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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Seasonal Precipitation Variability and Gully Erosion in Southeastern USA

Luffman, Ingrid, Nandi, Arpita 01 April 2020 (has links)
This study examines the relationship between gully erosion in channels, sidewalls, and interfluves, and precipitation parameters (duration, total accumulation, average intensity, and maximum intensity) annually and seasonally to determine seasonal drivers for precipitation-related erosion. Ordinary Least Square regression models of erosion using precipitation and antecedent precipitation at weekly lags of up to twelve weeks were developed for three erosion variables for each of three geomorphic areas: channels, interfluves, and sidewalls (nine models in total). Erosion was most pronounced in winter months, followed by spring, indicating the influence of high-intensity precipitation from frontal systems and repeated freeze-thaw cycles in winter; erosion in summer was driven by high-intensity precipitation from convectional storms. Annually, duration was the most important driver for erosion, however, during winter and summer months, precipitation intensity was dominant. Seasonal models retained average and maximum precipitation as drivers for erosion in winter months (dominated by frontal systems), and retained maximum precipitation intensity as a driver for erosion in summer months (dominated by convectional storms). In channels, precipitation duration was the dominant driver for erosion due to runoff-related erosion, while in sidewalls and interfluves intensity parameters were equally important as duration, likely related to rain splash erosion. These results show that the character of precipitation, which varies seasonally, is an important driver for gully erosion and that studies of precipitation-driven erosion should consider partitioning data by season to identify these drivers.

Gully Erosion and Freeze-Thaw Processes in Clay-Rich Soils, Northeast Tennessee, USA

Barnes, Nicolas, Luffman, Ingrid, Nandi, Arpita 01 December 2016 (has links)
This study examines gully erosion in northeast Tennessee hillslopes in the Southern Appalachian Valley and Ridge physiographic province, where a thick sequence of red clay Ultisols (Acrisol, according to the World Reference Base for Soil) overlies dolomite and limestone bedrock. The role of freeze-thaw processes in gully erosion was examined weekly from 6/3/2012 to 9/17/2014 using a network of n = 78 erosion pins in three geomorphic areas: channels, interfluves, and sidewalls. Freeze-thaw days were identified using meteorological data collected on site. When freeze-thaw days occurred, erosion and deposition increased and gully conditions were more dynamic. When daily temperature did not plunge below freezing, more stable gully conditions persisted. Ordinary Least Square regression models of erosion pin length using freeze-thaw events explained significant portions of variability in channels (R² = 0.113, p < 0.01), interfluves (R² = 0.141, p < 0.01), and sidewalls (R² = 0.263, p < 0.01). Repeat analysis on only the winter-spring months minimally improved the sidewall model (R² = 0.272, p < 0.01). Erosion in interfluves exhibited a lagged effect, and was best correlated to freeze-thaw events during the prior period while erosion in channels and sidewalls was related to freeze-thaw events in the current week. Of the three geomorphic areas studied, sidewall erosion was best modeled by freeze-thaw events which contribute to widening of gullies through mobilization of sediment and mass wasting. This research demonstrates that freeze-thaw processes are a significant contributor to erosion in gully channels, interfluves, and especially sidewalls, and therefore temperature variability should be considered in erosion studies in similar climates.

Gully Morphology, Hillslope Erosion, and Precipitation Characteristics in the Appalachian Valley and Ridge Province, Southeastern USA

