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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Geografie místního regionu na příkladu Říčanska / Geography of the Local Region (using Ricany as an example)

Moravcová, Alena January 2010 (has links)
The theme of this thesis is Local Region in Education at Primary Schools in Ricany. The thesis is divided into two main parts. The first part deals with changes in education and their influence on teaching Geography: how the methods, forms of education and topics have changed. There is also a description of how the local region is included in education. There is a description of the local region, and possibilities of using the "local region" topic in education. At the end of the first part there is the summary of general objectives of teaching local region topics. The second part offers worksheets. There are four worksheets for children with the topic Local Region Ricany. There are four different problems in the local region. In the first worksheet the question is: How to demark the local region? And in which administrative unit of the Czech Republic the local region is included? The second topic is the traffic location of the local region. The third one is about suburbanization and its problems and the last topic is the creation of tourist guide for different groups of tourists. Every worksheet includes characterization of the problem in Ricany region, guide to worksheet for teachers, specific targets of the exercises which the pupils should know after they have finished the worksheets and finally the...

Výuka geografie v praxi: podmínky realizace a míra využívání terénní výuky na gymnáziích okresu Děčín / Geography teaching: conditions for fieldwork implementation and its level of employment at grammar schools in Decin county

Zubalíková, Karolína January 2010 (has links)
The general aim of this thesis is to evaluate the conditions for fieldwork implementation and its level of employment in a given region. This aim is followed in three areas: 1) Definition of framework for fieldwork in strategic documents. 2) Analysis of fieldwork employment in a given region. 3) Analysis of teachers' approaches towards fieldwork. For the purpose of this thesis four grammar schools located within the Decin county were observed. The present situation pertaining to the employment of fieldwork was mapped in order to lay the foundation for an improvement of teaching techniques in geography. The issue of fieldwork is approached from different points of view: an institutional perspective (i.e. opportunities of fieldwork as defined in curricular documents, a subjective perspective based on the experience of teachers within the Decin county (i.e. empirical investigation).

Dovednosti čtení a analýzy starých a současných map žáků základních škol a gymnázií / Reading and analysing of old and contemporary maps by students of elementary and grammar schools

Gallus, Adam January 2018 (has links)
The main goal of the thesis is to answer whether an ability to use maps in different ways is affected by one or more criteria specified by the author. The author has decided to test abilities of fifteen-year-old pupils to work in different ways with actual and old maps. The thesis examines possible impact of type of the school, gender, school marks achieved in History and Geography lessons, and previous experience with using maps. Before the practical part of the thesis was executed the theoretical part of the thesis had been dealt with. Different map skills were specified and characterized. Maps which the author had chosen to use for the purpose of the thesis were thoroughly described and particular odds of work with old maps were emphasised. For the purpose of the research part of the thesis the author developed a didactic test. At pilot testing a sample of 34 pupils completed the test to verify it is suitable for the thesis purpose and it meets all requirements for scientific research. At the second stage of the practical part of the research a group of 125 pupils from two different types of school completed the test. After the practical part of the thesis the author rigorously analysed completed tests and discussed whether the abilities to use maps seem to be affected by some criteria that had...

O \'lugar\' da Geografia nos cursos de Pedagogia do Estado de São Paulo / The Geography place in Pedagogy courses of the São Paulo State

