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Trace element studies by proton microprobe analysisFeltham, David John January 1990 (has links)
No description available.
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Using Trends and Geochemical Analysis to Assess Salinity Sources along the Pecos River, TexasHoff, Aaron 2012 May 1900 (has links)
Increasing salinity has been a growing concern for users of waters from the Pecos River and the reservoirs it feeds in the Texas portion of the River's watershed. Irrigation water diverted from the river in the northern reach of this watershed is often only suitable for a limited number of crops, reducing harvesting options for local farmers. In the south, the Pecos feeds into the International Amistad Reservoir along the border with Mexico. During the 1990s, total dissolved solids concentrations in the reservoir rose as much as 10 mg/L per year and often approached the drinking water standard for potable water (1000 mg/L). Since this time, control efforts have focused on reducing the river's salinity, requiring the identification of salt sources. Hydrologic trend analysis and geochemical identification methods were used to determine these sources for the reach of the river between Red Bluff Reservoir and Brotherton Ranch. Between Red Bluff Reservoir and Coyanosa, flow diversions remove much of the flow that carries the salts, resulting in decreased salt loads, but also making the river more sensitive to evapotranspirative concentration. This sensitivity is evident in the river between Coyanosa and Girvin, where salinity begins to increase to the highest levels within the study area. However, salt loads increase here as well, indicating external salt sources as a contributor. The most substantial increase in bromide ions and the Br-/Cl- ratio appears between Grandfalls and Imperial, although no conclusion could be drawn regarding the identity of the source. The ratio continues to increase up to Girvin, where it appears that evapotranspirative concentration again has a significant effect. Here, several points drifted to the right of the groundwater mixing zones, plotting at values that were uncharacteristic of these sources.
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The Dirt on the Ancient Maya: Soil Chemical Investigations of Ancient Maya MarketplacesBair, Daniel Aaron 12 July 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Various criteria or lines of evidence have been used to identify ancient Maya marketplaces, including location near trade routes, artifactual evidence of trade, open space adjacent to transportation routes, proximity to public structures, low platforms and rock alignments to denote market spaces, and regular patterns in soil and floor chemical concentrations. Seibal and Mayapán were important economic Maya polities controlling the trade routes at the apex of their civilizations. The objectives of these studies were to apply geochemical and geospatial analyses of the soils and floors from public plazas and household patios, to discover the anthropogenic chemical residues of phosphorus (P) and heavy metals associated with the trade of foodstuffs and workshop items that may have been marketed there. Public access, causeways, reservoirs and a pattern of high P and metal concentrations are consistent with marketing of organic foodstuffs and workshop items within suspected marketplaces of each site. In contrast, geochemical patterns of the soils and floors of household structures are consistent with ceremonial and household activities.
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Groundwater Occurrence of Table Mountain area in Cape Town South Africa.Wu, Changhong. January 2009 (has links)
<p>Groundwater is an important water resource to be used to supplement the water demand for the City of Cape Town for present and future generations. Understanding the groundwater occurrence of the Table Mountain area is very important for future groundwater exploitation and management. Apart from the sea in the west, Table Mountain is mostly surrounded by the unconsolidated sediments including the Kirstenbosch, Newlands, and Oranjezicht areas. These areas are rich in groundwater resources, like springs / some of them were utilized, others not. However, there are few studies that focused on spring resource in this area. No up to date information is available for spring resources research