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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

"Grenzen setzt uns nur die eigene Phantasie": Reinhard Dietrich - Versuch einer Würdigung

Scheinert, Mirko, Novotny, Kristin, Horwath, Martin January 2014 (has links)
Beitrag zum Werdegang von Reinhard Dietrich anläßlich seines 65. Geburtstages

Zum Stand des Höhenbezugsrahmens in Deutschland

Liebsch, Gunter January 2014 (has links)
Beitrag zur Entwicklung des Höhenrahmens in Deutschland anläßlich einer Festschrift zum 65. Geburtstag von Prof. Reinhard Dietrich.

Geodätische Erdsystemforschung mittels Satellitenfernerkundung

Rosenau, Ralf, Wendt, Anja, Baessler, Michael January 2014 (has links)
Beitrag zur geodätischen Erdsystemforschung mittels Satellitenfernerkundung anläßlich anläßlich einer Festschrift zum 65. Geburtstag von Prof. Reinhard Dietrich.

Zur Realisierung eines terrestrischen Referenzsystems in globalen und regionalen GPS-Netzen

Rülke, Axel 10 July 2009 (has links)
Die geodätischen Beobachtungsverfahren leisten auf verschiedene Weise Beiträge zur Erforschung des Systems Erde: Einerseits beobachten sie die rezenten Prozesse und ihre zeitlichen Variationen direkt, andererseit liefert sie die Grundlage für die konsistente Betrachtung aller Einflüsse in einem einheitlichen geometrischen und gravimetrischen Bezug. Das Projekt des Global Geodetic Observing System (GGOS) der Internationalen Assoziation für Geodäsie (IAG) soll die Voraussetzungen zur Vereinigung der verschiedenen geodätischen Beobachtungsverfahren, Modelle und Auswertemethoden mit dem Ziel schaffen, mit einem konsistenten Satz geodätischer Parameter ein hochgenaues Monitoring des Systems Erde zu ermöglichen. Die Realisierung geodätischer Bezugssysteme mit höchsten Genauigkeitsansprüchen ist in diesem Kontext eine zentrale Aufgabe des GGOS und Thema der vorliegenden Arbeit. In der derzeit üblichen Darstellung umfasst eine Realisierung des Terrestrischen Referenzsystems (TRS) Stationspositionen zu einer spezifischen Epoche und ihre linearen Änderungen mit der Zeit. In diesem Konzept führen alle nichtlinearen Stationsbewegungen zu residualen Abweichungen, die geowissenschaftlich interpretiert werden können. Der natürliche Ursprung eines globalen TRS, so auch des International Terrestrial Reference System (ITRS), liegt im Massezentrum des Systems Erde (CM). Mit Hilfe dynamischer Satellitenverfahren, wie GPS, lässt sich dieser Ursprung aus geodätischen Beobachtungen realisieren. In einem konsistenten Ausgleichungsansatz werden Satellitenbahnen, Stationspositionen und die in Kugelflächenfunktionen niedrigen Grades modellierte Auflastdeformation gemeinsam geschätzt. Die Grundlage der Realisierung des ITRS bilden in einem gemeinsamen Projekt der TU Dresden, der TU München und des GFZ Potsdam reprozessierte Beobachtungen eines über 200 Stationen umfassenden globalen GPS-Netzes des Beobachtungszeitraums 1994 bis 2007. Nach der Vorstellung der Grundprinzipien des GPS und seiner wesentlichen Fehlereinflüsse erfolgt die Beschreibung der Analyse der Beobachtungsdaten selbst. Sie umfasst die einheitliche Auswertung über den gesamten Zeitraum sowie Verbesserungen in der Modellierung der atmosphärischen Einflüsse und der Charakteristika der Sende- und Empfangsantennen sowie die Nutzung der Normalgleichungen zu Realisierung des ITRS. Der abgeleitete Terrestrische Referenzrahmen (TRF) wird Potsdam-Dresden-Reprocessing 2007 (PDR07) genannt. Zur Beurteilung der Genauigkeit und Zuverlässigkeit dieses TRF werden umfangreiche Analysen durchgeführt. So wird der PDR07 u.a. mit weiteren Realisierungen des ITRS, dem ITRF2000, dem ITRF2005 und den Realisierungen des International GNSS Service (IGS) IGb00 und IGS05, verglichen. Für eine Vielzahl geodynamischer Anwendungen werden GPS-Stationen in Messkampagnen beobachtet. Die hochgenaue Realisierung des ITRS in diesen regionalen GPS-Netzen ist für die geodynamische Interpretation der Ergebnisse zwingend