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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Escape Artist

Gustina, Charles F 01 January 2005 (has links)
This thesis reviews the background, influences, and evolution of the body of work entitled Folia, which forms the basis for the candidate's thesis exhibition. It traces the development of the candidate's artistic inclinations from drawing to photography. Directorial and Pictorialist photography are discussed as forebears in the Influences chapter. Evolution of the Body of Work details how the current work grew from both the candidate's background and influences. A Brief Anthology of Quotations references Susan Sontag's influential work, On Photography, with quotations that have either influenced the candidate's work or reflect his perceptions of art and life. The balance of the thesis describes the candidate's working process in creating the work, and the installation at VCU's Anderson Gallery.

Povezanost između različitih faktora rizika za pojavu osteoporoze i koštane mase u postmenopauznih žena / Correlation between different risk factors for the occurrence of osteoporosis in bone structure in postmenopausal women

Ilić Jana 21 September 2016 (has links)
<p>Uvod: Osteoporoza je sistemsko oboljenje skeleta koje se karakteri&scaron;e smanjenjem mase kosti i promenama u ko&scaron;tanoj strukturi, &scaron;to sve ima za posledicu povećanu sklonost ko&scaron;tanog tkiva ka prelomima. Prema preporuci Svetske zdravstvene organizacije, dijagnoza osteoporoze postavlja se ukoliko je T-score -2,5 SD i ispod te vrednosti, a normalan nalaz ako je vrednost T-score -1,0 SD i iznad te vrednosti. Danas se smatra da je zlatni standard u dijagnostici osteoporoze primena dvostruke X apsorpcione denzitometrije lumbalne kičme i kuka putem koje se dobiju vrednosti ko&scaron;tane mase Bone mineral density i T-score. Međutim, poznato je da postoje faktori rizika koji utiču na redukciju mase kosti na taj način &scaron;to smanjuju maksimum mase kosti koji se stiče do 35. godine života i / ili ubrzavaju inače normalan proces postepenog i blagog smanjenja mase kosti koji počinje posle 35. godine života i na taj način povećavaju rizik za frakture. Takođe, poznato je da neki od faktora rizika i njihova udruženost može dovesti do povećanog rizika za frakture i nezavisno od ko&scaron;tane mase i T-score. Ciljevi istraživanja : 1. Utvrditi ko&scaron;tanu masu u postmenopauznih žena primenom dvostruke X apsorpcione denzitometrije. 2. Analizirati distribuciju faktora rizika u pacijentkinja sa T-score ispod -2.5 SD u poređenju sa pacijentkinjama sa T-score iznad -1.0 SD. 3. Utvrditi odnos između statističkog prostora koji čine pojedinačni i udruženi faktori rizika (sa karakteristikama svakih od njih) i mase kosti određene denzitometrijski. Materijal i metode rada: Istraživanje je koncipirano delom kao prospektivna, a delom kao retrospektivna studija koja je sprovedena kod pacijentkinja u postmenopauznom periodu života, životne dobi od 50 do 80 godina. Nakon urađene dvostruke X apsorpcione denzitometrije lumbalne kičme i kuka ispitivane pacijentkinje su same popunjavale upitnik uz pomoć medicinske sestre ili lekara. Nakon dobijenih podataka pacijentkinje su podeljene u dve grupe: sa osteoporozom i bez osteoporoze. U grupi sa osteoporozom je bilo 270 pacijentkinja, a u grupi bez osteoporoze 250 pacijentkinja. Potom je sprovedena statistička obrada podataka. Nakon sveobuhvatne analize dobijenih rezultata istraživanja izvedeni su sledeći zaključci: 1.Ustanovljeno je da 60% postmenopauznih žena prosečne životne dobi od 67.0 &plusmn; 7.0 godina ima osteoporozu odnosno vrednost T-score &le; -2.5 SD. 2. Postoji statistička značajna povezanost između ko&scaron;tane mase i sledećih faktora rizika: pozitivna porodična anamneza na osteoporozu i frakture, telesna težina, telesna visina, ranije frakture, česti padovi i smanjenje u visini vi&scaron;e od 3 cm. 3. Analizom faktora rizika se dobijaju karakteristike osoba sa osteoporozom: pozitivna porodična anamneza na osteoporozu i frakture, manja telesna težina i telesna visina, smanjenje u visini vi&scaron;e od 3 cm, česti padovi i ranije frakture. 4. Hipertireoidizam i hiperparatireoidizam, reumatoidni artritis, primena kortikosteroidne terapije su faktori rizika koji su vi&scaron;e zastupljeni kod ispitivanih pacijentkinja sa osteoporozom. 5. Pu&scaron;enje, rana menopauza, alergija na mleko bez adekvatne supstitucije sa kalcijumom i nedovoljan boravak na suncu bez adekvatne supstitucije sa vitaminom D su faktori rizika koji su vi&scaron;e zastupljeni kod ispitivanih pacijentkinja sa osteoporozom. 6. Najveći doprinos celini daje pozitivna porodična anamneza na osteoporozu i frakture (20.99%), zatim slede telesna težina, telesna visina, Index telesne mase (19.03%), ranije frakture, česti padovi, smanjenje u visini vi&scaron;e od 3 cm (18.41%), pu&scaron;enje i nedovoljna fizička aktivnost (12.75%), alergija na mleko i nedovoljan boravak na suncu (12.14%), rana menopauza (8.72%), hipertireoidizam, hiperparatireoidizam, reumatoidni artritis (7.93%). 7. Analizom tri grupe obeležja koja daju najveći doprinos celini ustanovljeno je da pozitivna porodična anamneza na frakture (37.7%) i telesna težina (31.3%) predstavljaju major faktore rizika za osteoporozu. 8. Matematičkom obradom dolazi se do formule pomoću koje bi sa verovatnoćom od 64.0 % mogla predvideti osteoporoza, a sa verovatnoćom 73.2 % odsustvo osteoporoze, čime se između ostalog u na&scaron;em istraživanju donekle relativizuje neophodnost određivanja ko&scaron;tane mase u proceni rizika za prelome i u proceni potrebe za uvođenje antiosteoporotične terapije. Formula je +.214 O +.562 F +.202 R +.223 P +.335 S +.493 T +.057 V +.020 9. Potrebno je testirati dobijenu formulu na ispitivanim pacijentkinjama i nastaviti istraživanje na većem uzorku na faktore rizika koji nisu pokazali statističku značajnost.</p> / <p>Introduction: Osteoporosis is a systematic disease of skeleton characterized by the reduction of bone mass and changes in bone structure which result in the increased aptitude of bone tissue to fractures. According to the suggestion of the World Health Organization, the diagnosis for osteoporosis is set if the T-score is -2.5 SD and below it and the normal report if the value of T-score is -1.0 SD and above it. Nowadays, it is considered that the golden standard in osteoporosis diagnostic is the use of double X absorption densitometry of lumbal spine and hipe which provides the values of bone mass Bone mineral density as well as T-score. However, it has been known that there are risk factors whish influence the reduction of bone mass by reducing maximum bone mass gained by the age of 35 and/or by quckening, the normal process of gradual and mild reduction of bone mass starting after 35 and in that way increase the risk toward fractures. It mas also been known that some of the risk factors and their correlation may cause the increasement of the risk factor toward fractures not having the connection with the bone mass and T-score. Researchment aims: 1. Determine bone mass in postmenopausal women using double X absorption densitometry. 2. Analyse distribution of risk factors in patients whith the T-score below -2.5 SD comparing to the patients with T-score above -1.0SD. 3. Determine the relation between statistical space made by individual and associated risk factors (with the characteristics of each of them) and the bone mass specified by densitometry. Material and methods of working: Researchment is outlined partly as prospective and partly as retrospective study which was carried out in patients in postmenopausal life period, aged 50-80. After applying double X absorption densitometry of lumbal spine and hip the examined patients did the questionnaire by themselves whith the help of nurses and doctors. After obtaining the data, patients were divided into two groups: with and without osteoporosis. There were 270 patients in the group with osteoporosis and 250 of them without it. Thereafter, the statistic data processing was carried out. After the overall analysis of obtained results of researchment, following conclusions were conducted: 1. It has been determined that 60 % of postmenopausal women of average age 67.0&plusmn;7.0 have osteoporosis, in other words, their T-score is &le; -2.5 SD. 2. There is statistically important relationship between the bone mass and following risk factors: positive family anamnesis to osteoporosis and fractures, body weight, height, previos fractures, frequent falls and reduction of height for more than 3 cm. 3. Analysing the risk factors, characteristics of persons with osteoporosis have been obtained: positive family anamnesis to osteoporosis and fractures, smaller body weight and height, the reduction in height for more than 3 cm, frequent falls and previous fractures. 4. Hyperthyroidism and hyperparathyroidism, rheumatoid arthritis and the usage of corticosteroid therapy are the risk factors more incident in the examined patients with osteoporosis. 5. Smoking, early menopause, allergy to milk with no adequate substitution of calcium and insufficient exposition to sun rays with no adequate substitution of vitamine D are the risk factors more incident in patients with osteoporosis. 6. The largest contribution to the total makes positive family anamnesis to osteoporosis and fractures (20.99%), followed by body weight, height, Body mass index (19.03%), previos fractures, frequent falls and reduction in height for more than 3 cm (18.41%), smoking and insufficient physical activity (12.75%), allergy to milk and insufficient exposition to the sun (12.14%), early menopause (8.72%), hyperthyroidism and hyperparathyroidism, rheumatoid arthritis (7.93%). 7. By the analysis of all three goups of features giving the largest cintribution to the total, it has been determined that positive family anamnesis to fractures (37.7%), and body weight (31.3%), present the major risk factors for osteoporosis. 8. By mathematical processing we obtain the formula which can with the probability of 64.0% predict osteoporosis, and with the probability of 73.2% the absence of osteoporosis, which can, among other things in our research to some extent, require relative necessity for introduction of antiosteoporotic therapy. The formula is +.214 O +.562 F +.202 R +.223 P +.335 S +.493 T +.057 V +.020. 9. It is necessary to test the formula obtained in examined patients and continue the reseachment, on larger sample, of risk factors which have not shown statistic importance.</p>

