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Det är roligare att spela med andra! : En kvantitativ enkätstudie om klaverlärares arbete med elevers musikaliska samspel / It ́s more fun to play with others : A quantitative survey of pianoteachers' work on musical interaction between their studentsTove, Landahl January 2019 (has links)
Flera av de pianostuderande jag mött, inklusive mig själv, spelade aldrig kammarmusik innan gymnasiet eller musikhögskolan. Det har fått mig fundera över i vilken omfattning klaverstu-derande elever vid kultur- respektive musikskolor deltar i musikaliska samspel. Studien har som syfte att kartlägga i vilken utsträckning lärare i klaverinstrument på kultur- respektive musikskolor i Stockholms län arbetar med musikaliskt samspel med sina elever och vilka faktorer som påverkar vilka elever som samspelar med andra elever. Datainsamling gjordes med hjälp av e-postade enkäter till klaverlärare på kultur- respektive musikskolor. Sedan analyserades svaren univariat, bivariat, tematiskt och samband prövades på sin statistiska signifikans. Resultatet visar dels på att de flesta hade tillfällen då deras elever spelade med någon under deras lektioner, dels att det skilde sig mellan hur lärare arbetade med samspel beroende på om de undervisade individuellt eller som gruppundervisning. Det framgick också att det fanns fyra olika områden som respondenterna menade påverkade vilka elever som fick spela med andra. Dessa var logistiska faktorer, intressen och kompisar hos såväl elev som lärare, elevernas kunskap och ambitioner samt speciella behov hos eleven. I diskussionen problematiseras konsekvenser av individuell undervisning och gruppundervisning samt vad elever lär sig av musikaliskt samspel. / Many piano students I´ve meet, including myself, never played chamber music until they went to gymnasium or university. This made me wonder how many opportunities piano students studying at culture and music schools had to play with others. The purpose of the study is to find out to what extent pianoteachers in these schools in the Stockholm Province work with interaction in music with their students and which factors affects which students interact with others. Data was collected by e-mailing questionnaires to which pianoteachers at the music and cultur schools had to answer. The answers were analyzed univariate, bivariate, tematic and correlations were tested on their statistical significance. The result showes that most teachers occasionally let their students play with someone, during their lessons. The results also showes that it differed between how teachers worked with interaction depending on whether they taught individually or in groups. It also is found that four different types of factors affected the respondents choices of which students who would get the opportunity to play with others. These were logistical factors, interests and friends of both pupil and teacher, the students' knowledge and ambitions, and special needs of the student. In the discussion the consequences of individuell lessons and group lessons are problematized. What the student learn from musical interaction is also discussed.
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Práticas informais no ensino coletivo de sopros: um experimento no Guri / Informal learning practices in woodwind group lessons: an experiment at Guri programLeme, Luis Santiago Malaga 22 October 2012 (has links)
Este trabalho apresenta algumas contribuições para uma atualização metodológica e pedagógica do ensino de instrumentos de sopro em aulas coletivas inspirado pelas práticas informais de aprendizagem identificadas por Green (2008), Braga (2005) e Priest (1989) entre outros. As práticas informais são um conjunto de atividades identificadas pela literatura como típicas da música popular ou tradicional que possuem interesse para a educação musical formal. Suas características principais podem ser resumidas como: concessão de espaço e tempo para os alunos improvisarem e experimentarem; livre escolha do repertório e; maior uso de modelos visuais e sonoros dados pelo professor e por gravações trazidas à sala de aula. As práticas informais estão de acordo com a pedagogia de Paulo Freire na medida em que colocam a autonomia como meio de aprendizagem e não apenas como finalidade. A formalização das práticas musicais na direção da escrita e leitura de partituras é um processo antigo correlacionado ao desenvolvimento do racionalismo na história do pensamento ocidental em sua busca pela precisão, segundo Koellreutter (Brito, 2007). O caminho que as práticas musicais tomaram teve seu ápice no século XIX, sendo que o sistema de ensino dos conservatórios constituído nesta época perdura até os dias de hoje na educação musical, em especial no ensino formal e tradicional. É só a partir da segunda metade do século XX que os trabalhos de educação musical procuraram reequilibrar o processo de transmissão da música em busca da oralidade e da subjetividade que quase se perdeu. Este trabalho procura ser mais uma contribuição nesta direção. A pesquisa procurou implementar as práticas informais seguindo em linhas gerais o modelo sugerido por Green (2008) mas também incorporando as contribuições de outros autores como Braga (2005) e Priest (1989) no curso de iniciação aos instrumentos de sopro do Guri. O foco principal foi a análise do comportamento dos alunos perante as atividades, geralmente pouco estruturadas, bem como de seu desenvolvimento musical ao longo das aulas, utilizando o método de pesquisa baseado no estudo de caso instrumental. Apesar de vários percalços ao longo do trabalho, os resultados obtidos