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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Comportamento ingestivo de bovinos em sistema de pastejo rotacionado submetidos a diferentes estratégias de suplementação

Sousa, Miriam Silvania de [UNESP] 05 March 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-11T19:33:33Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2007-03-05Bitstream added on 2014-06-13T20:45:17Z : No. of bitstreams: 1 sousa_ms_dr_jabo.pdf: 757442 bytes, checksum: ef691fa6cc908c6549abffbd01182b32 (MD5) / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / Universidade Estadual Paulista / Foram realizados três experimentos com o objetivo de avaliar o comportamento ingestivo de bovinos submetidos a diferentes estratégias de suplementação e seus efeitos sobre o desempenho. No primeiro experimento foram utilizados 24 bovinos da raça Nelore, machos,castrados com aproximadamente 14 meses de idade, com peso médio aproximado de 320 kg de PV distribuídos em três lotes de oito animais cada e mantidos em três piquetes providos de bebedouros e cochos. A suplementação protéica (24%PB) foi fornecida diariamente na quantidade de 1 kg/animal/dia para avaliar o efeito, sobre o desempenho dos animais, das variáveis comportamentais em pé (EP), em pé ruminando (EPR), comendo o suplemento (C) e pastejando (P). Os animais foram acompanhados em cinco períodos diários contínuos de 8 h (das 9 às 17h), usando-se a coleta instantânea, com intervalo amostral a cada cinco minutos. Não foram observadas diferenças significativas para as variáveis comportamentais nos diferentes lotes e dias de observação, sendo obtidas as médias EPR= 0,84; 0,82 e 1,10; EP= 1,26; 1,02 e 1,3; C = 1,06; 1,26 e 1,26; P = 3,14; 3,2 e 2,96 h, por período de observação diário, e os ganhos médios foram 0,23, 0,19 e 0,18 kg/animal respectivamente para os lotes 1, 2 e 3. Concluiu-se que as variáveis comportamentais não influenciaram o ganho de peso, que deve ter sido atribuído a fatores de ordem social e características qualitativas da pastagem. No segundo experimento foram utilizadas trinta novilhas mestiças... / Were conducted three experiments with the objective to evaluate the ingestive behaviour of bovines submitted different strategies of supplementation and its effect on the performance .In the first experiment were used 24 Nelore steers, males castrated approximately 14 months, and medium weight of 320 kg BW The animals were designated to three groups of eight animals each and maintained in three provided pickets of drinking fountain and hod. The daily proteic (24%PB)supplementation being the supplement supplied in the amount of 1 Kg/animal/day for evaluate the effect in performance animals recording the behavioural categories standing up an still(EP),standing up and ruminating(EPR)eating the supplement( C) and grazing( P ). For this study the animals were accompanied in three continuous periods of 8 h (9:00 the 17:00), totaling 40 hours of visual observations with continuous assessment and focal sampling, with interval every five minutes for the recording the behavioural categories. There was no significant difference for the behavioural categories in differents groups and daily period of observation the means obttid were EPR= 0,84; 0,82 e 1,10; EP= 1,26; 1,02 e 1,3; C = 1,06; 1,26 e 1,26; P = 3,14; 3,2 e 2,96 h in period of observation, in weight gain on the animal performance in the different groups were as 0,230, 0,195 and 0,183 kg/animal/day respectively in the groups 1,2 e 3 ist must have the factors of social order and qualitative characteristics in the pasture. In second were used thirty crossbred heifers, with age and corporal weight average initials of 10 months and 234 kg PV. All the experimental animals daily received the supplement in the amount from 0,5%PV in individual pens of 8 m2 (4x2 m), containing concrete hod and drinking fountain.

