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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Instabilité du flottement gyroscopique des convertibles

Naccarato, Gianni 06 June 2003 (has links) (PDF)
En vol de croisière, le convertible (ADAV) est soumis à une instabilité de type aéroélasticité dynamique, appelée flottement gyroscopique. Ce phénomène se caractérise par un mouvement de précession du rotor qui accélère la fatigue et augmente les charges sur la structure, et dont les conséquences peuvent être catastrophiques. Le but de cette étude est de mettre en place un modèle analytique permettant de reproduire avec précision le flottement gyroscopique. Pour cela, un outil de mise en équation a été développé afin de faire évoluer le modèle analytique suivant le choix du système à étudier. Les équations de Lagrange sont utilisées et développées à l'ordre 1. Les efforts aérodynamiques du rotor sont représentés par un modèle quasi statique plan d'ordre 1. Le système final étudié est constitué de l'ensemble isolé aile - mât - rotor du convertible. Le rotor 3 pales avec liaison K, est de type gimbal, et le pas des pales s'adapte automatiquement en fonction de la vitesse d'avancement de l'appareil. Grâce aux données expérimentales obtenues en soufflerie sur une maquette constituée d'une demi - aile, le modèle analytique a été validé pour différentes configurations de vitesse d'avancement et de raideurs de l'aile. Les vitesses critiques d'apparition du flottement gyroscopique sont retrouvées, et des simulations de balayages paramétriques permettent de proposer différentes configurations sur les caractéristiques du système pour repousser la limite de stabilité

Particle filter-based architecture for video target tracking and geo-location using multiple UAVs

Sconyers, Christopher 02 January 2013 (has links)
Research in the areas of target detection, tracking, and geo-location is most important for enabling an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) platform to autonomously execute a mission or task without the need for a pilot or operator. Small-class UAVs and video camera sensors complemented with "soft sensors" realized only in software as a combination of a priori knowledge and sensor measurements are called upon to replace the cumbersome precision sensors on-board a large class UAV. The objective of this research is to develop a geo-location solution for use on-board multiple UAVs with mounted video camera sensors only to accurately geo-locate and track a target. This research introduces an estimation solution that combines the power of the particle filter with the utility of the video sensor as a general solution for passive target geo-location on-board multiple UAVs. The particle filter is taken advantage of, with its ability to use all of the available information about the system model, system uncertainty, and the sensor uncertainty to approximate the statistical likelihood of the target state. The geo-location particle filter is tested online and in real-time in a simulation environment involving multiple UAVs with video cameras and a maneuvering ground vehicle as a target. Simulation results show the geo-location particle filter estimates the target location with a high accuracy, the addition of UAVs or particles to the system improves the location estimation accuracy with minimal addition of processing time, and UAV control and trajectory generation algorithms restrict each UAV to a desired range to minimize error.

Steering Laws For Control Moment Gyroscope Systems Used In Spacecraft Attitude Control

Yavuzoglu, Emre 01 December 2003 (has links) (PDF)
In this thesis, the kinematic properties of Single Gimballed Control Moment Gyroscopes (SGCMGs) are investigated. Singularity phenomenon inherent to them is explained. Furthermore, existing steering laws with their derivations are given. A novel steering law is developed that may provide singularity avoidance or may be used for quick transition through a singularity with small torque errors. To avoid singularity angular momentum trajectory of the maneuver is to be simulated in advance for the calculation of singularity free gimbal histories. The steering law, besides accurately generating required torques, also pushes the system to follow trajectories closely if there is a small difference between the planned and the realized momentum histories. Thus, it may be used in a feedback system. Also presented are number of approaches for singularity avoidance or quick transition through a singularity. The application of these ideas to the feedback controlled spacecraft is also presented. Existing steering laws and the proposed method are compared through computer simulations. It is shown that the proposed steering law is very effective in singularity avoidance and quick transition through singularities. Furthermore, the approach is demonstrated to be repeatable even singularity is encountered.

