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Treinadores de sentido: notas etnográficas sobre atividades motivacionais modernas / Trainers of meaning: ethnographic notes on modern motivational activitiesOliveira Junior, Jorge Gonçalves de 07 December 2015 (has links)
O objeto desta dissertação são as atividades motivacionais modernas, ou seja, atividades voltadas para a criação de um estímulo em indivíduos que, supõe-se, necessitam de um sentido para seu trabalho e/ou sua vida. Tais atividades demandam interrupções da rotina e uma reflexão sobre a própria trajetória do praticante, e há uma oferta variada de produtos com esse fim, oferecidos por empresas especializadas. Neste trabalho nos concentramos em analisar palestras motivacionais, um grupo de encontro de fim de semana chamado Leader Training e o coaching associado à programação neurolinguística (PNL). Buscamos realizar observações participantes, entrevistas e análises de material de divulgação, livros, vídeos e sítios da internet a fim de conseguir apreender essas práticas em suas diversas facetas. Nossa análise e interpretação buscou compreender os mecanismos e estratégias dessas atividades para construção de sua eficácia, por meio de narrativas e performances que buscam realinhar as intenções dos participantes com uma noção convencional de sucesso e felicidade, observando as diferentes maneiras como o discurso científico é acionado e o religioso é sutilmente sugerido na elaboração de seus conteúdos. Operando comparações das descrições de campo com a teoria antropológica, em intersecção com uma análise baseada nos pressupostos dos science studies na sua forma de conceber o moderno em suas simetrias com o não-moderno, acreditamos ter contribuído com a ampliação do olhar sobre o objeto. / The object of this dissertation are the \"modern motivational activities\", i.e. activities aimed at creating an incentive in individuals who, one assumes, require a meaning to their work and/or their life. Such activities require routine interruptions and a reflection on the participants own trajectory, and there is a wide range of products for this purpose, offered by specialized companies. In this dissertation, we focus on analyzing motivational talks, a weekend group meeting called Leader Training and coaching associated with Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP). We seek to conduct participant observation, interviews and analysis of promotional materials, books, videos and websites in order to be able to understand these practices in its various facets. Our analysis and interpretation sought to understand the mechanisms and strategies of these activities to build their effectiveness through narratives and performances, that seek to realign the intentions of the participants with a conventional notion of success and happiness, noticing the different ways in which scientific discourse is triggered and the religious is subtly suggested in the development of its contents. We believe that we have contributed to broaden the view on the subject, operating comparisons of field descriptions with the anthropological theory, in intersection with an analysis based on the assumptions of Science Studies in their way of conceiving the modern in its symmetries with the non-modern.
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Treinadores de sentido: notas etnográficas sobre atividades motivacionais modernas / Trainers of meaning: ethnographic notes on modern motivational activitiesJorge Gonçalves de Oliveira Junior 07 December 2015 (has links)
O objeto desta dissertação são as atividades motivacionais modernas, ou seja, atividades voltadas para a criação de um estímulo em indivíduos que, supõe-se, necessitam de um sentido para seu trabalho e/ou sua vida. Tais atividades demandam interrupções da rotina e uma reflexão sobre a própria trajetória do praticante, e há uma oferta variada de produtos com esse fim, oferecidos por empresas especializadas. Neste trabalho nos concentramos em analisar palestras motivacionais, um grupo de encontro de fim de semana chamado Leader Training e o coaching associado à programação neurolinguística (PNL). Buscamos realizar observações participantes, entrevistas e análises de material de divulgação, livros, vídeos e sítios da internet a fim de conseguir apreender essas práticas em suas diversas facetas. Nossa análise e interpretação buscou compreender os mecanismos e estratégias dessas atividades para construção de sua eficácia, por meio de narrativas e performances que buscam realinhar as intenções dos participantes com uma noção convencional de sucesso e felicidade, observando as diferentes maneiras como o discurso científico é acionado e o religioso é sutilmente sugerido na elaboração de seus conteúdos. Operando comparações das descrições de campo com a teoria antropológica, em intersecção com uma análise baseada nos pressupostos dos science studies na sua forma de conceber o moderno em suas simetrias com o não-moderno, acreditamos ter contribuído com a ampliação do olhar sobre o objeto. / The object of this dissertation are the \"modern motivational