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The FineView Dataset: a 3D Scanned Multi-View Object Dataset of Fine-Grained Category InstancesOnda, Suguru 23 December 2023 (has links) (PDF)
In the past decade state-of-the-art deep learning models have shown impressive performance in many computer vision tasks by learning from large and diverse image datasets. Most of these datasets consist of web-scraped image collections. This approach, however, makes it very challenging to obtain desirable data such as multiple views of the same object, 3D geometric information, or camera parameters for a large-scale image dataset. In this paper, we propose a 3D-scanned multi-view 2D image dataset of fine-grained category instances with accurate camera calibration parameters. We describe our bi-directional, multi-camera and 3D scanning system and the data collection pipeline. Our target objects are relatively small, highly-detailed fine-grained category instances, such as insects. We present this dataset as a contribution to fine-grained visual categorization, 3D representation learning, and for use in other computer vision tasks.
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Ωκεανογραφικές - γεωμορφολογικές έρευνες στον κεντρικό Κορινθιακό κόλπο σε σχέση με την διασπορά μεταλλευτικών αποβλήτων ερυθράς ιλύοςΙατρού, Μαργαρίτα 30 April 2014 (has links)
Ο Κορινθιακός κόλπος αποτελεί ένα φυσικό εργαστήριο για την παρακολούθηση ιζηματολογικών διεργασιών μεταφοράς ιζημάτων από το περιβάλλον της υφαλοκρηπίδα σε αυτό της λεκάνης. Η μορφολογία και η δομή του Κορινθιακού κόλπου φέρουν τα χαρακτηριστικά ενός ενεργού ηπειρωτικού περιθωρίου με βάθη από 100 μέχρι ~850 m όπου αναπτύσσονται ένα πλήθος διεργασιών που δρουν μεταβάλλοντας το ανάγλυφο και διαμορφώνουν το ιζηματογενές κάλυμμα.
Στο βόρειο περιθώριο του Κεντρικού Κορινθιακού Κόλπου πραγματοποιείται από το 1970, η υποθαλάσσια έκχυση μεταλλευτικών απόβλητων που σχηματίζονται κατά την επεξεργασίας βωξίτη για την παραγωγή αλουμίνας. Τα μεταλλευτικά απόβλητα, γνωστά και ως ερυθρά ιλύς, απορρίπτονται στην υφαλοκρηπίδα του κόλπου της Αντίκυρας, στην βόρια ακτή του Κορινθιακού Κόλπου.
Η παρούσα διδακτορική διατριβή διαπραγματεύεται το σημαντικό, για τον ελληνικό θαλάσσιο χώρο, περιβαλλοντικό θέμα της εξάπλωσης της βωξιτικής ερυθράς ιλύος στον Κεντρικό Κορινθιακό κόλπο. Ιδιαίτερη έμφαση δόθηκε στις διεργασίες διασποράς και μεταφοράς της ερυθράς ιλύος στην περιοχή έρευνας.
Η μελέτη του θέματος της διατριβής στηρίχθηκε σε ένα ευρύ φάσμα πρωτογενών δεδομένων που συλλέχθηκαν από το Εργαστήριο Θαλάσσιας Γεωλογίας & Φυσικής Ωκεανογραφίας του Τμήματος Γεωλογίας, Πανεπιστήμιο Πατρών. Η συλλογή των δεδομένων πραγματοποιήθηκε σε τέσσερις χρονικές περιόδους από το 1994-2007. Κατά την διάρκεια των ωκεανογραφικών αποστολών εκτελέσθηκαν θαλάσσιες γεωφυσικές έρευνες με χρήση τομογράφου υποδομής πυθμένα και ηχοβολιστή πλευρικής σάρωσης, οπτικές παρατηρήσεις του πυθμένα με χρήση κατευθυνόμενου υποβρύχιου οχήματος και συλλέχθηκε ένας μεγάλος αριθμός δειγμάτων ιζήματος. Κατά την εκπόνηση της παρούσας διδακτορικής διατριβής εκτελέστηκαν μία σειρά αναλύσεων για τις φυσικές, χημικές και ορυκτολογικές ιδιότητες των δειγμάτων.
Η επεξεργασία των γεωφυσικών δεδομένων οδήγησε στην λεπτομερή αποτύπωση της βαθυμετρίας και μορφολογίας της περιοχής έρευνας. Η κατωφέρεια του βόρειου περιθωρίου του Κορινθιακού Κόλπου διασχίζεται από πολυάριθμες χαραδρώσεις. Συνολικά αναγνωρίστηκαν είκοσι οκτώ (28) χαραδρώσεις. Δεκαεφτά (17) από αυτές αναπτύσσονται στην κατωφέρεια του Κόλπου της Αντίκυρας.
Η ερυθρά ιλύς εκχύνεται στην υφαλοκρηπίδα του Κόλπου της Αντίκυρας διαμέσου ενός συστήματος υποβρύχιων αγωγών οι οποίοι τερματίζουν σε βάθος νερού 100-120 m. Το μεταλλευτικά απόβλητα αποτελούν ένα μείγμα λεπτόκοκκων υποπροϊόντων (ιλύς και λεπτόκοκκη άμμος) με θαλασσινό νερό που απορρίπτεται σε μορφή λάσπης στον πυθμένα της υφαλοκρηπίδας.