and relative data is lacking from local research institutions. In fact, some of the spring resources in the Table Mountain area had been extracted and been utilized for local community for many years. Data and information newly obtained from this study about such groundwater resources will help future groundwater development and management. There are at least 13 springs in the selected study area. Those springs were investigated for groundwater occurrence, because spring is an important manifestation of the underlying aquifer through which groundwater dynamics can be detected. The main objective of the study was to sketch a clear picture of groundwater occurrence and to obtain an improved understanding of how geomorphology affects groundwater flow, its manifestation and quality. Water resources management is also important because this kind of water resource can be used to help meet the water demand of this local area in the future. There is relationship between the topographical features of the Table Mountain and spring occurrence. The research area delineated is used to interpret the relationship. Hydro-geochemical analysis is carried out to indicate the chemical components of the groundwater and to understand the groundwater type and water quality of this particular area. Based on the completed analysis and interpretation of factors influencing discharge and recharge, some good results were obtained and useful information is made available for first time.</p>
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Ιζηματολογική και γεωχημική ανάλυση. Δυναμικό γένεσης υδρογονανθράκων στο νότιο τμήμα της Κεντρικής ΚρήτηςΜπελιβάνη, Δήμητρα 20 April 2015 (has links)
Η παρούσα διπλωματική διατριβή με τίτλο «Ιζηματολογική και Γεωχημική ανάλυση - Δυναμικό γένεσης υδρογονανθράκων στο νότιο τμήμα της κεντρικής Κρήτης», εκπονήθηκε στα πλαίσια μεταπτυχιακού προγράμματος με τίτλο «Γεωλογικές Διεργασίες στη Λιθόσφαιρα και Γεωπεριβάλλον», του τμήματος Γεωλογίας της σχολής Θετικών Επιστημών του Πανεπιστημίου Πατρών.Σκοπός της παρούσας διατριβής είναι η μελέτη τόσο κλαστικών όσο και ανθρακικών ιζημάτων, από διαφορετικά τεκτονικά καλύμματα, κεντρικά και νότια του νήσου Κρήτης. Η παρούσα διατριβή βασίστηκε στην σύνθεση δεδομένων πεδίου αλλά και σε μια σειρά εργαστηριακών αναλύσεων η οποία περιλάμβανε, ιζηματολογική και γεωχημική ανάλυση. Για την εργαστηριακή ανάλυση συλλέχθηκαν 72 δείγματα, εκ των οποίων τα περισσότερα ήταν κλαστικά ενώ κάποια εξ’ αυτών ήταν ανθρακικά. Κοκκομετρική ανάλυση έγινε σε 32 δείγματα ενώ τα υπόλοιπα ήταν ισχυρά διαγενημένα και περιγραφή τους έγινε μακροσκοπικά. Γεωχημική ανάλυση πραγματοποιήθηκε στο σύνολο των δειγμάτων.Πιο συγκεκριμένα, έγιναν κοκκομετρικές αναλύσεις των ιζημάτων, επεξεργασία των στατιστικών παραμέτρων, ποσοτικός προσδιορισμός του Οργανικού Άνθρακα (Corg) και του Ανθρακικού Ασβεστίου (CaCO3). Μελετήθηκαν τα αποθετικά περιβάλλοντα των ιζημάτων, οι συνθήκες σχηματισμού τους που σε συνδυασμό με τη γεωδυναμική εξέλιξη της περιοχής μελέτηςμας έδωσε τη δυνατότητα εκτίμησης της πιθανότητας ύπαρξης πεδίων μητρικών πετρωμάτων υδρογονανθράκων. / The present diploma thesis entitled "Sedimentological and Geochemical analysis - hydrocarbon generation potential in the southern part of central Crete," worked out during the postgraduate program entitled "Geological Processes in Lithosphere and Geoenvironment" of Geology of the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Patras.The purpose of this thesis is to study both clastic and carbonate sediments from different tectonic covers, center and south of the island of Crete. This thesis was based on field data composition but also in a series of laboratory analyzes that included, sedimentological and geochemical analysis. For laboratory analysis were collected 72 samples, of which most were clastic and some of them were carbonates. Particle size analysis was performed on 32 samples while the rest were strong diagenimena and their description became macroscopically. Geochemical analysis was performed on all deigmaton.Pio specifically made granulometric analyzes of sediments, processing of statistical parameters, quantification of organic carbon (Corg) and Calcium Carbonate (CaCO3). They studied the depositional environments sediment their forming conditions in combination with the development of geodynamic region meletismas enabled assessment of fields existence probability hydrocarbon parent rock.
