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The Link Between Green Purchasing Decisions And Measures Of Environmental ConsciousnessNarasimhan, Yamini January 2003 (has links)
No description available.
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Green supply chain practices and supply chain performance in the beverage industry of South AfricaMahlatsi, Michael Kgaisi 04 1900 (has links)
M. Tech. (Department of Logistics Management, Faculty of Management Sciences), Vaal University of Technology. / In South Africa, the beverage industry is perceived to be a major contributor to the economy. Internal and external stakeholders in this industry are engaged in environmental collaboration with each other to achieve better environmental and supply chain performance. The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of green supply chain management practices on environmental performance and supply chain performance in the beverage industry of South Africa. It considers four of these practices, namely, internal environment management, investment recovery, eco-design and green purchasing. A quantitative approach was adopted, with the use of a survey questionnaire to collect information from 373 supply chain management professionals from beverage companies in South Africa. The study used a probability simple random sampling method. The data gathered was analysed using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) version 25.0 and Analysis of a Moment Structures (AMOS) version 25.0. A Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) was used to validate the measurement scales while Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) was applied to test the relations between constructs. The results revealed that internal environment management, investment recovery, eco-design and green purchasing positively and significantly influence environmental performance. Moreover, the results also revealed that environmental performance exerted a strong, significant and positive influence on supply chain performance. Recommendations and implications for further research were made based on these results. The study presents supply chain management professionals, internal and external stakeholders within the beverage industry with useful insights on key factors that ought to be addressed in order to improve their organisational strategies. Therefore, the study is essential to internal and external stakeholders in the beverage industry who wish to improve environmental and supply chain performance.
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Análise do relacionamento entre treinamento ambiental e práticas externas de green supply chain management: survey com organizações possuidoras de certificação ISO 14001 localizadas no Brasil / Analysis of the relationship between environmental training and external practices of green supply chain management: survey with ISO 14001 certified firms located in BrazilTeixeira, Adriano Alves 18 August 2014 (has links)
A sustentabilidade ambiental vem ganhando cada vez mais espaço na área de Administração. Discussões recentes apoiam que uma boa gestão ambiental pode proporcionar fonte de vantagens competitivas significativas e duradouras. Assim, inúmeros estudiosos da área de gestão tem se dedicado ao tema e em meados da década de 1990 duas novas linhas de pesquisas surgiram: Green Human Resource Management (GHRM) e Green Supply Chain Management (GSCM). Pesquisas nestas áreas evidenciam que a gestão ambiental para ser efetiva precisa de práticas de Gestão de Recursos Humanos (treinamento, avaliação de desempenho, sistemas de recompensas, recrutamento e seleção), bem como de práticas que vão além dos \"muros da organização\", como compras verdes, eco-design, logística reversa e cooperação com os clientes. Apesar da importância que a literatura tem atribuído a esses dois construtos poucas pesquisas têm retratado, empiricamente, este relacionamento, principalmente, quando se visualiza a realidade brasileira e ainda mais quando se considerada a cadeia de suprimento das organizações. Assim, o objetivo desta pesquisa é verificar se há um relacionamento positivo entre práticas de treinamento ambiental e práticas externas de Green Supply Chain Management - compras verdes e cooperação com os clientes. Para tanto, realizou-se uma fundamentação conceitual sobre os temas mencionados e, com base nesta, construiu-se o questionário utilizado durante a fase empírica da pesquisa, um esurvey autoadministrado com 95 empresas possuidoras de certificação ISO 14001 localizadas no Brasil. Os resultados permitiram constatar que, de fato, o treinamento ambiental influencia positivamente práticas de compras verdes e cooperação com os clientes, com destaque para a primeira. Além disso, verificou-se que o porte das empresas não é tão significante ao controlar práticas de GSCM. Até o presente momento, acredita-se que esta seja a primeira pesquisa que apresenta um survey para testar o relacionamento entre treinamento ambiental e práticas externas de GSCM para empresas com certificação ISO 14001 no Brasil. / Environmental sustainability is achieving more attention in the Management field of knowledge. Recent discussions affirm that a better environmental management can be linked with a better competitive advantage. Thus, many scholars in the field of management have been devoted to the subject and in the mid-1990s two new lines of research have emerged: Green Human Resource Management (GHRM) showing that environmental management needs to be effective in terms of HRM practices (training, performance appraisal, reward systems, recruitment and selection); and Green Supply Chain Management (GSCM) showing that green practices should go beyond the \"walls of the organization\", as green purchasing, eco-design, reverse logistics and cooperation with customers. Despite the relevance of these topics, so far, little research have empirically verified if GHRM is related to GSCM, especially considering Brazilian context. The objective of this research is to verify if there is a positive relationship between environmental training as part of GHRM and green purchasing and cooperation with customers as part of GSCM. To this end, we carried out a literature review on the topics mentioned and, based on this; we constructed a questionnaire used during the empirical phase of the research. An e-survey with selfadministered 95 companies possessing ISO 14001 located in Brazil. The results demonstrated that, in fact, environmental training positively influences green purchasing practices and cooperation with customers, especially the first. Furthermore, it was found that the size of the companies is not a so significant variable when controlling GSCM practices. To the date, it is believed that this is the first study that presents a survey testing the relationship between environmental training and external GSCM practices for companies with ISO 14001 in Brazil.