erforderlich. Am Beispiel eines regionalen GPS-Netzes in der Antarktis wird untersucht, wie sich das ITRS in derartigen Netzen realisieren lässt und mit welcher Genauigkeit lineare Stationsbewegungen aus Kampagnenmessungen abgeleitet werden können. Im Anschluss werden die erhaltenen Bewegungsraten geodynamisch interpretiert: Aus den horizontalen Bewegungsraten wird die Bewegung der Antarktischen Kontinentalplatte im Konzept der Globaltektonik bestimmt und ihre innere Stabilität bewertet. Die vertikalen Stationsbewegungen werden genutzt, um Aussagen über rezente Krustendeformationen aufgrund glazialisostatischer Ausgleichsbewegungen und rezenter Massenvariationen des antarktischen Eises zu treffen. / The geodetic observation techniques contribute in several ways to the research of the system Earth: On the one hand they observe the recent processes and their variations in time directly, on the other hand they provide the basis for a consistent description of all effects in a consistent geometrical and gravimetrical reference. Within the project Global Geodetic Observing System (GGOS) of the International Association of Geodesy (IAG) the prerequisites for the combination of geodetic observation techniques, models and analysis strategies shall be created in order to enable a high accurate monitoring of the system Earth with consistent geodetic parameters. In this context the realization of geodetic reference systems with highest accuracy is a central task of the GGOS and subject of this thesis. At present, a common realization of the Terrestrial Reference System (TRS) consists of station positions according to a specific epoch and their linear changes with time. In this concept non-linear station motions yield to residual variations, which may be used for geoscientific interpretations. The natural origin of a global TRS, and this is also the case for the International Terrestrial Reference System (ITRS), is the center of mass of the system Earth (CM). This origin can be realized by observations of dynamic satellite techniques, such as GPS. In a consistent approach satellite orbits, stations positions and the lower degrees of harmonic surface mass load coefficients are estimated simultaneously. The ITRS is realized based on reprocessed observations of a global GPS network. In a joint effort TU Dresden, TU München and GFZ Potsdam analyzed the data of more than 200 stations of the observation time span 1994 to 2007. After an introduction to the basic principles of GPS and its major error sources the data analysis is described. This covers a homogeneous analysis over the entire period, improvements in atmosphere modeling and antenna phase center modeling as well as the usage of normal equations for the ITRS realization. The determined Terrestrial Reference Frame (TRF) is named Potsdam-Dresden-Reprocessing 2007 (PDR07). In order to assess the accuracy and stability of this TRF a variety of analyses is performed. For example, PDR07 is compared to other ITRS realizations, such as the ITRF2000, the ITRF2005 as well as the realizations of the International GNSS Service (IGS) IGb00 and IGS05. GPS campaign observations are often used to investigate geodynamic phenomena. The realization of the ITRS with highest accuracy in these regional GPS networks is essential for the geodynamic interpretation of the results. A regional GPS network in Antarctica is used to investigate the optimal way to realize the ITRS in such networks and the accuracy of linear station rates determined from campaign observations. Subsequently, the station rates are used for geodynamic interpretations: The horizontal station rates are used to determine the movement of the Antarctic Plate in the concept of global plate kinematics and to assess the inner stability of the Antarctic Plate. The vertical station rates are used to evaluate recent crustal deformations caused by glacial isostatic adjustment and recent mass changes of the Antarctic ice sheet.

