Contusões (totais, no dianteiro, na ponta de agulha e no traseiro), ECCabt, de coloração (L*, a* e b*) e de PAC não apresentaram diferenças significativas entre os tratamentos ou suas interações. Constatou-se melhor qualidade de carne de animais MR, porém com ganhos de peso ligeiramente inferiores aos do MT. A reatividade apresentou tendência de diminuição ao longo do confinamento, com valores ligeiramente inferiores para animais MR nos manejos de pesagem em brete e mais acentuados no momento do abate. / The present study investigated the influence of different handling systems on the reactivity, production parameters and quality of meat and carcass of confined cattle. The experiment used 50 Nellore steers placed in feedlots that received two different handling systems: the traditionally used in the Brazilian farms (MT) and the based on rational principles of work and in the biology of cattle, known as gentle handling (MR).Both treatments received the same diet and remained in confinement for 126 days (± 18 days). Were taken over the handling in squeeze chute, information about the daily weight gain (GDP) and reactivity (through the Composite Behaviour Score - ECC). At the end of the confinement, the average daily weight gain (GDPtot) was calculated. During the slaughter, was collected information of the reactivity of cattle in stunning pen (ECCabt). During the boning, were recorded information about the color (L *, a * b *) of Longissimus dorsi samples. Three samples from each animal was collected, one for each maturation period (0, 7 and 14 days). After the maturation period, that was preceded with the analysis of water loses by exudation (PAE) and by cooking (PAC) and the shear-force (MAC). The results indicate that there were influences of the handling systems features in PAC and MAC, with values higher and lower, respectively, in MR. Occurred influences in treatment and management occurred in GDP, with superior results in MT. In the MAC, parameter was significant difference for days to maturity, with a reduction over maturation time, and differences in treatment in the meat does not mature, with lower values for MR. The characteristics contusions, ECCabt, meat color (L *, a * b *) and PAC showed no significant differences between treatments or their interactions. It was better quality of meat from animals MR, but with gains weight slightly lower than that of MT. The reactivity, although not significantly different, tended to decrease during the confinement, with slightly lower values for MR in the management of animals weighing more pronounced in squeeze chute and at slaughter.

Återbruk i byggbranschen : En fallstudie om klimatbesparingspotential och ekonomi / Reusable materials in the building industry - A case study on climate savings and economics

Matsson, Kristin January 2020 (has links)
För att minska koldioxidutsläppen i byggbranschen och nå de globala och nationella miljömålen måste nya sätt att hantera material och avfall införas. Syftet med denna studie är att kartlägga mängden återbrukbara material vid ombyggnationen av Gylle skola i Borlänge genom att utföra en återbruksinventering av den första etappen i projektet.Genom dokumentstudier och fältobservation föreslår rapporten skillnader i klimatbelastning och ekonomi vid användandet av återbrukade- och jungfruliga byggmaterial. Forskning visar att mycket av de byggmaterial som blir avfall ännu inte nått sin tekniska livslängd. Genom att utföra en återbruksinventering kan återbrukbara material lokaliseras och planeras för att använda i andra projekt eller lämnas till andra aktörer för att på så vis minska klimatbelastningen från byggbranschen.I studien presenteras några av de hinder som föreligger för ett mer omfattande användande av återbrukade material. Exempel på dessa hinder är svårigheten att säkerställa garantier och kvalitet för materialen och att kostnaden för selektiv rivning är för hög för att prioriteras. I rapporten framgår att denna kostnad kan kompenseras till ca 80 % av den minskade kostnaden för deponi. I resultatet presenteras att produktmängden som finns tillgänglig för återbruk i projektet uppgår till 32,6 ton, inom kategorierna dörrar, fönster och undertak. Klimatbesparingspotentialen jämfört med nyinköp är 21,7 ton CO2ekv och det inbyggda ekonomiska värdet är 275 510 SEK för dessa material.Slutsatser för studien är att det är viktigt att prioritera en återbruksinventering i ett tidigt skede för att möjliggöra ett ökat återbruk och att det finns ekonomiska incitament för att prioritera detta då det inbyggda materialet har ett ekonomiskt värde.Vidare diskuteras att fler ekonomiska incitament och kravställningar från myndigheter och andra aktörer krävs för att tillgång och efterfrågan på återbrukat byggmaterial ska öka. / To reduce the carbon dioxide emissions from the construction industry and reaching the global and national environmental goals, new ways to manage building materials and recrement must be implemented. The purpose of this study is to investigate the amount of reusable material at Gylle skola by performing an inventory.Through studies of existing literature and conducted field observations, this study shows differences in climate burden and economics between using reused materials and new materials. Previous studies suggest that a large amount of construction materials that are being disposed of have not yet reached the end of its expected lifespan. By doing an inventory of potential reusable materials in the early stages of a demolition project, the material can be located and plans for continued use in other projects can be made. By doing so, the burden on the climate from the construction industry can be reduced.There are many obstacles of reusing existing materials. Some include difficulties in guaranteeing quality and the additional cost of gentle demolition. The results of this study suggest that the additional cost related to reusing material can be mitigated by as much as 80 % as the cost of disposal is removed. Other findings include the importance of conducting an inventory of potential reusable material in an early stage as well as the existence of financial incentives for reusing materials. The material available for reuse amounts to 32,6 tons. The potential for climate savings from reusing material compared using new material is equivalent to 21,7 tons CO2ekv and the value of the reusable material is 275 510 SEK.In addition, the need for further financial incentives and demands from authorities and other parties in order to increase the supply of and access to reusable material is discussed.

