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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Assessment System Reform of the School Leaving Certificate Exam in Nepal: A Grounded Theory of the Reform Process

Bhattarai, Yogendra Bahadur 29 March 2019 (has links)
This dissertation presents multiple facets of the assessment system reform of the School Leaving Certificate (SLC) exam in Nepal through grounded theory methodology. The main purpose of this study is to develop a substantive grounded theory of the reform that explicates a complete process of the assessment reform, i.e., how this reform was conceptualized, what was done as a foundational preparation, how it was implemented, and what were the preliminary responses to the reform implementation. In order to theorize the reform process, this study applied a constructivist grounded theory approach, specifically based on the work of Charmaz (1996, 2005, 2006, 2012), as the research methodology. The data were collected by conducting 10 focus group discussions and 24 one-on-one semi-structured interviews. The participants represented almost all the categories of stakeholders (e.g., policymakers, employers, teachers, students) as well as experts and educators. The emergent conceptual categories and sub-categories from the interviews and focus group discussions were categorized under three constructs: (1) Conceptualization of the reform, (2) implementation of the reform and (3) reform effects. The first construct covers those theme categories and sub-categories that state the origin and type of the reform, reform aims, and framework as well as preparation for the reform. Similarly, the second construct includes those theme categories and sub-categories that inform the mechanism underpinning reform related information dissemination, the strategic plan used to implement the reform and factors that could influence the reform process. Finally, the third construct comprises those categories that discuss reform associated quandaries and condemnation, factors contributing to magnifying the quandaries, resultant opportunities from the reform, reform impact, step forward, and other relevant categories. The findings have been explicated under three phases- the pre-implementation phase, the implementation phase and the post-implementation phase as the integrated grounded theory. The theoretical components presented under the pre-implementation phase include exhaustive analysis of need and feasibility; input from experts, educators and key stakeholders; clarity on reform aims and objectives; cooperative triangular relationships; comprehensive documentation; explicit roadmap and exhaustive planning; infrastructure and resource management, and capacity building. Similarly, three major theoretical components- teacher advocacy, stakeholder ownership, and timely and authentic information have been described under the implementation phase. Finally, eight major theoretical components, such as identification and analysis of resulting issues, immediate actions for the urgent/sensitive issues, special programs for the low-grade holders, bridge between academic and vocational programs, need for impact analysis, effective communication channel, need for institutional memory, need for an unconventional assessment system, and need for a resourceful unit of assessment and testing have been presented under the post-implementation phase. The combination of the theoretical components described under the three phases mentioned above is the integrated substantive grounded theory of the assessment system reform in Nepal. This study contributes by adding value for those involved in assessment reform as well as the academicians and researchers because it puts forward recommendations for foundational preparation and homework in the conceptual phase of assessment reform; action steps to minimize the possible resistance to reform; strategies to implement the reform successfully; and initiatives to institutionalize the reform or address the resulting issues and concerns.

Analyzing Individual Contribution and Collaboration in Student Software Teams

De Pinho, Fabio R Unknown Date
No description available.

Conveniencing the family in agri-based processing enterprise : a grounded theory study of strategic leaders' cultural assumptions and strategising activities

Kanyangale, Macdonald Isaac January 2012 (has links)
As leaders of small and medium enterprises (SMEs), strategic leaders are responsible for strategising, the approach to which is influenced by their cultural paradigm. The effects of this strategising are manifested in the day-to-day activities of these leaders. This study aims to build an understanding of the shared cultural assumptions of strategic leaders in agri-based processing SMEs and how these assumptions affect the strategising activities that are adopted when addressing critical incidents related to the internal integration and external adaptation of the SME. Using Strauss and Corbin‟s (1990) grounded theory method, this study develops a theory titled Conveniencing the Family in Business, which is induced from critical incidents. A sample of critical incidents was gathered from 44 qualitative interviews conducted with strategic leaders of various agri-based processing SMEs operating in Malawi. This study found that strategic leaders display persistent and stable pragmatic business survival mind sets, but dynamic cultural assumptions about relationships with organisation members. The cultural influence of these assumptions is manifested in two distinctive and alternative processes making up the theory of conveniencing the family in business. These are the humanising and commodifying of relationships with organisation members, and they are evident in hostile and friendly business environments, respectively. Humanising of relationships with all members of the organisation builds and capitalises on inclusive, organisation-wide social capital that secures the future of the business. On the other hand, commodifying of relationships with non-family organisation members weakens collective support, which becomes mainly dependent on family and friendship ties. Thus, commodifying of relationships serves to perpetuate the close integration of business activity and family requirements to ultimately convenience the family in business, and represents the desired modus operandi of strategic leaders. As strategic leaders of SMEs have not yet conceptualised this, providing them with the conceptual theory developed here may be helpful towards a consistent re-orientation of the internal organisational support in a way that does not exclude but rather harnesses the wider solidarity of organisation members. The process explained by this theory is iterative, dynamic and distinguishes patterns of relationships amongst organisation members, which either enhances or compromises their collective support for the leaders and the enterprise. This by implication affects the performance of the enterprise. The results of this study are discussed from the perspective of social exchange and social capital theory, thereby contributing to the understanding of the strategising activities of strategic leaders, as well as the processes of building or destroying social capital in this type of enterprise.