Feuerland: Symptome einer aktiven Plattengrenze

Mendoza, Luciano, Connon, Gerardo, Richter, Andreas 10 June 2015 (has links)
Beitrag anläßlich einer Festschrift zum 65. Geburtstag von Prof. Reinhard Dietrich.

GPS Velocity Field In The Transition From Subduction To Collision Of The Eastern Sunda And Banda Arcs, Indonesia

Nugroho, Hendro 06 July 2005 (has links) (PDF)
Campaign GPS measurements during 2001-2003 in the transition between subduction and collision of the Banda arc reveal how strain is partitioned away from the trench and distributed to other parts of the arc-trench system. Genrich, et. al. (1996) conducted a GPS campaign (1992-1994) throughout the Eastern Sunda and Banda arcs that demonstrated partial accretion of the arc to the Australian plate. We reoccupied many of the sites from this earlier study and 7 additional stations, 3 of which are new benchmarks. Our study shortened many baselines and extended the observation epoch to ten years for many key stations. The resulting GPS velocity field for the active Banda arc-continent collision reveals: 1) several mostly rigid crustal blocks exist in the transition from subduction to collision, 2) relative to an Asian reference frame, most of these blocks move in the same direction as the Australian lower plate, but at different rates, 3) block boundaries may exist between the islands of Lombok and Komodo, Flores and Sumba, Savu and West Timor, and between Timor and Darwin, 4) the Timor Trough may account for at least 20 mm/yr of motion between Timor and Darwin, 5) a major transverse fault off the coast of West Timor separates the Savu/Flores/Sumba block from the Timor/Wetar Block and may account for variations in movement in Rote, 6) the Flores thrust moves the eastern Sunda arc north relative to Asia by decreasing amounts to the west, 7) the back-arc Wetar Thrust system takes up the majority of plate convergence between Australia and Asia, and 8) fault boundaries are not found between many blocks, such as various islands of the Sunda arc and forearc with different amounts of motion.

Geodynamic Evolution of the Aegean Back-arc and its Implication for Associated Precious and Base Metal Mineralization

Wind, Sandra Christin 26 October 2023 (has links)
The exposed metamorphic core complexes in the Cyclades continental back-arc of southeast Greece host a range of base and precious metal deposits. Shallow crustal mineral deposits that formed since the late Miocene to active seafloor hydrothermal systems occur in the footwall and hanging wall of the major detachment systems and within all tectono-stratigraphic units. The carbonate-replacement, vein-type, intermediate-sulfidation epithermal, and skarn deposits tapped different sources of metals and fluids along the major low-angle detachment systems and steep normal faults. This study links the regional metallogenic diversity to fluid and crustal sources, within a framework of the evolving geodynamic context and complex basement structure. Over 30 mineral occurrences, from Lavrion of Attica on the Greek mainland across the Cycladic archipelago to Milos and Santorini on the active South Aegean volcanic arc, were investigated, encompassing ~40,000 km2 of the arc- to backarc system. Petrographic observations are combined with mineralogical, geochemical, and isotopic analyses (Pb, Sr, δ34S and δ18O) of galena (PbS) and ore-associated hydrothermal barite (BaSO4). New galena Pb isotope data complemented by Pb isotope data of galena from the literature exhibit a range of isotopic ratios, with a resolvable geologic pattern. Galena from deposits in the north-central Cyclades has low 206Pb/204Pb ≤18.84, while galena from the west Cyclades has higher 206Pb/204Pb ≥18.84. This distinct regional pattern is further supported by the Sr isotope signature of hydrothermal barite, with 87Sr/86Sr ≥0.711 in the north-central Cyclades and 87Sr/86Sr  ≤0.711 in the west Cyclades. When considered together with compiled Pb and Sr isotope data of potential source rocks, large-scale regional patterns in the isotopic signatures are recognized, suggesting two distinct sources of lead and strontium in the underlying basement of the core complexes. These two sources (Lower Cycladic Blueschist Nappe and Upper Cycladic Blueschist Nappe including the Cycladic Basement) correspond to known tectono-stratigraphic units of different provenance and age and help to correlate the basement over considerable distances, even where exposures are limited. Sulfur and oxygen isotope data of barite indicate variable contributions of sulfur from seawater and magmatic fluids among the range of deposit types. This indicates that different fluid generations evolved and tapped the basement, likely along the major detachment faults. The δ34S values of barite indicate that mineral deposits in the Cyclades can be clearly distinguished. Compiled whole-rock isotopic and geochemical data of the basement lithologies exhibit a broad dispersion. Miocene to recent mineralization in the Cyclades caused homogenization of the crustal sources and indicate regional lithological differences in the architecture of the exposed metamorphic core complexes. This thesis demonstrates that regional studies of the geochemical and isotopic composition of mineral deposits can provide additional constraints for the paleogeographic reconstruction of juxtaposed tectono-stratigraphic units across the Cyclades and other complex continental back-arc systems.