Contribution de la Spectrométrie de Masse d’Ions Secondaires à Temps de Vol au développement de textiles industriels fonctionnels impliquant des agents actifs cosmétiques / Contribution of Time of Flight Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry to the development of functional industrial textiles involving cosmetic active agents

Desbrosses, Mickaël 01 July 2016 (has links)
La Spectrométrie de Masse d'Ions Secondaires à Temps de Vol (ToF-SIMS) permet la caractérisation de l'extrême surface à haute sensibilité via la détection d'ions secondaires atomiques et moléculaires. Ces travaux ont visé à étudier son application pour l'analyse de textiles industriels auxquels ont été conférées des propriétés dermatologiques (cosmétotextiles). Trois démarches analytiques adaptées aux spécificités des agents actifs et des technologies utilisées ont été présentées. Elles ont nécessité un développement particulier des méthodes employées (étude préliminaire, calibration, traitement et interprétation des données) et de tenir compte des possibilités et des limites de la technique ou de l'appareillage utilisé dans le contexte particulier de l'analyse des fibres textiles (topographie, effet de charge localisé, contaminations, formulations complexes, ségrégation et concentration de certains constituants des traitements en extrême surface).Dans la première démarche, la cartographie chimique ToF-SIMS a été utilisée avec succès pour illustrer l'existence d'un gradient de concentration en agent actif près de l'extrême surface de matrices polyamides. La capacité à identifier les signatures caractéristiques des agents actifs et valider leur présence en surface des échantillons textiles a pu être confirmée dans la majorité des cas. Cependant l'utilisation de signatures différentes de celles de l'agent actif a été nécessaire pour valider la présence de traitement dans le cas des textiles traités par co-précipitation. Enfin, un protocole de décapage doux a été testé pour faire face au problème particulier du recouvrement des textiles industriels par des apprêts siliconés / Time-of-Flight Secondary Ion Mass spectrometry (ToF-SIMS) allows the characterization of the outermost surface with high sensitivity by mass detection of atomic and molecular secondary ions. The objective of this work was to study its application in the context of the analysis of industrial textiles on which dermatological properties are given (cosmetotextiles). Three analytical approaches based on the specific properties of the active agents and technologies are presented. They required peculiar developments of methods (preliminary study, calibration, data processing and interpretation ...) and to consider the possibilities and limitations of the technique or the equipment in the particular context of these textile fibers analysis (topography, localized charge effect, contamination, complex formulations, segregation and concentration of some components from the treatments at the outermost surface ...).In the first approach, ToF-SIMS chemical mapping was used to successfully illustrate an active agent concentration gradient close to the outermost surface of polyamide matrices. The ability to identify the characteristic signatures of active agents and to validate their presence at the surface of textile samples was confirmed in most cases. However, signatures different from those from the active agent were needed to validate the treatment in the case of textiles treated by co-precipitation. Finally, a gentle sputtering protocol was tested to address the particular issue of industrial textiles covered with silicone based textile finishing