Estrutura e dinâmica de perfilhamento do capim-marandu submetido a três intensidades de pastejo

Santana, Sabrina Saraiva [UNESP] 11 February 2015 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-06-17T19:34:36Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2015-02-11. Added 1 bitstream(s) on 2015-06-18T12:48:36Z : No. of bitstreams: 1 000830294.pdf: 444174 bytes, checksum: bda8442653170d6eb10b1b45e8116878 (MD5) / O presente trabalho foi conduzido com o objetivo de avaliar o efeito das intensidades de pastejo sobre as características estruturais e dinâmica de perfilhamento em pastos de Brachiaria brizantha (Hochst ex. A. Rich.) cv. Marandu, durante os períodos das águas e transição águas/secas em dois anos consecutivos. O período experimental foi de dezembro de 2010 a junho de 2011 (correspondente ao Ano 1) e dezembro de 2011 a junho de 2012 (correspondente ao Ano 2), e foi dividido em dois períodos de acordo com as condições climáticas da região: águas (dezembro a abril) e transição águas/seca (maio a junho). A área experimental possuía 12 ha divididos em 12 piquetes, com área variando de 0,7, 1,0 e 1,3 ha. Os tratamentos nas águas corresponderam a três intensidades de pastejo, caracterizadas pelas alturas médias do pasto (15, 25 e 35 cm). Desta forma, os tratamentos no período de transição águas/seca corresponderam de pastos manejados nas águas com 15 cm de altura e diferidos na transição (15-D) e de pastos manejados nas águas com altura de 25 (25-TLF) e 35 cm (35-TLF), ambos com taxa de lotação fixa de 2,5 UA ha-1 na transição, mantendo uma oferta de forragem de 7 kg MS Kg-1. Em dezembro de cada ano foram estabelecidas as alturas nas unidades experimentais segundo um delineamento inteiramente casualizado, com quatro repetições. O controle da altura no período das águas foi feito semanalmente e o método de pastejo utilizado foi lotação contínua com taxa de lotação variável a fim de manter as alturas preconizadas. As variáveis avaliadas foram: taxas de aparecimento (TApP) e mortalidade de perfilho basal (TMoP), densidade populacional de perfilho vegetativo (DPP), Índice de área foliar (IAF), Interceptação de luz (IL), massa seca de forragem total (MSFT), massa seca de lâmina foliar (MSLF), massa seca de colmo (MSC), massa seca de forragem morta (MSFM), relação lâmina foliar:colmo (F/C). Maiores ... / This study was carried out in order to assess and identify the effects of the grazing intensities in the water and in the water-drought transition periods on the structural characteristics of the sward and on the tillering dynamics in pastures of Brachiaria brizantha (Hochst ex. A. Rich.) cv. Marandu, within two consecutive years. The experimental period was from December 2010 to June 2014. The experiment was performed in a complete randomized block design, with repeated measurements in time. The treatments in the water period corresponded to the grazing intensities characterized by the average pasture heights (15, 25, and 35 cm). However, in the water-drought transition period they corresponded to the height records in the water. The assessed variables were: basal tiller appearance rate (TAR), basal tiller death rate (TDR), vegetative tiller density (TD), foliage area index (FAI), light interception (LI), total forage mass (TF), green foliage blade mass (GFB), green stem mass (GS), dead material mass (DM), relation leaf:stem (L/S). Greater TF, GFB, GS, FAI, and LI were observed in the water period in 2011 in relation to the water period in 2012. All variables increased with the increase in the sward height, except the L/S that reduced with the increase in the height of the water in 2011. The LI only presented year effect on the pastures managed at 15 cm of height, which greater LI was observed in the water period in 2011.The Marandu palisade grass presented increase in the TAR in pastures managed at 15 cm in relation to the ones managed at 25 and 35 m in the water period. The value of the DT increased at the height of 35 cm (23.9%) in relation to the ones managed at 25 (12.4%) and 15 (13.8%) cm of height in the water in 2011.The TAR was in average 63.3% greater in the water period in 2011 (36.8%) in comparison the 2012 (13.4%) and the TDR was greater (29.3%) in the water period in 2012 in comparison to 2011 (12.4%) only in the pastures ...

