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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Registrace fotografií do 3D modelu terénu / Registration of Photos to 3D Model

Deák, Jaromír January 2017 (has links)
This work refers existing solutions and options for the task registration of photos to 3D model based on the previous knowledge of the geographic position of the camera. The contribution of the work are new ways and possibilities of the solution with the usage of graph algorithms. In this area, the work interests are useful points of interest detection in input data, a construction of graphs and graph matching possibilities.

Nonconvex Alternating Direction Optimization for Graphs : Inference and Learning / L'algorithme des directions alternées non convexe pour graphes : inférence et apprentissage

Lê-Huu, Dien Khuê 04 February 2019 (has links)
Cette thèse présente nos contributions àl’inférence et l’apprentissage des modèles graphiquesen vision artificielle. Tout d’abord, nous proposons unenouvelle classe d’algorithmes de décomposition pour résoudrele problème d’appariement de graphes et d’hypergraphes,s’appuyant sur l’algorithme des directionsalternées (ADMM) non convexe. Ces algorithmes sontefficaces en terme de calcul et sont hautement parallélisables.En outre, ils sont également très générauxet peuvent être appliqués à des fonctionnelles d’énergiearbitraires ainsi qu’à des contraintes de correspondancearbitraires. Les expériences montrent qu’ils surpassentles méthodes de pointe existantes sur des benchmarkspopulaires. Ensuite, nous proposons une relaxationcontinue non convexe pour le problème d’estimationdu maximum a posteriori (MAP) dans les champsaléatoires de Markov (MRFs). Nous démontrons quecette relaxation est serrée, c’est-à-dire qu’elle est équivalenteau problème original. Cela nous permet d’appliquerdes méthodes d’optimisation continue pour résoudrele problème initial discret sans perte de précisionaprès arrondissement. Nous étudions deux méthodes degradient populaires, et proposons en outre une solutionplus efficace utilisant l’ADMM non convexe. Les expériencessur plusieurs problèmes réels démontrent quenotre algorithme prend l’avantage sur ceux de pointe,dans différentes configurations. Finalement, nous proposonsune méthode d’apprentissage des paramètres deces modèles graphiques avec des données d’entraînement,basée sur l’ADMM non convexe. Cette méthodeconsiste à visualiser les itérations de l’ADMM commeune séquence d’opérations différenciables, ce qui permetde calculer efficacement le gradient de la perted’apprentissage par rapport aux paramètres du modèle.L’apprentissage peut alors utiliser une descente de gradientstochastique. Nous obtenons donc un frameworkunifié pour l’inférence et l’apprentissage avec l’ADMMnon-convexe. Grâce à sa flexibilité, ce framework permetégalement d’entraîner conjointement de-bout-en-boutun modèle graphique avec un autre modèle, telqu’un réseau de neurones, combinant ainsi les avantagesdes deux. Nous présentons des expériences sur un jeude données de segmentation sémantique populaire, démontrantl’efficacité de notre méthode. / This thesis presents our contributions toinference and learning of graph-based models in computervision. First, we propose a novel class of decompositionalgorithms for solving graph and hypergraphmatching based on the nonconvex alternating directionmethod of multipliers (ADMM). These algorithms arecomputationally efficient and highly parallelizable. Furthermore,they are also very general and can be appliedto arbitrary energy functions as well as arbitraryassignment constraints. Experiments show that theyoutperform existing state-of-the-art methods on popularbenchmarks. Second, we propose a nonconvex continuousrelaxation of maximum a posteriori (MAP) inferencein discrete Markov random fields (MRFs). Weshow that this relaxation is tight for arbitrary MRFs.This allows us to apply continuous optimization techniquesto solve the original discrete problem withoutloss in accuracy after rounding. We study two populargradient-based methods, and further propose a more effectivesolution using nonconvex ADMM. Experimentson different real-world problems demonstrate that theproposed ADMM compares favorably with state-of-theartalgorithms in different settings. Finally, we proposea method for learning the parameters of these graphbasedmodels from training data, based on nonconvexADMM. This method consists of viewing ADMM iterationsas a sequence of differentiable operations, whichallows efficient computation of the gradient of the trainingloss with respect to the model parameters, enablingefficient training using stochastic gradient descent. Atthe end we obtain a unified framework for inference andlearning with nonconvex ADMM. Thanks to its flexibility,this framework also allows training jointly endto-end a graph-based model with another model suchas a neural network, thus combining the strengths ofboth. We present experiments on a popular semanticsegmentation dataset, demonstrating the effectivenessof our method.