Svetlosni program, gustina naseljenosti i sastav obroka u funkciji proizvodnih parametara,kvaliteta mesa i dobrobiti brojlerskih pilića / Lightening program, stocking density and diet composition in the function of production parameters, meat quality and welfare of broiler chickens

Veljić Miljan 30 September 2016 (has links)
<p>Cilj istraţivanja bio je da se ispita uticaj svetlosnog programa (konstantnog &ndash; KS i opadajuĆe- rastuĆeg - ORS), gustine obroka i gustine naseljenosti i njihove interakcije na proizvodne i klaniČne osobine brojlerskih piliĆa, kvalitet mesa i o&scaron;teĆenje tabanskih jastuČiĆa.<br />Istraţivanja su sprovedena na farmi piliĆa Donji Crnci nadomak Podgorice u tri ogleda: u prvom su ispitivani efekti svetlosnog programa i gustine obroka, u drugom programi svetla i gustina naseljenosti piliĆa, a u treĆem program svetla i gustina obroka (sme&scaron;e sa standardnim i poveĆanim sadrţajem energije i proteina, pri Čemu je odnos energija : protein bio konstantan). U svakom ogledu bilo je 320 piliĆa linijskog hibrida Cobb 500, me&scaron;anih po polu, a ogledi su trajali 42 dana. U sva tri ogleda formirane su po Četiri grupe sa Četiri ponavljanja i u svakoj grupi bilo je 80 jednodnevnih piliĆa.<br />Proizvodni parametri (telesna masa, utro&scaron;ak hrane i uginuĆa) praĆeni su u svim ogledima, a izraČunati su konverzija hrane i proizvodni indeks. Telesne mase su merene u uzrastu od 1; 7; 14; 21; 28; 35 i 42 dana. Utro&scaron;ak hrane utvrčivan je na kraju perioda primene pojedinih sme&scaron;a, i to: 14. dana koliČina konzumirane starter sme&scaron;e, 35. dana grovera i 42. dana fini&scaron;er sme&scaron;e. Mortalitet je odrečivan beleţenjem broja uginulih piliĆa u toku trajanja ogleda. Na osnovu telesnih masa, konverzije hrane i mortaliteta izraČunati su proizvodni indeksi.<br />Na kraju svakog ogleda, sa 6 nedelja starosti, piliĆi su izmereni pojedinaČno, izraČunati su proseci tretmana, a zatim je od svakog tretmana izdvojeno 20 piliĆa (10 mu&scaron;kih i 10 ţenskih) radi ispitivanja klaniČnih karakteristika. Pre klanja piliĆi su gladovali 12 sati. Nakon klanja i Či&scaron;Ćenja trupovi su ohlačeni na 40C u toku 24 sata, a potom obračeni kao: &bdquo;klasiČna obrada&rdquo; &bdquo;spremno za peČenje&rdquo; i &bdquo;spremno za ro&scaron;tilj&rdquo;.<br />Pri konfekcioniranju trupova izdvojena je abdominalna mast, izmerene mase obračenih trupova i dobijeni randmani. Radi utvrčivanja prinosa i udela osnovnih i sporednih delova trupa izvr&scaron;eno je rasecanje ohlačenih trupova. Ocena konformacije trupova izvr&scaron;ena je na osnovu utvrčenih apsolutnih mera: duţine piska, duţina kobilice, dubina grudi i obim bataka. Kori&scaron;Ćen je indeks koji predstavlja odnos ţive mase pre klanja i posmatrane mere (g/mm).<br />U ogledu II izvr&scaron;eno je i fiziČko ispitivanje kostiju, na femuru nakon izdvajanja od skeleta brojlera, a u ogledu III odrečeni su sadrţaj vlage, sadrţaj ukupne masti, ukupnog pepela i ukupnih proteina belog i crvenog mesa, na uzorcima mi&scaron;iĆnog tkiva grudi i karabataka od 5 mu&scaron;kih i 5 ţenskih trupova u svakom tretmanu (ukupno 20).</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>Rezultati ukazuju da svetlosni program nije statistiČki znaČajno uticao na zavr&scaron;ne telesne mase u ogledima I i II, dok su u ogledu III veĆe mase utvrčene kod piliĆa tovljenih pri KS. Primena ORS uticala je na usporavanje stope rasta u prvom periodu tova, a kao rezultat kompenzacionog porasta bez uticaja na zavr&scaron;ne mase, sem u treĆem ogledu. Bolju konverziju hrane u periodu ishrane fini&scaron;erom postigli su piliĆi u ogledu I pri ORS nego pri KS, kao i u ishrani starterom u ogledu III. Svetlosni programi u ogledu II nisu uticali na konverziju hrane i mortalitet piliĆa.<br />Gustina obroka nije uticala na zavr&scaron;ne mase, konverziju hrane, mortalitet i proizvodni indeks. Kod piliĆa hranjenih obrocima sa vi&scaron;im sadrţajem proteina i energije utvrčene su veĆe telesne mase na kraju tova (P&lt;0.01). Gustina obroka u ogledima I i III nije imala uticaj na konverziju hrane, mortalitet i proizvodni indeks. Znatno je veĆa zavr&scaron;na masa piliĆa tovljenih pri gustini naseljenosti od 12 grla/m2 (2667,08 g) nego pri 17 grla/m2 (2435,76 g) i razlike su bile statistiČki visoko znaČajne. Nije utvrčen uticaj gustine naseljenosti na konverziju hrane, mortalitet i proizvodni indeks.<br />Ispitivani faktori (svetlo, gustina obroka i gustina naseljenosti) nisu uticali na randmane, ali jesu interakcije nekih od njih. U svim ogledima utvrčen je manji udeo abdominalne masti pri ORS nego pri KS, ali bez statistiČke znaČajnosti. Gustina obroka i gustina naseljenosti nisu uticali na sadrţaj abdominalne masti. VeĆi je sadrţaj abdominalne masti u svim ogledima bio kod ţenskih nego mu&scaron;kih piliĆa. Udeo grudi veĆi je pri KS nego pri ORS, ali su razlike statistiČki znaČajne samo u treĆem ogledu. Gustina obroka i gustina naseljenosti nisu uticale na udeo grudi. Udeo bataka bio je veĆi kod piliĆa tovljenih pri ORS nego pri KS, ali su razlike statistiČki znaČajne samo u prvom ogledu. Udeo karabataka u prvom i drugom ogledu nije se znaČajno razlikovao izmeču svetlosnih programa, dok je u treĆem bio veĆi pri ORS nego pri KS (P&lt;0.01). Nije utvrčen uticaj gustine naseljenosti i gustine obroka na udeo bataka i karabataka. Kod mu&scaron;kih piliĆa utvrčen je veĆi udeo bataka, a kod ţenskih karabataka.<br />Relativne vrednosti mera konformacije nisu bile pod uticajem svetlosnih programa i gustine obroka, osim &scaron;to je pri manjoj gustini naseljenosti relativna vrednost dubine grudi bila veĆa (P&lt;0.05). Na o&scaron;teĆenje tabanskih jastuČiĆa nije utvrčen uticaj svetla i gustine obroka, ali su piliĆi pri veĆim gustinama naseljenosti, poČev od 28. dana, imali znatno veĆa o&scaron;teĆenja tabanskih jastuČiĆa nego pri manjoj gustini.<br />Svetlosni program i gustina naseljenosti nisu uticali na fiziČke osobine femura: povr&scaron;inu preseka, silu loma i specifiČnu silu loma. Mu&scaron;ki piliĆi imali su veĆi povr&scaron;inu preseka i silu loma femura, razlike za povr&scaron;inu preseka su statistiČki znaČajne, ali ne i za silu loma.<br />Procenat masti u tamnom mesu bio je veĆi, a proteina niţi pri ORS nego pri KS. Ostali parametri hemijske analize tamnog i belog mesa nisu bili pod uticajem svetlosnih programa. Gustina obroka nije imala uticaj na hemijski sastav mesa grudi i karabataka.<br />Na osnovu svega iznesenog moţe se zakljuČiti da su sva tri faktora (svetlosni program, gustina obroka i gustina naseljenosti), kao i njihove interakcije, uticali na brojne proizvodne parametre i kvalitet mesa brojlera, pa i na njihovu dobrobit u razliČitim fazama tova. ImajuĆi u vidu ogromne razlike u efektima koji se mogu postiĆi pri razliČitim kombinacijama ovih Činilaca, rezultati ovih i sliČnih istraţivanja treba da olak&scaron;aju izbor tehnologije koja Će davati najbolje ekonomske efekte u tovu piliĆa. Takoče, tamo gde su rezultati nejasni ili kontradiktorni, treba nastaviti istraţivanja na veĆem broju jedinki i fokusirati se na ekonomski vaţnije proizvodne i klaniČne osobine piliĆa.</p> / <p>The purpose of the research was to investigate the effect of the lighting program (constant &ndash; KS and intermittent &ndash; ORS), feed density and stocking density and their interaction with production and slaughterhouse characteristics of broiler chicken, meat quality and feet pad damage.<br />The research was conducted on a chicken farm Donji Crnci in the vicinity of Podgorica, in three trials: the first trial focused on effects of the lighting program and feed density, the second on the lighting program and stocking density and the third on the lighting program and the feed density (mixes with standard and increased content of energy and protein, with a constant energy:protein ratio). Each of the trials included 320 chicken of the Cobb 500 hybrid line, mixed sexes; trials lasted for 42 days. In all three trials, four groups were formed with four repetitions and each group included 80 one-day chickens.<br />Production parameters (weight, feed consumption and deaths) were monitored in all trials and feed conversion ratio and production index were calculated. Weight was measured when broilers were 1; 7; 14; 21; 28; 35 and 42 days old. Feed consumption was determined at the end of the use of specific mixes, as follows: 14th day the quantity of starter mix consumed, 35th day the quantity of grower mix consumed and 42nd day quantity of the finisher mix. Mortality rate was determined by recording the number of chicken that died during the trial. Production indices were calculated based on weight, food conversion ratio and mortality.<br />At the end of all trials, at 6 weeks of age, the chickens were measured individually, group averages were calculated and then by random sampling, 20 chicken were taken from each group (10 males and 10 females) in order to analyse slaughter characteristics. Pre-slaughter fasting lasted for 12 hours. After slaughter and cleaning, the carcasses were cooled to 40C over 24 hours and then processed as: &ldquo;classical processing&rdquo;, &ldquo;ready to grill&rdquo; and &ldquo;barbecue ready&rdquo;.<br />In carcass processing, abdominal fat was taken out, weight of processed carcases measured and carcass yield values were obtained. In order to determine the yield and share of the main and secondary parts of the carcass, cooled carcasses were cut out. Evaluation of carcass conformation was done on the basis of absolute measures of the following: metatarsus length, keel length, breast depth and drumsticks circumference. Index representing the ratio of live weight before slaughter and measure observed was used (g/mm).<br />In Trial II, physical examination of bones was done, on femur, upon separation from the broiler skeleton, and in Trial III moisture content, total fat content, total ash content and total protein of white and red meat was determined on samples of muscle tissue of breasts and thighs of 5 male and 5 female carcasses in each of the treatments (20 in total).<br />The results show that lighting program had no statistically significant effect on final body weight in Trials I and II, while in Trial III, higher weights were recorded in chicken fattened under KS. ORS resulted in slowing down of the growth rate in the first fattening period, and as a result of compensatory growth it had no effect on final weights, except in the third trial. Better food conversion ratio in the period of finisher mix diet was achieved by chicken in Trial I under ORS than those under KS, as well as in starter mix diet in Trial III. Lighting program in Trial II had no effect on food conversion ratio and mortality of chicken. Feed density did not have an effect on final weights, feed conversion, mortality and production index. In chicken fed with meals with higher protein and energy content, higher weight was recorded at the end of the fattening period (P&lt;0.01). Feed density in Trials I and III did not have an effect on feed conversion ratio, mortality and production index. Significantly higher weight was recorded in chicken fattened at the stocking density of 12 animals/m2 (2667.08 g) than at the density of 17 animals/m2 (2435.76<br />8<br />g) and differences had statistically high significance. No effect of stocking density was identified in terms of feed conversion, mortality and production index.<br />Factors analysed (light, feed density and stocking population) did not have an effect on carcass yield, but interactions of some of them did. In all the trials, a smaller share of abdominal fat was established under ORS than under KS, but it was not statistically significant. Feed density and stocking density had no effect on abdominal fat content. Higher abdominal fat content in all trials was found in female than in male chicken. The share of breasts is larger under KS than under ORS, but differences are statistically significant only in the Trial III. Feed density and stocking density had no effect on the share of breasts in the carcass. The share of drumsticks was higher in chicken fattened under ORS than those under KS, but differences were statistically significant only in the Trial I. The share of thighs in Trials I and II did not differ significantly between lighting programs, while in the Trial III it was higher under ORS than under KS (P&lt;0.01). Effect of stocking density and feed density on the share of drumsticks and thighs was not determined. Higher share of drumsticks was determined in male chicken while in female, the share of thighs was higher.<br />Relative values of conformation measures were not influenced by the light programs and feed density, except that in lower stocking density the relative value of the breast depth was higher (P&lt;0.05). Effect of light and feed density on feet pads damage was not determined, but chicken in higher stocking density, as of 28th day, had significantly higher feet pad damage than those in lower stocking density.<br />Light program and stocking density did not have an effect on physical properties of femur: cross-sectional area, breaking force and specific breaking force. Male chicken had larger cross-sectional area and femur breaking force, differences in cross-sectional area were statistically significant, but this was not the case with the breaking force.<br />Percentage of fat in dark meat was higher and that of proteins lower under ORS than under KS. Other parameters of the chemical analysis of dark and white meat were not under the influence of the light programs. Feed density had no effect on chemical composition of breasts and thighs meat.<br />Based on all stated above, it can be concluded that all three factors (light program, feed density and stocking density) as well as their interactions had effect on numerous production parameters and quality of broiler meat, including on their welfare in different fattening phases. Taking into account enormous differences in effects that may be achieved in different combinations of these factors, the results of these and similar researches should make easier the selection of the technology that would yield the best economic effects in chicken fattening. Furthermore, where results are unclear or contradictory, further research should be conducted on a larger number of animals and focus on economically more significant production and slaughterhouse characteristics of chicken.</p>