activities\", i.e. activities aimed at creating an incentive in individuals who, one assumes, require a meaning to their work and/or their life. Such activities require routine interruptions and a reflection on the participants own trajectory, and there is a wide range of products for this purpose, offered by specialized companies. In this dissertation, we focus on analyzing motivational talks, a weekend group meeting called Leader Training and coaching associated with Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP). We seek to conduct participant observation, interviews and analysis of promotional materials, books, videos and websites in order to be able to understand these practices in its various facets. Our analysis and interpretation sought to understand the mechanisms and strategies of these activities to build their effectiveness through narratives and performances, that seek to realign the intentions of the participants with a conventional notion of success and happiness, noticing the different ways in which scientific discourse is triggered and the religious is subtly suggested in the development of its contents. We believe that we have contributed to broaden the view on the subject, operating comparisons of field descriptions with the anthropological theory, in intersection with an analysis based on the assumptions of Science Studies in their way of conceiving the modern in its symmetries with the non-modern.
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Designing Tools to Increase Group Awareness in the Work PlaceJanuary 2010 (has links)
abstract: This thesis investigates the role of activity visualization tools in increasing group awareness at the workspace. Today, electronic calendaring tools are widely used in the workplace. The primary function is to enable each person maintain a work schedule. They also are used to schedule meetings and share work details when appropriate. However, a key limitation of current tools is that they do not enable people in the workplace to understand the activity of the group as a whole. A tool that increases group awareness would promote reflection; it would enable thoughtful engagement with one's co-workers. I have developed two tools: the first tool enables the worker to examine detailed task information of one's own tasks, within the context of his/her peers' anonymized task data. The second tool is a public display to promote group reflection. I have used an iterative design methodology to refine the tools. I developed ActivityStream desktop tool that enables users to examine the detailed information of their own activities and the aggregate information of other peers' activities. ActivityStream uses a client-server architecture. The server collected activity data from each user by parsing RSS feeds associated with their preferred online calendaring and task management tool, on a daily basis. The client software displays personalized aggregate data and user specific tasks, including task types. The client display visualizes the activity data at multiple time scales. The activity data for each user is represented though discrete blocks; interacting with the block will reveal task details. The activity of the rest of the group is anonymized and aggregated. ActivityStream visualizes the aggregated data via Bezier curves. I developed ActivityStream public display that shows a group people's activity levels change over time to promote group reflection. In particular, the public display shows the anonymized task activity data, over the course of one year. The public display visualizes data for each user using a Bezier curve. The display shows data from all users simultaneously. This representation enables users to reflect on the relationships across the group members, over the course of one year. The survey results revealed that users are more aware of their peers' activities in the workspace. / Dissertation/Thesis / M.S. Electrical Engineering 2010
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A Study of Service Learning at Virginia Highlands Community College and Mountain Empire Community College.Hughes, Alice Sikes 04 May 2002 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to conduct a qualitative analysis of service learning. This analysis was performed to collect data on student perceptions of service learning and to understand the importance of service learning on community college students in their own words. Data were collected through interviews with 24 community college participants from Virginia Highlands Community College and Mountain Empire Community College, both in Southwest Virginia. I used a nonstandard interview because it is less abrupt, remote and arbitrary than the structured interview. I wanted to tap into the experiences of these students to learn what they thought, how they felt, and how service learning benefited or did not benefit them. Permission to conduct this study was granted by the Institutional Review Board. Personal contact was made with school officials. Interviews were conducted in phases depending upon the availability and convenience of the participant.