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Análise do relacionamento entre treinamento ambiental e práticas externas de green supply chain management: survey com organizações possuidoras de certificação ISO 14001 localizadas no Brasil / Analysis of the relationship between environmental training and external practices of green supply chain management: survey with ISO 14001 certified firms located in BrazilAdriano Alves Teixeira 18 August 2014 (has links)
A sustentabilidade ambiental vem ganhando cada vez mais espaço na área de Administração. Discussões recentes apoiam que uma boa gestão ambiental pode proporcionar fonte de vantagens competitivas significativas e duradouras. Assim, inúmeros estudiosos da área de gestão tem se dedicado ao tema e em meados da década de 1990 duas novas linhas de pesquisas surgiram: Green Human Resource Management (GHRM) e Green Supply Chain Management (GSCM). Pesquisas nestas áreas evidenciam que a gestão ambiental para ser efetiva precisa de práticas de Gestão de Recursos Humanos (treinamento, avaliação de desempenho, sistemas de recompensas, recrutamento e seleção), bem como de práticas que vão além dos \"muros da organização\", como compras verdes, eco-design, logística reversa e cooperação com os clientes. Apesar da importância que a literatura tem atribuído a esses dois construtos poucas pesquisas têm retratado, empiricamente, este relacionamento, principalmente, quando se visualiza a realidade brasileira e ainda mais quando se considerada a cadeia de suprimento das organizações. Assim, o objetivo desta pesquisa é verificar se há um relacionamento positivo entre práticas de treinamento ambiental e práticas externas de Green Supply Chain Management - compras verdes e cooperação com os clientes. Para tanto, realizou-se uma fundamentação conceitual sobre os temas mencionados e, com base nesta, construiu-se o questionário utilizado durante a fase empírica da pesquisa, um esurvey autoadministrado com 95 empresas possuidoras de certificação ISO 14001 localizadas no Brasil. Os resultados permitiram constatar que, de fato, o treinamento ambiental influencia positivamente práticas de compras verdes e cooperação com os clientes, com destaque para a primeira. Além disso, verificou-se que o porte das empresas não é tão significante ao controlar práticas de GSCM. Até o presente momento, acredita-se que esta seja a primeira pesquisa que apresenta um survey para testar o relacionamento entre treinamento ambiental e práticas externas de GSCM para empresas com certificação ISO 14001 no Brasil. / Environmental sustainability is achieving more attention in the Management field of knowledge. Recent discussions affirm that a better environmental management can be linked with a better competitive advantage. Thus, many scholars in the field of management have been devoted to the subject and in the mid-1990s two new lines of research have emerged: Green Human Resource Management (GHRM) showing that environmental management needs to be effective in terms of HRM practices (training, performance appraisal, reward systems, recruitment and selection); and Green Supply Chain Management (GSCM) showing that green practices should go beyond the \"walls of the organization\", as green purchasing, eco-design, reverse logistics and cooperation with customers. Despite the relevance of these topics, so far, little research have empirically verified if GHRM is related to GSCM, especially considering Brazilian context. The objective of this research is to verify if there is a positive relationship between environmental training as part of GHRM and green purchasing and cooperation with customers as part of GSCM. To this end, we carried out a literature review on the topics mentioned and, based on this; we constructed a questionnaire used during the empirical phase of the research. An e-survey with selfadministered 95 companies possessing ISO 14001 located in Brazil. The results demonstrated that, in fact, environmental training positively influences green purchasing practices and cooperation with customers, especially the first. Furthermore, it was found that the size of the companies is not a so significant variable when controlling GSCM practices. To the date, it is believed that this is the first study that presents a survey testing the relationship between environmental training and external GSCM practices for companies with ISO 14001 in Brazil.
