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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Continuity of Care for Older Adults in a Long-Term Care Setting

King, Madeline 02 September 2020 (has links)
In Ontario, the population of older adults is increasing. While the provincial government is taking action to address increasing demand on health systems, older adults are still suffering the consequences of a health system that is not able to meet their complex care needs. Older adults face barriers to continuity of care including difficulties with memory, reliance on informal caregivers, frailty, and difficulties scheduling appointments. These barriers also exist within the long-term care setting. Long-term care facilities are making efforts to provide more effective care, including designing care approaches aimed to meet the complex care needs of older adults. Aspects of a goal-oriented approach suggest that it has the potential to reduce fragmentation and positively impacting continuity of care. However, the impact of goal-oriented care on continuity of care in a long-term care setting has yet to be explored. This thesis uses an exploratory case study methodology to describe how a goal-oriented care approach influenced continuity of care in a long-term care setting, as perceived by residents, staff, and administrators. The case study setting is the Perley & Rideau Veterans Health Centre in Ottawa, Ontario, where the SeeMe program, a frailty-informed approach with a goal-oriented component, was recently introduced. Factors associated with the SeeMe program and other organizational factors perceived to facilitate and inhibit informational, relational and management continuity were identified. Aspects of the SeeMe program that facilitated informational continuity were: goals-of-care meetings with residents, their care team and family; care conferences that helped residents understand their care options; and, procedures that ensured consistency in where resident’s goal information is stored. Aspects that facilitated relational continuity were: understanding residents’ values and preferences; staff increasing awareness of the program for families; and, integration of the family perspective into a resident’s care. Program aspects that facilitated management continuity were: discussions that led to informed decision-making; use of assessments as a reference tool in the case of an acute health event; discussions that empowered residents to talk to external care providers; and, creation of a structure that facilitated consistencies in care. These factors can be targeted when designing care approaches aimed to improve continuity in long-term care settings.

Advance Care Planning Protocols and Hospitalization Rates in Home Health Value-Based Purchasing

Bigger, Sharon E., Haddad, Lisa, Ahluwalia, Sangeeta C., Glenn, Lee 01 November 2021 (has links)
Advance care planning is a conversation about personal values, future treatment choices, and designation of a surrogate decision-maker, that someone has in advance of a health crisis. Most existing studies on advance care planning have taken place outside of home health among populations with HIV/AIDS, cancer, dementia, and end stage renal disease. The U.S. home health population is living longer with chronic conditions such as pulmonary and cardiovascular illnesses, and hospitalization is a poor outcome. In 2016, Medicare implemented the Home Health Value-Based Purchasing Model, in which reimbursement rates for agencies in 9 regionally representative states were dependent on quantitative measures of quality performance. Part of the program was a process-level mandate requiring agencies to report on advance care planning. The aim of this study was to examine the relationship of home health advance care planning protocols with hospitalization rates. Descriptive and regression analyses were conducted on survey data of protocols and agency data of demographics and outcomes. Statistical significance was found in the positive correlation between advance care planning protocols and hospitalization. Recommendations are made for broadening the scope of evaluation of quality in home health to include goal-concordant care and transitions to appropriate services.

Cardiac and Pulmonary Diagnoses and Advance Care Planning in Home Health

Bigger, Sharon E., Haddad, Lisa, Glenn, Lee 01 January 2022 (has links)
Chronic cardiovascular and pulmonary diseases are prevalent in the US home health population. Heart failure and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease are both chronic and terminal, but they are not always perceived as serious illnesses with imminent death. Therefore, they provide a context for advance care planning that is distinct from the diagnostic contexts of cancer, end-stage renal disease, or dementia. Advance care planning is defined as a process that supports adults at any age or stage of health in understanding and sharing their goals, values, and preferences about future medical care, including the designation of a surrogate decision-maker. This study tests the hypothesis that US home health agencies with higher percentages of patients with chronic cardiovascular and pulmonary conditions have less robust advance care planning protocols. The Spearman correlation coefficient was r = 0.22 (S = 74684, P =.025, 1-tailed), which was statistically significant and an unexpected finding. The greater percentage of patients with chronic cardiac and pulmonary diagnoses in an agency, the more robust the advance care planning protocol was. This supports our previous findings and existing literature indicating that agencies may be using exacerbation events marked by acute care use as opportunities to initiate or repeat advance care planning.