Findings showed that students involved in service learning experience many outcomes. These ranged from hands-on experience, social benefits, academic benefits especially in the area of accounting, civic responsibility, personal efficacy, civic mindedness and community building, developing a meaningful philosophy on life, appreciation for diversity, altruism and student autonomy. Findings did show that time and family or job responsibilities seemed to be the reason more students do not get involved. Students were concerned about the lack of enthusiasm from the instructors. They also said there would be more student participation if lab time, like a biology or science lab, were built into the service hours.
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Unterstützung und Implikationen von Gruppen-Awareness bei einer kollaborativen WebsucheFuhrmann, Robert 24 November 2020 (has links)
In den letzten Jahren wurden zahlreiche Anwendungen entwickelt, um kollaborative Websuchen über größere Entfernungen hinweg zu unterstützen. Es wurde gezeigt, dass Gruppen-Awareness einen bedeutenden Einfluss auf den Erfolg entsprechender Anwendungen hat. Obwohl kollaborative Websuchen häufig auch an einem lokalen Ort stattfinden, wurde dieses Szenario in aktuellen Arbeiten deutlich weniger betrachtet. In dieser Masterarbeit wird der Einfluss von Gruppen-Awareness auf lokale kollaborative Websuche in Kleingruppen untersucht. Ein Schwerpunkt liegt dabei auf der Unterscheidung zwischen Anwendungen für lokale Websuche und solchen, bei denen sich die Teilnehmer*innen an unterschiedlichen Orten befinden. Bestehende Anwendungen für kollaborative Websuchen werden vorgestellt und eingeordnet. Basierend auf einem neu vorgestellten Prototypen wird eine Pilotstudie in einer Multi-Device-Umgebung durchgeführt. Die Studie zeigt, dass sich die Bereitstellung von Aktivitätsdaten positiv auf die Arbeitsergebnisse von lokalen kollaborativen Websuchen auswirken kann. Zudem wurden Schwachstellen und Verbesserungsmöglichkeiten für die bestehenden Funktionen identifiziert.:1 Einleitung 1
1.1 Motivation 1
1.2 Zielstellung und Aufbau 2
2 Forschungsstand 5
2.1 Kollaboration 5
2.2 Gruppen-Awareness 7
2.3 Kollaborative Websuche 9
2.3.1 Sensemaking 11
2.3.2 Lokale Websuche 13
2.3.3 Suchstrategien 16
2.4 Cross-Device-Websuche 18
2.5 Anwendungen für kollaborative Websuche 19
2.5.1 Anwendungen für Websuchen an unterschiedlichen Orten 20
2.5.2 Anwendungen für lokale Websuchen 25
2.6 Zusammenfassung des Forschungsstandes 28
3 CoFind 31
3.1 Ansichten und Funktionen 32
3.1.1 Sidebar 33
3.1.2 Detailansicht 37
3.1.3 Modi 39
3.1.4 Einschränkungen 41
3.2 Logging 42
3.2.1 Nutzerbezogene Logs 43
3.2.2 Laufzeitbezogene Logs 43
3.3 Architektur 44
3.3.1 Kommunikation und Websockets 44
3.3.2 Client 44
3.3.3 Server 45
3.3.4 Datenbank 46
3.3.5 Konfiguration 47
3.4 Zusammenfassung 48
4 Nutzerstudie 51
4.1 Aufgabenstellung 51
4.2 Studiendesign 52
4.2.1 Aufbau 52
4.2.2 Geräte und Software 53
4.2.3 Anforderungen an die Teilnehmer 55
4.2.4 Methodik 56
4.3 Datenerhebung 57
5 Ergebnisse 63