Στην περιοχή εξόδου των αγωγών, στην υφαλοκρηπίδα, η ερυθρά ιλύς σχημάτισε συγκεντρώσεις σημαντικού πάχους. Μέχρι το 1994 σχηματίστηκαν τρεις υποθαλάσσιοι λοβοί. Ο λοβός Α, στα δυτικά, έχει μέγιστο ύψος 14 m. Ο κεντρικός λοβός Β έχει μέγιστο ύψος 27 m. Ο ανατολικός λοβός Γ έχει μέγιστο ύψος 23 m. Οι τρεις λοβοί συνενώνονται σε μία ενιαία λοβοειδή κύρια απόθεση.
Η ερυθρά ιλύς διασπείρεται από την κύρια λοβοειδή απόθεση. Η οπτική διασκόπηση του πυθμένα έδειξε ότι προς τα ανάντη των λοβών οι υποβρύχιοι αγωγοί έχουν θαφτεί από ερυθρά ιλύ σε βάθος νερού ~53 m. Προς τα κατάντη η ερυθρά ιλύς διασπείρεται σε Ν-ΝΔ διεύθυνση. Δημιουργείται έτσι ένα επιφανειακό στρώμα ερυθράς ιλύος πάχους 27 έως 1 m, το οποίο αποτελεί την ευρύτερη απόθεση ερυθράς ιλύος. Δείγματα ιζήματος από την υφαλοκρηπίδα παρουσίασαν ότι ο πυθμένας καλύπτεται από ένα επιφανειακό στρώμα ερυθράς ιλύος ελάχιστου πάχους ενός εκατοστού. Επιπλέον υποβρύχιες εικόνες επιβεβαίωσαν την κάλυψη του φυσικού πυθμένα της υφαλοκρηπίδας από ένα λεπτό επίχρισμα ερυθράς ιλύος σε βάθος νερού 265 m, στο υφαλόριο. Στην λεκάνη του κεντρικού Κορινθιακού Κόλπου η ερυθρά ιλύς σχημάτισε επάλληλα επιφανειακά και υπο-επιφανειακά στρώματα τα οποία εναλλάσσονται με φυσικά ιζήματα.
Τη δεκαετία του 1990 η μέση ετήσια παραγωγή ερυθράς ιλύος ήταν 640,000 τόνοι. Μέχρι το 1994 οι αποθέσεις της ερυθράς ιλύος στον πυθμένα της υφαλοκρηπίδας εκτείνονται σε 36.5 km2, και ανέρχονται σε όγκο που εκτιμάται στους 40.8 εκατ. τόνους. Η οπτική διασκόπηση έδειξε ότι ένα λεπτό επιφανειακό στρώμα ερυθράς ιλύος να καλύπτει τον φυσικό πυθμένα της υφαλοκρηπίδας μέχρι το υφαλόριο, σε βάθος νερού 265 m. Στην κεντρική λεκάνη του Κορινθιακού κόλπου οι αποθέσεις της ερυθράς ιλύος συνολικά καλύπτουν 288 km2 του πυθμένα. O όγκος των αποθέσεων της ερυθράς ιλύος στη λεκάνη εκτιμήθηκε στους 1.96 εκατ. τόνους. Ο συνολικός όγκος της ερυθράς ιλύος που έχει απορριφθεί από το 1970-1994 στο βόρειο περιθώριο του Κορινθιακού Κόλπου αγγίζει τους 43 εκατ. τόνους. Από αυτό το υλικό μόλις το 4.5 % μεταφέρεται στην κεντρική λεκάνη του Κορινθιακού Κόλπου, ενώ το 95.5 % παραμένει στην υφαλοκρηπίδα του Κόλπου της Αντίκυρας.
Δύο μηχανισμοί κυρίως ευθύνονται για τη διασπορά της ερυθράς ιλύος από την κύρια απόθεση στην υφαλοκρηπίδα. Ο υψηλός ρυθμός ιζηματογένεσης στους λοβούς εξαιτίας της μεγάλης ποσότητας υλικού που απορρίπτεται από τους αγωγούς, προκαλεί αύξηση στους πόρους των ιζημάτων και οδηγεί σε αστοχίες στα πρανή των λοβών. Ο έτερος μηχανισμός, οποίος είναι και ο πιο σημαντικός, αφορά στην έντονη σεισμικότητα της περιοχής έρευνας. Ένας αριθμός σεισμών που έχουν εκδηλωθεί στην ευρύτερη περιοχή του Κόλπου της Αντίκυρας, για την χρονική περίοδο που μελετήθηκε η ερυθρά ιλύς (1994-2007), είχαν μέγεθος (Ms>5) ικανό να προκαλέσει υποθαλάσσιες βαρυτικές μετακινήσεις μαζών. Επιπλέον το σεισμικό τους επίκεντρο βρισκόταν σε απόσταση μικρότερη των 60 km από την περιοχή της απόθεσης της ερυθράς ιλύος. Οι σεισμοί αυτοί δυνητικά έπληξαν τους λοβούς της ερυθράς ιλύος και πυροδότησαν υποθαλάσσιες κατολισθήσεις.
