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Geomorphology and Morphotectonic Analysis of north Borneo / Analyse morphotectonique et géomorphologique de la bordure nord de Bornéo (Malaisie)Mathew, Manoj joseph 05 July 2016 (has links)
L’analyse géomorphologique d'une zone d’étude permet d’identifier et de comprendre le rôle des facteurs de contrôle tectonique et climatique sur l’évolution passée, récente et future de la surface topographique. Ce travail de recherche porte sur l’analyse géomorphologique des paysages du secteur de l’état de Sarawak, localisé au nord de l’île de Bornéo en contexte tropical. À travers l'analyse morphotectonique des deux plus grands bassins versants : le bassin versant du Rajang et du Baram, il a été possible de dresser une première évaluation du cadre morpho-tectonique de la région et des conséquences topographiques. Les bassins versants étudiés et situés au centre et au Nord de Sarawak drainent une superficie totale d'environ 75 000 km². L'île de Bornéo présente une couverture végétale dense spécifique aux régions tropicales, et demeurant souvent difficile d’accès. Cette île témoigne de terrains montagneux et accidentés, découpés par de vallées profondes aux flancs abruptes, entraînant des taux de dénudation notables depuis le Miocène. La première contribution est d’identifier les principales failles mineures et majeures ayant par réactivation participées au rajeunissement de la surface topographie à l’échelle régionale. À l’échelle des deux bassins versants, les facteurs géomorphologiques suivants comme l’intégrale hypsométrique, les facteurs d’asymétrie, les anomalies de pente identifiées le long des rivières ont été cartographiées à l’aide des techniques d'autocorrélation spatiale. Les principaux mouvements verticaux identifiés sont accommodés le long des accidents structuraux majeurs et des chevauchements spécifiques de la zone Nord de Bornéo. Parmi les autres résultats, il est également observé des surfaces planes reliques, à haute altitude, n’ayant pas encore réajustées leur surface d’équilibre depuis les 5 derniers Ma malgré de phases rapides de soulèvement connues. Enfin, à l’échelle de la zone d’étude, où les contrastes lithologiques sont absents, la présence de nombreuses ruptures de pente ou knickpoints sont observés le long des principaux profils longitudinaux des rivières. Les ruptures de pente fortes sont dans la majorité corrélables aux principaux accidents structuraux. Des observations de terrain viennent renforcer nos hypothèses par la présence de terrasses fluviatiles soulevées. Ce travail d’analyse d’indices géomorphologiques complétés par des observations de terrain permet alors de proposer un modèle synthétique des principaux facteurs de contrôle responsables du rajeunissement de la surface topographique de l’état de Sarawak jusqu’alors sous-estimé et méconnu. / Geomorphic assessment of a region is considered to be crucial in understanding the present day landscapeand forces that have acted and is currently acting on the ever evolving topography. This thesis explores the geomorphology of the tropical landscape of Sarawak, north Borneo through morphotectonic analysis of two of the largest drainage basins of the entire Borneo Island: the Rajang and Baram basin; making this work the first systematic tectono-geomorphic evaluation of the region. The island of Borneo is enveloped by thick rainforests, hostile rugged mountainous terrain with deep and steep valleys, and is characterized by high denudation rates since Miocene. The studied drainage basins flow across entire central and north Sarawak and drain a total combined area of ca. 75, 000 km². The first contribution to the field is by conducting a study on the presence of active tectonic forces that modify the topography through rejuvenation of major and minor faults. The analysis using basin-scale hypsometry, asymmetry factor, normalized channel steepness index and spatial autocorrelation techniques showed that the landscape has been rejuvenated and experiences tectonic deformation to present-day in the form of active folding of the fold-thrust orogenic belts of the Interior Highlands which form the backbone of Borneo. From the results, we highlighted the presence of relict surfaces of landscapes which were isolated at high elevations unable to balance a rapid uplift phase experienced after 5 Ma. We extended the study in order to identify the current stage of landscape development by conducting stream profile analysis which displayed an array of knick-zones and knick points devoid of lithological and climatic controls. Deep V-shaped valleys formed in the zones that demonstrated active folding of the highlands also revealed relief anomalies highlighted through topographic analysis. We showed that enhanced orographic precipitation following the rapid creation of relief has supported adjustment of the topography to a state of transience. In the next part of this work, we conducted swath profile analysis, minimum bulk erosion and channel steepness anomaly maps in order to identify the role of rapid incision in exacerbating erosion rates as a response to tectonic and climatic forcing. We show that there exists a coupling between incision rates, precipitation and channel steepness which shows a relation of direct proportionality. Extensive geomorphic and sedimentological field campaigns were carried out in order to substantiate our results and conclusions. The field work revealed the presence of uplifted fluvial terraces, waterfalls and cataracts corresponding to knick-points identified by us. Finally, we combine our results from the geomorphic analysis and stratigraphic field work in order to construct a conceptual model showing the geomorphic evolution of Sarawak, north Borneo.