5.1 Teilnehmer 63
5.2 Arbeitsergebnisse 65
5.3 Gruppenarbeit und Kollaboration 66
5.3.1 Raumnutzung 66
5.3.2 Arbeitsphasen 67
5.3.3 Kommunikation 69
5.3.4 Nutzung der Hardware 70
5.4 CoFind und Gruppen-Awareness 72
5.4.1 Allgemeiner Eindruck 72
5.4.2 Nutzung des CoFind-Plug-ins 73
5.4.3 Sidebar 76
5.4.4 Detailansicht 78
5.4.5 Sicherheit 79
5.5 Diskussion 79
5.5.1 Bewertung des Studiendesigns 80
5.5.2 Bewertung des CoFind-Plug-ins 81
5.5.3 Diskussion der Forschungsfragen 84
6 Fazit 87
6.1 Zusammenfassung 87
6.2 Ausblick 88
Literatur 91
A Anhang 103 / In recent years, numerous applications have been developed to support collaborative web search over large distances. A major impact of group awareness on the success of such applications has been shown. Although collaborative web search often occurs co-located, this scenario is underrepresented in recent studies. This master thesis investigates the influence of group awareness on co-located collaborative web search in small groups is investigated. ThIt focuses on a distinction between tools for remote and co-located web search. Existing applications for collaborative web search are presented and classified. Based on a new prototype a pilot study in a multi device environment is conducted. The study shows a positive effect on co-located collaborative web search by providing activity data among groups. In addition, weaknesses and opportunities to improve existing functions are shown.:1 Einleitung 1
1.1 Motivation 1
1.2 Zielstellung und Aufbau 2
2 Forschungsstand 5
2.1 Kollaboration 5
2.2 Gruppen-Awareness 7
2.3 Kollaborative Websuche 9
2.3.1 Sensemaking 11
2.3.2 Lokale Websuche 13
2.3.3 Suchstrategien 16
2.4 Cross-Device-Websuche 18
2.5 Anwendungen für kollaborative Websuche 19
2.5.1 Anwendungen für Websuchen an unterschiedlichen Orten 20
2.5.2 Anwendungen für lokale Websuchen 25
2.6 Zusammenfassung des Forschungsstandes 28
3 CoFind 31
3.1 Ansichten und Funktionen 32
3.1.1 Sidebar 33
3.1.2 Detailansicht 37
3.1.3 Modi 39
3.1.4 Einschränkungen 41
3.2 Logging 42
3.2.1 Nutzerbezogene Logs 43
3.2.2 Laufzeitbezogene Logs 43
3.3 Architektur 44
3.3.1 Kommunikation und Websockets 44
3.3.2 Client 44
3.3.3 Server 45
3.3.4 Datenbank 46
3.3.5 Konfiguration 47
3.4 Zusammenfassung 48
4 Nutzerstudie 51
4.1 Aufgabenstellung 51
4.2 Studiendesign 52
4.2.1 Aufbau 52
4.2.2 Geräte und Software 53
4.2.3 Anforderungen an die Teilnehmer 55
4.2.4 Methodik 56
4.3 Datenerhebung 57
5 Ergebnisse 63
5.1 Teilnehmer 63
5.2 Arbeitsergebnisse 65
5.3 Gruppenarbeit und Kollaboration 66
5.3.1 Raumnutzung 66
5.3.2 Arbeitsphasen 67
5.3.3 Kommunikation 69
5.3.4 Nutzung der Hardware 70
5.4 CoFind und Gruppen-Awareness 72
5.4.1 Allgemeiner Eindruck 72
5.4.2 Nutzung des CoFind-Plug-ins 73
5.4.3 Sidebar 76
5.4.4 Detailansicht 78
5.4.5 Sicherheit 79
5.5 Diskussion 79
5.5.1 Bewertung des Studiendesigns 80
5.5.2 Bewertung des CoFind-Plug-ins 81
5.5.3 Diskussion der Forschungsfragen 84
6 Fazit 87
6.1 Zusammenfassung 87
6.2 Ausblick 88
Literatur 91
A Anhang 103
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