Uticaj modela programa vežbanja na koštanu gustinu i biohemijske markere koštanog remodelovanja kod žena u pre- i postmenopauzi / The effects of the model of exercise program onbone mineral density and biochemical markers of bone turnover in pre- and postmenopausal women

Marijanac Ana 24 September 2018 (has links)
<p>Generalni cilj ovog istraživanja je da se utvrdi da li postoji uticaj primenjenog<br />programa vežbanja na parametre ko&scaron;tane gustine i biohemijske markere ko&scaron;tanog<br />remodelovanja kod žena u periodu premenopauze i postmenopauze.<br />Uzorak ispitanica je činilo 26 žena starosti 45 do 55 godina, od kojih su 13 u periodu<br />premenopauze, a 13 u periodu postmenopauze. Ispitanice su učestvovale u programu vežbanja<br />u trajanju od 6 meseci, koji se realizovao u Novom Sadu, 4 puta nedeljno u trajanju od sat<br />vremena. Za utvrđivanje uticaja programa vežbanja na ko&scaron;tanu gustinu merena su 3<br />osteodenzitometrijska parametra na kičmi, vratu butne kosti i kuku i 5 parametara<br />biohemijskih markera ko&scaron;tanog remodelovanja.<br />Da bi se utvrdio uticaj vežbanja kod ispitanica, primenjena je multivarijatna analize<br />varijanse (MANOVA). Na celokupnom uzorku ispitanica nije utvrđena statistički značajna<br />razlika ni u jednom merenom parametru ko&scaron;tane gustine. U odnosu na biohemijske markere,<br />do&scaron;lo je do značajnog smanjenja nivoa ukupne alkalne fosfataze. Kod žena u periodu<br />premenopauze i kod žena u periodu postmenopauze, program vežbanja nije značajno uticao<br />na parametre ko&scaron;tane gustine merene na kičmi, vratu butne kosti i kuku (DXA, Lunar<br />Prodrigy), kao ni na parametre biohemijskih markera ko&scaron;tanog remodelovanja.<br />Primenom multivarijatne analize kovarijanse (MANCOVA) utvrđena je značajna<br />razlika u uticaju programa vežbanja između žena u pre- i postmenopauzi u mineralnoj<br />ko&scaron;tanoj gustini vrata butne kosti (BMD VF) i markera beta-crosslaps (CTX). Mineralna<br />ko&scaron;tana gustina je nakon programa vežbanja veća, a nivo beta-crosslapsa niži kod žena u<br />premenopauzi nego kod žena u periodu postmenopauze.<br />Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata, zaključujemo da je potreban duži vremenski period<br />realizacije programa vežbanja kako bi se mogla primetiti statistički značajna promena<br />merenih parametara. Ispitanicama se savetuje da nastave sa vežbanjem kako bi usporile<br />gubitak kosti</p> / <p>The genaral aim of this research is to determine is there an effects of the applied exercise<br />program on bone mineral density and and biochemical markers of bone turnover in the<br />premenopausal and postmenopausal period.<br />The sample was consisted of 26 women aged 45 to 55 years, of which 13 were in<br />premenopausal and 13 in postmenopausal period. Subjects were included (had performing) in 6-month<br />exercise program, which was implemented (maintained) in Novi Sad, 4 times a week in duration for an<br />hour. Three osteodensitometric parameters on lumbar spine, femoral neck and hip (DXA, Lunar<br />Prodrigy) and five parameters of biochemical markers of bone turnover were measured to assessed<br />(to determine) the effects of exercise program on bone density.<br />Multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) was used to determine the effect of exercise.<br />For the entire sample of subjects, there were no statistically significant difference in any measured<br />bone density parameter, but looking at biochemical markers, total alkaline phosphatase level were<br />significanly reduced. There were no significant changes in bone density parameters on the lumbar<br />spine, femoral neck and hip nor on the parameters of biochemical markers of bone turnover in women<br />in premenopausal and postmenopausal period.<br />Applying multivariate analyse of covariance it was found a significant difference in the<br />exercise program effect between pre- and postmenopausal women in bone mineral density of femoral<br />neck (BMD VF) and beta-crosslaps marker of turnover (CTX). Femoral neck BMD was higher, and<br />beta-crosslaps level was lower in premenopausal women than in postmenopausal women after<br />completion exercise program.<br />Based on obtained results, we conclude that is required a longer perod of exercise program<br />ralization in order to notice a statistically significant change in measured parameters. Subjects are<br />advised to continue their exercising in order to slow down the bone loss</p>