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Beach Morphodynamic Change Detection using LiDAR during El Nino Periods in Southern CaliforniaGrubbs, Melodie 24 June 2017 (has links)
<p> Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) technology combined with high-resolution differential Global Positioning Systems (dGPS) provide the ability to measure coastal elevation with high precision. This study investigates the use of LiDAR data and GIS to conduct time-series analyses of coastal sediment volume shifts during the 2006-2007 El Niño winter, Summer of 2007 and following 2007-2008 La Niña winter in the Oceanside Littoral Cell (OLC). The OLC, located in Southern California, spans from Dana Point to La Jolla and includes over 84 km of coastline. The ability to quantify sediment volume changes contributes to the scientific understanding of the role El Niño storms play in the OLC sand budget. This study provides a method to analyze LiDAR data to evaluate coastal geomorphologic changes over time. Additionally, identifying specific areas of coastal beach erosion associated with historical El Niño events can aid beach managers, planners, and scientists in protecting the valuable coastline. LiDAR datasets were prepared and formatted which included ground classifying millions of elevation points. Formatted datasets were inputted into an Empirical Bayesian Kriging (EBK) model, creating high-resolution, 1-meter grid cell, Digital Elevation Models (DEMs). The EBK model also incorporated uncertainty into the workflow by producing prediction error surfaces. LiDAR-derived DEMs were used to calculate sediment volume changes through a technique called DEM differencing. Results were visualized through a series of maps and tables. Overall results show that there was a higher rate of beach sediment erosion during the 2006-2007 El Niño winter than the 2007-2008 La Niña winter. Sediment accretion was evident during the intermediary Summer of 2007. Future applications of this study include incorporating bathymetric datasets to understand near-shore sediment transport, evaluating sediment contribution through cliff erosion, and conducting decadal scale studies to evaluate long-term trends with sea level rise scenarios. </p>
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Scour and fill in a gravel-bed channel : observations and stochastic modelsHaschenburger, Judith Kay 05 1900 (has links)
This study investigates channel bed scour and fill as a result of individual flood events in a
gravel-bed channel. Given the complexity of interactions between hydraulic force, the texture and
arrangement of bed material, and input of sediment to a particular point of the channel bed, study
objectives were pursued with the view that bed material movement is a stochastic phenomenon.
A two-year field program was conducted in Carnation Creek, a small gravel-bed stream
draining 11 km2 on the west coast of Vancouver Island, British Columbia. In the 900 m study
reach, an array of measurement techniques, including scour indicators, magnetically-tagged stones,
and conventional survey, yielded information about the fluctuations of the channel bed elevation
and movement of scoured material for individual flooding periods.
Frequency distributions of scour and fill depths associated with individual flooding periods
are adequately modeled by negative exponential functions over the range of flood peak magnitudes
observed in Carnation Creek. Analysis of scour depths measured in streams on the Queen
Charlotte Islands demonstrates the applicability of the exponential model to flooding periods and
flood seasons. Further, exploratory analysis suggests that a regional scour depth model is
Power functions relating mean depths of scour and fill to flood peak discharge show that
depth increases with an increase in peak magnitude. Observed maximum scour depths in flooding
periods are linked, in general, to streambed conditions influenced by antecedent flow conditions.