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消費者綠購買行為前因研究:雙重路徑觀點 / Antecedents of consumer green purchase behavior: A Dual-Route view洪敘峰, Hung, Hsu Feng Unknown Date (has links)
消費者環保行為研究中,多以理性行為模式解釋影響消費者綠購買行為之前因,但實證研究對於綠購買態度影響綠購買行為之假設,仍然無法獲得一致的支持。此外,根據現況效應的論點,消費者會傾向於保留原始行為,除非存在放棄原始決策的合理理由。然而,理性行為模式缺乏對於消費者可能放棄原本購買行為的決策因素探討。因此,本研究之主要目的為整合理性行為模式與拓展模式觀點,提出同時具備正向展現因素與負向放棄因素的雙重路徑模型,使消費者綠購買行為之解釋模型更為完整。本研究認為影響消費者綠購買行為展現的正向因素,除環保知覺效能、環保知識、綠購買態度與綠購買意圖之外,消費者環保行為鑲嵌度是另一個重要的正向影響前因。綠購買行為的負向因素,包括拓展模式中的相關因素,如知覺環保衝擊事件、環保心像違背與非環保產品的評估與搜尋。拓展模式相關因素會提升消費者放棄環保行為意圖,間接降低綠購買行為之展現。問卷調查結果顯示,本研究所提出之雙重路徑觀點獲得支持,該模式與理性行為模式相容並包含更完整的解釋因素。模式比較之結果顯示,本研究所提出的雙重路徑整合模式,相較於獨立的理性行為模式或拓展模式,整合模式之表現皆較為優良。 / Most studies of consumer environmental protection behavior apply the theory of reasoned action to predict consumer green purchase behavior. However, the assumed relationship between green purchase attitude and green purchase behavior has not received consistent support in the previous research. Besides, according to the view of status quo effect, consumers tend to repeat the current behaviors unless justifiable quit reason is existence. However, the theory of reasoned action does not offer explanation of why consumers might quit green purchase behavior. The purpose of this study is to integrate the theory of reasoned action and unfolding model then provide a dual-route model which has positive and negative antecedents of green purchase behavior simultaneously and makes the explanation model more complete. In this study, the positive antecedents of consumer green purchasing include environmental perceived effectiveness, environmental knowledge, green purchase attitude, and green purchase intention. In addition, embeddedness of environmental protection behavior is another critical positive factor to influence consumer green purchase behavior. The negative antecedents of consumer green purchase behavior include the factors of unfolding model, i.e., perceived environmental shocks, environmental image violation, and alternative product searching and evaluation. The factors of unfolding model will increase the quit intention of green purchasing and decrease green purchase behavior indirectly. The result of a two-waved survey and SEM analysis shows that the dual-route model has satisfactory measurement performance and explanation capability. The result of model comparison analysis shows that the explanatory capability of the dual-route model is better than all other single theoretical models, including the reasoned action model and unfolding model.
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Towards the Implementation of Patterns of Environmental Sustainability in Production and Consumption: Sustainable Public Procurement / Hacia la Implementación de Patrones de Sostenibilidad Ambiental en la Producción y Consumo: Compras Públicas SosteniblesSoto Palacios, Miguel Ángel 10 April 2018 (has links)
Public spending of many states makes a significant contribution to the Gross Domestic Product of countries, which are the main consumers of the national economies. For this reason, the purchasing power is an opportunity to influence the market by promoting production and consumption of sustainable and friendly goods to the environment.In this sense, this article discusses the system of Sustainable Public Procurements as a way to promote Sustainable Consumption and Production patterns and, thus, reach sustainable development for a green economy. / El gasto público de muchos Estados contribuye de manera significativa en el Producto Bruto Interno de los países, siendo normalmente los principales consumidores de las economías nacionales; razón por la que dicho poder de adquisición constituye una oportunidad para influir en el mercado, fomentando la producción y el consumo de bienes sostenibles y amigables con el ambiente. En ese sentido, el artículo aborda el mecanismo de las Compras Públicas Sostenibles como una herramienta para promover patrones de Consumo y Producción Sostenibles y, consecuentemente, lograr el desarrollo sostenible en el marco del concepto de una economía verde.
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