SynopSys: Large Graph Analytics in the SAP HANA Database Through Summarization

Rudolf, Michael, Paradies, Marcus, Bornhövd, Christof, Lehner, Wolfgang 19 September 2022 (has links)
Graph-structured data is ubiquitous and with the advent of social networking platforms has recently seen a significant increase in popularity amongst researchers. However, also many business applications deal with this kind of data and can therefore benefit greatly from graph processing functionality offered directly by the underlying database. This paper summarizes the current state of graph data processing capabilities in the SAP HANA database and describes our efforts to enable large graph analytics in the context of our research project SynopSys. With powerful graph pattern matching support at the core, we envision OLAP-like evaluation functionality exposed to the user in the form of easy-to-apply graph summarization templates. By combining them, the user is able to produce concise summaries of large graph-structured datasets. We also point out open questions and challenges that we plan to tackle in the future developments on our way towards large graph analytics.

Annotation et recherche contextuelle des documents multimédias socio-personnels / Context-aware annotation and retrieval of socio-personal multimedia documents

Lajmi, Sonia 11 March 2011 (has links)
L’objectif de cette thèse est d’instrumentaliser des moyens, centrés utilisateur, de représentation, d’acquisition, d’enrichissement et d’exploitation des métadonnées décrivant des documents multimédias socio-personnels. Afin d’atteindre cet objectif, nous avons proposé un modèle d’annotation, appelé SeMAT avec une nouvelle vision du contexte de prise de vue. Nous avons proposé d’utiliser des ressources sémantiques externes telles que GeoNames , et Wikipédia pour enrichir automatiquement les annotations partant des éléments de contexte capturés. Afin d’accentuer l’aspect sémantique des annotations, nous avons modélisé la notion de profil social avec des outils du web sémantique en focalisant plus particulièrement sur la notion de liens sociaux et un mécanisme de raisonnement permettant d’inférer de nouveaux liens sociaux non explicités. Le modèle proposé, appelé SocialSphere, construit un moyen de personnalisation des annotations suivant la personne qui consulte les documents (le consultateur). Des exemples d’annotations personnalisées peuvent être des objets utilisateurs (e.g. maison, travail) ou des dimensions sociales (e.g. ma mère, le cousin de mon mari). Dans ce cadre, nous avons proposé un algorithme, appelé SQO, permettant de suggérer au consultateur des dimensions sociales selon son profil pour décrire les acteurs d’un document multimédia. Dans la perspective de suggérer à l’utilisateur des évènements décrivant les documents multimédias, nous avons réutilisé son expérience et l’expérience de son réseau de connaissances en produisant des règles d’association. Dans une dernière partie, nous avons abordé le problème de correspondance (ou appariement) entre requête et graphe social. Nous avons proposé de ramener le problème de recherche de correspondance à un problème d’isomorphisme de sous-graphe partiel. Nous avons proposé un algorithme, appelé h-Pruning, permettant de faire une correspondance rapprochée entre les nœuds des deux graphes : motif (représentant la requête) et social. Pour la mise en œuvre, nous avons réalisé un prototype à deux composantes : web et mobile. La composante mobile a pour objectif de capturer les éléments de contexte lors de la création des documents multimédias socio-personnels. Quant à la composante web, elle est dédiée à l’assistance de l’utilisateur lors de son annotation ou consultation des documents multimédias socio-personnels. L’évaluation a été effectuée en se servant d’une collection de test construite à partir du service de médias sociaux Flickr. Les tests ont prouvé : (i) l’efficacité de notre approche de recherche dans le graphe social en termes de temps d’exécution ; (ii) l’efficacité de notre approche de suggestion des événements (en effet, nous avons prouvé notre hypothèse en démontrant l’existence d’une cooccurrence entre le contexte spatio-temporel et les événements) ; (iii) l’efficacité de notre approche de suggestion des dimensions sociales en termes de temps d’exécution. / The overall objective of this thesis is to exploit a user centric means of representation, acquisition, enrichment and exploitation of multimedia document metadata. To achieve this goal, we proposed an annotation model, called SeMAT with a new vision of the snapshot context. We proposed the usage of external semantic resources (e.g. GeoNames ,, Wikipedia , etc.) to enrich the annotations automatically from the snapshot contextual elements. To accentuate the annotations semantic aspect, we modeled the concept of ‘social profile’ with Semantic web tools by focusing, in particular, on social relationships and a reasoning mechanism to infer a non-explicit social relationship. The proposed model, called SocialSphere is aimed to exploit a way to personalize the annotations to the viewer. Examples can be user’s objects (e.g. home, work) or user’s social dimensions (e.g. my mother, my husband's cousin). In this context, we proposed an algorithm, called SQO to suggest social dimensions describing actors in multimedia documents according to the viewer’s social profile. For suggesting event annotations, we have reused user experience and the experience of the users in his social network by producing association rules. In the last part, we addressed the problem of pattern matching between query and social graph. We proposed to steer the problem of pattern matching to a sub-graph isomorphism problem. We proposed an algorithm, called h-Pruning, for partial sub-graph isomorphism to ensure a close matching between nodes of the two graphs: motive (representing the request) and the social one. For implementation, we realized a prototype having two components: mobile and web. The mobile component aims to capture the snapshot contextual elements. As for the web component, it is dedicated to the assistance of the user during his socio-personnel multimedia document annotation or socio-personnel multimedia document consultation. The evaluation have proven: (i) the effectiveness of our exploitation of social graph approach in terms of execution time, (ii) the effectiveness of our event suggestion approach (we proved our hypothesis by demonstrating the existence of co-occurrence between the spatio-temporal context and events), (iii) the effectiveness of our social dimension suggestion approach in terms of execution time.