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Groundwater Occurrence of Table Mountain area in Cape Town South Africa.Wu, Changhong. January 2009 (has links)
<p>Groundwater is an important water resource to be used to supplement the water demand for the City of Cape Town for present and future generations. Understanding the groundwater occurrence of the Table Mountain area is very important for future groundwater exploitation and management. Apart from the sea in the west, Table Mountain is mostly surrounded by the unconsolidated sediments including the Kirstenbosch, Newlands, and Oranjezicht areas. These areas are rich in groundwater resources, like springs / some of them were utilized, others not. However, there are few studies that focused on spring resource in this area. No up to date information is available for spring resources research and relative data is lacking from local research institutions. In fact, some of the spring resources in the Table Mountain area had been extracted and been utilized for local community for many years. Data and information newly obtained from this study about such groundwater resources will help future groundwater development and management. There are at least 13 springs in the selected study area. Those springs were investigated for groundwater occurrence, because spring is an important manifestation of the underlying aquifer through which groundwater dynamics can be detected. The main objective of the study was to sketch a clear picture of groundwater occurrence and to obtain an improved understanding of how geomorphology affects groundwater flow, its manifestation and quality. Water resources management is also important because this kind of water resource can be used to help meet the water demand of this local area in the future. There is relationship between the topographical features of the Table Mountain and spring occurrence. The research area delineated is used to interpret the relationship. Hydro-geochemical analysis is carried out to indicate the chemical components of the groundwater and to understand the groundwater type and water quality of this particular area. Based on the completed analysis and interpretation of factors influencing discharge and recharge, some good results were obtained and useful information is made available for first time.</p>
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Ιζηματολογική και γεωχημική ανάλυση των αποθέσεων της τομής ποταμός στη νήσο ΓαύδοΚτενάς, Δημήτριος 09 May 2012 (has links)
Στην παρούσα εργασία πραγματοποιήθηκε ιζηματολογική και γεωχημική ανάλυση των Μέσο-Μειοκαινικών ιζημάτων της Τομής Ποταμός (Kατ. Τορτόνιο) στο ΒΔ τμήμα της νήσου Γαύδου, με απώτερο σκοπό να μελετηθούν τα αποθετικά τους περιβάλλοντα, οι συνθήκες σχηματισμού τους και η γεωδυναμική εξέλιξη της περιοχής στην κατεύθυνση ύπαρξης πεδίων υδρογονανθράκων.
Από τις κοκκομετρικές αναλύσεις προέκυψε ότι τα ιζήματα βαθειάς θάλασσας της μελετηθείσας τομής ανήκουν στο μέγεθος του πηλού, η μεταφορά τους έχει γίνει κυρίως ως ομογενές αιώρημα ενώ η απόθεσή τους στο σύνολό τους, σύμφωνα με το C-M διάγραμμα (Passega,1957,1964), έγινε με τουρβιδιτικά ρεύματα. Επίσης από την ανάλυση του Ανθρακικού ασβεστίου η οποία βασίστηκε στην διάσπαση (CaCO3) με τη χρήση (CH3COOH) προέκυψε πως τα δείγματα στο σύνολό τους είναι φτωχά.
Aπό τα αποτελέσματα της έρευνας της οργανικής γεωχημείας του περιεχόμενου Οργανικού Άνθρακα τα οποία βασίστηκαν στην μέθοδο της Tιτλοδότησης (Gaudette at al.1974), αλλά και κατά δεύτερο λόγο από τα αποτελέσματα των δεικτών (για συγκριτικούς σκοπούς) με την μέθοδο της πυρόλησης (Rock-Eval 2), προέκυψε πως τα δείγματα παρουσιάζουν φτωχή δυνατότητα γένεσης υδρογονανθράκων. Αντιθέτως η ιζηματογενής ακολουθία του σχηματισμού Ποταμός κρίθηκε ιδανική να λειτουργήσει ως ρεζερβουάρ αποθήκευσης υδρογοναναθράκων αλλά και ως μονωτήριο πέτρωμα σύμφωνα με τον τρόπο ανάπτυξής της.