Advance Care Planning Protocols and Hospitalization Rates in Home Health Value-Based Purchasing

Bigger, Sharon, Haddad, Lisa, Ahluwalia, Sangeeta C., Glenn, Lee 28 May 2021 (has links)
Advance care planning is a conversation about personal values, future treatment choices, and designation of a surrogate decision-maker, that someone has in advance of a health crisis. Most existing studies on advance care planning have taken place outside of home health among populations with HIV/AIDS, cancer, dementia, and end stage renal disease. The U.S. home health population is living longer with chronic conditions such as pulmonary and cardiovascular illnesses, and hospitalization is a poor outcome. In 2016, Medicare implemented the Home Health Value-Based Purchasing Model, in which reimbursement rates for agencies in 9 regionally representative states were dependent on quantitative measures of quality performance. Part of the program was a process-level mandate requiring agencies to report on advance care planning. The aim of this study was to examine the relationship of home health advance care planning protocols with hospitalization rates. Descriptive and regression analyses were conducted on survey data of protocols and agency data of demographics and outcomes. Statistical significance was found in the positive correlation between advance care planning protocols and hospitalization. Recommendations are made for broadening the scope of evaluation of quality in home health to include goal-concordant care and transitions to appropriate services.

Fixation d’un but thérapeutique pour les patients supportés à long terme par un DAV aux soins intensifs : l’expérience des soignants

Schultz, Lisa 01 1900 (has links)
La situation d’un patient trop malade pour une transplantation et qui est maintenu à long terme aux soins intensifs (SI) avec l’aide d’un dispositif d'assistance ventriculaire (DAV) peut évoluer de multiples façons. Malheureusement, plusieurs soignants vivent un malaise lorsque ce patient survit avec des complications, sans possibilité de transplantation cardiaque ni de retour à domicile. Par conséquent, différents buts thérapeutiques sont poursuivis au sein de l’équipe soignante. L’étude avait pour objectifs de cerner les buts poursuivis par les professionnels de la santé œuvrant auprès de ce type de patient, de clarifier les facteurs influençant les buts poursuivis et de mieux connaître les difficultés éprouvées par l’équipe soignante dans l’élaboration d’un but commun. La phénoménologie a été utilisée comme méthodologie de définition de la problématique. L’échantillon comprenait 12 participants représentant les infirmières, médecins et perfusionnistes d'une unité de SI, travaillant auprès de ce type de patient. Chacun des participants a fait l’objet d’une entrevue individuelle, semi-dirigée et enregistrée sur appareil audio. Il leur a d’abord été présenté une vignette à partir de laquelle ont été posées un certain nombre de questions identiques pour tous. Dans leurs réponses à ces questions, les participants ont eu la possibilité de s’exprimer autant sur leur expérience que sur le contexte du phénomène. Une seconde rencontre a été nécessaire afin de valider ou de corriger l’interprétation de ce que chacun avait exprimé durant l’entrevue. L'analyse des données témoigne d’un manque d’harmonie quant au but à poursuivre à l’égard du patient en question. Environ la moitié des participants visent la transplantation, alors que les autres poursuivent d’autres buts comme la sortie des SI, la limitation des traitements ou les soins palliatifs. Les participants sont influencés majoritairement par les volontés du patient, l'absence de mécanisme formel de communication entre eux et les facteurs professionnels tels que : les valeurs, les pratiques et l’environnement, sans oublier les rapports de pouvoir. Un certain nombre de barrières empêchent l’équipe de déterminer un but commun. Pour vaincre ces obstacles et s’entendre sur les buts à poursuivre en équipe, le développement de la communication multidisciplinaire s’impose. Pour y arriver, deux prérequis doivent être développés : l’intention éthique et l’engagement. / A non eligible transplant patient on long term ventricular assist device (VAD) support in intensive care unit (ICU), can evolve in multiple ways. Alot of health care professionnals live a malaise when the patient surves with complications without neither possibility of cardiaque transplantation nor return home. In consequence, defferent goals of care are pursued in the health care team. This is why, the researcher maintained all along the study, the objectives to understand the goals pursued by the health care professionnals working towards the particular patient, to clarify the factors influensing these pursued goals and to learn more on the health care team difficulties to elaborate a common goal. Phenomenology has been the method used to define the problem. Twelve participants working in ICU were included in the reasearch sample representing the nurses, physicians and perfusionists working towards the concerned patient. Each of the participants had collaborated to an individual, semi structured and audio recorded interview. First, the researcher presented a vignette with which she asked everyone a certain number of identical questions. The questions permitted the participants to express as much on there experience than on the context of the phenomenon. A second meeting has been necessary to validate or correct the interpretation of what has been expressed by each participant during the interview. The data analyisis testify a lack of continuity concerning the goal to pursue with the patient in question. Almost half of the participants aim for a transplantation when the rest of them pursue other goals like discharge of ICU, treatment limitation or paliative care. By a majority, the participants are influenced by the patient’s will, the absence of formal communication mecanism, profesionnal factors such as : values, practices and environment and power differential. Thus, health care profesionnals that would want to pursue a common team goal are facing a certain number of barriers. The resercher realises that to overcome these barriers, multidisciplinary communication has do be the driving force of team goal- setting. Although, to acheave this, two pre-requisits have to be developed: the ethical intention and the engagement.