Luffman, Ingrid E., Nandi, Arpita, Spiegel, Tim 01 October 2015 (has links)
This study investigates gully erosion on an east Tennessee hillslope in a humid subtropical climate. The study area is deeply gullied in Ultisols (Acrisol, according to the World Reference Base for Soil), with thirty years of undisturbed erosional history with no efforts to correct or halt the erosion. The objectives are (1) to examine how different gully morphologies (channel, sidewall, and interfluve) behave in response to precipitation-driven erosion, and (2) to identify an appropriate temporal scale at which precipitation-driven erosion can be measured to improve soil loss prediction. Precipitation parameters (total accumulation, duration, average intensity, maximum intensity) extracted from data collected at an on-site weather station were statistically correlated with erosion data. Erosion data were collected from erosion pins installed in four gully systems at 78 locations spanning three different morphological settings: interfluves, channels, and sidewalls. Kruskal-Wallis non-parametric tests and Mann-Whitney U-tests indicated that different morphological settings within the gully system responded differently to precipitation (p<0.00). For channels and sidewalls, regression models relating erosion and precipitation parameters retained antecedent precipitation and precipitation accumulation or duration (R2=0.50, p<0.00 for channels, R2=0.28, p<0.00 for sidewalls) but precipitation intensity variables were not retained in the models. For interfluves, less than 20% of variability in erosion data could be explained by precipitation parameters. Precipitation duration and accumulation (including antecedent precipitation accumulation) were more important than precipitation intensity in initiating and propagating erosion in this geomorphic and climatic setting, but other factors including mass wasting and eolian erosion are likely contributors to erosion. High correlation coefficients between aggregate precipitation parameters and erosion indicate that a suitable temporal scale to relate precipitation to soil erosion is the synoptic time-scale. This scale captures natural precipitation cycles and corresponding measurable soil erosion.

Mitigation, Monitoring, and Geomorphology Related to Gully Erosion of Archaeological sites in Grand Canyon

Petersen, Paul A. 01 May 2003 (has links)
Gully erosion has been damaging archaeological sites in Grand Canyon during the last several decades, and there is a need to protect these features through mitigation, monitoring, and better geomorphic understanding. The purpose of this study was to assess the effectiveness of erosion-control structures , determine the accuracy and utility of aerial photogrammetry for monitoring gullies , and understand the geomorphology of the erosion . We performed total-station surveys and other data collection during February and October , 2002, at nine study sites in eastern and western Grand Canyon. Erosion-control structures are more prone to be damaged by flow when they are placed in reaches of very high local gradient. Treatments are generally successful in slowing erosion or causing deposition of sediment, but damaged erosion-control structures were shown to be less effective than intact structures, and actually increase local erosion in cases. Aerial photogrammetry was performed on four eroding archaeological sites in western Grand Canyon in March and October 2002 in order to assess the accuracy and change-detection utility of this tool. Accuracy was assessed on several different levels by comparing photogrammetry data to ground-survey data, and mean absolute vertical error ranged from 6-10 cm. Error of manual photogrammetry digital terrain models (DTMs) increased with topographic ruggedness and decreased with greater photogrammetric point density. Mean error reached a minimum of 5 cm for March and 6.5 cm for October when the ratio of point density to topographic ruggedness was ~40. Ground surveys and repeat photography indicated that two study gullies eroded or aggraded during the study period by 10-20 cm, but these changes were mostly undetected in the photogrammetry DTMs. Repeat ground surveys showed that gullies erode most at knickpoints and in steep reaches , and that new knickpoints tend to form in relatively steep reaches of a given channel. An area-slope erosion threshold was identified for the study sites and applied in a GIS-based model at four sites to show areas that exceed the threshold and are sensitive to gully erosion . Overall results show an upcatchment control of gully erosion and suggest that baselevel changes due to Glen Canyon Dam operation are subordinate controls.

Análise dos processos erosivos na Bacia do Córrego do Meio - município de São Pedro (SP): estudo do desencadeamento das erosões / Analysis of the erosive processes at Córrego do Meio Wastershed - municipality of São Pedro - SP: study of erosion initiation