Από τον συνδυασμό αναλύσεων στην περιοχή μελέτης με αυτές στην υπολεκάνη της Μεσσαράς (Νότια Κρήτη), ίδιας ηλικίας (Κάτω Τορτόνιο) και λαμβάνοντας υπόψιν πως η Μεσσαρά αποτελεί το βόρειο τμήμα της βυθιζόμενης τάφρου, μεταξύ Κρήτης και Γαύδου (μια από τις backstop λεκάνες), και σύμφωνα με τη δράση κανονικών ρηγμάτων πίσω από τη Μεσογειακή ράχη που δημιουργούν αυτή τη λεκάνη, μπορούμε να υποθέσουμε πως υπάρχει πλούσιο οργανικό υλικό στο βόρειο τμήμα της και η τροφοδοσία της λεκάνης προέρχεται από ένα δελταϊκό σύστημα. Η κύρια τάφρος δομείται από υποθαλάσια ριπίδια – τουρβιδιτικές αποθέσεις και η παρουσία έστω και ολιγάριθμων δειγμάτων πλούσιων σε οργανικό υλικό στις μελετηθείσες τομές δείχνει ότι πιθανά στο κέντρο της τάφρου οι συνθήκες να είναι ιδανικότερες για τη γένεση υδρογονανθράκων. Η τάφρος φαίνεται να συγκεντρώνει το μεγαλύτερο ποσοστό ιζημάτων στο κεντρικό της τμήμα εξασφαλίζοντας τη συνεχή ταφή τους, οδηγώντας τα σε ωρίμανση και παραγωγή υδρογονανθράκων, με πιθανούς ταμιευτήρες τους ψαμμίτες που έχουν αναγνωριστεί στην περιοχή. / In the present thesis, sedimentological and geochemichal analysis of the Middle-Miocene sediments of the Lower Tortonian Potamos section in the northwestern part of the island of Gavdos was conducted, aiming to study the depositional environments, the conditions of the formation and the geodynamic evolution of the region towards presence of hydrocarbon fields.
Grain size analysis revealed that deep sea sediments of the studied section belong to the size of clay, the transfer has taken place mainly as a homogeneous suspension whereas the deposit, as a whole, according to the C-M diagram (Passega,1957,1964), was made by turbitity currents. In addition, the analysis of calcium carbonate which was based on decomposition (CaCO3) using (CH3COOH) revealed that the samples in their entirety, are poor. From the results of the research in the organic geochemistry Organic Carbon content, which was based on the method of tritation (Gaudette et al., 1974), and secondly on the results of indicators (for comparative purposes) with the method of pyrolysis (Rock-Eval 2), emerged that the studied rocks represent poor oil source. In contrast, the sedimentary succession of Potamos was ideal to function as a reservoir as well as a cap rock (seal) according to the manner of its development. From the compined analysis in the study area to those in Messara basin (Southern Crete), which have the same age (Lower Tortonian) and taking into account that the Messara basin (is at the northern part of the sink trench), between Crete and Gavdos (one of the backstop basins), and under the action of normal faults behind the Mediterranean ridge that creates this basin, it can be assumed that there is a rich organic material in the northern part and the feed of the basin originates from a delta system. The main trench is constructed by submarine fans –turbitity deposits and the presence of even a restricted number of samples rich in organic material in the studied sections indicates that probably in the center of the trench the conditions are ideal for the genesis of hydrocarbons. The trench appears to concentrate the highest percentage of sediments in the central part of the trench providing their continued burial, leading to the maturation and production of hydrocarbons, with the prospective sandstone reservoirs which have been recognized in the region.