Οι κατολισθήσεις από τα πρανή των λοβών μετασχηματίζονται σε ροή μάζας που διασπείρουν την ερυθρά ιλύ στον πυθμένα της υφαλοκρηπίδας, μέχρι το υφαλόριο. Στο υφαλόριο η αύξηση της κλίσης του πρανούς μετασχηματίζει τις ροές μάζας σε τουρβιδιτικά ρεύματα που μεταφέρουν την ερυθρά ιλύ στην κεντρική λεκάνη του Κορινθιακού Κόλπου.
Στα ανώτερα 20 cm των επιφανειακών ιζημάτων της κεντρικής λεκάνης του Κορινθιακού Κόλπου, αναγνωρίστηκαν οκτώ (8) ιζηματολογικές ενότητες οι οποίες αποτελούν αποθέσεις λεπτόκοκκων τουρβιδιτών. Οι ενότητες σχηματίστηκαν από ισάριθμα τουρβιδιτικά ρεύματα που διέσχισαν την κατωφέρεια και μετάφεραν ερυθρά ιλύ, φυσικά ιζήματα ή και τα δύο. Διαπιστώθηκε μάλιστα ότι τα τουρβιδικά ρεύματα που σχημάτισαν τις επιφανειακές αποθέσεις της λεκάνης, διέσχισαν διαφορετικές χαραδρώσεις κάθε φορά, αλλά περισσότερες από μία χαράδρωση ενεργοποιήθηκαν σε κάθε τουρβιδιτικό γεγονός.
Ο ρυθμός ιζηματογένεσης για τα ανώτερα 20 cm των ιζημάτων της κεντρικής λεκάνης υπολογίστηκε στην παρούσα εργασία και εκτιμάται από 0.8 έως 3.3 mm/yr. Είναι σημαντικά υψηλότερος από το ρυθμό ημιπελαγικής ιζηματογένεσης κατά τη διάρκεια του Ολοκαίνου στο Ιόνιο και το Αιγαίο αλλά κοντά στο μέσο ρυθμό ιζηματογένεσης που προέκυψε από τις πρόσφατες ενστρωμένες ακολουθίες τουρβιδιτών στη λεκάνη του Κορινθιακού Κόλπου, όπως αναφέρεται από προηγούμενες έρευνες.
Η ερυθρά ιλύς εξαιτίας του μητρικού πετρώματος και της διεργασίας παραγωγής αποτελεί ένα ίζημα εμπλουτισμένο σε βαρέα μέταλλα καθώς χαρακτηρίζεται από υψηλές συγκεντρώσεις των βαρέων μετάλλων: Ag, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Hg, Ni, Pb, V, Al, Fe, Ti. Οι συγκεντρώσεις αυτές είναι πολύ υψηλότερες από τις αντίστοιχες του υποβάθρου (δείκτες εμπλουτισμού >>1). Παρατηρήθηκε ωστόσο αραίωση των συγκεντρώσεων των παραπάνω μετάλλων στις αποθέσεις της υφαλοκρηπίδας και της λεκάνης σε σχέση με την ερυθρά ιλύ στις επίγειες δεξαμενές στο εργοστάσιο επεξεργασίας (δείκτες αραίωσης <1). Πιθανώς η ανάμειξη της ερυθράς ιλύος με το θαλασσινό νερό κατά την απόρριψη από τους αγωγούς να προκαλεί μείωση των συγκεντρώσεων των μετάλλων. Οι βαρυτικές διεργασίες που λαμβάνουν χώρα στην περιοχή του Κορινθιακού Κόλπου και ευθύνονται για τη μεταφορά της ερυθράς ιλύος από τους λοβούς προς τα κατάντη επιδρούν στη σύσταση του μεταλλοφόρου ιζήματος. Κατά την μεταφορά προκαλείται ανάμειξη της ερυθράς ιλύος με το φυσικό ίζημα του πυθμένα. Αυτό έχει ως αποτέλεσμα να μειώνονται οι συγκεντρώσεις των βαρέων μετάλλων και η ερυθρά ιλύς να εμπλουτίζεται σε στοιχεία που αφθονούν στα φυσικά ιζήματα. / Corinth Gulf constitutes a natural laboratory for the study of sedimentary processes that control the sediment transport from the shelf to the deep basin floor. The gulf comprises an active continental margin which reaches a maximum depth of about 870 m and hosts a number of processes that alter the seafloor morphology and form the sedimentation regime.
On the northern coast of the central Gulf of Corinth operates since 1970, a Submarine Tailings Disposal System. The tailings, also known as red mud, are the by-product of the bauxite processing for the aluminum production. Red mud is discharged on the shelf of the Antikyra Gulf.
The present PhD research thesis studies the important environmental issue of the red mud tailings distribution and dispersion in the central Corinth Gulf.
The study was based on a wide spectrum of primordial and original data collected by the Laboratory of Marine Geology & Physical Oceanography, in Department of Geology, University of Patras. Data collection was performed in four marine surveys from 1994 to 2007. The surveys comprised of marine geophysical exploration using Sub-bottom Profiler, Echo-sounder and Side Scan Sonar systems and visual inspection of the seafloor using an remotely operated vehicle (ROV). Furthermore, a dense grid of sediment samples using Day grab and also a gravity core, were collected. A series of laboratory analyses were performed for the physical, chemical and mineralogical characterization of the marine sample sediments.