Fixation d’un but thérapeutique pour les patients supportés à long terme par un DAV aux soins intensifs : l’expérience des soignants

Schultz, Lisa 01 1900 (has links)
No description available.

Black Americans, Hospitalization, and Advance Care Planning

Bigger, Sharon E., Hemphill, Jean C., Njoroge, Trizah, Doyon, Katherine, Glenn, Lee 16 May 2023 (has links)
Skilled home health (HH) is the largest long-term care setting and the fastest-growing site of healthcare in the United States (U.S.). Home Health Value-Based Purchasing (HHVBP) is a structure of Medicare that penalizes U.S. HH agencies for high hospitalization rates. Prior studies have shown inconsistent evidence about associations of race with hospitalization rates in HH. Evidence supports that Black or African Americans are less likely to participate in advance care planning (ACP), or to complete written advance directives, which could affect their potential for hospitalization when nearing end of life. In this quasi-experimental study, we used Medicare administrative datasets, the Weighted Acute Care Services Use Rates (WACSUR) score, and the Advance Care Planning Protocol (ACPP) score to determine whether the proportion of Black HH patients in the U.S. was correlated with acute care use rates and the robustness of agency protocols on ACP. We used primary and secondary data from the U.S. from 2016-2020. We included Medicare-certified HH agencies. Spearman’s correlation coefficient was used. We found a statistical trend showing that the greater proportion of Black patients enrolled in a HH agency, the greater tendency to have a high hospitalization rate. Our findings suggest that HHVBP may encourage patient selection and exacerbate health disparities. Our findings support recommendations for alternative measures of quality in HH to include measures of goal-concordant care coordination when patients are denied admission to HH.

Reablement in Flanders: An exploratory study : The voice of those receiving home care.

Jarrey, Michael January 2022 (has links)
Introduction: Primary care in Flanders is undergoing reform. Researchers are looking at ways to understand the context in order to be able to implement person-centred and goal-oriented care approaches such as reablement. Aim: The aim was to illuminate the lived experiences of older people with chronic conditions and what it means to receive paid care at home. Method: Using an interpretative phenomenological analysis approach, this study aimed to understand the lived experience of someone living at home receiving paid care. Results: Six in depth interviews were analysed generating nine themes and related subthemes. Conclusions: The study illuminated the experiences of six people who received care at home and generated themes around autonomy, adaptability, respect, identity, flexibility, self determination, power, acceptance, and control that reflected the literature and concepts around person-centred and goal-oriented care as well as the importance of the role of occupational therapy. Significance: In the Flemish context, this was the first study looking at the experiences of people living at home with paid care and the chances and barriers to reablement and occupational therapy in the community setting.

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