Inexact graph matching : application to 2D and 3D Pattern Recognition / Appariement inexact de graphes : application à la reconnaissance de formes 2D et 3D

Madi, Kamel 13 December 2016 (has links)
Les Graphes sont des structures mathématiques puissantes constituant un outil de modélisation universel utilisé dans différents domaines de l'informatique, notamment dans le domaine de la reconnaissance de formes. L'appariement de graphes est l'opération principale dans le processus de la reconnaissance de formes à base de graphes. Dans ce contexte, trouver des solutions d'appariement de graphes, garantissant l'optimalité en termes de précision et de temps de calcul est un problème de recherche difficile et d'actualité. Dans cette thèse, nous nous intéressons à la résolution de ce problème dans deux domaines : la reconnaissance de formes 2D et 3D. Premièrement, nous considérons le problème d'appariement de graphes géométriques et ses applications sur la reconnaissance de formes 2D. Dance cette première partie, la reconnaissance des Kites (structures archéologiques) est l'application principale considérée. Nous proposons un "framework" complet basé sur les graphes pour la reconnaissance des Kites dans des images satellites. Dans ce contexte, nous proposons deux contributions. La première est la proposition d'un processus automatique d'extraction et de transformation de Kites a partir d'images réelles en graphes et un processus de génération aléatoire de graphes de Kites synthétiques. En utilisant ces deux processus, nous avons généré un benchmark de graphes de Kites (réels et synthétiques) structuré en 3 niveaux de bruit. La deuxième contribution de cette première partie, est la proposition d'un nouvel algorithme d'appariement pour les graphes géométriques et par conséquent pour les Kites. L'approche proposée combine les invariants de graphes au calcul de l'édition de distance géométrique. Deuxièmement, nous considérons le problème de reconnaissance des formes 3D ou nous nous intéressons à la reconnaissance d'objets déformables représentés par des graphes c.à.d. des tessellations de triangles. Nous proposons une décomposition des tessellations de triangles en un ensemble de sous structures que nous appelons triangle-étoiles. En se basant sur cette décomposition, nous proposons un nouvel algorithme d'appariement de graphes pour mesurer la distance entre les tessellations de triangles. L'algorithme proposé assure un nombre minimum de structures disjointes, offre une meilleure mesure de similarité en couvrant un voisinage plus large et utilise un ensemble de descripteurs qui sont invariants ou au moins tolérants aux déformations les plus courantes. Finalement, nous proposons une approche plus générale de l'appariement de graphes. Cette approche est fondée sur une nouvelle formalisation basée sur le problème de mariage stable. L'approche proposée est optimale en terme de temps d'exécution, c.à.d. la complexité est quadratique O(n2), et flexible en terme d'applicabilité (2D et 3D). Cette approche se base sur une décomposition en sous structures suivie par un appariement de ces structures en utilisant l'algorithme de mariage stable. L'analyse de la complexité des algorithmes proposés et l'ensemble des expérimentations menées sur les bases de graphes des Kites (réelle et synthétique) et d'autres bases de données standards (2D et 3D) attestent l'efficacité, la haute performance et la précision des approches proposées et montrent qu'elles sont extensibles et générales / Graphs are powerful mathematical modeling tools used in various fields of computer science, in particular, in Pattern Recognition. Graph matching is the main operation in Pattern Recognition using graph-based approach. Finding solutions to the problem of graph matching that ensure optimality in terms of accuracy and time complexity is a difficult research challenge and a topical issue. In this thesis, we investigate the resolution of this problem in two fields: 2D and 3D Pattern Recognition. Firstly, we address the problem of geometric graphs matching and its applications on 2D Pattern Recognition. Kite (archaeological structures) recognition in satellite images is the main application considered in this first part. We present a complete graph based framework for Kite recognition on satellite images. We propose mainly two contributions. The first one is an automatic process transforming Kites from real images into graphs and a process of generating randomly synthetic Kite graphs. This allowing to construct a benchmark of Kite graphs (real and synthetic) structured in different level of deformations. The second contribution in this part, is the proposition of a new graph similarity measure adapted to geometric graphs and consequently for Kite graphs. The proposed approach combines graph invariants with a geometric graph edit distance computation. Secondly, we address the problem of deformable 3D objects recognition, represented by graphs, i.e., triangular tessellations. We propose a new decomposition of triangular tessellations into a set of substructures that we call triangle-stars. Based on this new decomposition, we propose a new algorithm of graph matching to measure the distance between triangular tessellations. The proposed algorithm offers a better measure by assuring a minimum number of triangle-stars covering a larger neighbourhood, and uses a set of descriptors which are invariant or at least oblivious under most common deformations. Finally, we propose a more general graph matching approach founded on a new formalization based on the stable marriage problem. The proposed approach is optimal in term of execution time, i.e. the time complexity is quadratic O(n2) and flexible in term of applicability (2D and 3D). The analyze of the time complexity of the proposed algorithms and the extensive experiments conducted on Kite graph data sets (real and synthetic) and standard data sets (2D and 3D) attest the effectiveness, the high performance and accuracy of the proposed approaches and show that the proposed approaches are extensible and quite general