Povezanost funkcijskog stanja šake u osteoartrozi i koštane mase merene centralnom dvostrukom apsorpciometrijom X-zraka kosti kod žena u postmenopauzi / The link between hand functionality in osteoarthritis and bone density in postmenopausal women as measured by central dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry

Zvekić-Svorcan Jelena 11 March 2019 (has links)
<p>UVOD: Artroza &scaron;aka predstavlja jednu od najče&scaron;ćih mi&scaron;ićno-skeletnih bolesti. Manifestuje se bolom, nekada otokom, deformacijom i gubitkom funkcije &scaron;aka. Postoje različita mi&scaron;ljenja o povezanosti osteoartroze (OA) i osteoporoze (OP) kao dva najče&scaron;a skeletna poremećaja. CILJ: istraživanja je da se utvrde faktori rizika za nastanak OA &scaron;aka, uporedi mineralna ko&scaron;tana gustina kod pacijenata sa OA &scaron;aka sa kontrolnom grupom i utvrdi značaj metaboličkog sindroma kod pacijenata sa OA &scaron;aka. MATERIJAL I METODE: Istraživanje je obavljeno u periodu od jedne godine kod bolesnika sa OA &scaron;aka &ndash; eksperimentalna grupa, i u kontrolnoj grupi bez OA. OA &scaron;aka je definisana na osnovu bola, klinički prisutnih deformiteta &scaron;aka kod žena u postmenopauzi starosne dobi od 60-70 godina i radiografskih promena ( drugog do četvrtog stepena prema Kellgren-Lowrencovoj skali). Analizirani su faktori rizika odgovorni za nastanak OA &scaron;aka, povezanost OA &scaron;aka sa snagom stiska &scaron;ake, mineralnom ko&scaron;tanom gustinom i metaboličkim sindromom. Analazirirana je i funkcija &scaron;ake pomoću tri validirana upitnika: Michigan Hand Outcomes Questionnaire (MHQ, Duruoz Hand Indeks (DHI), Health Assessment Questionnaire (PROMIS HAQ). Statistička obrada podataka rađena je u programu SPSS verzija 25. REZULTATI: Prosečna starost pacijentkinja je bila 65,89&plusmn;3,67 godina. Eksperimentalna i kontrola grupa se statistički razlikuju prema porodičnoj anamnezi o strukturnim promenama zglobova &scaron;aka, prema bolnosti &scaron;aka u miru, bolnosti &scaron;aka pri palpaciji, uzdržavanju od pokreta prstiju &scaron;aka, snage stiska &scaron;ake, metaboličkom sindromu( p&lt;0,001). Kao značajni prediktori za nastanak osteoartroze &scaron;aka su se izdvojili pozitivna porodična anamneza o strukturnim promenama za zglobovima &scaron;aka i metabolički sindrom ( p&lt;0,001). Utvrđen je veći broj ispitanica sa normalnom ko&scaron;tanom gustinom u kontrolnoj grupi. Eksperimentalna grupa bolesnica imala je lo&scaron;iju funkciju &scaron;ake, odnosno lo&scaron;iji skor primenom validiranih upitnika ( p &lt;0,001). ZAKLJUČAK: Pacijentkinje sa izraženom osteoartrozom &scaron;aka imaju smanjenu funkciju &scaron;ake, če&scaron;ći metabolički sindrom u odnosu na kontrolnu grupu, ali ne i značajno nižu ko&scaron;tanu gustinu.</p> / <p>INTRODUCTION: Arthritis of the hand is one of the most common musculoskeletal disorders. It manifests as pain, sometimes accompanied by swelling and deformities, which may lead to the loss of hand function. However, there is no consensus on the relationship between osteoarthritis (OA) and osteoporosis (OP) as the two most common skeletal disorders. AIMS: The study aim was to determine the risk factors related to the development of OA in the hand, as well as compare the bone density in patients with hand OA (HOA) with that measured in the control group and establish the significance of metabolic syndrome in the HOA group. MATERIAL AND METHODS: The study was conducted over a 12-month period and included a sample comprising of the experimental (patients affected by HOA) and the control (individuals with no evidence of HOA) group. HOA was diagnosed based on the reported pain, clinical evidence of hand deformities in postmenopausal women aged 60&minus;70, and radiological evidence of physiological changes (Grade II to IV, based on the Kellgren-Lowrence scale). The risk factors for the development of HOA were analyzed, along with the link between HOA and hand grip strength, bone mineral density and metabolic syndrome. Analyses also included had function, as determined by three validated questionnaires: Michigan Hand Outcomes Questionnaire (MHQ), Duruoz Hand Index (DHI), and Health Assessment Questionnaire (PROMIS HAQ). Statistical analyses were performed using the SPSS version 25 computer software. RESULTS: The average age of the sample was 65.89&plusmn;3.67 years. There were statically significant differences between the experimental and the control group with respect to the family history of structural changes in the hand joints, perceived hand pain at rest and when palpated, reluctance to utilize fingers, hand grip strength, and metabolic syndrome (p &lt; 0.001). Family history of structural changes to the hand joints and metabolic syndrome emerged as the strongest predictors of the osteoarthritis of the hand development (p &lt; 0.001). A greater number of the control group members had normal bone mineral density, while the patients assigned to the experimental group had inferior hand function, as determined by the score on the aforementioned validated questionnaires (p &lt; 0.001). CONCLUSION: Postmenopausal women with pronounced osteoarthritis of the hand have reduced hand function, and are more likely to suffer from a metabolic syndrome relative to the control group, while the differences in bone mineral density are not statistically significant.</p>

Uticaj terapije inhibitora faktora tumorske nekroze na mineralnu koštanu gustinu i koštane biohemijske markere-prokolagen tip 1N-terminalni propeptid i beta-crosslaps kod bolesnica sa reumatoidnim artritisom / Effect of tumor necrosis factor inhibitor therapy on bone mineral density and biochemical markers in bone - procollagen type 1 Nterminal propeptide and beta-crosslaps in female patients suffering from rheumatoid arthritis