Neves, Monique de Paula 27 April 2017 (has links)
No âmbito da geomorfologia pressupõe-se que existe uma relação entre declividade (S) e área de contribuição (A) que condiciona o escoamento superficial necessário para ocasionar o surgimento das erosões. A relação entre estes parâmetros pode ser expressa pelo índice S = aA-b, que representa o limiar crítico de desencadeamento das erosões. Implementando este índice no SIG, pode-se elaborar produtos cartográficos com a finalidade de reproduzir espacialmente as áreas críticas sujeitas a ocorrência das erosões. O presente trabalho teve por objetivo realizar um estudo sobre o desencadeamento das erosões lineares, utilizando técnicas de geoprocessamento para obtenção dos parâmetros A e S. A área em estudo compreende a Bacia do Córrego do Meio, localizada no município de São Pedro - SP, e apresenta uma área de 48,06 km². Os pontos de feições erosivas foram compilados de trabalhos realizados previamente na área, e também por meio do levantamento em imagens de satélites e ortofotos, totalizando 58 pontos de erosões. O modelo digital de elevação (MDE), mapa de área de contribuição e declividade foram elaborados em ambiente SIG, com diferentes pixels de saída, 2, 10 e 30 metros, e para processamento dos dados hidrológicos foram utilizados dois algoritmos: D8 e D-Infinity. Os parâmetros A e S foram calculados para cada uma das feições, analisadas de maneira integrada, e com base em características especificas como posição no relevo e profundidade dos canais. O tamanho do pixel de saída refletiu significativamente na obtenção dos parâmetros A e S, por isso, foram utilizados os modelos com resoluções maiores, pois corresponderam melhor às características da área. Em relação aos algoritmos de fluxo acumulado o D-Infinity apresentou dados mais condizentes com a topografia, e possibilitou o ajuste matemático do limiar crítico no gráfico S x A. O índice obtido a partir da análise integrada foi S = 0,060A-0,280, o índice para feições localizadas em encosta S = 0,0539A-0,412, e feições em drenagem S = 0,0748A-0,397. Além destes, foram obtidos outros índices específicos, determinados conforme a profundidade das feições (< 0,5; 0,5 a 1; 1 a 1,5 e > 1,5 m). A implementação dos índices no SIG possibilitou a elaboração das Cartas de Zoneamento de Áreas de Ocorrência de Erosão que apresentaram resultados consistentes, quando comparadas com outros produtos cartográficos, e podem orientar a ocupação adequada nestes locais, evitando a deflagração de novos processos. Apesar de ser um modelo de predição de erosão simples, os dados obtidos auxiliaram a compreensão dos mecanismos de desencadeamento, por isso, podem subsidiar as ações de planejamento ambiental, visando à recuperação das áreas comprometidas, com o intuito de minimizar os danos ambientais, e as perdas econômicas e sociais. / Considering the geomorphology aspects, it is assumed that there is a relationship between slope (S) and contributing area (A) which determines the runoff necessary for the onset of erosion. The relationship between the morphometric parameters can be expressed by the index S = aA-b which represents the topographic threshold for the onset of erosion. Implementing this index in the GIS, cartographic products can be performed with the purpose of reproducing spatially the critical areas subject to the erosion occurrence. The aim of this work is the study if the onset of gully erosions using geoprocessing techniques to obtain the parameters A and S. The study area is the watershed of the Córrego do Meio, located in São Pedro, São Paulo state, with an approximated area of 48.06 km². The erosion feature was compiled from previous study in the area and also through the survey on satellite images and orthophotographs, totalizing 58 erosion points. The digital elevation model (DEM), contribution area and slope were performed in GIS, with different output pixels, 2, 10 and 30 meters, and for the hydrological data processing, two algorithms were used: D8 and D-Infinity. The parameters A and S were calculated for each of the erosion feature, which were analyzed as a whole, and also based on the specific characteristics such as position in the landforms and depth of the channels. The size of the output pixel reflected significantly in obtaining the parameters A and S, therefore, models with higher resolutions were used because they better represent the characteristics of the area. In relation to the flow accumulation algorithms, D-Infinity presented more consistent data with the topography, and enabled the mathematical adjustment of the threshold in the S x A chart. The index obtained from the analysis of all erosion was S = 0.060A-0.280, the index for erosions located in hillside S = 0.0539A-0.412, and erosions in drainage S = 0.0748A-0.397. Besides these, other specific indices were determined, according to the depth of the channels (< 0.5, 0.5 to 1, 1 to 1.5 and > 1.5 m). The implementation of the indexes in the GIS made possible to perform the Zoning Map of Probable Erosion Areas, which showed consistent results when compared to other cartographic products and may direct suitable occupancy in these locations, so as to avoid the onset of new processes. Although it is a model for prediction of simple erosion, the obtained data helped to understand the mechanisms of the onset of the gully erosion, and therefore, can subsidize the actions of environmental planning, aiming at the recovery of the committed areas, with the aim of minimizing environmental damage and economic and social losses.