A Control System For A 3-Axis Camera Stabilizer

Hasnain, Bakhtiyar Asef, Algoz, Ali January 2018 (has links)
The purpose of the project is to implement a control system for a 3- axis camera stabilizer. The stabilization is done by controlling three blushless DC motors driving the yaw, pitch and roll movements of the camera stabilizer's frame, respectively. The stabilizer's frame (equipped with three motors) is used in this project, and it is directly taken from a commercial product, Feiyu Tech G4S. The control system concerned in this project consists of a Teensy 3.6 microcontroller unit (MCU) implemented with three PID controllers, the motor drivers to drive the three motors, and an inertial measurement unit (IMU) of 9 degrees of freedom.The MCU is also used to process the IMU angle measurements of the camera position in 3- axis motion, in particular, it converts the IMU raw data to an angle for each of the axis, it then processes the angle data using a Kalman filter to reduce the noise. In the end of the project a prototype has been built and tested, it uses the control system to run the stabilizing process. It is shown to work quite successfully. In particular, it can run smoothly in the roll and pitch axes and compensate for unwanted movement, however the yaw axis does not function as intended due to a misplacement as well as poor calibration process of the magnetometer sensor in the IMU, which is left for future work.

Panoramic Video for Efficient Ground Surveillance from Small Unmanned Air Vehicles

Jackson, Joseph Aaron 16 April 2007 (has links) (PDF)
As unmanned air vehicle (UAV) utilization increases in Wilderness Search and Rescue (WiSAR) efforts, onboard sensors yielding more information will be desired. UAVs can assist WiSAR efforts by accelerating the ground search process through returning quality aerial footage of the terrain. Additionally, tracking the progress of a search by populating a digital map with video resolution data increases confidence that a comprehensive search of the region has been made. This thesis presents methods for acquiring video from multiple video sensors and fusing them into a single rendered video stream as a Virtual Gimbal. The panoramic video stream is the first of its kind to be constructed from video transmissions from a small UAV, and the first known video panorama to be used to quickly survey a region within a WiSAR context. The Virtual Gimbal comprises two video transmissions from a three camera array mounted in a downward-looking configuration on a UAV. This video stream has been shown to decrease the amount of time required to thoroughly survey a region by more than 40 percent.

Cross coupling in a two-axis control system for stabilized platforms / Korskoppling i ett tvåaxligt reglersystem för stabiliserade plattformar

Lavebratt, Bill January 2022 (has links)
Inertial stabilized platforms consisting of a two-axis gimbal assembly are often modelled as two independent SISO systems, describing the dynamics of the elevation axis and the azimuth axis respectively. In reality the state of the elevation channel and the state of the azimuth channel affect each other. Hence, the system is better modelled as a MIMO system with coupled dynamics, which means that the system has multiple inputs and outputs, where each input can affect multiple outputs. Since the couplings between the elevation channel and the azimuth channel have a deteriorating effect on control it is of interest to analyse what gives rise to the coupled dynamics and if control performance can be improved by considering the coupled dynamics. For this purpose, this thesis attempts to derive a dynamic model of the system of interest, both with the aid of physical modeling and system identification. Both modeling methods result in models with similar dynamics which seem to capture the coupled dynamics in the relevant frequency range. From the physical modeling it can be inferred that the degree of coupled dynamics depends on the mass distribution of the two-axis gimbal assembly. For the specific configuration of the system used in this investigation, the degree of coupled dynamics proved to be relatively small with relatively small impact on control. Based on the derived models, three types of controllers were implemented, decentralized control, decentralized control with a decoupler and decentralized control with an inner loop for rejection of mutual disturbances acting between the elevation axis and azimuth axis. Compared to standard decentralized control, the decoupler resulted in a somewhat better reference tracking and in a somewhat worsened disturbance rejection. Compared to standard decentralized control, the inner loop disturbance compensator resulted in a somewhat better performance for reference and disturbance rejection. / Inertialstabiliserade plattformar bestående av en tvåaxlig gimbal modelleras ofta som två oberoende SISO system som beskriver dynamiken för rörelse kring elevationsaxeln respektive azimutaxeln. I verkligheten påverkar tillstånden i elevationskanalen samt azimutkanalen varandra. Därmed kan systemet bättre modelleras som ett kopplat MIMO system, vilket innebär ett system med multipla in och utsignaler, där varje insignal kan påverka flera utsignaler. Eftersom den kopplade dynamiken har en försämrande effekt på systemets reglerprestanda är det av intresse att undersöka varför den kopplade dynamiken uppkommer, samt om reglerprestanda kan förbättras genom att beakta den kopplade dynamiken. För att undersöka detta söker denna rapport att med fysikalisk modellering samt systemidentifiering bygga en modell av systemet som innehåller den kopplade dynamiken. Båda metoderna resulterar i modeller med liknande dynamik, som verkar fånga den kopplade dynamiken i det relevanta frekvensspannet. Från den fysikaliska modelleringen kan det härledas att graden av kopplad dynamik beror på massfördelningen av systemet. För den specifika konfigurationen av systemet som var föremål för denna undersökning visar det sig att den kopplade dynamiken är relativt svag med relativt liten inverkan på reglerprestanda. Baserat på de framtagna modellerna implementerades och undersöktes tre typer av controllers, decentralized control, decentralized control med en decoupler, samt decentralized control med en inre loop för kompensering av störningar mellan elevations- och azimutaxeln. Jämfört med endast decentralized control gav decouplern något bättre reglerprestanda med avseende på reference tracking, men något sämre reglerprestanda med avseende på disturbance rejection. Jämfört med endast decentralized control gav en inre loop för kompensering av störningar mellan elevations- och azimutaxeln något bättre reglerprestanda med avseende på reference tracking samt disturbance rejection.