The geophysical dataset presented the detailed bathometry and morphology of the study area. The slope of the northern coast of the Corinth Gulf is incised by numerous of submarine canyons. Twenty eight canyons were identified and measured in terms of dimensions, dip of the walls and thickness of sediment cover. Seventeen of these are developed on the slope southwards from Antikyra Gulf.
Red mud is being discharged on the shelf floor of Antikyra Gulf, at a water depth of 100-120 m through a submarine pipeline system. Red mud is a sludge which consists of fine-grained sediment particles (mud and sand) mixed with sea water.
At the pipeline outfall site, on the shelf, red mud has formed a surface layer of significant thickness. By 1994 three submarine sediment lobes were formed. Lobe A, on the west, has maximum height of 14 m. Lobe B, in the center, rises 27 m above the seafloor. Lobe C, on the east has maximum elevation of 23 m. The three lobes merge into a common lobe-shape main red mud deposit.
Red mud is dispersed from the main lobe-shape deposition. Visual inspection of the shelf seafloor has shown that the submarine pipelines are buried under a layer of red mud northwards from the lobes, in a water depth of about 53 m. Downhill from the lobes red mud disperse in a S-SW direction. Thus, a surface layer of red mud with minimum thickness of 1 m has formed and constitutes the wider red mud deposit, which encompass the main red mud deposit. Sediment samples presented that the shelf floor is covered by a thin surface layer of red mud with minimum thickness of few to 1 cm. Furthermore visual inspection showed a thin veneer of red mud covers the natural seafloor at the water depth of 265 m, at the shelf break. On the basin floor red mud has formed surface and sub-surface layers that intercalate with the natural sediments.
During the '90s the mean annual red mud production was 640,000 tones. In 1994 the red mud deposits on the shelf floor cover 36.5 km2 and the total volume was estimated at 40.8 million tones. On the basin floor red mud layers cover 288 km2. The volume of the materials was estimated to be 1.96 million tones. The total volume of red mud that has been discharged from 1970 to 1994 is estimated to be 43 million tones. 4.5 % of the total volume of this material is being transported to the basin floor while the majority (95.5 %) lays on the shelf floor.
The dispersion of red mud from the main deposition is attributed mainly to two processes. The high sedimentation rate at the lobes due to the ample supply of red mud from the pipelines, can cause excess sediment pore pressure and induce sediment failures from the lobes. The other process is associated with the high seismicity of the Corinth Gulf. During the period of the data collection (1994-2007) a number of earthquakes shocked the study area and had magnitudes (Ms>5) that were able to cause submarine sediment failures. Also the epicentral area laid in a distance of less than 60 km from the area of red mud deposits on the shelf. These earthquakes potentially stroke the lobe-shape deposit of the red mud and caused submarine sediment failures and landslides.
The initial landslides at the lobes are transformed into mass flows that disperse the red mud on the shelf, floor as far as the shelf break. At the shelf break due to the dip increase, turbidity currents are triggered, cross the slope and carry the red mud at the central basin of the Corinth Gulf, where they finally deposit.
In the upper 20 cm of the sedimentary cover of the basin floor were recognized eight discrete sedimentary units. These units bear characteristics of fine-grained turbidites and have been formed by different tourbidity currents that crossed the slope. The currents curried either red mud, or natural sediments or both.
Each turbidity current that formed the sedimentary units on the basin floor, crossed more than one canyon on the slope each time. However each tourbiditic event crosses different canyons each time.
The sedimentation rate for the upper sedimentary cover of the basin floor which consist of the red mud layers and the intercalating natural sediments, is estimated for the present study and ranges from 0.8 to 3.3 mm/y. This rate is higher than the hemipelagic sedimentation rate during the Holocene in Ionian and Aegean Sea. However is close to the mean sedimentation rate that has been estimated by the recent tourbiditic sequences in the central Corinth Gulf basin by previous works.
Red mud due to the parental material and the production process is highly enriched in heavy metals such as Ag, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Hg, Ni, Pb, V, Al, Fe, Ti. The concentrations of these metals are extremely higher than the background values. However red mud deposits on the shelf and the basin floor are depleted in the heavy metal concentration comparing to the red mud in a onshore pool, prior to the submarine discharge. Mixing of red mud with seawater during the discharge from the pipelines decreases the levels of heavy metals. Also a depletion in metal concentration is observed in the basin floor red mud deposits comparing to the main red mud deposition at the lobes and this may be attributed to the gravitational processes that come about and transport the red mud from the source (lobes) to the sink (basin floor). During the transport takes place mixing between the red mud and the natural sediments. On the basin floor the red mud has decreased concentrations of metals and shows elevated concentrations in elements that abound in natural sediments.