These patterns in scour and fill exist within an overall pattern of increasing variability in depths of
scour and fill as peak discharge increases.
Evaluation of a heuristic model for mean travel distance as a function of particle size
proposed by Church and Hassan (1992) provides convincing evidence for its general merit. Mean
travel distance decreases inversely with particle size as size increases beyond the median diameter
of subsurface sediment. This trend is consistent in both individual flooding periods as well as
flood seasons. The majority of material finer than the median diameter of surface sediment is
supplied from subsurface material, which influences the travel distances of these finer fractions
because of burial. Computation of volumetric transport rates of bed material, based on the active scour depth
and width of the channel bed, the virtual velocity of particle movement, and sediment porosity,
suggests the potential for building scale correlations with streamflow, which have usually been
defined by bedload sampling during floods. Error analysis indicates that determination of active
width contributes most significantly to the imprecision of transport rate estimates.
Results underscore the stochastic nature of sediment transport in gravel-bed channels. / Arts, Faculty of / Geography, Department of / Graduate
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Post-Glacial Sedimentation in Ossipee Lake, New Hampshire:LeNoir, James January 2019 (has links)
Thesis advisor: Noah P. Snyder / Land cover and climate changes, attributed to natural and anthropogenic forcings, cause deviations in geomorphic processes that act to deliver sediment from watersheds to lakes. In New England, contradictory evidence exists as to the influence of deforestation associated with EuroAmerican settlement and major flood events on watershed erosion rates over the past ~250 years. Through combining sediment core analysis from Ossipee Lake, New Hampshire with geomorphic analysis of the Ossipee Lake watershed, this study quantifies Holocene through Anthropocene watershed erosion rates, and assesses variations in rates in relation to short-term historic events such as major storm events or deforestation, and long-term variations related to natural climate variability and post-glacial landscape evolution. An 8.63 m core was collected and spans the entire period from deglaciation to present. Bulk composition and age-depth modeling, utilizing both short-lived radioisotopes and radiocarbon dating, are used to quantify changes in deposition and inferred erosion rates over time. Additional insight on sedimentary processes is provided by measurements of magnetic susceptibility and bulk geochemistry. Lake-sediment data suggests clastic sediment mass accumulation rates vary between 0.0032 to 0.5870 g/cm2/yr, with deposits of increased terrestrially derived sediment focused between ~8500 to 7800, ~6500 to 2500, and 1600 cal yr BP to present. Geomorphic analysis is used to identify regions within the watershed that act to deliver sediment to Ossipee Lake. Potential sources of sediment supply include loose, unconsolidated proglacial deposits near Ossipee Lake that transition to primarily till in upland areas. Calculated bed shear stress along rivers highlights areas in the watershed capable of transporting sediment and areas that can serve as traps thus limiting sediment delivery to Ossipee Lake. / Thesis (MS) — Boston College, 2019. / Submitted to: Boston College. Graduate School of Arts and Sciences. / Discipline: Earth and Environmental Sciences.
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Geomorphology of the Green River in Dinosaur National MonumentGrams, Paul E. 01 May 1997 (has links)
Longitudinal profile , channel cross-section geometry, and depositional patterns of the Green River in its course through the eastern Uinta Mountains are each strongly influenced by river-level geology and tributary sediment delivery processes. We surveyed channel cross sections at 1-km intervals, mapped surficial geology , and measured size and characteristics of bed material in order to evaluate the geomorphic organization of the 70- km study reach . Canyon reaches that are of high gradient and narrow channel geometry are associated with the most resistant lithologies exposed at river level and the most frequent occurrences of tributary debris fans. Meandering reaches that are characterized by low gradient and wide channel geometry are associated with river-level lithology that is of moderate to low resistance and very low debris fan frequency. The channel is in contact with bedrock or talus along only 42 percent of the bank length in canyon reaches and there is an alluvial fill of at least 12 m that separates the channe l bed from bedrock at three borehole sites. The influence of lithology primarily operates through the presence of resistant boulders in debris fans that are delivered by debris flows from steep tributaries.