Le grand voyage

Garet, Catherine Annie France January 2009 (has links)
For most writers who deal with displacement, rewriting themselves, articulating and communicating their sense of estrangment is their lifetime work. For displacement forces one to leave behind the familiar and embrace the unknown. In this process of deconstruction, the concepts of home, belonging and identity are renegotiated and questioned constantly. Le Grand Voyage – the working title for the draft of a novel that is presented in conjunction with this exegesis – is a fictional work that is produced out of the implications of displacement, which inscribes itself in a series of explorations I started in 2001, cumulating with two video works Frammento in 2003 and Footnotes in 2004. Le Grand Voyage investigates further the concept of home by questioning the home/mother relationship. The exegesis aims to contextualise the making of Le Grand Voyage by using another woman’s narrative as the main point of reference: Linda Olsson’s Let Me Sing You Gentle Songs (2005). Olsson’s work – like mine – is conceived out of the effects of displacement, and the literary form and structure display symptoms that are characteristics to narratives of displacement. By putting the home/mother/daughter in context, the narrative displays home as a patriarchal construct showing how the idealisation of home/place is predicated on a gendering of home, whereby, as McDermott notes, ‘home is constructed as a maternal, static and past, to which the (male) subjects longs to return’ (2003: 265). The narrative’s point of view is that of daughters but also that of mothers as daughters, and enables not only a feminist discussion of the notion of home but also of motherhood. Therefore, the theoretical approach for this work has encompassed feminists’ writings that have particularly focused their research on space, place and gender. In challenging the dominant form of gender constructions and relations, the first and second wave feminism have empowered many women to leave home in order to shape their own version of identity. I believe it is within the perspective of displacement, of being out of place, that many women continue to find the necessary distance to contest a particular reading of woman and home that still prevails in academic literature and fiction. Thus, an important part of this exegesis concentrates on the critic of home. I want to argue in a feminist way that our ideas of home and belonging still reflect gendered assumptions and are therefore contestable. That displacement as a catalyst for loss, emotional grief and mourning becomes an enabling way for women to rethink home in terms of what was at play rather than in place and to do the ‘memory work’ that feminists ask women to do: to remember in order not to forget because ‘forgetting is a major obstacle to change’ (Greene, 1991: 298). Their attacks on the feminisation of place have opened up for me possibilities to think of home outside the parameters of sameness. They have also enabled me to understand the paradoxical position a displaced person is faced with: if displacement is favored and privileged why then do longings for home still persist for some? – a fact that is well illustrated in the actual resurgence of the preoccupation to belong. The gain in displacement also involves the fact that distance forces one to look at the longing and nostalgia for what they really conceal. In the case of a woman and, motherless daughters, distance, as this exegesis demonstrates, enables the writer to unveil the longings as subversive and fraudulent, tricking women into thinking there was nothing better than the past: home sweet home, the safe, bounded nest where women could be women: could be the mother. With the ‘memory work’ they both learn to think away from the parameters of sameness and the past, outside the nostalgic stances of singularity, safety, boundaries and internalised histories, therefore outside of the maternal, the home/mother relationship. ‘What is home?’ is a difficult question to negotiate for a woman. The exegesis and the first draft of the novel show what is at stake when one asks the question and the responsibility of women when writing about home.