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Études des premières étapes d’oligomérisation de la région Non-Aβ Component de l’a-synucléine et de Aβ1-40Eugene, Cindie 04 1900 (has links)
Les protéines amyloïdes sont retrouvées sous forme de fibres dans de nombreuses maladies neurodégénératives. En tentant d’élucider le mécanisme de fibrillation, les chercheurs ont découvert que cette réaction se fait par un phénomène de nucléation passant par des oligomères. Il semblerait que ces espèces soient la principale cause de la toxicité observée dans les cellules des patients atteints d’amyloïdose. C’est pourquoi un intérêt particulier est donc porté aux premières étapes d’oligomérisation. Dans ce mémoire, nous nous intéressons à une séquence d’acide aminé fortement hydrophobe de l’α-synucléine appelée composante non β -amyloïde (Non-Amyloid β Component ou NAC). Cette dernière est retrouvée sous forme de fibres dans les corps et les neurites de Lewy des patients atteints de la maladie de Parkinson. De plus, elle constitue une composante minoritaire des fibres impliquées dans la maladie d’Alzheimer. Nous avons observé les changements structuraux qui ont lieu pour le monomère, le dimère et le trimère de la séquence NAC de l’α-synucléine. Nous nous sommes aussi intéressés aux conséquences structurelles observées dans des oligomères hétérogènes qui impliqueraient, Aβ1−40. Pour cela nous utilisons des dynamiques moléculaires, d’échange de répliques couplées au potentiel gros-grain, OPEP. Nous constatons une disparition des hélices α au profit des feuillets β , ainsi que le polymorphisme caractéristique des fibres amyloïdes. Certaines régions se sont démarquées par leurs capacités à former des feuillets β . La disparition de ces régions lorsque NAC est combinée à Aβ laisse entrevoir l’importance de l’emplacement des résidus hydrophobes dans des structures susceptibles de former des fibres amyloïdes. / Amyloid proteins are found in fiber form in many neurodegenerative diseases. In attempting to elucidate the mechanism of fibrillation, researchers have found that fibril formation occurs by a nucleation mechanisms involving oligomers. It seems, in particular, that the latter species are responsible for the toxicity observed in the cells of patients suffering from amyloidosis. That is why special interest is focused in the early stages of oligomerization. In this this work, we focus on a highly hydrophobic amino acid sequence of the α-synuclein called Non-Amyloid β Component (NAC). The NAC is recovered in the form of fibers in the body and Lewy neurites in patients with Parkin- son’s disease. Moreover, it is a minority component of the fibers involved in Alzheimer’s disease. In particular, we observe the structural changes taking place for the monomer, dimer and trimer of the NAC region of α-synuclein. We are also interested in the structural consequences observed in heterogeneous oligomers which involve Aβ1−40. We use Hamiltonian and temperature replica exchange molecular dynamics (HT-REMD) simulations combined with the coarse-grained OPEP potential. We observe a loss of α-helices in favor of β -strands and the characteristic polymorphism of amyloid fibers. We also find that some regions are distinguished by their ability to form β -strands. The disappearance of these regions when combined Aβ with NAC suggests the importance of the location of hydrophobic residues in amyloid fibers structures.
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Mechanical properties of homogenous polymers and block copolymers : a molecular dynamics simulation approach / Propriétés mécaniques des homo-polymères et des copolymers à blocs : approche par dynamique moléculaireMakke, Ali 29 April 2011 (has links)
Les propriétés mécaniques des polymères et des copolymères à blocs ont été étudiées par simulation de type dynamique moléculaire (modèle billes-ressorts). Les échantillons polymères ont été générés par la méthode de « radical like polymerisation ». Ces échantillons ont été soumis à des essais de traction uniaxiaux et triaxiaux dans le but d’étudier leurs réponses mécaniques. Dans la première partie de ce travail on a comparé deux méthodes de traction : « méthode de traction homogène» et la traction « pilotée par les bords » de l’échantillon. Les résultats montrent que les deux méthodes sont équivalentes à faible vitesse de traction. Le changement de distance entre enchevêtrement dans un polymère modèle sous traction est analysé, les résultats montrent que le désenchevêtrèrent des chaines est plus prononcé lorsque la déformation de l’échantillon est uniaxiale du fait de la relaxation latérale de l’échantillon. La nucléation des cavités dans les polymères amorphes soumis à une déformation triaxial a été également étudiée. On a trouvé que les cavités se forment dans des zones qui sont caractérisées par un faible module d’incompressibilité élastique. Ces zones sont identifiables dès le début de la déformation à une température très basse (T~0K). La seconde partie de ce travail se concentre sur la simulation de la réponse mécanique des copolymères à blocs. L’influence de l’architecture moléculaire sur le comportement mécanique de l’échantillon a été analysée. Les résultats montrent que le comportement mécanique des échantillons est piloté par le taux des chaines liantes qui assurent la transmission des contraintes entre les phases. Le flambement des lamelles dans les copolymères à blocs a été également étudié, l’influence de la taille de l’échantillon et de la vitesse de déformation sur la réponse mécanique de l’échantillon a été explorée. Les résultats montrent un changement de mode du flambement selon la vitesse de déformation imposée. Un nouveau modèle qui prend en compte le facteur cinétique du flambement est proposé pour décrire la compétition entre les modes. / We use molecular dynamics simulation of a coarse grained model to investigate the mechanical properties of homogenous polymers and lamellar block copolymers. Polymer samples have been generated using “radical like polymerisation” method. These samples were submitted to uniaxial and triaxial tensile tests in order to study their mechanical responses. First we compare two tensile test methods: the “homogenous deformation method” and the “boundary driven deformation method”. We find that the two methods lead to similar results at low strain rate. The change of the entanglement network in polymer sample undergoing a tensile deformation was investigated. We have found that the sample exhibits an increase of its entanglement length in uniaxial deformation test compared to triaxial deformation one. Our finding was interpreted by the pronounced chain disentanglement observed in the uniaxial deformation test due to the lateral relaxation of the sample. The cavity nucleation in amorphous polymers has been also studied. We have found that the cavities nucleate preferentially in zones that exhibit a low elastic bulk modulus. These zones can be identified from the initial undeformed state of the sample at low temperature (T~0K). The second part of the work focused in the simulation of the mechanical response of block copolymers. The influence of chain architecture on the mechanical properties was investigated: our finding reveals an important role of the bridging molecules (cilia chains and knotted loop chains) on the stress transmission between phases at high strain. The initiation of plasticity in copolymer samples was also studied. The role of the buckling has been found to be determinant in the mechanical response of the sample The dependence of the buckling instability with the sample size and the deformation rate was investigated. We have found that the fundamental (first) mode of buckling develops at relatively low strain rate whereas at high strain rate the buckling of the sample occurs with the second or higher mode of buckling. A new model that takes into account the buckling kinetic was developed to describe this competition between the buckling modes.