Alturas de pastos de capim-marandu na interface solo-planta

Azenha, Mariana Vieira [UNESP] 20 February 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-11-10T11:10:00Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2014-02-20Bitstream added on 2014-11-10T11:57:23Z : No. of bitstreams: 1 000791157.pdf: 1777720 bytes, checksum: 78ae1cee88f5b8e9b674c088fda09a71 (MD5) / Objetivou-se com este estudo avaliar os efeitos do manejo, definido pelas alturas de pastejo, sobre a decomposição da serrapilhiera, atividades enzimáticas e emissão de CO2 do solo e compostos de reservas das plantas de pastos de capim-marandu sob lotação contínua. O experimento foi conduzido na Faculdade de Ciências Agrárias e Veterinária da UNESP, Câmpus de Jaboticabal, SP. A área experimental foi constituída de 20 hectares de pastagem de capim-marandu e dividida em doze piquetes com áreas que variaram de 0,7 a 1,3 hectares. Os tratamentos foram três alturas do dossel (15, 25 e 35 cm) com quatro repetições cada e o método de pastejo utilizado foi o contínuo com lotação variável, durante o ano de 2011. A avaliação da decomposição da serrapilheira seguiu a técnica de sacos de “nylon” e um modelo exponencial simples foi utilizado, por meio do PROC nlin do SAS. Os teores de MO, C e C/N diminuiram ao longo dos tempos de incubação e os teores de N, lignina, P aumentaram. As alturas de pastejo não influenciam a decomposição da serrapilheira. Os dados relativos às atividades enzimáticas, CO2 e compostos de reservas foram analisados em um delineamento inteiramente casualisado com medidas repetidas no tempo, utilizando o procedimento MIXED do SAS. As intensidades de pastejo não afetaram nenhuma atividade enzimática estudada (desidrogenase, protease, arilsulfatase e celulase). Houve efeito significativo (P<0,05) somente das estações do ano na atividade dessas enzimas. As estação do ano também influenciaram significativamente (P<0,05) as emissões de CO2 do solo, sendo estas emissões maiores no verão e na primavera, e menores no outono e no inverno. Os carboidratos totais não estruturais da parte aérea (CTNE.PA) não foram influenciados pelos fatores estudados. Já nas raizes, os menores valores observados ocorreram no verão, e os maiores no inverno ... / The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of management, defined by grazing heights, on litter decomposition, enzyme activities and CO2 from soil and reserves compounds in plants of palisadegrass swards under continuous stocking. The experiment was conducted at the Faculdade de Ciências Agrárias e Veterinárias, UNESP, Jaboticabal, SP. The experimental area consisted of 20 hectares of palisadegrass and divided into 12 paddocks with areas ranging from 0,7 to 1,3 hectares. The treatments included three sward heights (15, 25 and 35 cm) with four replications and grazing method was a continuous variable stocking, during the year 2011. The bag technique was followed to analyze the litter decomposition, and a simple exponential model was used, using PROC NLIN in SAS. The content of organic matter, carbon and carbon/nitrogen ratio decreased over the incubation time and the concentrations of nitrogen, lignin, phosphorus increased. The grazing intensities not influence the litter decomposition. Data on enzymes, CO2 emissions and reserves compounds were analyzed in a completely randomized design with repeated measures using the MIXED procedure of SAS. Grazing intensities did not affect any of the studied enzyme activities (dehydrogenase, protease, cellulase and arylsulfatase). Significant effects (P<0,05) only of the seasons in the activity of these enzymes. The season also significantly influenced (P<0,05) CO2 emissions from the soil, and these higher emissions was in the summer and spring, and lowest in the fall and winter. Total nonstructural carbohydrates shoot were not influenced by any factor studied. In the roots, the lowest values were observed in summer and higher in winter. The total nitrogen and amino acid nitrogen in the shoots were descending the grazing heights, whereas the highest values were found in summer and spring. Compounds reserves in plants are highly affected ...