foram bastante favoráveis a adoção destas práticas e corroboram com as ideias de Green (2008). Tanto no que diz respeito a tocar a melodia escolhida pelos próprios alunos, como nas improvisações, vários deles demonstraram bastante desembaraço e independência. Também se observou que, por serem uma forma mais direta e musical de se aprender, as práticas informais permitiram aos alunos lidar com materiais musicais muito mais ricos e complexos do que em um curso tradicional. Por outro lado estas práticas pareceram mais adequadas para os alunos mais velhos, uma vez que estes tendem naturalmente a ter mais voz no grupo e a exercer mais plenamente a sua autonomia, inibindo os mais jovens que talvez tivessem sido beneficiados por mais apoio docente. / This work presents some contributions for a methodological and pedagogical update to the teaching of woodwind instruments in group lessons based on informal learning practices identified by Green (2008), Braga (2005) and Priest (1989) among others. Informal learning practices are a set of activities identified in the literature as typical of popular or traditional music which are of interest for formal music education. Their main characteristics can be summarized as: granting time and room for the student\'s experimentations and improvisations; freedom to choose their musical repertoire; enhanced use of visual and sound role models exposed by the teacher and by musical recordings brought to the classroom. Informal practices are in harmony with Paulo Freire\'s pedagogy since they place autonomy as a mean of learning and not only as a goal. Following Koellreutter (BRITO, 2007), the formalization of musical practices towards the writing and reading of musical scores is a very old process related to the development of rationalism in the history of the western thought in its aim for precision. The path taken by musical practices had their pinnacle at the 19th century, when the conservatory learning system developed, which persists until today mainly in formal traditional education. It is only on the second half of the 20th century that the studies in musical education seek to balance the music transmission process towards an almost gone oral tradition and subjectivity. The present work tries to make a contribution in this direction. The research attempts to implement the informal practices according to the general guidelines of the model proposed by Green (2008), incorporating also the contributions of other authors like Braga (2005) and Priest (1989), in the beginner class of woodwind instruments at Guri program. The main focus of the analysis was on the responses of the students along the generally non-structured activities as well as their musical development throughout the course, using the research method based on instrumental case study. Despite several setbacks during the research, the results were highly favorable to the adoption of those practices and corroborate with Green\'s (2008) ideas. In terms of student\'s success in playing the tunes chosen by them, as well as in improvising several of them showed self-sufficiency and were at ease with the instrument. As the Informal Learning Practices are a more musical and nonmediated way of learning, the students were able to deal with a richer and more complex musical content. On the other hand those practices seemed more suitable to older students since they tend to have a more active role in the group and to exercise more fully their autonomy, inhibiting the youngest, that would probably have benefited from more teacher\'s support.
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Práticas informais no ensino coletivo de sopros: um experimento no Guri / Informal learning practices in woodwind group lessons: an experiment at Guri programLuis Santiago Malaga Leme 22 October 2012 (has links)
Este trabalho apresenta algumas contribuições para uma atualização metodológica e pedagógica do ensino de instrumentos de sopro em aulas coletivas inspirado pelas práticas informais de aprendizagem identificadas por Green (2008), Braga (2005) e Priest (1989) entre outros. As práticas informais são um conjunto de atividades identificadas pela literatura como típicas da música popular ou tradicional que possuem interesse para a educação musical formal. Suas características principais podem ser resumidas como: concessão de espaço e tempo para os alunos improvisarem e experimentarem; livre escolha do repertório e; maior uso de modelos visuais e sonoros dados pelo professor e por gravações trazidas à sala de aula. As práticas informais estão de acordo com a pedagogia de Paulo Freire na medida em que colocam a autonomia como meio de aprendizagem e não apenas como finalidade. A formalização das práticas musicais na direção da escrita e leitura de partituras é um processo antigo correlacionado ao desenvolvimento do racionalismo na história do pensamento ocidental em sua busca pela precisão, segundo Koellreutter (Brito, 2007). O caminho que as práticas musicais tomaram teve seu ápice no século XIX, sendo que o sistema de ensino dos conservatórios constituído nesta época perdura até os dias de hoje na educação musical, em especial no ensino formal e tradicional. É só a partir da segunda metade do século XX que os trabalhos de educação musical procuraram reequilibrar o processo de transmissão da música em busca da oralidade e da subjetividade que quase se perdeu. Este trabalho procura ser mais uma contribuição nesta direção. A pesquisa procurou implementar as práticas informais seguindo em linhas gerais o modelo sugerido por Green (2008) mas também incorporando as contribuições de outros autores como