Janković Tanja 13 May 2020 (has links)
<p>Reumatoidni artritis (RA) je hronično inflamatorno oboljenje zglobova koji nastaje usled poremećaja u regulaciji imunskih mehanizama. TNF-alfa jedan je od ključnih medijatora inflamacije u RA, a koji preko složenih mehanizama podstiče aktivnost osteoklasta koji dovodi do poremećaja u procesu ko&scaron;tanog remodelovanja u pravcu povećane ko&scaron;tane resorpcije koji se klinički može pratiti određivanjem nivoa markera ko&scaron;tane resorpcije i ko&scaron;tanog formiranja u urinu i serumu. Primenom TNF inhibitora započeo je novi koncept lečenja RA. Cilj rada: Utvrditi razliku mineralne ko&scaron;tane gustine (BMDg/cm2) i vrednosti ko&scaron;tanih biohemijskih markera-prokolagen tip 1N-terminalni propeptid (P1NP) i beta-crosslapsa pre uvođenja terapije, i nakon godinu dana sprovedene terapije TNF inhibitorima. Metode: Studija je sprovedena u Specijalnoj bolnici za reumatske bolesti Novi Sad jednim delom kao retrospektivno, a drugim delom prospektivno istraživanje, koje je obuhvatilo 50 bolesnica sa dijagnozom reumatoidnog artritisa kod kojih je postojala indikacija za uvođenje lekova iz grupe TNF inhibitora. Da bi u&scaron;le u studiju bolesnice su morale da ispune određene uključne/isključne kriterijume koji su bili vezani za dužinu trajanja RA i menopauze, način lečenja RA, stepen o&scaron;tećenja zglobova i prisutnost drugih oboljenja sa reperkusijom na ko&scaron;tano tkivo. Pored reumatolo&scaron;kog i fizikalnog pregleda određivani su faktori rizika za osteoporozu i prelome. Na početku i na kraju godinu dana po uvođenju terapije TNF inhibitora rađena je osteodenzitometrija na aparatu tipa &bdquo;Lunar&ldquo; merena na lumbalnoj kičmi i kuku kao i određivanje biohemijskih markera u serumu prokolagen tip 1 N-terminalni propeptid (P1NP) i betacrosslapsa ECLIA metodom. Rezultati: Prosečna starost bolesnica bila je 51,5 godina koje su u 84%, bolovale od RA do 5 godina kod kojih je u najvećem procentu dužina trajanja menopauze bila do dve godine, a u svojoj terapiji pored metotreksata su imale uključen TNF inhibitor, Etanercept 34%, Adalimubam 46%, Golimubam 9% i 2% Infliksimab.Pre uvođenja biolo&scaron;ke terapije najveći broj bolesnica 80% imalo je osteopeniju, 14% normalan nalaz, dok je osteoporoza zabeležena kod 6% bolesnica. Na kraju jednogodi&scaron;nje primene TNF inhibitora 18% bolesnica je imalo normalan osteodenzitometrijski nalaz, 78 % osteopeniji, a 4% osteoporozu. Ova promena je statistički značajna ( p=0,000). Nakon jednogodi&scaron;nje primene TNF inhibitora nije do&scaron;lo do smanjenja vrednosti BMD (g/cm&sup2;) merenog na lumbalnom delu kičme i kuka. Beleži se statističko značajno povećanje vrednosti T- skora (SD) merenog na lumbalnom delu kičme i vratu butne kosti. Vrednost ko&scaron;tanih biohemijskih markera P1NP i beta crosslapsa značajno su povećani nakon jednogodi&scaron;nje primene TNF inhibitora, pri čemu se beleži veće povećanje biohemijskog markera ko&scaron;tane sinteze, P1NP. Zaključak: Savremeni pristup lečenja reumatoidnog artritisa podrazumeva primenu biolo&scaron;kih lekova kao &scaron;to su TNF inhibitori koji značajno suzbijaju inflamaciju i dovode do smanjenja odnosa RANKL/OPG sistema, čime se inhibira dejstvo osteoklasta i sprečava gubitak mineralne ko&scaron;tane gustine. Primena TNF inhibitora nakon godinu dana sprečila je pad vrednosti BMD (g/cm&sup2;), povećana je vrednost T- skora (SD) i vrednosti ko&scaron;tanih biohemijskih markera, posebno markera ko&scaron;tane sinteze. Uprkos velikom broju studija vezanih za dejstvo TNF inhibitora na kost, za sada nema dovoljan broj istraživanja o njegovom uticaju na sprečavanju osteoporoze i preloma kostiju i nivou vrednosti ko&scaron;tanih biohemijskih markera posebno u dužem periodu praćenja, &scaron;to će biti verovatno predmet daljih istraživanja.</p> / <p>Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a chronic inflammatory joint disease resulting from compromised regulation of immune mechanisms. TNF-alpha is one of the key inflammation mediators in RA that, through complex mechanisms stimulates osteoclast activity, thereby modifying the bone remodeling process in the direction of increased bone resorption that can be clinically monitored by determining the level of bone resorption and bone formation markers in urine and serum. Use of TNF has initiated a new concept in RA treatment. Aims: To determine the differences in bone mineral density (BMD, g/cm2) and values of biochemical markers in bone procollagentype 1 N-terminal propeptide(P1NP) and betacrosslaps before and after yearlong TNF inhibitor therapy. Methods: The study was conducted at the Special Hospital for Rheumatic Diseases Novi Sad partly as retrospective and partly as prospective research, which involved 50 female patients diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis in whom introduction of medications from the TNF inhibitor group was indicated. To be included in the study, patients had to meet certain inclusion/exclusion criteria related to RA and menopause duration, RA treatment, degree of joint impairment, and presence of comorbidities with repercussions for bone tissues. In addition to rheumatological and physical examinations, risk factors for osteoporosis and fractures were determined. At the beginning and one year after commencing TNF inhibitor therapy, osteodensitometry was performed using &ldquo;Lunar&rdquo; apparatus, taking measurements on lumbar spine and hip, and serum levels of biochemical markers procollagentype 1 Nterminal propeptide(P1NP) and beta-crosslaps were determined via ECLIA method. Results: Mean patient age was 51.5 years, 84% of whom suffered from RA for up to 5 years, and in the greatest percentage experienced menopause for two years, receiving therapy that in addition to methotrexate included a TNF inhibitor, Etanercept 34%, Adalimumab 46%, Golimumab 9%, and 2% Infliximab. Prior to commencing biological therapy, majority of patients 80% suffered from osteopenia, 14% had normal findings, and osteoporosis was recorded in 6% of patients. At the end of yearlong TNF inhibitor therapy, 18% of patients had normal osteodensitometry findings, 78% had osteopenia and 4% osteoporosis. This change was statistically significant (p = 0.000). As a result of yearlong TNF inhibitor therapy no reduction occurred in BMD (g/cm&sup2;) values in lumbar spine and hip. Statistically significantly higher T scores (SD) pertaining to lumbar spine and femur were measured. Values of biochemical markers P1NP and beta-crosslaps significantly improved after yearlong TNF inhibitor therapy, whereby a greater increase was recorded in the biochemical bone synthesis marker, P1NP. Conclusion: Advanced rheumatoid arthritis treatment involves the use of biological compounds such as TNF inhibitors that significantly suppress inflammation and reduce the RANKL/OPG ratio, thereby inhibiting osteoclast activity and preventing bone mineral loss. TNF inhibitor therapy after one year prevented reduction in the BMD (g/cm&sup2;) levels, while increasing the T score (SD) and bone biochemical marker values, bone synthesis marker in particular. Despite a large number of studies related to the TNF inhibitor effect on bone, there is presently not enough research on its influence on osteoporosis and bone fracture prevention and bone biochemical marker levels, especially over longer periods, which will likely be the topic of further research.</p>

Uticaj statusa vitamina D na metaboličku aktivnost kosti i koštanu masu kod bolesnika sa alkoholnom cirozom jetre / Effects of vitamin D status on bone metabolism and bone mass in patients with alcoholic liver cirrhosis