ALEXANDRE ROCHA DUARTE 26 March 2004 (has links)
[pt] Esta dissertação apresenta novos algoritmos aproximados e uma abordagem exata para a resolução de um problema de correspondência inexata de grafos. O problema considerado é o de correspondência entre um grafo representando um modelo genérico e outro representando dados a serem reconhecidos. Assumi-se que o grafo dos dados possui mais vértices que o do modelo. A motivação para o estudo desse problema vem de problemas de reconhecimento de cenas, que consistem na caracterização dos objetos envolvidos em uma determinada cena, assim como das relações existentes entre eles. Uma aplicação para este problema na área de reconhecimento de imagens médicas é a de efetuar-se o reconhecimento de estruturas 3D do cérebro humano, a partir de imagens obtidas por ressonância magnética. Tais imagens são previamente processadas por algum método de segmentação automática e o processo de reconhecimento consiste na busca da correspondência estrutural entre a imagem e um modelo genérico, tipicamente definido como um atlas de imagens médicas. Foram propostos novos algoritmos aproximados, tais como um algoritmo construtivo guloso aleatorizado, um procedimento de reconexão de caminhos e um GRASP que combina estes com uma técnica de busca local. Além disso, foi proposta uma formulação original do problema como um problema de programação linear inteira, que permitiu a resolução de algumas instâncias de forma exata. / [en] This dissertation presents new approximation algorithms and an exact approach to the solution of an inexact graph matching problem. The problem consists in finding the best match between a generic model graph and a graph representing an image, the latter with more nodes than the former. The motivation for studying this problem comes from a scene recognition problem, which consists in characterizing objects involved in a given scene and the relationships between them. An application of this problem appears in the analysis of medical images and consists in recognizing 3-dimensional structures in the human brain using images obtained by magnetic resonance. Such images must be previously processed by an automatic segmentation method and the recognition process consists in the search of an structural matching between the image and a generic model, typically defined as an atlas of medical images. New heuristics are proposed, such as a greedy randomized construction algorithm, a path relinking procedure and a GRASP heuristic that combines them with a local search technique. Furthermore, an original integer formulation of the problem based on integer multicommodity flows is proposed, which makes possible the exact solution of medium- sized instances.

Rapprochement de données pour la reconnaissance d'entités dans les documents océrisés / Data matching for entity recognition in ocred documents

Kooli, Nihel 13 September 2016 (has links)
Cette thèse traite de la reconnaissance d'entités dans les documents océrisés guidée par une base de données. Une entité peut être, par exemple, une entreprise décrite par son nom, son adresse, son numéro de téléphone, son numéro TVA, etc. ou des méta-données d'un article scientifique tels que son titre, ses auteurs et leurs affiliations, le nom de son journal, etc. Disposant d'un ensemble d'entités structurées sous forme d'enregistrements dans une base de données et d'un document contenant une ou plusieurs de ces entités, nous cherchons à identifier les entités contenues dans le document en utilisant la base de données. Ce travail est motivé par une application industrielle qui vise l'automatisation du traitement des images de documents administratifs arrivant en flux continu. Nous avons abordé ce problème comme un problème de rapprochement entre le contenu du document et celui de la base de données. Les difficultés de cette tâche sont dues à la variabilité de la représentation d'attributs d'entités dans la base et le document et à la présence d'attributs similaires dans des entités différentes. À cela s'ajoutent les redondances d'enregistrements et les erreurs de saisie dans la base de données et l'altération de la structure et du contenu du document, causée par l'OCR. Devant ces problèmes, nous avons opté pour une démarche