Understanding gully process in two Kansas landscapes

Burke, Katherine J. January 1900 (has links)
Doctor of Philosophy / Department of Environmental Design and Planning Program / Tim Keane / Gullies often form as a result of land use changes and associated factors such as soil compaction, vegetation removal and changes in rainwater infiltration. Gully erosion creates human safety hazards, soil loss, and sediment and nutrient pollution downstream. Across the globe, researchers have found a wide variety of gully growth rates and drivers (Poesen, Nachtergaele, Verstraeten, & Valentin, 2003), but after the late 1900s, very few published gully studies have been done in the United States, and fewer studies have been done in the Midwest and Great Plains regions. This gully study was conducted in two heavily-used Kansas landscapes: Fort Riley military training areas and agricultural fields in McPherson County. The purpose of the study was to quantitatively measure rates and patterns of gully erosion, as well as identify main drivers of gully initiation and growth. Results and conclusions add Kansas gully characteristics to the growing knowledge of gully erosion in other areas of the world. Gullies in both landscapes were surveyed in the field multiple times per year over three consecutive years (2012-2014) to capture patterns and rates of change. Rainfall data and land characteristics such as soils, vegetative cover, slope, and drainage area were compiled into a database to be compared to gully erosion rates in an attempt to correlate gully erosion not only to rainfall but to other land-based factors. Results show that for most Fort Riley gullies, beds are filling and banks are widening, and consistent drivers of erosion could not be determined from the data. In McPherson, gully channels are storing large amounts of sediment, though gully networks in the upper areas of the gully channels are actively widening and advancing headward. Drivers of channel change in McPherson County seem to be related to vegetative cover, slope, and early spring freeze/thaw processes. At both study locations, land use changes related to linear disturbance and reduced vegetative cover are suspected to have more of an influence on gully growth than rainfall events during the study timeframe. Objectives for best management practices are proposed for both Fort Riley and McPherson County.

Análise dos processos erosivos na Bacia do Córrego do Meio - município de São Pedro (SP): estudo do desencadeamento das erosões / Analysis of the erosive processes at Córrego do Meio Wastershed - municipality of São Pedro - SP: study of erosion initiation