Savić Željka 27 October 2014 (has links)
<p>Uvod: Hepatička osteodistrofija je termin koji obuhvata metaboličke bolesti kosti udružene sa hroničnim bolestima jetre. U alkoholnoj cirozi (AC) jetre postoji visoka zastupljenost deficijencije vitamina D proporcionalna stepenu disfunkcije jetre, ali njena uloga u patogenezi hepatičke osteodistrofije nije dovoljno obja&scaron;njena. Nivo 25(OH)D odražava status vitamina D. Kod AC jetre izmenjena je metabolička aktivnost kosti i suprimirano je formiranje kosti &scaron;to dovodi do smanjenja ko&scaron;tane mase. U centru interesovanja je postizanje optimalnog statusa vitamina D. Stavovi o suplementaciji vitaminom D kod AC jetre nisu jasno definisani. Cilj rada: Utvrditi nivo vitamina D, ispitati metaboličku aktivnost kosti i mineralnu gustinu kosti kod bolesnika sa AC jetre. Utvrditi efekte suplementacije sa 1000 IU vitamina D3 na dan tokom godinu dana u odnosu na metaboličku aktivnost kosti i mineralnu gustinu kosti kod ispitivanih bolesnika. Bolesnici i metode: Istraživanje je sprovedeno na Klinici za gastroenterologiju i hepatologiju Kliničkog centra Vojvodine u Novom Sadu kao prospektivna intervencijska studija sa primenom suplementacije sa 1000 IU vitamina D3 na dan kod bolesnika sa AC jetre. Grupu bolesnika koja je uključena u istraživanje (1) činilo je 70 bolesnika mu&scaron;kog pola sa dijagnozom AC jetre. Bolesnici su imali četiri pregleda (P), odnosno tačke studije: P1-uključivanje bolesnika i započinjanje suplementacije vitaminom D; P2, P3 i P4 posle tri, &scaron;est i dvanaest meseci suplementacije vitaminom D, redom. Prilikom svakog pregleda rađene su analize funkcije jetre, metabolizma kosti i statusa vitamina D. Na početku (P1) i na kraju istraživanja (P4) vr&scaron;eno je merenje mineralne gustine kosti (BMD) DXA metodom. Gubitak bolesnika od P1 do P4 bio je dvadeset, na različitim tačkama studije. Prvi deo istraživanja odnosi se na Grupu bolesnika koja je uključena u istraživanje (1) i zavr&scaron;ila prvi pregled (P1). Pedeset bolesnika je zavr&scaron;ilo kompletno istraživanje po predviđenom protokolu i oni se zbog realizacije svih pregleda i ponovljenih merenja posmatraju kao: Grupa bolesnika koja je zavr&scaron;ila istraživanje (2). Rezultati: (1): Kod bolesnika sa AC jetre utvrđena je deficijencija vitamina D, snižen nivo osteokalcina, normalni nivoi CrossLapsa, PTH, ukupnog i jonizovanog kalcijuma, fosfora i magnezijuma. Osteopeniju je imalo 42,65% a osteoporozu 14,71% ispitanika. Kod svih ispitanika najniži BMD izmeren je na vratu femura. (2): Suplementacija vitaminom D dovela je do značajnog porasta 25(OH)D. U odnosu na osteokalcin konstatovana je pozitivna razlika vrednosti P1/P4, iako je nivo ostao ispod donje granice normale. Kod nivoa CrossLapsa i PTH razlika P1/P4 je negativna, ali su nivoi u sva četiri merenja u okviru referentnih vrednosti. Na lumbalnoj kičmi do&scaron;lo je do pobolj&scaron;anja BMD za 0.87%, a pogor&scaron;anja su na vratu femura -1.87 % i kuku -1.65%. Konstatovano je i pobolj&scaron;anje funkcije jetre. Zaključci: Kod bolesnika sa AC jetre pobolj&scaron;anje statusa vitamina D dovodi do povećanja formiranja kosti i pobolj&scaron;anja ko&scaron;tane mase na lumbalnoj kičmi. Neophodno je određivanje statusa vitamina D kod svih bolesnika sa AC jetre i uvođenje suplementacije vitaminom D kod bolesnika koji imaju nivo 25(OH)D &lt; 80 nmol/l, uz tromesečne kontrole efekta. Kod postavljanja dijagnoze AC jetre potrebno je inicijalno određivanje BMD. Kod suplementacije vitaminom D nakon inicijalnog DXA pregleda sledeći se preporučuje nakon jedne do dve godine.</p> / <p>Introduction: The term Hepatic osteodystrophy defines a group of metabolic bone diseases associated with underlying chronic liver disease. Alcoholic liver cirrhosis (ALC) is characterized by high incidence of vitamin D deficiency that is proportional to the level of liver failure; however, its role in the pathogenesis of hepatic osteodystrophy has not yet been fully elucidated. The level of 25(OH)D best reflects the vitamin D status. ALC is characterized by changed bone metabolic activity and suppressed bone formation, resulting in the decrease in bone mass. The key topic of interest is the achievement of optimal vitamin D status. The attitude of health professionals towards vitamin D supplementation in alcoholic liver cirrhosis has not yet been clearly defined. The aim of the research: Determining of vitamin D levels, investigating the metabolic activity of the bone and bone mass in patients with alcoholic liver cirrhosis (ALC); Determining the effects of vitamin D3 supplementation at the dose 1000 IU/day during a one-year period in relation to metabolic activity of the bone and bone mineral density (BMD) in the investigated patient population. Patients and methods: The research was conducted at the Clinic for Gastroenterology and Hepatology of the Clinical Centre of Vojvodina in Novi Sad. The research was designed as a prospective interventional study implicating vitamin D3 supplementation at the dose 1000 IU/day to patients with ALC. The investigated patient population (1) encompassed 70 male patients diagnosed with ALC. The patients underwent four examinations (P), that is, research phases: P1 &ndash; inclusion of the patient into the study and introduction of vitamin D supplementation; P2, P3 and P4 after 3, 6 and 12 months of vitamin D supplementation treatment, respectively. Each examination included the analysis of liver function, bone metabolism and vitamin D status. At the beginning (P1) and at the end (P4) of the investigation period, bone mineral density (BMD) was measured by means of dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry (DXA) method. Twenty patients dropped out from the research at different stages throughout the investigation period (P1 to P4). The first part of the investigation pertains to the Group of patients who were included into the study (1) and completed the first examination (P1). Fifty patients have completed the entire research according to the foreseen protocol encompassing all examinations and repeated measurements. These patients are considered a Group of patients who completed the research (2) Results: (1): In ALC patients, vitamin D deficiency and decreased osteocalcin levels were established, as well as normal levels of CrossLaps, PTH, total and ionized calcium, phosphorus and magnesium. Osteopenia and osteoporosis were established in 42.65% and 14.71% of patients, respectively. The lowest BMD was measured in the femoral neck in all patients. (2): Vitamin D supplementation resulted in significant increase in 25(OH)D. Analysis of osteocalcin level revealed positive P1/P4 difference, even though the level remained below the lower normal limit. The levels of CrossLaps and PTH revealed negative P1/P4 difference; however, the levels determined at all four measurements were within the reference values. An improvement of BMD for 0.87% was established in lumbar spine, whereas a decrease was noticed in femoral neck (1.87%) and hip (1.65%). Furthermore, an improvement of liver function was established. Conclusions: Improvement of vitamin D status in ALC patients results in an increase of bone formation and improvement of body mass in lumbar spine. Determining the vitamin D status in all patients with ALC is of outmost importance, as well as the vitamin D supplementation of patients with levels of 25(OH)D &lt; 80 nmol/l along with the monitoring of treatment outcome at three-month intervals. Establishment of the diagnosis of alcoholic liver cirrhosis should encompass initial measurement of BMD. In case of vitamin D supplementation treatment, the initial DXA examination should be repeated after the period of one to two years.</p>

Elektrostatička svojstva atoma sumpora u derivatima tiosemikarbazida / Electrostatic properties of the sulfur atom in the thiosemicarbazide derivatives