Azevedo, Thais Angela Cavalheiro de 09 December 2016 (has links)
Os profissionais brasileiros que atuam nos anos iniciais do Ensino Fundamental devem ser, prioritariamente, Licenciados em Pedagogia. Os currículos de tais cursos de graduação precisam contemplar diversas áreas do conhecimento, dentre elas, a Geografia. Esta possui um papel fundamental na formação inicial do professor, uma vez que possibilita o ensino-aprendizagem do raciocínio espacial, da leitura de mundo, da linguagem cartográfica, dentre outros. Consideramos estes elementos como essenciais para a plena formação dos estudantes dos anos iniciais, em prol da cidadania no Brasil. Diante do exposto, nossa investigação objetiva identificar como os componentes curriculares voltados para o ensino de Geografia são propostos nos currículos formais dos Cursos de Pedagogia, de universidades públicas. Realizamos um trabalho com contornos qualitativos, por meio de análise documental envolvendo nove cursos de Licenciatura Plena em Pedagogia, na modalidade presencial e em Instituições de Ensino Superior públicas, localizadas no Estado de São Paulo, no Brasil. O cenário de legitimação teórico é composto por autores que discutem formação de professores, currículo e ensino de Geografia, além das bases legais que sustentam as diretrizes nacionais voltadas à formação docente no Brasil. As análises revelam que as cargas horárias dos componentes curriculares voltados para o ensino de Geografia apresentam considerável variedade entre os cursos estudados. A Geografia está presente nos cursos de Pedagogia quando são propostos os estágios supervisionados, as linhas de pesquisa, os laboratórios de estudo e pesquisa, a interdisciplinaridade e os conteúdos a serem trabalhados no Ensino Fundamental. Destacamos que a Cartografia é mencionada nos documentos curriculares como uma importante linguagem para o ensino-aprendizagem em todas as instituições investigadas. Nossa investigação aponta que os cursos de Licenciatura Plena em Pedagogia, no âmbito do currículo formal, contemplam o ensino de Geografia, de diferentes maneiras, em diversos momentos e com variadas denominações, portanto, seu lugar é garantido, mesmo que minimante, no currículo formal da formação docente. / Brazilian professionals that work in the early years of primary education must be licensed teachers in pedagogy as a priority. The curricula of these undergraduate courses need to contemplate various areas of knowledge, among them geography. It has a key role in the initial teacher training, once it enables the teaching and learning of spatial reasoning, the world of reading, cartographic language, among others. We consider these elements as essential to full training of students in the early years, in favor of citizenship in Brazil. Considering the above, our research aims to identify how the curriculum components orientated to Geography teaching are proposed in the formal curriculum of Pedagogy courses in public universities. We completed a job with qualitative contours, through documental analysis involving nine Full Degree courses in pedagogy, in classroom mode in public higher education institutions located in São Paulo state, Brazil. The theoretical legitimization scenario consists of authors who discuss teacher-training, curriculum and teaching Geography, beyond the legal bases that support national guidelines aimed at teacher training in Brazil. The analyzes reveal that the hourly loads of the curriculum components related to Geography teaching presents considerable variety between the courses studied. The same applies to the objectives of the syllabus, program content, the assessment procedures, teaching strategies, bibliographic references, among others. We emphasize that the cartography is mentioned in the curriculum documents as an important language for teaching and learning in all investigated institutions. Our research points out that the Full Degree courses in pedagogy, in the formal curriculum, include the teaching of geography in different ways, at different times and with different denominations, thereby its \"place\" is assured, even minimally, in formal curriculum of teacher education.

O \'lugar\' da Geografia nos cursos de Pedagogia do Estado de São Paulo / The Geography place in Pedagogy courses of the São Paulo State