Vegetation characteristics and lesser prairie chicken responses to land cover types and grazing management in western Kansas

Kraft, John Daniel January 1900 (has links)
Master of Science / Department of Biology / David A. Haukos / In the southern Great Plains, the lesser prairie-chicken (Tympanuchus pallidicinctus; hereafter LEPC), an obligate grassland species, has experienced significant population declines and range contractions with subsequent conservation concern. Management actions often use land cover types to make inference about habitat quality. Relatively little information is available related to grazed rangelands to guide conservation. The influences of land cover types and livestock grazing on LEPC habitat selection have not been researched extensively in western Kansas. I evaluated the influence of land cover types and grazing management on vegetation characteristics, habitat selection, and nest/adult survival of LEPC in western Kansas. Females were captured and radio-marked to monitor habitat use, nest success, and adult survival. Grazing and vegetation data were collected via producer correspondence and vegetation surveys, respectively. Vegetation composition and structure differed across land cover types, which can be used to make inferences about LEPC habitat quality. Habitat selection analyses corroborated the importance of breeding habitat in close proximity to leks (<3 km) and identified land cover types selected for nesting (Conservation Reserve Program, Limy Upland, Saline Subirrigated) and brooding (Conservation Reserve Program, Red Clay Prairie, Sands, Sandy Lowland). Conservation Reserve Program patches positioned near rangelands contributed to LEPC reproductive success in northwest Kansas. In grazed lands, LEPC selected habitat close to leks (<3 km) and large pastures (>400 ha), exhibiting low-moderate stocking densities (<0.4 AU/ha), and low-moderate levels of deferment during the grazing season (60-100 days). Nest site selection was negatively influenced by increasing distance from a lek and grazing pressure. Daily nest survival rates were negatively influenced by increasing grazing pressure and high levels of stocking density. Annual adult female survival was negatively influenced as forage utilization (% forage removed) increased. Heterogeneity (coefficient of variation and standard deviation) of visual obstruction was decreased at stocking densities > 0.26 AU/ha. Future conservation actions should consider the potential of land cover types to create adequate vegetation structure, and manage rangelands with low-moderate stocking densities and deferment and greater pasture areas. The relationship between habitat selection and proximity of lek sites (< 5 km) should be used to identify quality LEPC habitat.

Avaliação de espécies de Paspalum sob pastejo

Provazi, Milena [UNESP] 23 February 2006 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-11T19:27:28Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2006-02-23Bitstream added on 2014-06-13T19:35:41Z : No. of bitstreams: 1 provazi_m_me_botfmvz.pdf: 72696 bytes, checksum: 9c35706ea2ca6bf933c215fa2a88ed20 (MD5) / Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP) / Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP) / O objetivo deste experimento foi verificar o efeito do pastejo sobre a produtividade e a persistência de três acessos de Paspalum. O experimento foi desenvolvido na Embrapa Pecuária Sudeste, localizada em São Carlos-SP, no período de janeiro a dezembro de 2005. Foram comparados três acessos de Paspalum (Paspalum guenoarum - BRA-006572, Paspalum malacophyllum - BRA-003077 e Paspalum sp. - BRA-011681) e duas testemunhas (Brachiaria decumbens e Paspalum atratum cv. Pojuca) quando submetidos a dois níveis de desfolha (1.500 e 3.000 kg MS/ha de resíduo pós-pastejo). O ensaio foi do tipo mob grazing, utilizando o método de pastejo rotacionado com 27 dias de descanso e 1 dia de ocupação (período das águas) e 55 dias de descanso e 1 dia de ocupação (período das secas). A taxa de lotação animal das parcelas foi ajustada de acordo com a massa de forragem disponível antes do pastejo e com o nível de desfolha previsto pelo tratamento. As variáveis foram: massa de forragem antes e após o pastejo; proporções de folhas, hastes e material morto; densidade de perfilhos; incidência de plantas invasoras; observações relativas à susceptibilidade a pragas e doenças, sintomas de toxidez e deficiência mineral. O Paspalum atratum mostrou características positivas de produção e persistência tanto na altura de pastejo de 15 como na de 30 cm, evidenciando que essa espécies é promissora para uso em sistemas intensivos de pastejo.