en deux étapes : la résolution d'entités et la reconnaissance d'entités. La première étape consiste à coupler les enregistrements se référant à une même entité et à les synthétiser dans un modèle entité. Pour ce faire, nous avons proposé une approche supervisée basée sur la combinaison de plusieurs mesures de similarité entre attributs. Ces mesures permettent de tolérer quelques erreurs sur les caractères et de tenir compte des permutations entre termes. La deuxième étape vise à rapprocher les entités mentionnées dans un document avec le modèle entité obtenu. Nous avons procédé par deux manières différentes, l'une utilise le rapprochement par le contenu et l'autre intègre le rapprochement par la structure. Pour le rapprochement par le contenu, nous avons proposé deux méthodes : M-EROCS et ERBL. M-EROCS, une amélioration/adaptation d'une méthode de l'état de l'art, consiste à faire correspondre les blocs de l'OCR avec le modèle entité en se basant sur un score qui tolère les erreurs d'OCR et les variabilités d'attributs. ERBL consiste à étiqueter le document par les attributs d'entités et à regrouper ces labels en entités. Pour le rapprochement par les structures, il s'agit d'exploiter les relations structurelles entre les labels d'une entité pour corriger les erreurs d'étiquetage. La méthode proposée, nommée G-ELSE, consiste à utiliser le rapprochement inexact de graphes attribués modélisant des structures locales, avec un modèle structurel appris pour cet objectif. Cette thèse étant effectuée en collaboration avec la société ITESOFT-Yooz, nous avons expérimenté toutes les étapes proposées sur deux corpus administratifs et un troisième corpus extrait du Web / This thesis focuses on entity recognition in documents recognized by OCR, driven by a database. An entity is a homogeneous group of attributes such as an enterprise in a business form described by the name, the address, the contact numbers, etc. or meta-data of a scientific paper representing the title, the authors and their affiliation, etc. Given a database which describes entities by its records and a document which contains one or more entities from this database, we are looking to identify entities in the document using the database. This work is motivated by an industrial application which aims to automate the image document processing, arriving in a continuous stream. We addressed this problem as a matching issue between the document and the database contents. The difficulties of this task are due to the variability of the entity attributes representation in the database and in the document and to the presence of similar attributes in different entities. Added to this are the record redundancy and typing errors in the database, and the alteration of the structure and the content of the document, caused by OCR. To deal with these problems, we opted for a two-step approach: entity resolution and entity recognition. The first step is to link the records referring to the same entity and to synthesize them in an entity model. For this purpose, we proposed a supervised approach based on a combination of several similarity measures between attributes. These measures tolerate character mistakes and take into account the word permutation. The second step aims to match the entities mentioned in documents with the resulting entity model. We proceeded by two different ways, one uses the content matching and the other integrates the structure matching. For the content matching, we proposed two methods: M-EROCS and ERBL. M-EROCS, an improvement / adaptation of a state of the art method, is to match OCR blocks with the entity model based on a score that tolerates the OCR errors and the attribute variability. ERBL is to label the document with the entity attributes and to group these labels into entities. The structure matching is to exploit the structural relationships between the entity labels to correct the mislabeling. The proposed method, called G-ELSE, is based on local structure graph matching with a structural model which is learned for this purpose. This thesis being carried out in collaboration with the ITESOFT-Yooz society, we have experimented all the proposed steps on two administrative corpuses and a third one extracted from the web