Le grand voyage

Garet, Catherine Annie France January 2009 (has links)
For most writers who deal with displacement, rewriting themselves, articulating and communicating their sense of estrangment is their lifetime work. For displacement forces one to leave behind the familiar and embrace the unknown. In this process of deconstruction, the concepts of home, belonging and identity are renegotiated and questioned constantly. Le Grand Voyage – the working title for the draft of a novel that is presented in conjunction with this exegesis – is a fictional work that is produced out of the implications of displacement, which inscribes itself in a series of explorations I started in 2001, cumulating with two video works Frammento in 2003 and Footnotes in 2004. Le Grand Voyage investigates further the concept of home by questioning the home/mother relationship. The exegesis aims to contextualise the making of Le Grand Voyage by using another woman’s narrative as the main point of reference: Linda Olsson’s Let Me Sing You Gentle Songs (2005). Olsson’s work – like mine – is conceived out of the effects of displacement, and the literary form and structure display symptoms that are characteristics to narratives of displacement. By putting the home/mother/daughter in context, the narrative displays home as a patriarchal construct showing how the idealisation of home/place is predicated on a gendering of home, whereby, as McDermott notes, ‘home is constructed as a maternal, static and past, to which the (male) subjects longs to return’ (2003: 265). The narrative’s point of view is that of daughters but also that of mothers as daughters, and enables not only a feminist discussion of the notion of home but also of motherhood. Therefore, the theoretical approach for this work has encompassed feminists’ writings that have particularly focused their research on space, place and gender. In challenging the dominant form of gender constructions and relations, the first and second wave feminism have empowered many women to leave home in order to shape their own version of identity. I believe it is within the perspective of displacement, of being out of place, that many women continue to find the necessary distance to contest a particular reading of woman and home that still prevails in academic literature and fiction. Thus, an important part of this exegesis concentrates on the critic of home. I want to argue in a feminist way that our ideas of home and belonging still reflect gendered assumptions and are therefore contestable. That displacement as a catalyst for loss, emotional grief and mourning becomes an enabling way for women to rethink home in terms of what was at play rather than in place and to do the ‘memory work’ that feminists ask women to do: to remember in order not to forget because ‘forgetting is a major obstacle to change’ (Greene, 1991: 298). Their attacks on the feminisation of place have opened up for me possibilities to think of home outside the parameters of sameness. They have also enabled me to understand the paradoxical position a displaced person is faced with: if displacement is favored and privileged why then do longings for home still persist for some? – a fact that is well illustrated in the actual resurgence of the preoccupation to belong. The gain in displacement also involves the fact that distance forces one to look at the longing and nostalgia for what they really conceal. In the case of a woman and, motherless daughters, distance, as this exegesis demonstrates, enables the writer to unveil the longings as subversive and fraudulent, tricking women into thinking there was nothing better than the past: home sweet home, the safe, bounded nest where women could be women: could be the mother. With the ‘memory work’ they both learn to think away from the parameters of sameness and the past, outside the nostalgic stances of singularity, safety, boundaries and internalised histories, therefore outside of the maternal, the home/mother relationship. ‘What is home?’ is a difficult question to negotiate for a woman. The exegesis and the first draft of the novel show what is at stake when one asks the question and the responsibility of women when writing about home.

Phytoremediation of soil contaminated with petroleum hydrocarbons and trace elements