Estrutura e dinâmica de perfilhamento do capim-marandu submetido a três intensidades de pastejo /

Santana, Sabrina Saraiva. January 2015 (has links)
Orientador: Ricardo Andrade Reis / Coorientador: Ana Cláudia Ruggieri / Banca: Euclides Braga Malheiros / Banca: Flávia Fernanda Simili / Banca: Valdo Rodrigues Herling / Banca: Dilermando Miranda da Fonseca / Resumo: O presente trabalho foi conduzido com o objetivo de avaliar o efeito das intensidades de pastejo sobre as características estruturais e dinâmica de perfilhamento em pastos de Brachiaria brizantha (Hochst ex. A. Rich.) cv. Marandu, durante os períodos das águas e transição águas/secas em dois anos consecutivos. O período experimental foi de dezembro de 2010 a junho de 2011 (correspondente ao Ano 1) e dezembro de 2011 a junho de 2012 (correspondente ao Ano 2), e foi dividido em dois períodos de acordo com as condições climáticas da região: águas (dezembro a abril) e transição águas/seca (maio a junho). A área experimental possuía 12 ha divididos em 12 piquetes, com área variando de 0,7, 1,0 e 1,3 ha. Os tratamentos nas águas corresponderam a três intensidades de pastejo, caracterizadas pelas alturas médias do pasto (15, 25 e 35 cm). Desta forma, os tratamentos no período de transição águas/seca corresponderam de pastos manejados nas águas com 15 cm de altura e diferidos na transição (15-D) e de pastos manejados nas águas com altura de 25 (25-TLF) e 35 cm (35-TLF), ambos com taxa de lotação fixa de 2,5 UA ha-1 na transição, mantendo uma oferta de forragem de 7 kg MS Kg-1. Em dezembro de cada ano foram estabelecidas as alturas nas unidades experimentais segundo um delineamento inteiramente casualizado, com quatro repetições. O controle da altura no período das águas foi feito semanalmente e o método de pastejo utilizado foi lotação contínua com taxa de lotação variável a fim de manter as alturas preconizadas. As variáveis avaliadas foram: taxas de aparecimento (TApP) e mortalidade de perfilho basal (TMoP), densidade populacional de perfilho vegetativo (DPP), Índice de área foliar (IAF), Interceptação de luz (IL), massa seca de forragem total (MSFT), massa seca de lâmina foliar (MSLF), massa seca de colmo (MSC), massa seca de forragem morta (MSFM), relação lâmina foliar:colmo (F/C). Maiores ... / Abstract: This study was carried out in order to assess and identify the effects of the grazing intensities in the water and in the water-drought transition periods on the structural characteristics of the sward and on the tillering dynamics in pastures of Brachiaria brizantha (Hochst ex. A. Rich.) cv. Marandu, within two consecutive years. The experimental period was from December 2010 to June 2014. The experiment was performed in a complete randomized block design, with repeated measurements in time. The treatments in the water period corresponded to the grazing intensities characterized by the average pasture heights (15, 25, and 35 cm). However, in the water-drought transition period they corresponded to the height records in the water. The assessed variables were: basal tiller appearance rate (TAR), basal tiller death rate (TDR), vegetative tiller density (TD), foliage area index (FAI), light interception (LI), total forage mass (TF), green foliage blade mass (GFB), green stem mass (GS), dead material mass (DM), relation leaf:stem (L/S). Greater TF, GFB, GS, FAI, and LI were observed in the water period in 2011 in relation to the water period in 2012. All variables increased with the increase in the sward height, except the L/S that reduced with the increase in the height of the water in 2011. The LI only presented year effect on the pastures managed at 15 cm of height, which greater LI was observed in the water period in 2011.The Marandu palisade grass presented increase in the TAR in pastures managed at 15 cm in relation to the ones managed at 25 and 35 m in the water period. The value of the DT increased at the height of 35 cm (23.9%) in relation to the ones managed at 25 (12.4%) and 15 (13.8%) cm of height in the water in 2011.The TAR was in average 63.3% greater in the water period in 2011 (36.8%) in comparison the 2012 (13.4%) and the TDR was greater (29.3%) in the water period in 2012 in comparison to 2011 (12.4%) only in the pastures ... / Doutor