La chaîne varisque dans les Carpates Méridionales et les Balkans Occidentaux: études pétrostructurales des massifs d'Almaj (Roumanie), de Deli Jovan (Serbie) et de la Stara Planina Occidentale (Bulgarie) / Variscan Belt in the Southern Carpathians and the Western Balkans: petrostructural studies in the Almaj (Romania), Deli Jovan (Serbia) and Western Stara Planina (Bulgaria) Mountains

Plissart, Gaëlle 25 October 2012 (has links)
Ce travail retrace l’évolution varisque des Massifs d’Almǎj (Roumanie), de Deli Jovan (Serbie) et de la Stara Planina Occidentale (Bulgarie), à travers une étude pétrostructurale effectuée sur les différentes unités lithologiques de la Nappe alpine du Danubien supérieur. Cette nappe possède la particularité de contenir un marqueur de convergence de toute première importance sous la forme de 4 massifs ophiolitiques démembrés lors de l’orogenèse alpine :Tisoviţa Iuţi (TI, Roumanie), Deli Jovan (DJ, Serbie), Zaglavak (Z, Serbie) et Tcherni Vrah (TV, Bulgarie). Les études pétrologiques de terrain effectuées dans ces trois pays ont permis de confirmer la continuité entre ces 4 massifs, qui, séparément, comprennent chacun une portion de croûte océanique différente (TI :section mantélique et cumulats inférieurs, DJ :cumulats inférieurs et supérieurs, Z :cumulats supérieurs, TV :cumulats supérieurs et section effusive), mais considérés ensemble, forment une pile ophiolitique classique complète. De nouvelles datations par la méthode 147Sm-143Nd confirment un âge d’accrétion pour cette croûte océanique au Dévonien inférieur (~ 400 Ma). Cependant, l’essentiel de ce mémoire concerne les Monts Almǎj, notamment les roches encaissantes du massif de Tisoviţa Iuţi. La partie sud de ce massif ophiolitique représente la section inférieure d’une croûte océanique classique, alors que sa partie orientale est caractérisée par des roches de la croûte océanique supérieure, fortement déformées et transformées (métagabbros à zoïsite et fuchsite). Ces roches font partie de la Zone Mylonitique de Corbu (CMZ), qui comporte également des métasédiments à Gt ± St ± And et des serpentinites. Les conditions PT de formation de ces métagabbros, datés à 380-360 Ma par la méthode 40Ar-39Ar, ont été estimées à des températures comprises entre 450°C et 300°C. Leur contexte de formation peut être assimilé à une semelle ophiolitique ‘froide’, développée lors d’une obduction intra-océanique initiée probablement le long d’une faille transformante. Si le pic de métamorphisme des roches de Corbu a été estimé à 585°C/ 5.5 kbar, leur exhumation pourrait s’effectuer au sein d’un anticlinal en régime transpressif sénestre, en relation avec la formation de la CMZ, interprétée comme une ancienne zone plissée qui évolue en zone de cisaillement sénestre. Au Carbonifère, le granite syntectonique de Cherbelezu se met en place le long de la CMZ et enregistre les dernières phases de cette déformation lors de son refroidissement. Les études préliminaires sur les roches encaissantes des massifs ophiolitiques en Serbie et Bulgarie permettent de préciser une vergence d’obduction du lambeau ophiolitique vers le paléo-NW et d’établir un modèle de reconstitution paléogéodynamique au Varisque pour l’ensemble de la région étudiée./ This study provides new information on the Variscan evolution of the Almǎj Mountains (Romania), Deli Jovan Massif (Serbia) and Western Stara Planina (Bulgaria), throughout a petrostructural investigation conducted on the various lithological units of the Upper Danubian Alpine Nappe. This nappe displays an important convergence tectonic marker in the form of four ophiolitic massifs dismembered during the Alpine orogeny: Tisoviţa Iuţi (TI, Romania), Deli Jovan (DJ, Serbia), Zaglavak (Z, Serbia) and Tcherni Vrah (TV, Bulgaria). Our petrological studies in these three countries have confirmed the continuity between these four massifs, each of which showing, separately, a different portion of the oceanic crust (TI: mantle section and lower cumulates, DJ: lower and upper cumulates, Z: upper cumulates, TV: upper cumulates and effusive section), but taken together, forming a complete classical ophiolitic pile. New dating using the 147Sm-143Nd method has confirmed an accretion age for this oceanic crust at around 400 Ma (Early Devonian). However, the main part of this study has been focused in the Almǎj Mountains, particularly the Tisoviţa Iuţi ophiolitic massif and its enclosing rocks. The Southern part of this ophiolitic massif represents the lower section of a classical oceanic crust whereas its eastern part is characterized by upper crustal oceanic rocks that are highly deformed and transformed (zoïsite and fuchsite-bearing metagabbros). These rocks belong to the Corbu Mylonitic zone (CMZ), which also comprises Gt ± St ± And metasediments and serpentinites. Temperature estimates for the formation of the metagabbros are bracketed between 450°C and 300°C and these rocks have been dated at 380-360 Ma using the 40Ar-39Ar method on fuchiste. The geodynamic context for their formation can be viewed as a ‘cold’ ophiolitic sole, developed during an intra-oceanic obduction probably initiated along transform fault. If the metamorphic peak for the Corbu rocks has been estimated at 585°C/5.5kbar, their rapid exhumation could be realized via an anticline under a transpressive sinistral regime, connected with the formation of the CMZ that is interpreted as an ancient fold zone evolving in a sinistral shear zone. Finally, the Carboniferous syntectonic Cherbelezu granite intrudes along the CMZ and records the final stages of this deformation during its cooling. Preliminary investigations on the enclosing rocks of the ophiolitic massifs in Serbia and Bulgaria allow us to define a top to the NW obduction vergence for the ophiolite and to propose a paleogeodynamic reconstitution model for the Carpathian/Balkans terrains in the Variscan times. / Doctorat en Sciences / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

The metamorphic and anatectic history of Archaean metapelitic granulites from the South Marginal Zone, Limpopo Belt, South Africa.