Thais Angela Cavalheiro de Azevedo 09 December 2016 (has links)
Os profissionais brasileiros que atuam nos anos iniciais do Ensino Fundamental devem ser, prioritariamente, Licenciados em Pedagogia. Os currículos de tais cursos de graduação precisam contemplar diversas áreas do conhecimento, dentre elas, a Geografia. Esta possui um papel fundamental na formação inicial do professor, uma vez que possibilita o ensino-aprendizagem do raciocínio espacial, da leitura de mundo, da linguagem cartográfica, dentre outros. Consideramos estes elementos como essenciais para a plena formação dos estudantes dos anos iniciais, em prol da cidadania no Brasil. Diante do exposto, nossa investigação objetiva identificar como os componentes curriculares voltados para o ensino de Geografia são propostos nos currículos formais dos Cursos de Pedagogia, de universidades públicas. Realizamos um trabalho com contornos qualitativos, por meio de análise documental envolvendo nove cursos de Licenciatura Plena em Pedagogia, na modalidade presencial e em Instituições de Ensino Superior públicas, localizadas no Estado de São Paulo, no Brasil. O cenário de legitimação teórico é composto por autores que discutem formação de professores, currículo e ensino de Geografia, além das bases legais que sustentam as diretrizes nacionais voltadas à formação docente no Brasil. As análises revelam que as cargas horárias dos componentes curriculares voltados para o ensino de Geografia apresentam considerável variedade entre os cursos estudados. A Geografia está presente nos cursos de Pedagogia quando são propostos os estágios supervisionados, as linhas de pesquisa, os laboratórios de estudo e pesquisa, a interdisciplinaridade e os conteúdos a serem trabalhados no Ensino Fundamental. Destacamos que a Cartografia é mencionada nos documentos curriculares como uma importante linguagem para o ensino-aprendizagem em todas as instituições investigadas. Nossa investigação aponta que os cursos de Licenciatura Plena em Pedagogia, no âmbito do currículo formal, contemplam o ensino de Geografia, de diferentes maneiras, em diversos momentos e com variadas denominações, portanto, seu lugar é garantido, mesmo que minimante, no currículo formal da formação docente. / Brazilian professionals that work in the early years of primary education must be licensed teachers in pedagogy as a priority. The curricula of these undergraduate courses need to contemplate various areas of knowledge, among them geography. It has a key role in the initial teacher training, once it enables the teaching and learning of spatial reasoning, the world of reading, cartographic language, among others. We consider these elements as essential to full training of students in the early years, in favor of citizenship in Brazil. Considering the above, our research aims to identify how the curriculum components orientated to Geography teaching are proposed in the formal curriculum of Pedagogy courses in public universities. We completed a job with qualitative contours, through documental analysis involving nine Full Degree courses in pedagogy, in classroom mode in public higher education institutions located in São Paulo state, Brazil. The theoretical legitimization scenario consists of authors who discuss teacher-training, curriculum and teaching Geography, beyond the legal bases that support national guidelines aimed at teacher training in Brazil. The analyzes reveal that the hourly loads of the curriculum components related to Geography teaching presents considerable variety between the courses studied. The same applies to the objectives of the syllabus, program content, the assessment procedures, teaching strategies, bibliographic references, among others. We emphasize that the cartography is mentioned in the curriculum documents as an important language for teaching and learning in all investigated institutions. Our research points out that the Full Degree courses in pedagogy, in the formal curriculum, include the teaching of geography in different ways, at different times and with different denominations, thereby its \"place\" is assured, even minimally, in formal curriculum of teacher education.

Dykumų geografinių zonų kompleksinė analizė ir jos turinio taikymas geografinėje edukacijoje / Analysis of the deserts geographical zones and its application of the content in geographical education

Karamyševa, Natalija 27 June 2011 (has links)
Geografijos dalyko mokyklinė programa turėtų visapusiškai supažindinti mokinius su visais reiškiniais, vykstančiais aplink mus šiame Pasaulyje. Tačiau iš tikrųjų yra kitaip: daugybė dalykų yra pateikiama abstrakčiai bei nagrinėjama paviršutiniškai, todėl mokiniai nesukuria tinkamos pasaulėvokos ir nesupranta daugelio dalykų. Taip, pavyzdžiui, yra su dykumų geografinių zonų kompleksu ir dykumėjimo problema. Remiantis šia problematika magistrinio darbo tikslas buvo atlikti dykumų geografinių zonų kompleksinę analizę, išryškinant dykumėjimo procesą, ir nustatyti jos turinio taikymą bei pritaikomumą geografijos mokyme. Remiantis geografinio zoniškumo dėsningumu ir M. P. Petrovo dykumų klasifikacija, dykumų geografines zonas sudaro: aridinės dykumos (sauso ir karšto klimato), kurios paplitusios subtropinėse, tropinėse ir vidutinių platumų klimato juostose, poliarinės dykumos (sauso ir šalto klimato), kurias sudaro Arktinės ir Antarktinės dykumos, bei nivalinės dykumos, kurios yra poliarinių dykumų analogas kalnuose, paplitusios kalnų viršūnėse virš sniego ribos. Dykumų susidarymą ir paplitimą įtakoja atmosferos cirkuliacija, vandenynų srovės, reljefas ir vietovės geografinė padėtis. Nuo to priklauso ir dykuminių zonų gamtinės sąlygos, dykumų apgyvendinimo ypatumai bei gyventojų, gyvenančių šiose srityse, socialiniai – ekonominiai bruožai. Dykumėjimo procesas, kuris yra žmonių veiklos bei klimatinių reiškinių pasekmė, yra viena iš ekologinių pasaulio problemų, kuri intensyvėja... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Geography subject in the school program should comprehensively familiarize pupils with all the events taking place around us in this World. However, the fact is otherwise: many things are listing in the abstract and are analyzing superficially, so pupils do not create adequate world-view and do not understand many things. For example: this fact is with the geographical areas of deserts and its complex desertification problem. According to this, the task of the master work was to make complex analysis of the deserts geographical areas with highlighting the process of desertification, determining the content of the application and its applicability in geography education. Based on the geographic zonal consistent pattern and Petrov M. P. classification of the deserts, the structure of the wilderness geographical areas is: arid deserts (dry and hot climate), which are widespread in following climatic zones - subtropical, tropical and middle latitudes; polar deserts (dry and cold climate), which consists of Arctic and Antarctic wilderness; and nival deserts , which is the analogue for the polar deserts in the mountains, they spread on the mountain tops over the snow line. Desertification and its spread are impact of the atmospheric circulation, ocean flows and geographical location of the terrain. The same natural phenomena make impact on natural conditions of the desert, its housing characteristics and on the social - economic characteristics of the population living in these... [to full text]