Francuski Bojana 10 December 2015 (has links)
<p>U ovoj doktorskoj disertaciji izloženi su rezultati&nbsp;analize eksperimentalno i teorijski dobijene&nbsp;raspodele gustine naelektrisanja dva derivata&nbsp;tiosemikarbazida, 4-metil-3-tiosemikarbazida&nbsp;(MeTSC) i 4-metil-3-tiosemikarbazon 2-piridinformamida (TSC4). &nbsp;Analiza&nbsp;eksperimentalno dobijene gustine naelektrisanja je&nbsp;zasnovana&nbsp; na preciznim &nbsp;podacima dobijenim&nbsp;difrakcijom rendgenskog zračenja visoke&nbsp;rezolucije. Teorijska istraživanja bazirana su na&nbsp;teorijskim strukturnim faktorima dobijenim&nbsp;primenom programa CRYSAL09 polazeći od&nbsp;geometrije&nbsp; molekula određene nakon multipol&nbsp;utačnjavanja eksperimentalno dobijene gustine&nbsp;naelektrisanja. Za opisivanje eksperimentalne i&nbsp;teorijske ukupne elektronske gustine kori&scaron;ćen je&nbsp;Hansen-Coppens-ov multipol-model.&nbsp; Takođe je&nbsp;urađena i topolo&scaron;ka analizahemijskih veza i&nbsp;interakcija &nbsp;i ispitivana su elektrostatička svojstva&nbsp;atoma sumpora.</p><p>Analizom eksperimentalne gustine&nbsp;naelektrisanja kristalnih struktura MeTSC i TSC4&nbsp;uočeno je da deformaciona gustina slobodnih&nbsp;elektronskih parova S atoma ima &nbsp;oblik torusa, da&nbsp;je unutar njega raspodela elektronske gustine&nbsp;nehomogena i da položaj samog torusa može biti&nbsp;ortogonalan (SalTSC) ili pod uglom (MeTSC,&nbsp;<br />TSC4).&nbsp; Na osnovu raspodele deformacione&nbsp;gustine i elektrostatičkog potencijala, kao &nbsp;i na&nbsp;osnovu topolo&scaron;ke analize ukupne eksperimentalne&nbsp;gustine naelektrisanja &rho;<sub>ktv</sub>&nbsp; i njenog Laplasijana &nabla;<sup>2</sup>&rho;<sub>ktv</sub> zaključeno je da atom sumpora ima izrazitu&nbsp;fleksibilnost i sposobnost da prilagodi svoju&nbsp;elektronsku gustinu slobodnih elektronskih &nbsp;parova&nbsp;prostornom rasporedu donornih grupa koje&nbsp;učestvuju u interakcijama sa S akceptorom.&nbsp; U&nbsp;kristalnim strukturama MeTSC i TSC4 utvrđeno&nbsp;je da S atom istovremeno gradi četiri, odnosno&nbsp;prosečno &scaron;est međumolekulskih interakcija.</p><p>U cilju upotpunjavanja eksperimentalnih&nbsp;rezultata analizirana je teorijski dobijena gustina&nbsp;naelektrisanja oba molekula, a zatim su ispitivane&nbsp;karakteristike sumpora kao akceptora i to u&nbsp;sistemima različite složensti polazeći od&nbsp;izolovanih monomera, preko izdvojenih dimer do&nbsp;kristalnogokruženja. Ovom analizom je utvrđeno&nbsp;da se simultanim angažovanjem S atoma u vi&scaron;e&nbsp;interakcija ne umanjuje njegova akceptorska&nbsp;sposobnost.</p><p>Vodonične vezekoje uključuju S akceptor su&nbsp;ispitivane sa aspekta &nbsp;energijskih svojstava dimera&nbsp;koji suprisutni u MeTSCi TSC4, kaoi u dodatno&nbsp;konstruisanim&nbsp; sistemima&nbsp; MeTSC/MeOH&nbsp; i&nbsp;aceton/MeOH. Energijske&nbsp; karakteristike&nbsp; su&nbsp;proučavane u pogledu elektrostatičke energije&nbsp;interakcije (E<sub>es</sub>) i kohezione energije(E<sub>coh</sub>). Za&nbsp;<br />dva odabrana&nbsp; MeTSC/MeOH i aceton/MeOH&nbsp;sistema je primenjena metoda &nbsp;kuplovanih klastera&nbsp;kao&scaron;to&nbsp; je&nbsp;<em> ab initio</em>&nbsp; CCSD(T)&nbsp; metod.&nbsp; Za&nbsp;MeTSC/MeOH sistem je &nbsp;urađena potpuna&nbsp;optimizacija i za tako dobijenu ravnotežnu&nbsp;geometriju je izračunata energija sistema&nbsp;∆E<sub>CCSD(T),CBS</sub>.</p> / <p>In this dissertation the analysis of the experimental and theoretically obtained electron &nbsp;density of two derivatives of thiosemicarbasides, 4-methyl-3-thiosemicarbaside (MeTSC) and 4-methyl-3-thiosemikabazone 2-piridinformamide (TSC4) are presented.&nbsp; The analysis of experimentally obtained electron density is based on &nbsp;accurate X-ray diffraction data of high resolution. Theoretically calculated electron densities are obtained from periodic quantum mechanical calculation using CRYSTAL09 and the accurate structural parameters from high resolution X-ray&nbsp;experiment. For the description of the theoretical and experimental electron density the Hansen-Coppens multipol model was used. Further topological analysis of chemical bonds and interactions was performed in order to explain the electrostatic properties of sulfur.</p><p>In this work it has been observed that in the experimentally obtained electron density of the MeTSC and TSC4 crystal structures, the deformational electron density of sulfur free electron pairs forms a toroidal shape. Further, this torus is not homogeneously filled but shows pronounced local accumulations and its position can be either orthogonal (like in SalTSC) or tilted (MeTSC, TSC4). Based on the distribution of the&nbsp;deformational electron&nbsp; density and electrostatic potential, as well as the topological analysis of the total electron density &rho;<sub>ktv</sub> and its Laplasian &nabla;<sup>2</sup>&rho;<sub>ktv&nbsp;</sub>it can be concluded that the S atom has a remarkable flexibility and ability to adapt his deformation electron density of free electron pairs into toruses corresponding to the position of donor groups surrounding him. In the crystal structures of MeTSC and TSC4 it was determined that the S atom participates in four and six interactions, respectively.</p><p>In order to supplement&nbsp; the experimentally obtained results a theoretically calculated electron density of both molecules (MeTSC and TSC4) was performed and the properties of the S atom as a hydrogen acceptor have been studied. The analysis was &nbsp;performed on systems of various complexity, starting with isolated monomers, then on &nbsp;dimers and up to the whole crystal packing. From this work it has been concluded that &nbsp;the acceptor capabilities of the S atom are not diminished with the increasing number &nbsp;of interactions.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</p><p>The hydrogen bonding involving thioureido S&nbsp;acceptor is also investigated in terms of the energetic properties of the MeTSC and TSC4 dimers existing in the crystal structure, and additional MeTSC/MeOH and acetone/MeOH systems. Energetic features were thoroughly studied through electrostatic interactions energies (E<sub>es</sub>) and &nbsp;cohesive energies (E<sub>coh</sub>). For two selected MeTSC/MeOH and acetone/MeOH systems an ab initio approach&nbsp;employing the coupled-cluster singles and doubles augmented by a perturbational correction for connected triple excitations (CCSD(T)) method were applied. Finaly, for MeTSC/MeOH system full geometry optimization was &nbsp;performed and for resulting equilibrium geometry the energy of the system (∆E<sub>CCSD(T),CBS</sub>) was calculated.</p>

Могућност гајења иђирота (Acorus calamus L.) у циљу смањења притиска на природну популацију / Mogućnost gajenja iđirota (Acorus calamus L.) u cilju smanjenja pritiska na prirodnu populaciju / Possibility of cultivating sweet flag (Acorus calamus L.) in the purpose of lowering the pressure on the natural population