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Caractérisation du répertoire dynamique macroscopique de l'activité électrique cérébrale humaine au reposHadriche, Abir 28 June 2013 (has links)
Nous proposons un algorithme basé sur une approche orientée d'ensemble de système dynamique pour extraire une organisation grossière de l'espace d'état de cerveau sur la base des signaux de l'EEG. Nous l'utilisons pour comparer l'organisation de l'espace d'état des données simulées à grande échelle avec la dynamique cérébrale réelle au repos chez des sujets sains et pathologiques (SEP). / We propose an algorithme based on set oriented approach of dynamical system to extract a coarse grained organization of brain state space on the basis of EEG signals. We use it for comparing the organization of the state space of large scale simulation of brain dynamics with actual brain dynamics of resting activity in healthy and SEP subjects.
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Microfresamento de aços com grãos ultrafinos / Micromilling of ultrafine grained steelsAssis, Cleiton Lazaro Fazolo de 20 September 2013 (has links)
A micromanufatura via usinagem apresenta algumas dificuldades, principalmente aquelas relacionadas à formação do cavaco, pois a espessura de corte passa a ter a dimensão do tamanho de grão do material da peça e da microgeometria da aresta de corte. Em operações de microcorte, a microestrutura do material é um fator importante no controle da geração da superfície da peça, mecanismo de formação de cavaco, etc. Este trabalho de pesquisa avaliou o efeito do tamanho ultrafino dos grãos do material da peça sobre os fenômenos inerentes ao corte no microfresamento. As variáveis de usinagem investigadas foram avanço por dente (fz), velocidade de corte (vc), diâmetro da microfresa (dΦ) e raio de aresta de corte (re), visando avaliar o mecanismo de formação do cavaco, acabamento da peça e integridade superficial. Os materiais utilizados nos experimentos foram um aço bifásico (ferrita-perlita) com tamanho de grão ferrítico de 11 µm e outro de microestrutura homogênea de grãos ultrafinos com 0,7 µm, ambos com mesma composição química e baixo-carbono. Dois grupos de ensaios foram propostos: (1) macro e microfresamento e (2) microfresamento de canais. O tipo de usinagem foi o de fresamento de topo, sem emprego de fluido de corte. Os ensaios de usinagem foram executados em centros de usinagem CNC. As ferramentas de corte foram de metal duro com recobrimentos, diâmetro 16 mm na escala macro de usinagem, 200 e 800 µm na escala micro. A adequação da microestrutura do material da peça à redução da escala de usinagem, através do mecanismo de refino de grão, gerou alguns aspectos favoráveis à microusinagem, como melhor acabamento (Ssk≈0 e Sku≈3), formação de cavaco contínuo e menor formação de rebarbas com a redução da espessura de corte (fz≤re), possibilitando aplicações em microfabricação por corte com ferramenta de geometria definida utilizando aços baixo carbono, antes limitadas à estruturas na construção civil e peças obtidas por conformação mecânica. / Micro manufacturing by means of machining presents difficulties, mainly those related to chip formation, since chip thickness become as small as normal material grain size, as well as the cutting edge radius. At such micro cutting operations material microstructure ascends as a very important issue in terms of machining output, i.e. surface roughness, subsurface damages, cutting forces, etc. This research evaluated the effect of the intervention on the metallurgical microstructure of the material on the cutting phenomena inherent in micromachining. The variables investigated were the feed per tooth (ft), cutting speed (vc), micro end-mill diameter (dΦ) and cutting edge radius (re). The materials used in the experiments were a steel two-phase (ferrite-pearlite) with ferritic grain size of 11 µm and similar one with homogeneous microstructure and ultrafine grains (0.7 µm), both low carbon. The mechanism of chip formation, surface finish and surface integrity were investigated and correlated with the studied variables. Two groups of machining experiments were proposed: (1) macro and micro end-milling and (2) microchannels. Overall, the type of machining was the end milling, without using cutting fluid. The machining tests were carried on a CNC machining center. The cutting tools are coated, diameter 16 mm in macro scale of machining, 200 and 800 μm in micro scale. the adequacy of the microstructure of the workpiece material to the reduce the scale of machining generated some favorable aspects to micromachining, such as better finishing (Ssk≈0 e Sku≈3), continuous chip formation and lesser burr formation by reducing the cutting thickness (fz≤re), enabling micromanufacturing applications for low carbon steels, once limited to structures in the civil construction and pieces obtained by mechanical forming.