Geografická gramotnost laické veřejnosti / Geographical literacy of general public

Wackershauserová, Marie January 2018 (has links)
This thesis focuses on geographical literacy of the general public. It sets two main aims. Firstly to identify geographical community opinion on what knowledge and skills should be these days considered basics of geographical literacy for everyone regardless of their age and achieved education. Secondly to verify the selected basics of geographical literacy with the lay public. The structure of this work follows these aims. The theoretical part concentrates on the explanation of key words and the definition of geographical literacy in accordance with contemporary literature. The other part of the work presents the results of two researches of one's own. The first one was done in the form of an electronic questionnaire and addressed to the members of the geographical community. They firstly used a four-level scale to consider the importance of knowledge and skills that were verified in the research of the geographical literacy of adults in the USA. Secondly, in the form of open-answer questions, they could express their opinion on the core of the monitored assessment reference scope. It proved that assessment statements to most suggested skills are very varying. On the grounds of the evaluation of this survey we suggested requirements for individual performances that apply to closely defined issues,...

Analýza učebnic z hlediska interpretace globálních témat / Analysis of textbooks in terms of interpretation of global issues

Brodníček, Daniel January 2017 (has links)
The main aim of this paper is to analyze geographic textbooks for high schools in terms of interpretation of global issues. Semantic units that are related to global issues will be sorted into groups according to the paradigm to which it belongs (national, humanistic and global). Most of semantic units contained in textbooks were included into a global direction, which is characterized by its neutrality. Keywords: textbook evaluation, global issues, geographical education, globalization, global thinking

Analýza učebnic z hlediska interpretace globálních témat / Analysis of textbooks in terms of interpretation of global issues

Brodníček, Daniel January 2016 (has links)
In the contemporary world, when the whole world is connected, the fact saying that anything what happens on the other side of the world does not have influence to our lives is not truthful anymore. We live in an era of globalization. Therefore, it is important to focus on the global issues already at school and also on the way in which they concern us. However, it should be borne in the mind that, the most important thing is the way, how teachers explain it to their students. The main aim of this paper is to analyze geographic textbooks for high schools in terms of interpretation of global issues. Semantic units that are related to global issues will be sorted into groups according to the paradigm to which it belongs (national, humanistic and global). Most of semantic units contained in textbooks were included into a global direction, which is characterized by its neutrality. Keywords: textbook evaluation, global issues, geographical education, globalization, global thinking

Analýza výuky geografie ve vyšším sekundárním vzdělávání ve Spolkové republice Německo / Analysis of Teaching Geography in Upper Secondary Educational Level in Germany

Jindřichová, Eliška January 2011 (has links)
Title: Analysis of teaching geography in upper secondary educational level in Germany Author: Bc. Eliška Jindřichová Department:Department of social geography and regional development Supervisor: RNDr. Dana Řezníčková, Ph. D. This thesis contains an analysis of the conception of geographical education on ISCED level 3 in Germany. It aims to answer the following basic conceptual questions: Under which conditions is geography being taught? In what manner is geography being taught? What are the expected effects of geographical education on the pupils? During the discussion of conditions, the current status of geography as a teaching subject is presented and the possibilities for cross-curricular collaboration are pointed out. Emphasis is placed on the analysis of form and content, learning objectives/goals and creation of geographical skills. Another part of the thesis is the description of the process and methods used to evaluate the gained geographical knowledge of pupils. The basic method for obtaining relevant data is content analysis of the curricula of the federal states of Germany, resulting in a set of complete record sheets. Based on the chosen method of data collection and analysis, I got all the answers to the three basic conceptual questions and compare the resulting data to Czech...

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