Škobić Slađana 29 September 2016 (has links)
<p>&nbsp;Acorus calamus L. је вишегодишња зељаста биљка влажних подручја, чија су лековита својства одавно позната. Дрогу иђирота чини ризом који се употребљава као чај, прах, сок, гел, уље или крема. Због прекомерне експлоатације и високог степена угрожености ове дивље лековите биљне врсте у Србији је уведена забрана његовог сакупљања из природе. Да би се задовољила повећана потражња од стране индустрија које га користе, гајење иђирота се намеће као једно од најпрагматичнијих решења. За потребе утврђивање начина гајења, прво се приступило истраживању услова успевања и варирање својстава иђирота са пет локалитета природних станишта: Обедска бара, Делиблатска пешчара, Засавица, Раковац и Дубовац. Потом је заснован двогодишњи пољски оглед на ком је испитиван утицај примене основних агротехничких мера, односно густине садње и ђубрења азотом, на својства биљака. Оглед је постављен 2013. године, на подручју засеока Ћумуране у насељу Рипањ. Код биљка са природних станишта и са огледног поља праћена су следећа својства: висина биљака, дужина ризома, број и дужина бочних грана на ризому, број пупољака на ризому и бочним гранама, број нодуса на ризому и бочним гранама, проценат суве материје ризома, маса свежег и сувог ризома, однос масе свежег и сувог ризома. Код гајених биљака праћен је и принос свежег и сувог ризома. Код свих узорака иђирота испитиван је садржај и састав етарског уља из ризома. Идентификоване су, такође, најзаступљеније компоненте и утврђен је садржаја &beta;-азарона. За утврђивање нивоа плоидије популација из Србије рађено је пребројавање хромозома. Испитивањем биљака са природних станишта, констатовано је да на већину њихових морфолошких одлика, локалитет није имао утицаја. Утицај локалитета испољен је само на: број нодуса на ризому (највећи је био у Дубовцу - 58 а најмањи на Обедској бари - 15), проценат суве материје (највећи је био у Раковцу - 50,2%, а најмањи на Делиблатској пешчари - 37,9%) и однос масе свежег и сувог ризома (највећи је на Делиблатској пешчари - 2,64, а најмањи у Раковцу - 1,90). У пољском огледу добијени су следећи резултати: висина биљака је била највећа при најмањој густини усева (35000 биљака/ha) и најмањој дози азота (60 kg/ha) дужина ризома, као и број и дужина њихових бочних грана су највећи при средњој густини садње (48000 биљака/ha) и најмањој дози азота; број пупољака на ризому има највећу вредност при најмањој густини садње и најмањој дози азота. Број пупољака прве бочне гране је био највећи на највећој густини садње (62000 биљака/ha) и при најмањој дози азота, а број нодуса на ризому није зависио од густине садње, као ни од доза ђубрења. Највећа маса свежег и сувог ризома остварена је при средњој густини садње (48000 биљака/ha) и најмањој (62000 биљака/ha) дози азота, док је проценат суве материје био највећи при највећој густини и најмањој дози азота (60 kg/ha). На однос масе свежег и сувог ризома утицај нису имали ни ђубрење ни густина</p><p>садње усева, док су приноси свежег и сувог ризома били највећи на највећој густини садње и при најмањој дози азота. Садржај етарског уља иђирота из природе није показао значајна одступања између локалитета. Садржај етарског уља ризома гајеног иђирота опадао је са порастом густине садње, док различите дозе азота нису утицале на ову особину. Максимална концентрација &beta;-азарона у етарском уљу иђирота са природног станишта била је 17,07 % (локалитет Раковац), док је највећи садржај &beta;-азарона код гајеног иђирота био 21,41 %. Повећана концентрација &beta;- азарона се објашњава интензивнијим метаболизмом азота, због повећане количине из ђубрива. обијени резултати потврђују да је концентрација &beta;-азарона у етарском уљу ризома иђирота слична резултатима из других земаља Европе. Бројањем хромозома утврђено је да иђирот припада триплоидном, европском варијетету Аcоrus cаlаmus vаr. cаlаmus.</p> / <p>&nbsp;Acorus calamus L. je višegodišnja zeljasta biljka vlažnih područja, čija su lekovita svojstva odavno poznata. Drogu iđirota čini rizom koji se upotrebljava kao čaj, prah, sok, gel, ulje ili krema. Zbog prekomerne eksploatacije i visokog stepena ugroženosti ove divlje lekovite biljne vrste u Srbiji je uvedena zabrana njegovog sakupljanja iz prirode. Da bi se zadovoljila povećana potražnja od strane industrija koje ga koriste, gajenje iđirota se nameće kao jedno od najpragmatičnijih rešenja. Za potrebe utvrđivanje načina gajenja, prvo se pristupilo istraživanju uslova uspevanja i variranje svojstava iđirota sa pet lokaliteta prirodnih staništa: Obedska bara, Deliblatska peščara, Zasavica, Rakovac i Dubovac. Potom je zasnovan dvogodišnji poljski ogled na kom je ispitivan uticaj primene osnovnih agrotehničkih mera, odnosno gustine sadnje i đubrenja azotom, na svojstva biljaka. Ogled je postavljen 2013. godine, na području zaseoka Ćumurane u naselju Ripanj. Kod biljka sa prirodnih staništa i sa oglednog polja praćena su sledeća svojstva: visina biljaka, dužina rizoma, broj i dužina bočnih grana na rizomu, broj pupoljaka na rizomu i bočnim granama, broj nodusa na rizomu i bočnim granama, procenat suve materije rizoma, masa svežeg i suvog rizoma, odnos mase svežeg i suvog rizoma. Kod gajenih biljaka praćen je i prinos svežeg i suvog rizoma. Kod svih uzoraka iđirota ispitivan je sadržaj i sastav etarskog ulja iz rizoma. Identifikovane su, takođe, najzastupljenije komponente i utvrđen je sadržaja &beta;-azarona. Za utvrđivanje nivoa ploidije populacija iz Srbije rađeno je prebrojavanje hromozoma. Ispitivanjem biljaka sa prirodnih staništa, konstatovano je da na većinu njihovih morfoloških odlika, lokalitet nije imao uticaja. Uticaj lokaliteta ispoljen je samo na: broj nodusa na rizomu (najveći je bio u Dubovcu - 58 a najmanji na Obedskoj bari - 15), procenat suve materije (najveći je bio u Rakovcu - 50,2%, a najmanji na Deliblatskoj peščari - 37,9%) i odnos mase svežeg i suvog rizoma (najveći je na Deliblatskoj peščari - 2,64, a najmanji u Rakovcu - 1,90). U poljskom ogledu dobijeni su sledeći rezultati: visina biljaka je bila najveća pri najmanjoj gustini useva (35000 biljaka/ha) i najmanjoj dozi azota (60 kg/ha) dužina rizoma, kao i broj i dužina njihovih bočnih grana su najveći pri srednjoj gustini sadnje (48000 biljaka/ha) i najmanjoj dozi azota; broj pupoljaka na rizomu ima najveću vrednost pri najmanjoj gustini sadnje i najmanjoj dozi azota. Broj pupoljaka prve bočne grane je bio najveći na najvećoj gustini sadnje (62000 biljaka/ha) i pri najmanjoj dozi azota, a broj nodusa na rizomu nije zavisio od gustine sadnje, kao ni od doza đubrenja. Najveća masa svežeg i suvog rizoma ostvarena je pri srednjoj gustini sadnje (48000 biljaka/ha) i najmanjoj (62000 biljaka/ha) dozi azota, dok je procenat suve materije bio najveći pri najvećoj gustini i najmanjoj dozi azota (60 kg/ha). Na odnos mase svežeg i suvog rizoma uticaj nisu imali ni đubrenje ni gustina</p><p>sadnje useva, dok su prinosi svežeg i suvog rizoma bili najveći na najvećoj gustini sadnje i pri najmanjoj dozi azota. Sadržaj etarskog ulja iđirota iz prirode nije pokazao značajna odstupanja između lokaliteta. Sadržaj etarskog ulja rizoma gajenog iđirota opadao je sa porastom gustine sadnje, dok različite doze azota nisu uticale na ovu osobinu. Maksimalna koncentracija &beta;-azarona u etarskom ulju iđirota sa prirodnog staništa bila je 17,07 % (lokalitet Rakovac), dok je najveći sadržaj &beta;-azarona kod gajenog iđirota bio 21,41 %. Povećana koncentracija &beta;- azarona se objašnjava intenzivnijim metabolizmom azota, zbog povećane količine iz đubriva. obijeni rezultati potvrđuju da je koncentracija &beta;-azarona u etarskom ulju rizoma iđirota slična rezultatima iz drugih zemalja Evrope. Brojanjem hromozoma utvrđeno je da iđirot pripada triploidnom, evropskom varijetetu Acorus calamus var. calamus.</p> / <p>&nbsp;&nbsp;Acorus calamus L. is a perennial herbaceous plant found in wet areas, whose medicinal properties have been long known. The drug of sweet flag is made from the rhizome which is used as tea, powder, juice, gel, oil or cream. Because of overexploitation and the high degree of endangerment of this wild medicinal plant species in Serbia collecting was banned. In order to meet the increased demand for this plant by industries that use it, cultivation of sweet flag is emerging as one of the most pragmatic solutions. For the purpose of determining the method for plant growth, the first approach was studying the growing conditions and the variation of properties of sweet flag from five natural habitats: Obedska pond, Deliblato Sands, Zasavica, Rakovac and Dubovac.After that a two-year field experiment was designed in which the effect of application of basic agrotechnical measures, i.e., different planting density and doses of nitrogen fertilization on the plants, was studied. The experiment was set up in 2013, in the area of the hamlet Ćumurana in the settlement Ripanj. In plants from natural habitats and the experiment, the following properties were measured: the height of the plants, the length of the rhizome, the number and length of lateral branches on the rhizome, the number of buds on the rhizome and lateral branches, the number of leaf scars on the rhizome and lateral branches, the percentage of dry matter of the rhizome, the mass of the fresh and the dry rhizome, the ratio of mass between the fresh and the dry rhizome. In the experiment with cultivated plants, the yield of the fresh and the dry rhizome was also measured. For all samples of sweet flag, the content and composition of the essential oil from the rhizome was measured. Also, the main components were identified and the content of the &beta;-asarone was determined. For the purposes of identifying the ploidy, i.e., which varieties the sweet flag from Serbia belongs to, counting of chromosomes was done. By examining plants from natural habitats, it was noted that the site had no influence on the majority of morphological features of plants. The impact of the sites was manifested only in the number of leaf scars (the largest number was in Dubovac-58,0 and the smallest number was in Obedska pond-15,0), percentage of dry matter (the largest percentage was in Rakovac-50.2% and the smallest percentage was in Deliblato Sands-37,9 %) and the ratio of mass between a fresh and a dry rhizome (the largest ratio was in Deliblato Sands-2,6 and the smallest ratio was in Rakovac-2,2). In the field experiment, the following results were obtained: the height of the plants is the largest at the lowest planting density (35000 plants/ha) and lowest nitrogen dosage (60 kg/ha), the length of the rhizome, as well as number and length of lateral branches of the rhizome are largest at medium planting density (48000 plants/ha) and the lowest dosage of nitrogen (60 kg/ha), the number of buds on the rhizome has the highest value at the lowest planting density (35000 plants/ha) and the lowest dosage of nitrogen (60 kg/ha). The number of buds on the first lateral branch was largest at the largest planting density (62000 plants/ha) and the lowest dosage of nitrog (60 kg/ha) , and the number of leaf scars on the rhizome does</p><p>not depend on the planting dosage or the dosage of fertilizing. The largest mass of the fresh and the dry rhizome is accomplished at medium planting density and the lowest dosage of nitrogen, while the percentage of dry matter was largest at the largest density and the lowest dosage of nitrogen. The fertilization and the crop density had no effect on the ratio of mass between the fresh and the dry rhizome, while the yields of the fresh and the dry rhizome were largest at the largest planting density and the lowest dosage of nitrogen. The content of essential oils of natural sweet flag showed no significant discrepancies between the sites. The content of essential oil of cultivated sweet flag rhizomes declined with the increase of planting density, while different nitrogen doses had no effect on this property. The maximum concentration of &beta;-asarones in the essential oil of natural sweet flag was 17,07 % (Rakovac), while the largest content of &beta;-asarones in cultivated sweet flag was 21,41 %. The larger concentration of &beta;-asarones is explained through increased nitrogen metabolism, because of increased amounts of fertilizer. The results confirm that the concentration of &beta;-asarone in the essential oil of sweet flag rhizomes is similar to the concentration of essential oil of sweet flag rhizomes from Europe. By counting the chromosomes it is established that sweet flag belongs to the triploid, European variety of Аcоrus cаlаmus vаr. cаlаmus.</p>

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