Modeling, Identification And Real Time Position Control Of A Two-axis Gimballed Mirror System

Cagatay, Kartal 01 February 2010 (has links) (PDF)
This work focuses on modeling, parameter estimation, and real-time position control of a two axis Gimbaled Mirror System (GMS) which is designed and manufactured to move an IR spot generated by an Infra Red Scene Generator System (IRSGS) in two orthogonal axes (elevation and azimuth) within the IR scene which is also generated by the IRSGS. Mathematical models of the GMS, the control system, and the disturbance torque originated from the movements of Flight Motion Simulator (FMS), on which the IRSGS will be mounted, are constructed using MATLAB&reg / /Simulink&reg / and MATLAB/Simulink/SimMechanics&reg / . Parameter estimations of the GMS and control system elements are achieved using MATLAB/Simulink Parameter Estimation Tool&reg / . The controller tuning is performed using the developed mathematical models in MATLAB/Simulink environment. Optimized digital PID controllers are implemented in the real-time control system. Performances of the controllers for both GMS axes are evaluated by both real system tests and simulation runs / and the results of these runs are compared. Controller performances under the effect of disturbances are analyzed by using the mathematical models developed in the MATLAB/ Simulink environment.

The Stabilization Of A Two Axes Gimbal Of A Roll Stabilized Missile

Hasturk, Ozgur 01 September 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Nowadays, high portion of tactical missiles use gimbaled seeker. For accurate target tracking, the platform where the gimbal is mounted must be stabilized with respect to the motion of the missile body. Line of sight stabilization is critical for fast and precise tracking and alignment. Although, conventional PID framework solves many stabilization problems, it is reported that many PID feedback loops are poorly tuned. In this thesis, recently introduced robot control method, proxy based sliding mode control, is adopted for the line of sight (LOS) stabilization. Before selecting the proposed method, adaptive neural network sliding mode control and fuzzy control are also implemented for comparative purposes. Experimental and simulation results show a satisfactory response of the proxy based sliding mode controller.

Modeling and Evaluation of Turret Control Systems for Main Battle Tanks

Lyth, Mikael January 2021 (has links)
The aim of the thesis was to implement and compare control methods in a model of a main battle tank. Three controllers were implemented in a two axis gimbal model and their performances were compared. The comparisons were performed using step changes in the reference signal, frequency analysis of an oscillating reference signal and disturbances, and turret mass uncertainties. The results showed that the sliding mode controller had the best performance for both reference changes and disturbance attenuation. The PID controller had a better performance for the change in reference, compared to the model predictive controller, but a significantly worse disturbance attenuation. Due to model approximations, such as assuming ideal engines and noise reduction, the results likely show a better performance than what can be expected if applied on a real main battle tank. Therefore, the results show an upper limit of the stabilization performance of turret and barrel control and should only be used to compare the controllers. / Målet med uppsatsen var att implementera och jämföra reglermetoder för en teoretisk modell av en modern stridsvagn. Tre metoder implementerades i ett tvåaxligt gimbalsystem och deras prestanda utvärderades. Mer specifikt utvärderades regulatorernas respons för en referensändring, en referensstörning och osäkerheter i tornets massa och massfördelning. Utifrån dessa resultat jämfördes sedan reglermetoderna. Resultaten visade att sliding mode regulatorn hade bäst prestanda för både referensändring och referensstörningen när man tittar på frekvensanalys av mät- och processstörningar. PID-regulatorn hade en bättre prestanda än MPC-regulatorn för en referensändring men en sämre respons för en referensstö-rning. På grund av modellförenklingar som till exempel antaganden om ideala motorer och brusreduktion visar resultaten troligen en något bättre prestanda än vad som kan uppnås på en riktigt stridsvagn. Det medför att resultaten visar en övre gräns för vad styrsystemet för en stridsvagns torn- och eldrörsrotation kan uppnå.

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