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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The effects of a summer school program for the gifted on students' self-concept : a social comparison perspective

Gambino, Josie. January 1987 (has links)
No description available.

Patterns of sibling deidentification and parent identification in families with gifted children

Grenier, Marcella Evan. January 1987 (has links)
This study examines whether pairs of same-sex siblings labeled differently (one "gifted", one "not gifted") deidentify more than pairs of same-sex siblings who are labeled the same (both "gifted"). It further investigates patterns of perceived similarity between the siblings and patterns of parent identification to establish how these influence parents' perceptions of their children as "gifted" or "not gifted". / Deidentification did not appear to vary depending on whether children were labeled the same or differently. However, females produced higher measures of deidentification than males--with girls labeled the same producing the highest scores of all. / All parents tended to see siblings as contrasting. They also showed a tendency to split parent identify with their children--each parent identified with a different child. In 39 out of 40 cases if parents perceived themselves as having been gifted students, then the children they identified with were labeled as "gifted". This parental labeling seemed to occur well before any formal identification and was maintained in the face of contrary evidence. / For this group different labeling was not associated with poor sibling interaction. Poor sibling relationships appear to co-occur with poor marital relationships.

The differential abilities scales : validation using a gifted sample

Kamphaus, Mary Ann January 1993 (has links)
The pupose of this study was to examine the validity of the Differential Abilities Scale with a gifted sample. Subjects consisted of 111 students identified as gifted by Indiana S-4. They were in grades 1 thru 6 and ranged in age from 6-8 to 12-11 with a mean age of 9-8. There were 60 females and 51 males who participated. Approximately, 1% of the population was minority which closely resembled the school population. Data from previously administered WISC-III and WIAT (The Psychological Corporation, 1992) were available for 21 of the 111 students.The first aspect of this study was to assess the construct validity of the DAS through investigation of the internal structure. Several different models were proposed. These analyses revealed that the proposed models were not good explanations of the relationships among obtained scores because convergence could not be obtained. A respecified two factor model was obtained where loadings on a Verbal Factor were constrained as recommended by Maxwell (1977). For this sample of gifted students a two-factor model with the first factor being primarily composed of Word Definitions was found to be a tenable one for the DAS.The second aspect of this study was to examine the convergent and predictive validity of the DAS by comparing these scores with the WISC-III and WIAT scores. Verbal factors for the two intelligence tests were the most highly correlated. Although there is overlap between the two intelligence measures, each test measures something unique. While one might expect these two instruments would not correlate perfectly, this correlation is lower than predicted.The DAS cognitive portion was more highly related to the other ability measure, the WISC-III, than it was to achievement as measured by the WIAT. In addition, achievement portions of both instruments were more highly related than they were to the ability measures. / Department of Educational Psychology

An empirical typology of cognitive abilities in high achieving third grade students

Vine, Heidi L. January 2008 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to determine if distinct subgroups of high achieving children could be identified using a recently redeveloped intelligence measure—The Woodcock-Johnson Tests of Cognitive Ability, 3rd edition (WJ-III). Students were referred for further testing based on their scores on the Indiana State Test of Educational Progress (the ISTEP+). Students were included in the study if they scored at or above the 90th percentile on the ISTEP+ Cognitive Skills Index, or the reading and/or math portions. Using these criteria, 202 students were referred for further testing. These students were clustered with Ward's method of cluster analysis using their scores on the seven CHC factors of the WJ-III. Their individual scores on two other intelligence measures (the Stanford-Binet IV and the Kaufman Brief Intelligence Test), as well as other scores from the WJ-III were used to further describe the clusters that emerged. The following three subgroups were identified: (a) decidedly gifted, (b) problem solvers, and (c) slow-paced achievers. Not all subgroups obtained the gifted score ranges expected on the three measures employed. The clusters were better described as displaying a slight levels effect, in that the groups were most different from one another in terms of the overall intelligence quotient and mean CHC factor scores, with one group scoring in the superior to high average ranges, one in the high average to average ranges, and one in the average range overall. This study provided evidence for the use of intelligence measures in describing gifted individuals' specific strengths and weaknesses. It also has significant implications for the use of intelligence measures in assessing giftedness within an applied setting. This study is useful as a validation study for the three intelligence measures employed. / Department of Educational Psychology