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Assessing groundwater-surface water interaction as a decision-making tool licensing water use South Africa : case study area of Gevonden farmBiyela, Mfundi Cyril January 2015 (has links)
>Magister Scientiae - MSc / Assessing groundwater-surface water interaction as a decision-making tool licensing water use South Africa: Case study area of Gevonden Farm is the title of the current study with the context that arises from the use of GRAII methodology which uses quaternary catchment boundaries for groundwater abstraction water use licence application assessment during decision making. The problem is that the quaternary catchment scale approach does not provide the scientific bases for site specific scale. The current study argues that such approach provides realistic, practical information at site specific scale and therefore informs the issuing of licences more accurately. The aim of the current study is to improve understanding of how the assessment of groundwater abstraction water use licence should be carried out at a site specific scale to improve decision making during licence issuance. The objective of the study is to outline the scientific study and
demonstrate how the investigation that leads to the decision making can be conducted. The study was carried out using hydraulic methods such as pumping test and geochemical analysis method. Hydraulic properties were determined and chemical elements were analysed for and compared with the SANS 241 water quality standards for domestic and agricultural use. Hydraulic properties such as hydraulic conductivity (K), transmissivity (T), yield and storativity (S) were
determined. Major and minor ions that are required to be analysed for domestic and agricultural water use were analysed. Piper diagrams and FC method were used to analyse data. The piper diagrams plotted indicated that surface water is mixing with groundwater and that means there is connection between groundwater and surface water. The chemical elements analysed for were compared with SANS 241 water quality standards for domestic and agricultural use. The water quality on the investigated site can be categorized as having good water quality. A sustainable yield estimated from the two boreholes (BH03 and BH05) which
was 1.02 Ɩ/s. The available drawdown estimated with reference to the boreholes water strikes that were determined by EC profiling were 135 mbgl from both boreholes. The study recommends the issuance of water use licence with conditions that chemistry of water should be analysed for once a quarter and boreholes water levels should be analysed for once a month.
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Groundwater occurrence of Table Mountain area in Cape Town, South AfricaWu, Changhong January 2009 (has links)
Magister Philosophiae - MPhil / Groundwater is an important water resource to be used to supplement the water demand for the City of Cape Town for present and future generations. Understanding the groundwater occurrence of the Table Mountain area is very important for future groundwater exploitation and management. Apart from the sea in the west, Table Mountain is mostly surrounded by the unconsolidated sediments including the Kirstenbosch, Newlands, and Oranjezicht areas. These areas are rich in groundwater resources, like springs; some of them were utilized, others not. However, there are few studies that focused on spring resource in this area. No up to date information is available for spring resources research and relative data is lacking from local research institutions. In fact, some of the spring resources in the Table Mountain area had been extracted and been utilized for local community for many years. Data and information newly obtained from this study about such groundwater resources will help future groundwater development and management. There are at least 13 springs in the selected study area. Those springs were investigated for groundwater occurrence, because spring is an important manifestation of the underlying aquifer through which groundwater dynamics can be detected. The main objective of the study was to sketch a clear picture of groundwater occurrence and to obtain an improved understanding of how geomorphology affects groundwater flow, its manifestation and quality. Water resources management is also important because this kind of water resource can be used to help meet the water demand of this local area in the future. There is relationship between the topographical features of the Table Mountain and spring occurrence. The research area delineated is used to interpret the relationship. Hydro-geochemical analysis is carried out to indicate the chemical components of the groundwater and to understand the groundwater type and water quality of this particular area. Based on the completed analysis and interpretation of factors influencing discharge and recharge, some good results were obtained and useful information is made available for first time. / South Africa
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Geochemical Analysis of Ancient Fremont Activity Areas at Wolf Village, UtahPyper, Laura Morrison 20 April 2011 (has links) (PDF)
There is growing interest in the use of geochemical analyses for the evaluation of anthropogenically altered soils and other archaeological deposits. Areas of human habitation and activity tend to accumulate greater levels of soil phosphorus and trace metals. These elevated concentrations leave permanent signatures that can only be removed by erosion of the soil itself, and so phosphorus and trace metal mapping have become popular field procedures to identify areas of habitation and activity. Gridded soil samples were collected and soil phosphate and trace metal ions were extracted to identify these activity areas at the ancient Fremont site Wolf Village located in Goshen, UT. The geochemical analysis of the chemical patterns indicates possible areas of ancient activity such as food preparation, craft production, and waste. These results and techniques will be used to help locate additional activity areas for future excavation of the site as well as settlement and activity areas of ancient sites in the western US.
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