Monique de Paula Neves 27 April 2017 (has links)
No âmbito da geomorfologia pressupõe-se que existe uma relação entre declividade (S) e área de contribuição (A) que condiciona o escoamento superficial necessário para ocasionar o surgimento das erosões. A relação entre estes parâmetros pode ser expressa pelo índice S = aA-b, que representa o limiar crítico de desencadeamento das erosões. Implementando este índice no SIG, pode-se elaborar produtos cartográficos com a finalidade de reproduzir espacialmente as áreas críticas sujeitas a ocorrência das erosões. O presente trabalho teve por objetivo realizar um estudo sobre o desencadeamento das erosões lineares, utilizando técnicas de geoprocessamento para obtenção dos parâmetros A e S. A área em estudo compreende a Bacia do Córrego do Meio, localizada no município de São Pedro - SP, e apresenta uma área de 48,06 km². Os pontos de feições erosivas foram compilados de trabalhos realizados previamente na área, e também por meio do levantamento em imagens de satélites e ortofotos, totalizando 58 pontos de erosões. O modelo digital de elevação (MDE), mapa de área de contribuição e declividade foram elaborados em ambiente SIG, com diferentes pixels de saída, 2, 10 e 30 metros, e para processamento dos dados hidrológicos foram utilizados dois algoritmos: D8 e D-Infinity. Os parâmetros A e S foram calculados para cada uma das feições, analisadas de maneira integrada, e com base em características especificas como posição no relevo e profundidade dos canais. O tamanho do pixel de saída refletiu significativamente na obtenção dos parâmetros A e S, por isso, foram utilizados os modelos com resoluções maiores, pois corresponderam melhor às características da área. Em relação aos algoritmos de fluxo acumulado o D-Infinity apresentou dados mais condizentes com a topografia, e possibilitou o ajuste matemático do limiar crítico no gráfico S x A. O índice obtido a partir da análise integrada foi S = 0,060A-0,280, o índice para feições localizadas em encosta S = 0,0539A-0,412, e feições em drenagem S = 0,0748A-0,397. Além destes, foram obtidos outros índices específicos, determinados conforme a profundidade das feições (< 0,5; 0,5 a 1; 1 a 1,5 e > 1,5 m). A implementação dos índices no SIG possibilitou a elaboração das Cartas de Zoneamento de Áreas de Ocorrência de Erosão que apresentaram resultados consistentes, quando comparadas com outros produtos cartográficos, e podem orientar a ocupação adequada nestes locais, evitando a deflagração de novos processos. Apesar de ser um modelo de predição de erosão simples, os dados obtidos auxiliaram a compreensão dos mecanismos de desencadeamento, por isso, podem subsidiar as ações de planejamento ambiental, visando à recuperação das áreas comprometidas, com o intuito de minimizar os danos ambientais, e as perdas econômicas e sociais. / Considering the geomorphology aspects, it is assumed that there is a relationship between slope (S) and contributing area (A) which determines the runoff necessary for the onset of erosion. The relationship between the morphometric parameters can be expressed by the index S = aA-b which represents the topographic threshold for the onset of erosion. Implementing this index in the GIS, cartographic products can be performed with the purpose of reproducing spatially the critical areas subject to the erosion occurrence. The aim of this work is the study if the onset of gully erosions using geoprocessing techniques to obtain the parameters A and S. The study area is the watershed of the Córrego do Meio, located in São Pedro, São Paulo state, with an approximated area of 48.06 km². The erosion feature was compiled from previous study in the area and also through the survey on satellite images and orthophotographs, totalizing 58 erosion points. The digital elevation model (DEM), contribution area and slope were performed in GIS, with different output pixels, 2, 10 and 30 meters, and for the hydrological data processing, two algorithms were used: D8 and D-Infinity. The parameters A and S were calculated for each of the erosion feature, which were analyzed as a whole, and also based on the specific characteristics such as position in the landforms and depth of the channels. The size of the output pixel reflected significantly in obtaining the parameters A and S, therefore, models with higher resolutions were used because they better represent the characteristics of the area. In relation to the flow accumulation algorithms, D-Infinity presented more consistent data with the topography, and enabled the mathematical adjustment of the threshold in the S x A chart. The index obtained from the analysis of all erosion was S = 0.060A-0.280, the index for erosions located in hillside S = 0.0539A-0.412, and erosions in drainage S = 0.0748A-0.397. Besides these, other specific indices were determined, according to the depth of the channels (< 0.5, 0.5 to 1, 1 to 1.5 and > 1.5 m). The implementation of the indexes in the GIS made possible to perform the Zoning Map of Probable Erosion Areas, which showed consistent results when compared to other cartographic products and may direct suitable occupancy in these locations, so as to avoid the onset of new processes. Although it is a model for prediction of simple erosion, the obtained data helped to understand the mechanisms of the onset of the gully erosion, and therefore, can subsidize the actions of environmental planning, aiming at the recovery of the committed areas, with the aim of minimizing environmental damage and economic and social losses.