Reflexos da suplementação de cordeiros com concentrado na pastagem tropical e no desempenho animal / Reflections of the supplement of lambs to concentrate: on tropical grass and animal performance

Campos, Neuza Maria Fajardo January 2014 (has links)
O Brasil precisa se inserir no mercado de carne ovina. Para que isso ocorra, são necessárias mudanças comportamentais dentro dos sistemas produtivos e de todos os agentes envolvidos com a atividade. A produção de carne de cordeiro de qualidade no outono é extremante importante para a regularização da oferta e consolidação da cadeia produtiva. Surge assim a necessidade de avaliação de sistemas de alimentação de cordeiro para abate no outono, aproveitando o grande potencial das pastagens de verão no Brasil. Esse trabalho objetivou avaliar os reflexos da suplementação de cordeiros no desempenho animal e na pastagem, para abate no outono. Utilizou-se 54 animais Texel e Corriedale, seis animais por piquete com área de 0,1 ha cada. Os tratamentos foram: somente capim Aruana; capim Aruana mais suplementação com 1,5% e 2,5% do peso vivo com ração (PV). Foi disponibilizado, para todos os animais, a oferta de 4% do PV de matéria seca de folha verde (MVL). Foi realizada a avaliação quantitativa e qualitativa da pastagem. Avaliou-se os cordeiros quanto ao ganho médio diário de peso (GMD), ganho por hectare (G ha-1), escore da condição corporal (ECC) e realizado a avaliação do comportamento ingestivo. O delineamento foi em 3 blocos casualizados, 3 tratamentos e 3 repetições. Houve diferença significativa entre os tratamentos para ganho médio diário por hectare (P=0.0174), mas não houve efeito de período. O maior ganho foi no tratamento com 2.5% do PV de suplementação, e o menor com os animais não suplementados. Para a variável altura do pasto, a interação entre tratamento e período foi significativa (P=0.0373). Notou-se uma pastagem mais baixa quando os cordeiros não foram suplementados. O aumento da carga animal ao ser fornecido 1.5% do peso vivo com concentrado não foi suficiente para mostrar uma diferença significativa com o tratamento sem suplementação. Os resultados mostram o potencial aumento da produção e produtividade com uso de 2.5% do peso vivo (PV) com concentrado, mas com limitada resposta quando a suplementação é de apenas 1.5% PV em pastagens tropicais. Apesar do aumento produtivo, a suplementação com concentrado proporcionou um forte impacto negativo na estrutura da pastagem e no comportamento dos animais que deve ser considerada quando for utilizado suplementação com concentrado na terminação de cordeiros em regiões tropicais. / Brazil needs to insert the sheep meat market. For this to occur, behavioral changes within the production systems and all those involved with the activity are needed. The production of lamb meat quality in autumn it is extremely important for the regulation of supply and consolidation of the supply chain. Thus arises the need to review the supply of lamb for slaughter in the fall systems, taking advantage of the great potential of summer pastures in Brazil. This study aimed to evaluate the effects of the supplementation of lambs on animal performance and pasture to slaughter in the fall. It was used 54 animals Texel and Corriedale, six animals per paddock with 0.1 ha each. The treatments were: Aruana only grass; Aruana more grass supplementation with 1.5% and 2.5% of body weight with diet. Was available to all animals, the offer of 4% body weight dry matter of green leaf. Quantitative and qualitative evaluation of pasture was held. Was evaluated the lambs as the average daily gain, gain per hectare (L ha-1), body condition score and performed the evaluation of feeding behavior. The design was a randomized block 3, 3 treatments and 3 replications. There were significant differences among treatments for average daily gain per hectare (P = 0.0174), but there was no period effect. The largest gain was in treatment with 2.5% body weight supplementation, and the lowest with non-supplemented animals. For the variable height of the grass, the interaction between treatment and period was significant (P = 0.0373). It was noted a lower pasture where the lambs were not supplemented. Increasing stocking rate to be supplied 1.5% of body weight concentrate was not enough to show a significant difference from treatment without supplementation. The results show the potential increase in production and productivity with the use of 2.5% of body weight with concentrated, but with limited response when supplementation is only 1.5% body weight in tropical pastures. Despite the increase in production, supplementation with concentrate provided a strong negative impact on pasture structure and behavior of animals that should be considered when used concentrate supplementation in lamb finishing in tropical regions.