Software Architecture Recovery based on Pattern Matching

Sartipi, Kamran January 2003 (has links)
Pattern matching approaches in reverse engineering aim to incorporate domain knowledge and system documentation in the software architecture extraction process, hence provide a user/tool collaborative environment for architectural design recovery. This thesis presents a model and an environment for recovering the high level design of legacy software systems based on user defined architectural patterns and graph matching techniques. In the proposed model, a high-level view of a software system in terms of the system components and their interactions is represented as a query, using a description language. A query is mapped onto a pattern-graph, where a module and its interactions with other modules are represented as a group of graph-nodes and a group of graph-edges, respectively. Interaction constraints can be modeled by the description language as a part of the query. Such a pattern-graph is applied against an entity-relation graph that represents the information extracted from the source code of the software system. An approximate graph matching process performs a series of graph edit operations (i. e. , node/edge insertion/deletion) on the pattern-graph and uses a ranking mechanism based on data mining association to obtain a sub-optimal solution. The obtained solution corresponds to an extracted architecture that complies with the given query. An interactive prototype toolkit implemented as part of this thesis provides an environment for architecture recovery in two levels. First the system is decomposed into a number of subsystems of files. Second each subsystem can be decomposed into a number of modules of functions, datatypes, and variables.

Software Architecture Recovery based on Pattern Matching

Sartipi, Kamran January 2003 (has links)
Pattern matching approaches in reverse engineering aim to incorporate domain knowledge and system documentation in the software architecture extraction process, hence provide a user/tool collaborative environment for architectural design recovery. This thesis presents a model and an environment for recovering the high level design of legacy software systems based on user defined architectural patterns and graph matching techniques. In the proposed model, a high-level view of a software system in terms of the system components and their interactions is represented as a query, using a description language. A query is mapped onto a pattern-graph, where a module and its interactions with other modules are represented as a group of graph-nodes and a group of graph-edges, respectively. Interaction constraints can be modeled by the description language as a part of the query. Such a pattern-graph is applied against an entity-relation graph that represents the information extracted from the source code of the software system. An approximate graph matching process performs a series of graph edit operations (i. e. , node/edge insertion/deletion) on the pattern-graph and uses a ranking mechanism based on data mining association to obtain a sub-optimal solution. The obtained solution corresponds to an extracted architecture that complies with the given query. An interactive prototype toolkit implemented as part of this thesis provides an environment for architecture recovery in two levels. First the system is decomposed into a number of subsystems of files. Second each subsystem can be decomposed into a number of modules of functions, datatypes, and variables.