Braga (2005) e Priest (1989) no curso de iniciação aos instrumentos de sopro do Guri. O foco principal foi a análise do comportamento dos alunos perante as atividades, geralmente pouco estruturadas, bem como de seu desenvolvimento musical ao longo das aulas, utilizando o método de pesquisa baseado no estudo de caso instrumental. Apesar de vários percalços ao longo do trabalho, os resultados obtidos foram bastante favoráveis a adoção destas práticas e corroboram com as ideias de Green (2008). Tanto no que diz respeito a tocar a melodia escolhida pelos próprios alunos, como nas improvisações, vários deles demonstraram bastante desembaraço e independência. Também se observou que, por serem uma forma mais direta e musical de se aprender, as práticas informais permitiram aos alunos lidar com materiais musicais muito mais ricos e complexos do que em um curso tradicional. Por outro lado estas práticas pareceram mais adequadas para os alunos mais velhos, uma vez que estes tendem naturalmente a ter mais voz no grupo e a exercer mais plenamente a sua autonomia, inibindo os mais jovens que talvez tivessem sido beneficiados por mais apoio docente. / This work presents some contributions for a methodological and pedagogical update to the teaching of woodwind instruments in group lessons based on informal learning practices identified by Green (2008), Braga (2005) and Priest (1989) among others. Informal learning practices are a set of activities identified in the literature as typical of popular or traditional music which are of interest for formal music education. Their main characteristics can be summarized as: granting time and room for the student\'s experimentations and improvisations; freedom to choose their musical repertoire; enhanced use of visual and sound role models exposed by the teacher and by musical recordings brought to the classroom. Informal practices are in harmony with Paulo Freire\'s pedagogy since they place autonomy as a mean of learning and not only as a goal. Following Koellreutter (BRITO, 2007), the formalization of musical practices towards the writing and reading of musical scores is a very old process related to the development of rationalism in the history of the western thought in its aim for precision. The path taken by musical practices had their pinnacle at the 19th century, when the conservatory learning system developed, which persists until today mainly in formal traditional education. It is only on the second half of the 20th century that the studies in musical education seek to balance the music transmission process towards an almost gone oral tradition and subjectivity. The present work tries to make a contribution in this direction. The research attempts to implement the informal practices according to the general guidelines of the model proposed by Green (2008), incorporating also the contributions of other authors like Braga (2005) and Priest (1989), in the beginner class of woodwind instruments at Guri program. The main focus of the analysis was on the responses of the students along the generally non-structured activities as well as their musical development throughout the course, using the research method based on instrumental case study. Despite several setbacks during the research, the results were highly favorable to the adoption of those practices and corroborate with Green\'s (2008) ideas. In terms of student\'s success in playing the tunes chosen by them, as well as in improvising several of them showed self-sufficiency and were at ease with the instrument. As the Informal Learning Practices are a more musical and nonmediated way of learning, the students were able to deal with a richer and more complex musical content. On the other hand those practices seemed more suitable to older students since they tend to have a more active role in the group and to exercise more fully their autonomy, inhibiting the youngest, that would probably have benefited from more teacher\'s support.
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Zkušenosti lektorů Feldenkraisovy metody s využitím skupinových lekcí Pohybem k sebeuvědomění u dětí / Experiences of the Feldenkrais Method Practitioners with group lessons Awareness Through Movement for ChildrenNejdlová, Eliška January 2017 (has links)
Title of the Thesis: Experiences of the Feldenkrais Method Practitioners with group lessons Awareness Through Movement for Children The Aim of the Thesis: The Aim of the Thesis is finding out possible uses of Feldenkrais Method (FM) - Awareness Through Movement (ATM) in group lessons for children. We will use theoretical sources and information gained by internationally certified practitioners who use FM lessons for children groups. Method: We will use theoretical qualitative research Phenomenological conception, which has descriptive-analytical character. We chose this research because it was the most suitable one. Its main goal is description and analysis of the experience gained in the specific area. (phenomenon, action, situation or process). We cooperated with internationally certified practitioners who have used FM lessons for children groups. The research was provided by the written interview with open questions. Gained information were analyzed by topic analysis and then evaluated from the view of different topics. Results: The Thesis was dealing with the phenomenon of group lessons of Feldenkrais method (FM) - Awareness Through Movement (ATM). The results showed that this method and its principles can be used for children with or without specific needs from the age of two or three. We...
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