Long Term Effects of Cattle Grazing on Age Distribution in a Population of Carnegiea gigantea in Saguaro National Park

January 2013 (has links)
abstract: Livestock-grazing, in particular cattle grazing, is a common use of public and private lands in western North America. As a result, the effects of grazing on both plants and animals are widely studied. Few studies, however, look directly at the long-term effects that cattle grazing may have on a particular species. The goal of this experiment was to continue research begun in 1988, to determine if the effects of cattle grazing are still seen in the age structure of two populations of saguaros (Carnegiea gigantea [Engelm.] Britton & Rose) at Saguaro National Park - Rincon Mountain District (SNP-RMD). The null hypothesis stated that enough time has elapsed since the cessation of grazing, and there is no difference in the age distribution of the saguaros of the two populations. The study area was comprised of a former fence line where grazing ceased on the western side of the fence in 1958 and the eastern side in 1978. Belt transects were laid on each side of the fence line and height was measured for each saguaro encountered in a transect. Approximate age of the individual was then calculated using an age-height correlation for SNP-RMD. Individuals were then placed into age classes of 10 year increments and a Log-Likelihood test was performed. The resulting calculated P value of 0.12 meant the null hypothesis was not rejected and there was no statistical difference between the age structure of the two populations. After 34 and 54 years rest from grazing, the negative effects of cattle grazing on the retention and recruitment of saguaro seedlings have ended, and replenishment of the populations is now dependent upon factors such as temperature and precipitation. Other factors such as climate change, increasing fire frequency, encroachment by invasive species, and poaching are sources of concern and increased mortality for these and other saguaros. / Dissertation/Thesis / M.S. Applied Biological Sciences 2013

Reflexos da suplementação de cordeiros com concentrado na pastagem tropical e no desempenho animal / Reflections of the supplement of lambs to concentrate: on tropical grass and animal performance