IGOR LOURENCO OLIVEIRA 27 February 2018 (has links)
[pt] A ocupação e uso dos solos têm claras implicações nos processos erosivos, porém devemos destacar também um dos atores principais para os processos erosivos, que é a evolução geomorfológica. A bacia do córrego das Palmeiras está inserida em um local com baixas amplitudes de relevo, mas que apresenta um alto potencial de vulnerabilidade a eventos de erosão e movimentos de massa. Destacamos obviamente o grande número de voçorocamentos que atingem determinadas áreas do médio vale do rio Paraíba do Sul, principalmente próximos ao seu eixo principal em um grande alinhamento de direção NE-SW a qual a bacia do córrego das Palmeiras está inserida. O presente estudo tem como objetivo principal descrever a origem e a distribuição dos processos erosivos na bacia do córrego das Palmeiras, na cidade de Barra do Piraí, Rio de Janeiro. Para que o principal objetivo desse trabalho seja alcançado, se torna necessário o cumprimento dos objetivos específicos, os quais são: Descrever a relação da orientação das voçorocas com as estruturas do substrato geológico; Descrever a relação entre processos erosivos e os níveis de base locais e; Descrever a relação entre processos erosivos e uso do solo. Para a realização deste trabalho foram utilizadas técnicas de análise e embasamentos teóricos da ciência geográfica e mais especificamente da área da geomorfologia. Podemos destacar como os principais resultados alcançados as análises referentes à relação entre os condicionantes geológicos/geomorfológicos e a ocorrência e comportamento de processos erosivos, permitindo afirmar que existe uma relação estreita entre a compartimentação geológica, orientação das estruturas, processos de rebaixamento de níveis de base, histórico de uso e ocupação do solo e a presença de processos erosivos. / [en] Land use has clear implications in the erosive processes and their relation with the geomorphological evolution can be seen notoriously. The Palmeiras stream basin is inserted in a place with low amplitudes of relief, but that presents a high potential of vulnerability to events of erosion and mass movements. We highlight obviously the large number of gully erosions that reach certain areas of the middle valley of the Paraíba do Sul river, mainly near its main axis in a great alignment of direction NE-SW to which the basin of the stream of Palmeiras is inserted. This study has as main objective the description of the origin and spatial distribution of the erosive processes in the Córrego dos Palmares basin. In order for the main objective of this work to be achieved, it is necessary to fulfill the specific objectives, which are: Analyze the spatial distribution of erosive processes; analyze the relation of the orientation of the gullies with the lithological structures of the geological substrate; Analyze the relationship between erosive processes and local base levels and; analyze the relationship between erosive processes and land use. For the accomplishment of this work, techniques of analysis and theoretical bases of the geographic science and more specifically of the area of geomorphology were used. We can highlight as the main results of the description the relationship between the geological / geomorphological conditions and the occurrence and behavior of erosive processes, allowing to affirm that there is a close relationship between the geological compartmentation, orientation of the structures. History of land use and occupation and the presence of erosive processes.

The Effects of Erosion-control Structures and Gully Erosion on Groundwater Dynamics Along the Kromrivier, Eastern Cape, South Africa