The depositional settings created by debris fans consist of (1) channel-margin deposits in the backwater above the debris fan, (2) eddy bars in the zone of recirculating flow below the constriction, and (3) expansion gravel bars in the expansion below the zone of recirculating flow. These fan-eddy complexes are the storage location of about 70 percent, by area, of all fine- and coarse-grained alluvium contained within the canyons above the low-water stage. Immediately adjacent meandering reaches contain an order of magnitude more alluvium by area but have no debris fan-created depositional settings.
This study also describes the flood-plain and terrace stratigraphy of the Green River in the eastern Uinta Mountains and changes due to the operations of Aarning Gorge Dam, upstream from the study area. These landforms are vertically aggrading deposits that are longiuidinally correlative throughout the 65-km study reach. The suite of surfaces identified includes a terrace that is inundated by rare pre- or post-dam floods, an intermediate bench that is inundated by rare post-dam floods, and a post-dam flood plain that is inundated by the post-dam mean annual flood. Analysis of historical photographs in the study reach shows that both the intermediate bench and post-dam flood plain are landforms that were not present in any of the 6 years for which photographs were examined between 1871 and 1954. Photographic replications also show that gravel bars consisting of bare gravel in 1922 and earlier photographs are now covered by fine-grained alluvium and vegetation. Decreased gravel-bar mobility is indicated by estimates of critical and average boundary shear stress. Comprehensive surficial geologic mapping of the study area indicates that the bankfull channel has decreased in width by an average of about 20 percent.
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The Influence of Measurement Scale and Uncertainty on Interpretations of River MigrationDonovan, Mitchell R. 01 August 2019 (has links)
Environmental scientists increasingly use remotely-sensed images to measure how rivers develop over time and respond to upstream changes in environmental drivers such as land use, urbanization, deforestation and agricultural practices. These measurements are subject to uncertainty that can bias conclusions. The first step towards accurate interpretation of river channel change is properly quantifying and accounting for uncertainty involved in measuring changes in river morphology. In Chapter 2 we develop a comprehensive framework for quantifying uncertainty in measurements of river change derived from aerial images. The framework builds upon previous uncertainty research by describing best practices and context-specific strategies, comparing each approach and outlining how to best handle measurements that fall below the minimum level of detection. We use this framework in subsequent chapters to reduce the impact of erroneous measurements. Chapter 3 evaluates how the time interval between aerial images influences the rates at which river channels appear to laterally migrate across their floodplains. Multiple lines of evidence indicate that river migration measurements obtained over longer time intervals (20+ years) will underestimate the ‘true’ rate because the river channel is more likely to have reversed the direction of migration, which erases part of the record of gross erosion as seen from aerial images. If the images don’t capture channel reversals and periodic episodes of fast erosion, the river appears to have migrated a shorter distance (which corresponds to a slower rate) than reality. Obtaining multiple measurements over shorter time intervals (< 5 years) and limiting direct comparisons to similar time intervals can reduce bias when inferring how river migration rates may have changed over time. Chapter 4 explores the physical processes governing the relationship between river curvature and the rate of river migration along a series of meander bends. We used fine-scale empirical measurements and geospatial analyses to confirm theory and models indicating that migration and curvature exhibit a monotonic relationship. The results will improve models seeking to emulate river meander migration patterns.
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No description available.
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The late glacial geomorphic evolution of the Coaticook and Moe River Valleys, southern QuebecThornes, John B. January 1964 (has links)
No description available.
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The Impact of Drainage Ditches on Salt Marsh Flow Patterns, Sedimentation and Morphology: Rowley River, MassachusettsLeMay, Lynsey E. 01 January 2007 (has links)
Salt marshes along many tidal systems in New England have been ditched since colonial times. These ditches have been thought to help control mosquito populations and increase salt marsh hay production by improving water drainage from the marsh. Although these ditches are prominent geomorphic features, little quantitative work has focused on how these man-made ditches may alter marsh hydrology and geomorphology. This study attempts to quantify the ways in which ditches alter sediment and water transport pathways and how that affects the overall morphology and surface geology. This study also addresses treatment affects on sedimentation from fertilization and fish removal associated with the NSF funded TIDE project.