Marchand, Charlotte 08 1900 (has links)
The rapid urbanization and industrialization has led to an increase of disposal petroleum hydrocarbons (PHC) and trace elements (TE) into the environment. These pollutants are considered as the most toxic contaminants in the world due to their persistence in the environment, and the long range of toxicological effects for living beings when their concentrations exceed critical thresholds. Recent concerns regarding the environmental contamination have initiated the development of several remediation technologies, including physico-chemical, biological and Dig and Dump approaches. In my thesis, gentle soil remediation options (GRO) were investigated at different scales for the reclamation of PHC and TE co-contaminated soil. In the first part of my thesis, laboratory experiments were performed to characterize PHC and TE contaminated soil as well as the indigenous microorganisms (bacteria and fungi) present in these contaminated soils. It was found that the studied aged contaminated soil had a negative effect on earthworm’s development and Lepidium sativum biomass. Moreover, a high respiration of microorganisms attributed to the transformation/ mineralization of organic matter or/and organic pollutants was observed. This presence of viable microorganisms suggested an adaptation of microorganisms to the contaminant. Further results showed that the long-term exposure of soil microorganisms to high PHC concentration and the type of isolation culture media did not influence the ability of isolates to effectively degrade PHC. However, phylogenic affiliation had a strong effect on PHC biodegradation. In the second part of my thesis, preliminary studies in greenhouse trials were performed to investigate the ability of Medicago sativa assisted by compost in the greenhouse aided-phytoremediation of PHC and TE. The results clearly showed that compost amendment into the soil promoted PHC degradation, M. sativa growth and survival, and phytoextraction of TE. Residual risk assessment after the phytoremediation trial also showed a positive effect of compost amendment on plant growth and earthworm development. Pilot-scale ecopile experiment carried out in the third part of this thesis allow a reduction of up to 80% of PHC and 20% of metals after 17 months. My thesis showed that alfalfa (M. sativa) and sunflower (Helianthus annus) plants were suitable for phytodegradation of PHC and phytoextraction of TE. The outcomes of my thesis can be extend to other plants and they bring a new level of understanding that can be helpful for further full-scale phytoremediation studies. / L'urbanisation rapide et les activités industrielles ont abouti à la contamination de l’environnement par les hydrocarbures pétroliers (HP) et les éléments traces (ET). Ces composés sont particulièrement toxiques en raison de leur persistance dans l'environnement, et de leurs effets toxicologiques sur les êtres vivants quand les concentrations de ceux-ci dépassent des seuils critiques. Les préoccupations de plus en plus croissantes sur la contamination de l'environnement ont favorisé le développement de plusieurs technologies de remédiation des sites contaminés par les approches biologiques, physico-chimiques et par l’excavation et l’entreposage. Dans cette thèse, des options douces d'assainissement des sols (ODA) ont été utilisées à différentes échelles pour la remédiation des sols contaminés par des mélanges des HP et des ET. Dans la première partie de ma thèse, des expériences en laboratoire ont été effectuées dans le but de caractériser les sols contaminés et les micro-organismes autochtones (bactéries et champignons) qu’ils contiennent. Malgré la contamination ancienne du sol, les résultats obtenus montrent des effets négatifs des contaminants sur le développement des lombrics et la biomasse de Lepidium sativum. En outre, une respiration élevée de microorganismes, attribuée à la transformation / minéralisation de la matière organique et / ou des polluants organiques a été observée. Cette présence de micro-organismes viables dans les sols contaminés suggère leur adaptation aux contaminants. Toutefois, d'autres résultats ont montré que l'exposition à long terme des microorganismes du sol à de fortes concentrations en HP et le type de milieu de culture utilisé pour l'isolation n'influencent pas la capacité des isolats microbiens à dégrader efficacement les HP. Cette capacité de biodégradation des HP est liée à la phylogénie des microorganismes. Dans la deuxième partie de cette thèse, les études préliminaires en serre ont été réalisées dans le but d’évaluer l’efficacité de phytoremédiation en utilisant Medicago sativa assistée par l’ajout du compost. Les résultats ont montré dans cette expérience que l’ajout du compost dans le sol favorise la dégradation des HP, la croissance et la survie de M. sativa, ainsi que la phytoextraction des ET. L’évaluation des risques résiduels après la phytoremédiation a également montré un effet positif de l'amendement du sol en compost sur la croissance des plantes et le développement des lombrics. L’expérience pilote réalisée sur le terrain dans la troisième partie de ma thèse a permis une réduction de 80% des HP et de 20% des ET après 17 mois. Ma thèse a démontré que la luzerne (M. sativa) et le tournesol (Helianthus annus) sont des choix judicieux de plantes pour la phytodégradation des HP et pour la phytoextraction des ET. Les résultats qui en résultent sont utiles pour d’autres études de phytoremédiation à grande échelle. / Den snabba urbaniseringen och industrialiseringen har lett till en ökning av petroleumkolväten (PHC) och olika spårämnen (TE) i miljön. Dessa föroreningar anses vara de mest giftiga föroreningarna i världen på grund av att de stannar kvar i miljön samt att de har toxikologisk påverkan på levande varelser. På senare tid har oron för dessa miljöföroreningar lett till utvecklingen av flera saneringstekniker, såsom fysiska, kemiska och biologiska metoder. I denna avhandling undersöktes enkla marksaneringsalternativ (GRO) på olika nivåer, för återvinning av PHC och TE från förorenad jord. I den första delen av denna avhandling, utfördes laboratorieförsök för att karakterisera PHC- och TE-förorenad jord samt av de inhemska mikroorganismerna (bakterier och svampar) som förekommer i dessa förorenade jordar. Det konstaterades att den studerade förorenade jorden hade en negativ inverkan på daggmaskars utveckling och biomassan av L. sativum. Dessutom kunde den höga respirationen bland mikroorganismerna tillskrivas omvandlingen och mineraliseringen av organiskt material och/eller de organiska föroreningar som observerades. Denna närvaro av livsdugliga mikroorganismer antydde att mikroorganismerna anpassat sig till föroreningssituationen på platsen. Ytterligare resultat visade dock att den långvariga exponeringen av höga PHC-koncentrationer i isolerade odlingsmedier, för mikroorganismer i jorden, inte påverkade förmågan för dessa att effektivt bryta ned PHC. Dock hade den fylogenetiska tillhörigheten en stark påverkan på bionedbrytning av PHC. I den andra delen av denna avhandling genomfördes preliminära studier i växthus där förmågan hos M. sativa undersöktes, med hjälp av kompost, gällande den växthusstödda fytosaneringen av PHC och TE. Resultaten visade att inblanding av kompost i jorden främjade nedbrytningen av PHC, tillväxten och överlevnadsgraden av M. sativa och fytoextraktion av Pb. Återstående riskbedömning efter fytosaneringen visade också en positiv effekt, när komposten användes, på växternas tillväxt och daggmaskarnas utveckling. Ett experiment med eco-bädd utfördes för den tredje delen av avhandlingen. Denna studie visade på en minskning på upp till 80% av PHC och 20% av metallerna. Denna avhandling visar att M. sativa och H. annus var lämpliga för nedbrytning av PHC och fytoextraktion av Pb och Cu. Resultaten från denna avhandling förväntas vara användbara för ytterligare studier av fytoremediering i fullskala.