Campos, Neuza Maria Fajardo January 2014 (has links)
O Brasil precisa se inserir no mercado de carne ovina. Para que isso ocorra, são necessárias mudanças comportamentais dentro dos sistemas produtivos e de todos os agentes envolvidos com a atividade. A produção de carne de cordeiro de qualidade no outono é extremante importante para a regularização da oferta e consolidação da cadeia produtiva. Surge assim a necessidade de avaliação de sistemas de alimentação de cordeiro para abate no outono, aproveitando o grande potencial das pastagens de verão no Brasil. Esse trabalho objetivou avaliar os reflexos da suplementação de cordeiros no desempenho animal e na pastagem, para abate no outono. Utilizou-se 54 animais Texel e Corriedale, seis animais por piquete com área de 0,1 ha cada. Os tratamentos foram: somente capim Aruana; capim Aruana mais suplementação com 1,5% e 2,5% do peso vivo com ração (PV). Foi disponibilizado, para todos os animais, a oferta de 4% do PV de matéria seca de folha verde (MVL). Foi realizada a avaliação quantitativa e qualitativa da pastagem. Avaliou-se os cordeiros quanto ao ganho médio diário de peso (GMD), ganho por hectare (G ha-1), escore da condição corporal (ECC) e realizado a avaliação do comportamento ingestivo. O delineamento foi em 3 blocos casualizados, 3 tratamentos e 3 repetições. Houve diferença significativa entre os tratamentos para ganho médio diário por hectare (P=0.0174), mas não houve efeito de período. O maior ganho foi no tratamento com 2.5% do PV de suplementação, e o menor com os animais não suplementados. Para a variável altura do pasto, a interação entre tratamento e período foi significativa (P=0.0373). Notou-se uma pastagem mais baixa quando os cordeiros não foram suplementados. O aumento da carga animal ao ser fornecido 1.5% do peso vivo com concentrado não foi suficiente para mostrar uma diferença significativa com o tratamento sem suplementação. Os resultados mostram o potencial aumento da produção e produtividade com uso de 2.5% do peso vivo (PV) com concentrado, mas com limitada resposta quando a suplementação é de apenas 1.5% PV em pastagens tropicais. Apesar do aumento produtivo, a suplementação com concentrado proporcionou um forte impacto negativo na estrutura da pastagem e no comportamento dos animais que deve ser considerada quando for utilizado suplementação com concentrado na terminação de cordeiros em regiões tropicais. / Brazil needs to insert the sheep meat market. For this to occur, behavioral changes within the production systems and all those involved with the activity are needed. The production of lamb meat quality in autumn it is extremely important for the regulation of supply and consolidation of the supply chain. Thus arises the need to review the supply of lamb for slaughter in the fall systems, taking advantage of the great potential of summer pastures in Brazil. This study aimed to evaluate the effects of the supplementation of lambs on animal performance and pasture to slaughter in the fall. It was used 54 animals Texel and Corriedale, six animals per paddock with 0.1 ha each. The treatments were: Aruana only grass; Aruana more grass supplementation with 1.5% and 2.5% of body weight with diet. Was available to all animals, the offer of 4% body weight dry matter of green leaf. Quantitative and qualitative evaluation of pasture was held. Was evaluated the lambs as the average daily gain, gain per hectare (L ha-1), body condition score and performed the evaluation of feeding behavior. The design was a randomized block 3, 3 treatments and 3 replications. There were significant differences among treatments for average daily gain per hectare (P = 0.0174), but there was no period effect. The largest gain was in treatment with 2.5% body weight supplementation, and the lowest with non-supplemented animals. For the variable height of the grass, the interaction between treatment and period was significant (P = 0.0373). It was noted a lower pasture where the lambs were not supplemented. Increasing stocking rate to be supplied 1.5% of body weight concentrate was not enough to show a significant difference from treatment without supplementation. The results show the potential increase in production and productivity with the use of 2.5% of body weight with concentrated, but with limited response when supplementation is only 1.5% body weight in tropical pastures. Despite the increase in production, supplementation with concentrate provided a strong negative impact on pasture structure and behavior of animals that should be considered when used concentrate supplementation in lamb finishing in tropical regions.

High-Temporal Resolution Photography for Observing Riparian Area Use and Grazing Behavior

Nichols, M.H., Ruyle, G.B., Dille, P. 07 1900 (has links)
Observation is a simple method of acquiring information and is a critical step in the scientific method for both developing and investigating testable hypotheses. Cameras have long played a role in observation, and as technology advances, new tools and methods for collecting, interrogating, and displaying large quantities of high-resolution images have evolved. We describe an automated digital time-lapse camera system and present an example field deployment to observe the temporal and spatial patterns of riparian use by humans and animals during a 3-mo period. We also describe software tools for image interrogation and visualization, as well as new information gathered through their use. The system was tested in 2014, in a 2.4-ha site within the ApacheSitgreaves National Forest in east central Arizona, United States where elk (Cervus elaphus nelsoni) and cattle grazed. Photographs were taken every 30 sec for 38 d, after which an electric fence was installed to restrict cattle access and the time step was increased to every 3 min. We observed that elk exhibited the unique behavior of standing in and traveling within the stream channel while grazing and tended to graze and lie in close proximity to the channel. Cattle drank from, but typically did not enter, the stream channel and tended to lie away from the channel. Recreational use by people had the distinct impact of dispersing elk from the riparian corridor. Zoomable time-lapse videos allowed us to observe that in contrast to the cattle, elk grazed while lying down. High-temporal resolution photography is a practical tool for observing phenomena that are important for local resource management. Published by Elsevier Inc. on behalf of The Society for Range Management.

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