Cultural Entropy: A Grounded Theory Study of Early Childhood Experiences in Nature in the Arroyo Grande Creek Watershed

Millard, Nathaniel Miles 01 May 2015 (has links)
Through a grounded theory methodology data collection around early childhood experiences with nature leading towards positive civic engagement with the community, the theory of cultural entropy emerged along with a policy recommendation for reconnecting the community to the local watershed. Through qualitative interviews with lifelong residents and analysis of essays from local high school students comparing early experiences with nature, the theory of cultural entropy emerged to explain how perceptions and interactions with the local landscape changed across generations. With the help of key information interviews, archival research, and exploration of the local watershed, cultural entropy was used to theorize how the work culture should do towards protecting and passing along ecological, cultural, and historical knowledge that might help increase civic engagement. Lifelong residents participating in the research were found to have high levels of civic engagement through participation with the local historical society and/or recommendations from people because of their involvement with the community. More than any other theme, the importance of the Arroyo Grande Creek emerged as a significantly early experience in nature amongst all lifelong residents. In contrast, this experience was completely gone from the early experiences by the high school students participating in this study. Creation of the dam, channelization of the creek, and invasive species introduction have almost eliminated access to the creek, and invasive species introduction have almost eliminated access to the creek. Very little evidence was found along the entire stretch of creek from dam to ocean of kids playing in the creek. This is theorized to be a product of larger cultures from outside this local ecosystem diffusing into the local culture, creating disconnect from local ecosystem knowledge. A policy recommendation is to create an interpretive greenbelt system along an already existing dirt farm road controlled by local agricultural land, promoting community engagement with the local watershed. Because so much of the key ecological, historical, and cultural knowledge of the area centers around the watershed, it is hypothesized that a greenbelt system has potential for reversing cultural entropy, increasing ecological, historical, and cultural knowledge of the area, and promoting civic engagement.

A Grounded Theory Study of Systems Theory and Clothing and Textiles Theories for the Development of a Dynamic, Complex Human Systems Theory

Beach, Joni Leigh 02 November 1999 (has links)
Metatheory, a study of theories, was the focus of this research study. A qualitative, grounded theory research design was used to examine documents on systems theory found outside the field of Clothing and Textiles (CT) and the social psychological theories used within CT. Recognizing the dynamic, complex nature of the human system and its interaction with multiple other systems led to the question of: What multidimensional theoretical framework would address this complexity and provide an expanded view for research and education in the field of CT? Data were collected from documentary materials pertaining to systems theory and CT theories by the researcher in a library search of the literature. Four domains were identified from the data that were collected and analyzed. The domains were Relationship, Process, Organization, and Outcomes. Then, a holistic, systemic theoretical framework and the Human-Environment Systems model were developed from the integration of systems theory and the CT theories. The model was designed to give a general, abstract visual representation of the theoretical concepts of a holistic, systemic view of the human-environment unit. A discussion of the complex societal issue of body image and eating disorders in females served to illustrate the use of the proposed theoretical framework and model. Recommendations were made for future exploration of the use of a holistic perspective for research and educational practices in the field of CT in order to address dynamic, complex human-environment problems. / Ph. D.