Career development of gifted and regular elementary school students

Case, Gerald D. January 1993 (has links)
The purpose of this research was to investigate career development of gifted and regular elementary school students. Students in grades four through six from a university laboratory school were examined by ability, grade level, and gender in several areas of interests, using the Holland (1985a) Theory of Vocational Personalities and Work Environments.The Self-Directed Search - Form E (SDS-E; Holland, 1985b) and The Occupational Alternatives Questions (OAQ; Slaney, 1980) were administered to 148 students, 34 of which had been identified as gifted. Holland (1985b) SDS codes were assigned to the SDS obtained scores and the stated occupational choices. Prestige of occupational choices were also assigned, using the socioeconomic index of Stevens and Cho (1985).Demographic variables and hypotheses were tested by MANOVA and ANOVA statistical procedures to determine the nature of relationships between variables.Results indicated overall significant main effects in the MANOVA of obtained SDS codes for the independent variables of grade, sex, and ability. Males scored higher than females on the Realistic code. Females scored higher on the Artistic and Social codes. Gifted students scored higher on the Investigative code. On the ANOVA of the differential variable, there were significant differences by grade and sex, with fifth grade students and females more highly differentiated. / Department of Counseling Psychology and Guidance Services

Locus of control and self-concept in achieving and underachieving gifted students

Castor, Stacey E. January 1996 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between locus of control and achievement, and between self-concept and achievement in achieving and underachieving gifted students. The subjects were fourth, fifth, and sixth grade students in the Anderson Community Schools who were currently participating in the gifted program, or who had been screened for the program, but were not currently participating. The schools that participated in the study represented a cross section of the socio-economic, cultural, and racial composition of the city. The participating subjects had received a score of 120 or above on the Slosson Test of Intelligence. The 60 subjects were divided into two groups based on grades for 5 consecutive six-week grading periods. Students who had received only A and B grades were placed in the achievers group, while students who had received one or more C grades (or below) during the same time period were placed in the underachievers group.Subjects were removed from their classrooms and administered the Nowicki- Strickland Locus of Control for Children and the Piers-Harris SelfConcept Scale in small groups.Multivariate analyses of variance were used to determine if significant differences existed between gifted achievers and underachievers on each of the two instruments. No significant differences were found between the achievers and underachievers on either self-concept or locus of control at the .05 level. Several researchers, including Shavelson and Bolus, (1982) have indicated academic self-concept is more highly correlated with academic achievement than are other dimensions of self-concept. Therefore, subsequent univariate analysis on the Piers-Harris subtests showed that achievers and underachievers were significantly different on the intellectual and school status subscale (F = 9.0, p <.01).As a result of the analysis of the data collected in this study, the findings indicated that, subject to the limitations of this investigation, gifted achievers and underachievers do not differ significantly on measures of locus of control or global self-concept. However, the results of subsequent univariate analyses indicated that, in fact, some differences between the groups may exist. / Department of Educational Leadership

Use of the Woodcock-Johnson III tests of cognitive ability with gifted children / Use of the Woodcock Johnson three tests of cognitive ability with gifted children

Rahman, Jennifer Branscome January 2004 (has links)
Measurement of the abilities of gifted children is challenging. Identifying patterns of performance for gifted children has proven elusive. The WJIII COG, a theory-driven measure, purports to provide information about a child's pattern of abilities, including areas previously not measured by other cognitive instruments. Only one study has addressed the relationship between the WJIII COG and gifted children. (Rizza, et al., 2001) The purpose of this study was to examine the WJIII COG's appropriateness for use with gifted children. Interpretive guidance when using the WJIII COG with gifted children was sought. The following question was addressed: Do children of high intellectual ability display distinct patterns of performance on the WJIII COG Stratum II variables. If so, do these patterns qualitatively differ from the performance of children of non-high intellectual ability?The participants for this study were taken from the standardization sample of WJIII COG participants (N= 3,145). The participants were divided into two groups: high intellectual ability, Group 1 (N = 389), and "other," (Group 2) (N = 2756). Group 1 participants had a GIA Standard score of 120 or above. The participants were further divided into three subgroups, determined by age: preschool, school-aged, and collegeaged. Approximately half of the sample was male. White participants were the majority of the sample (77.4 - 87.9%). Most participants were non-Hispanic (91.3 - 94.9%). Means, standard deviations, ranges, minimum values, and maximum values, were obtained. WJIII COG Stratum II variables were paired and compared. The comparisons made were ranges and point differences. Cumulative percentages of point differences were calculated at the 5, 7, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 point levels.Two primary findings emerged. The first finding was that Group 1 participants scored higher overall than Group 2 participants when averages were compared. The second finding was that no gifted profile emerged for Group 1. Although no gifted pattern emerged, there was a great deal of variability within individual student profiles for both Groups. It was suggested that further research be directed at whether subtypes of students with high abilities could be identified that would have clinical implications congruent with multidimensional theories of giftedness. / Department of Educational Psychology