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Caracterização experimental de soluções de reforço para placas de rochas ornamentais / Experimental characterization of reinforcement to ornamental stones slabsPazeto, Abiliane de Andrade 20 March 2017 (has links)
Um grande número de rochas de granulação grosseira tem valor agregado muito alto quando usadas como materiais de construção, as chamadas rochas exóticas. No entanto, existem problemas com a utilização desses materiais dado a sua fragilidade, que está relacionada com a sua textura muito heterogênea. No Brasil é empregado empiricamente um reforço (compósito) que utiliza resina epóxi e fibra de vidro para melhorar o desempenho mecânico de tais rochas quando empregadas como materiais de construção. Os objetivos da presente pesquisa foram estudar o reforço tradicional brasileiro (telagem) para determinar sua eficiência e, ao mesmo tempo, propor outras soluções de reforço alternativas e mais eficientes, e avaliá-las através da caracterização mecânica experimental. Foi proposto um critério denominado Declive Global para avaliar as tensões de serviço dos materiais pegmatíticos estudados, quando os reforços propostos foram aplicados. Para validar esse critério foi utilizado um sistema de correlação digital de imagem (CDI) para observar e medir o comportamento de deformação e fratura durante a realização de testes de flexão em 4 pontos. Tanto o critério proposto como a CDI mostraram que a propagação de fissuras ocorre muito antes do material atingir a carga máxima. O reforço alternativo proposto, que emprega resina epóxi e uma fibra de vidro 600 g/m² apresentou o melhor desempenho mecânico, elevando a carga de ruptura até 6x em comparação com as amostras onde nenhum reforço foi aplicado. Os resultados demonstrados pelos reforços propostos são promissores e aumentam a possibilidade de aplicar rochas exóticas frágeis como materiais de construção, além do critério proposto fornecer uma ferramenta importante para a compreensão mecânica prévia de produtos de rocha que utilizam reforços compósitos. / A great number of coarse-grained natural stones have very high added-value when used as building materials, the so called exotic stones. However, problems using these materials arise from its brittleness behavior, which are related to its very heterogeneous texture. Glass fiber-reinforced epoxy composite (GFRC) is being used to improve mechanical performance of such stones when employed as building materials. The objectives of this present investigation it were studying the Brazilian traditional reinforcement to determinate its efficiency and, at the same time, a number of alternative solutions were proposed and evaluated through experimental mechanical characterization. It was proposed a slope-based criterion to evaluate the useful service loads of pegmatitic materials when glass fiber-reinforcement is applied. To validate the proposed criterion, a digital image correlation (DIC) system was employed to observe and measure strain and fracture behavior during the realization of 4-point bending tests. Both proposed criterion and DIC show that crack propagation occurs long before the material reaches maximum load. GFRC acts as a crack inhibitor, raising the breaking load up to 6x in comparison with the specimens where no reinforcement was applied. The results from this study enhance the capability to apply such materials as building materials and provide an important tool to perform prior mechanical understanding of stone products using GFRC.