Nicoli, Gautier 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (DSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2015. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Anatexis is the first step in granite genesis. Partial melting in the lower crust may produce leucoratic features of unusual chemical compositions, very different from the final products of crustal differentiation. Therefore, the links that exists between some migmatites and crustal-derived granites can be ambiguous. This study is an investigation of the anatectic history of a high-grade terrain: the Southern Marginal Zone of the Limpopo Belt (SMZ), north to the Kaapvaal Craton in South Africa. The work involved an integrated field, metamorphic, geochemical and geochronogical study of the metasedimentary granulites from two separate quarries in the northern zone of the Southern Marginal Zone, the Bandelierkop quarry and the Brakspruit quarry, where Neoarchean high-grade partial melting features can be observed. The project has aimed to address two main issues: (1) to accurately constrain the pressuretemperature conditions and the age of the metamorphic episode in the SMZ, with implication for the geodynamic processes near the end of the Archean, (2) to investigate the fluid-absent partial melting reactions that control formation of K2O-poor leucosomes and to understand the chemical relationships in the system source-leucosome-melt–S-type granite. The P-T-t record retained in the Bandelierkop Formation metapelites, constrained by phase equilibria modelling as well as zircon LA-ICP-MS geochronology, gives an insight into crustal differentiation processes in the lower crust. Rocks in both quarries indicate high-temperature metamorphism episodes with peak conditions of 840-860 oC and 9-11 kbar at c. 2.71 Ga with formation of leucosomes (L1) during the prograde path. Minor leucocratic features (L2) were produced during decompression to 6-7 kbar. The end of the metamorphic event is marked by the granulites/amphibolites facies transition (< 640 oC) at c. 2.68 Ga. The maximum deposit age for the detrital zircons in the metapelites (c. 2.73 Ga) indicates a rapid burial process ( 0.17 cm.y1). Those evidences strongly support that the Southern Marginal Zone contains sediments deposited in an active margin during convergence, and that the metapelites were metamorphosed and partially melted as a consequence of continental collision along the northern margin of the Kaapvaal Craton at c. 2.7 Ga. The leucocratic features generated along this P-T-t path display an unusual chemistry with low K2O and FeO+MgO content and high CaO content. The combination of field observations, chemical mapping and geochemical analyses leads to the conclusion the major part of the leucosomes (L1) crystallized prior to syn-peak of metamorphism concurrent with melt extraction from the source. This study documents the details of leucosomes formation using field observations in the Southern Marginal Zone and numerical modelling. This work demonstrates that the formation of K2O-poor leucosome in the metasedimentary lower crust is controlled by the difference in volume of equilibration and heterogeneities within the migmatites. The partial melting of the source coupled with melt loss and water diffusivity within the melt transfer site is a potential mechanism to explain the chemical link in the sytem residuum– melt–S-type granite. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Anateksis is die eerste stap in granietgenese. Meganismes wat in die onderste kors aan die werk is, is verantwoordelik vir korsdifferensiasie en bepaal die chemiese samestelling van die graniet. Hierdie studie het’n ondersoek behels van die anatektiese geskiedenis van ’n ho egraadse terrein: die suidelike randstreek van die Limpopo-gordel, noord van die Kaapvaal-kraton in Suid-Afrika. Die werk het ’n ge integreerde veld- , metamorfiese, geochemiese en geochronologiese studie van die metasedimentêre granuliete van twee afsonderlike groewe in die noordelike sone van die suidelike randstreek (SRS), die Bandelierkop-groef en die Brakspruit-groef, waar Neoarge iese ho egraadse gedeeltelike smeltkenmerke waargeneem kan word, ingesluit. Die projek was gerig op die ondersoek van twee belangrike kwessies: (1) om die drukâtemperatuurtoestande en die ouderdom van die metamorfiese episode in die SRS akkuraat te beheer, met implikasie vir die geodinamiese prosesse naby die einde van die Arge ikum, en (2) om die reaksies onder gedeeltelik gesmelte toestande wat die vorming van migmatiete beheer, te ondersoek en die chemiese verwantskappe in die stelsel bron - leukosoom - smelt - S-tipe graniet te begryp. Die P-T-t-rekord wat in die Bandelierkop-formasie metapeliete behoue is, ingeperk deur modellering van fase-ekwilibria asook sirkoon LA-ICP-MS-geochronologie, gee insig in korsdifferensiasieprosesse in die onderste kors. Rotse in albei groewe dui op metamorfismeepisodes teen hoë temperature met piektoestande van 840â860 oC en 9â11 kbar teen ongeveer 2.71 Ga met vorming van leukosome (L1) gedurende die progradeerpad. Geringe leukokratiese eienskappe (L2) het tydens dekompressie tot 6â7 kbar ontstaan. Die einde van die metamorfiese voorval word gekenmerk deur die fasiesoorgang van granuliete / amfiboliete (<640 oC) by ongeveer 2.68 Ga. Die maksimum afsettingsouderdom vir die detitrale sirkone in die metapeliete (ongeveer 2.73 Ga) dui op Å snelle begrawingsproses ( 0.17 cm.y1). Daardie bewyse bied sterk ondersteuning daarvoor dat die SRS sedimente bevat wat gedurende konvergensie in Å aktiewe rand afgeset is, en dat die metapeliete gemetamorfoseer en gedeeltelik gesmelt het as gevolg van kontinentbotsing langs die noordelike rand van die Kaapvaal-kraton teen ongeveer 2.7 Ga. Die leukokratiese eienskappe wat langs hierdie P-T-t-pad opgewek word, toon Å ongewone chemiese samestelling met lae K2O en FeO+MgO-inhoud en ho e CaO-inhoud. Die kombinasie van veldwaarnemings, chemiese kartering en geochemiese ontledings lei tot die gevolgtrekking dat die grootste deel van die leukosome (L1) gekristalliseer het voor die syn-piek van metamorfisme tesame met smeltekstraksie van die bron. Hierdie studie het die besonderhede van leukosoomformasie met behulp van veldwaarnemings in die SRS en numeriese modellering opgeteken. Hierdie werk toon aan dat korsdifferensiasie in die metasedimentêre onderste kors deur Å ander volume van ekwilibrasie en heterogeniteite in die migmatiete beheer word. Die gedeeltelike smelting van die bron gepaard met smeltverlies en waterdiffusiwiteit tot in die smeltoordragterrein is ’n potensiele meganisme om die chemiese skakel in die stelsel residuum-smelt-S-tipe graniet te verklaar.