de Haan, Vincent January 2016 (has links)
The Palmiet wetlands located along the Kromrivier in the Eastern Cape province of South Africa have experienced severe degradation through gully erosion during the past decennia which has been threatening the water quality and water security of large towns in the Nelson Mandela Metropolitan hub. Water scarcity is a growing problem in this region as a result of land degradation and growing erratic rainfall patterns. The main causes of wetland degradation are argued to be land use and land cover change. With the aim of protecting the wetlands along the Kromrivier a total of eleven large gabion and concrete erosion-control structures were constructed between the 2002 and 2013 by the government initiate Working for Wetlands. This study aims to map the groundwater table in order to derive how erosion-control structures and gully erosion affect groundwater dynamics along the Kromrivier. This was achieved by several steps. Firstly, water table elevations were measured along several transects by installing a series of piezometers which allowed do investigate how the structures affected the water table. This also allowed for a comparison in groundwater dynamics between eroded and non-eroded reaches so that effects of gully erosion could be identified and potential causes discussed. Secondly, the analysis of aerial images allowed for the development of the aerial extent of the Palmiet wetland and gullies to be seen over a ten year period and longitudinal profiles provided specific characteristics of the wetland and gullies. Lastly, particle size distribution and organic matter content were analyzed as groundwater flow and gully erosion can vary greatly depending on soil characteristics. The hydraulic gradient was highest in proximity to the structures as a result of the created potential induced by the drop in surface water elevation. The radius of influence to where the structures were affected the water table was estimated to be approximately 40 m from the channel. Further away from the channel, the gradual slope of the water table indicated that the porous gabion side walls of the structures did not affect the water table. The groundwater flow is determined by Darcy's Law and the relatively flat water table along the non-eroded reaches of site A displayed local drainage points, thereby indicating variations in the local flow direction. In May the water table along the non-eroded reaches was sloping away from the channel resulting in an area of groundwater discharge with respect to the channel. Not only was the water table generally higher during August, the regime had also changed, indicating a potentially large seasonal variability. Along the eroded reaches downstream from the structures the water table was above the gully bottom during both months resulting in an area of groundwater recharge with respect to the channel. Also here the regime had changed from an approximately constant hydraulic gradient sloping towards the channel during May to a water table with a divide in flow direction. Since their implementation in 2003, the structures have been effective with respect to preventing the headcut in the main channel from migrating further upstream. However, the gullies downstream of the structures had significantly increased in width between 2003 and 2013 and the Palmiet wetland had also slightly decreased in size during the same period. However, it was unclear whether this decrease was part of the longer term ongoing trend or part of a shorter term cycle and/or seasonal fluctuation. For a gully bank to collapse, the shear strength of the slip surface needs to be exceeded and this often occurs because of an increase in pore water pressurewhich causes a reduction in shear strength. A large gully height of up to 4 m with nearly vertical slopes, a water table above the gully bottom and an increase in moisture content between May and August indicated that it is not unlikely that a high pore water pressure. played a significant role in the slumping of the gully walls. The two structures together were responsible for an surface water elevation difference of 7.76 m. Through damming this resulted in an elevated water table in the upstream Palmiet wetland, thereby increasing the saturation and promoting diffuse flow across the wetland. However, the structures also trap most of the sediment in upstream direction which appears to have resulted in the de-stabilization of the downstream streambed at site A as these eroded reaches now receive a significantly lower sediment load. By increasing the retention volume in the wetland, the structures also facilitated in ensuring flood retention as the wetland could now hold more water during high flows, thereby cutting off the peak flow. As gully erosion is known to occur during periods of high flow it is not unreasonable to argue that slumping of the gully walls would have been more severe without the structures in place. In this sense the structures increase the water quality and decrease the flux of sediment where the latter leads to a decrease in the sedimentation rate of the downstream Churchill Dam. Consequently, this contributes to securing the fresh water supply to towns in the Nelson Mandela Metropolitan hub. The discovery of Palmiet rests up to 2.6 m below the surface indicated that cycles of gully erosion followed by the re-establishment of Palmiet have been occurring in this valley for thousands of years. However, it seemed that land use and land cover changes had accelerated gully erosion during the past decades resulting in a loss of Palmiet wetland at a rate which was beyond 'natural'. Even though the structures could be seen as disruptions of long term natural cycles, they are in favor of the well-being of mankind as they protect the wetlands to a certain extent. The main results of this study provided a basic understanding of how the water table behaves in response to the structures and along eroded and non-eroded reaches of the Kromrivier. Furthermore, this study discussed the larger scale affects of the structures and showed how the gullies and the aerial extent of the Palmiet wetland have evolved since the implementation of the structures in 2003. In order to manage these Palmiet wetlands more effectively in the future, it is highly important that groundwater dynamics, gully erosion and the size and health of the wetland are annually monitored in order to get a more accurate idea of how effective these structures are. This new obtained knowledge could also assist in managing other peat lands in South Africa more effectively.

Estimation of Ravine Sediment Production and Sediment Dynamics in the Lower Le Sueur River Watershed, Minnesota

Azmera, Luam A 12 November 2009 (has links)
This study focuses on quantifying explicitly the sediment budget of deeply incised ravines in the lower Le Sueur River watershed, in southern Minnesota. High-rate-gully-erosion equations along with the Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE) were implemented in a numerical modeling approach that is based on a time-integration of the sediment balance equations. The model estimates the rates of ravine width and depth change and the amount of sediment periodically flushing from the ravines. Components of the sediment budget of the ravines were simulated with the model and results suggest that the ravine walls are the major sediment source in the ravines. A sensitivity analysis revealed that the erodibility coefficients of the gully bed and wall, the local slope angle and the Manning’s coefficient are the key parameters controlling the rate of sediment production. Recommendations to guide further monitoring efforts in the watershed and increased detail modeling approaches are highlighted as a result of this modeling effort.

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