Short-term sediment deposition rates and relative elevations were determined for ditched and non-ditched marsh areas in four tidal creeks along the Rowley River in the summers of 2003, 2004, 2005, and 2006. Total suspended solids samples were also collected in the creek channels adjacent to the marsh areas sampled. Marsh surface samples for grain size analysis and organic content were collected as well. To quantify flow patterns, a grid system of stakes was set up on the marsh platform of two creek systems and water height was measured relative to these stakes over the course of a tidal cycle. This allowed for a better determination of the areas that flooded first and how long water stayed on the marsh platform in ditched and non-ditched areas.
Measurements of marsh platform elevation indicated that the interior regions of ditched areas stand significantly lower than non-ditched areas. In ditched marsh areas, the hydrologic data demonstrated that the interior regions of the marsh were typically flooded first and stayed flooded longer. Non-ditched regions instead were flooded only after the water had topped the creek bank. As a result of these modified flow pathways, classic patterns of sedimentation and of organic matter and grain size distribution occurred less often in ditched marsh areas relative to non-ditched areas. In contrast to non-ditched marsh platforms, ditched platforms commonly had areas of increased deposition, decreased organic matter and increased grain size in innermost marsh areas. Although the absolute magnitude of deposition was similar with or without ditches, deposition in ditched areas was somewhat less responsive to the classic control of hydroperiod.
Possible explanations for lower platform elevation in ditched marshes include (i) trapping of suspended sediment in ditches and (ii) enhancement of sediment export associated with the short distance from platform to ditch. The former is consistent with observations of lower concentration in ditches relative to natural creeks, and the latter is consistent with observations of coarser grain size and lower organic content observed on ditched marshes relative to non-ditched marshes. A longer hydroperiod and lower elevation in ditched areas would then be required at equilibrium to enhance net deposition so that accretion could keep up with relative sea level rise. The similar observed magnitudes of deposition in ditched and non-ditched areas supports the conclusion that the lower elevation of ditched platforms is in quasi-equilibrium with the higher elevations of non-ditched areas. Other results of this study include a demonstration of the high (1-2 cm) accuracy of the tide stick method for measuring marsh elevation, the finding that short term source of marsh sediment is primarily internal cycling, and the finding that fertilizing creeks systems and removing fish have no significant effects on short term sediment concentration, sediment delivery, sedimentation, inorganic sediment properties or marsh elevation.
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The Impact of Subsidence on Industrial Complexes in the Lower Mississippi River Industrial CorridorHarris, Joseph B, Joyner, T. Andrew, Rohli, Robert V 04 April 2018 (has links)
Spatial interpolation methods were analyzed to determine the best fit for subsidence rates and to create a predictive surface for the lower Mississippi River Industrial corridor (LMRIC). Empirical Bayesian kriging, ordinary kriging, universal kriging, and Inverse Distance Weighted interpolation methods were applied to the 2004 National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) published Technical Report #50 dataset and cross validation methods were utilized to determine the accuracy of each method. The mean error and root mean square error were calculated for each interpolation method, then used to detect bias and compare the predicted value with the actual observation value. Cross-validation estimates are comparable for each method statistically and visually; however, the results indicate the empirical Bayesian kriging interpolation method is the most accurate of the methods using the lowest root mean square scores. Digital elevation models for the years 2025, 2050, and 2075 were developed based on the predictive surface of subsidence rates using the results from the empirical Bayesian kriging interpolation method. Results indicate that by 2025, 30.9% of landmass in the LMRIC will be below sea level, with 41.9% below sea level by 2050, and 53.5% by 2075. Subsidence rates in the LMRIC range from approximately 28 mm to 2 mm per year. Eighteen of the 153 industrial complexes located in the LMRIC are estimated to be below sea level by the year 2075.
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