Long-term effects of an early intervention program for gifted and talented students

Alexander, Julie January 1995 (has links)
A combined longitudinal and retrospective multiple-case study followed all students from their initial identification for a gifted and talented (g/t) program at the end of 3rd grade to the present. The purpose of the study was to determine the long-term effects of a three-year, self-contained program for students who were identified by the local school district as gifted and talented based on an identification procedure approved by the State Department of Education. The population consisted of 109 students from eleven elementary schools who were formally identified for a full-time, self-contained gifted class for the 4th, 5th, and 6th grades. The gifted classes were offered at two sites in the midwestern school district. Archival data and a questionnaire were used to collect data.A variety of statistical treatments were used to analyze the quantitative data available. Scores from the Iowa Test of Basic Skills, California Achievement Test, ISTEP Test and SAT, along with GPA and class ranking, provided achievement data from the school records. Qualitative data were generated from a follow-up questionnaire.The findings indicate that students who participated in the program perceive it as having long-term positive effects. Students in the experimental group showed significant differences from the control group on all measures of achievement. Students in the experimental group chose majors and career goals in the math and science areas almost twice as often as students in the control group. Students in the control group were significantly different from the experimental group in initial verbal ability indicating possible socio-economic differences between the groups. This was reinforced in student responses for reasons why they chose not to participate in the g/t program. A significant number of experimental group responses reported feelings of isolation during program years. A statistically significant difference in lower math scores for girls was substantiated in quantitative measures on the Iowa Test of Basic Skills at the 3rd grade level and on the SAT. / Department of Educational Administration and Supervision

The effects of psychotherapeutic treatments and sex differences on creative fluency and internal control scores

Cooper, Frankie H. January 1983 (has links)
This study was an attempt to answer the following specific question. With posttest creative fluency total (F tot) scores and posttest internal control (I+, I-) subscale scores as dependent variables, are there main effects for psychotherapeutic treatments and for sex differences? In order to answer this question, univariate and multivariate analyses of variance statistics were computed and associated F statistics were tested for significance.The subjects (4-6 graders, N=101) were drawn from a suburban public school. Some were enrolled in general education programs, others were enrolled in special gifted/ talented education programs. The ethnic breakdown of subjects was approximately 60% white, 30% black and 10% from other ethnic backgrounds.The study consisted of a think-aloud treatment group (N=34), a tension-relaxation treatment group (N=33) and an untreated control group (N=34). A 3 x 2 fully-crossed factorial design with random assignment (by sex and grade level) to the aforementioned groups was the basis for data collection.It was found that the posttest mean Ftot, I+ and I- scores for the three treatment conditions did not differ significantly. Moreover, the posttest mean Ftot, I+ and I- scores for males and for females were not significantly different. Thus, it appears from these findings that neither the psychotherapeutic treatments administered nor the sex of the subjects had an effect on creative fluency and internal control scores. However, this study did demonstrate the feasibility of: (1) self-administering psychotherapy using an audio-tape approach, (2) administering psychotherapy to large groups using a teacher to model the desired behavior and (3) administering the think-aloud treatment and the tension relaxation treatment to teach students self-management skills.

Beroepsvoorligting aan die begaafde leerling in die junior sekondêre skoolfase / Daniël Lodewikus Cronjè

Cronjè, Daniël Lodewikus January 1990 (has links)
This investigation determines the extent to which Vocational Guidance for junior secondary gifted pupils is effectively administered in the Transvaal. Authoratative literature on Vocational Guidance for the gifted child serves as theoretical background. The characteristics, needs and developmental possibilities of the gifted child are investigated in terms of a vocational guidance programme. The function of the home, school and "world of work" regarding the gifted child's vocational education and guidance are considered. The emphasis, however, is placed on the role of the school, and in particular the role of the Head of Department: Educational Guidance; subject teachers and the Educational Advisor: Vocational matters. In the empirical investigation, a questionnaire was completed by Heads of Department: Educational Guidance, in a number of Afrikaans-medium and double-medium Secondary Schools. The SAS computer programme is applied to determine the average of the responses for each question. The results of the investigation indicate that certain aspects of the existing Vocational Guidance programme are effective. There are however, a number of areas what deserve more attention, and possibly need to be revised. For the Vocational Guidance programme to be really effective, the existing programme needs to be implemented maximally, while comprehensive involvement of a committed teaching staff is essential. It is important to consider the latest developments regarding the vocational education of the gifted child In order to revise the present programme periodically. / Thesis (MEd)--PU vir CHO, 1990

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