Geodinamička analiza pomeranja Zemljine kore regionalnog karaktera / A geodynamical analysis of Earth's crust movements of regional character

Sušić Zoran 08 March 2014 (has links)
<p>Stanje Zemljine kore određeno je istovremenim i suprotstavljenim uticajem<br />endodinamičkih i egzodinamičkih procesa. Povr&scaron;inski slojevi omotača<br />Zemljine kore su u stalnom pokretu pod dejstvom uticaja, kao &scaron;to su<br />promena nivoa podzemnih voda, tektonske pojave, klizi&scaron;ta itd. Značajne<br />deformacije mogu se javiti kao posledica niza regionalnih i lokalnih<br />naponskih stanja, posebno u graničnim zonama litosfernih ploča, gde se<br />akumuliraju naponi i javljaju nelinearne innterseizmičke deformacije. U<br />disertaciji je prikazano istraživanje pomeranja Zemljine kore regionalnog<br />karaktera sa geodetskog aspekta, na osnovu ponovljenih opažanja metodom<br />satelitskog pozicioniranja, čime je dat doprinos multidisciplinarnom<br />razumevanju stanja Zemljine kore.</p> / <p>The state of the Earth&rsquo;s crust is determined by the simultaneous and opposed<br />influence of the endodynamic and exodynamic processes. The surface layers of<br />the Earth&rsquo;s crust envelope are in the state of permanent moving due to divers<br />influences, such as the level variation of underground waters, tectonic<br />phenomena, landslides, etc. Significant deformations can arise as a consequence<br />of a number of regional and local strain states, especially in the boundary zones<br />of lithosphere plates where strains are accumulated and non-linear interseismic<br />deformations appear. The subject of the thesis is a study of movements of the<br />Earth&rsquo;s crust of regional character from the aspect of geodesy, on the basis of<br />repeated observations by applying the satellite positioning method. In this way a<br />contribution is given to a multidisciplinary concept of the state of the Earth&rsquo;s crust.</p>

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