The many facets of an inter-organisational information system project as perceived by the actors

Hekkala, R. (Riitta) 18 January 2011 (has links)
Abstract This interpretative grounded theory study describes and analyses the actual lived experiences of project members who worked in a three year long inter-organisational information system (IOIS) project. The IOIS project was a Nordic project which spanned four user organisations (Alpha, Beta, Gamma and Delta), two suppliers (Eta and Zeta), two national organisations (Lambda and Kappa), a research organisation (Epsilon) and a Ministry who funded the project. The project was carried out between 2004 and 2006. The data was elicited by means of in-depth interviews (narrative stories), observations of project meetings, diaries, project memoranda and emails sent by project members to each other during these years. Other secondary data (the data from previous projects) was also analysed. Feelings and emotions as a research object are acknowledged to be a very demanding research area. The terms ‘feelings’ and ‘emotions’ are partly used interchangeably in this study, though these concepts are also partly distinguished in this study: feeling is what is felt, and emotion is what is shown; feeling is classified as a subjective experience whereas emotion involves emotional performance where social conventions have a significant role. The Glaserian grounded theory method was used as the technique for theory building. Three core categories were identified: Governance, Power and Emotions. There were also relationships between categories: Governance contributed to issues related to Power which in turn impacted on Emotions and vice versa. The categories not only defined the nature of the core theme but also formed a connection between themselves. The emergent category Emotions demonstrates that emotions influence structure and that emotions are intimately linked to social structures of power, and shows that ‘inequality’ is an essential part of that theme. This study shows that emotions have a remarkable role in the work of an IOIS, and that they have an affect on decisions. The study also finds that feelings and emotions are the basis of action (Power), and that emotions easily trump the intellect. At a higher level of abstraction, the scaling up process produced one core theme: Emotions of Control, and this study builds a substantive theory of Emotions of Control. / Tiivistelmä Tämä tulkitseva grounded teoria tutkimus kuvaa ja analysoi kolmivuotisen, organisaatioiden välisen tietojärjestelmäprojektin jäsenten kokemuksia tietojärjestelmäprojektista. Organisaatioiden välinen tietojärjestelmäprojekti oli Pohjoismainen hanke, joka koostui neljästä käyttäjäorganisaatiosta (Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta), kahdesta toimittajasta (Eta, Zeta), kahdesta kansallisesta organisaatiosta (Lambda, Kappa), tutkimusorganisaatiosta (Epsilon) ja ministeriöstä, joka rahoitti projektin. Projekti toteutui vuosina 2004 – 2006. Aineisto saatiin syvähaastatteluiden (narratiiviset tarinat), projektitapaamisten havainnoimisen, päiväkirjojen, projektimuistioiden ja projektijäsenten toisille lähettämien sähköpostien avulla. Toissijaista aineistoa (aineistoa edellisistä projekteista) analysoitiin myös. Tunnetilat ja emootiot tutkimuskohteena on tunnistettu hyvin vaativaksi tutkimusalueeksi. Englanninkielisiä termejä ’feelings’ ja ’emotions’ on osittain käytetty keskenään vaihtokelpoisina käsitteinä ja osittain toisistaan erotettuina tässä tutkimuksessa. Termi ’feeling’ kuvaa enemmän, mitä tunnetaan, ja termi ’emotion’ puolestaan, mitä näytetään. Termi ’feeling’ on täten enemmän henkilökohtainen kokemus, kun termi ’emotion’ käsittää enemmän tunteiden näyttämistä. Sosiaalisilla sopimuksilla on merkittävä rooli tunteiden näyttämisessä. Glaserilainen grounded teoria menetelmää hyödynnettiin teorian muodostuksen menetelmänä. Tutkimuksessa identifioitiin kolme pääkategoriaa: hallinto, valta ja tunteet. Kategorioiden välillä ilmeni suhteita: hallinto vaikutti valtaan, valta vuorostaan vaikutti tunteisiin ja päinvastoin. Kategoriat eivät ainoastaan määrittäneet ydinteeman luonnetta, vaan muodostivat yhteyden keskenään. Tunnekategoria osoittaa, että tunteet vaikuttivat projektin rakenteeseen, ja että tunteet ovat läheisesti yhteydessä myös vallan sosiaalisiin rakenteisiin. Tutkimus osoittaa, että tunteilla on merkittävä rooli organisaatioiden välisen tietojärjestelmäprojektin työskentelyssä, ja että tunteet vaikuttavat päätöksenteossa. Tutkimus osoittaa myös, että tunteet ovat toiminnan perustana, ja että tunteet vievät helposti voiton järjeltä. Korkeamman tason käsitteellistäminen tuotti yhden pääteeman, kontrollin tunteet, ja tämä tutkimus rakentaa teemasta substantiivisen teorian.

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