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Evolving Legacy System's Features into Fine-grained Components Using Regression Test-CasesMehta, Alok 11 December 2002 (has links)
"Because many software systems used for business today are considered legacy systems, the need for software evolution techniques has never been greater. We propose a novel evolution methodology for legacy systems that integrates the concepts of features, regression testing, and Component-Based Software Engineering (CBSE). Regression test suites are untapped resources that contain important information about the features of a software system. By exercising each feature with its associated test cases using code profilers and similar tools, code can be located and refactored to create components. The unique combination of Feature Engineering and CBSE makes it possible for a legacy system to be modernized quickly and affordably. We develop a new framework to evolve legacy software that maps the features to software components refactored from their feature implementation. In this dissertation, we make the following contributions: First, a new methodology to evolve legacy code is developed that improves the maintainability of evolved legacy systems. Second, the technique describes a clear understanding between features and functionality, and relationships among features using our feature model. Third, the methodology provides guidelines to construct feature-based reusable components using our fine-grained component model. Fourth, we bridge the complexity gap by identifying feature-based test cases and developing feature-based reusable components. We show how to reuse existing tools to aid the evolution of legacy systems rather than re-writing special purpose tools for program slicing and requirement management. We have validated our approach on the evolution of a real-world legacy system. By applying this methodology, American Financial Systems, Inc. (AFS), has successfully restructured its enterprise legacy system and reduced the costs of future maintenance. "
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Microfresamento de aços com grãos ultrafinos / Micromilling of ultrafine grained steelsCleiton Lazaro Fazolo de Assis 20 September 2013 (has links)
A micromanufatura via usinagem apresenta algumas dificuldades, principalmente aquelas relacionadas à formação do cavaco, pois a espessura de corte passa a ter a dimensão do tamanho de grão do material da peça e da microgeometria da aresta de corte. Em operações de microcorte, a microestrutura do material é um fator importante no controle da geração da superfície da peça, mecanismo de formação de cavaco, etc. Este trabalho de pesquisa avaliou o efeito do tamanho ultrafino dos grãos do material da peça sobre os fenômenos inerentes ao corte no microfresamento. As variáveis de usinagem investigadas foram avanço por dente (fz), velocidade de corte (vc), diâmetro da microfresa (dΦ) e raio de aresta de corte (re), visando avaliar o mecanismo de formação do cavaco, acabamento da peça e integridade superficial. Os materiais utilizados nos experimentos foram um aço bifásico (ferrita-perlita) com tamanho de grão ferrítico de 11 µm e outro de microestrutura homogênea de grãos ultrafinos com 0,7 µm, ambos com mesma composição química e baixo-carbono. Dois grupos de ensaios foram propostos: (1) macro e microfresamento e (2) microfresamento de canais. O tipo de usinagem foi o de fresamento de topo, sem emprego de fluido de corte. Os ensaios de usinagem foram executados em centros de usinagem CNC. As ferramentas de corte foram de metal duro com recobrimentos, diâmetro 16 mm na escala macro de usinagem, 200 e 800 µm na escala micro. A adequação da microestrutura do material da peça à redução da escala de usinagem, através do mecanismo de refino de grão, gerou alguns aspectos favoráveis à microusinagem, como melhor acabamento (Ssk≈0 e Sku≈3), formação de cavaco contínuo e menor formação de rebarbas com a redução da espessura de corte (fz≤re), possibilitando aplicações em microfabricação por corte com ferramenta de geometria definida utilizando aços baixo carbono, antes limitadas à estruturas na construção civil e peças obtidas por conformação mecânica. / Micro manufacturing by means of machining presents difficulties, mainly those related to chip formation, since chip thickness become as small as normal material grain size, as well as the cutting edge radius. At such micro cutting operations material microstructure ascends as a very important issue in terms of machining output, i.e. surface roughness, subsurface damages, cutting forces, etc. This research evaluated the effect of the intervention on the metallurgical microstructure of the material on the cutting phenomena inherent in micromachining. The variables investigated were the feed per tooth (ft), cutting speed (vc), micro end-mill diameter (dΦ) and cutting edge radius (re). The materials used in the experiments were a steel two-phase (ferrite-pearlite) with ferritic grain size of 11 µm and similar one with homogeneous microstructure and ultrafine grains (0.7 µm), both low carbon. The mechanism of chip formation, surface finish and surface integrity were investigated and correlated with the studied variables. Two groups of machining experiments were proposed: (1) macro and micro end-milling and (2) microchannels. Overall, the type of machining was the end milling, without using cutting fluid. The machining tests were carried on a CNC machining center. The cutting tools are coated, diameter 16 mm in macro scale of machining, 200 and 800 μm in micro scale. the adequacy of the microstructure of the workpiece material to the reduce the scale of machining generated some favorable aspects to micromachining, such as better finishing (Ssk≈0 e Sku≈3), continuous chip formation and lesser burr formation by reducing the cutting thickness (fz≤re), enabling micromanufacturing applications for low carbon steels, once limited to structures in the civil construction and pieces obtained by mechanical forming.
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Rate effects in fine grained soilsQuinn, Turlough January 2013 (has links)
The strain rate dependent behaviour of fine grained soils is an important aspect of geotechnical engineering. During dynamic or rapid events such as earthquakes and rapid pile testing, a fine grained soil will display significantly different behaviour than may be observed over the long life span of a structure. There is currently little understanding of the factors which influence the behaviour of fine grained soils during dynamic events (extremely high strain rates), making their response difficult to predict. This research investigates the behaviour of fine grained soils subjected to a wide range of constant strain rates in monotonic triaxial compression testing. Each test is conducted under drained conditions to observe the behaviour of soils as they transition from a drained response at lower strain rates, through to an undrained or viscous response at higher strain rate tests. Where the response of soils is drained or partially drained, higher strain rate tests measure a decrease in strength. The point of transition from partially drained to undrained behaviour corresponds to the lowest strain rate dependent strength. Further tests at higher strain rates measure consistently greater strength. The strain rate dependence of three fine grained soils is investigated, enabling a comparison of strain rate effects with soil index properties. The influence of initial state on the strain rate dependence of these Kaolin based model soils is also evaluated. The drained to partially drained response of the soils to strain rate increase is controlled by the coefficient of consolidation. Tests at high strain rates show the undrained or viscous strain rate effect on strength is related to liquidity index. Local strain instrumentation allowed comparison of strain rate effects on small strain stiffness. At higher strain rate the soils display increasingly linear behaviour. At non-linear elastic strains, liquidity index appears to control the magnitude of the strain rate effects on stiffness.
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