Förtätning i kulturhistoriska miljöer / Urban densification in cultural-historical enviroments

Ehrling, Linnea, Wibroe, Wictoria January 2020 (has links)
Studien grundar sig i den ständigt ökade stadsbefolkningen vilket bidrar till att städerna behöver utvecklas. En lösning på detta kan vara förtätning. Det kan leda till konsekvenser i de befintliga kvarteren med nya byggnader som oftast ska placeras i känsliga miljöer som i detta fall är ett kulturhistoriskt värdefullt område. För att inte förvanska kulturhistoriska miljöer är det viktigt att förtätning sker varsamt. Studien behandlar ett kvarter i centrala Växjö som är av högt kulturhistoriskt värde. Syftet i följande studie är att undersöka vilka prioriteringar som sker vid utformning av nybyggnation vid förtätning av kulturhistoriska miljöer. Målet är att ta fram ett förslag på hur en förtätning i ett kulturhistoriskt område kan gå till. Undersökningen baseras på en enkätundersökning och områdesanalyser samt litteraturstudier. Resultatet visar att exploatering kan genomföras om det sker på ett varsamt sätt. Det sätter synnerligen höga krav på fasadutformning, detaljer, material, kulörval, markanslutningar, volym, skala och proportioner samt samspelet med omkringliggande byggnader och miljöer. Att visa respekt för de befintliga områdena och ha ett varsamt förhållningssätt vid förtätningsprojekt för nutida och framtida behov är väsentligt. / The study is based on the ever-increasing urban population, which contributes to the development needs of cities. A solution to this can be densification. This can lead to consequences in the existing neighborhoods with new buildings, which will often be placed in a sensitive environment, which in the case of this study is a cultural-historical area. In order not to distort cultural-historical areas, it is important that densification takes place with care. The study deals with a current area in central Växjö which is of high cultural and historical value. The purpose of the following study is to examine what priorities take precedence while designing new constructions during densifying in cultural-historical environments. The goal is to suggest how densification in a cultural-historical area can look like. The study is based on a survey and observations. The results show that exploitation can be achieved gently. It places truly high demands on facade design, details, materials, color choices, ground connections, volume, scale and proportions as well as interaction with surrounding buildings and environments. Showing respect for existing areas and maintaining a gentle approach when developing cities for contemporary and future needs is essential.

Evaluation of amorphous oxide semiconductors for thin film transistors (TFTs) and resistive random access memory (RRAM) applications

Rajachidambaram, Jaana Saranya 06 January 2013 (has links)
Thin-film transistors (TFTs) are primarily used as a switching element in liquid crystal displays. Currently, amorphous silicon is the dominant TFT technology for displays, but higher performance TFTs will become necessary to enable ultra-definition resolution high-frequency large-area displays. Amorphous zinc tin oxide (ZTO) TFTs were fabricated by RF magnetron sputter deposition. In this study, the effect of both deposition and post annealing conditions have been evaluated in regards to film structure, composition, surface contamination, and device performance. Both the variation of oxygen partial pressure during deposition and the temperature of the post-deposition annealing were found to have a significant impact on TFT properties. X-ray diffraction data indicated that the ZTO films remain amorphous even after annealing to 600° C. Rutherford backscattering spectrometry indicated that the Zn:Sn ratio of the films was ~1.7:1 which is slightly tin rich compared to the sputter target composition. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy data indicated that the films had significant surface contamination and that the Zn:Sn ratios changed depending on sample annealing conditions. Electrical characterization of ZTO films using TFT test structures indicated that mobilities as high as 17 cm² V⁻¹ s⁻¹ could be obtained for depletion mode devices. It was determined that the electrical properties of ZTO films can be precisely controlled by varying the deposition conditions and annealing temperature. It was found that the ZTO electrical properties could be controlled where insulating, semiconducting and conducting films could be prepared. This precise control of electrical properties allowed us to incorporate sputter deposited ZTO films into resistive random access memory (RRAM) devices. RRAM are two terminal nonvolatile data memory devices that are very promising for the replacement of silicon-based Flash. These devices exhibited resistive switching between high-resistance states to low-resistance states and low-resistance states to high-resistance states depending on polarity of applied voltages and current compliance settings. The device switching was fundamentally related to the defect states and material properties of metal and insulator layers, and their interfaces in the metalinsulator-metal (MIM) structure. / Graduation date: 2012 / Access restricted to the OSU Community at author's request from Jan. 6, 2012 - Jan. 6, 2013

Centrum volnočasových aktivit Brno-Brněnská přehrada / Leisure time centre Brno - Brno reservoir

Eliášová, Kristýna January 2012 (has links)
The diploma thesis "Leisure time centre Brno - Brno reservoir" is processed in the form of architectural study. The theme of architectural study is project which integrates rowing club facilities, housing for students representing University of Technology in Brno, restaurant and observation tower. The main aim of proposal is to create dignified, interconnected spaces for these functions and to make the Brno reservoir even more attractive. Area for project of the Leisure time centre is located on a gentle slope and defined by the Rakovecka road and water area of the reservoir. The proposed project replaces all the existing buildings on the defined area of interest.

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