Graph Matching Based on a Few Seeds: Theoretical Algorithms and Graph Neural Network Approaches

Liren Yu (17329693) 03 November 2023 (has links)
<p dir="ltr">Since graphs are natural representations for encoding relational data, the problem of graph matching is an emerging task and has attracted increasing attention, which could potentially impact various domains such as social network de-anonymization and computer vision. Our main interest is designing polynomial-time algorithms for seeded graph matching problems where a subset of pre-matched vertex-pairs (seeds) is revealed. </p><p dir="ltr">However, the existing work does not fully investigate the pivotal role of seeds and falls short of making the most use of the seeds. Notably, the majority of existing hand-crafted algorithms only focus on using ``witnesses'' in the 1-hop neighborhood. Although some advanced algorithms are proposed to use multi-hop witnesses, their theoretical analysis applies only to \ER random graphs and requires seeds to be all correct, which often do not hold in real applications. Furthermore, a parallel line of research, Graph Neural Network (GNN) approaches, typically employs a semi-supervised approach, which requires a large number of seeds and lacks the capacity to distill knowledge transferable to unseen graphs.</p><p dir="ltr">In my dissertation, I have taken two approaches to address these limitations. In the first approach, we study to design hand-crafted algorithms that can properly use multi-hop witnesses to match graphs. We first study graph matching using multi-hop neighborhoods when partially-correct seeds are provided. Specifically, consider two correlated graphs whose edges are sampled independently from a parent \ER graph $\mathcal{G}(n,p)$. A mapping between the vertices of the two graphs is provided as seeds, of which an unknown fraction is correct. We first analyze a simple algorithm that matches vertices based on the number of common seeds in the $1$-hop neighborhoods, and then further propose a new algorithm that uses seeds in the $D$-hop neighborhoods. We establish non-asymptotic performance guarantees of perfect matching for both $1$-hop and $2$-hop algorithms, showing that our new $2$-hop algorithm requires substantially fewer correct seeds than the $1$-hop algorithm when graphs are sparse. Moreover, by combining our new performance guarantees for the $1$-hop and $2$-hop algorithms, we attain the best-known results (in terms of the required fraction of correct seeds) across the entire range of graph sparsity and significantly improve the previous results. We then study the role of multi-hop neighborhoods in matching power-law graphs. Assume that two edge-correlated graphs are independently edge-sampled from a common parent graph with a power-law degree distribution. A set of correctly matched vertex-pairs is chosen at random and revealed as initial seeds. Our goal is to use the seeds to recover the remaining latent vertex correspondence between the two graphs. Departing from the existing approaches that focus on the use of high-degree seeds in $1$-hop neighborhoods, we develop an efficient algorithm that exploits the low-degree seeds in suitably-defined $D$-hop neighborhoods. Our result achieves an exponential reduction in the seed size requirement compared to the best previously known results.</p><p dir="ltr">In the second approach, we study GNNs for seeded graph matching. We propose a new supervised approach that can learn from a training set how to match unseen graphs with only a few seeds. Our SeedGNN architecture incorporates several novel designs, inspired by our theoretical studies of seeded graph matching: 1) it can learn to compute and use witness-like information from different hops, in a way that can be generalized to graphs of different sizes; 2) it can use easily-matched node-pairs as new seeds to improve the matching in subsequent layers. We evaluate SeedGNN on synthetic and real-world graphs and demonstrate significant performance improvements over both non-learning and learning algorithms in the existing literature. Furthermore, our experiments confirm that the knowledge learned by SeedGNN from training graphs can be generalized to test graphs of different sizes and categories.</p>

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